v -thb- v 1 l v ji pubtrihed every tirursda uorxrxg si moore editor proprietor j atxixx take kks sqvsr ifexldborlo meuoliucuareh mulslrtds adonvht tcrus tlio fkcil be seat to jfaucriber postage paid for uu nor n- awn in advance hv if not so rwd ka paper discoutiaued till ail arrvsr uro pftid xcpt al uie opuoa of tiio pabltsber aitrtltrsiy iunsjr casual sdciitfesc bqcats cetts per lino or tuo iksl iuwr- tioa iad 2 ceau ir lire for tacli subso- 4 ae tit insertion t caii lrofcyiiaid cards wlines or less- t00 rr annum 1 square 12 lines 1550 rr annum payable iit 6 months frradato of inscitiou any special koiice the oltjyct q wbjeb is to proaiotc fiie jyuuiin- benefit of any individual oc tfampaaa to bo coaydored ai advertise meat tiic nuaitxr oj lines rockoksil bv flie space occupied racssuced by a scale of cfiktr oat cojamaoro joar cat wlaraunne year 5 rear 0a couitiia sir couluc half etjumn fir months qartercciqrunfirmoqths o leealamu three montlis half eolqiun three taunt hi quarter colunitfcr aianiuic adreranntktithuitfiiccicc directions tin be inserted uilfwrwd and chmciconi faxlr transitory advertisetratau cms be fld in advane cnanccs lor contract advertipernenta must fre to tbe office oy sarmoa muriiuve other- lmihcyrul be ln over uu lac lollowiac week j a i koqre kllurpnprletar ssw dj01 i0t s3gj 12 06 ajo 12 m ttrt this pappr prvfr5dcatfedtowp i rio rftrcn llartilt gjc kmwer art trrtialasfeiivajnsjrtwsiltiltrtr itilr xcttcuiijltcadcfcrltic new vukk k ftivf ice the canada advcrtiflrc ana w xo 2 klcc st wc toronto u xrr h lowiir a b m c p s t grsjuil- cftrinity coua iteai- office and resiicce at the hcii of froi- tricfcst ico m stegarvnr 3e d it c p s j31 ruiaiw of yicjotia ccrrcrsitr k2i rist artec oa tuesdir and fndiv froni 2 td t p a if hs services arc- rcjcired daricanv cchirdifs of tbe tt clictf lft sr j e ircgirtiq drn store wiltrehe prompt atttios j itithesox attokxdrit lit sokcitcrin cimcocry ic office text door lo willices hotel hiltoa libekkeit dektlst gecrge- tairo oec tjfistleb v s geohgetouic ont irill irt arlcr tcry wedne- dijsnl will attend to ail c3u pertaining bbisprffciiieil orltrslcftiit hcgarrins bru store vrill rcceive prtrspt attention terrca nioieratc i tjfkner r w kikg gglnger- tron fntint- fr yjfft imacaiaerr of evefr dkcripjfla made to crder the sabri potic tad laoft tftasoaue tenas eejairiag promptly at- funded t3 k lister 5l ciatik baelilster quebec street guelph fckjlsca offlxtahjihbctttcttidlni mut bcreer xctorx astomci ofckevxat feidit ttt5c hemsxeeei licensed aucticmeir tor aecouities of wellington and haltoa orders kft at ths fisx pkees osice acton or at my residence in axfon will be promptly attended to f terms reasogblc i lfoaer a loaa also money to ban on the most f7arahe terms cad at the lowest rates of in stuns of 5 500 ar daptvard f interest pitekts eokiktenoks exee dfiiorslt and properly eeccred fa cia- fcda the cuited stites and europe pa tent guaranteed or no charge- bend for priatod latnicaans agency in operation lea he1 grist t ottawa canada mecbaafcal eagineeriny solicicere of pa feats aad draclitfmatii c tateos veteftrkaey 6ur- f oe0k georgetown gradaate of the ontario veterinary college willviit actoa every tuesday f lto i pm adi calls received promptly attended to by night or day horsea boogat and sold oh yi residence west cornerfrom livery stabie- georgetown ont c tayixr jtiieenseo auctioneer ictsfoiisklnb- iansrepared to pay the highest cash prcfe ifc hide callmns juecoas ijamb andsup bkfns delivered at ray tannery lace leather constantlv on haad1 v jailes m0oee actox iff qmajage paisxcsra ha flag opeqed a paint shop in the preai- tsea aert door to xickjula bafceryj i am pre- psred to do amagepaotiji aad eiga writing of everj descripfwn and woald re- flpetfally solicit the patronage o the people of actoa and yicinity jame3 scott i summon to appear befcro thb bae vthere yo can eet an easy share ityliih kairctit a trothiiiesliarapoob or aeonlinj ea foam i spare no pains and anno pain in the accomplishment of a fltwashare razors and scwors set in perfect order 6n ihorfestnofice 4 worden barber irmul street aewn oney tleondertirned has oonef at bit dispos- al for discdtinios rood endorsed