pep mw 1 lik tonr k-iik- r jtrv- i itnbd j i hivf- zcoobh editor proprietor paurrixe t popetsatxa sdcskf xsxi door to metuoaiarchpkh jh cvretf jy mm onl ttiia the fxsx psixs will be scut to subscribers postage nudvfer tl00 per n- njamiu advance tl5qf notsopaid ko rapcr dieoontinarftotsll arrears are paid except t the option of the puhier sjivsjitoom boris casual kdvertins menta 8 cents per line lor tl6 flirt inscr- tion and s cents per lino for each rabsp- cucatinaertiou cash professional cauda w lines or lea m co per annum i square it lines sm per annum pavablo in 5 months from dale of insertion any special kotieethe object of which is fo promote th pecuniary benefit of any individual or company tolje considered artdvcrtise- nieut the number of lines reckoned by the space occanied measured by a scale of raohdtconpafceil ccctsacf ttxtks f i oae eoltrmti an rtr hturcoumu0 year viukrcaianaaanyr ha crtlutna alt mania hiirctjamftslx mmtbt qtwrtfrcaldmtiir tuaatnc x of calama cur ranniu vhajfcatamathremoaiht qaartermlanfttthr monlht ttrtfmtnfawwtthoaifttefifie drcttors flllbe inserted ull rvwd aricurr wrd- tnjrtr rniiultncr alverumiufcnu nuutb vild la advance ooanc for contract arfvrluemfftuty must btatotvaflwuy moicnniijlj-othf- wlntney irtu be left over itl uie toitowinj tty s5a soo jvm 12 dq it on 01 h p itoor term9ijoo in advano tiic nmcspaikra ifap of 04 life tit fluctuations and u vast concerns 160 if not to paid vofunie vil no 11 z oton ont thursday september 16 1881 whole no 343 wkistorevson aqtcjh ont glove manufaottiretg the best description of gwcts and ifirrs in cvery variety of material and style axe manufactured br ns l new jewelry stors aj it bids wtadiia at jgtteiifh storeys eureka s stris clove fastener we are also patentees and inventors of stow ft erai ejriss g1ot tutoa- 5t justly acinowlcdgedithe most perfect tk8 paper tsl ta patentkiu canada lie illtariprovrtkor the free press tituksdit uoaxtxa september 15 1681 fqetsw into sptw btyrtot tfsrttor torrce ttic canada aavertlftpa afcn j cf xoe 29 rfnc st wel torocw utllorirecl to receive advertlseowau fur tuts llpcr vr w bctches if anater wh lowrr itb jfc p 6 graduate of triaity college item- n ber of ooiiegeof physieians- and surgeons mjrumuizi ut oaitcd states and great britain roanaic omcrx fctpruce street kew iork v s a lime grove birmingham eng to ajpverllsers qeo s aotrazj is ccs seltct liatcf lccsl kcvsjijors f r adnriunr tcao tptstdt vpuzrdt tf500o a fcfar and iro iakiuuu than fssu of it i ai w ioli toer select lotuj lhi charges will be paid paia ae uuef las jir tsm u tit fitiorl we s smith piltctical wltchmakeit aad jeweller for the pt siitccn yctrt st stvitges r- spcclfauy amnaanccii to the pablic that he his jttft opened firstcuss store in the above premise where he kill keep oa hand a rail and clioico asaortment of the best catches clocks jewellebt ixd ctccttoputt fine witch repairing a specialty agtct foe the oeielanued lanctstcr watch on all work from a distance the rciih3 osce an residence at the head of fred- crick st- acton m- ifctjietdt it d if p s j jjl grtiasxe of victoria uciversity grosa3etonc axuxiqt i will tw acton on tuesday and friday if hi sernces are required dnring any ather days of the week notice left at j e- if cg4rrinfl dnig store will reode prompt attention j m xirhesok arttorketati exri5ahcitariii chancery fcc office 1 uxtdoar to wallaces hot4 itilian l l bestxett dextist csorge- caroom t b tfftsffkr v s geegetowk out wiutiait actoreveiywediies duy wd will atiend to allcies pertaining ta ok profession- orderseftaticcgartins dmstflrewillj receive prompt suetitioa terms modgratg tjfisher 5 a 9 it lx nt oioi list f ttlaaaeosestxiijit tiieetlociietutcctactlrwhtnepaprb txe- wtio the nsmefiftiif paper js ft a ted in fxll tvccttpn it is in every tasutnee ibe btt wiw priateil in ciprrxx it ic uia oklt pepr luthe pac the lut ftve ttio popauiiaa q ever wtd and tie etrccltioa olverr paper i rte rates charced for ad trtitlnfrt3 irt ly oaecrtbujdrtia5lierbieliela the pri- fotitnc8uitrattp from xotm the price for one inch one maath fa the entire rjulscts theretnrrle o the papers for the ame cpaee and time are sttmti thelutlcclqdestitnewppapeikofirhlchlict arelcanwl olllt aad cs wexklt ttiey are locatm in tss