Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 16, 1882, p. 3

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thbfluikpuess sl xcitjtv momrtrto fli16 tikfl at gsohtnurewhsty fc fancy quod dwn aema out berkn- weols wuuees the largest stock ia acted scli ll vlf xte tipajto and lot svndni bokt cp u oki oties m1n clock- jceller fiuvvtielci crucu kti ves pnmi uii rrk ivn dills v-aliirii- lky ryilue wadmr siire in act xt vfeihaityi aiut biihlu rraieiill tlaluo i personals visiuj 1 hui hr mis k kl il t milium ul tn ml tiles i y i r j nt11 i lowhytslcltlaj ikt miloltu rlctfieuy ficudi ioikuth i mrs 1 d mciirriu bis be u visii ig fifcodstib iotatigevde daring the lust vt j mis tiras c miiore icfl on tuesday morning ou t vuii uiiikuiit ia figance sadvictnitjr mrs vvrurlu of fuiudetjhit formerly iliss jesslfirsibrook at this viuge u thriting heraciou frtcuds a cotlrrtlsa il unl iters aal emser setters kulmiritr eerr- villas keeder i tou litttln miautet ot ttqaesmt couuclt weietceerven lee late fur teserttou in uiusok bx wreo next week tnssrtwit ukptjtue tender of sir vv j uuiiy trtriitfithnf t fniililnt the urcvt umpv t t jir tor fl oo mnccv led at the lust ueetbijr ijf ih cuu ir piwinicmi every mm iuiowii now talks rr p ulecilun add wlt about whin dotiiicton hutc m he it n fire iroi d mill lc iiiitrl v i ir it 1 i v w bits of brevity lecal sail etherwise prepateil bx lie ae f ike pen aaa icrs rr reader or the i ree rre bad rod3 linl pror sraylli coaeenloriglil j a you oft for ilwutolm lou f did y0u restive your vulentioc wbt tbotit lilil rljace pie ociil 1 xeit itednefdjj ix asiiwedutaday tlit weailicr is cvjosijeribr gpriuj- uke ourob department ia crowded iriiu wort j tfho 6t acton dotsat need fire company i give ihe prof bumper lidustf touiiil f tutl irasut the prttliesl nleniine yuu etersaw was it woaloiil it pay to speed a utile maey for fire prytecliou and now everybody u uikiar about lije orpmililioa vt h tire company ucsrs crtvford bcui cjalractors nd builders ueurireluwn luve fiile gite rn sjijiii a jrod hctiie at luc cocctri la lle leipeaajit llaji uns cvu- ijj j hi bownridre jeweller george town oijjicd of hu iioct aad cfl lur ifjtituba cbted sevuruit mii ue ot this village are t t suitmx if yuitrj udttel to tl ftlitv u uuwir iio bmiajl tue btmit kill wukiul call iu laid lrtte tip we vtuiljil the moiiiy llialtv tioi gtlydtktk ii tammmmmm p now m thr u huil tmpm hart leu l outof iflftljsrjrf jfkft look to thtppr to informunoiuid ic- kt a amtle rule thitlhe im lbo dverttler ua be liu to dtipiihct mfam immimu tad k j u tot nuwjl hk tat so vm rtvw trmnll6u urer cpuliuuet to oinmh fcf rgm wj this viciuily ind hul4llatumanllol iiu miw tdk about it aotttv and tlrlo iiy will be eiuilderabljr depopulated we- womm rc itnmeij oil wbo are do- lag wvlt berc in oauriotoretiidnwbere uiov are in the gral boom cauoot alwaja li aud ilw dravwdc whwu ii eerlaiu tawiwi i u i 4 o dliiw such an advance uf pricat- will lot tm as olewtit m e ml i be wibt fr pi ir kuhi jocutrile qch his ivmiiif u the tpinnruuc hau iy lt snytli erf u lpt wit t 1 trvnl to all lo v- pud iuuc a ilo kent r irin ir has ktu pcejnft1 aal n en- j vlile eeniu w ijiuted mr smyth i q id oue of thi bel sopeauo iifkiltjo5ikrjl6jer voice is ikaiil file fiiuti4ich and tljng quality t l i i i i i miur to ihegrvhl prima douaa and her tbthur- v t ihw seudia cpy oc uic fkec tfcfsa tu a distiut tiicutl lie arent iail tu fiujsuiiic uit fitki prilbs claluie be tvcciietl iiuyg c ulu jjuiwii a ax srclliui liici- utn ci rn a i mill lot ttvc iiu ju e lliu i