Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 27, 1881, p. 4

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pp vjw ti hlf the press bfc 0ts7 1881 iml sibtthrefl7l rtumintio the meadowv i little ouryar old pickstha starry daisies wilt fbeir hurt ot cold i 1 j tilla hsr anowy sprou t rl rihmdtipcm hands s suddenly haw quiet lb the grass the stands i who glide cowers sopitty pat ethers did god i i halnliug answer 1 witnaicerelettood dropping all her blossoms with uplifted head fervent face tamed skyward thank yi0d ana aiid then at if explaining though no word ispake i always tnus lay thank yon for the thing 1 take 0 my little preacher clid in robea of praise 1 j woald e all might copy baby thisktula waya 1 time to fret and unrmar vvooeold never make shoojdvwa first say thaokyoo pot the things we take 1 sutltfutht what sumtar do yon wear f asked the side dealer aa bo stood with hia iwckdierweuy turned while the lady disrobed her foot well i have always worn b 1 she aaid with a truthful accent but i think iii take a good large easy pair this time so you may give me no 2s the shoes were produced bat do amount of pulling and tugging could get them on strange she said while ber fair cheeks grew flushed and a lurid light gleasbed in htr dark eyes ive bwn on y feet good deal lately and they must be twice aa large as usual supl pose we try 2 ths shoe dealer went behind the counter and tok i out a pair of 4v quietly obliterating the number and substituting 2j he carried them to the lsj bbe crowded them on the btiohg man buttoned them though perspiration poured from his face like teeraandtbeushe stood up with agony on her brow bat a determination to do or to die in her expression how dp these fit 1 asked the dealer i nicely n its astonishing what a difference i half number makes these are as easy aa an old glove but if any one bad told rue a year ago that 1 would wear a 3 shoe i would hare langhedi would indeed sot it fyi to take- a xtdbrmper some patera are not of much account as to appearance but 1 never took one that did not pay me in some way tnorr than ipaidfor it one time an old friendstarted a little paper in brant county and cent it to me and fyob scribed jost to encourage aim and after a while it published a notice that an administrator had an order to sell several lota at public- outcry and one of the iota was in my county so i inquired about the lot and wrote to my friend to attend the sale and ran it np to fifty dollars he did so and bid me off the lot for thirty- dollars and 1 sold ittn a month to a man it joined for a hundred and so i made sixty eight dollars clearly taking that paxer my father told mi that when he was a young man he taw a notice in a paper that a school teacher was wanted away off in a distant county arid he went there and got the situation and a little girl was sent to him and after a while she grew up mighty sweet and pretty atfd he foil in larrwith her and married her now if he hadnt taken that paper what dd yon reckon would ban become of me 1 wouldnt i have been some other fellow or may be not at all if i short tttvriu an irishman finding hia cash at low ebb resolved to adopt the road aa a professional means of refreshing the exchequer and saving provided him self with a huge noraespiatol proceeded forthwith to the conventional lonely common and laid in wait soon a farmer returning from market with a bag of money appeared to whom pat exclaimed your money or your life r a remark fortified by the exhibition of the firearm in the usual way jibe farmer who was a quaker essayed to temporize i would not have the tain thy soul with sin friend and didst tboo rob die of my gold it would be theft and didet thou kill me it would be murdor but bold 1 jl hargain is no aa- i will give tbee this bag of goll for the pistol which tbou holdeet at my ear fat- made the exchange without a momenta hesi tation nowj friend cried the wily