the frep tatbsbar mokitini aoivt 18 18s1 vh v vi c1 hav yo rad it thought on prohibition and the total awtioeov liedehy kcy v b cainernn of acton- cell and pvt- 1 copy piirloout uooi ujhda jewejrjr store xi oou f vx news and oolnijs lr town dad items coluctto jfb sxpobted for thb frek pejsss wcatlleb cool alid pleasaie 1 bcstxcss is rapidlr improving lercauvtd lire ordering llwtr fill o0da j v actrst eatkviri pissed thronju town on tucsdxit v ctetupeily iatko ujornra mil tic the mi comet wosl thefredetiot street kidewilfc be completed ibis call wk wint tie county news you send toaieto us7reidcr the in who tliints nobody i right bit himself will get ml some -dif- j ihcbovs seeu pitvleaurljv- iaadof tolling boapi on uie aiticwalkt it present acrox vtllif gouucil meets tvgu- urvjr every two- weeks on tuesday evening 5tn jouifg mcaiud odrnes ioo bivalpccuiiaf ideal of nioraluy ind refor- miuoo- me s tavuhkanx college toronto iavtciatin ia ecv u 15 ctm- eroavabsenfce j al new xaps hire beeu partbiscd by tie trusses for me iff action public sciool a i jhneramosv agricultural society bold i teed yiir it uockwood next- tuesday 23 ni ins t arraut six weeksxcktiaa the itid rea anould ted mxiouy to resume tiei 1 aiudirt ths tnunung rkee ire too hinj voting boy toxin around uie gte station and rid jc oa tbe k tbcae e venires- v sli j p worded has mrcuased barber a the tartenn lnisiueas floor mr md intend cundncticc a nrst- elop y geoeceiowx owirsled bolidiy ta ifciifarid uciriy everrbody left toirfejuid stcst tle diy it bcrlidgtoy jiidi mb s vt lfnn sellsis ioaeebdd pjodi lad tbe t essliader o hit dry goods ckitikiue ett by icction oa isitcrdiy ifteraoott lad erening- r a tororroiichitect h written to mr d- q cjlrisfee aikfnf for ie appornt- mectof superintendent- of tbe erectoa cf the new- preibyterua cborcii in tbls rillifie llfcssas jiclwd andebailii ua ceotosrnt uinotmce tbij week i cl eiriac esle o dry god of erery deicriptioa bar- giins are cered irt all iiie call and e tie goods j teiicps ire scarce tnis eeuson aii tley sbobld be waes are fcigb andkovk plenty and ta pertac wbo is vork cannot msjuibi complain of harij tiaes ax a reasua for idfcneai lr itir be m iteniof interest to sportneo vba iresoclinedt4be entbtuias- ticind l little too prerioatj to meatioa tbit the close eeiioafordnck3 of allltunls doe cot expire until the 15th ef eentembec ifoxer coo id not be invested to better idtsauge than iatbe eoutnetion of e cumber of cottaret suitable forteae aents in actoo every boose is ooaxniad lad there are conilut apjlicatiou for more xrs ill ifae rage no for mcnicipal carporatfoos pjro off oa a preisare trip for week or so dnrinithe rammei it the ex- pensg of the ratepayere accly the reeve r coanciilqrhoalbe idkrved to eajoy thiimach inc52iiiaoaof their vilnible eervicet ox tikiredty evening speck train nwif sp of prelve coachekr parsed through acton oa the cftle with cicago paaseo- cen for the eaaterc states aid oa friday evening a- tain of fifteen coache also tilled vith chioexcarsionistabonld for tbe same deetuutidn paajaeot thrnoghliere ar georgetowr on sirtirdsj w-p- foore tinsaaith wis driving a horse and laggyriok the street vhea by some ofcans the bit broke ihe boree ran fsrioasly down tbe street snd taming quickly to wards ilr moores shopthe bugey atrnck the cidenlk throiriug the yoonf man oat and breakjag hii arm so badly that the ooae scuileh ia uu tiid dowu grids cotsciu tuitiojfnfxituadjr vu in ofioittowtctic okdt wu held oa sf ondiy mes5rt 0 k tbltt jli tjl9 foirhollootttoj i votiko m ttttt towb hltl bf uw ukas pun i itet trial tomorrpir kisaaoawtvi fu ulbiot will be hlt it brookilloa fsidiy sept joh uejhuikkii mr onrroti al of rl est wd famiuro oa siturdiyysiith imu a cmeicet matcb betweea cbicigo udciuelpuiviuukepuce ta qmlpt thu iftertuiou four ia one biigoj irttlher co much of good ihiofc even if three of iheni in lovel girli acltliex who hid been eating un- ripe trait laid lomethuu wu vroog ia the ocpirtmcat of the iulcrior tue reboot teicbert