Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 17, 1881, p. 1

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wssmatfmmeti i m evebt taansdax x0rx1ng btor promleter at tm fast ijuu movsr nldo6tlohu4tlckunh ira5ni- icton on train 4th siuta fun will be tent to tauonun postage paid jor 100 per n- num in idruioo llso if not so pud no peroubcoaturaed till all arrean ire pud except t tbe option ot the pohhther anvranaaoturts caanal edvertise- menu 8 cents per linear the first inser tion an4 1 cents per line for each bee- quent intertiou- cash fcrotcssional cards 101intorlest00peruinini 1 square 12 tines t500 per annum payable in 6 months from date of insertion any special notice the object of which is to promote the pecuniary benefit of any individual or company to he considered lin advertise- menu the number of lines reckoned by the space occupied measured by a scale of tohd nonpareil onxtftact rates one eolatn e one year u hall eoletna oar year jim soon jin to80 1100 jt00 ltd tej qaanereotumnooe rear 1 une column six months i haifculamn tit manias j ilaarureoioranitx months i oaecolamolbree months i hameolumn tftrermonihi i qaarte r eota um hree months advertisements wlihngt etne directions wilt be oceridarftirbldntlhkrrdaecord- jnxtv tranaflnrr- advertiaemcuu mnttbc paid la advane chant tor contract adverusemecls miisl be in tbe offlce oy i a raou mondays other wise hey will be itl oter uu the followlng- week -ap- moore kdftor 4 proprieior rroslnrumnikisproceatl wbv dtmisair ecmoaaarbemactaru ik kkw vosut tflqticr tlie canada ajtvertlattif aen cr n klnc st weal fnronlo li aoibiriii lo receive adtertlsemenu for tils faper vt wi bctcher htnacer wrkcrm termttl0o in mtno tht htwpaptra map of bitty lift u fluctuation and ilt vati concernti volume vii ncx 20 action ont thursday november 171881 actoh bankihc coy storey ohmttle 00 just received bankers acton ontario a general baxk1xg bvsi- xess transacted x0sx7 loakk os appeotsd y hotss notes disoountod and interest allowed on deposits i l sfa 1 wh i0wby st b m c p s graduate of trinity college mem ber of college of physicians and surgeons office and residence at the head of fred erick st- acton mtoester md fhrsiclax sceceos etc iofficb forstera drug store next don f to creechs saddler acto okt eestdescx church street formerly occu pied by mrw tlemstrost auctaoceer new goods opened tbis week it days bookstore ijelph autorrapli albums 12 kmd hbtogtapl albums fancy velvet frames jeirel cases japanese trayb i japanese brackets oups and saucer stationery vases toflet setts dolls toys etc etc- abig stock very choice and very cheap at days bookstore goelpb day sells cheap m mcgabtiy hd eapb jjl gr3aale aftictorii uul tersity geoaaetotx- oxtlilo wih rict acton on tnesdaj- nd pridav from 2 to 4 p m if na ferried ace reqnvtd during act other djof the veek notice ktt u x e mcgfcrvinb drag faire wiureceite prompt attention -v- y j d ilithesos attobkeyat utsohcitorin chbnbenr ac office next door to wallaces haiti milton- l lova dextist gorg- tjfisheh y s georgetown ont will risit acton evayweanes- dj and will ttead to f calls pertafniiig tcrhiiprofeuioa- orders laftai ilcgarrins drag store tth receite prompt attention tcnnj moderiate t jfisheb b v kxsg dxoagetowy mac inery of every description made to order on the shortest notice and most reasonahia terms bepairing promptlt at tended ia jlisteb k ct babbisteb ciebec street gnelph- bka5cb fficc la unuhtwi baudlsc multl tree act atorncz opes etebtpbjijit vrth kexsteeet idcetiaed jftnctiotieer for counties of wellington and haltrm orders left at the fbzz petbs office acton or at ray residence in actan will be promptly attended to terms reasonable- avmtf u lam a money to loan on the jnost kvotabie terms bad at the- iowest rates 61 intertat inrmsctf 500 and upwards- pate5t6 foe nrvestioks exfb- nmeiiiii ind properiy secared in can ada the united 8tates and europe- fa- tent gnarariteed or no charge send for printed instructions agency in apeation ten tears hesbygbist ottawa canada ifechacicat engineering solicitor ol pa- ats and draggfa g be id vetebikabr stjb- geox georgetowngidtiiteaf the ontario veterinary college will riait actontrerrjttteaday rom i to i pm all calls r tea red promptly attended to by night or day horses boogbt andaouon eommisaioa oesidene flest comer