Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 13, 1881, p. 1

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n 4tuifmpr4tt r itmuskm kvsbr tmuaatiar uotttwo rtluv proprietor a tut fes pans nw qoorto ueumlist chureh uittntt tn fin bw srill be aanl to sttbaoribers postage paid for 1100 pet n- nwn in advance il50 if not so pud no paper discontinued till ail arrears ire id exoefrt at iheoptson of the publisher abtmaan rirx casual adveitiae- meats 8 cents per use for the first i tsor- ton and oents per line for each vibee- qoent iasartio- cash professional c lrds 10 line or li u00 per annnni 1 sq lire is base i0p per urn am payable m tnoathafrwaof liuwrtibu- any sieeiil notice the object of which is to pro note the peeaniire benefit of any individuil or npenr jo be considered in sdvgtisc- u the number of usee reckono 1 by measured by a sole of actmi out oa column one jrear halt ooluiai eae rear uoanereolaam one year one eotomn an months an gut months volume vil no 16 isneo 5 to suon ssm sicn 12 i 20 00 lien 00 half column qaattereoloittntlxmop oieeoluan three months ilalfeouimulhreemonlhi qaarteolaninlhmonui advertisements wtthwit ipeclnc dire- lions wlubliwrtfciuiiforludandehrtfdeorl iulr triniltarr advertisements mjistbe paid la advance chances for eentnet atrcenlfememi most be in the office oy 8 m mon mtfndayt xher wue the fffl be left ever uir the loll jwlnr week r hrjfooi jllor 4 proprietor this ioco m l bamuux 8prra bll5brfemif3ra totfcb the canada advertlslui axen jjejj sklnxst west tocnto ij authorised to- revive adrrertlseme ou for tills raper i vt bctchebl inner virecytm w 3wbt 3tb mljb s gnisste of trinity college item ber of college of physicians and si rgeohs- jflice and residence at the head if fred- erica st acton js mcgasik md h c p s- graduate of victoria univerj air gmmnotl oxxltjo will rial aden on tnesday aad viiav from 2 to i p m if lila services- are required durii g anv osier day ojtk wwfc notice left a j e if cgarria dr store will receive i rolnpt attention j b jjjlthesox attobke xlax law solicitor in chancery ic next door to tcallaees hotel milton l onjnl office dext1st ciorge- tfpbeee t 6 geoegetwk ozitirslcisit acton erery wi dnes- dax and- vill attend to all calls pert lining to his ptafiwacm oideraleft at mcqi rrins xrdgtore will reeerre prompt attention terms moderate i r tjnshek r w klitg irentoimder ft kaeninfat geohgetotrs k of every description mi de to order oa the shortest notice and reasonable- terms repairing- promptly at- uadedto a listeb jl clabk bebisek quebec street guelph atixca rnrc miukcwt siiuxx mill aireel aetaa sromoj opec etzbt evu1t tttt hembtbeet licensed auctioneer foe the comities of wellington and h jfon orders kit at the tzzz fszas office j ctoo or at my residence in acton wjll be promptly attended to terms reasonable i utmtt u aat u- also mozieyto loan on themost fart rable- terms and at the lowest rates of int ifest in snzns of 1 500 and upwards patents fok estehtioxs e cpe- nmodsxt and properlv secnredii can- da the united states and europe fa- cent guaranteed or no charge senl for print6diasfructiois- agency in ope ation ten years he5etgbist ottawa cakada wtumtl engineering solicitors c i par enta and dranghtsman si eetd vetebikaby 60e- i jt geott georgetown gradns ie of i theentarie teterinary college will tisit acton vttrf taesday rom 1 to 4 pm all calls refleited promptly attended u by night or day horses bought and so a on commission- eesidence west cornerfrom iirery stable georgetown ont g bfcid asheqifsklahi iampreparid to pay the highestjeash prde for hides calflidns deacons 1 amb andsheep skins dehterod at my tar aery iisoe jjeather pbnstantiyon hand r james moqbe actos icbuce pxistikg hiring opened a paint shop in the brem tie nextdoor to xickliai bakery i si i pre pared to do carriage painting and sign writing of ererjr description and won id re- speotfnlly solicit the patronage of the i eople oftonandticinity suuaased to awx befdri where yoo ican get ao easy share a ylisb haueat afaothing ghampoon er ao oling 8ea km j i apare bo paint and e ve no pain is theaoeordprwbroent of a good i aire boars and scuuors set in perfeejfc rder oa sadrtest notice jl wordkn brbb ii r mill 8trefc icfw money the sdernilaasswnet bill iapo- 1 for diaconnsngrood enoraed apl at reaaomauarateoflhaconbt jajie8matthsw8 itoalrlkl8ol temiioo in advane actom bankinc coy storey ohristie 1t eo acton bankebs i ontario a general banking busi- mx8 transacted 1c0kzt uaitss on i 0ts6 atpaotsd notes discounted and interest i allowed on deposits vewwjwr a map of bitty lft u fluduationi and ilt 3ton ont thubsdat ootofibr 13 1881 w h st0rey son h t0 haoton out i gtj3uppc glove jfaiiifaoturers agriooiti the best description of giotss and