notes at a reasonable rats of dizconot ajie3 matthews aeioa uaj 10th i8sl terms 100 fa ativans z7 acvspapsra ifapo busytfe it fluctuation anditi vwl concerns ftlsoff not topald- voluijieji vil no- 10 2t aoton ont thursday septembers 1881 whole no 342 whspreysonr aoton omt glove mainifaotiirersr tlio best description of glorss aadirntj in every varictvof material and ityle are maaafaotured ly ua net jewelry store st wut su wysliia st the free pieggj re thcrsdat itontso soptembar 8 i ssi fesrsr storeys eureka spbjfigcloye fastenerpat w art also jpatcnieea and iiitcritora cf stow busa spriaff ojw fsrtsa- z josdj aciiowledged uielraost perfect fisteuer in oj patcatsd in canada tio dnited states i jid greas britain fcucias ornces spmco el t kew vorku s a me grower binninguajk eagr q35 f scltrt list to advertisers of locil itovapajir fit adfritfr z ixg r jii if jli r rrii let txatt sso of it tlu lift trrtifl iocr sdict local lift paiiivtf better i1 tvor tsuulsltiflotioff adtotfbsfifftfiid- j it u mt aj ccratitfl llfit it- is so a sic ip liit it is sazbzcst lrt the cxulojae slttc tract irvlitthe pa pert ire uuen the nmenf ise psperlp tinted la fclc tcctrpc it is in evety instance the beft wueii erintcdldcapitxltltlstufl osnt peptlltit place the ii t give the popojatlnn o every town and tbe ctrcuuuott ativerrparcr the rateccbatted foradvertilln jtre 6arclr onefifth the patnisliers schedule the priv for clhcle ptauf racec f rom st to u the price or one inch one mautlt in tbe entire ifftls3 th reynlar rate oc the rprc forlhe tame srrrce and tlmearcgtwo11 the list includes 93s newspapeib of cateli ikt arelssned ouu aad weefctt- tfaer are located ta ts diaereot cttleasd townf of which ware huieccpualf so places of ocr500i fxipalitifrr and tc county keau far eopr of liktl and other infnraauon ad dress gop kovteliaaco 1 10 spruce suxew vert wm -s- sajith pkactit at tvatchh1ker and jeweller for has past sixteen years at eatagea re spcctfullj- aanoticea to fie pablic tliaf lie- has aat opened crstdaas sforo in the abova premises there he will keep on haad a full and choice assortment of the best watches clocks jeytellerx ixo rxcraortrc fine watch repairing a specialty ageat for lha celebrated lancaster watch on all wort from a distance the retara charge will be paid the mutual- life associatiox of cakada tteld office iliullto x o xt cflreraaiat fiojoilt over 59300000 polfcies on the rcstevi fcxd plik ucd this corcpinj oalj andeopf rigctl contain a plain itateffiet2t of the aewant of cish vaiaj of piiiopinssraace the policy holder will le eahltld v rceeicc if discan- tinaing the payinfdt of prenziams after 5 10 15 20 21 zi s5 paymeufs ic h p moore aganf fttee peess ofttce i acton reofetfltfg of schools i btg kew stock op kea4cr ten boofes sra co pr bookg asd ali books use ur both the v city axd countryschoola at diys fiokstore celp0 butcher shop w 0 robinson woald intlmt to tr people of acton that he has pnriaret tlicrwtchctbaefnrfb jute- ly cirri ej on bjirtobertftorey ani that he tias alwaiaaa uaadacretcufsfwcjcof beet forte haitian paalfrj- andcaniera ana hope byrtrlet suentfra to fcmtats to t a fair tbjre of the patronage of de patue metaeltcredttaoy time to any part of tue town loi tcrtoi oaei r a oaii solicit cl qkdxas froihttlt attcxdrfi to w c robinson r goods r r oumuings practical ttpaolsterer ccerph ovtxkio lambreqain8cnrtan window blinds and oliurcli cushions cleopatra chairn ottomans ilaoncretts tarkfstihprlne back and xeedie wort a specialty chrjxte cut made and laid on ikr ukaricd notice fuhutore reijphoiilered at the most hca- sonable kates and in the latest style i t p oammikqs qutuc street witt ctujph colored jgold br0ches aifd eaeiickgs setts cow brooches silrersettg newtrler surer lockets silreraeckletg cold hatclies dfamoad kings eta stone liines jjrblieky6toeb wyndham sfc- guelph whitewashing anisjcolojarngf wm elsoxa ceewsds coesebs irprcparedmdo allmndflofx wliltewajjiac colobix6 on the ghortestiiotice and at reason- v- h ra 3tjeae your o ivzst at lie free press office acton t s5l6thii iff cleaned ben- rated w gstelsojst tjtalvkllle nilaare propcrtr i tbe iabseriber oflers for fale that beantl- futlj- ntnated jiece pf property