Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 18, 1881, p. 4

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1 v a 7- i pt 4 f 1 vlf i i r i4 tk free press titcttsdlt uorkio august 18 1881 ydewe fours comabb a a dear1ttlb qoosb wouvjlra inithe ones i osu frolic all uia day r i icaahgh i can jump i can ran aboat iud play but wheirru io the tens matt set up with lie uric 1 and low ud read and practice froratarly room till dark when imiu the twenties hi bo like t oisuc joe i ill wear the sstcelcat dresses and maybe have a beaa pi go tu balls and parties and wearray uairuu high and not a girt in all the town thall be at smi when im iamfee thirties 111 jjt be like mamma and may bis ill married to a splendid big papa iii couk aud bake and mend and mini and graa little at bat mother is so sweet and nice ill not olj to liit ohiwhatramcsssijuurty- the forties sdercy my lv j wheat grow a old xa fotty i think ill li have to die but iikeeaoagh the world wont lutilatil we tee that day it u id very vefy very very veryviar away respect the grey flairs of old age demand and should reol respect- buttbe orey hairs of young people re- quire attentlonln tbe way ot using cingale hair benewer solil bj x e tfouervin- so oenu per bottle vide v a idioolb teayeara old 00 lorely jtiiift diysiatii the rose ia fall udcm over the porcfe and lie uborerc in tle wheat y- fields hid ba teat by his uncle jajuitfcj py i bill tt the cr uatry store and the- itere seventylive ceau left and uncle joha did aotiat him for it at auoa this boy- hid stood fludgr the beaaufal lilcc sky trod crit tetaputiaq ciuie he- cud to hiaisclf shall i giceit ivock or fholi i tic cuui hejuts tor it j tf he never sakk tht ii his icoktittt if htdues why get t asn tugtther ttt never give lick the moliey- iciu s the endlsa j3cenyeir ut by he wis a clerk ina biik- aiaclreof liluiiy ifr thie drawer wihjdnat bi uat tu tie sife si tiieaz ud ffrsfijjed them up ia his co tad carried thrfa hotne re uiicurqiprisoaeli bet he set his feet that wyfwhea boy yetrs befarej whta he sold hiioaeaty for seventy- fire centic thic night he eit discred md tm open crimiraj ijacle jotn vis long igo dead tue old hame vtu desolite hia mother dfcccheard the prisocer tnew srlut broagiltiici there ifvi ti k wm oalrt sits one fine rannan5nmer day fonr chhdrea i were playieg togeuierin the garden ohrsssoceof thpm ifl were only a king i wobid lire in a beantifol cxatle tnafc ahodd reach np to the clouds and i aaii- another vvoold wear nothing bat gold and ailrer clothes if i were one cried a little boy i would do npthing bat eat cake and padding alldiyloni v 4 and i said little girl hashing wonld gire monejto all the poor children i aaw sotha theyrniht bay food and clothes unich of thesechildren do yoa thick woold hare madffthe best rnier l cfljiar qlcana iwring apologies is a mean business bat the necessity of making them it etxll mesner he wha worfct and waifs wins ojmmoa sense is the gifc of heren enoagt ofit isjenina i ceremoryes and bills of fare seem to be necessary many people wocld not know howto act without the one nor vhat to eat wichoat the other the time spent in reading- books tbaf do not make as think is worse than useless j3ne pood book hoirerer is food for a lifetime here ht there were oo iiitenere wonrd be no fatterers f- fj the vnau who haacp fooiislmeaa- lir his nature piroliablf css something worse ui tte yhce of it we owe one half of our auecess in this wori4 to some cirenmatanee and ths other half to taking the circam stancedathe idg crime is the oatgrowf h of vice to stop the former yon mast weed oat the itier a cannidgjnamis otten shrewd hut reldomvia he ses so many trape fjr orbers that he generally gets into sbuivbf them miesilf gojd breeding is so natural and easvi jiat it caa be taken for mere eirupucitf there u kind of hanefity that is f nothing hut fer dnd a sott of patience wliicli is notbiog but laziness vu x i the stlaranee ia to be tunneled at an early date at montreal tommy did yon not hear your pother j call your corse i did thenwhy doat joa go ux her at once well yer see shes nervous end itd shock her fi should go too suddenly ibe shnttje family were qoietly 1 enjoj ing theifjsanday afternoon dinner 3m my debrimid hi wife wreath- ed in eniilek i wish you had beer at cburch ibis morning mr goodwill was very uiteresting and when be