lirery stible georgetcarnont g- betd ashfobbiliiib isinprrrm topsy tie3dsiet eiat prcie to iliioa caifskins deacool lamb and sheep 6kins delirered atmy taamry tace leshfreoautaauroqlaaau j- jameb ujoobe adat fkltkgz taistimg hiring openeda paii8bf sat the preaa ims next door to sickliovbakery i am pre pared do carriage yiiatiat and sign srntug f eierjr desripta sd tonuti apectfally solidtthe patrooa of the people arf aeuit adiriuuw j id the where jr can t n eajiyisliaye ttyluk haircat afrotbida 8hi4psa or a cooling sea tttai tfub wopsina and pnv pain m uieaoepin pllshftaeat of aood share baxors and jabiartrs aetjperiectprde a shortest nbtiee jj j wofldwibabsirb j- vi x f s a new amobtmjxt pf gold and sllvi watoirl all prices sots wat02bs good timekeepers and guaranteed for f6 and ubwards hy stock at electro pji best and oheapest ih gut call and ni 26 f new goods colored gold broches akd earelkgs setts gold brooches silver setts new styles surer lockets silrer necklets gold watche diamond rings gem stone kinzs jewfnlrby stoee wyndham st qiielph west side lower housekeepers toe deooeatzd oh puux window sha0es ill colors hhufk6rn spring roller koatrings tabreafc thaaliade works ap aadadoivn bya gentle toach of liie biid addseontidtable to the appeanoce of the hoase and does aotpt pat jorder call audace iimplea acd be coavincd at occe t f cumhings i vfbqlstzbs9 quebec st opp knox church cuelph the mist jtcheb shop h marlatt v bro woo id annoance to the citlwof of actoa aad vicinity that they have oieaed out a batcher shop ia the premliet mill st recently occupied fay mr j 3 rant at a bakery they intend keeping on hand a fill clvwk of icuata of all zdt and ha mad op their minds to u uve and let live a cpleadidlot of fowl will bt found oa hand daring theholiday sea a js7ltfeat delif ered to any part o the town call and we wiu confine you that it will pay y oa to parchatte meat from ma h mailatt t bbo p s yehatfa qoantity o jfirttelass white and ked brick for sale a bor kiio on con 2 near acton which nill ba told at the kiln or delitered bu il t bro the free press thp8dav jfobklifa ov 17 1881 pqetftr butcher shop w o roblksol toald intimate totne people of 4efon that he has purchased uiebuteherbi dnen late ly carried on by roberlrlorey ind that be has alafayson band a firttclasastoeatof beef rarar aasua rallry astf came la tic and hopes by strict aueolliu lo jbnstneas to tecore a fair hare ot thepalronaire of t public lat3ehverelatsaytnie toauy part of t be uwn ii o i ttrmfcuh a bli soueittd oeskna paoicptlt attejto 0 to w c knbluson mm h l thurston errf of thi orjia aai yocil muiie will organize classes in acton on 1st of i iforember trajts- organ instructions q lessons ti h ifiyni j10 teachers course sjo vocal inatoictions evening classes class of any number 12 lessons 830 or class of any number 12 lessees each gent ii each lady 50c teachers course ho vocal class in diy schools a specialtyllnalfcases on oeriain conditions satisfaction guaran teed to ill jpuptii or parent of pupils oqjan instrnctions jpven at tfie homes of all pupils dealer in organs and pianos representing the best canadian and ameri can mke oiainifactaretl adore bot 53j acion po man hoc sow lost how restored wcttave recently pnhiiheda new edition of br cmlrerweiri ele brmle4 ewr on tnn fadiealaiid permanent cure wllftout mh- cineolkeryondbiftj mental ami pbytlc- allnmacit impejimenuofmartlnfe ttc rtfccltlugnranxcewe i i tprieevln ateald envelopelttnly ceta ortwupctnetumpf f ttiecblebraled author lo lliin idmlrabln kgar clearly jemonktramn rrm iturty yiarntacceutal practice tualalarralnconn- feqneijcefc may be radicaily caned wltuout ibe dnnteroas ate of laemi riedldnior tbe ase oittie tcnifa polofjuf ojt a mode of cure at once rlmple certain andfffecinaiby means of which every soflererl no matter what bit condition may de rnty arebimjef cbeapiy priralely and radkaily thu lecure ihoulii be jn iniei hands of eyeryyontuandetery man in tbbjand addreaa i the ciircrwu medical o 41 la sl itew ttrk pott office box a socmmot to t- f chapman v3tj jkeeoaat books rf all kinds made to order sriddfel of wsry zfy krind botigg neiya pf ftp- h ocse lot for t ite the undsriisnfd offers fl sale the splendid istooe dwelling op ill ip st naar itr c smiths residence ipe fifuiof e acre with stone- hoiise i i