tbcei la nabllehta xvbbt tsurqchtr mornin h- jp oogrb edlur proprietor at ram rti pbem heat doorto mlmdljtlobweh jsffflsftieif ado out txxa thetan pitas will be sentto tabscribere postace paid for 1100 pec a- num in advance wsoji not so paid no peraiewmtsftmdtfll all arrears ere paid acrwrd at thofrton of the publisher anvnnea luxaa casual advertise ments 8 cents per line fortha first inser tion and 3 oenta pec fine- foe each subae- quentlnaertiau- cash i rofeesional cards 10 uaei o lea 40per uanno 1 squre 1 j liaei fsoo per annum payable in 6 months from date of ftnecttoa any bpocisj notice the object ofwhlcb ie toromote the pecuniary benefit of any individual or oompanjvto be considered an adttitiie nest the nnmber of lines reckoned by the spaee ooennied manured by a scale of zaohd koapareil i owratct una ous eotatna one rear eeoee t s3l eolamn oae year asoj tliarter column one year suon oheveiakaatxiboaihe 900 half ealomsi six months ton qonrtereolamnstxtnantne 1100 o i ooreon three months ttoo halfeotamn tftraaontha li 00 quarter eoluiaa lure months 700 adtorlueseenmrurkuieinc directions wl it be inserted unfertile and charted oenrt- tnitr trensharr aarettlgemeuu mint be paid in advuee cfeaasteator eoatraet attverusemems moat belatbeoarnyainon sfrndava other wise they will be left oyer uu the ttllowlnx- week h p moose editor 4 proprietor bowell co newspaper ad- molproceailwberr etfnrtixlfir u bade tor it ix kkw r osult taxotlcetbe canaarsdterurtdt aren- j3 ey no 9 dm 81- west toronto u authorised to receive advertisements for ihlsraper r w w bctche hanacer mrwcimm wh- lowrt kb m c p s graduate of trinity college mem ber of college of physicians and surgeons office and residence at the head of fred erick st acton mforstol m d physician- e stresses etc office forsters drag stow kelt doer u creechs saddlery actor on hzxmitcx church street formerly occu- pied by mr w hemetreet auctioneer 1 i hathesotf attokneyat j law soseffor in chsnoerv c office next door to wallaces hotel iclton ssi s555s tm nrm8tl00 in advane th nwpapra map of buy lift ilt fluetvationi and id vatt chnctnu volume vii ijtp 31 1 all mm actor storey bankib8 i- aetoa ontarloi a gekeral banking bus- i ness transacted h0ott loaotb on ippaotso notes diboounted allowed oa peposlta pocket diarie por1382 k very choice jksstir rtiitbiit at days bookstore another large stock of olooes receive the employer and foreman smile these moraines the workmen are all on time to work and whjr because they have purchased one of those reliable alarm cloclu from s gcelph day sells cheap i ui mr stock of gods surpass anything in tha aity fex quality and cheapoaaa wxssxtb the watch and clock honae of gnclph fi u be5iatt dentist george- it tovilu ti fkhes v s- geobgetotk oai- iriil tisii acton evtjry wedne- daj tad vih attend to all calls pertaining to his prof essiom orders left a mcgarvins drug stare yih receive prompt attention toths mydfxatft tjfisheb r 5t kdtg ajlnwr irsm fonailer maehlnlat cxoeocrmrjr icachiaerj of eterr description made to order os the shortest notice and most tyaaoaable terms- impairing pramptly- at- tendedta a ltstti m claek baskistee i i qntfbee street gnelph tstri imct i maokewi baudlas ill sines actaav tr oma m xnxz funiiti tst1l hem8tbeet uoeibedaaotioner for the cogstiee of yellingtohsn tt orders left at the fin puss office acton or at my residence ia actdn whl be rtromptly attended to term reaaohable j esseir ta learn xlie manej toloaa on the most favorable terms and athe taeest rates iof iqterest ill anms of 500 aid npvrsida f- seid vetebufaet sue- vt fieos 3egetsr gradiate of the ontirie veterinary college will visit acton every rneadajr rom l to 4pm all calls received promptly attended to by eight or day hones beagfet and sold on eommisaioix besidenee west comer from xavory stahu georgetown out g eeid c ashfok szlnb i sin prepared to pay the highest cash prcie for hides calfskins beacons lamb and shoe sloax desverei si ny tannery raoe zrfmther constantly on hand james jcooee ictot rpeugbafh poles i am prepared to let esmjraetl for tie de livery of telegraph poles 100 and npsrirdi to 1000 at stations nearest to the amtnet- a o wheelee acton ont soaffltrntl 1ja9pwrbfe the bar where yon can get an easy shaye a