ij i n north o the titbf depot la the corporation of lbs village of acton- tjie property eouutm 12 ten more or lest k ot watch are n a bleb state of cultivation aad nearly all ranled with fruit trees of eteiy detciiitln atll all of the best tariellcf the balaoce s rcod pastarelandf wthaaeveriallidgttreamrun nioctbroaeh ft on which is iituatea a usi jjond on the trerolaes there le a twoitory brtckdieula srwmasobaekkftchea with three rocaif good etable and bed aad hrtcfa bard apd aoftwateriete tba aoove woaid be a vry desirable place for a retired eauena or for a rnaraef cardeaer terms liberal kad nude fcoowh ob appuca tloato uli ssxdkrt acton po jjetv carblati hepalt pkop as opened a shop in ryders old stand here he ia prepared to do all kuida of wagon and carriage rpatring oti the shortest notice nothing bntfirbtrlaes material aaed a call solicited t a forster i rrotsl lot for sale the iradeirilftntd offers fof sale the iplendidatone dwelling oa main ht near jcro h smitfavresideooo one fifth of in- acre mui storie house in iplendid condition stable and shop on the prem ises hard and soft water wells title indifputable terms reasonable ap plyto t f aecflilokab kockwjopdj po to- the iadie- when utlsafo loan and credit low j aad things are was they can bo l aadbaolu up down with sadden blow aod uaubt is ifire bat penary i wheu jpato iuliis private dea looks 8a1 aad carafe ss abcar bccauic bit foods are jqwto tliea hear ladtct of juar debts beware 1 your floreeoas atra of acw sillc stalt will surely do a ttcoad time of bats aad bouofluyoavc cnuub i voar jackets too are m their iriino- kb need to rua up little bill because yoar last sro yet not paid xar multiiy a thousand ills by briogilii otlierc to their aid i toa se how p iters rofeed brew is gmmed with lises of care and ritl tbe eaase is plaia and even now if is ease ice ma qajte beyoad relief his iaeoaie jast n haadred uoaadr is dothing thca a lhousaads dm things really art beyoad all beaadi the reutja ladies lies with yea sonnaj waats alwayt say so many things we vavt to bay r aad money ruca to fast away i that we cant pay althooifli we try and so tbe bilk jcatrrov and grow like maahmoois only oat to good aad rater paces tosad fro hif-aanctaai- in a horrid awodt i taiafewo oniiaut micht refraiir j from baying when voa cannot pay f the reason in to crj plain that maaey runs so fast away t restrain eipenses stay at home slsk pater hapijy if you caa aad thca whatever crash may come pater m will be aa hoaeat maa 1 startling discovery l08t manhood re8tofted a vlstim of jwuinil unjsrnjeiice earning prema- to decsrmenw deblut lost msanooa etc srma a simple selenn which to iu seed fiieb qua stout zbcceb i jealous jennie vovabeesvnjitrtedjaat a twelro raontii come nert friday havent wb fencw mj dear f juib a twelve month jahn he was itanding in- the doorway my hirdsooje yoang- haaband with hia dinnerbatfcet on lis arm his honest eyea airaglov with lore and delight justa twelveiuonth and tire got brtyiai weii aawife oh jennie girl im the haijie8tman alive come seta and kisa me be faro i go and ell me what yon would like ma to give yon on the anniversary of oar wedding day whats the nse joln said i aa i received his fciaa yoii know we havent au extra ahillirgto sre so i do but woil piay a make believe aa the children do what would you like to hive provided yea eoald have it 1 speak out girlie i laughed and fell to thinking let me see theres so many things t want john ti hard to decide bat i think ill take that pattern of brown silk flat we looked at down at wilsons the other day all tight and what for babyt oh a christening robe of course my husbands brown eyes danced poor jennie he said im afraid youhnot get em unless we keep np our game of mafcebolevo by by take good care of biosom and- with an other kisi far us both he was gone i i got baby to sleep and set to woifc cleaniag my kitchen and baking tarts we could aotf afford to keep a servant johns wages being small and i had all ths house work on my bsntfa bat i did not mini it at ail i loyediny huablnd and ho loved me and a happier couple did not live in the midst of ray busy work in comes miss dorcas dent an old friend of my mothers an