splendid condition stable and shoftot ihi prem ises hard and soft wa wr w le title indisputable xarms reasontlt ip- ply to aechmosi aookhood p-o- i ttmv af coaif tfher subscribey ttprepirta io jrtii wood or coal wii uge ahtaft- jo t wjt-4aia- 81000for imniubaireercurj coamcookpqca this farm for sals with tfeary bhart and trembliog hand i ftuide the team atield good horses ab they seem to see tbe grief i try to shield tbe skies are losrcriag over bead miifortuiie blowsa gio j put up a uicrd aud write thereon thae words this farm for sale what sell the homestead broad aijd lair the dearest spot on earth 9 shall strangers lit where i hare sat around tbe family hearth 1 the farm where mother toik the rows that mado her fathers inide the place where iauffhingcell was born the spot where v illio died t what most 1 part with memories so very dear to me the mossy spring the purling brook the leafy apple tree the shadows ot departed oaes kise op and loaah my arm i hear their pleadia voices now du botdesert the farm enshrioed within my heart ol hearta the house where i wu born one lummers uight when beavees rain beatjdowu the glowing corn tbe room where i have often passed 3eneath tbe chaatoing rod where father laid me earlyon tbe altar of my god vhiie t have sttength to swing the szs iwhile i can guide tueplow while i can toil and bring the sweat of labor to my brow hi keep misfortunes wolf at bay 1 love triumphs over gold i take down the board and break it the farm shall not beaold i you drew out your money i was all creation there f thoight mrs dean but she said nothing only ajnit away until her needles seemed to ghmcejtnd glillct like points of arc i am trying to get s hoardln place at mrs swipes addid helen coloring eo as to be near the district school whore 1 am to teach this spring bot mrbswipes requires payment in sdvance by tie mpoth and unfortunately we have used op all our slender means in providing my quiflt a teacher you know must be dressi d decent ly to command the respect of b it pupiu bui if you would kindly lend me tea dol lars- i never lend said mrs dear curtly i will be sure lo psy it up hen i re ceive ray first quarters salary pleaded helen and i dont know ot any one else lo go to i its sltogeiher agaldst my principles said mrs- dean with her face as bard as if il had been carved oat of hlckoryi helen hurst crept out feeling humiliated acd disappointed beyond expression lire dean chuckled at her own shrewd- ne4 but she hardly had trne li stir up the apples in the saucepan before mrs graham entered with a little leather oover ed memorandum book and pencil i am looking for eharitabii people mrs dean bald the squirts wife with a laugh i then youve come to the wroig place said mrs dean frigidly poor patrick ohara wu killed yester day jn the machinery of the rolling mill bald mrs graham ignoring her nsighbors response he has left a wife and eight children totally destitute and whose fault is that t bald mrs dean will you not contribute some thing to wards wlieving their desauutecot dltlon v urged mrs graham opening the jbook and holding the pencil ready for use certainly not said mrs dean ive no money to spare but 1 was told 7- 0 yes about the money hat was drawn out of llie savingsbank aaid mrs dean but 1 intend to keep that money for myself mrs graham i he that giveth to the- poor ajmdeth to the lord mftly spoke mrs graljam te yes l know 1 said mrt dean but nobody interprets the biblednlerally nowadays mre graham taok her depsfkure ac- knowledging within herself that her errand was a failure and mrs dean lek to her- sell at last indulged in a nap with the knittingwork in her up a napl wherein she dreaded that the fiftydollar bill had taken to iudf legs and was running away fruin a erwd of pursuers herself among the numbp i when she waked up aroused by tbe noise of coal being poured upon tie stove a candle was burning and mr dean was its olog to open your heart like this its the i est thing that could bare happened to ual mrs pean was sweeping onuhe kitchen she looked around with a smile as she moved the widelesyed table whleh always stood under the wallpocket and look down the pocket tself a rude strpctore of splints lined with red cambrjp and lied wiib cords and tassels of red worsted to dust it out vrs she said i am afraid i was get ting to be