Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 1, 1881, p. 3

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rvv m v the fliee press ii thnenwt mohsixb it 1 issfcy 1 to the ladies t jh geo hy aov jewelry t raocy gooda storcyou can ktvtt get tuglirjjesiimort neat of bertib wools wo lcep oya- 75 ehadea iu atock vco hevctuumc the quan tity of any fflbhtr store a turn ko little itock of faded sniff kept on liiod but ill bnfhtaad fmh shades weiuudy artiting laaiia when vu uantficrku wooll u p ft iuy i rf eu ihidt berlin vool xcd croclxc vjii and otfier faucy articles oca hyiuli uk leading sure fa actoa for ikcliu uwi and fancy goadt i home news sajing and dotncs hi town aiid coanfti s xtxxb coluctzd- ira axportn jjob thf ran pess ncjitice m all satoerlbtn ik irftut which wr wi4 rtwnt hirtrprplatcaih n atdlftf i r plant a we mutt 1urt naaty l w ftr l4c imppatcmcnu- itc ttvsl iu ar pftrbt will otoatreoinjalr with r raem and wattle ibclr accaanlc september actckx lax commenced ruk would be most weloome now- t th paaiurw are badlx burat by tbe son troct fishing ended wlea scptetn- xearly ererrutidg- is suffering frotn is- oa thtreea ar drug for f i j rr- mat af ria r the le mint of watj 1 i if fasaiostias decreed tint the idioiic qctte a dumber of bud loicr appear in the cdewiilu it present me siaiuh moore cut bis thatab rerj- bsjzly with a kyth an fridij we httcent heard rfmcfi nbont the ne- prbreriis cturci ite uxt eet or 1 several of oar citiirns attccdel tbe kxsiite iiirrest home ylexdc oa fri- n iv f u the cordoviut tahdry coauntk emplart btteau or tibuca hvit st presect- j the javeaile classes of tbe acton pibticsiboolweaisaiiised at tbr oclock tiies tat ftenooc ajt iatresung programme has beea prepared for thestt act coareatioa ia ixiltoo next taediy zveet readeraiif conaicr hinieef aippomtedci3rrespcsdcnt for th fmx p send iii anylocal cewk yoa clc j spjtdar renmg eeoice wije here- aitr commence at gqlosad of g oclock as fornftriy ia the iitthaiirii cbnrcli here the fimjill bovs and eotn fore i r a co too are holainz pcsic in boir of tiit orchardi uri meloa patches ia towlishef night j- thk band plijed on the bind tand oa thursday evening t were nomeroai oa willax atreet aai boaer areae woclds tt do sit a wgh if he eet lamps were lighted aa fccir or to later tan atprewctadtfcaiaaoeacjasideriua i ttnmibfc ool the oakrije elgrw now sports a new dress ce coagzxtclafe yoa bro amos on tiw ixpprpreffieot may yea ci- tinne to proeper ayalffof baseball ras played oa tbadctlfiiroands jietween jarecite actoa and iimboae dale thefojre ota 7 to i m favor of aetoa i t the good tempuiods of tlis tawa u fast increaaa itc membership fire new members were initiated list ihcrstfay erenincsfiltoa xace- thxre are percous coenj aroand aehinc shoddy cloth in the coanty we wmld remind oar farmere tcfbv caret al or they may be badly duped t j itesses e kjcilin fc son are now in the market bo ymz inr qaiiitityif pcis earieycdeye which they will pay the higfast market price to he deliyexd at the gt e sutioa 1 jtessefl w h storey k sou bre jolt iaaeda iithographeoi card inre colore eujht by tec inches in sice repesentfng different etyles of the eareka glor faaten- er and the manner of usidfr them the toronio teugram bays the example set by the medical men oi guelph in aeclinine to attd fanerait u one hicu miht well be follflired by nreaibra of the profeuxon eliewhere- a doctor at the head of a fnneral pnjcehfoa alwayt looks like a tailor uiiatj totna his wort atojt is about to lose another of bertur daacbtera a little bird tells c that a uajikraaue wedding will ttk place i in the methodist church of this- village next toeaday evening one of the cootract- fng partiea hing a resident of actop woo derif any of the fair fez ip own will he vkelr to attend ma w