Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 17, 1881, p. 4

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asmtmem y im the kheb p hess 3 tituudajr moaxuto not 17 1s81 hi oompaktson fails theta eie mnaol it and learning ta talk with head erect there wwnan ot grace and beauty in faahws robw bedecked tlirfi in thiats that aretrvnr ed funny andthings that toyateriooa are but thtjei nothing on earth that can com pare i to- boy with his first qigar th i lubi up mm pent ii cried out my qoi lihii t btimt jto at ahtawtill hi simple housefly see 1 you are covered with them aajlng which i approefihed end learn fclttle brery day little rills make wider streamlets streamlets swell the rivers bow rivera join the ocean willows onward onward at tbey pw life ia made orsnialleat fragtneata shade and itroshiue work and plajn so ma 3 we with ireatest profit learn a little eyety day wtut ee wasted on theoatsie ltti mitt cf it f- nowsi the ume inejsi i-tr- nwy- ffiycrll4r yjfatejtojaiwasf4ffgre at p to make nmtaaiaiat ihfct ipnacpoooj are in many ouee marked uown from his sleeve andliair etc pro- hjtojolowq bribed lk vllvvuarvpti d a a ii t- iu pm ci terynuewwminfeiaf marked nownfton 60wl5endfam45tststta lboatloeandbaleetfoii needed to pul snake pntetinr mhjd hay arrive i within the ljuew days which with th former immenw took are selling offre eindeedj he mavlle clo lilmttxim time thai twy were bteev 1 they areqoodi from l w q nnprto of new jmtylmtf draw qooaj kfur cam of white shlrtmii lnelt ding the celebrated blslngitan underclothing th rmtin and shaded r i want a pit ce av a board sawed offj planed on the ouuide said mr doulevy wed a few friends in at the liciwe last night to a cbristeutn and tie lower part av tie dure got kicked out in the merriment i eow iwidedo von want the pltce cat t asked the carpenter tjbo width av the deer av course- replied mr donkvy 11 and how wide is the doorf well its is wide as a chair is long jist te cin jist lay a chair across it lo kape thechilder in an the pigs out an it tits as though it t matched fur ic but ill chairs are not the same silf saittihe caqiemer 11 iii thundbux an turli yer thikerueaded nor a railway spike the chair coses up jist even wid tie edgv ot the windowsill i but tow high is the window rill 1 asked mr chips bother the badgering tongue of ye growled mr donlevr its only thc- wideoea av roe hand bamu the thumb higher than the rain water barrel that ethanda outside an av ye cant mak tit from that ye canlave the jobj an ill take it tq tome carpinther that under itasds his business and vnowj the nieasnre av the dure in bi head widoui making a catjehism av himself sij aan ye cot me a piece aff the size av that ye leatherheided yocdbtnchei ye or will t go finpva- man av yer 1 oraft that has half the sinse we were vbom widl aid he had to gr and find ons 1u81c5 w98sssa while in london england a short time ago mid the professor our oxford street waiter was made the victim df la pracficsl joke j onoj morri ing as this tonsorial artist sat reading his newspaper he was startled bj seejn a yoang maa enter in a very exetted manner who throwing rtlher than eating himself in a chair demanded a shave nfumler the krber who wai a ready fellow at once set about obey ing the commands ot thia excited and hurried guest with a rapidity that surprised himself be shaved the right side of his cnstomt fare and tbeo immediately- torned to the left thai side he also shaved with cleanliness and dispatch but judge of bis surprise vherihia cristrtmcr demanded to know in tones anything hut pleased why be did not shave the right side the poor bewildered barber was almost certain that he had done so but perceived to hit surprise that the s2e m question was covered with jetblack hair again be shaved it but while hedid so to hia siitprise l horror the hair was growing on the other sidt thus it epptinued for an horirl while he shaved one side he cooid actually bee the hair growing on the other side terrified beyond expreaura hie etood motionless hereupon the young man leaped the chair and snatching