i i i fe is w v 1 i urn urn the free press trvwrtl vtosstsoaprii 13 16i ii i i i i nl h rlto bales ofefew peurrwnlr lirpo quantities of flblrooli uojcin lni- thciaallhe kighl lloute llnti sririlpii liiuioi buini rrou many cases t fr esthin coil a large lot to miss thos otij vre mis6 theft t kxqcxst r c e nttss uc faiiitj jims fro- thv fajjiiusr place i wc jo not heir lliv faster near kr e thy olinul tsv v- lin lhc tbc wo fikl iyk- tbcrv ana ch what kirrcws parc our hearts tow the vacant ehsir ve rujss tico in carderi qjjm hoi imu rfiiciu i tt tvvlhc the ftttucc uf the floktrs and rest thy xrciry lect nv tuiu thy kit ori f ivkt t tlij- fcrrv ukt mi tunic wo mi tut fci iwk cf iliue eye we iu ilill tbiivhilc oct home i sad without thee howdcsoatc each hert ou coqllwc hcurtby voice atrr what jovit roukiimrt 5c niiss thfcdi v itiita thee vhichver way vc o tlic suvke o dualh lht matched thee lcro hitlxiiicj our hearts with woe farewell ocit dirik mhir 01t sotus wik knit to thiuo the iikttry cf thy kukis si arissj pur hearts ratmuc xciia we bcx to rtijt thr when lifes short joaratyv oer ah yrt hji to al tln tken on heavns eternal shcte rrrns oh clearest tfikihna every sifh w ill thy tcrs aty for l hivt r thit orld en huh whtn ruetidii jav ivciii iakl theliilov roir upon ivt srruv ani het aiu tile shiniuj shore im vtililii ccc iurlhee- jli e j a cooteklct isjtht f outiditidn it at gtd tho kifc throat j japplr tlgya yellow itllind take inwtrlh noeorlmc to ditootwut vel- low til in tin lnjl romp for klifiuma liim tto ami nil jmtmfffiiifltmraiitionjmrkeddunjlmjwukiajlilmioit tnt win ho houfcuotd tboukl be nukes in llie world and have laken ibe bmt cne of silkt arrived tbii iteekooiiinlni if m madofithatrtrii and tteruopllitm wtlti ljv uiiillpgitolqr jrowrotighlii wt crectlililt cfro4 ipk bik d cuslomero may rolvluj jcteh dovtn and the onb fthout it itlie uiht limrjhji ogt arjttifr a u ukr r timely wnrninff xow i the petm fcrr a ijlen colds nd dislrsmrfcouiilit tic a bent trtrh uivirrs tectotl ittuun it cures ih 3lm1tv j jw carpets idireot from the british makers this week -s- abont 0 ulti mo kneeled dijioipi allkindi afd qupliiiei frjan isobbip to the t7 bt ix frame broueli pflea of miiflotnttpitry or nljlllofffsrlinsrpllt ire bclfij itnportijd j cmtomert tat relj tivon i that they never bptibtuarpeu efceaptr than idn and nan itddillorfatlidfantagi kriiitoiis hen ure frame brunei imported j omtomerl mij relj upop l tntt tbej oeyer boogni uarpet esearxr tnan ge watmlnl bat marked down hn earpetn uhloh hare remained orer itnce iaat jeaj in icrpetimkeddowrfrobiji 45 to 1121 w of crosileyi beat tapmtrjr cartret to consumptives fotjtfegj i asp anxloua to nakewird toble fenev ttnfirenthe atat of core to all bo iitui it he win end eotr ottt prewrtptlon nred ifref or eliane slib the diwolloo 101 nreparlag n j nl the lame nleb ihey wfu una a or enre for coortj umukddmmu pmrttoii remember uiitbnnumabruimli and cromleye tapetlry carpet art mm two beet snshntiitpru5 uca inlhe tarlour worldikilbiiiont fur manjr yeara pail and iheaeare the milei kept atlbe sight hoe h large pteate tc aviijson i3v7b iwwotwi tejfbstlfqlcaahmrea and qroaoreknoh bilk from lyona woere the best silks in the world at wi i kl t y han rlaaana soit texible lrlliiint goodi dyed by the rery beet french liuinci 5limi croup viiooing cauph lonuiaiiahdill iiinonry oouiiplattto leading to consumiiuqn t leiprekid f vtfuui is hh kteuelt ituorfoac i insfinous intcnllon smte hreivd yankeehas nvenled