stylish haireat a tretnioe shaarpoon or a coaling gea feesa i spare m pains tod give no pain in theaeeossplwosoeatof agood shave saiors and scissors set ia perfect order n shortest notice wordcn barber kill 8crert acton riroin ah cai- j the sobeeriber fa prepared toetitat wood r eaal inther bne rau quan- titie a rei t any tftuomyi- uff wkfidama aeton 8eptl 8l money tie ablervoed kaa kkt al for aucoaating iood endor areaaonabj rate waeomt qb m fqsfl j peopeietoe foil uses of all kindsf ptjft xbqicixe psbfumerr coxes eaia bbvsbbs iirss tbussbs spwgbs rc ix the drug lline xxtt cqsstistlt os kakb m f0rster acton dec 22 18s1 k ew stock of long gold chaiiys with slides made to order quality guaranteed b savage watchmaker otteiiiphl east end butcher shop h marlatt bro desire to inform the citizens of actoo and rieinity that they have decided u make the batchering business a permanent one and customers patixntimg them can rely ou beiiig sup plied urith fresh nreau all the year raand- butcher shop w 0 robinson wool1 intimate tolbe popie of actoo thai he has papliased tlie hntcbr badness ute- ijerriedoa by kobrt5tory and t bat be bis alvarson bindafirftclassrioclcof beefv pcrti mtua punlitr aad gme i season ete and twpes bjnrjcl ntientm b tnneis la lecare a fair sbire of tbe patronage of t public me it aelivercdatany time to any part of tbe town i termi oasi a qau soucit4d ohdersfeokftltattexded to tt c robinson- stn i lectiee to j yotng mkv on tfte loss of manhoo call solid ted h jtaelatt t bro a ocean shells 4c csrds nine i on 10c ageats outfit 25d geo h hunt jeraey city xv us a look here if yon srsnt 100 tea t pop ular soogs send j 10 cento to wx s ptivra xaseagavreja haltoo out mention this paper j i fftargts ruai soccesaor 4o t f- chpuuji aixountbootamsol kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound ealing neatly ad promptly done werhavp recently pnmitbed a new edition of dr rttrtrfhi celf boated tmmf on tur rauical ana permanent cnreihoul mel- cluejof kerroavdtbilui ueiiulan i phj kic- ai incapsvcii lmpedi inenta of uarrtbje etu reselling fronnicess et prlce in a seaii envelope only flcts or twu polare stamps tbe calebrated aaihor in this admirable essay clearlr tlemdatrates fmm thirty ytercqccesbnl prttctice taatalarmlnicon- ieqaedce may b radically eared wtuoat tie rjnseroaji se of lalara medlclncor the useoitbe knife v poinuneojt a mode of care at once simple certain and effeciaaby means srhicu every safferer no matter whfithls eoodliloo maydeioayctirehimseil cheaply privately and radically this jectore should be id the hands ol every youth and every man in the land address the culverwell i medical co u iaa it new york post office box m h ouse lot foe sale the nndriifned offers for sale the splendid stone duelling on main bt near i lir c 8 smiths residencerone fifth of an acre with stone ihonse in splendid condition stable and shop on the prem ise hard and soft water welu title indiiputaole terms reasonable ap ply to i aecamosab kockwood po wbo contemplate encaging in b ll- ness pnrsol ts should be tbbr- ouhy andnrnc- tlcallyj e mented amusioam boahieas oollrte jjl hate shskesfal boflness annn modenw may nttbehoutnylp- f sxoop r im mix caneer onre depoc ccoatlcoopclcanada pa ancer qmkejj without tte use of the knife e will hove jjjflwtt i eid ol three coawooe tftfh been pri the only permanent ctfre i in tbe world for parllcolarsencloee 8 cent totic bxitb coatjotvpo canada cares gwlft and certain ate nts secured invemiohs henry grist startling i jlost isjalthoop alt i kiraw discovery mlilhlosib rbitorejb wfflaeadeltss sckseve tata dscsy tiavtds tr lavaln coreml khll juattasnm m- wmittftitiiirfiitfirr 5z- thnnaoit 160 if net to paid acjton ont thursday february 2 1882 whole no 363 the feee press moajctsa feb 2 1882 pqbtsr papas letter not now darling mammia baiy go and play with kitty now oh no mimmx me write letter 1 tan if oft will how me how i could pa in as bis sw hair of gold and a fori bat the as i slow till i said of yoa my darlings portrait et eyes lesruhed my face tod eyes of arure u of girlish grace r face was cloaded y ihook my head ill make a letur ling doy iosteatl drl so i parted from bis and itsun mid its then 1 nul go sway and i smili clattered ji niled