Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 23, 1882, p. 3

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the frfe titsudit uosrkixo at geo hynds jewells 7 ev fancy goods store acta oat berlin wools mottoes lh largest stock in acton school bo a 2a pi w peas end ink 8eribwing coon copy foots 81atee watches clocks j cruets knives spoon delia vim album leedin mon in acton birthdv presents cl bits of brevity leeat sew hrrwise x of the swa uveal setoets ea4en t the i rt rnai press utuk a isn tilery spectacle and forks toys 0m hynds the ior weddirg and in r ttuse for season ovang past winter springs comiqg men advertise tbenj reelit do you keep thatd ary yet 1 therayteiy utile f oat in the ground now the shamrock wai predominant friday village council msjeta next tuesday evening the messrs speights new shop is bout completed st patricks day wia most quietly ob- erred here guelphs rate of assessment is 1g mills wlh doltar mr francis warn ud family leave for manitoba unlay the equinoxisl storm struck the 21st prettywell this year the catholic concet wilvbe hed on monday 3rd of april the ifrery if aptajing fcf a new g t r passenger station it juelph a petition is being arculatcd praying the council to build a 1 idewaik on yunge atreet fifteen tickets for manitoba were told at the grand trunk pasenger statiea last j thursday i several of om citiseos attended the bine ribbon enlersainm mt at georgetown 1 on friday evening a hosiery factory 1 1 employ 30 hands 1 1 is to be started in gueif it at once by mr turnbsu of montreal a newspaper speaks for itself if it is bad very few people wii uke it if it i jood everybody reads it jruit growers predict a short straw berry crop the coming the exposure duiingthe tie academy assembly at rockwood on friday evening was largely attended there being abons 60 coojpie4presenl isnt it time the coainitteh was being appointed for the queen abirthdaycelebra- tioa acton intends si owing her loyalty this year mi george tubbyi georgetown has been offered the bead agimcy for the pror j ince of manitoba by tuo insurance com r panics hernld for the beneof the youne men we will state that ice cfeam will be sojd at the same old price this soma ex xo deduction to whole families retnember the eatertaintaent in the banhockburn school tomorrow erening all are invited to attendj a splendid pro gramme baa been prepared charles strange o rockwood has been summoned by dr- lerod of guelph for refusing to gire him iaif the raid while driving on the york boat i on friday spring is snppow t hire begun but that fsct thoagh psiet t in the alnunac will hardly warraat a man placing his oister in pawn orjeavini off bis sannela chinese barbers aha e withoat lather this reminds us that b ir school mailer oaed to lather as without shatizg possibly wr le remembers 6 imethiug about it gentle spring on j four weeks to may day festitali out in the woods leeka- riolets snakea nmshlne sore throats jqaeeo- of may doctors bill of u on friday afternoon three trains com posed of 45 cars bides with ice pasned through acton a route u r 8l loom the ice was obtained in the icihityof moot- real yaccinatioa has becc ae tery popular throocjioat the country daribg the past few weeks have you taken that very neces sary precaution against the loathsome disease small pozf oakrille seems to be beset with burg lars three or four phw et were broken into last weekj bat the bo ity was exceed ingly light as usual hey baffled the energies f the constables a man in praising ale said it was an tseetttot drink uwogh i taken in great qaantitiea it made jersoni fat tteseen it make yea leakaaid ai acquaintance tbaure thing might be sud abont a num ber of ales sdtgoates in th little town news of tie antral a messrs a kicklin and wm snyder i i bcandos and measra e matthews and j and r watson in winnipeg has bten re erred by their friends here the ietter itated that two of the htoea beloogbg to t is messrs wat son died onthe roadf the scott act comes into force io ballon w the 1st of april i ext waterloo ckromcit no it doesnt bro hmard ixrtiffm sisit oor eoanty i month there after join uni cqnsideri troobk in wetting roar whistle wfh ibe putem- ary waterloo bercrge v viluafe var4etie8 a callhuaa if iaral arm aaa ur sail m jmffial taterast u aw itbatt staaaera ajiotii nt pairrranothwlot of parsons from thii ttojalty leave today for the north vtsst j j wakti o a aidewalkjr further t formatio i apply to the residents and fre- qnanten f yoige street fob tja wtbtp monaghinandr lamb off crowions corner left on tues day for liortago la prairlo exrnr4aiiihmr jamea moore jr left last arculng to take the posttioavoi ex- pressman on ths dutch mail to which he ly regretti advanced the fa2aa jpalntin wfll be rery tnoy treated sa tti rt atercaosoy