t key uit aill wild ny watch j u it a mat atucuhkntto a cbarju and u i ait t itork like ahnftif tint gratia kie i lifrtlth bimioci ulood ijdtsiheroaifft diseoveryt hie uire it unlock u tiie secretions and cleais j jr a fu iiaaofimfntat all prioeafrbni soo tn t the french satint are afto magnificent goodt durable and ranging irom 40a io 2 ttere areolherdiirrrenlihipmenti of krirokejllkadd salliieipeoted dally flte balei of neyr prinu opened op in meneilocliiol llible itomaik tablo napkins iloweli muslin emhroideriea 8eerj hundred doxen pocket handkerohlefa cbnrmlng freneh satin aod faille 6aah kiubohi trqm five la ten luohei wide meiutltdjlimfi cjainll wares nd tritubupg- i great farkity very nandaorae creionnea hoileryend loll of other in illluljoriaent and variety no heuee in thla city hej room to hold a alock to equal be kight hoaae and the lbul increase otlo037 09 durin thelait foor month in aafclni lalei ehowi plainly that hie pricee are lowend kdi hare jariivod goods heinj hough ana idvipor te- til iimploihcttlei to cents kall niediciurdeer ntire lfg svstem titt tnu the jliu ynu lit value giien to bi idoio ruai tbe name i ijatiittntr as led a carpel suleiman kemember tb lllannborfr i r e itdro are on king street east close to hugtuon etreet where tbe rerandab i l igomis c watkins hamilton reglsterio at ottawai n artificial alst ei c juice this is no i jhcl ujicinc ictret tcrlc- lached lo cvrh kllc malto i eps iv fcufes tlyspeyiii xiiittn irii tits of appetite inteatina int pitk n niuici chrool piwrrr tea the fomtuli is printed on the label al facts or vouny jicu torture t coxprn cjnduct chusu dtiri l roar fifleq to tcentv the lire of the- five vrinji irterniiiliu i cinracter for lite a be is thn cireful j cr cureless prudent or imprornleit idcrioaj or indolent tccitrale or diteeilate sa ivill he be ia after yeirs and it ndi no prophet to oil lis horoscope or calculate bis chinccs in life firr tan oetex fail twang men often fail to get on in the world because they neglect sroeil oprnrmni ties- xot being niilfuljn liuk thini they fite not promoted to the charge of creat things a yocng man who geu a subordinate situation egihetimea thicki it is not necessary fur him to give it mcch attention he will wait- till be geu a place of reponaiultty j and then he will show psaplo whet he can do this ii a very great mistake yyhiteter bia- sitaation may be be sfacnld master it in all its details and perform all its duties faithfully tut- habit of doing his wotk thoroughly andj cbqscientioasly ia ahat is moat likely to enable a young- man to make his way with this habit a person of only ordinary abilities wonid onterip udeof greater talents who is in the baht of blighting subordinate matters but after all the adoption by a young mjaof this great essential rule of success shows him to be possessed of superior abilities bor coititrrr this to hxiroar i bare some means said a yoang man tb a friend and sffl in douli whethet- to invest it in business or in securing an education empty toqt pocket into your brain was the ans wer he did eb and now his brains hot only take care of bis pocket fact give bim an influence in tiie world frhicb mere money could not have done j patttesess unselfish people are always polite because good manners jara only j absence of selfishness tieyare doing nnco others as we wuhld be done tinto a tboughtfulnets for the comfort of- those about us u piejsant smile a kind word these are the ingredients of which good manners are