Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 23, 1882, p. 1

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a e4itor j tabtlet4 wert tatmsojir jtotymifq proprietor atmtlrtlxu stopsafti sexl dool 10 metaodoi char rh mill stmt avon ont wcmtitlia mlolpfebc n so i aid hi tsars era paid ublieler- trart thetasx subscribers pottafgg psidl tin to advance 1150 it j par discontinued till all except at the option oi the inrurnsim kara casual fdverttee- i ments- 6 cents per line for the 1 net inaer- tiou and 2 cents per line f or o di obi craent insertion i cash pwfcssioi ill cards 10 lines or less jhoo per ainium lecture j 13 lines is00 per annum payable in 6 months from date of ineerttau a ly special j s otic the object of which is u promote 1 the pecuniarybenefit of tr indmaosl or i eompany fcj be oonsidared an advertise ment the number of linee reckoned by the space ciocupiod measured by a scale of solid nonpareil j cwtract sates oat column one rear j halt column one year ta tarter column one year one column six monum u bairedlumnalssnianltia quarter col area six monin o le column three inoutba l half column inreemonths caraer column three months advrileemeraswllthxitiiclflc wfll be interim lulfortldojuil chrrrdaecord- inglr transitory advertisements mntlbe lug lr i paid in uqd to 91 8400 tooo tic sow urn 7 on paid in advance j chances lor contract adftrtlsenienli must be in the orace oy a a mon mnoojirt other wise uey will be lea overuu the following week i i h p moore i i uttlor 4 proprietor i rmreu t cht srtipaper ad- vertlsis bureau t spruce att whrrw actrrcuitr marnematurlt ixsew yojlk- xtotlckthe canada ailvertlfinj ajam- j3 cy so 9 kins si j w1 toronto li snthontieito receive advertisement for tuis rsperi v j w wb0tchem manager mmimm wh lowby jcb 1ccp e graduate of trinity college jtem herof college of physicians and surgeons office and residenoe at the head of fred- eci su acton mfqhstkr m d phxs1cias stecios itc j ofpica foretefs drug store xeit door to creeds saddttry i ibros ost rmnirck chareh street fortiefly oeen- pied by it- w semitreet auctioneer f 1 ix bnr hrit itjanjte frow mub ha iaiiootw wedding hlk cincinnati oiletu butalwlktmltsinilji towra has solved tk mjrjr of kisses itsysa idtrttissr when s mis mm tfcrss mrrt a mitt- is maid fuinooerb fctttott oorham x mw tho misstis said it tuoad a t mde when s mitt misses mrs misters do smile vputf voliane vii no 38 aottonont thursday march 23 1882 acton banking coy i w ato h es storey acton omristie basker8i- fc 00 onlarlo watches a gekeral baxkisg bu81- xess transacted moirrr uasss o tfsotss oras notes dibeoudted apd interest j allowed on depoaitb j flour and feed b w nhm in tendering hearty thanks o the people of actou slid viciuity for their kind patronagein the past would respeotftflly in- ioruttheni that he hi con- etantiy on hand at his mill toot of mill street a full stock of flour oat meal corn meal v buckwheat flour cracked wheat and chopped stuffs of all kinds any of which he is prepared to deliver daily tout patroaiffi is tiaily hlicittl for cash you can eat the best bargains ever offered in quelph m lancaster watches waltaam elgin swiss clocks at all prices -at- wm s smrf ffs the watch and clock house of goelph the lancaster has no qual for the money i american 0r4t lft it 7 twulbb viil rteelt nftspt attention xtzks etdetiy cask rwjmcklin the finest stock we ever had of elgin k waltham mike in gd ilathesoni ittobsetat lssrsoncitortnohsnceryc office next door to wallaces lotel acod feb9 1s8 ioiton llbkxntrn dextisr lonont- george- tjfisheb t s- georjietowk t onu will visit aiton evary wednes- dsyand wol attend to all callsj pertaining to his profession- orders left at ucgsxvins dmg store will receive pronipi attention terms tnndpttl i tj fishee x wkdjg agiamr inn fou4er jtanhlnlst georgetown fachjnerr of every descriptim made to order on the ahortast notice and most reasonable terms repairing promptly at- tendedto 4 usteb 1c clabk baebisteb quebe street ondpn kbujksl met b altketra balulsuc ul iireet idea tomcz utis rvebt fniiatt arttil ue1istbbet liceaaed auctioneer for the coanties of wellington and halton orders leftsi the fkei petes c ffice acton or- at my residence in acon will be promptly attended to xenns reasonable memtr u iaa also money to loan on the mnrt favorable terms and at the lowest iratet of interest insnmsof wooandnpwsxdt