the razor drew it acmes his throat and fell to the floor covered with blood thebaiber flew into the street halloo ing murder p at the top of his voice a crowd soon gathered and with the affrighted barber beheld the supposed corpse qmetly arranging his tr before f the mirror turning very pleasantly he paid tb barber and departed a theatrical gentleman among the lookers- on aoon gave it ont that it was profeasor hermann the great american magic ian i went to my hotel and awoke beit day to find myself the taik of london ebnclnded the profewor for it was t who did it t gave the poor barber fits oidf op ever aaar hois i gave a lriend of mine the snakes v aafced the frofesaor on receiving an answer in the negative be said a friend of mine whov was as great a drunkard as an aotor and that is sayitrg a great deal was one mornlngjeen by ma to enter drinkingsaloon when be vaaalaoat entte serge f delirium treuiopad knowing bu i horror of snakes 1 ciied ct again my oodlj that is a mako i tell you hermann llicy are snakes nonsense said i they ate but flies then said bo i have the makes myself 1 and he vushed from the ealobrj tte wat toot n for more utah a week after j but when next seen hewas sober and has been so since piofeslor asked the interviewer v were- yon who are so food of surprising others ever surprised youneltt oiice was the answer then the suqirise wis a very great and agreeable oue li assure you1 it caine about in ibis way i was for a number of years a sufferer from cramps in my left ajde iuimediately under the heart 1 buffered jreguurly ativihe close of eijch performance and tfery often was compelled to cancel engajje menls wfcicltlhad made owing fa my imibiiity to till thenileidg proetiud ly cramps and being iu vety eak conditiou i entertained very serious thoughts of giving up my jirufessiou and fpending some years in trawl and would have done so but for au attendant of mine whose heid i had cut off occasiouallr while performing my won derful decapitation act the individual to whom 1 complained of the wins and the cramps inny tide on one occasion said it was curious tht i whocoud decapttale anothtr and rcpjaoa the head at will ought cettainlyable 1o-eniii- 1 haw w ilults and dii himself 1 told htm iowsome pclm- tructedmj 4m best doctors in eutope and ainerica had failed he laughed at me and aid be could cure tie in a weook that night he presented me with a bottle of st jacobs oil the great ger man remedy saying that its use would produce an effecvmore magicaltbah 1 conld readily believe i laughed at the idea of st jacobs oil doing what had bafiied the greatest doctors but said k- at i would tiy it simply to convince trim that trying it would do nogood that night on retiring 1 rubbed my- ilf with the oil and sure enough its ood effect wasinsuntaneoustmagicalj in fact i felt relief at once i ilept lietter that night than i had done for a iongtitne before again in the morn ing t rubbed with the oil and at the close of the afternoon performance i notiod a great diminution of the pain ful cramps was i surprised 1 well 1 was tery much surprised snd 1 told my attendant so la less than a week and before i had finished using my thiid boltie i was wirely arid per manently cured the effect of st jacobsilwas indeed magical eo rench to that i could scarcely believe my senses i have never felt a cramp since nor ia there i prophet seer aoothsayeror magician who can pet form met wonders as st jacobs oil cincinnati eiiqtdrtr wnlta cotton at i and other tavorlta brands just tmportod a bala of bnbiaaohad cottoosheeunis lotofpilf and 16 cases or ba i just arrived torn the makers three bales of urey cottons direct froriitbeiallla rblob withnll t oapont half tbwr raj oa brooad rein osaes of oromplou t cclebraiedcorsets just to band vw u case or unequallet tjnbreakable hip coweta of anew and very superior make just arrived lota any other make of corset in canada six oases ol wlhdow cornloet just imported jcarpeul told at wbileaale price ja bale ofvvlneiys gtajhjb 1 aietdnwd from a week- ladies knitted soarfi and ihawli this