lc t j3 s i ft 4 r yii 1 ill the free p lilils tlttbmlm mohxlkl- augmt 18si l v a ichii iv v hllbkh i t 39bhbh hi ssflsss j 4 hb 1hi m 4bhh c5 tsjjmh v lik tc esjjjsjjjjjf 1 stalks t i im m hppl ih 0wk t santas w qlh rim p 1 j i ii l tqvxq folks qbxbb oieikina hodbe i went to call upon my friend and to ray crealttuprise upon jibe iile at little pet uitli sad and tvatfal eyes whit is it ictl tlie tear ran down upoti licr fruitalaitied blouee mydollyv lost my drcea ia tested and tuauimac crvcntit house 1 i lavd id from off llie rate i wipedher uartcarked face aud look bee by her little hand la penetrate tticphve a voice ected oulrbclwecu each word i heard the water dome f i say you cant oomc in that way for c are clcatuug house 7 i glanced above whence eame the voice a form as standing thero-r- oh could that be un dainty friend with fuh strange coiffured haic 7 with kins pinued np with slcevvt liickul back with queer ill rtttirijt blottsq sure mlrta never wire ucli nai utiles a hen cieauint haute i bckard stp in ranch dismay i had not pjiqceii around and hecdcu not the tub of water near me i oirike kroaud i jiit tuy ankle oer i ieut and tuiubud in kerpciurc on htchtve niikkiueaoiec rxiigont takt cik jonu plash the uttie i heeded not pat antious cries i gaav not rieht ubrleft bdt hied iu hithutcta myhonie aa oucol 6msc liercflj i locked my lioor and-ucte- ill ttay a qiiiet ai a hionte until each wife auvi maid id town baa 6u- iahed cleauiuj houee to ctatlsncsi i aaw two yonn ceutlecicaoa a street car toda one of theru waatjrown up h waa handsomely dreased in a gray latine acir lad very ueat tid cloves aud tin boou tueotberwaa aboat twelve yearr old ilia jacket had several patches aui ueeded more and his ahirt ku of lrow vert- cic wa2ac how i knew he waa a gentle man i willcel yon l- the boy went thronch the car to cive j message to the driver as- be returned h gave a little jump tiroch the door and a he did act his bare tpet touched the growi jatleraaaa knee and left a little mud o it tnrainff rotiai oa the platform b raiaed ha straw hit and said very politely pfaaae eicnse cc then the otber gentleman bowed in hi- tiira fast as be wosld havedaae tn one o hia j own age and eaijl with pleaaan mile certainly the iroticois indians many of whom ar- very ficeeatlemeasayiometimesof arud person hia mother did not teach fain tnannera whea he was voan i am inclined to think that the mother of both yobng gentienien had taken a cock deal of pains with their manner leca t- pohteness eame so nataraky and eaaily iitico ti little ores i woold not say i can care so mnch if i were rpa just think how many timet yon say it and yoa eenerally say it whet yon are angry and da izot think what yol are saying when your mamma says i am sorry my little one is so naughty yon did care but yoa were angry and so yoi- said yoa did not xever say i doni care auleaa yoa are very sare that von doat after yoa havfe thought a little whiiejristead of not caring yoa will wan to sayy i will try not to be naughty ao njnae mamma if the scholars laugh whei yen make mistakes ia yonr scndayschoi lesson doat pet angry and say i doni care that wooid not eaactly true i yoa really did not care you woaf j not get angry oar eaaipikrof the county direct- orf is making from 100 to 500 onllh per day t resideoe registering tb raraefi cx occapaaut and ocoufiaaalh cornea acroas aa iuctdebt to liven u the monotony of bis tedious tait hi- called at a residence jait off bnrdick gtreet the other day wliea the fallow ing eonvereation ocoarred after the usual talatatton codiptfer lvidy will yoa please give me the name of the gentleman who rrtides here ikdy alfced l wood ciimpiler is there any other per gon resides here v lady yes sir i do compiler but yoa ace hr woods wife are yoa not v lady no sir my name ia lire loniaa benton compiler are yoa e widow v lady kb sir cotnjjilsr does yoar finsband re side here v lady kd sir ill tell yoa how it is my husband mr benton is a painter and a year or two ago ran aw with mrs wood and mr wood andi are kind of banging round together waiting for them to tetam this is the first instance in orir recdllectlod where the two left by an efopementhave put heir things to gether and establishsd js hcnsehold from the remains of the two wreefad homes a little of ererything is nothing in the msin- a lie has no legs bat a scandal baa wings a liar it not believed when be speaks the truth a little time will be enoogh to hatch great mischief a little debt mivesa debtor but a great one an enemy olii wl sail thats what t call a bnlshed