tuserent ciucsand tornt of which tare tstai capita is kj plac dc otirs popnlatlia and cs county heat faccopv of iittftrdd at tier information ad- hksa geo p kowkllck iff itpntee st kew york ip s snirx r w eig iailaetrjlnra rounder ackaehlniat ceametovtjc icicaineiy of every description made to order 03 the shortest notice aid most ceisonable terms- ieepairixg promptly at- undetlto a ltstek g ctkbk bakbisteh quebec street gaelpli cxjce officc f huicrt bxfflfax f mill tre ill a3torticrorerevretfexdit the mutual life associitiox of caxada dcid 0 fftce tulhilto x oxt 5flttniat djosit erer 5950q0q0i fcl oa the resets fcsd pus issued by this cthpiny oo sod cipyriht aiataia apuiu statement of tbe amount of cash vxiae of psidap insurance the policy holder will lie enrittd to receive if ditcon- tittint the pavweat of preraiuinc after 5 10i5 20 25 30i 35 payment ic h p m00re agent free pkess office acton jrt7the5teteeet licensed 4actioneer far the counties of wellington and halton orders left at the fan eaxss office acton or at my residence ia aton wie be promptly attended to t reaso hp r saaer u- cam t als6 money to loan on the most favorable terms and at the hnvestretes at interest insumsaf 5qq andapvards patestsfoklsyektipksexpe- nmocslr and properfysecuredin can ada the united states and europe pa- tent guaranteed or no change- send tor printed instructions agency in operation tea ears f heket grist i ottawa canada 3echanivtrengm6ering solicitors of pa- tnla and draaj c titlos je0s g jf tetekkaer ede- georgetown graduate of theontario veterinary college wiiifvifiit f aetoa every tuesday rom i toipjn all jils received promptly attended toj by i night or day horse bought and sodon 7commiasumj residence west cornsrfrom 1 livery stahft georgetown oat c- tatl0e licensed auctioneer reopming of schools i big kew stock of readers text books slates copy books axd all books used ik both the citt akd cgaktry schools trust in god br request levve god to order all thy war and hapciq hitn wbauer betide thoult luij htcn ia the evil dt xa tllutecitat itreajjtli and ratde who tmrta ia godi uuchinpajglove build oa a rock tht oaaht cad more whit can thcaa aatiotit caret avail thea never ccaiioc tnoaas aad sight what can it help ut to be vail each paiafal tnoaieat at it flic t oar crux aad trial do not pre the heavier for car latecueac oaly yoar retle heatt keep ittll aad wait ia cheerful hope cputeat to take wbtteer hi gracinut vdl hu ill dliceruius love hu teat kar doabt oar inmost raituarc kaowa to him who chose ai far hi awa he kaowa whea joyfol hoars arc bett he seadt them a he tee thdtn meet when thoa hat lome it fiery teat audaaw are freed front 11 deceit he come to thee ail unaware aad makes thee awa hit ovia cue xor in the heit of paia or ttrife thtuk god hath ct thc off unheard kar that the aim whoe pmepcroax life thoa cuvieit it of hitn preferred time pauc and much chiuc doth bring- and icu a bound to cterythiui ring pray and twetrye not from hie wayt i5at da thine own jurt faith faily titttt hi rich prutniiet of crtce so t hall it be fulfilled ia thee god never yet fonoofc at need the iocl that trailed flint tadd i coatiquod emphiical youll i handled boxw ind proceeded to pu it bays bookstore gcelph butcher shop w c robinson wodlce inutnate to the people of acton that c has pi rtased the batcher bait neslate- ij- carrjed an hy kobert storey and that he hasahrjyaon handaflretclfrtoefcof beef fcrfct mutftin pooury ud came tit yiifi etc addhopacfayatrictpttentfain to fcoalnefis lo eecare a fair share of the patronace of fe pablic keit0611veredatanytldie to any partoc the town o tcraix cifii dfs jl call solcitl omit as peojcftlt attekded txj mat wc robinson- j y xls3fqr hk1 kb j i am prepared to pay the highest csnj prcte for hides calfafans deacoos labt and sheep sfcias delirered afc my faanry lace leather oongtantiy oiv nano- r jakes hoore acre rtavia opened a eaist 8hop in the prem- otw next door to xickdutf bakery iain pre- pred to do ttriager piintink ind siga pared to do tarrisge painting and sign writing of everndeacription and would re- jpeetf ally solicitifie patronage of the people of acton and yickity vtailes scott suaunoud tsappmtbefen the bar where you can cet an easy shave a ifyltah haircut