Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 8, 1881, p. 3

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t 1 tmfam vam ja- m tv f i l r vi thcrsom morkliti sept 8 ibs i c4 s aetsa oat vv ire dnine ripwis trado ia school bvitv jmi otneil oa xnollier crow ot tlj v 4i iceh all the olvr school bootsilxthsnri ixmuit shear lijht cjiemrest kouit uo shadis id v betlfavvu4p i vm circular camlij rii6ccunl luct coaibs iwuuu coiivlu- ihg off chcip walliug ui t rirtmiy presents tyt ffoc llio chiljrea at gw iff ads vnihomeiews satinits and doings la town and r ouaty v v itkks cohjectsd anokxpoaru robhe fbse press notice t all sbrrllkhtfirrar tcvktckwr wfld rcf helrprooip alien rltu ttt katcrdmriaglhe paft j- ear bee flimailr a4dlf plucud we matt hare maj- wftrtfceelmprtemetii we areata all ir ptrbt trill oarc caaapl vltk aar th1 aad utule lhlr atxals tere yon at il wedding t no bia iroat catching storied now kis- cooa jiuutiag cotuiueaced yet be cirefut ther irithvottr fires this dry kee- is a bi ci op of beech auts ir- little is hatic his new fence painted loofcoulforilr ta aingtnawidfer tismeat yicxt weet tiienda greatly ttnprored the ip- pcaracce txfbe lawn tncrsdtvs rxta ctjeithe idast tictvs pitting da- aiia- hiltbx public schwoj trains 2- t50 cor ciin tenance this year a great runny wtlls and cislcrnt tire tscve dry ia taarn iad ricuiity the atxi iuuig nf acuudirimaq court ill le heid oa vvsictstlsy ulh iziz v caa itnr- do- be found wlta srould cot alooirlciie thitfthc list fcflr dxy btve tuc wirrfcuire bastieett higher vjus fir this itcih ikin danc any sep- tlie iiiimkjr of sintngrs in ar i- tarn st jrttent tnd especully oa sandiy i x rerj- toiiceiile fettcre of the tines tsemlifrcuuaiete rrrured 95 d ptees ic tle fitide oa ilocdiir at nooa ind hid oalv tailc to si it cea octocl ia the evecmjl quitetl nautbp of oar citizens itre tisiuntoroatij icdctrii eihibitiaa tliit vfeuts will dacluss be mare iicaier- ois ltxt wikt v sres haceteea ljtzingtn the fisrroecdinc covnsliips for tire pxtt t6 tetki bat iq fir cj srioi liimxgrt has hcea revtyfed v loztfjm mill ettefct oa itondiyfj veiiui aiplitmisocic pin finder will be reirdi by leavicit it dr morrows im storeot at this afiice tij01lisjwlitre a 84tion hatd on ihicrcditysllsy euilsrjy at maton feu from k jigger ca tkesdiy while it wisjo i icotioa acd ffitvnstaiitlyfcillfcd how t3xc do the eiia street coa- tnrtijcuitead tu cei coajpletiag hit trork oa tiut street picts ic ih he finiihed by chriitcus t tie iccacat rsteaf pro twf tjiwpayecs af acta passed a bytw to raise fande u baild s new town v hilijy a tifgz aiijyrity tie acton felts dxi wi tatfp4 hli monday laiirs re lighted at four oclock oti ktoudiy r tltchk are a few jild t ou xickltav iwud it is nirty eight dvi siuc preatdeut grtid iliot tucctpbf hops ia tliis ticfailyj u furtiivi oisckcccdiufily goxl the hook was fell laafc night it twcpjytvtf ouaalct put tlovcn 0 okk hut an old m kid admins an clcctnc orjothcr hht at t iicuic rev j staples prtmched ia thu btplutchurch oa siiaday oionaa toesdav night wa tbc moat un- comforjahlv hot aight of tbe leuoo we kyaxr ofauie young nice irho aw too smart for tie toira u vhkk they lire i e undcraund f mri j b coifes is abuat to remove hii btuiacu to woodiock ii tttkman xcho has a good well of water does not aeed to lunent that he has a scarcity of fraud at iirctcat it was a young housekeeper who at the cake she bad baked for apartf oat cx doort oce cold ntht w l frotfl a dakgeiloca hole appears in the sidewalk oa ilaia street near the barber shop wliich ihoald be repaired at ooce gckss it iatin the creed of the re- unnf opcratorat present cfecialin at the g t fl dcpjfc tere to owic anybody itit geo garrett has purchased the property qq church street aow occapied by ilrwwiuxims from ilr john wsidic war were the- street lamps not lifhtedou xfuaday uich it vtt so dark that the peojje coajd hxnily see three