mrrrs in every variety of material and style are mannfactured by as j storeys eureka j i- jkg gldve fastekerpat i weare also eatenteea and inventors of stores surftk spria qlore 7uti- ct justly acknowledged the most periact fastener in use patented in canada the united sutesond great britain- j foeeigx omces spmce street kewtocfc u s a lime grove birmingham ng i oi o hstoce of watofhp ry iery repair jewell the watch and ji shop of cueffli aano 26 west side uwer wfjidham st the mutual life ass0ciat10x0f caxida bead office hahilto x ont qrreisaust sepottt m 9000000 policies on the rcsetx fcxd piak itened by this compaoy only aadcupyrightl contain a plain statement of the amoont of cast valae of paidop intonnce the policv- bojder wiilbe eotiued i roceire if diacon tinning the parment of premiams after 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 payments tc h p moore jagwtrt fkee press office acten r s ymra colored gold brooheg and eairlkjjsfijettrs cold brooches dries surer setts ne surer lockeu surer xeckleu cold watches diamond rintf gem stone rluksj b satvams i ii i jetwelliry 8tp to advertisers geo p z0wsll scos i select zdrt s local tfevsjapsrs ajl oatxriijcr irko tpaidkpuxird of 85446 a ycr and irw inwu icm tliaa 3ou of it t a tu lbd vrriux your select local lw paid me bdict uut year the ill tie otist adtsrtiaijut 1 414 it la act i cootr4tit6 list itiiaetcieij liat riiasoajmturt the eautioeue stalesexactfrwbnttbe papers ere- when the name of the paper s printed in pxxt kacx tyf e it is in erery instance ine btst wbeu printed in capitai it is urn iqsxt peperlutlie place tbe ut giver the popoiaufiaoreverv town and toe circulation k 1 the rates ehariedforadverllddgare rarely oneflfth the oabiuners sehednle the priie 1 forslnelesuaes ranges from ttos tliev price for one inch one mouth in the entire list is 9ta the regnjar rales ol the pirpers for the same space and umeareasstisuj tnellstldcladestanewppaneikofwhleliwn are issued d1ilt sod s syeeklt- tliey are localed lu s different dlles and towns ofwblchiaare stale capital m3 places pi over tsjm population kid 44g county treats foreopvof list and other information ad- dress qeop rowell4co 10 spruce sl kew york wyndham st istcew butcher r w 0 robihscn woakf intimate to tie peop s of acton that be baaotireliaaedtliebatel erb islnen late ly carried oa by edbert 3k rey hac alwayion nana a flnti- jlaii wefcof beef rerfc uootj pon t d game la we and hope by trlei autnutfi to tecare a lair ihare ptiuc mataeliv part of tde town hmc totmi oaifc l obdxks peokptlt an k5t the free press thorsdat homitko october is 1881 pqetst where theres drink thereb pander write u on the liaaor jtore w rit it on the pnion door write it on the ginthop be writer aye write this truthful line where thetei driuk theres dander write it on the workhooie rate write it on the schoolboyi itale write it tn the opy book that the voanf may at it look where therei drink there dange write it on the churchyard moand where the drinkilatn dead are found write it on the gallowt high i write it iflf pauenlty where theres drink theres danrer writoit nndenieaihyonr feet- j up and down the busy street write it for the gtjeat and small in the mansions cot and hall 4 where therei drink theres daofter write it on our ships that sail borne alpug by steam and eale write it in urge letters plain oer our land and past the main where theres driuk therei danger write it on the christians some sixty thousand drunkards roam year by ytar fruoi uod and rig lit vrorinx with reaistlesa might where theres drink theres dange write it in the nations lawt tramplinii out the license eatse write it oo each ballot white politicians read it right where theres drink theres danger guelph shop cosiness to nae of tfin- isue lo any of the i tstn nafe of tfin freati ny dull f w i gobinson- office diaries foe 1882 n full line now in- stock das bookstore gcelph day sells cheap man hoop hov tost sow bf stored i i- we have rceetitt5 pnhllshisd a oev edlrlon ofpr rtrwelvt cel- krsrted eskay on tbnradlcai and permanent care without medi- ci tie of nerroufc debility m n ts lmn ph yc- ai incaiaacuy impedlmenu iriiarrtage etc resaiuojfrotnfixceni es tgprlre lna3aled anvlopooly tsjiti or iwo postage sumps i tue caiebrated antlior in till admlnitio efaay clearly deraootrai8 trom thirty year snccessiul pruptiw tti tt alpirnlcf emi- seqaeucea may beiradleail cofed vltnoat toe dankeroas aae of later ml medidnpsor tile oseottbe knife jpolnun toai a mode of enre at once rim pie- certain ind jetrpcuialby means of wblcu every sol eset no matter what bis condl lion may oei ley core blmief cneapiy piitatelyapdradieihyj tblslectore should be id the bands of rreryyoath and every man n tqe land address the cafrerwelt