ynaker leveling the weapon give me back my gold br 111 blow thy brains outl blaa awi tmnldarliotl i re th res giver adhrop j tt quaker thought fjiid of po that in it be bad the wot it of lie bargain oof laid nutjbake lhtof m mam lnjj nothing dw railroad otten as intoleratoi i v a atraight line is tin shortest in morals as well as geometry tbu gteateat truths ire the simplest j so are thn greatest men good mannrrl and wood morals jre sworn frimdiaredarthltea t lt not the streanj o your life al ways be a niurniuringj stream alwjyj there is a black spot in our sunshine it is tbe j shadow of out- selvea j many receive their creeds aa they do their money beeattsej they fiud it in circulation j do the duty which lies nearest thee the second duty will already hare be come clearer i v i- many preaerve themselret by hum- wing themselves the bullet flies over him that stoops vi wmhz c rimz i- i i- ivt iif ii nt ittck nurc the value of human life is so luprema- ly important thai anything wbioh tends to us ptolongation u entitled to the edoaid ration speaking to us reoaotly on this lubjwjt cuaitea nelsoa esq i proprietor of nelson bouse fort huron obstrrrd i tuffarad to with rheum- atism that m arm withered and physi cians could not blp ma i waa in despair of my llfei when aoma one advised me to try tit jacobs uil i did so and as if by magic 1 was instantly relieved and by the continued use of the oil entirerycuril i thank heaven for having ojed lhi wonderful remedy forit 61vk0 ktlurv it baaalso cured my wife port smtamifkgomerml i aak your dealer for oantorine machine oiuahd that tbe barrel is branded castorine as none other is genuine i petition to parliament should ie written in a bold round open hand for which purpose esierbrook tilsal aad broad painted pens are lhabest address tne eatertrbak steel pen co 26 john st kew york for jampies manufacturers of reapert mowers ndthreahingilachinert prefer cas torine machine lilto any other itwill oetear lard teal and alephant and is warranted no to gam tbks bototsox farnham centre f q writes 1 have been affliclad with rheumatism for the last ten years and have tried manf remedies without any relief 1 got a bottle of nr thomas eelectrie oik and found i it gave me instant relief and since then nave had no ttuok l would raoommend it to all j use castonne machine oil tor sll kiijds of machinery it is also excellent foe harness br leather making it aler anii weather proof although watkini i is not going to hare an 0peni5q dayoo aesoutl of d inkansa staff of olerks balm driven tb thaiv ntmwi amnrlr wwrtrif nnaemer wwoh ibwng his o it navar ba a mora amtkbla rlcbm or morasot ra stfik to makaontbf the rwiast and most imooaltiarilata of 2isla lti jiurksli ridariooddttajue taat colors and araat dnrahllttia of ka vjkl i- vk mtmmswstm iriuiwinadalfhton spplicauoo to iaa rmnafcal and to franco djrk ou apat ft c1k mp fau8 and fen irammtm pweiatly last ahd ol btealbnl bftaf ihd m bsanshsajmsrhlsritf s5 tep b tha riohaatjimnat styltso and really beautiful stock o7frbswwes1lhuaaasoii that h 5ll ubfjraitm ztvlta mragw i anormbya in blcb whita and au ha naw color and haded t jliatlk iojoooahuaa of orts lvus sffi whbffi ndtrncoenu for mtlllnert and llrau purposea anie of all pric iunui tlitlmtfi olu1astatraumi andnelnttttttownar kawambertha vm arflestclass dres8maeebh and appkesnceutanted monaowta hamilton oct 13th 1881 thomas 0 watkiks hajffitf 2 ro i fi trbolstbrbb rvt ottawa j an aetificial fasteig jif ice this la not a pitenbmedicine secret remedy the formnla is printed c the label a ajched to each bottle ualtopbpsrif enrea dyspepaiaj indigestioni loss of appetite intestinal as wasting diseases constipation nausea chronic diirrhxa cholera infantum and moi of atsata trouwesjjlcb generally arise frani the stomach so cents wk 48 doses or about i qent per dose jo cents for sal regular sited bottles containing il ots withdose measure attached