Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 6, 1881, p. 2

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1 s in iff lir rf v- tuoksdat lolmjro 6owber6 1481 a tried at the kingston assizes has in it a moral for tbose who habit ttnliy indulge in intoxicating drtnlc a tuu irbse life tad been insured for n000 was supposed to have battened lis death by intern rmnie arid payment of the polity was resisted by lot insurance comnany on tint ground tbe case went against the bompaoy but epiarentiy because they failed to prove their contention the public iw left to infer that if they bid succeeded in miking il quite clear that the doalh of the insured man was really due to excessive drinking they would have been released from the necessity o paying the insurance nor docs there seem to be anything wrau in such finding a man whose life is insured forfeits the insurance by rxiniuiiuitig suicide and j for all practical purpose the man uq poisons himself iby drink ing frhiskcy is a suicide inasmuch s hd takes avay his on life with some drunkards the risk io thtir families frorumliis source may ierbaw be sponger than the danger to thetu selves gkic c stui 5 eliitca the board of trustees of ijloton school division met on mepdav even ing sid irt mrmjwlht in the v matthews and alaaby ooiiiuiuiotios were received from mifa mckeitar tendering hrir reaigiia- ifi4 as teacher it end of present year hio oue from miss grant asking for holiday on wednesday 12th iuau miss mckpllus resignation waa laid on the table until next meeting and miss grahlvjpgiieit was gianu3 the couiinittee on finance presented their rjbrt and recommended payment of the following accounts thos moore salary for sept clin st flfiiddson o co beg o far tutlrltov of advertise itifihg uio pal ftr weeks the bdon is to great they have writ advertisements bui sliiog at the gusgoiv house est goods always draws the crwd i hat is fjcboap at foartons acton iri from 75 cents- to 25c at j apologji- taienf notiti neurit the bigges th i to n iea i fylfa a di k 83 00 187j g25 1040 120 r 10552 sttidait exiltltica the annual exhibition of the town 6hip of efquesinjwaa held at george town on friday the 30th idt the day was fcxctreuiugiy windy and dusty yd that did mil prevent the people from turning out to see the show tbere were over 2000 personson tfifc ground and the gate receipts were 25 in excess of 1880 j the exhibit of horses was excellent there being about 150 entries in thai department the cattle and sheep vtre also very good thej doxestic manufacturers were about as well rep resented as usual messrs gulp i mckecxie bad a fine display of car liigeg and yvaggohsj the grain and root depailnient was very good fruit and dairy were notas well represented as last year the ladies work wa very complete there being more than twenty entries in some classes fme arts department was as well filled as usual taken altogether the show wai about as good as usual bat a great many of the members as well is visitor express the opinion that the exhibition would be greatly benefitted by holding it alternately at georgetown and acton the latter place hiving very strong claims for the exhibition every second year we trust this change will be effected if it is v one year on trial tbe pxixi list willi appear in next issae iliss mckcflar miss grant u mrs huriios canada pub- co maps h t moore advertising total moved by j matthews seconded by a lasby that the porl of the finance committee be adopted cairted moved by josiph laaby seconded by james matthews that the eecretary be and if hereby instructed to give notice ofnotuination of a fit and proier person to ell the vacancy on the board caused by the death of he late samuel moore eq said nomination to be hjd on wednesday 0t 19th at t2 ociock noon at