mfedltal co i 41 ajui tujktw tork postofflee box 4m j t f oummihgs fraotioalttpliolrtexer ueim aaraauo j lsmbreohltu curtains whidttr buods l chureli csmbiobsv cleopatra chalrsl ettoaaiu baancretu turklsli spring bajek and needle work a specialty oarpett 6uf made and laid an vui iswrtat notice 7 furniture bedphoutered it the most hea- mtutblebatm and in thir latest styls t p oummings quebec street wat oaefc s ocse lot ft the undersigned ofie fpr sale the splendid stone dwelling o i miin st near ill g smiths retidem efjne fifth of ac acre with stone ho ise n splendid condition stable and ahip on the prem ises hard and soft wau r mils title indisputable terms re soqabls ap ply to aechmosa- i ockwoodfo b sale 81000 poe tl jsjxt c immlx qanoer pori ooallcoplt lam a ancer without the nseoftl ire ekilfe theioni fernunent cor i in the world for particulars enclose i eel t to s 0 ssoth ooauoooa eat canada fltcares swui aid cejtalw dextt d lso n n-v- l-i- vtut content sibo if no to palt miam whle n 347 beclinu hia priyatsjofflon there be i invi ed bis guest to sit down and be took a seat opposite him tbo viscount dre a large pocket hook from hu vest pool et and waa about to open it when mr barker anatcbed it from buband what does this meant jld the freiiobman springing to bit feet tie bank or stood up before- him ejec bim from head to foot and said to tim quietly it meant my dear well ova srosf taius a deluded banketvde- teotive kot great many months ago it is said although i cannot vouch for the truth of tbe story a carriage drove up before one of the most palatial of chicagos hotels and but of it got a certain gentleman whom i will call mr barker the junior partner of a local banking firm ue was also a well- known j man of the world and was warmly received by the clerks of the hotel and as it was dinnertime wa ushered into the dining room mr barker appeared to be in v especially good humor and chatted a while with tbe clerk in the coarse of the conrenation he asked whether a gentleman named viscount fleury from paris had not arrived tbe previous day and in order to aid the clerk in recognizing him he added that he had a very military air the question wm immediately answered in the affirma tive the banker said that he would like very muctr to make the acquaint anoe of the gentleman and the clerk ordered the head waiter to reserra a place for mtr barker at the frenchmans table the banker had hardly taken hut seat when the gentleman for whom ho was inquiring a tall finely formed pet son stepped into the roam without paying attention to the banker be sat dawn at the table near him after soup was through with mr bnker made some incidental remarks tbe frenchman who was alone showed no disinclination to re spond and the two wero soon engaged in conversation in which mr barker found opportunity to introduce himseh as a member of the banking firm of barker brothers we will bay the banker was as has been stated a roan of tbe world the ivivcount was a frenchman and the conversation nat urally turned on the gayer things of interest in chicago a subject better calculated than any other to bring young men as they both were closer together after dinner the two bad a bottle of mumm and a cigar the viscount then said inadvertently by the way my dealmr do you know where i can get the cash on draftes on the bank of california for about one hundred and twenty thousand t tarn going to leave tomor row for france and i should prefer to take my money with me in united state bonds j mri barker said thatj he would hi very lad to accommodate my oar riage said be jsmwjlnrouof ths door sad if you choose we will go righ over to the hank in half an boar you- can bare your bonds and then i wilt be at your service to show yon tht sights of chicago fifteen minutes after tbe carries vleryliatoiped before tie bank and th banker led his trench friend tbrosgb the front office in wbioh besides the onmerom clerks there were several other prsahs apparsttdy est3irs badter unt that i know perfefly who you are you are jjijeil cashier of the firm of l t 4 coibankers of saul francisco and these tecuntles which you have here in youtjtocket- book represent money stolen ftm your firm yon must be ent of your erases said the frenchman either give me back these papers which yon bare taken from me like a robber or i will make an alarm i just as you choose said tbe banker only i want to say that there are officers in citizens clothing in that office and that i am something of a detective myself mr t of the firm you have robbed is an old school friend of mine since be knew that you would of coarse kesp6ut of the way of every one with whom you bad busineei relations he spplied to me sent me a full and complete description of you and told mesll