leaving mi down to mammas tee a jack the tresses ore head hieh aad white in sport i pasted ives of golden light now little letter ind besr good newi as down the staircase load the little shoes tbe darling hurried llary in his glee written lots of letters mary sea i tetter ko one heard a little prattle as once more he climbed tbe stair reaching bia little cap and tippet standing tin the entry stair ko one beard the front door opso ko one safw tbe colden hiir as it floate4 oerhs shoulders in tbe crisp october air down the street the baby haiteoed till he reached thft cilice door tie a iettarj mr postman ia there room for any more cause dis istters eitt topapa papa lives with god ou know mamma senc me for a letter does ou link at it tan go bat the elect ia wonder answered kot tofsy my httle man den 111 tihd snoxr office cause i mas go if 1 tan fiin the clerk would hare detained him bat toe pleading face wai gone and tbe utile feat were hastening by the busy crowd swept on saddenty the crowd was parted t people flew to left and right as a pair ocmaddeped borses tn a mom nt dashed in eight ko one taw ko one tillafxii hang pot saw ighif the baby tigure the golden hair med voice of sweetness on tbe sutumq air late twas too stoodithe then the li covered t ttl a momeat only betalioai vision there je face isy lifeless er with golden hair reverently hey raised ray darling brushed i way the carls of cold saw the stanp upon the forehead growing tow so icy cold kat a mark the fice disfigured showinif ihere the hoof hvd trod but the litt e life was ended papas fettet was with 0od i srosr a case that made a name whbt wt tbe most interesting case in your long experience doctor it was at alitue entertainment given in honor of dokor tourniquti retirement from practice an event we yonnger aspir ant felt inclined to celebrate with no tmall satisfaction- that tbe foregoing qutstioo wis put to the guest of the evening i think taid the old gentleman after a moments reflection sad casting a father ly look upon us through his goldrimmed spectacles aboal the most interesting case i ever had was the first woald yoa mind relating it jot stall whatever secret there once was about itjall reason for keeping it has long since ceased its nowjrearly fifty years he contin ued sidce i presumed fo settle down here and enter inlecompetition with old car ver whose dazzling gilt sign emblazoned with his name and professional designation of pfftbiciur ijtd cebcokon cur mudgeon would have hit the mark more nearly had hitherto enloyed a monopoly of lighting fools thewaytodusty death he neverjpassed me without a scowl and never spoke of me but with contempt his evident purpose wss to nip my preten tions in the lud i should never have a case if he cot kl help it i came vi iry near getting one in spite of him before u rig a poor wretch had cut his throat ju it missing the carotid artery and severing i number of important veins 1 a messenger dispatched for old carver not finding jiim in bad left word for him to come imm idialely and then as a make shift hnrriec on for me i accompanied him at once tud found the wounded ran so utterly prt strate from the loss of blood that but the aintest signs of life retrained a few drops of an invigorating cordial whichlforod him to swallow partially revived him aad i was preparing to sew up and dress the wound when old carver came hustlk g in and pushed me aside rudely of ourse the case was his by right of beini first summoned and i could not oppose hi i taking charge of it hmuph be granted clapping his fingers on ux patients pulse which had somewhat ril en fromthe effect of tbe cord ial what li ive you been doing hero f f x gave lira t restoratiye i answered aod thjw htm into a feverl tntec- ruptad old carver without wailing to hear further then whipping out his lancet be pro ceeded to deplete the sufferer of what little blood he had remaining i trust youre satisfied with your work he growled u the man gave a gasp and fell back dead i was about- to repel indignantly- tbe insinuation that it was at my door tbe mans death lay but the looks and muttering of the crowd admonished me that my word would weigh but little agnirst that of tbe venerable quack and that if i would- get off with a whole skin 1 