matthews hall car- vied moved by james matthews seconded by alex lvtsby that this board adjtaui o meet on monday fvcqing nov lb carried tonic aduile a j fyf at j flllla at a threshing- at mr a iklls on the 2kh nll mr jna anderson had the end of his thumb taken off in the machine dr winn dressed the vonnd on the same day at a logging bee at jas carpus mr r ttsjxid was severely injured about thej headland neck by receiving a blow from ayoung sapling which wastinff downby logbeing drawnoverit j mr ircloi had several tecfh knocked out and was- otherwise iujuredf bo is now a good deal better it is reported ttat the division coirt will meet in cimpbelltille in stead of broofcville about the lotl ofkov c i j eiv h h mcpherson thronb 1 l indisposition was arable to prech last sabbath he is now recovering how ever nas8bgaweyasho passed off without the uaual rowdyisiu in the evenin fewer drunksridl laa fi thife year ban on any previous a srefuhed phtskxilt a dyinr fatient becoven through tbe tnierpositiou of a humble german rsome weeks ago dr g a very reputable and wi1elvkncwn pbysieian living on c slreec was called 10 utend a verv complicated cisc of rheum- alism opon arming at the house be round a man about forty yeariol aje lying in a prostrated and serious con dition with his whole frame dinjerous lyaaud with tbe painful disease he precnbed lor the latienl but the man continued to grox worse and on sunday evening be wasfoupd to ue in a very ajumirg condition the knees and elbows and jarger joints were- greatly inflamed and could not be moved it was mlr with extreme difficulty thai thf patient could be turned in bed with the aid of thre or four persons tbe weight of tliocjolhiog was so op pressive that means had to be adptei to keep il hvm the patients body the doctor saw that his assistance would be of no avail and left tbe house tbe members ot the familyfollowing him to the door weeping at this critical nour a neighbor a poor and bumble german shoemaker appeared to the friefjntlten dnea as a saving angel he had heard of the despair of tht cunily and now asked them to try hs remedy and accordingly brought forth a boitle if st jicnbsjqil as a drown- ine man will oatcb at straws eo the poor wife applied thia remedy sfie bad no bipe but would try snythiug- as i matter of duty the first application eased the patient very much fter a few hours tliey used il again and won der of wonders the pain vaoished entirely i every sabseqoentipplicalion j improved the sqsarer and in two days he was well and oou when tbe doctor called a few days after he was indeed surprised for instead of a edrp e be found a new made niao haxfc iftqtb our ovncoftt althougbtbe season for baseball is getting tgtber tar advanced and tbe tlifierent campaigns are bejng woand np rockwood seeiitsto be reluctant as to closing her sue sessful career sod stilt bolda on to tbe which may be fit grasp which at oiica reveals the de- unnination of her that jlorio as game few reinkining days for jiuying with a players u excel sp a very good game was played on the academy grounds between che academy and the village on sitatday as io size and strength tbe village nine was very mncb superior many of the acufemy pliyers being small boys however tbe boys- by their gob4 fleuinganaplayinl in general re sn iinfuitn severely defeating tbelr epi ttnenjti ss willte i vjtufr s vpapire schiijtj i j icltiiklf f mt ten a ew o uos f and setts i or plv to j iad value you ll from gos cos mantl re fr full at p i in- ami mi i licious and most refreshing pearsons fivsh ground un- atdd coffee 0od mt hat for 75 cents at stock of stoves just received ro pearsons fashions bla for the latest design in tea firstclass eavetronghing ap c uiiu es maniles newest styles si christ e henderson i co r competent judges