Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 2, 1882, p. 1

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i 1 i -thiej- is publish xpert t3ursdat morning s i ikooee editor a proprietor 7 at tkk faai rnu rwurrtxq 4 fvtiiswute next door 10 nuwdilchorch ilul stntt acion ont tinas the tta puss will bo tent to subscribers postage paid tor 1100 per n- nam in advinoe 1140 if tot so paid no j paper discontinued till all azrvart an paid axoept at the optica of the publisher advasnstxa ritxs casual adrerbsa- nuu 8 eenta par vac tor the first inser tion and 1 oenta per line lor each subse quent inaertiou cash professional caxday 10 lines or lees woo per annum 1 sqaare 11 lines 1500 per j annum payable fat 6 months from date of inaertiou any special j kotiee the object of which is tonroawte the pecuniary benefit of any individual or oompany to be considered an advertise ment the number of lines reckoned by the space occupied measured by a scale of solid nonpareil costbtct ratss one eolomn one rear halt eolumn one year hurler eolnmnone rear oaeootaaa six ntoatjia noouis terifxi isoo iv on siou soeo 13 00 3000 u on 00 salfeoliusiatunv qoarter eolbmnalx moolne lieoelunu laree months- rairccklama tnoemocthi quarter eolarao three months dreritaemnlk whaalmeelfle alrecliorif win set averted till forbid and ehrrrrdaecord- tnrlr transitory advertlmnaends most be paid la advanr chancec for contract adverufemerjs most toe tula office or a taon mondays otber- ti ueywlllbe itft over till the ollowlnj we r hp moore editors proprietor tuiq daocd irjl tccndoneietgap xorii ixkkw vokh terms 100 in advano th nutpapera map ofbuty life iti fluctuation and it vait onncernt volume vii no 35 aoton ont acton banking cot storey ohristie it 00 bankers alton ontario a general banking 7si- ness transacted koxzt wahw oh app0t8s hotss notes discounted and interest allowed on depoaita ii medical hal f tttomcfi tr canada adverltrtuearen- ey o s3 kin st 5vesl toronto ti eauborixed to receive advertisement for imsfaper w wbctchebslaaer irecyqeyji ttt ht lowrt stb if c p s v a graduate of trinitycbhegei mem ber of college of physicians and snxrkons office and residence at the head of fred erick st acton- i neiin m foksthe m d phy8i6ux ireceox etc offick tforstera drag store next door to creechs saddlery actk oxr bxiieftjcz cherch street formerly occu pied by lie w hemstreet auctioneer i d jiathesok attorxerat we law solicitor in chancery- e- office next door to wallaces hotel miltm ll beckett dextist towi rnont george- t 1 feheb v 8- geobgetowx ont will visit acton etettwednes- and will attend to all call pertaining to his profession- orders left at mcgarrinv drug store will recefteprompt attention teiana moderate t j fisheb b w eix a nlar iron twmcr kaettnfet ceoacrroirx- i ictchiacrt of every description made to criier an the si artist notice bji most reiaoaable terms bcpaizisprompilj it- undedta 4 lkxer il cliek baebisteb qoebecjsireet chielpfa mill ftcraf acton ft oma of far beet fnidixte 1wk he3tstbket licensed aactioneer for the cotlbtie oi tvelhngton and hilton orders left at tiie fzxrfxrss office acion or ai mr residence in actoo sill be promptly attended to terms reasonable iter to ls alao monertd loan octiaemortutorable terms and at ike lowest rates of interest in cams of 500 and epvards br j larstir fall hies of all lands of pbbtfjtmmti cwrff j htsausmas tttms trvssbs stweess ere drug line extt cos3rnjrnr k mxn u forster acton dec watches watches for gash you can set the best btrraias ever offered in quelpu in lancaster watches waltham elgin sttiss i 0l0css at all prices -att- wm si smiths xht iftiuh and clock soaae of gnelph chblancoster has no equal for the money the tlso if ne ao paid thursday march 2 1882 whole no 387 free press thtupar moxxtko march 211882 pqerar ho to garnish a home- look ott f r that dear little home ipru that al noat u aure u the liuht will welot me yoa andr jta rooftre 8oom tii ie if yoa rockoa right a home of yoar own with s lovtd one to iheltx and guide yoa through life in bright loan of fileuart tad gladaeu in aeaioj j of sorrow and strife it may not be princely or graad girli a dwelli ig for mere oouide ihoir bot it lies q yoar power began early to make it a knaves below aye i teo before yoa hare aeep it or