by sll chemists throagbout the dominion avoid taking liquids of any tort more than is abaolotely necessary to quench thirst a the excessive use ofliqhids j the cause of half the dyspepsia in tbe world maltopepsy is a powder agreeable and easily taken supplies to the stomach tbe actual gastric juice prescribed by he leading phrticisns throughout the dominion in their regular pr tjea maltopapsyn ii as used to a large extent in hospitals dispensaries and isfirmarie imcami or tuttwmuau uetmo reoa phtucum i i waluica n s oct 4 1s80 i the mahopepsya was given la ttnarked and distressing case of icditestum with th most rapid pleasing and beneficial resulti zw kemptonj md i athloniokt jan 10 1880 the vfaltopepsyn i obtained from vou jus far more than answered my anticipation hiring tried at in ian old and very obstinate cases of indigestion i fctml it to act like aann c mckenna m d caxbaat okt i have used your maltopepsrn in serere cases of indigestion sad idnlts and diarrbcea of children and am 10 well pleased with the results rructed tay druggist to keep a supply on hind t w reade jan 1b81 mmsnrrition i that i have lis de d the psnp endured by the early chris tian martyrs were do doubt exetucutihg but not so prolonged or scarcely more dreadful than those experienoed by the soffarers from inflammatory rheumatism distasa which is easily carable at tne otfteat with drtbomaa eciectricofl a sovereign remejy for pain a ralible curative of kidney liver nd other com plaints and a medicine of the purest as well as the most ailntary kind 30 1 after giving yonr haltopepsyaa trial in some of my worst cases for which it wa tecommended i am well pleased with the war in which it acts continue to ibake t gop utiele like that now in nse and it will be a universal favorite r hamilton m d hazen morse toronto for sale by all druggist8 and j b mooaerm acton hmmeayi pdu are the medicine most in repute for coring the multi- lirious maladies which attack humanity when wet and cold weather givee place to more genial temperatures in short these pills never fail to afford relief in 4u the disturbances of circulation diges tion and nervous energy which st times oppress a vast portion of tha population under the wholesome purifying and strengthening pokers exerted by these excellent pills tha tongue becomes clean tbe appetites unprcve digestion is quickened and jaaunilation rendered perfect hollowsys medicine possesses the highly estimable property of deans ing thawnou maor6looj which its renovated condition carries purity strength and vigor to every tiasuaoi the body m m est aad cessfari l flit kasterlak browns household panacea has no equal for relieving pain both in ternal and external it cures rain in the bide back ok bowels sore throat kbeumstiam tobthacbe lumbago and any kind ot a pain or ache it will most rarely quicken the blood and heal as its acting power is wonderful browns household panacea being j acknowledged as the great pain believer and of doable thje strength of any other elixir or liaimeiit in tbe wjrld sjiould be in every family handy for osa when wanted as it really is the best remedj in the world for cramps in the stomach and pains and aches of sll kinds and is for sale by all druggists at si cent a bottle- m m thi aigiibio ovthe beuttna stdm- acb is the alembic of the human systim in it those wondrous chemical changes take place which result in the transmu tation of food into blood when it is vigtirons the necessary trobeases of di- g stlon and assimilatioojgo on nninter rupted and the systtm is suitably nourished when it is feeble or dis ordered ihey are obstructed and being in conseqnenbe ill supplied with blood of a vitalising quality tjja physical organism b cornea weak and nebli jtha nerves suffer the liver and bosml are semiparalyxed and appetite andssleep fail these disastrous conseqhences may however bepretented or remedied with the supreme stomach io