pro- nunc oi r 12jc wincey extraordinary l diamine it compare it and be sure to buy it winceys up at christie henderson 4 50 cases of boots and shoes finest fftiricir wiirmnr ntra i i i v c ma tti3 christie henderson a tlck of istitea light and dark just receiwd these- goods the best njakera and comprise nge ofprices they will be sold c leap yardtare in greut varietyi cntlery a larfl stjock xails hingea etcy cheap rsdus uioa ani overcoats at extremely w rats laud made in latest styles be ill and see thtm j fyfe acum mihftte 0nsajiest9 mantle cloths silk and sln trimniiugs at christie uendkrsoo cov kaf value fakcb wool goods christie henderson co have received and vjll oier it a few days an immense ktock if ll kinds of vfancy wool goods comisiig knit shawls clouds elc etc ill cfthe latest designs and shades tueae gods are exlremely handsome andirsi be sold at very closest prices tormu cmlcd are sole manufactur ers ol cjdfiiorine machine oil in friog me its will be prosecuted a cesstt posiii icct 1c mliinatipu of the six oils cora- r thomas eclectric oil is a rtumph of chemistry whether ppli d xterpally for the relief of pain or loalliy insimmatlon or taken in ly i o remedy a cough it is speedily elyefijctive kirrvsa buffjo savs i was tadl j bitten by a horse a few dsyi was induced by a fnend who the occurrence to try dr eclectric oil it rtlieved tbe all tost immediately and in our round w4 completely bealed can be better for iresh wounds genuine erna and eiti psier ago i nd witniael thon pairl days kotn blackbtne the name of englands greatest lawyer and the name of a vrell known lawyers pen oi esterbrooks make ff he stationers have lhem j hooters m ottewt tlatheri i t ate yon distorted at night and broken otyoarrest bya sick child sufleringaid cryinjwilb the excruciating pain o cutting teelb7 if so eoat onceatid get a bottle of sirav winslows kootinng syrup it will relieve the poor litue sufierer immediately depend upon it there fa no mistake about it ttiere is not a mother on earth wiio haaeyer used ifwl30 will tot tell you at once that it will regulate the bow els and give rest to the mother nod relief and beatih t the child operating like magic it is perfectly sale to use in all cases and pleasant to the taste and is the pre- scription ofone of the oldest and best female physicians and nuvse in the united states sold everywhere at 25 eentaa bottiei th teat rusults wbioh have attended the regular jise of quinine wine by people of delicate constitution andthose asected witba general prostration of tbe system upik mote than all the wnrds that we can say in its bebalf this article is a true medicine and i life giving principle a perfect reno vator of the sj steminvigorating it thdssme lime both body and mind its medical properties are a febriuge tonic andaflflperiodic fcmallt doses frequently repeated strengthen ihe palse create an appetite enable you to obtain refreshing stbffi and to teel and knowlhitevryiibren8rkl4jsue of your system is leing braced andrtnovated in the finr quinine wine prepkrtdjiy korthrop lyman toronto we hae the exact tonic required snd to persons i of weak and nervous cof stitutiona we would aar kever be witbppt a bottle in the house it is sold byall druggists bouotcatt pills dysentery diar rhoja and dtsordered bowelsrtbese maladies are ever present snd if left unattended frequently terminate fatally it should be everywhere known tbatall these complaints originate in the pres once of some undigested substance in thealomachpr bowels or of same dei leferiom mauer in tbe blood and list holtoways bills can eiimlriste either with ease and expedition tbey com biae in a surprising degrse purilyingi alteratireregulaing trengtbening qualities and f iroi exert oier eyery in lereal organ hewhoieselyednfrolmig