week t4ds curtains l mb lush klbboni ami silk fringes juu imported wanted mantle 1 lakers and apprentice r hamiluu kotlih 1s81 over 2000 pairs of british german amaneanfand oanadran ofldi wb h nil ve fiemember the kight house is on king street east close to hngbson itreet and tbe namej is qotlosat a case at very handsome white quilts of other cottons are euin at mm ptteet two ta on band w lloh hare an imormou sale a tta crtitefiwi ta ettf for ojttanh wild flf ibrytai i aid su0tb4lmim tm tltpaaaumia 800 cold juyfjff bronahitk lanotsseea rhaeaan of tto kiduers hetortr debility all itin to- letber bm u oonitltalipml ctaithj lemady la taketfas directed pncrfll pe bottle for sale by all srakjiat and medicine dealers m hip corsetal at btci hat thislpatentonbrealcable stle beau two oases of blankets jut arrive they are beautiful goodtnd inuoh cheaper tbattlaal aoaaok which with aboulj a doien bales on hand ari selling at a surpriarng mm sjyr flajuiele mils week tidies and uenu mtasea and bo reqniijsaritlmaosahandb astyl m tneyorkshirt muuuulk ojrtj hosiery olofei arri knitted tin- thomas o l i registered at ottawa anartificial gastric juice this is not a jpatenl medicine secret remedy the fonnulajs priatod on the label a ached to each bol k i maltoj tpstjt cures dyrpepaia indimtlon ixts of appetite intestinal an vtastrng diseases constipation nausea chronic diarrhaa cholera infantum and ma sfaifants trouble which enerally arise from the ttomach 50 ctntt or 48 doses or about i cent per dose regular aijeq bottles containing ii ois with dose measure attached y cants for sal by all chemists throogbout the dominion avoid taking iquidi of any sort more than is absolutely necessary to quench jhlnt a the excessire use if liquids ia the cause of half the dyspepsia in the world maltopepiy is a powder agrei able and easily taken suppues to the stomach the actual gastric juice prescribed by ike leadin j physicians throughout the dominion in their regular prat nee mauopepsyais also nsedlo large extent in hospitals dispensaries and infirmaria ipieiauii or tutimualt kctno fromwrircimi j twalutcs n s oct 4 1880 the maltopepsm was giverrin a marked and distressing case of indicesticn with th most rapid pleasing and beneficial results z w kempton m d atuiaics oki jsn jo j88o the msltopepsyn i obtained from you hu fir mora than answered my antiripalioni having tried it in two old and very obstinate cases of indigestion i found it to act like harm c mckenfu m d caubsay out tan 1881 your maltopepsyn in severt easel of indigestion- snd malnutrition i rjcea of children and am so well pleased with the results that i have is it lo keep a supply on hand t wreade m d big sto watkiffs hamilton i lg bargainkl bi lots of limit dat a r d nicht tjoiv 1 y after giving your ualtopepsyn a trial in some of my worst cases for which it we commended ifim wellpleasedwith the wav m which it acts continue to make a gco irticle like that aow in use and it ill be a universal favorite r hamilton m d tt hazen morse j b toronto edr6ale by all druggist8 and tcfjaevih acton manufacturers of betpers mowers andttresbingjtathinert prefer cas- tortntjmaebineoirteanmher twill oeaewurfjiealanjleilephaiii and is warranted not to jfura i hoiestt it commonly taid that ypa cannot make an honest man believe that white is black and vwrveesa but thoje who hare grey hair by using tbe ctxsalesk haia rbsewsa will find that this ap parent difficulty is easily overcame for saleyjfi mogarvia 50 cents per botue i the waats of the llillioa are 3stie vt o- oods we have opened out special lots black serge big lot bf ne w millinery bi g lot of new cloths bis lot of readymade clothinf anc orerooats bis lot of new dreaa goods bia lot of new winci ys bis lot of new potipna j bur lot bf n ew printa bik lot of 1 ew boots bjsj lot oifnew carpets bis lot of new flannels 3irlot of new fancy wdd big lotlof new hosiery and qloves in fact is one of the biggest houses and stocks i od the cheapest in the west we wib give bargains in every department gents onr ordered clothing department is sa of tbe beet