and aperient northrop lymans vegetable dis covery and dyspeptio cure a rnedibin of rare parity and effioaoy which riforms a disordered jaod repairs a weakened state of tbe digestive organs overcomes biliousness relievas the bowels when obetrricted without ainining oriireaken ing tbein and promotes tha exit trom tbe system of impurities wblob infect tbe blood whloh oaote serionirgario maladies ho objectionsbl mineral contaminates it and lu rattie is not rnarrakl by a subsequent reaction pro judicial to the geneial health far preferable is it to tbe ordinary nauseous drugs used lo prod uoe a simitar efiept but whloh are frequently ineffective as weil is unpleasant norlsit wdbasparid valuelesa medicine puffed ineattstenee- it is used for jdyaperpi aseouons of- trie moovi plainu female weakness lnnjbegoiic and in sll nlood damitis toonaled iw oovi8andlafifcittepftj isaatror- lywvtotajw disoovery a pysoocprer tbe srrapiier bars a osuittrttalr atufa soldby a41ditda 4h wm stdwaitti co gueilph are now showing yory attractive linee of itew 3dhb3ss ooods comprising the kewest designa and colorings in ombre stripes and checka with a full range of brocade and moires to match for trimmings also fringes oudlaa tassels and buttons black french cashmeres a most desirable assortment ow tlaofc vlyajta part tiu w this resau now wng obtained will presen t a mora silky appearance themae tone sorlrevaltntoflalenow baing toned down into a hue more in harmony with 1 other black natariala aooosiunmslion so davoutiy wlahad for wa hasa i now in stock every pnoe and quality our print department comprises every special novelty in new ombre stripes we are prond to mention that ladies of usje say that our prints surpass for style any shown in the city in hosiery gloves and trimmings we ahow moat desirable goods- ace ties new and unique lace and linen collarr r old gold and white huchings black and colored batins plain and brocade ocr milliners x are now visiting the marls of fashion and will be prepared to meet onr many friends with hats feathers ribbons andornamenu that will ba unsurpassed for style our staple gcjods we have every oonfidenoe in asying will be np to onr expectation for cheap and 7 good goods wm stewart co ml big bargains b lotg of west 0a- asavsicbt tat ibrflaurrt audetta all ol letduaaaaa trus aamo wbwle rw aarbabnitiala aad jaldtiayr stoves 1 jbiu t6 is hmate to ka4- bbs and of heb8 tbjat i ias ying ik mt pfstoyk ao ac aid bavingdtcbad tha same i efdro the reoeht rlaej in prioea i amfprepaiwd to awll at sochj pyioe that defy oomw petition big lot ot new m illiney bifrjlot of nwciotfas big itofboadyiriaie01othirif8jidovv3rooat biff lot of new dressqoods biirloofnewwtaoeye- biflotof newoottons bis lot of n ew print 1 bii lot of new boots big lot of neer oerpeta big lot of 1 lew flannels big lot of new fancy goods big lot of newsosii 17 and sloyea 111 tact is one of tha biggest hi uses and stocks and the cheapest in the weal ws will gi e bargains in ever 3errtment i l cent our ordered clot ing department is ana of tha best in tha ooanty good pita and low prioea ladles onr atnfihery a id mantle department is s by a lady of ex perience ability and courtesy we cordially invite the pnblio to patrornse us as we will do the tradewell foijtheni mammoth house leoleoa aadarflon ft oo leorgotowii the photographic art q w hill is now better prepsxed than ever to execute artlltic photogttnilu of every style aaddoacifption at the most reasonable prioea satiafaotioo alwaysgiten frames mottoes stereoscopic views c 1 always in stock in great variety walnnt goid and ktutle frasnes suppued to order on short notice take a look at window full of samplu ofi all kind splendid afoeft of frames far thiholiday trad call o w hzixali speight undertakers furniture dealers waggon 1 ikca3ttotttkjiis tndertalunk jneii 1 ewrt desoripi of pnnebeomo tba r 4nsatiaaib rm hrstolmaiijasjfnxiu p 1 vy jvt tfi