t v- leave t lat cue t cajc cr itill 0c u ot ti kaga ic aic-a- 1 cigar s tir i- rnl el wtii a fittic li t tii 44 tt- i at uljtiic owit tj tie- uck of ileiiiuitii ai ibelow hwa wfrtjttocai ui cmx- wd lecairedit iteff t ii- yaj iti viuer ia very juufvtt mr ijei- ilaiihtws lu pen i t e blactsixijii lo li e occupied lyr tbew if- ouc thing alva ihi- kiul t winier tliil gladden uic licns of fcdnur nd uixi a uic scarcity rf original poeiry on tje bcaatif ol snow mr geo- uynd wtjltr luu jyst pat ia ipaher iliadjd iilcr miiuied ihow cae ho riww lias iutir of iboe casea on lii couutcrt anl tby add grcth to the appeamncc at his tfoefc i it i too f ail asd too fajst the rortfo itorhui doinkjcoud service ia strenuour artackijg ibe people and the govertmneul of oelam fit their recklessneaa in grant- tujbonusea lo railwy oomraoies ihtoagh- out tie protince the ttvrtd dtaunis re- atrictioa in the cbartetiog of tiilwsr- ergiaff that there are eoough aud mre than enough lines in existence and under construction to meet taewaatsot the cocm- tiy it abo clearljr shows that the preced- eat proves that great monopolies will swal- low the railways bodiiy and pry oathe country the amaigimation of railwaya which have received assistance from- tue government and people should certainly be atriclly prohibited by jegialadou haejox jsabsath cbdol asbocutok the annaal couveptibo of the county of haltotv sabtidth school acutfcp heid in thebaptiikchvi6irjj0n on tuesday and welnesaiy and wa in all re jpecti one of thn mo6t successful ever held in the county the weather was very pro pilious throughout and the atujnjance wa consequently very eood the programme was a mpst inlerestinc one and the ad dreanes and discoasions vat of a terf ptdicii character and not oolf eviurel n thonrashlknewlolse of the need mf the work bul were calctjlatid lo be helfn in the biht degre the salbaih school workers present the eveuine tneetinp wen both larnelyatteorted od tretlri- joyed froa ib iniereat maiiftd f sesrfna awnf tbe concern tran person cajid oot irut clinclndh tbt niuh practical benefit wait diival twm ti meeting f the afsoculiou it wa onrtaieotuo w have given tsaeh fit dd rert tf ileovu ti batjiherl wiled h utaiv thi hi leudi- i imp wilv ituc atugera come out lonlht and hear vivi let us ksotr an erxcharge has this jihich applies lo any locality whn ivbody dies gels married rnnj awty anything jfalms aiijue maktiablg eli man or hii wife breaks iiillthm that it in aiyway etnarahel have reason ui believe that jtio fbw ii much botit the oecur- mic dnt wait for some olher pcrn to report it or trust tn to find il out by instinct bat come and tell us liout il or kmidibe uctoo a pial card giving your name aui uldretj ia full this ust will not be printed ji lovells dikectort ve have just re ceived a copy of lovells busineaa and professional dirrclory of jnurio t work mvaluable to the business ctminunity in addilicio lo the lists of nam- ihe direc uiry compriaes an extensive mllection of itatislics and miscellaneous taformalioore- latiug to the province of ontario acd can ada generally the latest official reports have ln used in llu preparation ot ihe balistical infjnnatiou the book contains 1m0 pages well ptinled on good paper and neatly bouud reflecttaj credit on th pri uteri and publbbera jlasaul joha itll 05 sniumlrel bcloijuy on sunday night burglars eulered the shoe store of afensrs kenney t son main street tad appropriated several pairi of boots and a valise leaving aa old pair healdetheeotiater on ertering the sore in the tnorniug one of the ifcssri