afrotbini shampoon or a coahcg sea foam span no pains and give no dain in the aceompliahment of a good share rbazora and aciaaora aet ia perfect order oil saorteafootice it worden barber v mill street actotl nm j the ttndersijjued ha jnooey at hiadiepo- 1 for diseoacting rood endorsed aotea at j a reaaotuhle rat4 of iiaooaat i a5tesuatthens atftra hay 10th is81 i j j wwm colored goldbs0che3 ksxl eaeelkgsserrs gold broodies surer setts new styles silrer lockets silrerrecklets gold watches diamond kings cent stone kloss bvsivages jewelleet store wyndhsim s guelph whitewasklng anb gololtingr tartlinc to stisl-son- csnrsosg cobxem ia prepared to do all lands of whltewaluiaa colo eiv g on the shortest notice ad at reason- able rates r j3leave your obps at the tree fesss 08t manh office acton i j atlcamofrouilital fan dear jtente jcwltj tott uanbood ete n a en li 1 a t blvtby tried in vila erery lroowu4mdr hit dil e8 clothjjljr cleaned ben- 1ot teudnies otbted to to dkifcrm tarui jh beeves i s -i- i r i t f cummih08 prfbt6al upholsterer cixlpii bvrxeto lam6 regains cnrtalns window blinds and clinrch cashions cleopatra chairs ottomans banneretts rarfctsli sprinc back and xeedle wort a specialty carpets cut made apd laid on hf liliorlcd fiiotict furniture reupholstered at the most rea- sooalileeates and nthc lateit style t p otjmmings que street wat guetph valcibxe raiage property for sale tee kobscrl ber offers for kale timt bantl- ut ttdated piece of property lying north o fittb depot jn tne corpcirkuon of the village of actou the ptoperlj- contain 12 acr mor or tew k vhlcli are in a hfeli atstc of cultivation and narlr all paateo witnfraittreeoi evey decrltlrn md cli oc tbe best varieties the balance in ej pjotwre land with a neverlallini tuet m tv i fninir tbronali ft oa which istlituttea a cfi pond on tbe rremes tnere la a twotlcr brtcjcdwelifn- nttrii ccmileutjczululn s roomit auo back fcltched with tlircercc mr good alable and ned and firafciktf haro and loftwateretc the aoove woald be a very desirame rlace for a retired ireallenen or tor a martet ffardener term liberal find nude known on a p plica tloa to ull bktflee actcn po vfew careiagl eeparsiiop has opened a shop in eyders old tand where lie is prepared to do all kmda of wjagon and gdtpage kuiring hu the shortest notice notliiox butfiratrlajj material used call solicited 1 a foe8teli hotse fc lot foe sale tna nndertuned offen for sale ha fplendid atone duelling on main st near mr 0 h mith reaidaace one fifth of ac acre with stone house in splendid condition ktflble and ebop on the prem ises hard and soft water wells title indisputable terms reasonable ap ply to aecemcjab kockwood s0 qua stqsrfxzxsa uthe offewmot allow mo to intraium myielf ruth halley almost ten whea my story 04- gina ixv uater kate was eight years my senior she waa beantifnl talented and lovely ia character and all the warm atronj affection of my young leart were eatwtnai aroand her in short aha was the family idol she had hardly entered hr leena when her charming bin of poetry and thrilling slcetchet appeared in our town paper the argus which were pronoauced by good critics to be of i superior order t and abe evinced an equal ability for music ourparents were proud of their gifted daughtr and nothing gratified them mote tfca to hear her called genius who would make her mart in tbe world and become a celebrated woman four years kats hail ocenpted the foremost plaoa in every class of which aba was a member in tbe haxeltine young ltdtea seminary and now the day for tbe eramtaattoo and the grad uation of the seniors had come the hall wait early filled with tbe patrons of the school tbe young ladies dressed in white muslin with long pink 8aahes carrying boqutti of flowers made a fine appearance as they came in and took the reserved teats tbe programme printed ion oiocly toned paper was citcnlated among the visitors and it filled my heart with childish delight to se the name of kate halley conspicui oualy upon it the exercises were lisened to with absorbing interest and though each acquitted herself creditably not one could equal my peerless siawr kate she read a brilliant poem in a loud rich voice executed a difficult piec- of music npoa the piano and gay the valedictory