him 1 ho has deetioed to be yoar lover yoar hero y haiband who e r be far over the sea beio with yoar temper at firtt- girfa aod thti yoa may try in mere youth of rare hoi tehold aaiau whom we read of take lea ena ia iwiftaeti and truth be watehfi 1 and earefal aod thrifty tbii latt trii vomani behest yoardesr ittie fingers keep basy and jim- will take care of the resit look oat ft r that hoane of yoar own girls yet keei yotraelf happy and free till wooed by a nuir of yoar heart dean full wor ny year consort to be then bring biai yoar lore in its freshnest yoar sweetness end trathalso bnoi l5sii i floor and feed gketd iteteenfabt isob- ge05 georgetown graduate of the ontario rekerisulrjr college- will yiaft acton eterr tatsiay rem itoipjua all clls receited promptly attended to by stight or day- horses bought and sold on commission efesideace west corner from ldterj- stable georgetown ont r g behx tash fob sitlaib j an prepared to pay the highest cash f rcie forhides calfshna deacon idunb and sheep skim iearered at my tannery lace leather eomatastly on tsnd ja1ies moobe acrox- t am prepared to let contracts for the de livery of telegraph poles 100 and op wards to 1000 at stations nearest to the contract- iro whieleb actoo oat b w wou tn tendering jheartj thanks to the peopk of actou nnd vicrnitv for their kiud patronage in the past trotild reepec5ully in form hem that he haa tion- staijtly on hand at his hill loot of hill street a full stock of i flour oat meal corn jmeal buckwheat flour cracked wheat and chopped stuffs of all kinds ant of which t is prepared to deliver dailj j tour patrosaee is tinllr lalieitoi ordui left at sir nhmet trill receivs prompt attention b j nicklin acton feb 9 1882 a yew stock of long gold chains with huits made to order qaailt coaraateeal b savage watchmaker bwkoes to ajp before a oceax shells c cards name tv on 10c agents outfit 25c geo h hunt- jersey city xai usa east end ibutcter sbop h marlatt bro desire to inform citisens of acton and rieinity that they hare decided to make the butcberingbasiiiess a permanent one and customers patronizing them can rely csx being sup- plid rith fresh meats all tfaayear iround xoor boosi and soriw ba robbed of its ittng will be then foil of blesainf pabvs dyina babys dyinc do not stir ut bee spirit lightly float through the sighiar lips f her fitul the murmur in her throat let the moan of grief be oarbod baby ipuat sot be distarbad 1 bsbya dyint do aot itir la her spirit lightly awiaa throagh the sighing lips of her oujt from us and up to him let her leave us with that smile kiss s4d miss her attar while hour more slipped by and he became very nervous tad uneasy i declare he mattered to himself liter be listened some lime ia vain this a word of caution by george i theres the girl i told fim about wbo flirted with me the other day ovm sromr la too bad she ought not to stay out iol- 0d with tiie blue neckerchief k and swell bet with fblte feather nod ding over her forehead sunoer aint she 1- then followed wme ivords in an under tone ending with a light laugb good afteraooo jack im after her no youre not and the other seized him by the sbowlder what do you meant that girl u my sister jost you dar to speak lightly beg pardon jack bnt you must teach yoar sister not to flirt with strangers if you want her spoken of with respect and he vacated the spot which bad become utter warm for him on the instant from r standing placejn a doorway we searched among the crowd for the girl with pale blue neckerchief and swell hat we caught a glimpse of a lovely vlracloa face with bright sparkling eyes the white plume drooping over the rings of dark htlr on bar forehead aad saw ber brother hit face contacted with a frown join jher hast- lly evidently she would not be allowed to wait until she arrived heme fer the lec ture she needed the practice of flirting witksttaagers on the streets in the horse cars la the restaar- aats etc just for fas without the shadow of an introduction has grown very prevalent dont do it girls tow may hare as much pride ef character and iek respect as the most puhetilioas wellbred lady who stands apen strict etiquette bat you wont get credit for il but if such fun to lead them on a- while and then make fools of them doat delude yoqrselvea they dent