p brown ban removed to fcit itore on the cotdeof tjiu and wflbw ireet lately purchased from mr j jv maun- the ttorc bcjo mach career thon the ope vacated mr brownv etocfc showi to halter advantage he tella na he trans acted a largely increased bnsineaa in tbe oewitand onsatarday mrs bobt sloan of esqfiminjf with berinfantdaagfator arrived in pajmerston on thoraday last on a rhrifc to hernister- un gambje- on friday the child was at tacked tyeammeresnnlaioi inoammatnry diarticei tapervened n oqwofiday morning tbe bercbved mother retprntd home with the lifeleaa body of her bsbe pajmers- ton telegraph uvstchs tlflcf wuuilu good for yov btuoy ukad tba ucw advertisematuaia tlia the fatmart aco pi-ojaring- for ill nocdlag boiwiix of educxliott tueett tu tbo school hotiecoa monday ctrcutn tttk fhuc paafe iaha end ot iho ycaraa trial torlwcalyfiro cents mil afiatiti swackhammer is bnild- iat a bricii hatucoa youubt ncargudph st tun majanlv of tbe urntere m this vicinity arc prvjiactac for the pall eiuoi tioin olr atory tbia wcok it of speci iaurcat to uewly i laarticd hotiecxtyea kcadit 1 a coccle of tudtaa tranina vere iu uiwa oa saturday tky war fat lay loobiag falkswa a kuirota of oar ritiienrieft on the ckfuniou tc detroit and port harcu oa tutsday maruing- mr jtzuy mtttthewa commenced hopiicticg ou monday about t5 pickers rave bta employed each day the town hull bylaw w carried aud the nest step trill lc to cuoime a suit able site for uepropesed baitiiag 1 friktess ktv fond o apples and pesrv and hope tfay will not be forgotten when the liberal hearted fareer cometh to tovn the canadaglovh works are doing a very brs hasioet this yea durinp the iist raowth they hippcdoveru000 worth oe twd a fipecral meeting of the ciuuty coancii wis held rb friday- to- take into cmsideration the ira bridge over th tarelre mile creek the beat on tuesday last was very eieessice the taermoaieterranging from 90 to 100 degrees in the shade during the grettcr part of the diy half i dorn georwtowq ewelu ruitcd actouoa sacdty mi vchea ther wenthbae tbey vere leatly drank where did they get their ulufcey jwxxg to tbe continued frontb some of ih farciers to this riciuity ire obliged to drive their cattle to tbe creek tauutnc throe tbe vilhge to water me fraocis ruddell of esqtiesing eowed i co it of new variety of winter wheat kit fall and bis jt tdrefhed s5 buhhcu of lirstcliss k hcit frum it mijtcn xaa mr ey garrets anctton eile on safiardav afteraooa wjj well attended tie h3sehoid fcrciture bniagbt rery fair price mr john miller of etesiu parchaed the reel estate for s7w we would like to e every fellow btlo drirec throsgh the treets faster tbxn t wtlkwhea the dtat ic two incles tlick tiken btfore the tqnire and liced o uucrx clearfield pa so woald we persoks baying gardexe should keep a sharp vatch ah them these aight sncik thievts areaid to ia bpratiog in torn the oikville tatulird thinhi thjt cn luidtd with ttit is not a bid tiling with which to receive scch elisors av rchane fays we are told that wbcacrokn by itr jolin mcmillan of hornby thu tejuou ceiglrs nearly cs ihc to the bsihel if this le true the tc heat is hearier than any grean in this jocahty for yerc a gektle thewer very qqierfel on fritky evenicg after- the retnlt of the to ten hall bylr electioa j rrar tnnrd it was apparently sent to cool off those who allowed themelv to lecjtse ercited orer the qceiticn at iucfc uocderif it had the deiced tfiect accxtitts of tbcjr indebtedness have been sent to nearly all oar subscribers who are in arrears requesting to remit promptly awl cheerfully ewepaptrs are like mor tal they have to be fed and though tbey gire a fiod dtzl for nothing thev expect a little in return the aaiiarf meeting of ixalton scott act association will be held ia the tuva ef31 ixiltoa oa tceiday