hive returned and maumcd their places behind their re- pected deski itlbe jpablie achaobi mes ind boya who do not hive sense enough to know bov to drive ihould not be alloied to hive poaaeasioa of bones texxoi pate down tbe 19th list as the warmest day of tbe tevoa and do we tbiakithigh tfmc somebody pau venaor dovo a elxcarptxk man winia tobet tiat he caa aleep for a week all hi bia to do is to hire himself oat ia a tore that does not- advertise a jtoxstee eicursioti a the toronto exhibition under the atupieei of the do- mtniqn france will take pbwe on sept ltvb the railroad fare wul be verj- law tnkjeditor of an exchange eiya when thingigo to d kjhow c d they b come the most c u thioi we know of this season is thej camber beware of it bro or it will tt up a eesidext of berliu bora intncm gar townthip tbe 18th davjof febraari ish thinks he is the oldest native of that township livicg bat wfonldtifcttn heir of any oue i there i one who ia older lr 14 aid bit in caiinicg ruit or ponad oc sagor stirred intothc frcit after it ia cooked and while yet- warm will wake tie fruit a sweet as two and a oarter iwads added while ihn ftnit ia botluig it harvest borne picnic will be held thi grove on lot fg con 3 kaitagiweva nearftaltonville oa friday aiternooo 5sth inst a good committee baa been appelated to make ivraagemeats and a picaaant time is crpectcd the following from an exchange is real wicked and ic intended to brinj re proach upon a quiet retiring class of people the mu who advertise can eaail- be distinguished from the one who does not was sticking through tbiuskixr rl is ax editorial ia last issae of tle iciiffiifd arrow the etcr bijb- fwe woali- tiso iatimstc thit the- pcrmaneot isontinaidce of thesarrpw ia cuffurd u very onceruia the pabusiier it aor ukiii trip t tiiereai nortlurest and it is pos- eihu iiat iliie finds a more eligible field for detftpapen enterprise to viu jiull op eukef jloiremore faepce we trnav afrfead hackiok mil rod aiatflcaitorypfln- hz and tint he wiliacet frjth mere loccesg tlun hif ixsdd tip portiea ofliie tra5gza forra fheir igiinioa of a place be it dtrf or village nibofv from ita aewtpzpetimhoniihe rit thiott one ak finri the local piper- he eianccs over it and it it i weligot up and it iivertis inc colaaraa iiatontfed or iertfivtne he forma ma ttaute cl tbe enterpric id pwfcof tbe arighbpriiood theftjlore ipfi deu inen sbeuld libecaiy patryoize tbtr local ftr iwth for thorwn bm the beoefit of the iflcalit for aareridjyj nnjaey- tpent ia newgpzoef adrertuiog- provided the sdrertuer fulfills hiiprotoibe better kid oot than three timet am in othr methods of addrcmtiog the public the fonnef teirtoat the wletof hii bocu t utter the ieat of hi facte the uranjreville advertiser has been caojidenbly caurged and unprored it has ajao jfeaaged its name to dujfiriit adtertuif the fcreseatproprieton of the paper ueiare kastall t bnvrnellare tnea ofenterprije and aeem detetmiited t6 ptotide forthe people of their cbtnity a weetly newjpipcr second to nene id canada the stilton ketcs sare the grent amnfcer ofcawtv peeae aad other animals that are itlwed to roaoi all dvrcr the town norwe m intokfrxblc uaijance what arc tle iatharities doing thit such a erudition of affairs ja allowed to eist ieqd yoar aatharitie up here sncie ifternooo and well show them a leaded little town ia fkli ce- tpect c tee lampiiglitercampuida ta ua uiat a namber of- theboyi and ydang iveaof th- rilkge make a practice of lighting itreet lamps and jeaviag thtm to bdxh tdl uight vith the barrier at fail flame several lights of glaas have also been broken i tt cotuuble baa been iafonned of the matter aad any farther offeace ia this dirtctiao will be severely ptraiahecl ret d b cameron has published a pamphlet entitled thoaghu oa prohibi tion in which be denoances hegal prohibi tion and thetotal abstinence pledge the pamphlet ixthctopte coaertatiiiti in the rarioas basicea places ia town these erea iag a urge nnmber of the members of the her gqntieman congrekatiaja are