had better go at ence host no opportunity wheoeverl could get s hearing of relating the true state of the caw aud vindicating my conduct- the restorative i insisted had beeo absolutely necessary lo stimulate the flagging vital current sod demonstrated the atupid folly of bleeding aman already almost bled to death but tbe listeners would only shake their beads and say doc carver was a powerful good judge o physic and they iqwed that i couldnt do bettern lam a wrinkle or two from him my prospects which had never risen much above zero now sank considerably lower i began to lose heart at last aod wis seriously considering the sdvisableness of giving up the struggle and leavine the headstrong population to old carver and their fte when care night i received a hurried call to attend a eenllenui wbohad just had his leg broken mr boammi furneval tbe individual referred to was a respectable middleaged bachelor for some time back thought to be particularly attentive to miss berenice polls s maiden lady of fortune and nearly his own age lir attempting to board the moving rail way train he bad missed his footing and fallen so that one of his legs was run over and completely crushed almost to the knee they carried him home on a stretcher and as must in such esses messengers ran for all the doctors in the place that is to say in the present instance for old carver and myself we arrived simultaneously its compound comminated fracture of thetiokucdthejaaja said old carver pushing forward to take possession by first getting his ngly paw on the injured limb which he fumbled roughly through the clothing its a case fox immediate am putation he added opening his case of instruments ishallnot require yoar services spoke up mr fnrneval with considerable energy for one in his condition i prefer placing myself in the hands of dr tourniquet everybody looked astonished and old carvers face grew blacker than a thunder cloud tour blood be on your own head he croaked ominously and bundling up his instruments he banged the door behind him i wish to be left alone with the doc tor said mr furneval when old carver had gone if assistance be needed it can be called everybody withdrew but the patient and myself ant there alone and single banded i did everything the case requir ed you dont mean lossy you amputated the limb without eadsunce saidafldgcfy little md across the table ko you see mr f as i have said was keeping company with mia potts and thinking he might be better able to wall than to hobble into her affections we decid ed againt ampntatinn and firoeeeded ac cordingly next morning 1 met old carver on the street he was in tbe habit of passing me with a frown without speaking bat this time he stopped hows your patlentf he lnqulredwith a sneer doing finely i replied tour first amputation i euppoae neither srst nor last isaid i didnt amputate at all i suppose you know the legs smashed to flinders ida mand you havent amputated no and dot intend tof no better go by the undertaken and order a coffin then f hes busy oh one for your last victim i believe said i hurrying along without further parley for tearly a week mv patient saw no one but myself and tbe servant who carried up his meals then a few friends were admitted to cheer his confinement which he bore with admirable patience in six weeks i remov ed the splints and the nut day mr fur neval was walking oat as well as ever my fame was in everybodys mouth even old carver could find nothing to carp at for he bad everywhere circulated the terrible na ture of tbe njuiy and predicted the pa tients speedy- death my practice soon exceeded my most sanguine hopes and old carvers whilom patrons flocked to me in saeh numbers that he shut up thep and retired in dlsgart was the limb really sst badly fractstrea as at first supposed inquired the fldgetty little doctor opposite quite ground almost to powder yoa might any t and gave no sign of lameness after- wardst t no more than before 4h hiad previ ously been a slight bitch in that leg but i think there was less afterwards wonderful i exclaimed the little doc tor not at all ton see and there lay the whole secret the injured ug voi of wood and vt replead it trim a jeber one fin t thing about paper paper was first mads from lines