Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 1, 1881, p. 1

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i l k k v n si u published jbffiar tffvrsdat monxlsg fdifbr proprietor at tax fltklrcss psijttmg pts8lvq nexilaorw melhodutchcrcti jftw atlyt qtic j txnirs rsthe kent rxss will t to fiibssrioars pmleiro pam ft socjjjw a atua in advance trvj if nl k juid ko i paper diwouuiidtd till ail anvarfcairtf paid except at the vpttoaf tko puuishcr irvrstisiwlutes casaal adwrtise- incuts ccic liaefjjruw firtl infer- eon aiid i eoiiu per line for yacb puk- qucut iuwttkuc caibt trifcsiionl cards w iaos or lc ma rjcrauaum tsqaaro li liuc sj00 per oiirmu payawv ia g jttiontus from da to of insertion an j swcial koticotuo ctjtvt of whicli ia to promote fiw pocuiitirv benefit cf any individual or coapia to bi considered an auwrtisc- rnczt the nuialvr of lines rockoaed by tac epacoccnritxl mcascred bp a scale of fiubd xcapawil cxstuact katcs one eotamitrtni r jsvoq sxucoictaunive year j3a quarter ciiutanon- jar fu oncitutaasie raoius sv03 halfcihjam sir month v s0 quarter col iitutilr mouths li ft me- cjatan lure months 33 jm ntlfcqlumftthrotnoniiik 12 w quarter column thn months 5 co adrcrtimnnrauciritlkhtsieiilc directions will bclrferthulfrtimaaruarcfdacccnl- irlr- trnitcrr advertise ratnia mat be paid in advance chinee mr evetnet advert foments must i la theafflce 07 nton mtdavf other wise thev will fae ufi over till the fpilowicc term85i00 in atfno weet h p hour iltor 4 proprietor this paper i toriee ttk- catid i cr so 2 icc si ricstcctgtt p tcnlsiri button tlj fct pl v theft- arctir f wttatonto mhriri to fctive advcnlscmeais- for ialrffr lout lth kc ps iite of trinity oiuev itcin- fcer of gikge of pbyiiciaii ihh kurgeons t5ce aai ccsiitaod atbc bead of frtd- trick stactva j griitiife3 cf victoria university grceijetoty ovticio will visit act en on ttiesiiy and friday frczn 2 to t p m t if his services exe rco nirtd dcriog ecy i ether days of tpe week wjce left at je 1 lfcgaria stors will receive prompt tttentiar t j 1 icithesox axtobxetat ut- solicitor in chsc eery tc osce l l bexkett destist george- totcoet n tj fisher t s- georgeto wk oat ttlli vlt actoa even vv-ices- day an iriil tttcnl to all calls pertsiniajj ohisfbeaica orders left at ifcgarvias drug tore till receive prcnpt ttteatio terms raolerate- t- fisher b yr krsa the mutual life association of tixada he1d office hjueiltosc oxt foliciss gn the kesegve fuitd fltk ied by this company only and ctipyrijht coataio a pjain statement cf thearoonnt of order on the sbcrtefct notice tad most i cih yaltze ofpudnp inscrance the policy- f hoder iriil fe entitll t- receive if discon- i ticain the payment of pretnianu after 5 10- 15 20 25 30 35 paymeatc c h koore agenf fuee peess obce hffiziscr irtm founder hxclnixt machinery of every description msde to volume vii no 9 tlie ncwtpapra map of rxuy life itt- fluctuations and itivait concenut is0 if not o paid loton ont thursday september 1 1881 whole if or 341 wh storey b0nr aqtom oht j glove manufacturersr the ivst description o glots and mxns in every variety of ujitsriix itsi slyla aw nioiiuf actarvd by us 2s teat sldu traaftm st storeys eureka sfrikcoovtfastekerpar ve are also patentees aa4 iurtafirsf 6tartswfcasriflf clotofmtca- ot faslly cfcnowlefeed the most perfect tt7 q q aftpit unffevi sates and greit iiriuin ratttwic omos- sprsce street kew york- u s a lime grove biniiingbatn eng r- to advertisers- ffffaoiraiiiifcco select list of lcal itotstsprs a ar aca tro tcn- c mai 450 of it in tcriics ioitr stiett local lui cxffltfffert a vfart2iuiaiiti40ti0r it is set 05opcritits liat ttlsactftchoip idt 1 ltl5aaeozcstlit rhectulointatcraftliwhtthepaptt are vlin ibe dmenfthe paper is frtail la ftll tacctrrc it isiu every iusutee the bru wfcea printed in caiitaca u is tn uxlr paprllttie place tbe lut gives te popalatinnorevtri town and the crcalation olcvtfryraber the nisctmrcei for advertwcgare fcarely aneriflhthecadiiettrtschedale the price fotkincichusraes from stlosm- the priw jiroqelqeh one mouth la he entire istls6js the regular rates at