keuney was aypnaeil lo find boots and shews tnmhled about vi every direction wn evidently the saidtr parties aitempted lo nt the ehoituij evtaplishmeat of ilr r kktlhi byt ilr knho occupies a bedroom in tlwtear ofjht shop being ironed by the pot made by the iutrud- rs rirded to tatestrgaleuhe muur whea iheyisafjalarsttedaafl fled before iheir kleniitt could bwojiaknown kiw 08001 hotjtaifhe nitres of the new section no 12 hare purchased a site for theiiw hoia boos- being an acre on be av awnetof mr q david sons farm in which they porpnae ertqling a neat brick building a bee was made one day last week and a urge quantity of the lirick rwjuiretl was placid tin the preoiises the ahewill iw vejy etttsiut for tboae driegatesj her tzi wilknnson art icsra tuu eastohand 11 ptltcnire at- utiucd the s bbatb school cmrcutioa st ticorjeowu uu tuesday aud weuoesday dcltrica root the htjoiudijt sfljbaih schfuerc v vii ew tueaiura ltxcit b expibtij tlnrrhe cn dt mdtiul trltraph 3om- pii y will have their liue in woiklng order ibis ur ot wthin thie inouuia the cxiupany anoouaccs lower rates ihail lie gs uco new pirtt messrs j watfon of the strait rd liirald aui juies pjtteraon fumiery ot thcs mn s jovraal intend starling a new conservative paper ia mea lord e wish ur breuiieu of the quiu every success cnildarvs xddrdss the address lo the aabtauli 5chl stiildrati in uw ueui- odut ctinrch on- sunday evening waa in- lertaltog to all abd beifljj delivered iu supple iziiatge- was liateued lo very at- tcutivey by uic little folks btkg uutr ts iiiltox eariy on friday moraiug the store of james liuiliudrake dilon was ourglariti and a quaiml of dry goodi fufa ttcitoiea iu heir flight the burguraleftfourhatajuid homioiue reinnaiiu in aa a4joidhg line fuit sjlo iir geo- lilliott who re- aides about mile from this village baa sold his farm lo a air mullen una has just ntumed froui arkauaia for aooyi hoj ill eillolt iuteutii to leave wtltr ut uluiv for alanitui in tje cjarse of a uioulk or six wceke l twfcj1t tor pttcij ten ih iuiaud d tare wotto ot twenty cent pieces ilave been vilhuran fruto circulajjuu kcoic lecuved al the duaucc deparuacitt uttiwj oa tuuiadjy fat4 fruu tunihtu h u iie jiioiitlmito nithilr ajicojatsu toia dcuniiinocrireaii circuiasioo pofclik ce ciicttlatlju of the feui kkaa uct er wae m large as al lb present ttuir aod is increasiair at a much faster tktc than ever betvfe iv never was ftaort ppulsr than now as is educed by thtt un- ocucd cxaiiinfflury leniirks that are iictjuwiiv iuw oy tiox ho have re- ftl oclr laelpulli- tuo cliriadi utaifjiltje gktajc iiruruth grwn lo bit aeariy twic aa alg uiol cr ctotributois lspiihiwoti i u vhi u he db 6f the ecllon but jasl ie p r id lias foiii iuirs asmaoy jaainnrh ucbiiceniaocmwtlibarxperienoed liu- i lit i a naaizu itisn rw j lit- oi ai s n2 esf iqu lily le hs i itapricuiautkll scll ioc itti 1 1 broc slid e jt cosoo- attetrkitto ur r rinle p 9 io- pe or dr x ilogtvji of stralfni m mr goo bitof enesrg the mrliiutapiu ed to diiiie the pniieny tnini fa acioo schvil division be ween toe vrilaign j acn aid the ucw- urnl sxttion jat toiined and are now poga iu tl pcrformanee of uwt duty pcgiltstlc- ih- sutherland of 0 ik- viile atleinped lo anuiuilate the editor of the iuprtu one d ty last week for some ilea which appeared iu last isuenot ailed to tut urt ute tue editor hail uini arrested an the cltarjre of assault sod battery and tie tiial wai appointed or fiiluy wt nave not yetheard ihdresalt caesital coxcntr a carnival con- ceri will be given byleejbihleyass of st albaiis