that it was necessary for me to know in fact it is not to he credit of your shrewdness that yod permitted yourself to be begged so easily tour arrival here was- discovered this morning and it would not hav taken half s detective to bare niefceafyoauu snjwbere and now my dear laifitt or visoonnf flehry if you prefer that title yoasrt caught i v j t the fain viscount bad hardly castas glance at the- letter before he sank back upon his seat appareotlv overcome with i consternation i- in tbe meantime mr barker looked over tbe contents of the pocket book and found ahem all light then his eyes rested upon the unhappy french man the sight toncbed him and be said with more warmth than the scamp deserved i you see what crime leads to but you must not be entirely discouraged my fnend tr says that you invested ten- thousand dollarsofourl money in tbe businessman view of the good services whreh you had previously rendered and out of consideration for your family he gives it to yoa i am authorised to pay yoq ten thousand dollars here is your bioney in bill take it and try to earn your living honestly i give you my own name and that of my aid friend your former employer the assuranps that nobody shall ever know inytninaufaprning your misconduct tears flowed down the cheeks of the unmasked swindler ife pressed mr barkers hand warmly and since he had apparently lost bis desire to see the gayer tide of life as it is to be seen in chicago he burriedfrom the bank the banker barker was delighted at having performed his mission so well and could not resist inviting all the officers and clerks of the bank about bim to explain how very shrewd and keen ha bad been and bow very brilliant a detectivi he would make he wrote at once to san fiancisoo about the good success whicn had attended his efforts and placed the securities which he had received at tbe disposition of l t 4 co when that bouse informed him by return mail that they knew nothing about iffiu or viscount fleury and that the securities whioh barker had forwarded were worthless forgeries tbe shrewd swindler tbe alleged viscount fiecry had never s to- a member of the san francisco ba iking ystenous n inner bad learned of the intimacy be ween the bankers and thenforgia tbe securities which were even wor hless as forged ones had also forged an 1 for warded to the chitago banker the etter in which was splendid description of himself u be was gotten up far that ianicblr scheme in which he flatter ed him on hi natarll detective ability and pointej out a winter tbe oaptsjre of tbe securities also verj urgently showing why tbey ii net want the manarrasted and wiyhedid wairt bitt piaje ten thoasand dursin hnta it 4 70s9 70 k07ssss wrute for the fret prtu we bear a great deal of advice to mothers npon the suhject of fitting their daughters to become good industrious prudent wives but not a word about fitting their sons to become kind con siderate husuands a good wife is indeed essential to domestic peace and harpiuess bnt a good husband is equally so for how can a woman be a niodet wife who has a peevish unreasonable tvrauical hus band always faultfinding and holding bis mother up as a paragon of perfec tion we need i not look for- bappy homes while mothers continue to pet pamper and make slaves of themselves to their sons i sincerely pity the un fortunate girl who is chosen for a lift partner by one of these petted boys and who is shortsighted enough tfi accept bim we take it for granted that she loves him with hettwbole heart and her dearest wish is in please hint with what nergy she sets o work to prepare her nicest dishes 1 how proud she feels of her first realdinner she is sure dear harry will like it but bow her poor little heart sinks when dear harry pronounces it very good indeed but yoa should see the dinner motlter can coot ah 1 shame npon htm can he not see by the flushed face and trembling band oi tbe poor iwue woman bow hard spe has been trying to plesse hiuil hqw she would gather fresh strength and energy to try still harder nejtt time from a kindly smile or a word of encourage ment frcm him but she wonfget either oh no he may gobble tbe meat cooked to a turn and the ivege tables so nidely prepared he nay bolt the delicious apple- pie with a keen nuish and know in bis heart that they are better than anything his mother ever cooked but to admit it bless me no this wpuld be too great a bonde sention on tie part of this loh of creation fit believes in keeping a woman down or she woudsponwant tu be boss the poof little wife tries time after time with a like result who cau blame her if she becomes discouraged and gives up trying sinks intp a noth ing or becomes a selfish htrdened woman without lore for husbanjd or home mothers in your bands