feet ibefore ihetau soitk of or moco an ie rati t ions citi- cibt thocctit tife worid wxs coming to an cad on ilucuxy afteruwja ercm tle tppeai ince of tbe tfcy t a kox of mr pevtrpa of trafalgar td airteea yexrt i died 00 uoodiy 2sui alt ftoth ljaodpiitanink caaicd b a severe lrciwwticb hv neglected we nre disposal ta thinfc that thn editor jiimsjf can iifce the cite this year for beans ve hare ia osr own jirdea bene pods orer treatysix inches ia lealb efest house iti town ta at present occapied iad still tlre ic a urge demand wc hop 6ae of or enterprlting cipitaliets will pttt p eaoih caitable building to sjpply tbs reqaireirati of tae rillie the guf iph mercury rys a larrel c lipr eodtiins iboat tldtty cillons tbtre are- eiateea half pinta to the cllon kctiilerf however tetaboattwentv glasses from the catloo froca a barrel of ier ahich costl- 3 the retailer receives aboat s30 oog stiti iiira lieen hrelj- ererj iur rinee thegnin m wis opened lad liciiaets it ixenniag fwmert genenllv are pltued to efet r coodpric for their crin tzid irenottjojr to setrie stndiag amii- tionc with e mcrchinti nd anke new onkkv cum ucila tin tb ulent a1h j v hanabib wmoved to ouelpit i ibvt it about timo th hot wothei- u gvor wuxt did you tbinic win cooiiug on mondijr ittotuouu i hulisk tyolinj it 5 to 3 per inoptlutt in dcuuod hiveat lierd anjuiing more ibout the cotpotitioaetcurtioa i ilixutes of naatigejra towoibip coaacilcnwdsdout of hii iuuo eeuve sraitu8 melon pteh wu rolilcd oil taeadi aiht gkttky mb f btrelsjr count rcialrar will remove hii uaiily to ililtoa hoot tit it pror acros nia bind hive decidad oa competiaj it eueua townibjp show held t gtrgetovu te bress bad give a free concert oa tlm litnd btaud oo moodaj ereoiag a auoaer ot splcfidid piccai rere puycd jiessks w h storey i sonhro ezctly oaa hundred different itylea ot ulaiet tad mitu oa exhibition it um to ronto iudoilpil fiir sitoteiu ana cheered bed belter hegia lexraia to do vrithoat tie weed the drouth in virgiqi threteai tiift do- tractioa of the tobacco crop i tnercwss no qnoront at lie meet ios of the botrd of kdacttioa oa mouda evening a fofl itttadinoi ii reqaeted foe next monday evening 12th the fctor of iltaara wilda selwood lutouel mr wimt formerly of ulia rilute entered by thiocrt on siiuday bifcht and good to the talne of two handred dtfuira were carried off there ia no trace of tiethierea tjeliereia teeping up with the times oak- xule siartdard tbe georgetown herald calls oar towkiliip fair the gcorgtiewn exhibition we wjcid refer ibp herald to the ostrt iaaaed from ita office and it wiji learn tiit l uthes7ijcihibirion dont tryto cliiniwnata cotivoor ownilrficrolf v t jv tfitenrperarjce coavention held at mxltoo axceadiiykaa rery well attended delegatei laicg freaect from all parts of the chanty thejenirjeriflce meo of the county i are 5eterminedto be prepared in cie of 1 any emergency hen the scott act cornea in force the xorvil harass bind- gare a grid cn6ert in that rtageon ifonday crening they were asaiii by- ifejan v fhilp and johndeikte and the itiaaes sterenson of gnelph rt band intend competing at xftjsesin faf held at georgetown oa the wtinat i bxilereet in vennor ai a weatber prptihet wonid hzve their faith somewhat ehaicen ttre they to note hia phopheciea foe the nantil of aoynat he geta foor daya fight oat of the thirtoue tie hottest daya he teila oa vuliijcoql tqcalil and the days when the windjraa northwest and the ir perfect he iaforma ua it will be ajftr ajtj fxebatige eaya the faogas ex ihibitof wiilmoaa be ra hiaronnda again at ku the lare ahows are to be found those who exhibit tmit vegetablea wotka of art xnd-olher- thinga wfjich he neither growa nraxea r tfaeae fmpdaters ahculd le prooibited aa far as poaaiule and a aharp ipotoot kept for 1 ta pic xifi given by tt number of tle yoang peode of this viliage ie mr c fi smirb grorc jeaterdly afternoon was viry largely