chiefly composed i oue dctt let as do oar dnty in onr shop or our kitchen the market ou tha afreet the office theechool the home jnst as faithfully as it we stoul in the front of some great battle atd knew that victory- for mankind depend ed upon our bravery strength arid ekill when we da that the humblest of us will be setvini in the gceat arriiy which achieves the welfare of tne worid line hop i before you ih j air of curing a trouhle- omo c u pi i j ist voijin on iy llaxrardn 1ccteral hilvicv it has caret cihei- tvhv ruay it not cut yout ad dealers sell it letters irlich irv armly aevclrcoltei llelily eeel j i public llcctinsshouidbe call- ei of the- emieosol eteiy city town and rill ip ir tiie plhmvui t considei kim ihiuld he hme lo prevent the liiirfrohiiuc riiirf yand hdlin out 1 li- imp t nit qioiiou reeae i llieir enirt eouvoieoilhui ihey wiud uitni- aioiijiy ieeiie liitl eunce jhat al lst eiisevtvered sotrethiu that wnult answer tbii purnfe and furtheriote would recommend ctngaiee hartnecr a iieing ihi- metluni ior restoring tho hnr to its ikilurii coior and prevent us uliing qui set cents ptr lottle at j e mcunrrins r yticg iiiis niuici chronic punbra cholsri infaatuin and mes t muutti iroublcj hicli cercriily iri from lie ki 50 cents for 48 doses or about cent per dose t rcjlar rid corucirp i o with daw raiiure iuictf 50 anr for 11 brail chedjri iliroybout ihtrdomiaicjn- avaiii taking liquid of any ort more bin i ilolately neccisitrib quench ihlnt a rtjemxcive use of 1ijuks is ihe cauicci hif eioyspepsii ia iht rerld mallcpcpi ifaiviver ncreeble ani eiiilyiten suppliei to roriach the actual gtiiiic jiirf iwrr lice mahoppiyt is also mcito a larte cittm cd bythp lairxc thytidans xtnhco dominionin kcit rtkttlar prac the stihofiptrn firen iti 1 irirfced and tosi nridjpleasirf and bcnctriil result the ifuhovepmn i obtain fror spitili dispisarcs aid iniinnariei mcmvtt w nstwoirul8 rccdmo frost mrsictahs vauacx k 6 ot igso distrmsic case of trdictm nviih tk 2 uklxutox ii d havinc inti itiajctc old and very obithiiti ciici cl siana 1 ii athlne ost jan o 1ss0 rou hasfn mare than antered rrr amicpauori indigiiticn i fbtmd it to act ml usdertakere furiture dealers and waggon 3yeadttje c ickekxa md tndfrltkoff we ptprticaur attention o tti deportment of oarbturinemwd as retrate conuntly on hand a luge and varied stock of coflsiis caskets robeo and aufancraj reqbitiua can anil tsvery taste and the circnmsuaees f all wbo require an thing ia this line al oar gpeda are placed at very reaaoaable figures firrtciaas heart luniiabed when required fnrftilnre id our cabinetmaking department we are pi pared for the spring demand parlor soitea sofaa centre tables wiiatnotg bedsteads ac wafcttolls we hare on band a stock of firstclass lumber wagons and democrats manoactared by oars ives from tbe best niaieria vbicb will be sold at tbe lowest pos sible rates- repairs executed promptly j j j cfttviy anisr i have used rotr ualtopepitsia srvere caies of trvtigtislioa ad malnctriticiil diirrba of children ard am sn wet pvcism with the remits that i have ii drupijist to keep 1 supply en hrnc urtt yux tiuf saiil lb lull to the lxl aui trr ictdciicf wcut ou nniucr u other haiberii ire you di5turbei at nighjnd oroken- of your r- l liyi fick child u florin g nid cryina with the crcruciaifn2 pmn o ultinc teeth t if ao coat joaciuf gel uatile of mrs winlovs tsdothing syrup u y0 relive thj p icr little jlierer iuimedtitelt depend upon it tbere if no miuce sbnuii