inflnedcea sjeeessary for subduing excessive action in tbe human frame holloways me licme may beadvanvge- only i siren u a tiienns of weplttg the hlopd pare nd tbe oody coolrilfe only practicable plan of maintaining bealib is youth in manhood land in old age eselectiodoi wmvl 3d nd h ioc wanted pa extra heavy wmeiys 5 to 12 ctsj bales of grey white ootws hemp union tapes tfyofflftb extra value in tabu utlelts amd tifell3h6s the finest and most choice lot of gents fancy ties eve shown in acton grain bags bestmakes 3001 up best value in green black japan the highest price paid for good wresai egjs i and ohbice butter i christie henderin cxij the place tabuy good and otiedp groceries pro- 1 visions crockery aiid gtlaeeware i itie largest stbek of teas in town fifteen differ- v- h 1 ntgrvles to choose from j jl- satlsfactipn iaranteef if not money refunded es5fct cokbinittov the sne- mi a east caaafarl u ike smstettac irovns household paracea has ho ejuil for pain both in- ternl a id external it cores tth in the side back or flowels sore throat fihet matsm tootbsche lumbago and any ilmlct apainjor ache it will tr06lsui aly quicker ths blood rtnd heal f cling poer is wonderful rn wn s panacea being aikn rwt idged s the great pain believer and f dmble thei strength of any other elixtof lioimeot in the world shoul be ui eery family hanly for use when t a it really is tbe best remedy in tha wprld forcratni8 in the stomach tokmoodbitters iiwqulymedicinfl fkitt- aoeesaml prifllei the bloot act uportbe liver botwis bki ind kidiusyi while at the same timeit allyi jnervons irritatioti and irtrejiigtheni the tb41itated system perfectly and speedily wnig biliousness jaimdice dyspepsia consti pation- headache bhenmatiim dropsy if errons gen eral dehility reniale complainiav soqjl krytipalu salt rheum and every ipecies of cfhroniij diese laang from disordered liver kidneys stomach bowels tajuood mbbwjlooo p0wfywc towcbi tk wrlb aaciile cattle ic utludila i co 501 1kits tmiita bctslar kn sm thepltfrigresoctieet- brought into acton jlistfe hanlt sold cheap fo cash no reasonable offer refused all tine new lines inqlass will bs y sold on tfi sajne terma t hams bacon bologna satts4e and ailorii ofpboysions kept constantly on ha4 r- 3eeen s -li- sells 02eap i- i mstltt the customers jiav6 fouad tfeafe orge ilaingi at ttei new brick stliw 1 i r i 1 best is giving the yaltieljb f the bat value in alt kindt of rw4er v safe ot ud tsfcctakl imiibjii jt i dolu pric 15 au or 5 fcc l fenlivtt liaey 1ut ao tqiul price ij ctou per paift oyster pailoi ns and aches of all kinds g hatthew8 ha8 jt8t be- ceived use lot fct ttslh ovttsti andi i fo sale by all dt uggists at 2ients a bo lock wood cords of good hemlock wood immediately it acton tannery ciias icvees foiltraitof garfield with 1 on slae of sheec isijt his aatocniph acknowledged by self to be tba best hkeoeas ill existence r hjindred maile caples csc of antgraih letter givea with tctare address saber carqnevttle uthot 5lli in built and can aid is prepared to serve them up by tba diah in every style he has opened lunoh parlor and is in a position to supply customers with 3ot luach at any boor tea cofioei oysters cakes ac alwaya fresh aiulgoocl his ptoci of c6at8tlbaery ftrait jso- is unexcelled and compxiaea everything in tbat line cinil 7rnlt uld tllh in any quantity 011 aajl set i g matthbw8 the cottage hearth the cmage fiuikh ptiblibhed at boston an illustrated majraiinabf home arts and home culture contains more reading of prqtlual domestic woroi and fotitirejfomt inural tban any other iaa- itie nf- its price each nomber contains- portraita and sketches of distinguished jito superior horns malic floral arvidds fttoriea and adventures choice the latest taihious he motherii chair tbe ktndentv corner lthe