attended amoaementa of all ida ere provided- bot the greatest- ar- itibn the jafternoon mar tbedandog juttvibi these arnjjarticipate in that taatime aay they eojdieu themaeirea jjthe uraaa tnncl waa ia attendance and 5 jpiayed tnnnteer of lireiy ahj in exeelleiit atfle xnnmticrof ywrng fvlka from geortoirj milton and qrenwilams attended i- pait piltaf the georgetown herald of last week kaa tnefoliawia k tuan evidently coder the inflaeuce of dcvtriicm trcment attempted to commit ni- dde at the g t etatioa oa wednesday cveoiu he aoulxcjut himself ia sach a posittoa c to a trite lie lad again t the protiad he alio eadcavored to throwhim- eeif under a train etiojc brought to the loctcp aud securely guarded daring the uightf he somewhit recarered bia sense and attriuitcd hi actioaa to drink sad he did not wish to disncee his frieads aadso vacted to get oat of thti wohd he lo etited that lhia would be a wsrnhi to him and that he woald not driok any more vain promise bow htany thwuaiidt lite bia have tnide it and broken ttasii be fore a week has elapsed weare informed thit thf man abore re ferred to u mr edward janes a glove cotter resiling in this rtliace he had been- druitisg hcaxily for sdoie time preriooa indathhe time was a rpareatlyini possible to control hit actions he has tidce re- ptnted of hii ntah attempt to take his life and we trait he will in fctare abstain from the into ri rxting bowl still humming post office store acton is the place to get groceries hardware crockery toare c clieap see our 60c ts yrorth 60c in green tjncoiored japan blade other grades at equallj good value i i coffee in rio java and mocha fresh ground and delicious suqaes notwithstanding the advance at old j prices j oat anivod the lateat and moat faahlonabla deaign in tea 8ett come and see them glassware in great variety a nice goblet for 66 centa per dot a nice glass sett 6 places far 60c salt 27 the baeeel knives forks spoons 8h0vels spades forks from 2 to 6 prong hinges nails etc and hard wake cheap coma and see our stock arid leara this e wont be tjjridersold and d01tt you forget it great cleaning 5 hsghei misas ckapiagsale -op- jbpearson the wonderful man just eeoeiyed pdrchases aa irel this is as it thoald be faraiees here are looking pleistnt crops are allihacsed ia splendid ordetc fatt wheat tarns oat thirty lashels to the acre sprfii- wheat a good averie peas ertnt oitsand barley good potatoes fair ccrn light hay well- tared prists good and iifcely to be better why sioald farmers not be hippy i a soifeesof hfthoys who bebared thetaseiresf rerr nnry oa church street on taesday night are irenibling for fear that their names will appear ia print this motn iag out ofrespasct fartfar pireat we withhold their ninies from- this issae bet shoald their bod cndact w contiaaed we will expose the names of all of them 1 a prottkesr farmer residing a few miley from here informs as that the crops have tamed oat remarkably well and that the yield is better than for years some rtdldi show aaaverae of from thirty to thirtyeight imihels to the lacre and as it was all hohsed and gathered without receiv ing- any wettioc the sample is ercelleat j constable beustreet met with a slight accident on sanday evening which mlijht have proved more serioaa he was ia the hay loft after dark putting down hay for te horse and accijeatly stepped into a hole falling partly throach the maw he hurt one of ida legs and haa been very fame daring the week bntis now on the mend again the stilton ketcs explains why the tewa coctucil dont hold regular meeting as follows there was no council meeting last sloadiy niht this is because there was no basin ess to be done are there iio sidewalks to look after ko ponndkeeper to be appointed ko- retrenchment in the erpeoditare ifo preparations for the janu ary electioat oar coaacil evidently ex perience the wisdom of reitlag and being thantfar 0 thnreday laatthe residence