see it from your stand point in nlae cases out of ten yon nuke yourselves appear ridicol ons in their eyes and pamper their self- conceit which to tee well fed before we know innocent pare kainded girls do inch things thoughtlessly frem love of nvacbief one leading on another bnt if they could hear the sly inuendoes aad cv ert insinuations with which their acta are coupled afterwards their slumbering wo manly ihstinst would be aroused and they would blush with mortified shame at the motives imputed to them evem a writer nqs at home s3 a call solicited h m arlatt t beo f abm to best the east hakflot 9 coo 4 township of erin will be rented w a suitable perooo on- liberal terms the farm contains 1 00 acres the most of which is under cultiritiou there see good farm baiidings orchard and good water the property it well adapted for either grazing or farm raising for particulars apply at this office or to j wji griffin con 5 erin grays specific heoicike- tha great amahahkemedy an aafaijlrg cure for 8emldal weakness 8permatorrnfa impotener and all diseases tnat follow as a seqoenee of blfabose asiossormem- orrxnlterval dutfltudepaln in the baca dimness oi vu- ion premfttnre old afe and before tkm manj- other dlkeases that lead 10 insanky oroonsnraii oton wfnll palfcnlarsin nr pamphlet which e de sire to send free by mall to everyone jstue specific medicla- lipoid by all drni- ai sis at s1a0 per ickaze or six packagef for srwli be sent free by mall en re ceipt of the money b7 ad- dreaaldcj 1 timlfray jtleaiolrss 08 after taimg toronto ont canada bold by e mcflarvinrurngtist aeton where jo eao act so eaay 8have a styfiab haireat a frothing shaiapoon or acoobng 8ea fam 1- spare no pains and give no pain ia the socomplieheaeet of a good shave balers aad scissors sat ia perfect order en shortest notice wwojiden barbmj kill street aeton a- i the aahacriber ft prepared t dalirr wood er cesl ia either larg r aaaall ua- ities sa ibirod aay part othe ro- ags w sa0am8 juten sept ii 8l thai allot dicoajitigol an isosable rate of dtseoaat uedtafeo- not at ja4b8atthbwb succeeaor to ts chapman 0qqkbixe bgedieisqiiakaofjnli aooodnt bookajof all kindj made to order feriodicals of erery deacriptiotj carrfully bound enling njeetly aod jromwtlr done wbo contemplate enfaglnk to busl- q6ii pnrsalts hoald be tbor- oaghly nod prue- tltlyedn4tl obserralfon that the yoana man who baa spent six montbspr year to tbe bbxtibs sal more npnsr say at ttyitu ol three a- aar thai 2 tnantt3ofl i vezt ttan tftrtiwninintilnptbb1e to meraeeeasral tmsseess mam btodents may entertheaehoolaanytlmo elreolai rtlma rotoircm patents secured ro inventions r hi vhy grist ottavp the ladles repository- tells the following pieaaant story the hasasnd greatly to the annoyance of his young wife bad acquired tbe habit of spending a a evenings away from home and her ea iiest protest against tbe habit retailed in ill agreement to stay in every evening fori week and allow her i be absent ti e result is what might be ex- pected in say case where a true and strong affection sxjits between the husband aad wife- monday evening came and george wil son remained true to his promise his wife put on ber bonnet and shawl and he said be weald remain at home and keep house i what will yoa do when i am gone j emma aakad oh lentil read and sing and enjoy myself generally very will- ald emma i shall be back early the wife left alone lectcue to totng bkfy a ike lm r manhoo we have reeemtltpnhllsbed a new edluoa f 9r rnlterweils cele brated esaajr on toe radical and r permanent core without tnedi- cluej of nertoudblmty mental ani pbyaic a locapacuy im pediments oflaniaf e etc r eaaltlna ttoa xoees es tjaapriae tn ataied envetopdn1y6cti ortwo potaf9 itaope tbe celebrated onuor id thl admirable bsay clearly demoostrates from thirty yefltiacceaifal pretlee that alarming onn- aeqnences may be xadicaiiy eared wltboal tbe danserons dm of laternn medldnmor tbenseoftbe knife polauaajeat a mode of care atoncestmple certain od eiteetnal by mean nf which every miterer no matter wbat bis eondl ikn maj be may care hicnsew eneapfy privately and radically this ictare- aboold be in tbe nands of erery yontb and eveg man in tbe ta ad address the cltcnre sledieal co went oat and the hsbtod was he had an interesting book