for march uth one f the n inagerj of the society of decoratiw art who is tfaor onghly rented in fhe htstorj and art f fsn- makiflg wifl ceacribe those la the present loan exubttioa of fans a rm iieihf bald ttheiocouof flw twety wmch wishes toaoamiasetiisartjas aa anseiletsvtd tor artists by spochu wr sotiatkaby4rawndovble p ft hat been aadeiof flsde tm ientbtkrsj jasts tqme art jlmtmfc hew tori fancy 0oqd baa been sppoiuled 3adicc stexdim we hare received an unusuju number nf new subscribers this week the futi pacss is steadily gain ing in pjpaluity as a local paper each week yoixxteettamye unnerttand that the goyeroineut proposes to continue the sya lent of brigade campa ibis year and about suooo m will be drulcdia the rarlous provinces i lexotbt oa monday mr g mcdon ald itoujiii io utisofflce a wild raspberry bftshmeasurinfltecn feet three iuehes inlcngth there were no ripe berries on it though i srrciat sebtjcbs during thejpsat two eck specialneetingt have been in pro gress iu tie baptist ctapel we hays not been iuformcds to what sneeess has attend ed thf m i i hfttrastu mr john ross day oper ator at the grand trunk paswnger station guelph his reutnedfrom hi trip to win nipeg hi opialgn of winnipeg is not an exalted one so says the jercar v kliirt the subject for debate thus ereniiig at the at m m l association is resolved that napoleon was a great er ceneral than wellington a fall at tendance of the members is requested ikstect sow that the village council is complete wouldnt it be well for them to take t toor of inspection around town and see just what is necessary to be dooe in the way of improvements daring the year llibge coxtbjtct messrs speight t son markham have received a eoatract from the canada p aciic s radicate for 300 waggona and have to ship 30 per week to wnnipegl the first 80 were shipped hut thursday attesd tour cetxiks medical n- tborities adrise people to clear their cellars of decaying vegetable matter and especi ally on the approach of warm weather as many diseases are attri baled to neglect of this precaution too scsgestitz the publiaher of the licautd kduaiirt jamal st thomas has changed the name of that josraal to the waklu stoop the bid name was too suggestive to take well and it was found necessary to discontinue its use obttcabt thomea thomas se of the pioneer settlers of oakrille died last week he has been a resident of this town for over half a centwy and his demise is great- the deceased lived to the of 88 years standard the fxex prassjwai be now to the end of the year to xibers for the una sum of seventy ie ceata in advance every per son who subscribes receives a copy of kendalljs treatise on the horse tnresfeusk shzujxo a peat many dealers in toronto have begun to allow only 20 cents for the british shilling for which 24 cents had been given we order stand that this rule is about to be adopted among the merchants of this village wnrsipegs yisrrobs hundreds of tenta ore being put up la ail parts of win nipeg so accommodate immigrants who are now pouring into the city regular and special trains are laden every trip with people from both canada and the- united states j piast shade trees spring will soon be here and we would rtroogiy recom mend our citizens to avail themselves of the opportunity to plant shade trees this is a simple meani for beautifying the town asweii as increasing the vaiae of your own property tux scott act ur haltox saturday evening a very large and influential meet ing of those interested in the temperance cause met la the foresters hall here to ar range for assisting the halloa county seott act commfttee to carry out the act to the letter hamilton sptctolor j a foutfoot sidewalk is about to be built from glenwilliams to georgetown three individuals have subscribed two hundred aid seventyfive dollars for that purposcaad a subscription paper is being passed around it is estimated that the new walk can be iud for 00- eiamriirl03rstbe usual quarterly examinations of tie pnpils in acton public school wit be held tomorrow friday the second and third departments will be examined in the farenoou and the first de partment in the afternoon odrjatixens are cordially invited to be present totr bei a society for the suppression of the use of slang words has been formed among the pupils jof owen sound public school a fine of one cent to be imposed for each offence w would recommend that our schools oi ganlze a society for the se and dont you forget it racta the attendsaee at the iy erfeulng was small only ces earne off the barrel race won by hobbs p kelly dkenney 8ri the band and enlivened the proceedings with their excellent music show the second annuel lock show of the goelph fat will be held in ouebph on inst tjpwarrls of in ptitmtm oa cattle and itoep tbi aoausl