Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 25, 1881, p. 4

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v f kmhmmm ism he free press tucrstuv moitittva augul 2 iwtl a zsi i- thttojpoolish yountx men fiterc vti ijtu maw of dun rt 1 rumui he vsil uothl k lu wttlc llurpi vm1 aidrwuuurk i 1 antluwivuuav wlai lived in tktc vttwhcu iie knuvwliul twjtkr ucctucd oq bin iiiulijcr the guv was afraid u cirrsia jitti ihe ollwr oacdwtrti at dundee wa ai bashful m lulthftil skiid be v inrgut in puvcr atltcdhim if hed lure iieiy 1 stammcroa and sid kf would rcc j- j w ah myjbys a irfp is a jxki luitirj 1 atvunft tony vvelcu erayfad x ru o beer aboiit fourta irc utoaclil thatltiu a f hate sbuw johd v h irfud tttruin t bis companion jcojooe who dips raaygctutppod c b1 yauss facliiu ny boy factious emplivlaaoiliurgu i c vera hareat got voir eye open botr is tueotily thiug that will open atfcyei then i hadtathef they vcoald tuy tat who erfca beer to open t pcrouv eye it ii the tcri thing thxt will ckw them mfcicka altpy riser in thitirmikig a drowav srotkiniu by day heavy listener in the eeainff and tertrams pat lim to bed itupid and foolish aud beer is the friend irith the r left oat any echool boy taaprt can- tell yua what word that will give whose wcrk u to hurry the body into ihf rrare there to tleep for ever bat toay vu very im j he tioaght he inew i tuiagorlwo beades he wid tojoha i thitfc i have a isslill6m a little today squire selryn takes a faacy to mc and he think he vill fixe me a winter job era hia farm olet celebctt x feofia cectniliy eictir3te ificr gttticg i job rather thxa before it scgested juha nooseme- feha i yeo arc too particular isqaire lwyu woat go bock oa rac tony therefore kept on hipping going home he waidrovsy aadjiy domti forfffli in the ihie of sqire keitcyat hedge tlie squire vbiff du- bruin ciae e whxtatlni v he seemed to eay jtbtdlioa tooy another dog a log of wood or nhxi is itt and he took eeveralfaelk then he topkpd np did he say bah tii ie a beexirinkcr i htnow beia to pkc tooy with his ionj tongh nose brula whatarevwdocf comeawar tirf wt nrcisilitisa ooutrr ilf in oomio oolor fuvmcik iirc lk knvtntlthef will ti fad cups wttlmui jhdubtry if you wutit t id ii mmctvii ti oigyuld ncnpect the roy loin of oldr ipmnl and nhould roooite wipoot iim tip ttrey flairs of young people qtiir intention in the wy o ustn- xnjmeta luir tmnesver bold by j e motlurvln 60 centi per bottle bbb s i is m i m if ll 6riat dfemamd for dry goods afeld carpets at the right housevf mnmifaoliirm of usaperi mowers tvlf lndtireiiiiiiglaomti4rr yrefor cm- ao torluc mactiino oil toany olhcr twill being hef ud cciinitrvutn crinmlly ooupnf lard scnl iind ulenhanl and in i l i i vinirtimldnotlogura i v closing out sale of summer dry gopd millinery ancbtarpw rl 1 ni thelfiirlrt hou wih boconiinuejftr a bhortw 10 make room or thenew pall good ir- u tuturnlly uielc wilted tit tuny t iloucmiiiit ly buik lnvmli intl i a ihnrl rood to health wan oponpd 10 llio iirjjhvifiiik fl jlhvc gilud uany of ilitta uttii uqtuek ttntguft itid ttddy t jmitce tlit liiivo lncu tmtuj doil ktoavaold 16 il1uinco his fcl i chased bv mr tliomns c watkim in europe thehuramer stock has bee na ked down o sneh very low piu h d k i to iive s hfaetiou to housand- of bujm who hffe patronized tliii fiif arile eiiiporiamhw newgoodk izlrirortta remember tlw kht house ko ni i li lumo or luflsnvfd breast and k ilainla by the introduclfon inexicrhe and cfroive romody vr an did oitiitic who was troiihlcd thoaian koleolrlo oil tiize 3 32kig street eat and the mine m with efcutilw found by n netglibur ifouawuyv ulutmtnt and iilu lnitticg the cres ofoue with abij dioses octlio skin titigworra scurry club tlc nttrlitor inquired why im hlon nd swelling sore sj i heads and llio most mrelerale skin squire kdwwstetfftn j to his dn wis now sttrrictaid looking roand my mr 1 1 v if it- btlf h mm it tony he mattered 0 way i grarthere i teli ye i rising he begza tastjatr ol let me hxre a look at fint yocn ain iaidthv sqairev walking p tony and aecbtopaaicd by bnritl uwayl g way here i tell ye j t mamled tony enable to dittinpijihclear- j ly betweta theeqaire and ms dog hcju v tod the rjoire