e titan wtit a kdy to her husband at tbwy wtidedtbowiy frodi cliuroh ws was the reply but do vou know i thought it never would be a city missionary was kked thu canso of ht jwverty principally id- iic with- a twinkle of the eye beoiuo i have preached to much triihaut iiom i who goes ikerer laid in- into etilry cf the british legion it st sebastian a friend wai the prompt tply then atitid whero you are i cried the lentiuol for by the powers vauw the first friend ive met with in tins iuurdierin country ma raid a lilll focryearold i itaweometbiup urn across the kitchen door this nidrning without any legal- ay bat du you think it sl the wither guegset various legless worms aid things aud then gavn it up when lie little fellow said why ui it aks water a ctrl atritck her croquet partner on he iead with a mullet brainfever ttin and the young ruait nearly died tito gill ws kept under arrest until iiis lecovery and when he got well si e usmed him now hes sorry he lidiadie l toronto utl co are lole mnulaolu n of caswrine machine oil in- fringememi will be prosecuted br fhleri katniet r wlla krawberrr quroi lummir onmplalnt dlarrhcoa dys autery cholera morhui cholert irdan- turn sour iloniach colic nadaea vomit ing capltir pdej aud all manner of fluxes bvootisb of clariniaeih bigrtt hquse new o on tthu ta mz el2 ix afk your dealer for castorius machine till acd see that the barret is branded castortne aa none other is- jieoutoe are taa gcitnc t travel t dont forget a supply of that dr kow- terv uatract of vvild strawberry it ir v superior remely for sea sickness anu t positive cure for all bowel bomplaims tiduced by td wter change of diet or of climate whether at homeorabrcad t should be kept at hand in case of emergency there is no evaporation ordeteriora- tion in stienjth about da tachit eo- clctek lilt the ingredients of this in comparable anti riteumatie and throat nd lung remedy are not volatile bat rixed pure and imperishable pain hmenesa and stiffnetiare relieved by it nd it may lie used with equal benefit xlernally and internally aature ilaeet n hlttalce katuies own remedy for bowel com- tiainu cholera morbus cholicjctampa vomiting- reattcknes cholera infantum liarrbcoa dysentery and all duesex of a ike nature belo igtng to the summer eason is dr fowlers kitract of wild strawberry which can be obtained of all iealers in oiedicuae jos kciruv ii d hull p q writea dr thtmas elictric oil comminda a i ifge and tncreasing sale which it ricfily uerit i have always found it eroeed- ingly hopeful i ose it inall cases ot kheumalism as well as fractures and lulocstioas i made use ofit myself to aim the pains of a brokea leg with dis location of the foot and in two days i was entirely relieved from pain ndlgastlon you have tried very thing for ttand lound no help we ire no doctors but can offer a preacrip- ion that has cured very many ani it night enre you is well j it will cost bat quarter dollar and can be had at any druggists ask for eerry daris pain killer i t t see advertisement in another column jltafzac the summer season now reaches its clinxxx act is prolific in developing bowel complaints overindulging in fruit immoderate dnnkingof iced waters ind summer beverages in a tew hoars produce fatal ravages among children and adults dr fowlers extract of wild itrawberry is the most reliable remedy for all forms of summer complaints stf- pleasant and prompt in its effects all dealers keep it hdloiaiys pills the great need the blood u the life and on its parity our health ts well as our existence de pends fbeae pills thoroughly cleanse ibe vitalsaid from all contaminations and by that means strengthen snd in- vieorate the whie system healthy stimulate sluggish organs repress over excited action and establish order of circulation and secretiou throughout every part of the body the balsamic nature of holloways pills exercises marrellous power in giving lone to de bilitated and nervous constituiions- these pills dislodge all obstructions both in the bowels and elsewhere and are on that account much sought after for promoting reularity of action in young females and delicate persons who are naturally weak or haye from some cause become b ax essrcnti of haalth una of the prime essentials of health is the secre tion of bile by the liver in due quantity snd of a propr quality for the uses which nature has opdained for this im portant secretion its gently stimulating and potent regulating action upon the biliary gland conitituies kobtssop lnrilvs veoetible dlfoovebt axn dts psttio cuke a most valuable specific