rags in 1801 printing was invented in 1438 almanacs were first printed hy purbeck in vienna in the year 14j the bible was first printed in meats ih- 1452 in h71 the first printing press was let up by oaxton musical note were first printed in 1501 metal type wai first made in matrices is t473 by peter schoefer alnuremburg the first newspaper in the world was the j 0kfie and waa issued at nttremburg in tbe devil is is in the wiuskey business jjj temperance items a texas newspaper recently figured up the cost of sixty cents worth of whiskey bought in one of iu small towns some years ago it killed two men made one woman a widow caused two men to be incarcer ated in jail and kept there long at an enormous expense it broughtgreat trouble upon their families and friends and finally cost thecounty j10000 for trials in court witnesses and remuneration to the sheriff and his posse i tbe star of hope is right when ftatserts- ood b not he that is for god- is against whiskey he that is for whiskey is against god no man can be a true follower of tbe lowly oae unless he oars every means to destroy gods worst enemy the traffic in liquor if tbe liquer dealers business b honor able why do they seek to scree it from public gaze j why do theykeep blinds ever closed upon their windows aud screens just within their doors cfiectsully caoceal- ing what is going on behind thenvi no other places of business display these screens who is within lad what is being done every one may see dry goods mer chants druggists grocers butchers and hundreds of others set no screens between the public and their transactions why should tbu whiskey seller i when the dry goods man has effected a 1900 ale does be hide the man wbo hands over his check behind the screen or does he plunge him headlong upon the sidewalk after taking his money keeoramendations try popcorn for nauaeau try crnberry for malaria try a sun bath for rheumatism try clam broth far a weak stomach try cranberry poultice for eryiipelsa try a wet towel te the back of the neck when sleepless ttt swallowing saliva when troubled with sourstomach try eating onions and horseradish to re lieve dropsical swellings try buttermilk for removal of freckles tan and butternut stains try taking your codliver oil in tomato catsup if you want to make it palatable try breathing the fumes of turpentine or carbolic acid to relieve whooping cough try snuffing powdered borax up the nos trils for catarrhal cold in the head try a silk handkerchief over the face when obliged to go against a cold pieacing wind try planting sunflowers in your garden if compelled to live in a malarial neighbor hood try a newspaper over the cheat beneath the coat as a cheat preserver in extremely cold wsaiher thh bfj5bsffls0l onlyaw mwadtee p i- only jsnner tods i l and lol the world bows dowb bora the singers throna only thasm ol thoaahu clothed with a sweeter sound 1 and lo a poets brow with aural leaves is crowned only a finer ear vv only aswjlter skill arid to i the arttal plar ou iuiban hearts at wilt only a tint or line only a subtler grace y and lo theorld goes mad j over a womans face yet thoogh so blight the cause for whicn seen call u sraai this shade the morn or lea may fin an earthly fata for few tsay wield tbe power whose apella nplif cor thrill the barrier filed ysthrie we say not pasaat wlll lead pencils were first made in tbe unit- ed states by william monroe at concord nw ttampshirei in 1811 postage stamps were first used in eng land in 1849 aod in the tjdited 8tata- in 1847 tbe printing press waa first introduced to he united states at cambridae mass a words ol wlsdossa j no principle ismoreuwe as there li none more hely than hct f a tree obedi- ence the praises of others may be rjf s h teaching oa not wtiajt are are bat what opghttohe not a mother nor a father nor any other relative will do so muchibr s as a well directed mind a good temper like a summer day ia tbe sweeter of toil and another of dis quietude itsoeds a brightsaa ever every- thing reflect upon your present westings of which every man has many- not on your past misfortunes f which all men have some v difference between burglars and savings banks the fact is said old mrs phippswho is down to frisco ou a visit the fact is my