prayedfor tie absent ones wem that acooodta for it hen i havent oanit etict 8thngofj lub for year as i thumoniing av oipwr pa sail stall a baldheaded matt is refinedand he ilwiva allows hia skull bure what does a baldheaded man say to his comb t we meet to part no more motto for a bald head bare and forkate however high a position a bald- headed matt holds be will never ooutb down in the world j the bald beaded man new dyes utmft safe and ott cure ii my adviw to bald headers join he j days of sioknesj and jrou will rf ii i findhi more taluablo hun gold be indiana who aca unroof sucoessfnl j ynibay tha p hair raisers painklher and lake no other mixture vou never saw a baldheaded man with a to orehead r shaktfiware lajt there it a divinity tat shapes our ends batd men are the coolest headed men in the world great demand for t f dry goods and oa at the right house millinery andcarfet j make room for the new fall goods piavl itock hns been marked down to hch very low prices the closing put sale of summer iry goods w f go0jg v being held at he ight hou will be continued for a 8 time to make roomer ihenwjm p ilanufaolurers of jteapert moweri iffisstf u being held at theftght hou will becont oetwear lard teai and elephant and ii chased by mr thomas g watkitin in europe the nummer 8t warranted not to gm sati8fnction l0 lh of buyer- who hatepwroniv- n tkimuhnm- parmeni and mechanic-pro- wi be opened up in a few dun cbiaprintik black satins silks cashmeres velveteens bilk ringcs x umtnmgs dourie win bou o pain- 1 w d p v r j j qfc f offcred in tne dominion 1 as to give slilisfnctionljthousandk of buyers who have patronized this favorite emporium ihu week new roods will be opened up in a few dnys comprising b n a lot of the cheapest wool press goods c 30 and 32 king street east and the name is nvirenm nihil wimc ul rain yr i t- killer at ihii leuon ol the year when olid a lot or the cheapest vyool dress lummor oomplalnli are so proralent it early one morniug a bunker was found on bin knees at his rout door trying to unlock it with a load pencil and saying howie ihiat some boays been foolin with fa oombina- tion persons wanting their tetters io no quiefcly will please write in baste on the upper left band corner post masters always charter a special train for such letters or else send item by telegraph all bedi seem hard to the rheumatic then hearken repeevhthiuflvretal ap ply dr thomas kleciric oil to your aching joints and muiolei rely on it that you will experience tpeedy relief such at least is tueteatimony of luose who tare used it the remedy ij like wise successfully resorted- tf lor throat and lungdlseases fprains bruises ela whenever you s thehiotu gml fjrfw our hiiutf witli llir law ovr it crocked in thnte difftfretit pues ym may rest asiirtd thsc thrrr is a lively jktltttn ftoitd somes- here in the chetit of that houiseliold i minister had prwiched an hour then be remarked another wide fitid apeasfroui the acabject in another diuctiun just then an old colored smt ejaculated t please lord shut up de bars the sew tork sirn aays the poor kansas farmer- and husbandman baa a hard hard time six moutha in the year he is kept busy repairing the damage done ly the last cyclone and the other six he stands holding on his hat watting for lie next one to come ask yonr dealer fof castoritse xtachine hi and seedhat the barrel is hrinded castorine as none other is fieonioe tha word falcon tne name at eater brooktswelt known steel pen is derived from falz a reaping hook suggested by the shape of the falcons beak use castorine machine oil for all kindsof machinery- it ia also exceillent for harness or leather making it water and weather proof ic jacobs enffklo an employee of th us express co says da teoios ecllctkio oil cured him of a bad case ot piles of 8 years standing having died almost every known remedv besides two balalo physicians withoat relief bat the- oil cared him he thinks it cannot be recommended too highly i see to it 1 zoraa jfrjm bran will erne the went case of dyspepsia a ilhjle dose wtlt relieve to a dexree thai snows us wondcrfaiearalive powers and its pecauar action apan the ktomacrtand ufgrsuve or- gaas it ts a positive and absolate care or cosuveness and constlfatlon aetlrur in a reorarfcabte war upon the sjstem carrying off imparities as a lives eecclatok its ectioos are most