liej tbe gt ester part of the work of reform in this matter be good kind gentle mothers to your boys bat notslafres to them teach them to be kind and con siderate to the weaker sex and thoughtful for their comfort bring or strive to brin your boys up to be men in every sense of tbe word not petted tyrants aad yon will not only bring a blessing upon yourselves but confer an l unspeakable favor upon tbe wives of the future uaist dbew boy qittjoj sts4s4iptoi tkf ekair csttbwoffthsjiraihr twulia j rontbewiu pimtothehas mskiig makiug m uakibk vrssriumofigrsaaw lujtig truous for bs all i t that willi wtuje hsaaariag opoo the flow sllontiijjf uu his throat u sort bakiou si y oo ths latterie roar authsand jm ji that willie i sating all his finest elotim stublitog out his french kid tots dirty cheeks and dirty nose caring little tow he goes tfiair wiljia i ah j my heart is sore sod i tad thinking of my haughty lad other auuhmai neveraid i kever bad a boiysohad as willie1 i butirhen cuddled down to sleep jind his arms around me creep askiug god his tool to keep tbeu in tender leva i weep than i know i hold tod cheap i my precious willie a great many people cannot under stand why the female portion of the oom dunlty prefers sbberimen the- matl eriu simple enoogh 1 wives like sober husbands be came tbey can reasqn with a sober mani 2 the sober man is more coi panionable 3 sober men hare pride and pride is womans main hold 4 sobriety means a oomfortablo homa i i good clothes for mother and children i i j6 a house of your own 7 evenings at home instead of in a barroom h 1 i of sat dont get angry at trifles dont make a laughing stock yourself by trying to be odd dont flirt with the girls when ypur wife is around l i dont judge a man by his looks for no man looks as mean as he feels dont tell your neighbors any gossip unless you know it to be true and then dont tejlit until the other wo man has told yoa as good k story dont say yooj dont care when yoa are doing roar best to keep from eat ing and cant dont make so moohohib music dont sneak around the corners whin yoa want a glass of beer bnl walk in and take it like a little man or else dont toacb it st sid not btvhlti sal tbe ber drcollyer tells this story of a wedding in yorkshire as the man came out of church with his bride he met an ild ponipanujuj who said there ladj i wishtw much joy ihouaj gotten vend of all thr troublel it was rerf dbod to be assured of that and fjhhridegroom wesjt ob kis wky ifjoibing bat by and- by tie fcand mi had made ah unfortunate choice it was a bad job and soy when b met his old ovmpipio i in ate seet i thougbt tboo fold tpe la t easieioqt f 4rturfeyiqhtireh rjiairgb wu a bidtifiji sui0 ti4andneljaiai sxrtnshiniwai 8 better health and enjjytnent of life i 9 auj elevated view of use and a sense ofiyoor reepooiflbtlitiea 10 yon are a credit to yooc wife and obildren f j 11 people that anoe despisedyou will now bless you 12 i toar word will be ranged as you resist the tempter u 13 young jues will pattern after you j 14 vou wul be so ornament oteljr and the iwfaole town in whi yoolire i i 15 the whole communitv wif 1 take pride in you and wish the bad more like you i 16 tout family and friend will appreciate yon 1 17 yon edenries will adnhi yomr path of societ 1 u 18 booffers will he disarmed at your works 19 your many qualities will grow with your rears 20 god will bless you j t a oouta aistmi a tealous coian always finds more than be looks for j the nnpardonsble su if to be bard on a tender child we hare a good deal more kindness than is ever spoken better bej a nettle in the sideof yottr- frieod than his echai i so man is more saiaaraue than he that hath no adversity i an effortmade for happiness of othenrlifts us above oaraelvea half the ills we board savar hearts are ills bedaose we hoard them all up bill work when we would do j 11 all downward work when we auoer ben we w when we i sow l- good serriees- sweet remem brances will grow trop them good- homes are like good apple trees tbey propagate after their kiow 1 i gum arabic dissolved is whisky will keep the haircurled in damp weather a little sugar dissolved in it has tb same effect on the legs a 8o01td ilind is i healthy boivtheola bomanljemofuiehlsiie defjee or happiness ths jjv rules ithe rooav isrsrassniow eriatea aaretot in the nhijueal srstem cosflveneat aaioosnesa jj dlounms and bsy usteu this aootn yellow skis ana ereslo6adrapitwjlasiit anarsjf asdiowsplrita pnlsin toe auk and slj wln4ahdna4smsnaehjailthr ereaie twtf blood stawthe andjnejs with smlrotbiaiia try t heent sample niask jourorlbit ist heaaiwlsafcesnim i 1 seatj mxtmiiii 4m brafji iftef irelisti rfevsernal lhr bowels nhse ayr itfsrttia

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