aprleg show to this county wmjbeheltl at milton on the 2ljt of april aifnre ttopajj b sarate watch maker and jew ler goelph baa bad awaidadtobim tt i contract of putting op 1 j u aar ml a- pjm now organ factory tbo ojock u oo of tho both thomu clock cos make it will have illuminated dhbj to that the time can be seen at nlgtil and vrlq bt worth 1800 runwit ttaani nearly eterr paper that bat referred to the matter at all takes the ground that a railway ilcket should be food till used audahould be good for a im not going to manitoba but i on going to stop right here iti atiton tjod intend to do the urg ist trade this aetuoh i have oyer done because i hare the gt ods to do it with and the prioea are closer than ever specified amount of trsvs irrespective of who raay do the travelling in other words tbey are waling up jto thj fact that it is about time the geniral pjibtte received a little prolectlon contcnrcrtupbn the day that the georgetown postofbee cleft was sentenced to three years imprlsoooent a clerk in montreal postoffice was sentenced to tan years imprisonment in the penitentiary and contemporaneous with the sentence of the montreal clerk a son of the postmaster at llenton ontario was sentenced to three years in the tame place for stealing a let ter j spring gentle spring lis coming its harbingers are here ths cackling wild geese the robin and the bluebird are so many omens that nature it about totrise from the death of winter to the bright genial gladsome life of spring th rooster leads his dames abroad and the tomcat leaps the fences and lifts his voice in serenade to his ladylove who awtkent and joins her siren notes whh his i and then imprudent ly clopea i mb bums dxntr mr wc beatty of omtghhas his milk business now in sue- easeful working order and supplies hood- reds of customers in toronto daily with the- pure lacteal fluid the milk it thlpped in glass caasoach holding a quarlaad each can is sealed befire leaving ibe dairy so that customers may depend that the milk has not own tampered with i mr bealtys system is taking admirably in the city tad is destined to become an extensive business city customers will readily pay a couple of cents more per quart for milk which they can feel satisfied is unadulterated hrjrormrxsts messrs christie hen derson 4 co of the glasgow house are enlarging their shop by which their mil- entry dopartraeat will be considerably im proved by ths removal afa partition the milliner work room is being added to the show room thereby tacreastag m te mere than doable itaprerioussixe wesreglad to see that the rapidly exteadieg business of glasgow house necessitates the enlarg ing of the premises and we trust it will continue until the firm and it necessary and expedient to substitute the present shop with a new larger and more handsome building a scaotsnox if any of oar readers would take the trouble to stand in the post office a few minutes any day after school is dismissed and see the children file in to enquire if there is anything for us and knew that the parents of j most of these children bad already called they would not wonder that the postmaster or his clerks sometimes feel annvyed the practice ef every child of a family running into the post office every time they pass the build ing to enquire for letters it certainly very annoying to those ia charge to remedy this state of affairs we would suggest that the postmaster refuse lodelrrer mail matter to children under sixteen years of age without a writtas order from their parents the qt estion is often asked how can qrbev sell so oheap and still mak money my answer is just this i buy close and keepa sharp lookout at all times for bargains and buy everything that a farmer of era for sale and my customers invariably get the benefit of it cro tt iv r 1 vi i hare a fall suid complete line la gjibroicielfellibis i i- 111 fresh clean and new tht largest stock of ckeby atfd glassware l- ver shown in acton dishes any color any price or any style you want spciarattention given to the provision line cash paid forjproduce of all kinds jramerioan silver and ntokela taken at par for roods green sells cheap o t3t geooeet a w creen 31 personals mr wm firstbrook of toronto spent a couple of days this week ia acton misa lizzie kicklin of qarriston spent a few days this week with her friends in acton mrs connor of orangevine wis in town a couple of days this west visiting her mother we had a call on friday from mr j l storev inspector mutual life association of hamilton mr w e mitchell of bronte spent several days last week in acton bidding farewell to bis friends here preparatory to leaving ontario for manitbhk we understand that it is te intention of mr a e matthews agent of the great north western telegraph co here to take a trip to great