tle twpers fur the fame space and llraecresr9safi the lii includes 9jtnewpaptk of which 1st srelsiueidailr aodc5 tvexklt- ttiey itre locslei in v iiatent cilie and totde a oi which icare ttaiecaplufk sd places ot l f otefxiooo iopalatlia county 8eau 1 farcapr at likt and other lnfirtaailoa ad dress gd p rvwell co l iqsptncestfxew varfc prctjcaiv watchjifaker and ewcllerr far be pi uirtoea yecrt at 6arage rfl- spectfuliy aanaonccs to tbe public that be- has just opened a first chus tlorc in tbo- above preroises where brill keep on band a full sad choice asrtment of the best watches clocks jewelleuy axu elcctcopujc fice witch repairing a specialty agent foe tbecek laccaster tdi on allworfcfrom v distance tbe retura i vrill 16 paid n s sxirg different grades and prices wlite imetai toys tqk coildbxx the free press thursa mokciso septcmberli881 fqet8v the potjit secvsons in the balmr april weather mrlovo yo fcnor wtwa the earn beipia ta rtow what walks wc tovfc together whit ntjua we breathed together whit vcwawe pledged egethcr la the day 5 of loug aco n la tbegoldeo iummcrweather my lore yoar know wiiea the mowert went to mow what homo we built tflicther whit babei we watched together wht ptaha we- planned together wiett the ki wem all aglow i m la the rainy aattitha- weather my lore ycu kriaw wlwa the wiuda bcia toblor whife tearswerciihed together wbajfc mouddi we heaped together whajt hope wc loat toeether w ica wt uid our daxbec low i in tfc e wild and winter weather my love yoa koow t w th aar heads if white a mow wha prayers we pray together wljat feart we share together whit hcavea we icek together fo our tunc haa come to go i reasonable t-ems- eepiirin promptly ai a lister ii- cliee- jlkpjstes quebec street guelph qejlvcff amct tit iuiticwibttluflaz nilt street actoa- torncz efes erijir fmciti 1 vrnt hexsreeer for theodnticf wehiiicton an halton orders left at the frx pcb 05ice acton or at mv reiieiice iai ietoa will be drcnndtlvenlei toi ter2isrcscibl- 1 koaeyfo toak klzo raohey to focn or tile mot faromble tens and at the lowest rates of interest fii ctes cf 503 arji cptcards- oitextfs fokdcvenxioks ee- ju dihocslt and properly ecored in carj- ada the united stites and eurdpe- pa tent guireateei or ilo charge sind for prnitd mitractf ins agency in operatibn tea years hexet grist j l ottawa canida 3echiaiad cngnzcringy sobcors oc fa- eiits nd draagfcffniaii c taylor- vetercaet sue- geok georgetown gradaafe of the ontario colltge will visit acton every tuesday froni totpm all cabs received5rdmptiy anended to by- eight od ds horses boaqht and eold on cqaunissiou residence yest corner from iivery stahlegeorgetow ont jctarior i licenced auctioneer cash foe seih f- impreparqd ormy the highest cash prcfe for hidts caliskinsdeatfoas lamb and sheep skiiiydeliveredja6 xay tannery iacc jealhercoiitantiyinhaal r james 3iooee actok qleelagt plxti ha vlog opened a faint shop hi the prem ises next door to xicfchvs bakery i am pre pared to do carriage painting and aign writing of every dfccriptioc and wocldre- cpectf oil aolicit the patronage of the people of actofl and ficintty james pcott- suzmnofld to ajsar bofn the barbf hetcyou can cet an easy share a ttyluh feiireat a frotluojr shampoon or a cooling spa foam 1 1 spare no pains and girepo paia in theaecotnplfshmentof agoodehave eazori and belabors set in perfect order 4a shortest nntice t j worden barber mill stijeet acton mill street acton oney the nndereignedhab moooy -attiicdlfpxw- klfor discdanticg pood eadorsed notes at ft reasonable rate of ducoaot james atatthews acfam isxx 10th 1881 t also anew s apply of amerfcaa oiled window clotfi inch at 2oc yard at dafis bookstore ticelpb butcher- shop w c tcbin30k wionm tdtirnte ti tbe people nf acton that hetjas pnrhated thehatcher besiaers late ly carried o a by eibort storey and that he haslvaieon faandafirstclaaenoctof beelv tcrtc ijlnuotu fottltry ni came tn itzsaa kc 1 andnopesfayitirict auenuon tb to leciire a fitir hare of the patroirage oftiic ptitrilcitfcxtaellveredataoy time to any partofitjetown ttrax flash a can souesiei pesees pe05iptlt