amrserlyj and why whats tms i mr dean stooped and picked up a slip of crumpled darkgreen paper which had fallen nut from the wallpoeket as his wife turned it upside down and tapped her finger against jt to remove all possible dnst its the fifty dollar bill i said he with mouth and ayes opening in unison it most hare slipped dqjfn from the folds of the newspaper and lodged here the lord hss bent it back to us said mrs dfen reverently and he has sent a lesson wise and merciful wrthit well said mrs dean after a moment or two of silence theres a lesson in almost everything he does if we did but know it i and all the theologians in the world could not have improved uponthe faith of this simple unlettered old farmer ibo f art opald whole jfo352 tie plug st an eicbaoge says that the plug hat is virtually a sort uf social guarantee for the preservation of peace and order he who pots one on has given atiosiage to the com munity for his good behavianr the wearer of a plug bat moat walk with a certain se- dateness and propriey he cannot ran or jump or romp or get into a fight except at the peril of his besdgsar ah the bid den influences of the bearer tend toward respectability he who wears one is oblig ed to keep the rest of his body in tbe de cent trim that there maybe no iacougrhity between head and body he is apt to be came thoughtful through the necessity of watching tbe sky whenever he goes out the chances are thaf he wih buy an um brella which is another guarantee for good behaviour and the cart of bat and umbrella perpetual and exacting as it most ever be adds to the sweetness of his character the man who wears a plug hat naturally takes to the society of women with all its elevated tendencies he cannot go hunt ing or fishing without abandoning his be loved hat but in the moderate enjoyment of croquet and lawn tennis he may sport his behaviour with impunity in other words the constant ate of a ping hat makes a man composed in manner quiet and gen tlemanly in conduct and- a companion of the ladies the inevitable result is pros perity nurriage and church membership laughing at her why betsy said he i thought you an excellent batort the duke of leeds the eccentric dider monsey sod his grace 1 chaplain being one never were going to wake again here j morning after breakfast ft the dukes ilb- yon sat with the fire dead out and ive rarymr waikdenof hall marl hiaflraees had to kindle it up a ain i shoemaker was shown in with a new pair bless he said mrs dean i must of aho 6r the duke the latter wa very have beetf asleep quite a while bul i partial to him aslre iwasat he amejtfme as she started up she saw that the bid wallderk of 8l jamevchurch where the doke v pocket opposite wssemptv- whir lhat omtaat attandant what nave w v to i m nuthedoka a as last week paper jsaid mr toi goe herelied dean calmly we had both jf us read t f plain taking ap one of them ex it so i just took it to kindle the w nuied ujanub arratf attpotiob whit i you turned it trp f j the prce uked the chaplain half a iburueditud is tlr salutheshoc inaker haifa j guinea for a puir of shoes j exclaimed the for half an hour mrs dean aat silent p y l f craubou alley and boy a belter pair of shoes for fiveandsiipence p he then threw ins shoe to the o hr end of the room walk yes said mr dean why shouiant i miy pemanetafl jtor barucaurs noloaa i rsffia st before si yoorselftmttbe l6svtaljsti 0 lo disc l 4e piuse mi apeatmeo of psomawblp xataubmbfaw tw notnsvtrtt- ryt igfuloiao thf fifty dollar bill mrs dean tat alone in her little kitchen she nevtr used her parlor there was the extravagance ot ah extra fire to be consider edthe fsct that the best rag carpet woreo by her own skillful hands must not be worn out too recklessly tbe dread possi bility of sunshine fading out these chair covers mrs dean was an economist she believed in making everything hut u long as it possibly could and soshe made the kitchen her headquarters and sat there knitting with her feef comfortably balanc ed oh the stone hearth the saucepan- of apples bubbling softly away at the back and the sound of ber husbands axe ringing from the back sbed as be cut and split the kindling wood piled up there in well- seasoned logs she was a lhtle wrinklefaced woman of fifty with stiff ribbon bows to her cap hair that seemed dried up instead of