and he began to read it he read till eight oclock aha then he yawned and looked frequently at ihe clock the book did not interest jbim as usual ever and aooa he would come to a passage which he knew would please his wife and instinctively he turned as though he would read it to her but bis wife was hot there to hear it at hah past eight oclock he aree from his chair paced the floor and whistled then be got his ante and played several of his favorite airs after this he got the chess boad- and played a game with an imaginary opponent tben he walked the floor and whistled again finally just as he cieckj struck nine nil wife return ed j well qeorge said she i am bask in good time how liare yon enjoyed yourself j capitally retarued the husband look here if yw wsat 100 new k pop- ular 8oiua jsend 10 oanta to wx i ftitta sasagrs m qnt ention this paper had no idcaj it was so late i hepe 50a have enjoyed yourself t oh splendidly said the wife hadd ideal how much enjoyment there was away from home home is a dull place after lil isnt it t whyoil loantaay that it la re- toned oeoaw earaleady in fact he added irithrrlikeit i am had of that replied emma for we shillhaveaaicecomfertable week of it oearga diaeed a little at this bat be kept hie oc unteoance and detarmlnad ta tteut on the nit evening she prepared to ge erffagasa iahall4backrngood time qewcrt when you going r ber htubaad rovbb ft iiot jfoa sate ondri denoe tbe lenilidi wjj ojondl indlapnubla ply to i tail sard 1 onmsssiliokr 1 one fifth of ir walla iiottablt title ap ookwoodpl bat he happened to remember that he often remained away much later than that so he concluded that he mast make the best of it at a quarter to ten emma came home a little late am i not f she said looting ap at the clock but i fell la with old friends how hare you enjoyed yourself f first rate retaroed george bravely i think home a capital place especially when a nun can have it all to himself added the wife with a sidelong glance at het husband bat ke nude no reply on the next evening emma prepared to go out u before but this time she kissed eer kaaband are she left and seemed to hesitate ere leariag where do you think of going george asked i may drop in to see uncle john re plied his wife however you wont be uneasy- xou will know 1 am safe o certainly said ber husband but when left to bis own refleetiowa be began to poader seriously aprfn the subject thus pre sented for consideration he could not read be could not play or enjoyhiirself in any way while her chair was empty in short be found that borne had no real com fort without bis wife the one thing need ed to make george wilsons he pleasant was not present i declare he said to himself i did sot think 1 would be so lonesome and can it be that she fsela aa i do when she is here alene i it mast be m be pursued thoughtfully it la just a she says be fore we were married she wa very happy in ber ehildbeods borne her parents loved her and her brother and sisters loved her and they did all they eoold to make ber comlortamt after this be walked up and down the room several tiroes and then stopped again and eomnuned with himself i cant stand this said he ishould die ia a week if emma were here i think j i could amuse myself very well how lonesome and dreary it is i and only eight oclock 1 tve a mind ta walk down to dncle johns and see if shes there it would be a relief if i could only see her i wont go in she shant know that i held out so faintly george wilson took another tarn acroas the room glanced at the dock and then took his hat aad went oat he locked the door after him and then beat his steps to cncle johns it was a beantiful moonlight night and the air was keen and bracing he was walking along with bis eyes beat on the pavement when he heard a ught step ap proaching him he looked up and be eeold pet be mistakes aw his wife his first impulse waa to avoid her bat she hod recognized him george ike said in surprise can this be yoar it is was responded and do you aot pass yoar evening at home 1 this is the first time i have been out emma upon my word and even new i have not been absent from the house ten minutes i merely came ont to take a breath of fresh air but where are you going am going borne george will yoa go withmej certainly replied the