stpteiaber cth there will be a iorerooa and afternoon eeisiqjn and apablic fneeticg in the evening wuicb will be addresied hy prof foster and d b caisiwlai a fire occuried on tbe farm of sir adam bowinauzitnraermin between twelve and one oclock last saturday night all the eeaaone jay eaz cnthreihed peas a cew reaper tte were destroyed lose apoat s500 partly covered by insurance the fare is eappofied to la the work of an iacenixyjcfutmfaon j tostitrwere isrned inat week tan noancing that mr wm rlcctop iat4 of eden milbi- is prepared to pay the highest cash price for grain of all kinds delirered at acton station we enderstand hat mr tfortop has pcxrehisei from mr gpldie of gaelph the storehoase at the gt h ata- ticn wbertf he will store hu rrain tr ffortopis practical man and will nedoabt pay tlie highest paces and bnild dp a good hasiness here mecsas enees gara tbe employees of his tannery a picnic on satarday he provided conveyances for all and twenty dve or thirty participated in the days en joyment the company left here in process ion aboat 730 an aodpoceedad to milton theyhalted at ai crove on the manntain below speysideand partook of a inoch pro- yidedby mrs knees when thie was coii- clsded they proceeded to milton where a sumptuous dinner was partaken of at the wallace hoasc after dinner they went across tc hornby then op the seventh hue tofaibgrave and ftuwarttown thence to georgetown and from there to silver creek arrifog home abont 9ociock in the even ing the roads were verydnsty hot tbe participaata of mr- knees hospitality are load in their praiee of the treatinent re ceived at the hand of thefr employer thee little luaddeues from employers go far with tbeir empj winning their confidence wbdotno uhr next tliogday vnlaobcounoh moots aexl tuesday thr toronto industrial fair opens nert monday tub atiuosphera ia fujh of smoke from baili hui tiichr tt- ooniderable talk over the tdmi hull byuw 0 friday spoirt8iux indulgp in pigooa sboot- ing wjien they can fled the pigeon a ilyelyaiumtviai w done by our tncrchiuta ou saturdayaztettioon and vn teleoraru utoa bare been railed to wcatyn cent for ten words in both offices mfc jattxwiidie family intend leaving for manitoba in about a month to join him a hcwely yount girl has tba con aolauoo of knowing that rf nha lirea to be 0 shell be a prttty old girl there were between 15000 arid g00i6 visitors ou the grimsby camp grriuda ao wcdneaday cth nit jbus banyan has leased the city hotel guolplu another part of the pil grims progrcas we suppose ifamiltou moxdarr afternoon express from the west was made up of elcvaa ears three of which wcrapulmins two eugiaes were attached j j tim facs waola to know why there is not a poundkeeper appointed for miltotf what couventctice have they iu lh coanty town any way 1 thc ptatracied drouth has hurt the crape crop and many vines in and abont town that parher in the season piomised aa abundant yield of large trait ara not going to realiae eipcctatioaa the tilluge butchers have discarded ill their spring icalcs and are now using lever balshce scale instesd the latter it a grat iraiiroretrent and is much fairer to boh batcher sad cuitomcr tile uemwrs of the presbyterian and lagiiitt- charch sihtiath schools held a very successful picnic in keeve smiths gnire yesterday afternojri- au eapyed thtiaevea to the ntmoat- with swb croquet foot ball etc we cup tbe following from the flint micht democrat s galbnith for nearly two years city editor of the zjfkkxtrtf leaves for biy city on mocday ti tatethetnrition of editor of tee daily yicaof thatcity the friends of mr gal brxith a ho was tt one time editor of thir joarnal a ill no dnsbt with him every iejc- ces in hu lew held of ubor we trust yoa will find it ft good tit stove mas scott wife of mr j scitt itiinter of this