attexued to wc eobitisoii 21 t f cumtfihcs practical upholsterer ccetrn ovtxeio lambrequins cnrtalns fltadorr blinds a ad turcli cashious cleopatra chairs ottomans banueretts turkish sprine back ad xeedic wart a specialty curpclt cat slede and laid on ikr ahbrlut koike fnrnitore eeupboutered it the most eei- fioajtbekats sad id the latest style t f oummings qmuz suki wcu qtvtlph colored gold beoches akd eaeelngs setts gold brooches silver settst new styles silver lockets silver necklets gold watches diamond bines cei stone kings ksavaoes jewblleet- stoeb wyndham st guelph whitewashing and coloring wmkelsok cbewsoss cohsees 5 isjrepar ed to do all fcinda o wliltewasiliag colorin6 on the shortest notice and fttreaion obletrates ilttvc yoor oedesj t the tgzz offiw acton j ttalcible viuaffe propertr forjbale thesubscxlber bflera for sale thaftjaiiu- fntlrftaated piece of property ijlnghorluo the hrb depot in the carporaton of the village of aetoa the property contains 12 acfc mare or iefi fi oi which are la ahrh state orcojuvation and nearfy all ctanted wunfrnlt trees oi eveir dctcrlrun actf ab qc the best tarietfef tbe balance js good paatnre land with a never- tailing strea m rnu nice throoeb it on which is sitaatea a fish pond on the premises there is a twoitcry brtcfc -weunc- riearij completed contatu leg 6roomnaso bacfctltthen wttb three rocme eooct stable and shed and nrsicfasn baraand soft waier etc the atxwe woaid be a very desirable place for a retiree eeallcacn be for a m arret jcaraener terms liberal and made known on appllca uon to ell sxtder acton po pjeircaeetact eepalrsliop hoa opened a shop in rrders old stand where ho in prepared to do all kinde of wagon and drtiage repairing on the shortest notice nothing but first class material used a call solicited taforster prorse lot tor sale the undersigned offers for sale the splendid stone duelling on main st near mr c s smiths residence one fifth of an acre frith slope loose in splendid condition stable and shop on the prem ises hard and soft water wells title indisputable terms reasonable ap ply to aechllcsab kockwood po psciotulns oeaned bctt- orated hbtsolf startling discovery lost manhood restored a vftun otoauifnl lmprnaonc csnsias premt- ton dca7 fciu debility lost hmhccd etc hitiag trirf in nineraj kninra ratair bt 61 iamfi nsrikllfcn bieh b wfll ksd fbek miwlmfmlit- ii y- qgb sroar tsitso how mr8 jomes makaceo r tell me how yoti manage to get meat erery diy mrs jones i said a young married woman to her neigh bor if r call before dinner i always smell a stew of loop cooking- my husband siys i dont give hiu anything worth eating and frizzle hia money away in clops and steaks do tlie beet i can haa uater satiij and tdeclare im getting dawnricut unhappy thus speaking mrs white seated herself on the nearest chair and began to cry doa take on so theres something wrong mafy you havent been mir- ried sir tuontlis add begin to find it hard to please year husband and me ahdray richard have been mated nigh on forty years and are as happy as the days long i godknawa weve had our trials for weve buried all our little ones and have to jog on through life alone alone did i say t thats not right for weve a father and an elder brother one who carea for his child ren and one who died to save but here anj prating about myself when youve cotre to be comforttd let me see if i can lelp you i iorei your mother and id be iad to help uerj daughter iffl bring sunshine into her home if i could whats he matter ft nothing ciore than usual now tom and i doatt hit dff married life well he expects too much of me and grum bles at his hinners almost every day if i give hitn good meat he says i spend too fast if i give him no mat hes jangry sixteen shillings a week isnt enough so tcep house on and everything to find its enough aad to spare mary well managed cin you remember what youve had for dinner every day this week oh yes its easy to do that sunday ved a ood big steak monday some fiashers ont of the prime of a side of bacon tuesday mutton chops wed nesday sausages thursday and friday bread and cheese and today