remartabte ic tones and stiriialalesttje uvertoactton tteorreetstne adds and regulates the bowels a few doses wulfcorpriseyod sample bottles 10 cut bolincate pulc in the complaints peculiar to females these fills are un rivalled their use by the fair rex has become so constant for be removal of their ailments hat rare is the toilet thai without hero amongst all classes tom the domestic servant o he peeress universal favor is accorded to these renovktingr fills theirinvtgoratingnd purifying properties render them safe and invaluable in all cafes f they may be taken by females 0 all apes tor any disorginiiation or irregularity of the system speedilyrempringthecaase snd restoring tbe safferer to robust health as a family medicine they are unap proachable for subduing the maladies of young and old 1 as essestul err kexlth one of he prime essentials o health is the secre tion of bile by the liver in dne quantity nd of a prop r quality for the uses which kature fans ordained for tbia im portant secretion its gently stimulating and potent regulating action upon the biliary gland conutules northrop lriikxs veastisls discovert asddts psptio cuke a most yaiuablespecine for iiver complaint among the conse quences of its continued and systematic use are the disappearance of such symptoms of chronia biliousness as con stipation nausea pain in the vicinity of the organ affected yellowness of the skin fur upon be tongue and headache so finer remedy for dyspepsia exists and its remedialvalue has been signally dentonstrated- in kidner complaints scrotals female weakness erysipelas salt rheum and all disorders arising from imparity of the blood the vigor with whicbtt endows a feeble physique is shown in an increased activity of every iital function and its effect tuoagh potent are followed by no hurtful re action toe bofcela are relaxed by ft naturally and easily and it is notdis- agreeable to the taste and the purity and wbolesomeness of its botanic in gredients make it a far safer as well ei more efficient remedy than preparations containing mercury designed to affect be liver beneficially but which some- timerdo more harm than good large doses of it are not required andit is therefore in reality far cheaper than other cathartics price 100 cample bottle io cents aefc for notbeop rains vegetable discovery and dys gitacrt laud st sfifgarets hppe orkney scotland writes i am re quested by several iriendi to order an other parcel ot dr thomas electric oil the lt lot 1 got from you having been tert din several cases of rheumatism baa jiven relier when doctors medicines hsve failed to have any effect- cellent qualities t this medine fhoutd be made known that thetllionsoi suf ferera throughout he wutli may benefit by its prqrijeoltal dicovery hathent uotberst tlotbersfit are you disturbexl at night and brolcen of your rest tfya sick child suoeringand cryiuc with tbeexemciating puin ot cutting eetht if so co at onccamlget a bottle of vfrs wityws soothing ivrup it wiu rtlteve the poor little suflerer immediately depend upon it here is no mulike about it ll ere ia not amollier oneartb who liaever used it who will not ell yoo at onoe that it will reguhte the bowels and give rest to the mother and relief nd health to the child operating like uugic it is perfestly sale to ore in all- cites and pleasant fa the tastf and is tne pre- scription ofnue of the oldest and best female physicians and narse in the xsited statea sold everywhere at 25 cents a bottle hohokaye ointment and fclu diseases of women medical science in all ages has been directed to alleviate the many maladies incident to females but professor holioway by diligent study and attentive observation was in- duce to believe that nature had provid ed a remedy for these special diseases after vast research he succeeded in com ponnding his celebrated pills and oint ment which embody the principal naturally designed for he relief and care of disorders peculiar to women of all ages and constitutions whether re shiingin warm or cold climates they have repeatedly correcled dinordered functions which had denied the usual drugs prescribed by medical men and wih he itllluottt satisfactory result hat the malady has been completely and permanently removed t s5l outfit ent free caitftcsie wtia rlib la enjae a tue raoet peaant ihd prof- tlaole bariness knava etprlhirc ner capital