w be id tetebkaujt sub- ajt ge0s georgetown graduate of the ontario veterinary colleje trffl visit actonewrytnesdtyronilljipjn all calls received promptly atfe ided to by night or day horsea bongh and sold on commission- besidence west corner from livery stable georgetown 0 it g beed ash fob sklkh i am prepared to pay the highest ceh preie for- hides calfskins d scons lamb and sheep skins delivered at my tannery lace tt oonstaafly on h mo i jakes mo jbe ajot rralfecfu pb ppm s am prepared to let eon lirery of telegraph pales 11 to 000 st stations btarest on a 6 wheelei for the de and upwards jjheeoatraet- acton out sunmosm to appwt bdow the bair where yooi can eet an easy stave trjish haircat a frothing 8hampoon or acoolinu 8ea foam i spare no patis aad give no psiqitwsoeompliskmntoagoo4thve baiors and scissors st in perfect order on shorteal notice il wobokn barbea mills tree aeton ivl i ihswbahce company kfpkm un cpltl tb mih9b oolur p0odg protection rf cijain policy bourn t600fli thisborlimiiwoecompot has tnelkkest sarpjns rf ny firo inf t vi d til ix irctkftlf abcokdatv a9ntr s medical hall nickel sllrer and gold cases 1 1 claim my si eke cases are whiter aud pnrer than any otter being made especially ior mvself b savajge watchmaker jeweller mm butcher stiop h marlattbro deii re to inform the ettireasjof acton ticinitf tbt theyh4e decided to onke the butchennff bainti pcmiaacat one aad cajiiomers ptrntiog ihem mo rely on beiug up- plied with fresh tneata au the year roaod a cill loliciud hmijllttabpao gttlvs specific heuicixe si dn m forster the fr whole no 370 ie press thursday mob viso march 2j 1882 pqsrsr tatl leburo there is a town i molt yoo hayo seen pwrbaps you bate kuown it too for reuleas mua ooce in a lile thiiliule town will vie it u built on s m sr broadband dop sometimes it is on a hill 5 whether on nrer hill ordale tstlkburn novi r stands still it ii restlui and msy like sots in a hill this woild that is all iu own from mr snd mil meddlesome grant to mist btiiyb dy alone and the ladies til re re slwas at work and sa idler n yer wss known for sll the tattle jure people mind business that b oous of their own and imver a yoorjg man looks st s girl or lifts his hatha the street but the wdawaall wag their beads snd say he a setting i onderfully swfet if i was miss a id look obt for my name v he isnt a very rood roan but hes lew sod had and everything else shed better di aw back while she cao and never a prl can bow to a man but she wan s to ijet married i know or shes cnrling her hair and 6irtiag aroood and trying to tch her a beau the airs she pub on sre shameful enough and the war that she dresses are belt between von an 1 me and the aha and the ohs and the wags ifthe head tell the rest the diet there ii covered deep with dim mingled with oil thick oily dsmp air funned by the heavy breeze from th wheel almost took his a hani hat a nun without e bat s a helpless erea- breath away when tbectirje of the wheel ii indeed no matter whst the bat to was nearest it almost brushed his clothes t pr ott lit or straw shiny and new or its nothing bi t scnndal and tea and the people y and srs bette and friends bee the neighbor and this ii th been in tatllebarjj simple enough thrive and grow fat they able to f see me foes in lees than a day ik all by the ears way that friendship baa town for years oua stqmy under a flywheel ing and ruuiiaj the groaning o it was ten oc ock in the morning every with his back preiaed tight aptnst the rocks he slid downuntil his feet struck the bottom and now came the worst part of the orideal the ponderous weel sweeping in giddy curves above liim lo affected bis nerves that his strength began to fail there was one space where lie wheel curved away from a coiner so he dropped on bis kueea there and for on luitant shut his aching eyes j the child was in the other corner of the pit sluing in an open ipacej similar to inst in which tom knelt ai he looked past the terrible barrier sh made a movement as if to stand up tbstwoirnht back toms fleeting senses if sbe ishwid stand np the wheel would striko herj lying carefally flat upon the bottom o the pit he began slowly and cautiously no wqrk his way be neath the mass of flying iron he could feel the awful wind raising his hat as he crept along nearer and nearer became to ihe curve of he wheel as he passed be neath it an incautious movement