tfere h rot n mother on eirlhsrho herer ued it whn ill not tell you atone that it riil regality thtj toiu and gire rtst to the mother aod relial adueiiuiia the child operating like tmgic it is perfectly safe to ue in al cues nd pteasact to the list unit is tq pre cription aft tie of the oldest and best fernila physicisn ant nurse in the veiled tutes hold everywhere al u5 eentsa beltie it is easier to euppresa tne fi ret desire ihcjl to taiisfv all that foltow lit agolljlpac op vitaty enaaorin loag dueue i greatly accelleritext by the loos of daali arujth snd ppei which mvari tr attends itj tt is one cf th chief recinameniiauon of korthrop jc lymanemalsion pf qod liter oil nd uypophahitea of linifl and soda that by reas n of the bloodenriching nd c0tirihmg properties of the last- nanitd iagrediects tt renews failing strength by comjnatingifot losses au ready suitninei while al healing and edbtbvrg tn3arnce i at the etme time exerted upnth3 inn med membraneous lining of the throat lungs and bronchia hy ile uod lirer oh j dicetiou is timulsted and apjjetite im pro red the i nervous syem acquires tone and vigor aiid tliifl eecreiions andergj a healthy change when it is uedj x shouid see that the bjltles sold at 50 cents andloq he the firms name hlown in there and tfcatthe wrepperj bear a fxc iuile of our signature sjld by au aruggut hrtpired only by tdcls and itrccted ra t ifterjgmrryocr maltorvrrttvr a tril fcco rentfcd an well please- i with the wav m twreade md j i svraie of atkloke ostt dec 30 ilio v worxt cases for which it wa ihich it acts comirae to traie a eco- irticle like thai nw b cseiadji uiilbe universal fitoale k haufltox md hazen morse for sale by all of uogtsts and j b mogabvtn be- acton t trccmoieoqed bulaasaew headieie cn- tui pattern indlcn- iftltf td1e xmi of j memory mar fiteaueiu urercm j pbdncaarlildttiatiifittnumgtestt- 1 ck bwels or kmm thetsraaa i miiditbetflalritijtaiftior pnaltol i piliiadasc i puce ev ra box toronto hrnsss 8rtfitj2t2 depot- fatties requiring anything in harness or trnnks 0 are money should fcexualls spavin ctre the oweeeifimedrr a -if- ix ifceruiih in if etticif end doe not ulliter bead isror below kendalls spavin cure ertraetrrommctterwrrtlcn totj rjrltr- itlif cclltfriirth- vdtycn a ivettly ttelcb paperorrrtlc as an enckinecnent wjojsliie the advarllseuiect of kenuairs spevltt cure nret aiieared in juur rater aali li lired mlnrs rrtf flen cstnjlljw laalics laanjlareiaud rure it lias achlee ou wond to it l a perltct miccmn injured tjsujars yvoratrely klcuattiowkx teaa what is most likely to become woman a little frirl j boys remember yon grow old everr day and if you hare bad nabifs tbiry raw old too and the older both get the harder you are lo separate j kkenmatic remedy there is do better- oare for thsuma tlsm than hagyards yelow oil used according to directions on the botijle 1 also cores barns feilda frost bitjee brnej lamenejr andwll wonndsor the flesh ail dealers sell it d rice 25 cents i tbe oomnig com is a serioos movement on foot the pfop slope in writing i at in angle of 6ftytwo degrees and he proper pen for the purpose ii one of tvlerbrooks samples re on appllca- inn to the esterhrook steel pen co jfl john st sew york- fb0m8razn i8 ifew campoakd its woa- beiful affinity to tiie digestifs apparatus and the liver increas ing- the dissolving dices reifdjt ing almost instantly the dreadful results of dyspepsia indigestion ana the torpid liyer makes zopesa an every day necessity in every nouse