i thats tooy welch the yoanj fellow who wanted a jnb of cie- bt h wiilget ccae now i matt have eoxebodi can troat and i cant have coqdence in him- l 1 here sotnebodyi- catnft running after the squire and called hint back to hta hoaae bnrin bought was not ready to leave aid he foliattedtbcy g way now ijftoanod toay bat brain wai duposed to cbntince hii attentions tmelliaji and poking the beer- drinker at laat aa if to make a complete teat he opened hia jwafcid too a motrth r fal of tony toafc tail brnia had plainly made ap his mindtqbe in the fashion rnd take a mpl tony hardly noticed it for the do bad not bftteiriim others noticed it and a laugh wis raised at tonys expense voorfeliowl said somebody stepping fjp and taking tonys arm it was john palmer and he led toay to his hoase so i there fa that tony ktlch paia j said scririre selwya meeting the two bos that is bad that h shameful bat who ia with him kindly helping toiy hooet john eklmer i wonder how it wonldda to ivemnitbe job i meant for tony john shall have ft and so tony tie nipper was nipped in iaore than one way that day when he camfi to bis right mind he- footed deeply intothf matter of his sin and his ehame and resolved chat it thonld be the iaat time be would take x dip himself ini bo ktaad a tnance td be nipped in retrfnu aodaa tony eleb did what he hai nicr done before asked god to help him nil outlook for the future wtut all the brighter sv atiforta loremt in oil city tdy tf darted to a jjeighboring milfc man tbteafor bu beea qutta moist oi some tinie back hasnt it i tea decidedly an replied the tniiktuad ixa the flies bother my cow fearfullf wty dont yoo eliiugia thefn f iated tbelady that wouldnt do any good re ponded he i woiild bply make the tnattr worse to ahtnjjle- of their hair i t didat estf anything aboht ening- ling off their hair tlidnt you ad rise ma foahingle tfomf te8o8rfainw yhat did you bjeaii f 1 liv exactly what i safd shingle tbenifpbt or shihglet or a tin roof i whit ftopdonld that dot it mgot possibly keep the water iii afe jour dealer fr xt torlne mrittboivn tbttbeiitel it teiidalorljiei w njitibther r so cxhattalet liiuiwlf telling hint the uuiuitl uk dtud wnil yaiir re- iliid the firuier wrathfully but wanlvr lrn thts critter ilmrtr jmuiau uhtit itfur dvth there is a atorv of a trarellcr who wialiiug tn ickcii tnuntou tti tlii sutc of mcksachnsctls bail eouirhuw gut turned afcuud aud vaa ttotling itluttg wry eoucosvdly in tha oiikisiteuirto- tion from the right one to- tint of the tuvn meeting a ftirmer in therond he druvc up and atkid huvr far i it to taunton if i keep straight on f 1 waal sid tliu fittr4erwiijr an intel ligent winkla in bis eye if you keep on in the way yb ate goint no- its about 25000 inilv ll it ye tttrr right aruutd and go tother y its about milt- hatfc fhcaratcangeling sung a young utin in an outside township exiitliiliou xo taint- shouted an om farmer in one ot the back sealk its my old muld tbritt hitched oat side i a farmer hircl a vermontor to afsiat in drkwiug logt the yankee when there wis a log to rift gererallycon trived to secure th stufli end for hich the- farmer chastised him and toldriiim always to tka ite butt cod dinner cam and with if a sugar loaf ndiaa pudding jonathan sliced eff a generous portion of the largest part giving the farmer the wink and ex claimed always take the butt end buy any butter here v asked a country customer who talked into a drygoods stote no sir we dont aftnt to buy any replied tha uier chant wiint any eegs v ko sir wa keep a dry goods store here so waal then maybe youd like to buy some fat chickens fat as pigj and a mighty sight nicer tar xo sir 1 tellyou we dont deal in anything but dry- goods couldnt i sell yott a nice shoulder of porkf i tell you eir we deal in dry goods erclusi rely waal whatll you gte mo for dried apples 1 a rich merchant named hogg ones- tequeeted tt farmer to bring him a load of corn at a stated time which he failed to do and did not take it until the next jiy afmr that which he had promised tue merchant as might be expected refused to take it well replied the- farmer youre the erst hog i ever knew to refuse corn down in connecticut they tell story of a peddler