in the county good tits and tow prices j ladle our- mjhinery and mantle department is superintended by a lady of el- perienoe ability and eourtesy we oordiahy invite the publio to patronize na as we win do tbe trade well for them mammoth koirsb i icoleod anderson co jeorgetcwti 181 ill 1881 jrvmounceintm steves stores t f i b8g to intul4tbtyyabll- elfe and othebs that i alt ju8t laxinqinmy pifll sto of stoves r ac- ac and having pnrobased tbe same before the recent rise in prices i am prepared to 5el at auoh prices- that defy ooin- petition tbose in want of si fikst plash j frtiivk or anything in my line will eon- suit their own interest by giving rsv a call bf fore parchasin eleewbete bo thins but firstclass rtioles kept bi slofk and aatisfaotion guaranteed job work in all itajbrinches iyall kinds of truck uiterf in eit cbapga for goods r bpmemsebthe stand imgti of ihe lnnpbul mm aetb gtiq hayill- acton sept 32 81 rjj a rich novelties is feathers wings and haokles more jof those cheap beaver hats and bonnets 3atins and moires extra cheap a in navy blue and garnets costume cloths all the newshades and silks go match for trimmings- ombre moire and plaid ribbons- 1 1 1 r mntles ana jacke pew styles to be sold cheap udls r jga maniaapalau vulgarly ostled i tmowed to save bira i nter ti jniti railed glarf whiske to ijlx2jttj3tt tit itched the glass from his hand crying jtt ita3ineiwi me t anting mihlftwry nd drts ooodt at right prieas ahonld lnspct our stock wm stewart co b vlm merchant tajtldr i i st a0t0n lt7eby sale bqabd acton ire yon can get pirsljclass jtigs at reason abu bates oood conuneroial eiffs an sxpreaa delivery wagon will meet each express train and- deliver goods to any part of the town all parties indebted ta oils es tablishment are requested 10 ipay ap without further delay and save cost u 1 ootntljkw haw tteek bf engflah irlah seoteh and 0anlran twaada and woratada forshlsiid- ovaroata styllatt ont aad parfaaf fit ouarantaad prlaaa raaaonaala re nelson the photograph1q art a pointed criticism need not becessa rilybe written with a fine pointed pen one of esterbrobks medium ai broad pointed pens will answer eswell ask yonrstatioter fot tbem seal aa4 comfort a he safferuf f browns household pansoea has no equal for relieving paip both in ternal and external it cures f aih in the side back or bowels ore throat kbenmatitrpj toothache lnmbago and any kind ot a pain or achp it will most sorely quicken lbs blood and heal as its acting power is sronderful browns household panacea being acknowledged as the great fain believer and of double tbe strength bf any other elixir or liniment in theorid should be in eiery family bandy for use when wanted as it really is the beat remedy in the world tor crsnips in the stomach and fains and aches of all kinds and is forasie by all drnggiswat 25c abotue nt yellow as agmkbitbe complexion in case of unchecked liver complaint culminating in jaundice is literally as yellow as a guinea it- has tbisi ap pearsnoe bicsvdaeuiat bflehjoji ejtpjfel tbe bowels td act ibdireofed ftbmluf proper course into tbe blood in con nection with this symptom there is jbsisetincrtbe tongfai sick beadacbe impurity of the brealb pains through the right side and shoulder blade dyspepsia act ponstlpatlon these and other concomitants of liver complaint are oompietely j ramovcl by ie use of nortbrop 4 lymans veget- sble discovery and dysbeptio cure rt is also an eradicant of scrofuli fttjpm salt tfienrn nicer oanoer bnmours female weakness jaundice and lnmbago it- toombesttenriaci kmestbeuwr causes the bowels thereafter to beooi regular fligb snfassicjajgewvn been aooorded to it andj it claims to public confidence are justified by ample f veg table discovery and dspep tfocurp the wrappea beari aolnjn of thtjrr o w siiili isnowbctprepbjtsduibeverliexte artistic photoprnphs of etery style todtdescriptioii it the most rasoqabk prices satisimton always given frames mottoes stereoscopic views c always intipek in great variety walaat gold and kastle frame rappheci j t to order onabort notioe taiva