village metwith a serere accident oamouday i5tu ult mrs scott tent to burlington sitb friends from getjrgctawik oa the union s s excnriioa train ou that diy and with the reit of the frienti got off at the brant uaatc altec t jitue consideration the pirty concluded to go on to the oan hoa lut by this time the train had started and inendcaoriegtd get on giia mri scott hnt her hold of the railing tud tbe motion of the train threw her down aad iuio a cattle guard by the fajl che spraiced berfoot rerybadiv aad it was only t broach the ticjely asiutance of a couple of gentlemen standing by that she wzi tared ftoai wore injuries sie return ed to georgetown where she remained until thnriday iait still humming post office store actos is the puce to gjt groceries hardware crockery glassware c cheap j srae our 50c ts worth 60c in green tjncoiored japan black other grades at equally good value coffee ip- rio java and mocha fresh ground and delicious sugabs notwithstanding the advance at old i prices just arrived ch klcsl uii most fuiilotuue ialgn in x ea 8 ett com lad im thorn glassware in great variety a nice gobm for 65 cents per do a nice gjjfibs 8ktt 6pieoes tor 60cl salt by the bahasli knives forks spoons shovels spades foeks fron j to g prong hinges nails etc and hardware cheap come and see our stock and leaxa this we wont be undersold and b0xt you forget it 111 idgfes mffias gliwaswe -of- j b pearson paints qilsj vai jlid rwnftct nisiies etcj eto femonals mrs cornell gtboperator is visit- ingfhehd ia widder miti xcllie watson returned home from luuiuel onilauday iait lire cvholen of indtanspohe lad is the gaest of mrs s a stcxiid mrs a a secord of ifamiltan it the gcest of her son mr aler secord mrs james warren of kincardine u visiting her friends in thl ricinity mr charles bange and family left fo their home in kew york on monday mr alfred boomer of li n wood e pent a coauleof days last week with friends here mrs a w green has just returned from a two weeks visit with her friends- la nelson mr henry f hill left for oikville yes terday where he has obtained a ritdatioa in a dru store misses bella and jennie cooper of glen williamsj spent a few dyi this week with their acton friends mr- thomas watson retarned from the toronto hospital last week his leg ia no better than hefore he went mr vvhl mcrionald of trinity medical college toronto spent several days daring the week with his friend here mr taos mcmaakcn who left for ireland a couple of montns ago retarned home last evening he had a pleasant voyage we are glad fo learn hat rev j h lowe has almoafc recovered from his recent illness he j attended service iu hia chnrch on sandsy mr u tlendersons danghter alice re tamed home- on satorday evening alter a two weeks fiait in glencoe she was on the paasecger train that was wrecked at brealaa l mr thomas elibage tad family have re- turned from jgraveahurat ti acton it is almost invariably the case that people who leave acton for a better place retarn aooner or later to their native home uesazsf w h storey and wife m speight and wife james moore and miis lottie speight apeot so tarda 7 and sunday at the ortmsbycampmeeting theygreatly enjoyed the varioua services held daring their visit mrs g d manson who has been visiting friends in scotland da nog the past year retnraed home on thursday evening her fathers tesidence waa decorated for the occasion aod n few friends wore inrited to participate ia tha reception au ercsllent repast waa partaken of and a r lea ant even ing was spent consisting of social pames and amnsementi friendly conversation and ended with a half lionrs tripping of the light fantaaric tftf the company dtspen el at a jeaannftblft jionr at jibm60ar the wonderful man jt7st beoeived one case lqvelynew prints eemarkable goods unusually