sv r the free prebs tacsadav ijonsiaa march 50 itksv it geo hyiidt jejrelleiy ft fane- looila store ioton oat berlin woble moitmt thturt stock scw book noia paper pfns aa 1 uk jcribwhi boots cup bootte 8tete watches clock v jewellery spee aetee cyttta koivs spsoas end forke t dhs tim albania oeo htndi win store iniliewn or weeklies birtmay pnsswitav cell in toy the aad bits jrevity uexl and e4mtwta repairs r the ana last wpm nmtn eftae rree trees igr ike tit springs approaching kext thursdays fair day rinds are almost impassable gardening till soon commenee begins to look mors like spring the scott ay in another moot freah ejgs art very acarce again the f mp are preparini to pucker ote qaarteof the year pone already the skntisk risk now ai a discount sow b the lime to aivertisieprinc tooda i look oat tor april fools on sat urday batter eohi here for 25 tests per pound last week boeid o education meets next mon day evening good friday on april tth easter ban dar on the th friday nest week is good friday a pabiicjholiday new spring goods at b huktta see adv next week youd better not try to pick up that quarter on saturday j vkearlr every ooy i complaining of colds and sore throats the- material for the new tows hall is beieg laid om tie ground it is ootthe powder used or si vonng lady that makes ber hair bang keep your eyes open on the 1st april ityoa dont youll get them opaaed for you- our sobacrption list is fast rolling up to big numbers only 7 cents to 1st jan 1883 hr george garret fa erecting oew fence around bis property on church street jlerchiets desiring to send out spring affboaraceaoeau can obtain a stylish ani oeatly printed circular at this office obiarke will be the third man hnog in halloa coqaty for mnnier since the county was set apart as a judicial comity inisa- the band stand has been removed from its posuioaon wiilow- street- we hope it will ue again erected in some central place in town bev w w dawler of ouelph has bees assisting key j h lowe in flit apodal serrices in the bippsfrciarck dur ing the week the fiex press staff are anxioa to sample some of the hew maple sugar and would like some of the kind hearted fanner to give thorn a chance lives o wealthy men remind us that by using printers ink we can die and lestve behind us monstrous piles of chink business men think of this the roads still remain isfaverybad stare and consequently besineaa is nolvery brisk there will be a rush as soon u the warm wealber dries up the roads aittle mr d h shulte of rockwood has been appointed clerk of fhe third diviioo court of theeoanty of wellington in place of henrjr b mccarthy of bockwood resigned robert conlaon of rockwood he sold his farm of 200 acres to james gray tjors for 8000 john kewingjiis abojsvki his 100 acre farm lot 18 con 8 eden to jae webb ospringe sender if you have a neighbor who does net take tie fnze eeess pli them look at this number md that it is only f 100 a year with a copy of the treatisii on ike horre free there was no need for fhe two lyounff fellows who went ioa with the dne rirt last sunday eremsig to fight over her for if we can betfere her own words she had no desire for the company of ei the aesniaunaal seaaon of boase-cleaa- isg coma on pace and be enterprising boasekeeper has already outliam the plan of action and mentally mapped out the necessary charges for the blooming sum mer v mr viluqe varieties a rtlla at lacatl uwi frlatlimeri srt mnswera fjij8 john watjaee propriitor of the wallace house milton died oil sajurday the- funeral took place ontiesday and the body waa interred at toiwito mr wallace waa at one time a resident of act archie mctayib one biuu red and si yeanofaarritediatotonfa from kn- ton on tharaday goelph jfircary ko be didvt friend meratrj be jging your pardon for the contradictitm ii was angus mcootald br herod guelph hao chi strange rockwood wrested for breaefr if thrbign- wsy set sbange was dirmisa d and the doctor paid fttt oasts with ac sltematite of one day in jail the dokoi will prob ably hold an iaqurtt hamilto i spectator owing tolbe pressure pf ob work it was impossible for us to be jpn seat at the wedding of prince leopolu i at of al bany ijaeen victoria ypflng at son last monday tbepiadaii tappy bride inh kindly vsept ih aa ipeiogy for ourabsence hy ia the pamelotleo ntnon aen akould any person who ufa welllp on tario rnsho to msstjtotaf rtere u po one thine about masdlefaa v acne fn onurio already b itnaola baa tfc from iflth prorinee ttmi odt of ga eomers and tens otthooaar la ofdolbrs trfcaphal 7 e rituhsau meters donald uotavtsh and paul kennedy retimed from the prairie prorlnce last baturdsy tteolnf aotox