frame sj for the holiday trade x look ai fat t 1 of tampltt of ail tindt spltndid ttotk of call r hziijii seby3htsotsi aker8 eubhiture dealers waccoh iai35atijsirsi fte riiii sjri ii f rycif i 1 rt- hisii mtusfri iij kifvjb j r 1 i p 1 live rm im tke seaseef lute r liaellt if so it may be from the lspbost of the 19th century csxaaph tns cos- snttmbiut catasas rijisnt will restore you to enjoyable health it not only cures catarfb bat all other diseases at the same j time price 81 per bottle for sale by all druggists and medicine dealers band stamp for 48 page pamph let containing treatise on catarrh and certificates of toe oured to t j b q ardlkp dominion agent brocknlle ont skats specirtc ausxceie an anfaliinfeareh wbin 8per impotener anot tbat jollow as etioiihef o evuabase as loss of hem- orydniveraal i jaaltrate jain la the buck dltoneaabl vtw loo premature old ai ani many other dlaeaaey inst lead to xnaanltjoroobsiunit j catarrh oaxajrrb or s tears staodl ic eured by constitutional cotarrb rn edy droapiask in ther broai ale to- tto ebok ing naadaehe pains in sbc alders kack and kltneja and enltre brt aaln down nr tbe system enred by enftulationa caurrnsejoedy a ceuib trtwenunve years nandlnt oareulhj ofnstltuuona catlarrh bam- y 1 catartti with dropplnt in she tbroal eattalagfeejlnkaolstianallns dlsxinesa tafn in tb aide and weakneu of kid neysjlminadiately nluved by hem beemlnglynpade new byonn bottle of conn i tulle oauxrta ttetbkly a n an efjred of catarrn or nrtv years atsuuj ingbuseot consutntlonal catarrh bemidy bo it bad impaired his eye- ht mafthrodraf r oor punpblet wfaleb we de- alje to tend free by swan to every ooe ssttse bpeoltle medlelnr la fold by all dnst steat100periejiafeor alt pacwea for is or will be aenl free by mall on re ceipt or tbe money by ad- dremln i ed httliwg ptopii6tor wrth m weight ffl bol4 1 id m hollo ways phls0i thlslkcojrpzka blb jhedc kin secured far itself dm txxeriaa2e famf taronjiotil tie world far lie ae0tm asd cttrt esaeatdiseasa to wtiei luauaatg is afir 17lum8laooijvtkin6 i torentoooteanadsi bold by 1 e mcqarvld urasxut aeten cuelph cloth hall tlod 1 gr1 1 posile bout 1th dropping in the thmavt xtng in tl edy t the nave elen out mno7 aired oured by ooniilut uihk lorea the head aft by conituntloo itwlnha nnalr hbemedy th allttslolhsomttnd 2 four bottles of constitu remedy iv all drasatsls lt announce that fnantierpatlotior a large trade being done this fall they have laid in an enormous stock of etthz it lljtsjz4a vf 11 m inerallhfjnisijf i urnisbed km jlimbevr demand whave on hand a stock of ourselves from the best n giepattmentwe are prepared ins the spring ibeasuaaa mliirva4rj an pemocxata which wilj beaoli aithv lowest poe- koffl mateilalwbich will l sold atthelc jdeoths l twe15ds h purify regulate and improve the quality of tbe blood tbey assist the digestive ogans oleame the stomach and bow eix increase the secretory powers of tbaj liver brace tbenertona system land i threw into the circulatimn the purest ijj oements lor susuinlng and repairing l lif the frarae fefj tbonsands of persona bate teatilledh thai by their use alone tbey hate beeoj restored to health and strength afler l j eviery other means bad pneved muifm oeaaful the ointment ing hi harneas aareiiibonhy abocjd rpblifjifeq they employ a try larjgtj staff ol hadd and will sit orders einljmsted to their care promptly p whit ihslr nasal good taste and lkdltoftttink i t f t outtermb afll stad1a4stsnrat1twiis tag to ittsye tlte wb ofgnodv 4 bhaw icuttoa hi u rji will be found invaluable in every hosis vi bold in theourent own sores hart tumora t fv fv a bad iiwga ola votjarorittittia- jf coldv 8weikirolsbroejt4ib amtai e dtsorders or thevtprpatiid cheat a if also hoot bnumausm tuol4law iiv terylrsicsknbswue t mpts marifbctnred oiljt erovesssw hot5aa iawam tblihmni i 0xfoh strkbv london and srfd at h 1 asl iktjtwuvalwtm box and lot and jnosnad a 3efitf j solothri farotawaabonk loovto tto latbat a th potsi i aiaast tbcxmas hbirasi ndob j a f crji i iji

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