besband she then took his eran and they walked heme in silence when emma had taken her things she sat dowa in her chair and looked at the clock too are hotae early tonight remark ed fjeorge the young wife looked p late ber ins- bands face and with an expression half amlbnsj and half tearfal said i will confess th troth george i have given up the experiment i managed to stand li test evening buf i could not tear it through todlgijl when i tbeagbt yott were here alone i wanted to be with yon it did not seem right i bare not en joyed myself at all i have no hems bnt this say you bo r cried george moving ui chair to his wstea side aod taking ne of her hands then wane mke my con fession i have stood it not a bit better when i left the bosue fall jrmtniag i oould eland it o kmger i found ma waa we home for me wile my wife was abeaa i thought i would take a walk down to unoieeoha and aee year face if passible i had jraz open yoorl erearty chair antil lay heart ached afherotkutls i i do not leoogaite the hand ajklyatzvtaartisthrobbbx ad theres joejigbt in nay ysareiaj eye is il freeo dvothar eld aad vti or f rem the littk tiaatisf taaid- whoa heart i won before j strayed fetto il awoptaiiity leagfje away t before ihrsak the seal i pre my lips ofw be envelopw andeh beundlse waahb of bop i lavished la thai soft earn peaoe sotterinz heart j ob sonl sit stil why abonld my tremmidf frame reooii f my letter coons from bridget duyl it ia it is my laundry bill tbe life of a fartaer a fanner who owns hit land is free from debt and hat tolerable improvements can- aot fully compretend tbe meaolng of th term hard tlmca henoe finnldg ia the best anftsuroat vocation for the auate of the people u a general remit it due not alwmlead to wealth but it may certanty insuraneompetence and even abandaoce to ihe jaded unfortunate unioxceasfql business man here is ho prospect that looks so enticing as that of a beautiful farm well stocked fully improved and carefully tilled it is a haven of rest where tiie corroding cares and lifesapping anxiety of city bosiness are unknown a domain ever which he is king and be may enferce his will undisputed by say oat tbe true pleasure of a farmers vocation consists in his intimate relation to lture and bis pos session f all the rational enjoyments of me j words or wisdom there ta no charity i in helping man whowiunothelfbinaielf would yoa retain the le of a friend do not be too selfishly exacting drudgerr may occupy the hands oniy 1 noble service goes from tbe heart sorrows are our best edneaters a mae may see farmer through a tear than a tei- soopb like a beautifol flower full of color bnt without scent are tbe fine but fruitless werds ef him wbt does net act aceosdiqg- hot the perversisea ol others not thefr sins of commission or omission bnt his own misdeeds and negligence aboold sage take notice at have ton snetalea go straight era and dont mind them if they get in your way walk around them regardless of their spite a man who has no enemies is seldom good for anything he is made of that kind of materiel which ia so easily worked that every one has a hand in it a sterling character is one who thinks for himself and speaks what lie thinks he is always sure to have en emies they are as bsceasary to him as fresh air they keep him alive and active a celebrated character who was surround ed by enemies usedte remark thet are sparks which if yoa do aot blow go utof themselves live down prejudice waa the iron dukes motto let this be your feeling while endeavoring to live down taeaeandal of those who are hitter against you if yoa stop t dispute yoa dt but as they desire and span the way for more abuse let the poor fellows talk there will be a reaction if yen perform bat yoar duty a j f the christmas present toward christmas a yoong man enter ing a cariositt shop found tbe dealer moaning over the fragmeata of a superb sevres thsc 111 buy tire bits of yon said be but you cant possibly mend it never mind just put tb pieces in a box carefully tied up arid eeod it to ktademe v then giving the dealer fee francs this prodigal departed with the cbeering reflection that manage would of course suppose thefase to have been broken ea roufc two daya after fall ef his idea he caded on madame v i have received yoar singular pmoa she mid