dear mrs skidmore i had the narrow est escape from being ruined the other day you ever heard of oh how nice said mrs- 8 poarinf out another cup how was it why you know i sold our house and lot last ninth and had the money all ready to deposit in the savings bank the next morning which was thevery day of ila fallow good graciouat i slept with tbe money under my pil low and the next morning when i got ready to start for the bank the money was gone 8eme barglars had taken it during tbe night an boar afterward the took burst did you ever hear of such a piece of good luek luckj why you lost the coin all the same tea but dont yon see fbey esvqbt the burglars ahl6ncondilion of mynotpros- ecutiog them they returned me fifty cents on the dollar the bank paid only twenty- two theres no use talking hannah be tween savings banks and robbers ill take my chances with the burglars eveiy time frauds the oyste trase some curious facta of which very few areprobablysware were developed by s recent iavrsligaiinn into the frauds jn the oyster trade it waa shown hat one barrel of genuine oysters ail often made to do double duty in the handsof retail dealers who added thickened water and sometimes lime to increase their bulk it was assert- ed that oysters were more readily and more frequently adulterated than milk jnd that the markejt was floodad with doctored oysters those in cans were as often tarn- pered with as those sold by the jacket or tub the motive for the frauds was alleg ed to be the small profit oh the legitimsfa oyster trade c etery man for himself an officer of the army relates that upoa onp occasion after a charge upon the enemys works a fierce eaosnter and a fall back for reinforcement a bright young irish soldier was found to have ia flag- captared from the foe approaching him he said flll send that to tbe rear as one of our trophies give me a flag sure ill not give it ye said pat if ye ere wihtnis one theres plinty av em behind that ridge over beyant where i got this tare ye cast go and get ona f or yertesj rr wit and hnaer through the voyage of life etery man is provided with a skull with which to patidls his wn canoe the difference between a defaulter and j thief is very sample one steals enough u hire good lawyers and the other don i never argy again a saccess said the late artemaa ware when i see a raua- analxa bead sticking out of a hole i bear off to the left and say to myself that hols belongs to that analx it didnt wotk the commercial traveller of a philade- phia house while in tennessee approached a stranger as the train was about to start andsald 1 are you going on this train j i am have yon any baggage f ne well ny foend yos castdo ems favor and it wont cost yoa anything yoa see ive tw rousing big trunks nod they at ways make me pay extra for oae you can get one cheeked on roar ticket and well eehretheriser yea i see bat 1 havent any tickej bat i thcjugut yen said yon were golnj enthietralnt so i am rm the eonsuctor ohf hepaidexjtra as ttausl i v is it right to be left 1 asks a contem porary well if this question is left for us to right were rigjtf ante ivs left thats al a mother notaaag her little daughter wipe her moath wuh her dross sleeve ask- ed hex what her handkerchief waster said the little one tsloabakeai the ladles on the street that at arhatpasa does with hia j a iey defined salt aa the stuff that j makes poletaes taste bad when tpu dont put k on hewaaj twin brjofltrof the boy who said that pins saved a ness btna- ber of lives by not being swelloweuv j newsmsnis is a newspeclea of- iaj sanity- the partieraffllctod heat aewav taper men bore editors to death gwe np all tbe best exehaasaeterpottey subscriptions sponge sll the adrertisag j they caniaadjgeoerally die a ttutersbw death cheered in tbeir list momemu by tbehapdbukaalofansala 1- yoare swl qis weaktoday aaron were yesterday observed a physician to a j paijerjtwalepettmgenarecenu8bbejhj howae1ytais isbot awesl dayrdfa sundsj tlwplrysiciaaiajnjed acorresponderjwnnsvthehessrtfleal- taial editor of the rjai sstks bisa kasw to tnafiowsv tnut ftsm hadtf o with consideratisa aha vawtitti iai twbseassakttke sttttpesa tns wait j iy rfm i r4 ayatst arnayajto m inlk hens fwiritea tia m tbtiejtiimfamc wa- v m lm jtt rfs iwv