alling upon a lady to dispone of some goods he inquired of her iffhe could tell him of any road that no peddler- had ever travelled tha peddlers countenance brightened and that is the road to heaven as an illustration of tha sagacity of- tbe old wiseacres who sitaiouod the country store this anecdote may be given a traveller dropped into a new jersey store one day jutt after a recent fire there- and found the occupants all talking about the aatter during a lull in theconvesatioti the traveller remarked to an old man sitting near him i suppose everybody thinks tho sre was tha work of in inceudiary y waal said the old man shaking lis heed knowingly some do think ao but i think it wis sot dictate to which he lumnn fnue is suljcl cannot b read with a more asp and reliable remedy than jlollownys jintnicnt and fills which act so peaul iarly on tno cqiutitution mid so purify the blood thai those diseases r at one era licitid iruiii the rjslem and a ifkliug curkoblsiud tiny are equally elho cious in the euro of excoriitlous buvns scadf clnduhr twctliugi ulcer ous ffoundi rhhirailivr anitcoulracted and slilaiiw jutnu then meutciues operau- uiildiy but surely the cures esecltd by jlhem are not empotary or apparent only but coinjklc aud per- hianenu hatbcn lltcr uktiprt are you ditlurbet atniffhtand t of your reft bra tick child suffering aid cryini with the excruciating pun o cuttiii leelht if no no at onceawl pet a bottle of ut wrnloi soothing syrup it wi rvheve tile hhv kittle eufefr iiiimedinelydepeiil upon it j therfe is tin ramiite about it il ere in not a miithor pit earth wio in i ver ucd it who will rot tell you at nci- iltai it will rcpulite ihrbokeliiiil cire ri to the nlo liter mi ulel trietii in the child operntiug like m u ft it perfectly wile tn uh trr all ciik itid plciiwinl to the i-ii- aii- is me pre friplion oltie mth oiidt nnl brtt fennlft phyficitn mid u-irn- iu th- united stales sold cr rywnere t j5 cents a botlie i why suuer from weak uervoufe wiui of appetite uiid general debility t ictlmg the lots ot elcep and rl impoverifh the syclem and tranche lilood when such a really meritorious reniedy axarthiop lymans quinine wine may be ud at any druc ktore this articla ts rjjoom- mended by the lushest members of the medical faculty in caf 01 indiuettton genera debility lots of jippttite and nervous adeolioni of all kinnv it is alio specially beneficial o children and deli- cate r and la busiuiss men ftudeuts and those tno have much brain wort we- wonld- say never be without it itwill strengthen you keep your system in reguurorder ana enable you to successfully grapple with ihe rorjc you have to do ft is pleasant to the taste and cotilant nothing injurious p the most delicate constitution re member t4 k or the j linioef ine propared by northrop lyman toroa to and we art sure you will he tattsfiad that you late full value lor jour money druggists fill it foctritkrtfre to those who wlsli u tk w i tuc moetrcafanlanpmr jjitijle ljiifnev known vrrylliti ci ltalnl ritret we will ruruuti ro cvcrjtltic flu u ay uad op- wrjsiietlj rnnd kttlinul ctajnc ay fmm home rvr ttfjit kci ruk wtiavr many new workers named x- one- itanj- are mafclf cfurtna ac ttlr bmtrcf tiiiif mulceaxrouel tsruou nmi ynuni brjrand clrta make ercat iiay yootewnnu willtnc to work frlljlo make mor money vryday lltrnean l ratide tu a wcok at imy crdluxrv cmrjoytiif at tliose wboocirnceatoncc cljl otklikllirt rfiad to farlnno addrc h ilaulettico iartunjmxlne worth their wftut in gold hamilton aug 18th 1881 thomas c watkik hamilton oleaiing sale for on moatli mammoth kouse georgetown a great slaughter of remnants fancy dress goods muslins millinery manilcsf prints anil all summer gooai tlfs is a genuine clearing sale we have lines of dress goods printed muslins prinls parasols anilmantles that weare selling at half their original price now is your time to make money by buyiug gonov clieap mantles made to order a large ami well assorted stock of fasliioiiiiiiie genls furnishings our ordered clolhitig department is in a flourishing condition those celebrated seoteli tweed for sx8 per suit worth from824 to iwo slfll creates afvondcr tor he price mclood anderson co comb one and