greatly displeased with hfaifar publishioghis riewi as contained in the pamphlet a teer serious accident hdppcnedftt ifeasra lawsoa bros mill at ifansewood cearluilwo to kr fraathu edge ayoting man employed aa alabcatter en friday last ilr edee waa cutting a short piece of bard vood and the saw jerted it down bringing his hand m contact with the teeth tbe hand vu badly lacerated the second soger being torn off bekiw the second joint and the flesh of the third soger waa torn from the ban dre eobinson and bennett of hilton dressed the wounded bind- tee sabbath school picnic of the methodist charch was held iheeere south t grofe yesterday aftemooiv and a moit pleasant halfholiday wis spent by all the children especially enjoying tbemselvea the braai band vaa present indtieir ex cellent selections were a pleasant addition to therogrammeoftheafternoon van ex cellent spread of good thbgs was made by the ladies itf which jojtico- was done by all tbe picnic broke up at seasonabu hour and the participants retaroed to their homes well pleased with itheerenu of the after noon ady bakkiko compaiit to meet tbe daily increasing demand for more conrenieiit banking facilities a partnership basbeea formed by w fl storey ix j christie anidhendersod under the name and styie of storey christie co who ball on or abort tbe first ol september be prepared to opek fcanlwg ofiace in at too forthfi transactiodcf kcpjeralbmaingaii oeasawtb ii colleijaogod iawiing drafts discoaoting notes asfu ac and receiving niooey oa deposit ot most liberal terms tbe bosines shallbedefefnated the acton banking company aal will be nndar the mjoagrtnent of mr henderson aintsiistar nishee tgetcir tut mt prop ia good i no moba legal boliduyi uatil thaoks- k v t6 xttltouft rery wioy at prewoti r it was aldmtt cold ektoago kt an overiatea tmaday afatlit t rajlaiibia tbe town hh bia election oo friday sfith lal 8us tning waf rallier cool for yoaig men to haagoo thi aiska gat tm millou avtts in ub in aruu b cause the utou oalled that simlot tillage how8 cleming waa j performed in the viriuoi departusutaef tha pitbucuhool but week touxa nattt ihould be careful about dipping temuka thay tnay u picked up by bigger man j quite a namber ofovtl- titijsnrtook idvaatage of the cheap excursion lo toronto pa friday ciuelphs civio hobday messbs y- h- storey ii son are uuaufactartog a very lujjil aaaortmeat of gloves etc or exhibition it th toronto fair 1 we with pleasure add to oar ex change list the acton fku pais it is a newsr and ably conducted journal vork- ville acitsy tee coogregational church ia his tillage ia offered for sale by the trait lam cutnpauy of toronto to whom it be- longs ijeeidcertisemeutia another colamn tkos wilwn tnsdlgir hid if acres of fidlwheat which yielded s25 bush els or 31 bushels la the acre jurea allen kelson threshed one held of kheit which yielded 0 buaheis to the acre mes button a coalminers wife near wilkes barre fa recently gave birth to triplets auduow tba fuony parsers when ire all isking whit i coal miners wife is going to do with three battoa kijs ilr w k stotey isbavinj coa- aiderable iroable with the pipes leading to thecisteris is his lawn aa eximiualioa showed tht aeither of the cbuductari pipes weie carrjing the water into the cisteru but allowed it to escape mr- peter ifc- caan ia putting in new pipes aariia p ait9v sukkirr whiuwhamt rreadwau oi ii it r18 the fruit crop- this yesr will be con siderably below the arerage pinm and peu trees were considerably winterkilled j cherries were a very short crop berries of various kinds were about aa arerage this u the off year for apples and there will only bea fraction of the crop of last year tomatoes promise well oce reporter met one of the men ustnight who dont believe lager beer will intoxicate he stopped hiotahd his conver sation took this ahipe ifoa harm as berege in the odd man can driok fif ty gbuaea an never feet it moren uic i am this mint drink lire beera dout sh- iowt an allyi dil 1 look at th germ popcophuhic xever