old maid too was ifiia dorcas a great scoffer at matri mony and at mankind in general so yon are hard at it jennie she said sitting down and throwing back her bonnet atrinjra a drudging yourself to death and that child in your hands too suoh a thin handsome lass as yon nsed totie and look at you now 1 a poor fagged slattern what a fool ye was to marry jeiinie werent ye now v ko indeed miss dorcas id do the bums thing over again tomorrow 1 1 bah such simpletons as yon lasses sire l well youll open your ayes to the truib soon enough a working your barrds to the bone mid spoiling your good looks as if any man that ever had breath was worth it i say why dont john keep a hired girl 1 he csnvafford it mias dorcas cant he maybe not hasto squander too much on his own pleasure does be i no indeed i answered indignant ly john never squanders a penny miss dorcas shook her ample aides with ssrenstio laufiten btevor bquauders a penny f ehe howm aod buret into lean coraejennie gather np- the child and ill go ihome with yon said my father no dont you feel cheap t it did not p l supreraeiy happy home we trudged through the dark and rain- john met n at the doer wbn hew you are jennie he cried youve given me a terrible fright i was just shotting uo to ooine in searoh of you she not worth the trouble john put in my father and then and there he blurted out the whole story i forgive me jjohn i wbispered ha bent forward anil kissed me- nothing to forgive jrnnie the fact is via rather pleased to see you care so much about me sorry lo lave mide you suffer thoogi it wa witm i should- have enilained before but you see jeunie wanted to shrprise you btt we will haveifoirt torrrght ive been doing alhtle eitra work you see i wanted tho money to bur the anniversary gifts here they are to morrows the day but tonigjit will r aawell re pat hem in my jap the gloany brown- silk that i had eoreiedi the embroidered masjin for babys robe i laoked up aith bnmming erea oh john now good you are 1 but ret my happiness be perfect mies rcaa says she saw you walking with i tea she did he interrupted with old mrs grimes i built her green house that was tke extra work jinnie father langhcdhf buttoned op bia coat ywr a good natnred hnsband john hs laid soe deserves a soand scolding for being each a little goose but 111 not scold her uid my either and goes galavanting round the town with other women and ye asittin at home darning stookinga dont tell meabcv em jennie these good husbands i know em- i havent got these two- eyes for nothing didnt i see john only night afore last a- walking don town and another woman hesido him i john i i gasped my john i oh you must be mistaken i never mistake twaa your john and who was the woman f cant fell didnt see her face j when john came hometo supper i determined to uk him but a feeling of shame kept me silent while we were at supper and the roiaote he was done he arose and took down his hat why john i aeted are yon going out again 1 and it is raining too so it is but i inuat go icnight jennie what for john f his- eyes iii and be turned front me in evident confusion well yon see tfoat ask me jennie i promised to go thats all but i shunt have to go again mayiw my foolish jealous heart roee in my throat and i stood hurt and silent john kined me and kissed baby in hercrib then he took off hia hat and threw it ona chair if you etont feel too tired little wife you might fasten in that sleeve lining 111 wear ray thick coat to night he was gone and v after clearing away oar small table i sat down to think and soon made myself miserable enough at last i thooght of johns coat and picked it op to mend it it was hit best- coat which be has only taken for common wear a fe days before brushing do the coat i heard the rustle of pe per in thi i breast pocket jbosbafld with bis dear hands on my la there a wie joyaj enoogh an bead and klnerer keep another secret feminine enongb to refrain from prying from her between married hearty into her husbands pocieu when she haa a chancel i drew the rnttlinjr paper forth it was a note a dainty throe cornered affair with a rosebud on the broken seal i looked at the loocea at direction john danton my own tiusbanda name