potatoes i dont run into debt tom cant accuse for one week i think i can put you in a way of giviug your husband a good dinner efery day with fresh vegetablus sometimes and not run into debt ufcry brighlued up will yon really mrs jones 1 and may i tell tom what youte going to do i she said tea and ask hitn to let ma go to the butchers with you but i must make one bargain which is that both of- you will be moderate and not eat mondays meat on sunday all right i agree and im sure tom will towards evening the friends went put amrkeling and mary adrised by mrs jones purchased six pounds of ujuttoti for tie weather was cold and there was no fear of the meat not keeping von buy to better adrantago if yon get a large piece but mind im allow ing you and tm two pounds imore than we had in the week said mrs jones you cant learn economy in a day itll b the work of time this meat has to serve for seven dinners with vegetables and a fw extras- seven echcedmary andallthat bone why the steak ws had on sun day looted nearly as riiuch meat as this i mein seven mrs jones answered smiling you will we how useful these bonea can fc made luw- well buy half a gallon of potatoes and a nice cabbage ill cut the meat up for you and then tell pou how to cook the first piece mrs jonea diridej the mntton into three parts the largest you tan bake tomorrow with a few potatoes aha remarked boil the abbage as well remember if yoa leave off hungry you must only eat half this meat take ears of the bones and on monday morning first thing put them j into a saucepan with a pint of fresh water and set them on the fire to simmer mary toot jrcat pains and acquitted herself so well she earned praises from her boaband and they had some merri ment over the equal division of the meat tom was so happy ha took np a good habit he had dropped for some weeks and accompanied- htswife to church instead of smoking hia pips and leaving herto go alone they heard a stirring sermon from the text b ye kind to one another tenderhearted forgiving one another even as god for christs sake bath fotgiren you and mart wile moved to open her heart to her tas band as they walked home she asked him to bear with her for she wanted to please him toms conscience pricked and he answered lisaie ive done too much faultfiudicgtuut ill try aid be kinder for the parsons words have got hold of me after all theyre gods words replied mary you see tom were growing wide apart because im a bud manager but ill improve for gcd has sent me a friend yo must thank him and mrs jones too when tom went to work next morning he declared he should long for one oclock to come to see how mary managed for i dont know how youre going to spin that bit of meat out for dinner he baid mondays allowance waa served thus tbe stock was ready for usa by the into tbe same saucepan you may add anolter pint 6f water and like out the old bones the dinner that day gave great satisfaction to tom so good was the puddisg that be called for more at suppertime mary was 6rm in refusing youre- not to eat today what u to do for tomorrow she said ive something nice for yoa and she placed a steaming bowl oa the sole with a hick 6lice of breads thats capital 1 exeliiimed tom when hphad tasted the conltntsof the bowl youre getting a regular cook whatever am i eating f sort of onion soup t got some onions sliced them up and put the or with about a pennolh of milk and soma water into a faucepau i boiled all together its fii stuff for the queen said tom tne pudding ws warmed up on wednesday and a cabbage with a few potatoes were cooked on thursday the remainder of ike meat was boiled aitd the liquor carefully put aside to add to the stock a few turnips with norfolk dumpliugs eked cut tint days meal mrs jotfeg hd to moke the dumpling and she considered she managed to do so at the cost of little more than one penny mary wondered no longer how she would provide dinners for tne week oat of the six pounds of mutton- when sh saw how much good stock shehad in her saucepan she divided tt into two portions for the remaiuing days buy half a pint of oatmeal this morning said mrs jones