church lnfie tniperiiice ftali on tvsay evening next surovo tues day iu aid of the sahtoih sthool library the prorramoiewiirmistslof jllie piay itithor goose tableaux humorous soi s vpcal dueils etc a pleasant erei- iug in trpecd j obitcabt oafridajrhist the wife of ii r john sioitlisrv of krin and mother of hit d y7 smith breathed her last at tbenpe old age of 79 yurs and 11 moalhs the old kdyioed to erin with her iiuf hand imore than sflf yoirs ago snd tai been a coasunt resideut since that tims tier siittowing rciatioos and fiieiida have die sympathy of the entire community a xew kole 3ir j e hacking late of the clifford firpiu- and atone time edftot of this j6drualhsj uted sp in faiiueisoa uialer a new role j we ciip ihe followiuij irom the paimersloneie- rapa mr h itlliiking has bteaap poioted ticket agenl for the unud trunk kailway in tbs town iu plsce of mr k kee who recently resigned that position e trust suctets wili ed jtm io your new euiplcyurnt frend hacking fob salttarge box and cook stoves drums and pipes wyviugtnachlncj auttbcks- ipimf uwlirewa loangra tabfes palet doibes horse patent quritiiig j frame all etcoudljmiid coa4t at airs ca9cords scboxil books5ih books 4ll cents jjtu bos omts i boot m cents sod book- 18 cents 2ad n 1st books 8 cents fal l-ck- ccou almrs s a jecoidi more of a news iiy lo ihe merchant and un of basruess people earn more mon iud are uuir oo thaa twenty fivij tears by ihise in th- souu howevervwe presume thlagr uunihr reside in the nolheru pul of iheateiiuii the haiidiog wfll be n needed wiji in the j cxairae of a few aeeks vreddnca btlli on wednesdaf 8h ilsl rev josph onswirthjdmediared nek ur junes t smith o llie g x- b md jtitl xellie b itber daughter of joph arbor e q of gcirgelnwu in connec tion with he alwve the members of the c ngr giiinftl ghurci peseoiel the bride ith a hcauiilul uaviuport eiwtiy inlud and bible burlnr the fuduwinj ioarrip lion to jcits kellie ba from the members of the coogregtiotil church aud choir asa alight recognition of yoaraervieea rendered a org inist but mora especially for the invaiuble aillingness which at all tints yuu have shown in trying to aleanec ihe interests of the church in all j things which were fr the cause of chrit our lbril atid kaiier iwy voti have many happy days and pleasant ktnembrances of your life amjing ihe members ot the con itrgaiioqa cliurii tlierois iwiera- rnnch eompetilion u hi mm- i t il ui t tdg aliitt smtth barbik at vtillow bank geortrtown at the residence of the bridcv fit iter on tdeslh iust by rev joepb uuwodb mr james t smith cnuiiuctoron gt tiv to vfis sellie 8 barber daagherof joseph barber esq t toe ctcate sisith in erin on the 10th iust deborah of mr jhn suuth aged 79 years and llmnnths fv f ciittbfeiu at corwhin politicb on the llth insl hirv beloved wife of dun can campbell fivj aged 68 years atjiiqk axs aaaiiiaa wxiivrmt otttoxtiai wrnvrtsiar feb ji sale of farm stock aad ttaplemenu on lot 18 oon 2 ei qoeiiiiii the property of hr chta kirk- patrick sale to commence at 12 uclok sharp feidai march 10 sals of live farms be- lonaing to win moore ksq and the estate nf the lata saiaael mnore esq at agnews howl saje to cooimence at ooem brown household panacea hs bqiquilir rflrving pain bothi iuext f the sid luck or bowels sore rhroai keil aaa casahrl u ike saaerlai brown household patiacea hs io- a wr iit i w jroai kheum itim toothache lumbago and sni kind ot pin or ache ll wjil owatbriyitfi ato lhihtood sari heal s iiacinf powrr i jronderful browaa household pnaca heing rknfrwieh jjed si