qotreqalre we viu farllsliyoaerentaiuf jit a oy and op- turditiewlly made without pujlnt iwry from home cvr ntght ko rtile vtiiieter kanr new warfcers wauled aiooe mcnr are matficfirtanes at he basinet eaadlec mxkft tu maeb u men nnt ynatij boyi and flilx mnjce creat par- no cne wna is wllllot to wort uik to make more money e erj- dy ihxaean lie made la a wwfcat nay ordlnars employmfnt tv06 hoedffeealones wut ffadatiort mad tofortan addr h rfxlctt4 co portland milne worth thefr in gold holloways pills 0mtment this lycokp arable medicine hat eecurad far iuctf an imptrukablc fame throughout the world for the auecialicm and curt emg4tducgse4qihirjiaumanityukeir hamilton aaj i8th1881 kemeiuber the biht houie i hos thomas c watki5s hamilton clearing salo for on month t the mammoth house georgetown a ge at slaughter of remnants fancy dress goods muslins milliuery mantles prints and all summer goods 1 r this is a genuine clearing sale we have lilies of dress goods printed muslins prints parasols and mantles that we are selling at half their original price now is your time to make money by buyiug goods cheap mantles made to order a large and well assorted stock of fashionable gents furnishings our ordered clothing department is in a flourishing condition tliosc celebrated scotcti tweeds for 818 per suit worth from 2 to 830 stui creates a wonder tor the price uoleol anderson co ome one and all to foe photogreaphs- note the following stoves tinware coal oil lamp goods and pumps cheap for cash at hayiltfs earetrodgningr and job work a specialty au kinds of track- the pills purify regulate and improve the quality of the blood they assist the digestive orgrns cleanse the stoiiach and bowels increase the secretory powers of the liver brace the nervous system and brow into the circulation the purest elements for sustaining and repairing the frime thousands of persons hare testified that by their use alone they have been restored 0 health and strength after every other means bad proved unsuc cessful liniiiinii will be found invaluable in ovvj house hold in the cure ot open sores hard tumors el lejs oil wcunoj oougfcs colds sore throats brocchilis and all disorders of the throat and chest as also gout rheumatism scrofula and every kind of skin disease manufactured only at professor hou lowats establishment 533 oxfohd stbebttlontxilt and sold at liljd 2s 9d 4sr6d fls each box and pot and in canada at 38 cents 40 cents and 150 cents and the larger rises in proportion iscitmon i have no agent in th- united states nor are my uedioinea sold there purchasers should therefore look to the label on tbe pots and boxes if the address is not 533 oxford street london they are spurious tbe trade marks of my said medicines are registered in ottawa and also at washington v signed thomas hollo way peptio core the wrapper bears a no- 1 mam of heir signature sold by all j 53 oxford street london medicine dealer if vuly wl taken in exchange for goods hill remember the place next door to creechs saddlery sign of ha lamp street actoo o hay ill livery sale board stables mill8treet aoton is wbere yon ean get firstclass bigs 1 at rea80nable bates good oommeroial bigs an express delivery wagon will meet each express train and deliver geods to any part of the town au parties indebted to this es tablishment are revested 10 pay up without further delay andjave ooeu ed mattieyf proprietor new arrivals gents kid glovea of a new make and a jery superior article white and colored shirts 1 ui t- v registered at ittaw a an artificial gastric jtjicei- this is not a patent medicine secret remedy the formula is printed ms tbelabel at tached to each bottle r- ifaltopepsyx cures dyipepsia inditcstion lois of appetite intesrfnaland wasting diseases constipatiqn nausea chronic diarrima cholera infantum and mol ol infants tronblesiwhich generally arlsu from tiestomicb 60 cent8 for 48 doses or about i cent per d08e regular siied bottles containing il 01s with asa measure attocbedj 50 cents for sale by all chemists throughout the dominion r avoid talcing liquids of any ort more than is abolulely necessary ip quench thirst as the excessive use of liquids is the pause of half the dspe5ia in the wrvld maltopepsyn is a powder agreeable and easily taken tupplics u the storaocli theactusl gastric juice prescribed by tbe leading phsidans thrcicoct the