which was pronounced a masterpiece of composition this was one of tha happiest days of my life and when kate took herdiploma and left the platform followed by a score of admiring eyes i caaid have knelt before bernd woohippd her mias kute halley is a very re- markahle girl i heard judge rice say to deacon flint yea she has a shining iutellect but tbe physical ia frail was the earn at answer such rare precocity should be restrained not stimulated this hiehpressute system of education is wrong it kills and ruins the health of thousands that evening after elate had retired to our bedroom i said ob kate i youve had lots of praise today ever so many have said youll make your mark as a poetess does mark mean famous f yes i suppose so replied kate wearily and famoni peoples name are in all tbe papers and their photographs are shown in all the shop wiodowa hsra all the money you want well i can never be pretty or make verses as you do but it will be kind o nice to be called the sister of iliaa kate halley th poetess ruth yon are one of the dearest best little girls ia the world if success lies before me you shall abate it with ma and abo kissed me fondly that night kate tossed restlessly on her bed tbe exciting events of th day banished all sleep from her ayes and when morning cxnia she arota pale aud exhausted a tv hoars later she oompuined of a severn headache it graw rapidly wora her cbeeka were wild and bright and she said strange thing in a loud unnstural voice dr hartwell was called he examined tbe case thoroughly and then asked airs halley has- anything unusual occurred to excite or overtax yctu daughter r the examination of her sdiod was j lu yesterday she graduated and j gave the valedictory but i never saw her sci brighter uc better her nervtrqs system lua hj a heavy stiaiu it is a uiisdittcttd am liitioa which lidi rtuu aad uracbers to force the mind of the yiuiig an other victim of mental abuse aaid the doctor impatiently he thee gave directions about the medicine and wect away the hours passed one after another kates delirium and fever continued lo increase and her pulse grew ftebler and quicker upon d hartwellc third viait he shook his bead seriously mother followed him into the parlor wieb a whits anxious face and nixed his arm is there dill hope i she asked in a thim around to be people as mr peters approached oar pew i pulled out my handkerchief and with quiet inerrona fingers tried to lantie tbe knot but it would not yield ifr peters held the box before father who put in a bill and was going on stop stop i ive something to put in i whispered in a flurry of excite ment loud enough to be beard by tbe occupants of a dozen pews mr peters took a step back and held the box out to me tbe knot iippd and untied and in an instant the entire contents of my handkerchief gold silver pieens and pennies wete emptied into it as much asmy chubby band could bold fther saw tins nnexpectedact with a surprised ponied ye and a parlialamile flitlad over bis lips as be looked upon my satisfied fdce that evening when the family were sitting in the party at twilight father inquired smilingly rutb bow did it bppen you put so much money in he contribution uix i yju gave almost as much as i did i gave it lo rjextc gi it was my uink ourif fr jvruib kacts lf- i aoircred qujvtly ldri child yoa tare angbt me a leaou and be drew me foudly to him and kissed tn- kales eyes were moist and oiotbr aid looking tenderly toward me husband let us follow ruth exajiple and abow our gratitude to the lord for restoring our daughter by giving wish a fiee hand to the ueeoy out of our abundxoce the following week score of desti tute struggling families were made richer and happier by the supply of clothes provisions and fuel which my parents generously distributed among a gentleman of 00 lob i knew s man named mr brown yt he was rtrj green in all th history of his town saoh greeaetas er was aas oni day a naighbor to him said i brown ootnidoo ansa you lack this mad ptr browo with bams tara and then with wratb look black boaie orchitis tbtn hgeed ap a gbott to scare him one dark night it frightoned him to death almost and mads him torn tmnemhut soon after that some newhe heard which tilled his heart with roe and i aatulreyoa on my