and a sodden bunl on his ahoulder showed that be bad touched iti i thetlittlt one had not seen him at ill yet as she bod been sitting and rubbing her eyesy but she looked qp now and seeing the pale face strraked witb oil and dost coming toward her she covered her face aeain with- her little hands and sobbed harder than ever i tom crept oo nntil he csme so near to the child that he could lay bold of her dress then he stopped a strange diny blue kept throwing a veil over his eyes and he tried in vain to overcome a longing for sleep he could feel the eeaseless whirl of the exeat wheel and it made him almost- wild curious vagaries and half delirious fancies dauced through bis head with an effort he threw them off knd raising hit face from the rocky couclx called for help instantly a dozen mocliing voices from tho sides of the pit flung back the cry into his very ears bat lie wheel caught the cry aud whirled il away op into the engine- room in distorted echoes and the sound seemed less lerrible the one in the facie ry was at work the click- little girl tried lo gel up of the lighter machinery heavily laden shads tli white dress and soothec icoulj rat he held to the her the best he oily thud of hu idrcds of clogs mingled in j a moment later he diat busy din th i huge engine sighed as steps in the engineroom with its brawn arm of polished steel it impelled the m tin shaft lo turn the wheels of the factory tom worked by ihe door near the engine- room he cot id therefore easily 6ee the engine and all i a surroundings the inter est of its rapid ceaseless motion partly re conciled him li the fact thai while most some ode was looking then the clattering of llhe piston in the empty cylinder showed tl at the engine was soon to stop less swiftly andatlait slowly and more slowly whirled toms masmve jailer fainter and fainter came be clatter of th piston until both ceasedand the engineer he called again nelly heard foot- then he felt that into the pit and the great english hemedy i inunrrerorkmual us narrow prison weakness spermatrrna impofncy and all uesse f trial lollow aja leqcene of blfvbis as less of hem- oryunueial afuudepata in ihe bhcv dlranesaot vis ion prematotf ou age and befoti talme many oilier dloaaes that r6 leidrorntanliborconicmii ion fffffullpaucularsln r ur pamphlet bleb e de sire to lend free by mall to every oae 3the speclofi medlelu is told by all drag- lrtrtsat100per package or six pkctaeea for 5 or will be sent free by mall on re ceipt of the money by ad dressing- tb qri ifetiele co toronto out canada gold by i e jferlarvlo urottlx aclon galesken wanted to begin work st ohce on sales foe palo188j tor the foxthilli mrseeies the ijarqmt jh canada hxidoirrot tomitto ost o l rws j i montreal pq t branch offices i p jj nurseries fonthill ontario we can itart in addition to onr already late force 100 additiaifol oanvasmrt and want lore who can give full time to thebnsinew steady employment and good aiarietoiieefslmen itdoes not mat- prllnaiealedenvetoponlyets tssite x luadmlrab 3 yoa are willing to worlcyour success it b eiearlj demonstrates almmtijeruin line btrt of reference re- oaired apply w 81wse t wellikgtox xtrserymen toronto ont 1- a lectiee to tfltsg mlix ok ke loss of manhood tut i 4 -i- we have recently published a new edtilooachr rlyerwelia cele fcrated evay on nc motcal and zuljb pemanenl cure rihnut medl- lneiof nertjntdewrftylltblani pbyle- ajincaiaclljwopelfnienucttfarnfe eic resoltlnffrromsxcesses j a ockik shells sm oards na 441 on 10c agents outfit 25c geo h hunt jersey city ntx78 a ftatjilfl 8tiorgt8qaagneljh aceotmtbookiof all kind made to okjer periodicau of every oeewpttoncfnilt qui vvi toe celebrated author bisay eiearly demonstrates frcin ihltty yesrsaueeeaefol prmctree tnatalarmlnc con- searreiiees may be radically cured runout the dangerous nss of internal rnedlclnesor thense of the ktitfef polntinf brt atnaode of ehrettoncesibple eettalnjraj effect oaby rneabsot wbleti every sofrer no matter what nls condition mayne casycnrehliaseit auetpiy riimiy4riailswi tnia lectare should be in the hands ol everyyonth and every man in the land address l nti i i postofbewii- ii amiliivl xro0chdrywmu00rtwtpop duniae soagay send 10j cota to wit 3 piitm ztatssgaweyal haltoo ont mentionthltliaper j crovse snwt f tio vnfittcrilitnd ift b sale for tale the bojs of thirtee iwere enjoying their liberty j