of ifr george hycds narrowly es caped being destroyed by fire a spark lfrcm a pfpe in the kitcheaset ire to the roof and the upper part of thehuidip was tn names before ft was ditcovered the terertions of a number of citizeosi cnbjued the names before any serioos damsgetook place it was most fortanate that thefire was checked as thebaildiug is situated in tbe moat densely bailt portion of the vtl- kfi- ile- qr xning ute of pam ont onfc has leased the store in agnews bricfc blook and u opeoiaff today a large and well selected stock of fintclus dr oode mr liuz leaves paris with the best irishes of thepeopld there aud we trust hewiu find the chaoge a most profitable one he has et a food example to the merchants here by engaging exclusively in cueline of ot goods instead of lanucbinr out with a atock of every line of merchandise mr laiag was in business here about thirteen years ago aud his frieudi of that date will no joubt welcome his return rjishes etc etc permiialc 5diss mary jrne hynu is tisitia her friends here l sir and jfrs c dcmpsey of walkecton are in town mr archibald campbell has retorhed from jlauitoba jxrs edward if oore returned from ifichi- gaa oa sxtuiday ifre john dean sr of gosseeld is visiting her friends fcere miss faanie boomer of clifford u pay ing her ac ton friends a visit eer walter deaa of alma paid his actoa frieada visit oa tuesday mr samuel uoore has been rather eeri- aasly indisposed for a week past mr j t hemftreet and wjife- a seu burne are vititirjg theiractoq friecda mr c c speight spent several days with friends ia oxford county this week wehad cailpn monday from be v js- isher of xasaapweys and mr j daoieis of kew hamburg i mrs ai stephccsan retemed home on saturday after a two weeks visit with friends in washington messrs j c hill sod j a speight attended the band tod rat meat at iutterall onwednesdy and thursday we are glad to learn thit mr geo tolton fa tmprorintj ia health and will sooo be me totfend ta his business again fasatsnahle wedding j oa tuesday evening the methodist chnrch in this tillage was the scene of one of those events which give pleasure to the peopleaa well aa to the principals engaged therein the contracting parties were mr simon thomas humberstone of newtonbroofc york co and misa clara e speight third daughter of thiate samuel speight eso of this village the ceremony had been fixed for halfpst seven oclock bet long before that tims persons intent npoakeing the yoang conplo united in marriage began to arrive and at a qnarterpast seven the- side seats and gihery of the edifice were well filled with people and still they cams at a quarter to eigt the guests began to file in and as each conpia started to come ap the aisle of the church there wasa flat ter of ercitement which sabsided when the fraatseats were reached by thearfies who fca4 entdveverybodywas anatohs- to see the bride mr a e matthews organ ist- of- the charohjhad tafeenhisiaceia good season and had just commenced a moft ftppropriilte bedding march when the pardertoio joined in iwcdlock took their placeafcefore the altar bevt l wilkin son fasfor of the chnrdh performed the ceremony after which congratulations and good wishea werib iii order the bride aa splendidly attired as was also her maids misses minervastorey and angnsta nick- lia the bridegroom had for his grooms men messrs joseph watson kewfoahrook anddt fturbairn of the tort htraid richmond hfll after the ceremony a wedding repast was partaken of at home- dale tho residedca of the brides mother and the happy couple left on the 938 p m train for toronto the fbke press con gratulates the newly weddod pair a1f j b mcgaj- one case lovely new prints eemarjcable goods unusually oheap superior material summer dry goods and boots and shoes l i commenced august 15th and con tinues until eveiv dollars worth of summer goods is sold i- knitted evening shawls one caae of nice nev eiiitted etenine