seeui tostaacated dont yon somx lager beer baa uo more feet on mea so much wier cia walk btc hole tbroboird or see crack iaer sicfaik s wclla another man bet yer two doilarn half hcan my hosn find his way home with hie bole keg beer ootaifus- y say ber strays meinry slie if em ber better today than i did tomorr hxt am i who are yoa and how f perse nals her v 1 figott bis rcturped from his trip to muskofca ilr jamea f smyth and wife returned to- fxjwrille yeaterdxy j mm kitty firstbroofc of toronto ia ritiiiag her friends in actoo tlev i lowe it aanrina from a very severe attack of ihtbunmatiohj if r humberson of vangban visited his frienda at homcdale thia week waiter louis f snyder left yesterday morning forguelpbon a holiday trip ilias annie boomer of cbeiley spent a few days this week with her acton friends ilr samuel moore spent several- daya during the week with friends in kichol mr a ft green returned on monday from a visit with friends in marleue mich messrs chester t if ill and herbert brain left on wednesday iotbinst for a tea days visit in detroit t the frieads of mr thoma t mcmackon have learned that be has arrived taltly at his destination ia ireland j misses kitty and maggie may kirkwood of brampton have been visitinjtheir frienda in thia vicinity this week j miss jennie grant who has been spend ing her summer vacatioa in fort burwelb returuedhome on tuesday mr win hemstreetaad wife left last week for cleveland and will spend a week or so with frieads in that city mr a e matthews returned from hain- fltoa oa tueadayaad left for a two weelts visit ia detroit the aext morning kev d b cameron left las week on a tripap fite lakes to thunder bay ketura- inghewill take a trip through bosseau mrs edward moora accompaaied by master samrhie moore lefftu isday mofnr ing for mich to speod a cou le of weeks with frieodi in thit state messrs james l warren a id malcolm aad alexander gordon left on f ridiy morn ing for manitoba to take place i ia a sur- veyiag party sbptrintended by mr james warrentri of kiacardine tbe company expect to be away until about cbristmai tbe cbaole fncoce at moffat t on the wife of mr wo peacock of sou butate rn georgctowti on th 10th iast the wife if mr john fi bjuber of a daughter tije altak cixrhxsvkctiin at tbej methodist farsouaoe actin on the lot i iust by eer t l wilkinson mr eo wrt camp bell of erin tomxas annie jw e keotoer daughter of jeremiah eeatoer esq of bsquesiux v toe mate maifjr in ejqueiinkr one ittioat mr john maoo aged 8sy ears at j bhsicgar rikvri t inst the feaa data barley ryt eggs per etoa butter dairy paolei butter roibj potatow lav par bax droased uoga wool 0 is 0 00 0 u 0 12 i t tut 0 74 7fl fr23 wlursl maum flostv white wha ireadwill 8pringwhiatqlasgow rod chaff oata v p- peas barley live eggs per dox butter dairy packed butter rolls potatoes new per bash dressed hon wooj 1 10 i 18 i 12 1 os r 065 f t 15 0 15 0 17 6 41 678 0 2j- t i 11 t i a to 1 1j to iii to 72 to 0 44 to quo tu 60 to 8 13 u ii to 0 u tooso toi7 84 tetrsa to 8 23 to 1 18 to 1 2l to 1 ia to l 12 ta 0 41 to0 72 too co to 0 co tou 13 ta 0 ic to 22 to 0 m te7 25 t0 is toronto utl co are sole manuuclnr- era of taatorine machine oil frtogaaoapti wilt be prosecuted those intolerably painful and con stantly hrasimg things culled piles whico rouble so many peopu are soon healed by dr tbou eciectiuc jit the great external remedy tor physical suflfermg and meaoa of wlieving painc a very small quantity achieves results ol tbe most gratifying kind ennor predictions i for this moaths weather prepared cv- presslv for totxitkts bkvilw sartpu- copy wuiiud or je sunup j if stouukt pub few york phils of chicago jtot1ce tp dkbtob8 tlijurfersbmed baa ilapoaeevof his builnsea and ail partis lickbrt to him will phase call snrj settle thehraeebunu on or before 1st pes after which date accounts unpaid m e plteest tn ihe cowl for collecuoa t j wmasn aon aug 8tb 1881 st g ood mm vok sale the tabseriwrwishi to sb u farm lot 8 son 4 1st the township of eriss