all to joe sotoghbjajphs- lloxo ckxiek osi harch 15 1880 ifcwrg perry dacu k son k lavxtacit montreal your fain killer takes well indeed no house should be without it for achei and faint it is a splendid anti dote wm dfcstoh iicrchanu see to it zorihjt ftombruil till cum tua worst case of isfipefxfrc at dos will rcllete tu a dareethat ibowtt wonderful caraltve powers and its peculiar action upon the htomseti and ijitcstive ur- irans it is a posutve and absolduf curs ror costtveneuand coustttatlon nctlncln a remarkable way npon the system carrytnir orimparities- as a livzn biaclaroe lia aellons are most remarkable it tones and stmajats toe rver to action 11 corrects ibe acids and regulates tb bowels a few doses wuisarpnsa yba sample bottles 10 eta- best and comfort to ibe salterisi browns household- panacea hft no eqttal for relieiing palo both in ternal ara external it dares ftih in the side back or bowels sore throat kheumstiim toothache lumbago adjct any kind ot a pain or aohe n will most surely quicken the liiood and has at lis acting power 1 wonderfull brownt household panacea being acknowledged as the great pain belief r and of double the strength of any otljr elixir or liniment jn the world should be inerery fatnurbtndy for use when wanted ait retlly is the hetreaiodf in the world forcramus fn the ktomach and paint and andes of alk klndsj and it for tale by ill iiroiiu it 2b eeiibj bottle r j hollo ways pills omtment- tms12tcqitpjable xedicixe hax tttuttd furlmlf an uaperiaabte fame lirovghctti tlw world far ae allviaihi and cure tf uiotl dinars a trvt httma n t7y u heir the pills purify regulate and improve duequalily of the blood they assist the digestive orgrna cleanse the 8t0hacii and bouels increafe tun secretory powers of the liver brace the nervous system and throw into the circulation the purest elements for sustaining and repairing the frame thousands of persons have testified that by thair use alone they have been restored to health and strength after every other meaot had proved unsuc cessful the ointment will dtfouhd invaluable in every house hold in the cure ol open boresy hard tumors i r sd lets ou toundf qougi colds sore throats brbrchiliannd all disorders of the throat and chest as also iout traumatism burofula and every kind of skin ciseaae manufactured onlyit professotjiou- lowtta stablishmnt bi3 oxford stkerttlondolt alidsoldat iri jd 2a 9d4sl id lis 23a and s8seach box and pot and in canada at 30 cents 90 cents and 1 50 cents and the larger sites iq proportion tsrqirftyo i have no agent in the united stale nor are my medicines sold there purchasers should rheremre look to the label on the pots arid boxes if the address is not 033 oxford slreet london the are itiriom the trnrlftwarksof iny said mediolnet are regiibsrid in ottawa and also at washington j r sijnm trhomas hollo way 633 oitojidstrpetxontjofli r jvlyml note the follovyinc otes tinware ooali oil lamp goods and heapfor cash at havills 1 i i reoistered at rtawa altiaetifiolal jatric jttice this is not a patent medicine secret remedy th formula it printed m the libel to uched to each bottle jtftixi appetite intestinal tat wastingdiseases conttipation nanaea chronic diarrhaa cholera infintuin and nwtt i of infanti troublts which generally- arise from the stomach 60 cents for 45 poses or about t gent 1fer d08e regular ted bottles containing il ors lh dose measrt attached p cents lor sale by all cbmist thronghont thedommlon j avoid taldns uqnida of any sort more than is absolutely necessary to quench llirrt sf the excessive use of liquids is lb caose of hallthe djspepsia m the world maltopeptya it a powder agreaable audeasrly taken supplies to tho stomach fhe actual gastric juice prescribed by the leading physicians throughout ihe coalition in tbeif regnbrptac- tice italtopepsyn is also nsed to a large extent in hospitals dispens and infimfrtriciy picwuii0rtestui0lul8mcavaifrat1phycu8 i featlacrn soct4 j8sb the m altorepsvn was given in a marked and distressing cas of lndipesiicn uith tbe most rapid pleasing and beneficial results z w kemptqx it p rar eavetrouijliliis and job work a specialty all kinds of truck takeu luexcuaustc for goods hemembar tha place