sliver ed and keen blue eyes that twinkled as if they had discovered the secret of perpetual motion to save money was her chief end v i i von ih wlkiim r j old number of tbe cliokervule clarion 1 you uaere v aikden and aim in life the very njitleus she was knitting were to be sold at the village store it wa in exchange for tea sugar spices and all necessary groceries a penny saved is as sobd as apenny earned was the golden rule by which she shaped her life lm glad i took that money out of the savings bank yesterday said mr dean to herself as the bright needles clfcked mcr- rily away people say ft isnt quite safe andpnecanl be too careful but then again theres the janger of burglars though to be sure no burglar she added with a complacent inward chuckle would ever think of looking in the folds of the old clinkervuleclarion newspaper in the wall pocket on the wall its the bureau draw ers and the trunks and the lockedup chests that they aim for a fiftydollar bill 1 a dean crisp fiftydollar bill and all savings too out of thchouse money just then there bounded a knock at the door and in came old dr bridginan rubi cund with the touch of the march wind and muffled np in the furs of the wild animals which from time to time he him self hod shot good day mrs dean good day said he no thank you i i cant sit down im a deal tod busy for that but i heard yes terday that you took fifty dollars out of the barings bank t i 1 yes said mrs ijean hw face volun tarily hardening i did i we are taking up a sabscriptlon to get tuxe i little lame diek dodley a cart and donkey bo that he can go around peddlingtlniware said tbe doctor jtls pretty haed for any one afflicted as he istogrtaloiig ypucan help ns a little r but 1 cant interposed tjtri jffi breathlessly the mpneywti an ue jjt inent i lobtproppietootu it ip isuo n utu6blts its ftdeed at charity mrs dean said the good old man tobel- lame dick and never spoke a word her list utter ance wu its tie lords jndgmeit upoh me i i pt i i i n den threw the other after it gavinr that as mrs dean was a resolnte woman full of i ui i ui j j they were fehoffb they ought logo together characterr she went to her tabu drawer t j r t j i r and at the same time replied to the chap- took out a sheet of paper md write to dr i tl i lain sir i can go to a stal at mootoelds bndgmao enclosing a dollar towards lame r and bnv a better sermon for twdbence the to anctbbtbw i i ijiih i i let klnbioy tkatr riaads granoy prepare and shjllad by orasuy hand i j tbefattrtofthfloekbtll1rs anderrei ipwta rieheat want by waiting lordtiqrbjisl ttwu and eaten inwmir gotdebflatt of all faniad dishes eld or nw give me acansoa oysteratew i lttnrks eyjjoy their stopjd ku and englishmeo tbeirraonted beef l and j stys dlrirt while tentons pcane hebr ktsst fjne tjiefreuchltheir piece resistance znuid sr tbrongh the daintie of each ui i bet of the dishes nations throogh give m a canada oyster sjlew 3dldn oliinu bound to succeed a dew book i back yards the traits of indies dijesset a scandal numgtjr it a person jo add- mlre tbe frniti of idleness are nererdeilroyed br frist the mas with rheumatism is ersiy inch- aldng wise wo ds rj thebest locomotive tea tain o tin ughlt what is marriage one woman tpe more and one man the less a cirl with f30000 has a vry good figure if she isnt handsome i am trot an author said iuj account ant but i am the righter of boriia kplhhig keeps a man from knowledge ind wisdom like thinking he hasiboth a bad marriage is like an elctrlc ma chine it maket you dance bu you cant letg i ja fisherman is a very irreaoblte end un reliable person he wont evenisitdnwn on bu own book it rains alike on the just and unjust on the jest mainly because the unjust borrow ed their bmbrellas v tsolding woman is ronghl r planned to fame and blaster shd command three in the afternoon is the hour for tying the wedding knot in thtj beat society ourclea auburn haired girls are jcoming into fahion agair mnch to the chagrin of the golienh aired j take nothing frtrin rfpting and nothing remairni youve no donbt 1 vnrl it to in first love lit boy gets on the wroaui rack it shows that hk fathers switch hat i ot had a fair ohance men an like piss one with ahttlehead may be jast a sharp at oat with a big head v i money ia a bottomless sea in which honor and conscience and tmth rh