saawls very comfortable for vhe cool eveniiifrh aovr sttinr in lovely shades extremely cheap bdack and colored silks one coca ot elegant qualities in ladies black and colored silks a treat prices awfully cheap two cases black cashmeres the richest and undoubtedly the beet goods in guelph prices folly 20 per cent under regular value cqlored empress cloths one case rich colored empress cloths colored cashmeres and trie princess suitings beautiful foods entirely new mourning goods i i i- an immense assortment in any class of moomina goods we make a specialty trjahrays jwep this department very oomplete our millinery department is as busy as at any time of the season indeed wehare been compelled to keep almost oar filt staff of young lady artiste ap to the present 2073 trimmed hats and bennets sold this season tremenlloas work we only keep the finest ar tistic taste that money can obtain the yoang ladies in this department are extremely obliging ftnd take plcasora in rendering assistance in every way 3aiiofthe above are new purciiaaea made by mr david hon in the british markets- london england- i v it will pay everybody to atten this sale early as we intend rush i out all the goods possible with in the next two weeks 4n order to make room for fall stock k see posters for class of goods and prices hughes griffin i acton king of the dry goods i i e eadford e xl bollert j b williamson guelph ont jbstitutes g vrt public arr castonea agiiyt a castom wv 1 p n j f 1i- nmnn a err r fin- jlcrs n h c-j- th t vcn aikm f r rhtf1t f f jnltleillpr ihcv udnlyfaffcvcrthst xhrypr- tv- a hat hivg annthrr nrticlr lu at pd f htf fick ih v srltmntt t tsc nm- r ic- tethctof ihisdffrtfionitansiwnnt thcc smtttartn3 upn tcu nihpitjh rrtitatinn of iv rnlnklh gndbcirfrcipfninlh t ihevlrst ceaprt rlrng ore bought by the denbr at alnut hnlf yhflt h iiivs for the germing pfltpk1her wvch mlbftf to mire a fw ceis nnt profit pr b vi mwi th 1 i snm fan can cn e gnine j oa cholera morbus cramps i amd all stoimer or bowel complaints perry davis painkiller i if fkeqlullko i it cures almost instantly j v tiiepaikitjrs uput iipws azsnejox bnttlei wtttiei i j si cxt s rcpiaiveij- linjo batiles tin uwftclwkpl 80lp by all ued10ine 0eaixr8 vins drug and stationery store the lions policy foreshaffliwed his pueposes aggressive v the negotiations which have been carried on during iho part m months between ths lion and manufacturing aixi commercial enna in engusd 8cotlaad ireland france gertnanr the uhitl snn a nd canada arsmbont oomilotd and bare resulted in supplying the rapicions desiaod of tie llqv ib tbe icoat extenaive andcouijj t slocks of i v ods staple fatf cy dry goo clothing rats caps eur goods mantles mlllix- ery carpets ac that it has eror been bia good fortune lj lest our stock wu tboroughl cleared out during ike tmm oar great uh diaeoont sale duriag july irft a auolutly wiihiu inr goods to carry orer we commence lite fall of 1881 4ritu freebtat andchoiceat usorlmet of goods thai bas ever been ifft1 in tbe royal city we congratulate theorwntry upon wiebointital liarteat arirl the genenl fevliog of prouperity we believe tnire is gag toibe an activity in trule uuli n baa not been seen for yeara the uon la not oruj going to iharejn but wau his shoulder o be wtreel of comseroei wilkgire it a irameuuoua ituli our y flbru anal htp pjaoe ml tbe lunda 4d homes t arery mmily in ul f and oouuykne best sod wbmbsv ihv uuulw iruountb lr ooy m ibkll endeavor by our liberal inducement to crvv cut omen aoorea and hundreds ot miles aroatid and we sballre te it ttiai tbe uos mabiuina more tbaa ever the proud pre em- inenae ot tbe leading iiouieof ivejiern ontirrouie urea srf ijoods mart for the m weliare tbe roomrro baa tbe tnesns nd we lute ll eustom r- by foifjtiiiing and boneat ralui ntgig wm tbe coiihjeade uyrreli t u tbethekeu of nur pahtpus t4 5w

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