with great beadsof penipjratiou onhisfore- dutside he wi i shut np within doors bend swung himself between the harmless this mornin more than usually he had j pkes of the flywheel ad got down close been watching the forbidden splendors of to the two prisoners the enginero m for the engineer allowed j usht hurt tom he gasped nooneinhisiinctam the great machine j no sir said tom fain uy if youd fascinated t m with its easy grace of only stop the flywheel td lift her out movement h is eyes dwelt long on ihe itit itoppcd my lad iti your diay neat finish of t le hexagonal boltbeads that j bead that deceives yoa let me take my gleamed abou the cylinder he wed to j little may tell from his p lailion hew full the glass oq- j the engineer reached down and lifted cups were as hey flushed la and fro on the his darling up from the diist and holding polished arm and iheq his eyes rested on her fast in one arm climbed out ibe flywheel i hat revolved so gracefully in tom lay still he did not seem lo care its narrow p ison only one half of the since the little one was 6aife and the fly- wheel could b teen at once the other half wheel hod stopped he fcl a fearful wear it jill 1 lnak fja ivnnllt it 111 tr atents secured id inventions henry grist j ottawa c a nad a p dnlljaxtl mjtrrpr b trswen one fifth of sltstoorie 8mis mh jbwif i gukrd oi li u- direction of oonditton bttble andshpon iheprpm inrsfine- tsworble ap- ivjl- beieg below lie floor almost filling a nar row roeklinec cavity called the pit as tom wa ched the whirling spokes it seemed as if t ie mass of iron stood still so swift was iia motion he remembered that once ihe irgldeer seeing his interest in ihe macbin iry had stood leacing over the frail wool en guard his face so close to the flywheel hal the wind from ill sur face blew bar k his hair while he looked down into th pit with wonder and dreadt he remember a asking ihe engineer if he supposed any one could climb down there while the eng ine was in motion the ans wer had com there isnt a man iq the factory thai 1 as nerve enough even if there were room- the space between the wheel snd the wall beiag hardly a foot and a half in width the boys yes next wandered from the object of h s thoughts and rested on the bright brars lomea of the forcepumps that crowed and recroised above the toiling machinery suddenly glancing down be saw a little child staudin beneath the guard close to the great fly wheel the engii eer wu nowhere in tight and little may lis only child toms heart gave sgreat cap in an instant he scrambl ed down fro n hit perch snd waa in the engineroom at be pa ed the doorway be jo i time to see he child toddle forward and fall into the pit i with an awful shudder he waited tc aae the monster wheel spurn thebabygil from its curved sides dal no sacb sight ipre j ba datbe ijorwatd knd4ooked into the pit bhe i ilon the hard roajtbcjiom aobbingto lerselt tbef all had not harm ed her yet- she wat still in great danger any attemi t lo pwye f her poewoh wouvd gi uml relenuem whediinotker chince tomsilp ibdontoibbjo ionp tore ob hit igtaeband stood inside the ness stealing over him he would like to ileep a yeaf the engiueer was by him a moment later asking if he was hurt no air i think notponly little tired said tom and slowly and wearily 1 his eyes closed i without another word the strong man lifted himup from ihemcky jwr and the foul air and climbing again by the spokes of the flywheel bore the boy out of his dungeon the air from the open window soon cleared the aleepinets away and ha was able to tell the whole story the engineer grasped bis hand but he could not speak and there were tears in hu eyes many were toe words of praise from tho sturdy workmen that crowded in from he steel works io bee why the engine had stopped tom was the hero of the day when the superintendent heard of it he sent for a hack and had tom taken home la style with a comfortable little present ia his pocket and the permission to be out until he should fed all right again it took about a week to clear the diuy feeling away and at theend of that time he was working at hit machine just as if he had never beeju under 8 nywhel old and broken only a crown only a brim to long as be has it he is a free agent he can go anywhere do anything betide blm woman ia a slave bot take away that hat and to what a condition do yon reduce him 1 a woman being bonnetless