dominion in their repolar prae- tiee maltopepsjn is alto used toa large eitenl in hospitals dispensaries and infirmaries tncwul of te8t1m0sias ri5e1ved fboh phys1cubs waixace n s oct4irso the maltopepsrn was pvea in a marled and distressine cue of irdiftvit n with tho v most rapid pleasing and beneficial results z v kempton m d- atklone ont janio 16j0 the maltopepsyn i obtained from von has fir more than answered my anticipationa having tried it in two old and very obstinate cases of indigestion 1 found it to act lile a charm c mckenna md 1 cabxat oxt jannssi i have used yonr maltopepsyn in severe rases of indigestion and malnnlriticn in adults and diarrbaa df children and am so well pleased with the results that i have in structed my druggist to veep a irrpplv on hand t reade m d 1 athlone ont dec 30 18j after giving your maltopepsyn a trial m srrrne of my vor3t cases for which it waa recommended i am well pleased rith the way in which it acts continue to mate a pood article lilx that now in use and it will be a universal favorite r hamilton m d rr- hazen morse i- toronto for sale by all druggists arjlt j b mcgarvtn actonij a -1- 1 stewart eo t guelph oi emlankual cleabinc sale of summer coods t in the pbictb of goods afci e r delermlaeildot to eury over ooe dollarii wortbot tuertftire w wui oflersoods at a treat saertho a comflile clearance ofailodru tmibn t dress goods prints parasols fichns silks hnslins hosiery gjotps lace curtains bnntinrp laces crclotibes th remaining portion of oirr muunery stock iriu fie cjiaryed a mere nominal price fte return hanke iij our winy frieinis for the itvt arid ilrgciti drasoflsj a t rwr had in uiltinery our prices and ttylex xrere enrrert me offer gaiw felt halt- silk handkerchiefs silk unonellit tirkdi ami cloths at a big ditcounton usual prc this is a rare chance to secutfc new gbods cheap wm stewart co speight soni undertakers furniture dealers wacgon cittjfcttjeeeis t undertaking everv description offnnersl rcqiusitea of the best qnhties snp plied at shortest notice firstclaaa hkabsx furnished fnmltr in our cabinetmaking department we are prepared for ihe spring demand parlor snites sofas centre tables wbatnota beasteads a t waggons we have on hand a stock of firstclasa lumker waoia and democratsy rnanrdactured by ourselves from the best raateriafc which willbe sold at theloweat sfble rat speight st son aqton 1 2 vatdtw hawutttntllt viksiaawltiflmattaaccm tl ikluttdai pmh tatlm ffclauh owmltui tor rtr m m r tfclmtrj yi vsumusi jttcmftm niljwsoiaxaltt tbawwav v sioqo forfeit immlx cancer core depot ccoalioookpqpcaada r ancer cureu vlthoat tbe ate of tte knife tbs only permsdeot car in tbe vnrid for pan leal art enclose 8 cent lo 8 0 bxitb coatloook pciv canada rt bwut aa ccrtslk qonts half hose in cot- iurt specific medicine toa merino coshmoxe and wool slimmer uaderolotmag shaw murton marehant tailors oualpta 1 nuoreatsbillah an anuluoaeure for remloi wutaeferbpermaturrnri impotenay and all utseasea toat lbllow as aaeqeenee of bellabuse j as lost or ham- orydnlveriaj uataltddepa4n louiebaem dlrnnabf vh- r lobpimaatew uwjssja and befor takine man other diseaila that leadioinaanlijoroananmii uon sssrpallparueularstn oar pamphlet wbleb v de- sir lo send re bf mall to every on jathe sreentt ateafetnelaaold by all druf- gtsta at st per packs or six taekasn far ta or will beaenltree by mall oorsn eelr of tbe money by ad- dreaatnx th orii7aielai i toronto ont canada i bcjdbjbmeorfiaiijrngrsiaelon haeness 5s tutjks ideftdti parttee requiring anything ia santera or trunks to sate money should jo0 r 0 r eie c h i v a sioi catnl rsnlsked tie wttfe foil in trpmion lor eantnkuixbxoi profitable ibwlneatany on wi en aaln tt bnalneaa is ao easy lo leaioanaoot lurtruotlom- ate a simple na plain thai any aine ean unk sreal pruflia from the tryarv nu one can tall wri i wuilnijo wort wrjnn areas uceaariila men boys ana tirh eo earn larr anaa many tare madaat lbtmldeaotmob nuodre dolten m a alnjle week satblu lleltevrlhnrtibetor ad wmtmais r surprised at ihe mm and rapxttij wlltt wblcn iaay arvv abl so xoake moner yfia om eiviwfwtutlilh bwtnmiiiiits xviunpar time alfiya rrnlit yhu do tmtnay to it ren eapuil in lu w e all tbe raktms wbo need ready inobei- kontii wrllr low at poea all ftirnluenyt address i j i si

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