cheap superior material knitted eve2fika sblitvl one caae of nice new klcittedevenimr shawls very comfortable for the cool eveniiwa now settinit in lovely shades extremely cheap black and colored silks one cace of elegant qualities in ladies black and colared silks a treat prices avrfally cheap two cases black cashmeres the richest and undoubtedly the best goods in guelph prices fully 20 per cent under reeniar value- v colored empress cloths one case rich colored empress cloths colored cashmeres and the princess suitinr8 beautiful goods entirely new mourning goods an immense assortment in any class of mournina goods we make a specialty to always keep this department very oomplete j vl our millinery department k is busy at any tima of the eeison indeed we have been compelled to keep almost oar foil staff of roang lady artirta up to the present- 2073 trimined hata and bennets sold thia season tremendous work we only keep the finest ar tistic taste that money can obtain the young ladies in this department are extremely obliging and taiepletsoro ia rendering assistance in every way aii of the a6ove are new purchases made by mr david hore in the british markets london england mot mmu me gtjelth ont summer dry goods v r and boots and shoes i r commenced august 15th and eon- tinues until every dollars worth of summer goods is sold l i it willpay everybody to atten this aale early as weintend rttsh- i out all the goods possible wlth in the next two weeks in order to- make room for fall stock see posters for class of goods and prices -v- w hughes griffin acton kijg gf thfe dry goodsx e radford e r bollert j b iuiaiiloa tie lions pqlify 7- substitutes r i w tv pnblic are cautonedtgahgt a custom hia it trontr anfe cwnrn f latp gmonca certiin cla ffmiirpcdralers and hch i ins wlen atkett i r a botl- rblltklllprrlhey m d diwiver hat out but have annther article jmt as l- which tvy yrih supply at tw sarno pieff tpc nhjfct of this deception is transnarrnt- there sntintf a are made up to sell on the treat re rattation of thef alnknir and beiog comnymded of ihetleat and cheapest drags are bought by the dealr at bbt half ht h- rwft tht genuine f alnklllfr thief enabw him henfnrc to rale a few cetits mft rnvit pr b tme the iiuitatinn ajti he can en the p nltne foa cholera uoeeusciuhps jum ail stnimer or iowel complaints perry davis pairrkilter it cbfies al instaxflt vn rty kiuatirfttiitr9crrt5chlnitwrria t tnj it ceo tjoptcumj i rzi uktleatre therefore cueapub ifou ey au medicine deatcrai vihs rs purposes aggressive thbrtigotitioin bicb hve ben earned on daring tbe pnat two cnodtbi etwet the lion and manufacturing and commercial centre in jtngland scotland ireland bvanbej germany tbi 0nipd jjtte al candare about complotd antt bfive recited inbupplyirlj tee rapiciooa demand of the lion tttbtli aoali extensive and complete stocks of t t j stable o faifcy dt gopisi clothing hats caps fur goods mvntijes mili err carpets aov that it lias ever been bi 5pd fortune topia ben onr itook waa thoroughly cleared out dtiringhhetwma qum oah disconrit sale during jnjy left t atisoltrmy tona ajp to arry over we coilinienco the fall 6f 1881 with tl resbeat and choiteit aaaortmenl of goods that baa erer boon offered fe tbe roval citt ih 8bri atwll be to pvt6 nie luoa ndooantrr tbtton vlieaifxsmv tidsoebmlufi 4boiey w haiiw4 i w ramendoua umb 0ur tneiof evsjy taatily in cftf ij weba4lnte unlf jor aeore and hundreds of wiles arud va we aliail se to it that tbe lil s maiir6 mora thxn evw infivoudpreeoi inenoe le ujdiug jioum xi earn ubanriothf ureas i drv bimda maror the maaaea we nayha root5wji hare tua means aad are have the oualoa ra fl ri dealing -a10lnviejlowii- tbe abekevoitirjwtiroiiii t j- idisv dnci stationery tdpactsi a

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