for uver- complaint among che conse quences of its continued and systematic use are the disappearance of such symptoms of chroniobilioosness as coo- stipafion nausea paia in the vicinity of the orjan afleeted yellowness of the skin fur upon the tongue and headache no finer remedy for dyspepsia exists and its remedial value has been signally demonstrated in kidner complaints 6crofua female weakness erysipelas sill rheum tad all disorders arising front impurity of the blood the vigor jvith which it endows a feeble physique tsshown in an inoreased aoiivity of every vital functioa and its effects though potent are followed by no hurtful re action the bowels are relaxed by it naturally and easily und it is not dig- agreeable to the taste and th- purity and wholesomeness of its botanio in gredienls make it a far safer as well as m ire efficient remedy than preparations containing mercury designed to affect the liver beneficially but some times do more harm thin good large doses of it are not rf quired and it is therefore in reality far cheapw than other cathartics price 100 pairple buttle 10 cents atfc for nohtbhop ltimhs yegetirbla discovery and dys 1 peptic cure the wrapper bears a ncj tiwtb of heir signature hold by alli medicine dealers 1 the gol he presentwhen- easlerbtoo v r steal pens are within the re ten it the lutloners can mppl t tm wbol by the leading ioronto itationers the lummir clearing nla ol dry floods millinery mintlm otrr know from expeleno ihathb goodi f vl pecial ule is advertised to lake place at the right house lbj of tt w week 1 tb lot of kid uldwi roitarlr 1 mjoty m too wd p ta iljrtjw hotblotof0orieuatl7j6nu and ar wirrtwiea i iy ij1 t trimrtfrd parisols formerlt it special ule it aavertitto w pwoo i v j l low prlctind that vjj2 i hue gloves are i niot toft kid colored taild lo trianfrd jnaoli formtrly amok during this mouth lumraor oompialnu commence their ravagta to be fore warned it to be forearmed dr fowlers- exlrtot of wild strswlrrylt the best kuosrn nrerentative and cure tor all formi of bowel complaints ind ilcknet incident to the summer season keunect the grey hsintof old age demand and should receive respect but lbs orey hairs of young people re quire atlenuanin the war ol using cingalese hair renewer sold by j jloosrvin 50 cenlt per bottle bvnioek blotf mucn cures scrofula erysifielas salt rheum piles and all humors of the bio 3d caret lyspepsia liver complaint billtautnest oonitipstlan dropty kidney complaints headache neryausnew female weaknea and geuerai debility see to it zortta from braxil will cure the wont cie of dyerta a ilnrle joae will niteve in a dtirrte that showalu wohdernilettrailve powers and its peculiar action upon the htomaeh and msridve or- vana it is apoattlve and abwlule care far fouvene and conslliatlon actlns in- a remarkable way upon the system carrying offlmparklft as a lives acocuttoa tta actlooa are moat remarkable it louca and ttmulates tne favertoactlon it corrects tue actdt and retulates the bowels a fewdotea will hurpie ioj sample bittlec 10 eta ifanufacturert of reapers mowers indlhresiiiug machinery prefer cat- torlne itachine oil 10 any other itwill oetwear lard seal and elephant and is warranted not to gura hatherat hatheral hutherci ire you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating paia of cutting teeiht if so coat once ami get a bottle of irs winslowt toothing syrup it will niters the poor little sufferer immediately depend upon it there it no mistake about it there is not a mother on earth who haa ever used tt wh will not tell you at once that it wilt regulate the boelsand gife rest to tb mother and relief and hellth to the child- operating like mtgicj it it perfectly safe to use in all cases and pleasant to the lisle and is the pre scription ofone of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the united states sold everywhere at 25 cents a bottle cut not 3t ncd 32 and the uime it hamilton july 21st 1881 thomas c watkins btamittok x k distinct and peculiar combination fellows compound syrup of hypopiosphites it orrasirs lie tltmrats ttsestfal to tht tsimal orgaaiaation thi oxidiauig agents and tonics in commnition with the itlirnlatingtpnt plicaobprnaooateaiingtht mtrlt of bt- ng slightly alkaline and is dupensai m lis conviuiaut andpalatabli form of t tyrup ft effects are nraally risible withtu twrnlyfour bjmrt and aw marked by a stim ulation ot the appetite the dtioa aud aadmljittion entering directly into the circattioa j it oiies the nerrw and muaeles eaert a healthy action of the seeretiona