word that ml brown looked blue 1 thui havi ibown tbat mr brovn tvaa wtia and v hits and preen and red tie blve jitt lik a clown i sacb tnes are icldom leeo i 1 oaisr written for the fret prig true grief is not always evinced by a long face and sighing sitting down and nursing your grief will not make it easier to bear god never intended us to act thus this world is vrry beauti ful and we can all find much pleaanre in if if we look for it bat we must as- cept tbe bitter with the sweet ni tin more cheerfully and patently we bear or troubles tbe gteater will be our reward we most try to school our hearts to consider that an all wise provident sends many a burden bard to ik borne u remind us tbat we are to look further than tbii world for peace and comfort every heart popnrr or later nidst bear some heavy grief and when it comes we feel almost smnned by tbe blow life both present and future seem to us to be a chill k bing vciul and our poor heart fels torn rf the trial we must grieve fcr a time it is orly natural to do o but when the frirkafl of rntf laa wutu tfftne ttrt tliiti w- car do is o put our pboilir to le whit knd uke tbe brdi of lie once usoie lefer fjr te i uw ttire iil in- liout m t ktiilnfv of our ciamlat whin the cloud ii seem as fend ss erer gv ti tcn wurnlrt iii allelic m j it when you cnoe out sfiive i i jeave all races uf yrmr mrrow lhuj um ff ihe world is a pxjf kcumthijer mikr your grief known to your nearrat and dearetk friedds only for ibey aloue will pity you s daisy drsit wier aud oeldts glcimj hoarse whisper the- great phraician alone can save i t according to their necsaaities her a cry of agony burst from mothers iip she must not shall not die i could bear it if it wetv rath but i cannot part with kate on i cannot let her die i was sitting on a low chair in tbe critner dating the conversation a shiver ran over my tongue tbe thought tbat kate was going to die almost paralyzed me ko wonder she was tbe best loved daughter i was plainfeatured and uncomely m form and could never expect to be poetical k very different from kate soon i arose and went to my rooo and kneeling 1 poared my grief into tbe pitying ear of tbe loving heavenly father i earneatly entreated him to spare the life of my dear sister and peace and strength cameover my soul i was sure my petition would be grant- many yea n have come a nd gone since then kates girlhood dream of fame kid not been realised she was never able to endure severe mental labor after that dreadfui illness and it ccst ber many bitter tears to be forced to abandon all thought of authorship then god gave her a different mia ion in life she is the wife of a west ern clergyman occupying a high social position tnd the influence of ber many gifts and graces is widely felt strange ly oar lives are revolutionized i rath halley neither brilliant nor poetical and doll of learning in child hood now trite simple practical pieces for mguinea and papers my parents hare become reduced in property and it is my highest pleaanre to belp tbem with tnr earnings and t am sure they ziowlovq me as well as my more gifted ulster kate mr story is fold parents and teachers heed its warning overtax ation of mind baa rained tbe health aid caused tbe death of thousands restrain and not stimulate the young who manifiat precocity of intellect gave for getting so many credits at school to encourage me then there was a tiny gold piece uncle peter sent ma just after rover died to help lighten tbe blow and it did besides there were several small silver pieces of less value and s few pennies amount ing in all to nearly four dollars tbe clasp to my pocket book was broken- so i tied tbe money into one corner of my handkerchief snd pot it into my packet tnd then wklked with my parents to church when the discovery l beir lives are written yoa are sermon was ovr kv mr brooks ed another day wore away in the mexntime kate bad become ojore quiet and her incoherent ravings had subsided into low moans when the doctor came he placed bis fingers npoa her wrist snd then said hopefully the pulse is slower there is an improvement very gradually kate began to re cover it waa many weeks before she could leave her room aod not till winter came was ibe able to be around as before my joy