on friday it will make a good broth if you stir it into your stock and yon may add somemore water by way of a ohange i should soak plenty of bread in it and dout forget the pepper and salt i shall also allow yoa to make a baked rice pudding for a treat say rather youll show me bow to make one cried mary the last time fried the pudding was so bard tom declared he could hatdir get hia teeth in 1 s i suppose you allowed no room for the rice to swell just do as 1 tell yoa pat that small teaenpful into ypur dish and fill it op with milk you may add a little sugar half a pint of milk will make a nice pudding sorely a good pudding wont come out of that drop of rice mrs jones i packed mine quite tight 1 andspoilt it yon must trust me yoall find im right and so she proved to be saturday found mary with a happy face preparing her dinner alone she warmed the stock and put into h a few catlings of bacon some potatoes and fried onions this made a substantial stew and was a great improremeut on the basin of potatoes she had set before her hus band for so many stlurdays when tom brought hia wages home his wife thoed htm money in hand eras though his club and the rent were paid r jace yon satisfied wuh my arrange ment this week f she asked ive tried to do belter r the husband made noanswerbut be drew his mnchloved mary nearer to bosh h xv bnt toll oieykte tile said and couingly the soft eyes ihbns aad shyly dropped hertiodbit had batide btnrn come toll nrtlu vi jroo ldrduforij bnt od4i mora v j i th4kr sparklhifj taot was full tif lender truitidgiguce hhe did not fear hltuer msd-f- hot muiof men comc tell mo ihafbett and the wont aatb in he iumad hltves away bat closer titf her nsodbr pressed p ho ild not rswurjea tfor day a uuh eipratied mora than bunisk wprd though twa unheard iv qniok mme a burst oltean atinpat from ao april sky a nd then foryivo nrv doabtaasotfean f he baard barcry yy why should i caid what loveibo past hojninebe last tnuiius iioalor me of that do you ever buy fresh vegeufcles r i foa not often lm obbged to consider np o 0 time mary wanted if she turnedit j sod gave her such a hearty kiss into tbe stewpan and added six peeled sized onions sliced r carrotsj and the the pennies for dinners are only one j on tba previoas dij cut off young couple they both profited by meal in the day theres breaksast and tha bone8i ul a jt bar wiw tpm am be she neededno other assurance a friend in uned is a friend indeed mrs jones proved herself such to this tea and supper besides tom dieeni say much about them its the dinners he grumbles at i only wish i could do belter for im miserable i get tired of living with a man whos never satisfied and yet i love him and he loves me my dear do yoa verask god to help you to do better f no i couldnt pray about cooking yes yoa coald one reason why you and your husband dont hit off a pleasant stale of things is because you she set the stewpan on tbe fire stirred j more patient vnd mary to practice the contents well together and left all economy so that when her children to cook thoroughly while she fetched a saucepan half full of spring witer into which she put the fresh bones readv for simmering so soon as the- fire was unoccupied- theres such afameil of good things yon must have bewitched the cold meat mary cried tom who came in as the clock btrnck one be quick ive to be back in half an hour the meat wjis soon served and hii mh6tvlf grumble bkekat him instead of seeking oln an w astonished tofiu strength from your father who in u well satisfied they were in fact christ listens to uny request you make enougo wab j t0 warm np supper even if it has to do with household nh the addition of a little rice matters beginto pray today and in mrs jofeand msrir the strength of god try to reform eng 7 d jn mii 1 but bow can ij i never knew a bit padding this has to last two days j he went withont another all the days about cooking when i was married ea rt former and you mustbe j of thoweek but then tom had pnly its not too late tn learn im ready careful over your stock and not nso studied to please himself uow be tohelpyou will ydu