daastnrifiye thousand dollars villaga of acton dbeottrret an ottered for sale aoten is entirely tree f rom debt and ber debentures inould tell at a respectable premium ooarrumurraat a complimentary apr was eiren by the officers f the 80lh battalion lotos rides to col murray ofesqaesbjg at the wallace house mil ton a ooutjjs of weelta ago fq makitosa mr john bennett oc the rnasln house mr t home wife and children and mr james mcecntie and wire and two children left last thursday fur the nortbwesu memorial cards now in stock at the frke pros office fourteen rarieiies of memorial cards of beautiful design snd finish the cards re put at so ow a figure that they are within the reach of erery- oue oar little ones for april is to hanl and as uual is replete withlxamifu illoitratiooa and pleasing anedies for the little folks snd 15 cents to the russell publishing co boston for a sample copy there sre some men in our town and they are woodtoos wise they promptly pay their paper bills aad also adrertise j and while hy reap a thousandfold the foolish ones siand by and say we too might win the gold but were afraid to try fistertatxtrest the entertainment giren in bannockbnra school on friday ereniog was a soccrts in erery respect the attendance- was large the programme in teresting the proceeds sufficient for alt re quirements and the pupils are happy pclprxta press the relatire merits of the pulpit and press will form the lub- iect for discussion at the regular meeting of the t m ai i- association this evening the subject is an interesting one and all the members sre requested to be present look out for the new adrertisemen of messrs ucleod anderson 4 co george- tow next week the mammoth an nounces 25000 worth ef the choicest and cheapest new spring goods in the county bargains are offered in ererydeparttsent for bhakdox fiye car loads of emi grants effects left here by the x7 n w railway last night for brandon among those who left with the train were messrs jsmes hume acl j saerwood- milton xon kew dwixttgmr ferguson has re runred the small house on his property oo airnes street about thirty feec nearer elgin street and inteodi erecting a nw residence oi the site formerly occupied by the small housa another job for our carpenters lotaltt is it not time that some more was made in the matter of celebrating the oeit birthday of her majesty a certain amount of money will be spent that day aid acton may as well reap the benefit as raiside places- who will make the first more sicall for a ntrmder of our citizens haye got the small pox now dont get eicited giye us a- chance to finish the sentence tiiey have ondoubt- e liy gnt the smallpox under cohsiieration aad are getting vaccinated to avoid aiy closer actiuiihtioce with the disease athletic gsocsua athletic game ae waking up if the yhuge council would only tliiak themselves rich eicu to pareliase a plit of two or three acres somewhere in or near the village where athletic games coald be indulged in they weald receive the everlasting benedictions of the roaag folks f good sates last keek mr r oraine sold a splendid piano of the dominion orean cosmake to mr james wilds berlin formerly of this viliigc and this wek he shipped one to a purchaser in gill mr craine is doing is good business in pimoa and organs and we are gisd to see htm meet with such success j pictcresqre casada parts five and six of picturesque cinada have be- u deliver ed in acton and vicinity these numbers sustain the excellent reputation won by the first four numbers issued and are very in teresting in every respect we feel no hesitancy in saying hat the work when completed win be the iheatof the kind ever published in america the list of subscribers here is large and all are highly pleased with the work new school hots tenders are asked for the erection of the new school house for section no li the section formed by the withdrawal of the rural portion form acton school division the school will be erect ed on the sooth west corner of mr chas davidsons farm adjibing the corporation limits and will be a jiurtaolial red brick building with whits brick trimmings the plan is a very good cm and the bueding will be aeat and convenient spring is the lime for sowing in the city women sew shirts at forty 7e cents per doien in the city also the wicked sow tares aod reap leara and everywhere ia the springtime men sow the wind and reap the whirlwini j spring i a season much og about by poets it is a seaaon that moves people especially about the ut of may it is the season for raising things the first thing generally raised in the apringisiherent after that comes spring radishes andgreens washtkotoswc