singular f well rather here it is and the shewed the stupefied young man each piece of vase carefully wrappejd in tissue ppet the shopkeeper bad been to thorough ia his packing saiuaoroau oly oae day sat a tlrae a certain lady met with a seriess aoct- dent which necessitated a very painful surgical aperatien asjd zaaay atanths con finement to ber bed when tiie anysiclaa had finished his work ard was about tat ing his leave the patient siked 1 doetot how long shall 1 hay e to lie herebelpleesf on only a day at a time was tab cheery answer and the poor buff erer was not com forted for the todment but many ilnms during tbesaceeedmg weary week did the thought only a day at a tune com with its quieting inzlaence i think abort views a good safeguard agatust needles worryrand one wiser than he said take therefore no thought tar the morrow sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof an tasy thidi a friend calls nn a sculptor at bis studio and watches the artist at his work becoming very much interested say old fellow be flnady breaks oat it sanstbe awfully jolly to be a sculptor aad it doesnt- seem te- be very bard i guess ill bare to get you to give roe a few lessons oh no it isnt a bit hard says th artist edcouratingty all yoa bare t dots jostte take a chunk at ssarbloud a chisel and chip off the superfluous portions and theres your statute or bust r what ever you want 4 0a cakt tell exactly i nay go 1 several phatu rkigevrghwiwa va se afain dtbe mm to amua usaalf aabafora- nom tpvoddtd j bat ke fouijdu idiaeult task aerad iopah tbopretn- snoo he wojnld cast his eye 09 taat empty a man with a wbeolbarrow carria all be fore blm there is after altoaly sue real bone of oontentiaa ia the wedd aad iiiat is the jaw- tooe what wotdu there of t letters froai the next eveaipg was t at bee by j knsbsad and wife and jt w a season of j f aoea enjoyaent in a abort time george i 1 aa wta otop i pir 005 began to terilx how rsichjootsfort wasto be fowadin atjalet aeaeefnl home sad tbe latter fa eajoyed till the more plahly did be sog adx4erstad the airasale truta flak rf take tw u irake liarjov bonre aad if the wife li the caie party oe bas- bas mast jaetto other chair tod thooght woold coow bow 7u v i puasaatit- rtesf be werebesro- jmodasbodatsituc tbeetad tafcokalneaocvb tsgan to jt iijfca aa elderly fat gtouenk in dtaeaseutg warm beebtask at a higiland buc cadsd towaiunsboy djaialjpriz ma orebreai wlj4ajsnjalof bread to my rteak v doaitd iwiiiwrvrllh f afaraer niueotigbrtoctnhlsmiseoiltofaepfroai bnylog tandfcereblefa a yooay bait waa wi aque t t two freight ears eay it just felt likelryag p3rnpweorioa- mydsarboy wrote an iruasbsky to tb son never ptt off tuuoaorrsw yjsa bar dona to-aay- whea a man coins his own words h does not neoessarily make cents of them airetentieaa person ssid to a resident of acountty village how would a leotire by me on mount teaavius suit the infaalut- anu of your wiuaget very welly th- j very well iadeee answered tbe resident a lecture by yon 00 mount yestmus would suit them a great deal better than a lecture by you in this village sir tommy was a rogue whom bis mother had hard work ti manage their house ia the coanlry was raised a few feet from the grouad and tommy ta escape ia wellde served whipping ran from his mother aad crept under the braae presently the father came name aha hearing where the boy had taken refuge crept under to bring him out aa he approached oa his bands and knees tommy asked is abe after jooioor j doat be 1 drones pqys learn to 09 prompt and actty in everytbini yoo to d jbppt trifle away yor tin- whea jroa work work in earnest j wjiea yom pay do it ia hearty good- wilt but doot be drones oont ide away yonr time no hie laay koyied jbwernqp t- amooat wjaaythtag ilia byw va penrtsteat toa that peofle eaooeed ia tbe irorm the voen who iave 1 no ceedod i warid have been rota of eaeufy wo ie aot rrrnn2 fr im baiaworfc at remember bjaim ebaraeters 70s ioras aow sriil stjok yoa whtn yaa baoaaie asen z th tad reoolw by aotht exertion to i yonr sa i t wariai be sure a eleegviaaa fat scoaiaadsteacbed afew f idk fwa t-m- 1 sptat ye ahafi likewise perlsb tkewse f afaraer who was presntrsfebt aois n told her husband that tbet text izk

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