conslsj- iaar of 100 seres 65 okaumt an loader cul tivation the property it situated i milea fromaoton if not sold within thjm months it will bo offured for sale by pnhlle auction for further particulars addreau john sahly italy jtsth 8l t oleawibaaia po i88f votew list 1881 unniupalitv of the village op aoton in thei ooumtv of kalton vrotice is herfuy oivkyrt hat 1 j have tnmsmlded or dellvirce to the persons usatloird in i lie third snj fourth sections of i tx voters list act llie copies rcetrlrilbytaidsstlon to be so transmitted ot deltvered of the mat mode pursuant tosaid aetaraliprspmippeiri by tb lat re vised asaemtuufc itoll ol the said manrcpal- ily tobe eatmitu to v in the si i maolel- palltysaeleetlonsformeroberaof the leals lativa ashmbir and at municipal elictlou auu ton the said list wu art pasted up at my office at aetoa oo the thtid day of august litis and remains thsri for laipie- tloo eleetora are eallef opaa ti exiaalne tbe said list ani if anj orolmtonoranyotuer errors are found tberetn to tate immediate prooeedlns to have the aaldsnori corrected according to law j e ucoarvis clerk oftfesad tosiftlwllly oaledat acton lae eltblh day or aususl 1ssi m east end clothing store k ordfr to meet the demakd of the coming season i have purchased a stock uaanrpeased in the pest bistory of the trade in atton large quantities ot- fall tweeds and overcoatings j have already arriredv and arc now on exhibition i these will be found equal to anything in he market for style of pattertis and parity of material and wiq be mad np in accordance with the latest engliali and aimcrican raahiona and beat of all at l0we8t possible otish prioes j fyfe acton -f- cheistie hendeeson co i whl not rest until etsry man woman and child within a distance of fifty nfle ha heard that they anil t dry goods clottiing hats groceries boots and shoes c at almost wiidesale pricos j m seeoar prices for dress goods see oar prices far cottons shirt incs prints deninu docks see our prices for feltllat and gents furrxlsblnrrg see ourtprlces for boots and shoes see oer prices for readymade clothing they astonish everybody we belicte that profits lie in the volume of business done rather than in large profits on a amall turn over come with the crowd to tee glasgo e0uste higlest price paid for fresh eggs best value ln 50 cent tea christie henberhoxn co a fact undisputable i- that for a fashionable suit anda good fitting suit rra a suit in evafrapeel to tuil ynu ib m- tehisoists i 18 the place 10 00 to to suit yourstif so chat you may be suited just try ltv e nelson one aid he willsuit you he 1138 the nobbiest and most fashionable stock intown to select from cheap fqbcash vins drug mnd btationery btore great cleariisfie v hughes feiffias gkaeisi sale -of- summer dry goods and boots and shoes commenced augnstlstli and con tinues until ever dollars worth of summer goods is sold it will pay everybody to atten j tnis sale early as we intend rush- i out all the goods possible with in the nest two weeks n order to j make room for fall stock see posters for class of goods and prices i i hughes grifrln acton king of the dry goods 1- bradford e bollert j b wiliiaxuson great sfcgess big sales onr great csih disconnt sale sweeps evefjrlhmif before it while ather are rest- ing tbe lion is mailing off piles of goods we have marie till farther seductions in price in ever department and give ten per cent off every d0llm for ch prices of dress goods reduced aad 10 per cent off for cash prices of silks reduced aud 10 per cent oft for cjisb prices of prinls reduced and 10 per cent off for cash prices of cittous reduced nnd 10 per cent offfoiclabk prices of tweeds and cloths reduced and iopereat off for citsh prices of linen goods reduced and k per cent off for cash prices of clothing reduced i and 10 rfer cent off for cash prices of hats and oapsrednoed nd 10 per neat off for cash price riftweti kcslneed mnd 10 per cent air fnrfyks i t nwmltrthuonltojnsiijlifnis r j d williaemso c acton aintsou yarmsriesj sjjj s i-