clip the following from the chrutim flaordian sunday march is- willbe kdaj long to be- membered at the old wasnington sppotnt- ment of the c m church op account of the outpouring of gods spirit manifested toward us a grado revival commenced on sabbath march j12tb and continued daring the week e pedal held every night bl brother b hobbs insisted by brother oniaa a moore of tba belmont oircfil jilready eightea hive reguajedp ayeri trf god a child reo- afeliowahip i eetiui wu held on the lth laat when nftyftwo testifled to iaal4xwatiofrhpbhil i amlnitthewlaatifrldatwji a ihccetv tboclilldreo showed virr philaiyby jshflr niwnrs as ytt u the slate work- that their teachers bad been most painstaking in their lastructlom the several depart ments acquitted ihemstlvai try ereilubiy tb atlendanoe of twtori wti tajy fair bat the trustee wan as usual ootupiououj bjr telr abaanoe j ocr okxttitauis mranpii mo- donald the centenariin left anton lut thursday for uxbridra he has bten uv tag with mr george elliott for aoojie time put but owiug to bit removal to manitoba the old gentleman will now reside with frlcnde in cibrldge mr mcdouald ode brattd his loith birthday on the 18th of feliruary he hating been born in hay scotland in 1777 ho has been totally bllud about 17 years but is otherwise hale and hearty hocns waktsd we are not certain that peter x of the berlin vcim wrote the following item lor acton at any rale it illustrates the condition of affairs in acton as well aa berlin inquiries for booses to rent are very numerous just now some people actually talk of moving out of town lor the wanl of proper house accojnmods- tion this matter should be bikoe hold ol by those who have means and tb want at once supplied would that we had some of the bodies here which are empty ia other towns and cities the mringypwero acoowit the actokfnaxphtss says acton village council contains the full number of members at last glad to hear it now keep clear of having a number of full members oak ville ezjmu well do our bed mr exprtu to keep them straight but we dont anticipate s very big job as the scott act comes iu force you know in another month we fancy however we hear some citixen fay you didnt succeed in keeping them from getting full last year weu perhaps not bat you see we were not there that night the eiodcs last thursday morning a special went through acton at 7 oclock eonsistin of h ears o 6tock and imple ments and about 100 passengers also at 845 another special with three cars of horses two of oxen two of pigs eleven loaded with miscellaneous goods and one coach with over 100 persona on board des- tinfd for manitoba at 1180 a special with 850 passengers and 9 cars of emi grants goods and it 12 oclock anothee with 18 cars of stock etc with one coach containing loo passengers passed through fcr the tame destination i sacxed coscest a sacred concert will be given by the choir of the catholic church guelph in tho congregational church acton next monday evening in aid of the catholic church here this ex cellent choir will sing hiydas seven words of our lord oh the cross and rossinis solemn hymn of triumph both of which are said to be sacred music of no ordinary character the members of the catholic church have taken posses sion of the vacant congregatlouhl church and will we are informed hereafter hold their services there cakada glote wobej this manu factory the largest of the kind iu the dominion is rapidly extending its business and from the superior quality qf its pro ductions they are becoming more popular with the merchants of canada every day xot only are the merchants ia the neigbo- ing towns and cities supplied with good manufactured by messrs w hi storey 8on acton but the ordfr bjtis of the establishment shsw the names vl urje whjlcsale eaiiomts in all parts of ciuada to give our readers a i lea of i the extent of this business we might men hon thit orders have been received doting the past week or so from winnipeg amounting to upwards pf 10000 one merchant alone ordering 5112 worth of gloves mitts etc other large orders up in the thousands from the lower provinces have lately been received and thus the buainess couiinues to extend about 140 persons are now em ployed in the factory and the pay sheet runs over 400 per week personals we are glad to see that mr a hemstreet is able to be abont sgain mrs thomas cmoors visited her friends iu georgetown this week miss augusta nicklin spent a couple of days during the- week with georgetown friends miss minerva storey returned home from the wesleyaa female college hamil ton on monday j mr donald kennedy is spending a few- days at bis old home he inlands