britain about toe 1st of may mr cheater t hill has returned to acton after a fire months ssjoura in goelph he will superintend the tia and ttoye business of his brother mr jc hill we hid a pleasant call yesterday from messss charles bronsouand albert bolton of ogdeusburg nt they are a roau to stillwater kin and laid over here a few hours to see their friends in acton and ricinity spring tweeds east end gtettog stqe oomb and see them 0 ptfe actoisr ki5g of the dry goods 1 ji e badford b s bollart j b winiamson till alive -at- hughes griffins andther bankrupt stock of gen eral dry goods purchsised a few days ago which will be sold at as- tonistiing low prices consisting of winoeys dress goods flaiuiels mantles mantlo cloths shirts and drapers in fat everything willlde sold at prices tp suit j same pi saatiso rink onm one of the which wi taking und waspresenl of the en fat raster fat stock clal thiraday jwht htbe ti far v v bell gos kd ink rax caisuc majtf in fsqueaing on tliesthlnst the wife of mr alex mann jn of a daugh ter i i haitxltow in ouelph on the 15th inst the wife of mr john h hamilton wel lington marble works of a son tib attas aantr rlnd at ths residence of the brides mother nassagaweya an the- 16th march by the rev d b cameron wm agoew to miss jeaanet reid of nassagaweya tjsswokrh ucwcaa at clarks hotel georgetown on saturday 11th inst by hev joseph unsworth mr wm uns worth portage la prauieto miss lizzie duncan of georgetown tbeeiatb pbbbtoki at sunny side sanitarium vinemont berks ca pa march 6th james s preston md late of hornby ontario aged f years months and it i these goods must be cleared out by the 1st of march before stpek- takmg now is the time to get ajjotbot haxal b8tab toisiut 28th masch apetion sale of arm stock and implements the property of matthew mocaan 8r lot 25 con 1 gala to oomoence at 10 olock wm emstrset anetioneer i mosdat march 27 aoetioa sals of farm stock and implements the aroperty of david btovey lot 23 con 6 naasaga- weya sals to ooramenos sjt one oclock e chapman aswtioaeef wkssriapat nth match sanction sals of of mr joel bahly sab eomasenee at 1 o street aoettoneer lot clock 8 eon toilet ojap lf i erin wan hen pen- importation of s1ks ws direct the srelal attenrion ortbe laubes lo oor verr laree importation of 8lacs arj colored tee3ailx9 whlon hivelirteometobanaaddeomprue riutariaekbentcrea eralm pare mallaa silk fall ranee frem ljuiooperjra rbemsolaaratoarantecrrnii the lowest no mnertotb hlaieet to be of lrrax enx of exosxtinr wiakiko qcirrirsiatcr nrieetberiit bur vuusuibs tsutsau wt invite bvnrr last toaeatem esxostb fmx bakos tf sprtrf eitors in a hiavt oana oiuxk snx of excellent qnallly andraneaad wllhoot doot tbe beat u atik that wbl be oberad hr toe qwlph or any other fade this a full ranrn of colokxd tstnurjat btlka from soo to aiq pertard vi jitt th fftdoatt ad tullea stock d suki mt hr trtr id 4 t hughe3 griffin acton texms strictly in other spring goods we have to hand big piles ofnew and lovely parsrra trom to per yard an dues or canadian enatrah and asuaicaw bliacsro pomn from fc per yard up bales of canadian factort cottoks from io par yard ay r warn musuot piqtraa csaaarre a tnllvarlety bkenomststrssi ofvery flne quality raciaajrdtaixanrofl or every 4scitpuon x4dlmtllutyuifedlrt4dsaicrttirjha tattnf tleabthrotlrstat j alao an imraeoae lot ofcanadlan tweeds from soc pervardhp fine wobstfeo coat- inqall priceienjiuh ano canadian cttonwhirtinor plain and taney duckriajwdenih3plllowcotton3tihijnu6towfilj3aol u towellings and suplea of ever sljle we taava mads an immenaeaddapeetal pnrehaae ortwjaana for oor sreat tluti sutta wbtea will exoel in quality that of any forcer season we guarantee an aasolnte avlnxbf eejetoasoo per suit on these goods the ixpnsr is not omaeue torn of mind but simply sayaanctatkaiia it when he bata ittnat hoc sizeof stock enoiee and variety prleea and valu eoartesy and fair rtealtng he excels any specimen of the aenus hoxo i n this section otonrtali somla ionatapyrate weuumber new enatorners from tar aftd near j almost dally and during the comlnaseakjostbellwr will soafco his infiuenee felt more thanever is j d willlilmsoiy co i acton cl0t1inc stoe r k nelson prolp sprinc stock now complete consisting of the latestrand mdst fashionable i designs ia engiish i pish sootch and canadian tvveecjjs and worsteds r partiee wanting anything in my line can rely pa reoeivitrg perfect uatiaftsctiou a large t60k of sripcto- tf atsi to hand compriaiag all the latest styles csjl and sekltaleh hi the photogfplo ju j o w is now batter pies trod than ease to exesnjse artlatfe nnl iaavrirttcartthsipoatraaaoaatprscea always nvssxiklagre variety toiktita oi mi etsltb r tvjs v -x- milt-yffjivi- i

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