writtentn fine femin ine chatttclers a sharp pang pierced my- heart a mist dimmed my eyes what woman was this who dared to write to my hustjand t i moat know i had a right to know i tore open the tiny sheet i n i rieirist jorcr do tot fail to come to night i aoi alone and shall look for yoa- i could not read another word a blindness like that of death dimmed my eys a fairt horrible sickness crept over me miss dorcas had told me the trnth john was untrue to me and i had bred him so 1 i crushed tho fatal note into my pocket and caught up my hat and cloak come baby i sobbed driven ont of my senses for the annate by the terrible pain we will go and when be comoa he will find ns gone i gathered up the little one and wrapped her in a heavy ahawi then we left our cheerful fireside and set out lo rough a pelting rain why what in the name of wonder had brought you out tonight cried my father as we entered the sitting room 1 and youve brougbt the child too i whats upf i sank down beside my mother and began to sob oat my misery my head upon tny breast j john untrue v repeated ray father is that what you ate driving at oh lbera should be no eoueealraeats good night jennie taid father im sorry for you im sure- yon feel cheap i only felt rmtrtterably bappy tie ssotor sold i l3onre time ago a very amoafng sell was narrated is tbe pages of a maga zine a physician being summoned to attend a misers wife in her hut illness declined to continue bis visits unless he bad some legal guarantee for pay ment as he knew by experience the slippery charaoter of the husband where pecuniary obligations were concerned the miser thereupon drew up a docu ment formally promising after hagging over the amount that he would pay to dr soandso the sum of rif he cures my wife stopfeaid thedoet icannot undertake to do that i will treat her to the boat of my abilitiy but she is very ill and i fear she will not recover i j so the sentence was altered to for attendance upon my wife kill or cure the paper signed and delivered oyerto the physician his skill was unavail ing and the patient died but when tie bill came in the widower quietly repudiated the debt in toio in vain was it represented to him that tbe doctor held bia legal acknowledgment to the latter sued him for tbe amount in perfect confidence of gaining tbe day the miser did not dispute the circnm stances in court but requested to see tbe document which he then read aloud with great deliberation hrtenw on free preu mothers cannot begin tda early to- instill tempewnoe principles iato tlreir childrens- minds even then it often impu8sible to save their loredones fiom- a drunkards fate men are selfish mortals the best oftliem l ajnioihcr may spend the best yeuis af hr life workiai for watch itat und iinnlr i- cm how fonlly i r folsij ihetuuc li n j r l i cuaifur uii1 c- 1 iv im a how dura lb- trnr hoy u tn i r too often ay iy forsaking itn khi as soop as lie w old enough for ilmt ef wild dissipaltf cotapenious young men seem to think ihisis so luunk yet this boy will profess nudjfigie for bia mxhtr what ejflah luv ah bow the poor mothers heart i wrung when she sees all her fond hopes dashed to lie ground and above all hr beloved cons soul in jeopardy i clod- store know her heart aches bar weary waiting nigbwfter night for his returning footsteps and he alone co comfort her but tbe cbain of misery- joes not end here a wife and children will fall victims to this darling bbvsf selfishness he loves them all nftir fashion bothe loves bimaelf and bis appetite mpch better this is only ooe little scene from the drama of life there are casts where a man bag fallen infedissipated habits from the want of good home innuerioe we have seers sack brought back to the paths of sobriety by the- gentle influence of a loving wife or perchance a friend if meb would only stop to think of her misery their intemperance inflicts cpon those who love them surely tbey wools stop in time or better still never begioa looking upon tbe wine while it is red daisy dkew and did you cure my wife air r bceh jennie youre jealous thats all be askedi gricing over bis spectacles t cant believe a word of it a truer at pui better man than john dont breathe 1 drew forth