itoans folks win dow ill fully illdstrated terms 150 a year iui advance postage paid ms- f cltjbbit8 ivys are enabled to bake tbe following liberal bber to our reads toallwhosnb- orili rithio tbrei ooobl and pavl0 in advaooewe will jaadhefaii paras and the ckusfc htatfalot ess ytar this wih givejona sood paper ibd a eboieemaganne era littls more than pe price of either please seird in your sub v ription at once the lats3t aot host wow bajriprosi iff hnfgllifieiaiihdiiiiiikiago- btckche soreness of ijia chart if ol f qiwnylore throat smalt- jig and spraintjbura tad scalds general bodi pdnii tipttl ear and heaclaoii8freiiid itkmtdtviiatid cutaihirx j paint aiidiaohbt mo f rmanuoo on earth qaalt sr 7imit on 1 i ift awre wwna aacwoji- fcrtttw eg hi ja ftat cal bnt tke u sure rtwpt anaejwo- r- trfl nll tt t 1 r of jwrtimlwrj lj i pc a u iwcbjmpposltitsiwt of 1j x e li iinxmioflacm aaa bi aii ssurirfibtb ini i ti raauaami a 1 avqgejueutooq battlmmltdubj planoi ibyirbiofriftiy ewdejr erssnean plaj ajyorthbpopu iitl0utri or eveii mbsicalralant tbe company hill eorftot 11000 irny5bllil tefa jea old fajla iti plaj avzmfyt wu ormelobonwtblblokhodbaiter rtoceinpf the jioioiirldi instrnettona provided aajd ehild tjfbcptint tit figures before it pomjl to 100 odrrebtty 9 hsoaf ef m4to wia xmbm maledtabyklintreripttfll snolose- fone otjnt ppstsga stamp or ue of tuijes i9ager4sinted wdnvrtete aultcsl i w- p fiweintpilnfinii 21s4s mjet hev jldtettt tsemtttb i i dddra m fa- 1 list hi m jjoiriii apply at the i fia lins onjci uarronbptb3 goods oashmeees wingeyjs fisis hosiely4 4 small wahes uotiohs fble4jlss frirfgrt in velvets a velveteens w blacit colopeliianb pompaddttk the lav mitioil i- ially adapted for fine itrimmingatweedi mantlejt cijoths iani jilnti8 pojlmamsit ani jadkets blafjk and ancyto 8uit the xaste th times and tbepuksr p ps remmbek the stand biarm ffvia anevkiltotelatln streetacton the far1vierb4 1 i acton pit dp j tbe undersigned deal n that all parties receiving account would call and settle the same at once thereby saving farther trouble and expense ekicilik480n aetonpctttn 188l ttoi silk stave heading factory cooper shops and besidioe tb snbaenber okra for aletila ampertjr ntnateuln um enterprise- vlllaeor aeum north ocuiaotiralurar thaprepsrtfli eompoud ot tbnr acres otrwlilcn is si loal4 a stave and ileadliif aetorj eoataldtng first elav maesdnery and to exeellent order tsro cooper shnpaxonr stxeda eomtoruble bxiek i d welllnf aqd ceod atabts tbs prvp7 ts ccinvenleit for shipping and alarxebniineea has eean donetn thprelitmdartnf the past 167ears lh propertyiwlll be 6ld on be imbtl liberal terms apfl7 x the premlaes ort acion po to i t j tb0oatb8 v aolon eptpth last i auction sale trh farm stock and lmlbh the nnderslgned baa been instrncted by lw bnmatosellbypunboanotion i tmthepreniaeaci no67 con eramoaa on f oespay- 18th of october i8sl atlooalookamthefalbwrotperty ifaurmsjs jlaiobed team of bay horses 7 and3 yaars u spaa olabnastji hares u yaajraxirjilftrftstaa olf4o oobljulifiood grade steers irisiaseara- 44 tstriialnf s oenbfffiir rfrbtnia ifyirnjfii mm hsmarsnto ancudneeri rrf vv rtv aii jlvio0ar i j u oroceeies groceries grdceries 1 lit- z o if you cheap good provisions provisionsy provtsibniv pbovisipna tprl glassware v s orbgi6ry chll imxsdtkn tbk stock ot i i i 9 coc000000000oooooooooooooooooopocioooqoock i biroajfrtitehifixo xuxwhsks 4 a- j mv svtliai- thuirsstloiofr6ria- thftfft mtbrtwl lot efllraeartetv i vi th dlisiafmtrt ttqram highest- price paid jor ihiiter and eggt y t atdoht mistake thbirissixj- mirttogt the celefikatsd 60 csntitxa glassware ig ta issiiii tfiain i i-uoi-i- sviitl ii 4ulliv h33iju i3asovii t h33ja it3cpjes ii 4 lr m i j hi v- fit 5-

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