leaving for winnipeg on saturday mrs h cameron mrs a stephenson and mrs j mclam left on tuesday to at tend the funeral of a relative iu ripley mr james a matthews who fias resided in orangevflle for some time past spent a few days during the week in his native town his newly wedded bride accom- paniedhim j mrs chas cameron who has been lying dangerously ill with inflammation of the lungsfor tbo last three weeks at dr mor rows in guelph is slowly improving and was able to be moved to the residence of alfred bmifh esq 6o tuesday f the ceablc soon in toronto ou the 28rd inat the wife of mr w hbeoit watchmaker of o- boltc in hockwood on lbs 18th inat the wife of mr george bolton of a daughter i the aitab- matthew brows at sbelbnrne on the 21st insl at the m e parsonage by rev 8 a dean mr jame matthews of acton to miss maty browa nf- 8hrt- burne i tl eatatb aiiair in acton on the 29th- inat eobt allan eragid2year mctayih in naaaaeaweya inat jougau motysk jr v7ma0bat millon ooi te mr john wallace age 7 ye flauimntion of the longs weesatoaoe leready on the 28th 24tbbst years df in but fm gbthj lorgmt trid i goodito lo to ttop right here in acton and intend to dq the tbift leuoh i hav evardobeeatim iwetke it with aad th priom are oloiwr than trit the question i often asked how can qree bell so chejtp and still make mone fv my answer is jnst thit i buy close and keep a sharp lookout 1 1 all times for bargains and buy everything that a farmer offers for sale and my customers invariably get the benefit of it i hare a foil and complete line in glhipicibiklijbis all frosh clean and new the largest stock of crock1ery and glassware ever shown inacton dishes amy color any price or any etyb you want special attention given to the provision line cash paid for produce of all kinds r american silver and niokeia taken at par for roods green sells cheap oinrsr geooebt a w green lb still alive -at- huc3hes griffins anotlher bankrupt stock of gen- eral dry goods purchased a few days ago wnich will be sold at as tonishing low prices consisting of wineejs dress goods flannels matles mantle cloths shirts and drapers in fac everything will be scjld at prices to suit these goods must be clearei out by the 1st of march before stock taking now is the time to get hugffais griffm kgjton i j i toims strictly casl i toettl 1av9 t oi tweeds a come and see them king of the dry goods eeadfbpd erboliert pi mtimnn k importation of silks an street the ipeclal sltaailon of th ladle w oar very large tmiwrtatlob o3lact oolobsd tbes33iuk3wnlenbavejjsl oonss to band aodeomprtae mstkaek sjeatry crs crsls taire italian alia ml ratnttreni jwniotoper rarct rbmeewta are fuarantttd rwm tb lowest number to tnr titaet to be of pona bux or excttlit waiiiqnaijtraabdrorpricotbovatbityawjaiijithaxatai w invrte evrav last to ee tnem i f i sattosnpcxi bakok of sprtrf elors lna hiavr gaoeoaall brxx otexeenentunallty aoloand without dontltbe betljlabl tnat wul be oflerwt bre onelph or any other fade this season j faamfnilranpofcoloaascatasasnxifromaiotoajepbrrard 4 in other spring goods we have to hand bit piles of now and lovely paisrs from toper yard op j caaosot canadian entllsh and ajcxaicas taajcaatdooprroam tom7ceb7rdap balesofcandlanfactocottokarom7opor7ardnp j brwsnxmcauitspiqmoaa3eicbarnilvartet5 saosaossaisaoc vary one qoatltr icia akdtkrxaasoaot every deaoilitlon r xajteuwsmbreyastofjettoahobaittot jrlesstlutsrjletest j also an immense krt of canadian tweeds from me per yarrn- ptnewobbted coaik j ihqsall prlcosenalab ano canadian cottoit thirtinqnplalo and fanny i c0okanddenlt8piiiu3wcotronstviajsu6iowklj9aiid tobllln8sandauilesorovecyslyla j wbvemrtoanlmmeianaapeelalimrebawortirasmajr wmwri in raabty that ofanyforttar season waaajabjaolnt i alm otjj to 1500 per lolt on these jxwoa the lloli- is not a bombastic lorn ofmlnw bnt simply aaysandissukn it when ho ati ltthat bar atawofatoet eboloo and vatjletyprioea and valoo eoortesy and fair dealli ha t excel any speelmen oxvhe aenoa hooso in this aeetlon oroor tali doxaja- i ian at any rale wennmber new coatomerifiom lr and near j admoatdaltyandirartoitbeeomlngsaawnatheisww 1 wulnakehlsldflaesoefoltmoralhuever j p williamsqtf 0 acton clothihc storl r e nelson pror spring stock now complete oonsistidg ofj the latest and moat foshi9mable i desigabin english lri8k sootoh and canadian tweeds and worsteds parties wanting anything in mv line csi rely om seoeiving peifeet satisfaction a uhwe took o to liaiul coratjrisihg all tbe latest styles i bring yoijrbabieewj t vfr7 t j photographs instae6tisi ly by se new ipkksess 0mtimr rvifrj fi- lih4t l l ik ti triqiibsti y- v wfffrfrr vlt4v ts xgm sig v