neither ditfnwiha soratch nor injure the syitsm under prolonged u and ay be discontinued at any time ithouc inoonvenieufa ta a word it po4i the ttimukiirs tn arouse lh ttrtngth tht tonici to rstaba it tai merit ot t lhth deira l i fellows compound syrup of hypqphosphttes ccdlv wto pcaltumcxtvt qvu cvn7tm ef a tvt ilmnhtu rnnmiyii wr p ir airf iwjff lttth irttn fifiim of th itr trmbtimfofoi hmndt nd unu iayiirit ax h t htela of apfhu ia of her lvtt cf jtimattf aai trill firxr tnvczvz the atftej ftrncisni l- 1 crtw rf tht wt wkja dqwftd for ittkk itpca viitfy uxzi fjuiy j k jury bcrva cm dtcho km a pampklxt perry davis son lawrence ge2t2xl ioestj h0stseal whitewashing and coloring wm nelson ceewsoks corxees is prepared to do all kinds of ithiterrastiixg coloring on the shortest noticeland at reaaon- able rates sylcave your oanans at the ntxx ratss office acton psiaotlxine cleaned ren- orated wil kelsos wotui m welglit in gold i h0ll0ways pills feointmekt tffls incomparable medlcike hat kcttrtaf for utf r imperishable fame throughout ifo world for ike alleviation and curt of most dutcsex u which h umanity u heir the pills i come one and atrl tohills l firstclass note the following stoves tiavare coal oh lamp goods and pumps cheap for cash at hayills eavetroneblnc arid job work a specialty all kinds of trade taken la erchauge for gootu remember h place next door to creechs saddlery sign of the lamp mil 8treet actotu o h a v l l l i burdock blood bitters the only medicine that tuocemmly pnilfles the blood acts upon the liver bowel skin and kidneys while at the lame time it allayi nerrou irritation and strengthen the debilitated system perfectly and speedily curing biliousness jaundice dyspepsia consti pation headache rheumatism dropsynervous and gen eral debility female complaints scrofula erysipelas salt rheumy and every species of chronic disease arising from disordered liver kidneys stomach bowels or blood the best blood porifymo tonic in the world sapk ftwe lc t thilhl 4 co shi tfflrtt tttmm eel ita j purify regulate and improve the quality of the blood they assist the digestive orgrns cleanse the stohach and bowels increase the secretory powers of the liver brace the nervous tyslem and throw into the circulation the purest klemenutor loitainlng and repairing the frame i thousands- of personr have testified that by their use alone hey have been restored to health and ttrength after every other meant had proved unsuci cessful the ointment will be found invaluable in every house hold in the care ol open sores hard tumors 1 sid los oil wourif coughs colds sore throats brocchitis and all disorder of the throat aud chest at alto gout hheumatism scrofula and every kind ol skin disease manufactured only at professor hol- lowiii establishment 583 txfosd stbeet london and told at it ijd 2i 9d u 6d uj 8s each box and but andtncanadaatsecentt 90 cents and 1 50 cents and the larger tiies iir proportion j r jscacfiox i haveno agent in the united 6tate nor are ray medicines told there purohatert thould therefore look to tbe uibe pu the pots and boxes if theaduress it not 533 oxford street london theyare spurious the trade marka of my said tfedieines are registered in ottawa and alto at washington j sinned thomas hollowly 533 oxford street london- with ml mn freetaamt went pewter it tasks fnot sj ecus or j fcc il n rteetuml sew naaettle ores ur perfect fa nn eolcc asahbar tbey have no equl frica is ceo per packaf a tale m tad eteeraal teravar tt ntm a eaadna ec foe briajinies tad liybrt sale boarld stable8 mill 8treet acton it where yoa oan get fstolass eigs at reasonable rates qood commeroiol higs an expreu delivery wagon will meet each express train and deliver goods to any part of ihe town all parties indebted to this es tablishment are requeued- io pay up without further delay and save costs ed 2 at the we 5ropriotor new arrivals gents kid gloves of a new make and a very superior article white and colored shirts gents half hose in cot ton merino cashmere andool swamor underclothing shawxsc mujitoin mrehant tailors oualph registered at ottawa an artificial gastric jpiobi thitii not a patent medicine secret remedy the formula it printed on the label at uched to each bottle ualtopep8tx cures dyspepsia indigestion lots of appetite intestinal am wasting diseases conrtipatioo nausea chronic diarrhoea cholera infantum an moat of infanu troubles which generally arise from the stomach 60 cents for 48 d08e8 or about i cent per dosei regular sired bottles containing i oza with dose measure attached 50 cents