i j ifairinonrcahiniiaingdspatoent wp ap bpting parlo8tutearfcnuctableawhatn rwe have on band a atooiofxrratteiwlublaiw iy ourselves ban the hsrt msiarial which iwilibe sold amftafc 1 fi j rj i ist yffij jf ffri s e ist merchant tailor iffainst acton r oowaplayto hwr tloa rf bagll irish oth aa- oaoaalaa twawtls aaal worstotta forttaikl ovaresmto ttyjliah 0t aad jhrtaft f oharaittwwd prlaaa ftaaaoaabla r e nelson a sound mind in healthy b0divni okt boman idea of the highest degree or hapianess ths lna roles 1 the rooav iaaiaiatios creates s lnj toe physical avsum cosutenras bluouineta ttlsalneas and barluste in tbe moots rellow sklaand ayes losa at appetite kmsotofra7 and tow arants pains in uw back and side wind and fool stomach all there create bad blood specific baucikle ckaoraabaxtakstaaaawr an ontaulnf core for semuiak wealneas ejpermajurrova- impotene lad aljiasaasa tnat louow sk a seweneej of bhfbnt as loss of mem- orytjnltbtial laatnadejaln in the back dlmorti of vis ion prematnre om age and wtioau tne b j befnr taiir many fg5jj- and lunsyswltnaoiisa trom brassx try sjfoll pstlliratn v a 10 oeol samptaanuask joqr drattuk j e oar pajnphjet mehe ce- mcsarvtn aboot it catarrh caurtbpt jearasundloi ci constitutional catarrh btmady bropilaaslnthetbrottlauxto-tioehok- ing headache ralna in khoaldeim aek and kline and aure bnaxlr i own aire ta send free by mall to leveryoae aarthe speeue i medlclnp la frota by all drogy i i slts at tlm per iwiekage or six taekaget far or wilt be aent frm by mall on rei affing 1 monej by ad- nr tne sttem cured by copsutot onal catsrrb ttesaedy a ooogh of twenty ave tears la utng eorad by consututlodal caturrb bern- ey itarrhwltb uropplnrln the throat causing feellnss ol sliangllng ulsslness pains in the stse aad weakness o kld- aeya immadlauly rallevsd anua seemingly xoade new by one boulle of ntionoatarrh lenredofcau standing by nse ot coostltotlona conmtauod uatarrh bemtdy a man cured of catarrh of to r so it had impaired fadeblmdeair bemedy slant mi traames with dropping to the stnxcuns bnsslna lnba hes ketia- breulb hy oonsthi oaiarrb bemedy boms or tits soteeatenobt memory sine ml ml itopalred eorad by ooniluu- onal catarrhbemed calarro wltn all iw loatbsoroe attend snts cored oy four bottles of constlto tlonal calarrb benedy ifor sale by all draggista t 1 auotolst 1 harness tbtjnk 5ri ta onr ii41eia 0o aftei as4i mronto boh by y bhoaarvtn 1 aftton oueiph cl8ts- hatt y tboas fa wkdt a fjbst oil 8t0vi or an thing io myi lfaewutjaob suit their own inuresu by giving ie a call before pu obaairig elsewhere jlo thing bat nrtorass articles jkdpl in stock and aatu faction guaranteed ll ya 5 world la au its branches au kin is ofvtruck taken in eivi ehinge for goe is e emembeb wkf andl sign ofilte 1 mpjbatli su adtmi geo havhiliv aotoi sept 2 81 sale irablcc ctood acton muastrket ia wierejyon can get first class rigs atiimorabuutu tt 1 v an express delivery wagon ml meat each express train and delivetgeda to any partjf tbe town v i ij au partita indebted u r tabliabment ore rexoeatec without fnru er delay and if holloways tois hcoupabjiblti jtf noptx aot aenrs far iltelf as wertal tilt fnvtk tartmoaoa ib world mouataiatiomni carwkrfuaastoiwliiraabijwr f v- n ot that inanatapaaodor alaige e being dona thisfliu they hay r in an eoornwna stock of sfe ittli l it4w6 partieuiriagnythigl fl rtiteaawiiwmsj purify n gniataand improrajl heqaalit of the bd od tley assist tlh digeeht ogans cl axaetho r 8t bach atvd boll stl8 lneraaae th secretory po iof f uver uraoe the nervous ay tem threw i ito tbe clroustioo t e pm telemen s lor sustaining apd tapaii vbefraisa tbotiiaiida of- pererms hai that by heir rise alone they reatorex lo health and rii t t the ointmrnt l lit valuable ws uml inrot anft chest i ht ahajotwttlaag be imc lofsalhaajtisar t inrwd ab ai ktahileev usfsjaaaaftailst

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