next door to creechs saddlery sign of the lamp ilill street acton o h a v i l l livert sale board stables mllu street aoton it where you can get firstclass eigs i atibeapnablerate8 good commercial bigs ail express delivery wagon will meet each express train and delivor goods to liny part of thelown ih parties indebted to thlg c tablfahttieht are requested 10 pay np without fnrtheirdelay nd tave oottt ed matthewg proprietor fall goods shaw morton are now opening vp ah immense assortment scgtch tweeds j3b suits ft i i5ak li i athlonp orft jan io i8o thesialfopepsyn f obtained from von has fir more than answered my antftipatfontv havinr tried it in two old and very obstinate cases of indigestion i found it to atf lite charm c mckenna tip cambur oxt janl 1m1 i have nsed your juljopepsyn in severe cases of indigestion and maldutritxminf adultsand diirrbcca of children and amso weli pleased with- fhe results that 1 nave io structed my druggist to keep a supply on hind t vreade m d athloss oxt dec 30 1880j after gmngyour xfaltopepsvnatriil in snme of my worst cases for whichitwasp- recommended t am well pleased wiih ihe wav m which it acta continue to make a article like that now in ase and it aill be a onivcrstd favorite r hamrlroif mvd hazen morse toronto for sale by all druggists and j sfcgabtln acton wi 1iv go guelfh oxvu c emiannual clearimg sale of summer goods 1 i tkbmendotjs beduotion in the pmob off goods id we are uelermluvtfrat oorry over oue dotllrs orlh 01 mtu merpods tberemrewt u1 ofier goods ala bteat sbrulc4 a coaplile clearance ofajloarasmmer dress goods prints parasols fielnrs silk muslins hosiery loyes lace vurtainsv btrntinfrt laces i cretonaes m th remaining portion of mrr mtitmcrtf stock attl te charged a men nominal price we return thanks to our many friends for hie best ind largest seasmv taint tc err had in millinery our pricts and styles ikre eorrert we offer genw felt hats silk banikerddtft silk umhrvllas tifeeds and 77oi7r of a big disccunt on usual prices this s a rare chance to secure new goods ceap wm stewkrt co j 4 srejght on j undertakers furnitube dealers wacg0k i r i ti rnderiakinir2verv description of funeral requisites of tie best qualities tup plied at shortest notice firstclaas hsabsg furnished furoltbtcin our cabinetmaking department ve are prepared to the bprinf- demand i parlor suites sofas centre tables whatnots bedsteads 4o waifbons we have on hand a stock of nrstclaas lumher wagons and democrats- manufactured by ouraelvea from the beat matonki which will be dorat the lowest pas able rts speioht ft sou aoton 2 smtij hit artmrwbmrprniain p tilanil nt lmtm in tuoxnoi ca 1 kwlu m in tmt siood cjarifkixrr immlxcinrjercore ltpot coaucookfi canada m an0er gurey without the uieotuekolfe rbe only permanent cure in the wnrio for partlenlarm enolose 3 eeat to b u bjata toalicook pq canada jfhctrtt mut amfl ftrtaja c san speciric hebmnte ntqttgiir1ljtaeat tvn nocallint eon tor lieiatuw wasjweta ajwrmiiurriira- impolenw kud all diseases watlollow ana mqoenc of wat lollow al a wqoenc of btwabnes ttloet of mem orymnlve iuobt ti loorsma uon trpult partlculart our damphtet wnich w -m- ttre toaeod ire or iqall to j very ont jsrttie tete ledfclnttaaoldot alldrua- nitetwi thit orqonsuqt sn iektw for tty ot wul be taut nm to tntll joti re- cetpt of the money by ad- drtsalngii tlw-ftrtj- keaiclni ofc- 1- vroqtjgtii harness a tutjne idbiod i- vi t i- parttea requiring mnjining in saroem or tiunkt to tire memeiy thonjd x i ob cipnvi tiitjrufnlikd treejwilhlfolt loi lltuwitonalorenoddollscuimnort profltable bulnenar on an eic one eon malfe treat r lart noonoeantalt llilnttoworf wemenaaroeeifula ttttirlesmmuitjiwos learn too our intlroollon- an a bspti plain that any one eon makfe treat rom the vfly aurt nouooean tail u 1st lite if vir known belorty 11 who 1 arejtvpruedattbeeaienia rapidtsi wweb tlwy are able to make xoonsft yoa l caovnttnthtabnrineksdurtniiobripara lltoealjsaat proof yoccdn bnfhslis tomr- vert capital miuwttau tbejuqcitk vfh i w i x ai j vtosmsjaiiniiswtr4ssmaitistsnafi kl jbtrtront oamtor o nem ready mtmertaionlil w rt t to o ai v cvm v v r pi vhvk skm

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