for tale by all chemists throughout the dotnimon avoid taking uqnidt of any tort more than i absolutely necessary to qoenchthirst as tbe excessive ute of liqaldt it the came of half tbe dyspepsia in tbe world jlaltopepiyn is a powder agreeable and easily taken supplies to the stomach tbe actual gastric jqice prescribed by tbe leading physicians thronghout the dominion in tbor regular prac tice maltopepsjm is alsonaed to a large extent iif hospitals dispensari and infirmaries kcoun or ttttiwhauu ucenrcd ntw futitcum i wallaci n s oct 4 18s0 tbe maltopepsyn was given in a marked and distressing case of indigestion with the most rapid pleasing and beneficial resulti z w kempton m d athloke oxt jan 20 1880 the maltopepsyn i obtained from you has far more than answered my antidpatkms having tried it in two old and very obstinate cases of indigestion i found it to act like a 1 c mckenjja m d r charm i 5ambiuy okt jan iv i have used your maltopepsyn in severe cases of indigestion anife malnntritioriia adults and diarrhoea of children and am so well pleased with the results that i baveln- ttxucted my druggist to keep a supply on hand t wjteade m d r r atnlonsoxt dee 30 1880 after giving yonr maltopepsyn a trial in some of my worst cases for which it was recommended i am well pleased with the way in which it acts continue to make acood article like that now in use and it will be a universal favorite r hamilton if d hazen morse toronto for sale by all druggists and j e mcqabttn acton wm stewart co auelph ont semiannual clearing sale of summer goods tkelxtsndous reduction in the price op goods as re are determined not to earr over one dol lars worth of satnier foods tbcrefucv w e wuoflercoodaataitealaacrulce a complete clearance of all ooru ammer dress goods prints parasols fiestas slllcs muslins hosiery cloves lace tortalns bantings laeesi cretonne th remaining portion 6f our millinery stock will be charged a mere nominal price we return thanh tocur many friendt for the heet and largest teaxynli talet f ever had in uillinery our price and itylcs trere correct we offer genw felt halt silk handkerchiefs silk umlmejlas tieecds and clofit at a big discount on ureal prices this is a rare caafhjr fo secure nev goods cheap wm stewart speight son ndertakers furniture dealers waccon 1ml a isttjfqttjre s rndertaklnff every description of funeral requisites of the best qualities sop plied at shortest notioe firstclaas haiasi furnished t furnitnre in our cabinetmaking department we are prepared tat the spring demand parlor suites sofas centre tables whatnots bedsteads sjo wafigons re have on hand a stock of lrstclaas lumber wagons ind democrats manufactured by ourselves from the best material which will be told at the lowest pos sible rates vil 1 iy pqoht it son aoton m watewc bntwladtnttm 1tlttmul baiuucu ttltc mm ntilhltr4pl j li fmr its a trwtcititt pair vsjheu -i- biooo forfeit immlx cancer care rpot coaucookpqcpmda ancer jure wuboal the useof tts knlf the oiib permanent ctr in the arld for nartlcaur enclose smnttobcbkith coauoook pq- canada i ivcmrei swifl and ctrtaln c 0 cralttt specific haldiciiie the ort knsusk aumeohr aoaoralllofeareforbemlosl weakness bpermaturrnrt 1 impoieney and all diseaaes anal louow as a seaoeneeof sairabose a- orruhlversal in the back dimness 01 ion premature ow age defer taune many other wteawt u uon stsrfull parueatara in oar punpblet whleb w de sire to tend freejy mall to tvery one sjtfbe kreelle medlelnttssold by au dtdf jlruatl pr is til paekagti tor st orwtll be aenttr by matt on re eelpt ot the money by ad dreaatngfj nworiyjimeinioo i i torontontttad ow by j e neoarru brugswii aoton aotd3st i- harness trtjnk parfiea requiring aitythinifid harneae j or trunks to ttvo moniy abpuw ic go to b creech acton ff i a tm ftirnlehed iree with roll in 11 irtrkjuonatoroondncuaithejnott jt i tlpr altablebninew any on nrtt en- t riim tibualmlaouy vr rernaidoariostrneuoii an a almlaui plain that any one can make jrest imibta irnm the vry ttan noneen tall wh la wllllnito wort- womeb are aa suoeeatnilas boyaddtrls ean eun4are anm uiw overtone nnlhlni lanteverknbwnbelore many havesikew at ibe bntlaeaa over one londnd dollars tf a atnilei week dntk an aarirtaeh at tb euw and rapidity ntke jnsoy ldioq it hive to lir wbloh bey are able to make miner yoa nan engage iu this bwlnwduddgyogrspara ume at great prailt yemdo rjullnli wviateal ed ready moder allluratihinre who nsra trei tbosai vest eaplul in 1 w tte all trie rjea- 1 ho need ready mouey thonld trdwto i tiltherfrree addreaa 1 tauaiiioo v