at ber convales cence bad no limits and i fervently thanked gcd for the continuance of her iita one bright sunday morning i dressed for church i knew after tho services a collection was to be taken for the poor and a purpjnse was in my heart in a little roseweod box i had a sam ties of oar railroads consume annually of money which i had cirefully saved 30 years growth of 75000 acres and there waa a halfdollar which father to fenoe all oar railroads would cost gave me alter thy big back tooth was 45000000 with a yearly expenditure pulled another half dollar aantsallie of 15000000 for repairs tfceee are wlurs our forests ire croats tomake shoe pegs enough for american use consumes annually 100 000 cords of timber and to make our lucifer matches 300000 cubic feet ot the best piue are required every year lasts and boot trees lake 500000 cords of birch beech and maple and tbe bandies of tools 500000 more the baking of our bricks coosuws 2000- 000 cords of wood or what would cover with forest abvut 50000 acrea of mtu telegraph poles already up represent 800000 tresand their annual repair consumes about 308000 more the an old man repents of thai ef wbicb a young man boasts he who waits to do great deal of good at once will never do any it is to live twice to be able to enjoy the retrospect of your past life have patience with all things bot chiefly have patience with yourself an effoit made for the bsppiness of others lifts as above oureekee do not lose courage by considering yoar own imperfections but instantly set about repedying tbem tbe qualities we possess never make as to ridiculous u those we pretend to have education begins the gentleman but reading good company and reflection most finish him wicked men stumble over straws ia the wsy to heaven but climb over bills in the way of destruction sjnhood rest oh ed 7 some of tha ways in which american forests are going there are others our packing boxes for instance cost in 1871 112000000 while the timber used each year id making wagons and agricultural soipleinents is valued si more than 1000o0606 the father of the family examines his watch with perplexity i cant audfjrstand my lore he says to his wife whats wrong with this wtch i guess it wants lo be cleaned ob no pa replies one oia olive blanch ea it cant be dirty for baby tq i were scrubbing it all morning in the i so pretty your picture will look real announced that a collection would be well in frout of a book yea it will taken up for the poor and earnestly kite laughed mernlv urged liberal contributions then mr bath tub with the hairbrush and we and giest authors get great prices peters and deacon holbrook took m ft plenty of apep vtto u un sad wlere is si man th it is married to woman is of few dsys and full of trouble in tbe morning he draws his salaiy and in the evening behold it is all gone it is like a tale that is told it vsuisheth and no one knoweth wither it goeth he riselb up clothed in the chilly garments of the night and seeketh the icmnolent paregoric wherewith to beat the colicybowels of his infant offspring he iniitateth the bone or ox and draweth tbe chariot of his posterity he tpendetb bis shekel in the pui chase of fine lineu and purple te cover ibe hoaoiu of bis family yet be himself is seen at tbe gstesof the city wih one suspender he cometh forth for a flower led is cut down tbjre is hope of a tree- when it is cut dowu tbat tho tender shoots tbeitof will n lout sgiii bur man goeth to bis boue tuid wlut ii he tiep yea he is altogether wretchedv a truo 7u story all ibe big ind biggext gsb appeal to hare surrendered this season to willing captors a country hotels guest went foilh to fish and rambled oer a wide country he splsshed him self with brook mud tore hja clothing and hair in uaderhrnah and at the close looked like a volunteer at the close ot bull run at night he strode op to tbe bole aod exhibited tbirteea trout to tbe verandaw occupants ani related bow easy the tront came to grief bow boclimbed fourteen trees lo unhitch the line sod how interior the result was with what be tt611y ac complished at that moment a boy came up well out of txealh and ex claimed mister ma aava i ean tell yer tbem fish theyv promised t motmr nun hereiyer tsotwy i t l j r u- ieiia trt5ex fs