the treat pain reliever jld ofjinnbl the strtngthof anj other txir or liuitnent inj ibe world should in every family hn ly for use hen hsttk itrlit iatnbs rtjnod the worldforcramos in the stomach pains and aches of all kinds is for sale by all dtruggiisata4cetil bott citycjrooery aswgbein wnt4100 barrtla dried applet at ck lor whith the bif bast sash price will b paid 1 would ahie auaoeees te ray naavsronscua- toinert hat i havt hist pnrcaased a largs and ohoice stock of groceries crocks ry at a vsry lownfftwa and whichi wifl disaoae of eery ckeap to oxatia tjuibk returns plcasa gin m a call and don fnrgst that mall prods avatiek ratartta is iny motto all kinds of provision kapt ooaitaatly on hand hijtkas cash pries paid or p redoes a wgrxw el and andi toilet aojapi pen- kijsg 0 the dry ods still alive hu at- 3hes griffins ano her bankrupt stoik of gen eral dry goods purchased a few days ago which will be tiold at as tonishing low pirices corisisting of ih winoys dress cods hmels mantles mantle cloths shuts and drapers in fact everything will be sold at prices to suit f these goods must be cleared out by the 1st of march before stock taking now is the time to get to hughes ek griffin acton leims strictly qasl s radford e h bollort j 2 wiliiarreoa j2s perfumery fti the lion guelph w a beg to advise onr frierrds of aeton nnd neiiiity that weare mak ing sweepiug ruduetioas ia prices of millinery mantus dress cooos clothing eub8 fanoyw0ddulen3 and winter goods in every department it will pay von to take arun to guelpb and purchase what you want at tire lion spring coods we are daily ripening out european anflcvivli pi-ci- c spring goods keit vrek we 4ial pa ni- oxliiiiition a rtnsrtific it liit of real swiss embroideries direct fr mi st ljall siritzerland real and imitation laces trimmings cambrics i nwtiirnsljc and white good f every description onr liurbrnklttiit arc love ly goods in fine material and as cbeap as he coarsest quajjjics arc generally sold for tx ladies come to th lion br good value and large selections j d wiliamsos co otjexjph acton clothing store r e nelson proprietor spring announcement the subscriber wishes to announce to the residents of acton and viciuity that his spring stock ia now being opened up and comprises all the latest novelties in eofluh liiata sftoteh and sanadlan twaads blua sargc fancy ooatlng and t rouaerlng as my stook lias been parohased entirely for cash and on the most favorable terms i uow offer my chrtonters the bentfit and will give suits made to order in the latest english and american styles as utibap poe cash as any other house in the trade and guarantee a per fect fit 1 would also call attention to my new stock of spbing hlnvrs which for qutliy style and price are nnsnrptseed call and examine for yourself and be convinced that i do what i advertisa tits utot tatalcia hut t inaa b e nrson the photographic art is now better prepared than ever to iiecute artistic photojtaphs of every styb and description at the moat reasonable prices satisfaction always given frames mottoes stereoscopic views c ajwayam stook in treat variety walnat cold- and kusllc frames cnprlieq to order on short notice tuts a loot af hit rindotc full of tvmflst of all ftjid s krairf sioci cf fraubsortht kolidny tiude calle c w hiisia- qteeoats hats a splendid line at s900 also a fine selection of tweeds diagonals beavers and avi u hi qie bert wtlitvrti at the lamm prfcca east end cotbllngr stjite f j fyfe largest stok ever seen in actob it m

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