can cover her head with a shawl apron or handkerchief or a parasol sbe would never be kept st home for want of a bonnet in case of neces sity but that man why if be had bought a ticket to california and bts fortune de pended on travelling la that special train he would not go without his hat he could not go out fur bis meals or to see his dear est friend until some one had brought him one he would not ran hat less after a thief who had snatched hitwatch and my belief ia that unprovided with a uat in a desert he would hide behind it bush and die rather than risk the chance of a fellowman meeting him bareheaded ton will meet tramps wilbont coats without shoes without most articles of raiment but who ever saw a katku tramp i the shabbiest beggars who sit on the sidewalks at least hold their hats between tbeir knees for pennies and the ruling passion it strong even id boys in a fight a street boy is only alterlt subdued when some friend of his enemy snatches bis bat and throws it into a tree or down an area or runs away witb it altogether then all la over j the savages who thought the white mans hat a part of his body until they saw him lake il off were scarcely wrong for with- out it he is nothing it is not tbelpact that the proper way to open a deadlock is with a skeleton key that a dark lady cannot be said to belong to the fair sex that all machinery wheels do always travel in cog that the best way to turn peoples heads is to come into church late with creaking boots c that a new covering is being provided for all the new tear bells that have been peeled that a chftnney sweep likes his trade because it sooka him that ttebest y to have jonr eyes opened ia by getting married that when a nan stands on hit dignity he ia anythe taller for it tke bachelor surround a bachelor with every possible comfort give him the roomiest of bed- chambers the most refreshing of conches the largest of spougiugbalhs cover his breakfasttable with the whitest of tabu cloths make his tea with the hottest of boiline water envelop wbody in the most comlortable of dressinggowns and bis feet in the easiest of slippers feed him smiu the luxuries and comforts of the snuggest of clubs do all those things and more for him and he willnavertheleas be unhappy he mopes and ponders snd dreams about love and marriage k bemarkable fact we havemany times been an uhwilhog listener to the said she aud said i narrations in public conveyances and else where ibot aetet knew n instance where the said its didnt say all the smart things andnhe ssld ehev all taostupid and vicious things or where the said ts didnt come off victorious in the end theirondo ir thwgjwuchltongneet would cxn biand then he begad the d scent 15 pes mis of inm irjftrleij dtaily cla a tohlieytiii bciimd a matrimonial notice in the selllementof the fax west where as yet there arf but few women lucky suitors find that they cihnot be io watch- f ul what a picture of auijoas love do- fencuiigts object against av siege oi impor- tunltles is brought before the mind by the foiijwlnlt advertisement taken from a qould to john caiiacivyiiaxsbta both of leavenworth kansas fromumstime henceforth and for ever until it iss anna qctddtecomftsa widow all young men are relocated aitenftopsl j ijcv- ii i r w ij a little fosryearld girl waa capering txowfbev uothers knee4he otherday ttten tl ewoihttveiharkbj ttojfrirwi sii ioeitatoiy m ea2 little gi 1 repllea vtlt iaijrtjr i3iqixi an irritable man who was annoyed in an omnibus by the lady who sat next to him ooughinj violently exclaimed thats a very bad cough of yours madame to which she meekly replied i know it sir and il sorry for it but its the best ive got nejlie has a 4jearold sister mary who complained to mamma that her button shoes were hurting why maltte youve put them on the wrong foot poni ed and ready to cryishe made answer wbatlll do mamma t theys u the feet i e got f 1 when your wife asks von to post a letter to her mother ipvitirig her to visit berlna week carrj the letter in your pocket for a month and then post it without putting a stamp on this will insure aclearconi science asyon posted the tetter aniit will insure a glad heart at your mother inlaw will not arrive iteuyou laid the cantfatsei you have no idea of the hard wjork there la in thfs bnainns ic4sltaertlkin or watav iog fron moralng till nigbjt beg par don replied the tictm j 1 