the crumpled note audt beld it toward him hes gone every night i said and i found tbat in his pocket fnther pulled bis speotaolei over his nose end opened tbe cote a minute perhaps he peered at iucurioaity then be exploded vitb laughter oh jennis irhat a eil he cried j what a precious little fool you are i take tbis note and look it ova again did you eversee it before t i took the note and looked at it wondering what he could mean tbe name at tbe bottom of the tinted sheet hfy didyoukill hert verdict far the defendant cold j doctor a good a amwer dr louis of new orleans who is something of a wag called on a baptist minister and propounded a few pnxiling qnestiomi why is itsid be that yon ate not able to do the mnicjee tbat tbe apostles did t tbey were protected against all poisons antt all ifida of perils bow is it that yon are not protected in tbe same wajf be caught toy eye for the first time i colored brother reapdtided proroptly grew hot with shame from head to foot dont know about tbat doctor j i the letter was my ownj written to apect i is ive taken a migbty sigbt jobta by niy own hand in the days of of strong medrcino from you aad i is dnr courtship i fell upon my mothers lireyet mia thb apple gathbbxncf itae gals of lattsifht slilliweeps the kevt to wbioh it isjjood ofliiteu and all under the boughs omtie appletrees f h roondoheekm windfalls glisten the boys and the girls of ibe- homestead brown i to the fmnnirthbrmgrriitr and thu farmer is bttiiiff the foooebara wu j the uidermilluajn to enter i h for tbe spplegithoridg p the blithest ofrnslio duties i- i come let us be quick and together bring tho speckled and streaked beauties yon tommy piekjp the pippins while little kelly oulleots uie greenings and ef goldeasoets o soother pile 1 meg audi sutjilump our gleanings tvbile willie htt seekoofartherv seeks spry jcta with the jhaldwina busy and tbe beldowers ressptr and udies opeeks are left to euccne nd lizzie no shaking of tree i- the- windfalls bnyi weve a rigtittoiiiq windfalls only witbont vhat still en the bonghi rejpice- the applopariogt were lonely a separate pile to each separata tree though here is the wouscoruing oar pretty assortments swallowing irea au species without ft warning so gather them np and tumble them iii cor the fraitiest harvest messes whoa gee up i uatlle heel and pin 1 and ho for the oiaerpreases i hurrah for the spplegatbsridaj he blithest of eoautry pleasarest ctne let as together the prairct sing of the sweetest of windfall treasons the frait on the boagb the fruit on toe roes j tbe fruit on its mission rosming 1 then the grinding erash audthe dripping- mass- and the spylojuice sweet andoaraingl- r v8vvxexves3- iv heavy loscri pardon me for troubling you siry but did yob drop a 20 g pj y asked man with an earnest look ont bis face and a memorandum book in his handjbf a well dressed individual on the comer of jefferson and wood ward avenues tbe raanaddiessod ran bis band nervously into various pockets and replied n well now i dtclob can it oe pessible that 1- was so careless as to- drop that coin 1 yes its gonej ruastbave lost it rjgbtere near where we stand tho man ojiened his memoranduat book look from bia vest pocket tbf stub of a read pencil and said will you fsyorme with your name and address 1 they were given and the qnestioner started on when the welldressed man cried hi there i w heres the money t give me my gold piece oh iiidnt findany money i took a notion this tuoraing that in a city like this whrb thoussndv and thousands of doflaradre bandied every honr thre must be great louses rmd started out to investigato die matter- between here and tbe river i fewmd seyen mvn that lost twentydujlai olsl pieces and i expect to run tbesist up to two hundred before i remm the city hall good day sir- i n 1ft- h tit oat asaom in i i a poor yankee on being asked wnt was tire batnrerfhrsdistrejises replied v tbat be bad five outt and one in ta wit oul of tuouey and out of clothes oof at the heels and out at tbe toes ouitt credit aiidwdebt 1 i j from tbis choioewe fcould prpfsr ts be m wonted oiiif i v fshe really aould eet lay iwlntsj requested tbe piano wm and tbe itbys wereinsjde wv iv j h sti- fcrrs