y be drowned a suggestion to the pulpi lessaratorical pyrotechnics and nsbre he and heart ar gument a colt is usually had beapa before he it wdlroken with an egg it is different it hat to be broken bef orolit is beaten the defective chimney will stroke a lady friend says that there is also something defective tboot the etan i bostaokea ia man who is at tme a i steel possessing an iron wib some gold nd a fair propor tion of brass should be e le to endure the hardware of this world we hare jnet read a htndkercbief fllrta- tioi code uditdvisesilorra desiring to avoid breach of promise suite to wipe their month with their cdtttaij soomayposslbiygetuiheaven athtstj but if yob thlnkthe mtur over honestly yon will come to the coo slysion tttat if yoa do jt will be atigbt sque x an ugly old bachelor i uggests that births teonld be published undi the head of new music x t- 3 yon eta aajnrthjng good far say one sajothingatall for n ftithaseip as in loyp we artoftenhapiierin- onrlackot kiiwi play and laughter an happiness are a ntnestary to a healthy childhood aaaran- shlno toa young plantf the besf wty te to give then abjnething to wke ft noise with the minister is tohea lice man a reel man atrne man a smwji man great bis love great mhislife great iahiasiia- nlietty great in his gentkhess t i the habit of being j braployed is a great safeguard through life at wall as essentdat ineveryvirtuxi i i i r id 2 j j i loi and buy a better sermon for twopence than dick bodleys cart aud horse lohe sent is dute dapptil walkdsn on the shoulder u j il u a u rli ibis grace gives voo guinea for another dollar to mrs uraham for the poor- little oharas and promised to dopate a barrel ofusash a buaoel of poltois and tht u tartw tome oflher hnsbandlt castoff clones to f me m do cut overjf or the children and ik tent j f 4l for helejl huw to come and e peri i cant lend yon ten dollars ipy jtear dare btybaamra itue ssiittsia irritably but i neiiar pretended to be a citable ehtnatefviisi infl klu- j the old dector west away fthd theauxt visitor wat helen hurst a rosy gtrl of hjhueit v xcusemetor fewsaptbw y6itllrs defthtibuijurlfebaboaw mtm i said she becanse 1 havent got ill tell yjon what t will do 19 li make your home berets longaryou theres a nice spare roomiand tfi nf a mile nearer than mtvswi district tschool x 0 ofw very very good yoa helen 4er eyes swimming wi tears ft gool cried mra dean gidningjio see wbattj tdfiiihl beentffmyllfilbiiv oomemydeai tstd joar oostyonifteeai 8he4j1ma casrtalas- atjaajlh a fhtvij iood ftflvft et sj iivw eatse ft fta p waiweabbwhlnt kedafreshbattsf nd besttjavdoaf snf ojdioxtjai dgt took oa aatuktrfhlcijtryaitl titi mtle b jones stwcwtbjrtli ltrt a itew ilothir flupten whenuwjfautqjbjkeafee v and juries neyerdlftgree when politiciaha are obnteat and landlords dont collect their rent and boston folks xife up their eeans when ranrjal jltejaiilel when naaghayohuddiejojing ad girls tie dbrewjtboivafcjngiie iwhenladles dont tatlne tpiwd andlotendonttjdjimevpop j when preachers cot jthelr aeranons snort and abfolks w the tttrreh oetorts when back snbtcribm all hsrspam 4- nd editors have ferunes madtw suoh happeningf wi preportend oome to ai at lose f vfrda tbe pleasurtwbchilierebyauempt to express eannotibe hilf conveyed by words pbys bilttractr et and hotolriety lisije heretolore de lared toy rheumsfisia to be rncuwhle ypeeifiot ftleafltrt rhtanbetvess tav tailed to cure eeo- tbeurtenilty of the palowhctllisa ireqoently oonv fined me to my room for three monthi at a time ooeweeikagol vfasseiaeet with ao attecfeot voi rheume oi the krift idatdw lhoiirs theentibs kneejoint became awctlwn to encraiout proportions bd tralfcrng rendrred itir- ratiwe notbin j remained for rnk and intorided lovretomseif 5 hat i mitrt to another monjlhs oodfineoieoj i tojmy rooni andjbed whiltt aiirin nwldagotries- by chknob i eapeijlh tli5 wondetfal iioritf e propttie tfgt jacobs oil i clulotiediit tat auiaw tndi io lewvri ai etjlirejj freei fibr pain to ttrto aed ahotftdef at oetobttriealr wmwtflodtsior u corrteypyr tkw- dimovorer ot this li tdde icaktbeterylull iftmdrtwtrllfliati idlmffltburniiuj b iuteobtmn klnriaormaohh rttan sah relltctfiel enitratetl j 1 bjout atetwona afleetirmt tatiltaieittir wsi txbi 11 ji feiii

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