wvea pretty djwhnct idea 61 tie uuhitlp ofyiwf pamfe wowplisailelfavor melh aoexmbruonof th wallkinar part the cauvaseer eibibiteu v for the befet let nr gatler mp tbs itmbeamt lying all arondr path j let ns keep the wheat and roast casting ont the thorns tud cbtff let at snd the sweetest comfort in tbuetsiop of today witb th pausot band removing all the briars from our way our funny flan 1 on hand every tjn wart maid of honey an beireaa live ueues spring chickens a gentleman of leisure a tramp a leading artiole ia locotnotiyet sweet meets4oyera appointments football is a garre thatt flaytd put lying epitapbttthoae written in bed things on wreekord marine disasters the latest thing in ooflinv tcwcorpte bltmenttij instructions weather for- casts x t an almond la a nut but an aesthetio is nnuter a notewortby man one ycra can safely endorse fox try and be convinced as the judga iaidtothejary dead t ailora doctors peiientadytrur from malpractice this is cording to law as the hang man said while he pinioned ihecriminal thii is the weather to draw forth spring poetry from the waste piper basket a loke that leads to a mxle afterwards it highly appreciated by tho whole erowd if you are publicly acensed of of ten turn invvhite with rage you should finj down wanted for manitoba a large consign ment of bammenc auctkukera hammers are what is meant there is dnggist in port hops named deyeli the other druggists say their bntiaeasis going to map hell k modern parable and it camei to pass as a eerbaio mam journeyed from the cradle to the grave he fell among saloon keepers who robbed bias of hit modeymined his good muhe dv ttroyed his reason and then kicked him out worse than dead a moderate drinker came that way and when he raw hi he said he ia but a dog they serve him right let him flie he is a curse to his family andalso a license voter came that way and when he bavhimtie said the wutel pat a ball and chain on his leg and work him on the street 1 and a fanatic teetotaler came that way- and when he saw hint he had compassion on bira and raised him up assisted him t his home and ministered to hiawanjv and to the wants of his farpilr got him to sign the pledge aad started hinfon his journey in comfort and happiness who think you was the greater friend of humanity theealooirieeper the moder- ate drinker the license voter or the fanatic teetoialert r neccesslty the- mother af ihti- tion a certain laborer attending a plasterer who was first coating on theihird atofy of a bouse in glasftew foand a contempor ary tells na that ha badtoo much to do for work as hard at he could the plasua- board was always empty aad ttej phuteree- whiting when he lot up at laat befdl npona aovall way of lightening his labor he purchased a penny worth of ants and putting a few among the mortar in the hod he emptied it on the hoard the plasterer aeeing a not sticking among the lime as bj wat laying it oh the wall picked it out anii cleaning it with hit anna cracked he shell and ate the kernel bepetition nf thia several times took np to mach of hu time that whan the hodman earn nptrith the neit hod very little of the former one bad bceauaed the hodman put in a few more nata wbeaever he was falling behind aad at night tt ill hit matter that for a penny an hour more on hi age ha would keep any two men going r punctuation is mmelimes eceasary to be propernribg of a il- wstrata wmp miipif paper jm otiiei- day ania4vertfajejbeat tothect i itatemaj pteega aoe atorewiaredheed wid return the hm- brellat ayoilngudywi n whateboni jtittj wise word he who can plant ooarage in a humaa soul to the 1681 physician i he who says all he likes will of ten hear whavne does not like j he who thinks his place beloo him will certainly be below his place i the wotldwrmld lie hwdreadfally silent place if peoplcuiked aa little as they ihought y r a fadure establishes only thu that otar detetaiiaaltoii ho succeed wat kot stroog cacegh r iu itwwdinrpti5vcempecwterjrrrna if tbeyjrouldibe aalcaraful f jthejrly liyea at tuey are of thejohodoxy 1 itia a habit jhie gites mep thareal possession of the wisdom whlctttkj have acquired aid gvee enuring atrengtu in eifgrlrtnad bythiuj ak ejei bei do4enthtowmrandwiulm4itoeir camttahots no opportaailbfc vk a twojetiaa ansjltrtthitli it cures ajogtist l fftafontiuftmlfrqtf all ibog ppmpjlatnja ti i

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