buy your meat too much for gravy- saturday- has to somjbt to fight the good fight of faitli today s i advise i and if you trust me be provided for li came she was able to provide tor them because she knew how to- lay oat six teen shillings to the best advantage they learnt too frm the friend of friends the gospel of jesus ohrist became their gosjwl as it took firm bold of their hearts it changed the whole aspect of their home life one day tom suggested it would be bettor to have no cooking on sunday so that he and bis wife might go twice a day instead of once to gods house mary assented gladly tbesugget tion showed her how much her husband must be impressed for he had hitherto stoutly maintained fhat a working man should have a hot dinner on sunday if vy- oatwua-y- lias- y umuw hu d bw ug fat the fresh bones athiy hold on eternal life if theie is a merchant in new orleans who can sell goods at any price he chooses to fix on lliem etibe hoffenstein who keeps a- clothing sod shoe store on pbydras street n be man v i a few days ago a customer entered his estabhlshmet and inquired r y have you aoy low quarfer gaits- era f certainly my friend i hat any sdyie yon wish nnd soniediag dnt vas- rieat now here vas a pairbf pitere vat is made ui prcssian ledder de bestr kindjat was knon und i dinks dey- vill suit you suppose you dry dm on c repltedthe customer vail my freat and ill put a leedli bowder in now dry deni ah i vut pettcr felilf yoti vast dan djtl it rite flhnst is if somebody takes your j measure- its- too tight acrrisu the instp said the customer rubbing the spot i with his fingcis it vill tdfetchjat dear sir replied hoitestein fsuasivelv dat leddor fas- maie exmeaaly forstrtdlcliing bdt the shoe pinches my oee also jdot isnodrag it vill go vy df firit time it gets vet you dont vane id ouy a pair nf shoes morx as dree- stzes too big und go aroand the ladies- suit your feet looking like a gtfuple of failroad scrapers it vould be a shame jou know what do yon ask fijjthe shoes t only eeex dollars fjerosaiem thats too niuch yell my dear sir joj must recol lect dat dem shoes vas node of prussian ledder and ledder dere vas scarce my uncle dat lif der write me last veek una said dat ledder vas so scarce dey dont make bamessniit ir any longer all de harness decs b 1 now made of wool j i tell yon what ill do saidvthtj customer examining the shoe elosely til give you four dollars j myg rr aaous 1 i prussian leddew shoe for four dollars ven it costs ms more as five collars and fifty cents laidv at the depot down und dp profit on deto dont pay for too gaa my g r r acious vats de matter rait de people t well im not going to give 6 for those shoes said the custom moving toward the door they arendt worth il 7 veil my frnt take them along for m and call around waia some odor t v j v the custodier paid for uesboes anot taking bis parcel left the eu herpiau inquired hoffeeteia his clerk vat vas the cost price dem split horse ledder shoes i sbti lold de shentleman t vosy dollar ond a half sir 1 my gr racipus herman aink how small de profit vas if ptsness yon know herman dont get better it rill break all de store up rnaay 014 etpry tom marshall engaged in the trial of a case in the interior of kentucky when a decision of the judge struck him so bad ibat he rose andsaid i there never was snch a rulings that since pontius pilate presided on tbe trialof christ mr clerk ref ponded the jodge fine mr marshall f 10 fct contempt of coart i i confess yonr bon6rcontinne tom tbatwhat i said was s little harden poniias pilate but it is tie first time in the history of kehtuckj jarisprtidenco that it ia held that w b peak disrespectfully of pontius pfhisi iscooionipt of court ifc flerk mute the fine 2morv contmuoub contempt said judge v solemnly r j well jq ttobaddea mp won all tuyonoyjaati night at ftker lend rod ths twenty vi il mi clerk ctieil ftagf 1 remit tlie fcoa jfys tttfaffor- to lose the uoyhet f han ao mionjiatolatvl jctr7i it toturo lost sane cond wf rennlig trisw fp l i a k t i 4 i i vr vi m r i- ij feirpi vi

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