it acts gently and speedily in biliousness costivoness head ache sick headache distress af ter eating wind on the stomach eeartbnmpains in the side and back want oi appetite want oi energy low spirits tool stom ach it invigorates the liver oa ties oil all surplus bile regulates- the bovels and gives tone to the whole system cut this out and take it to yoni druggist and get a 10 cent sampler pr a iasge bottle lox j5 centsand teuroineilioribfntity uiijarh yvoralrcly kic islmw i i alrtl aldu kencallis spaviu- gure jox iwmlv lesb thonaa ids of irtau bahumau fleah fans proved bi nrdp doubt that keadalttrvpartn rureif tifeeictiif to iknetratead vrtit enre he firteaffof rieuraattsra eorn bticjanf frotbtts or any bralfflf eut nr lame m tlncb are not- atleted in the leaft by nrdlnarr allroenfu it des not bltterbitori sic contrarj fmovcs allsore- nem 1 r 0 10 creech 4cton j a speight manager acton clothing store r e nelson prop spring jtfck now complete consisting pf the latest and most fashionable designs in english irish tweeds scotch and canadian worsteds will cure or relieve fuuoushess dizziness dyspepsia -iimesuqh- hutfplce tnrsipeus 4alt jmeuu heartburn headache i dttopsy flutterinq r of the heart acidity of the stomach dryness of the skin and mnr apeclea uf dliecn mrtstna frem l4jrtrj liver kidkeys stomach 1 bowcl8 or blood t hlbdrh i so gs lslluw ken butcher shor st johu ptitoctj7td vv bjj jctsdaxl cnent i have used rotr spavin carewithgreal rncess on kpavinjcnrbfandipunu i know it in b3 i ztkd raedy fir rtciocef tione tpnvtnfy eatrjjlf aud al fclnat oc iamvtr srtnay j oiterdmcuhit about lheikirt ontoirajr nnti sprnli ni his rnkie very badly i an- oiled kflnhnllvspatfti crre and 1 wvftkiw ttnrthlotwtitfcllvcithe wik srell it a rew davc ijfctvow k to berkhlfoftntia wew aa besfl i prornrvd oni- rynnrtralsefin tliehnrfeby mail lorelnhd i uijost ii wsthelmearte orrtnpinefiononnftse that i treated aeeordlnr lo the lirecttooa vetittitc rnrdttpttietaitlflr tl yours troly wk j pzxesay kendalls spavin cure seimlwldrefs for fnstr iled circular whch ire thlnfcclvtlf polmtatritrlrttf k6 remedy his tvef rql lh sbelj irooanll nrisnevtiltrotirtnovtellfe lorbeafta as illps man prle 81 prhoueovktk iotg for 5t a1 dmucjiuhateuorcmrtretrt cnr yotiorl wfl hacnt tianjindresoiitfeeirtifprle hv the ipronefrir lr e j kendall i co enosbctd stalls vt i tt r lymtls sos8 icoj monnlrealpti- thnlnale aten- w 0 robinson wonld lollniiueioiea pefe of acton- that he has purchased ins batcnerbaslness late ly carried 0 n brltowmwrjyrnnirttfsl 4iis atwajson bands arstcbassioc1cof parties wanting- anytlting in mj- line can relj- on receiving perfect satisfaction a large 8took of spring hats to hand comprising all the latest styles call a5d sefc them livery sale board stables mill street aotom ia where yon can get firstclass bigs at reason able ratiu v good commercial bigs an express delivery wagon will meet each express train and deliver goods te eny part of the town aiter tbe 1st march i intend to do a strict cash business only is credit will not pa j- for horse feed os repairs si icattfcews j proprietor mile pans strainer pails and coods cheaper than ever tinware of all descriptions cheap for cash at eavills has just received a fresh lot of groceries ttkro crates of glass wajre and crockery which he is determined to sell at book bottompeices- dont forget fto plae sign of the lamp hill stactqs geo havill wfltlti their weight in gold remember his celebrated 50 gent tea y wanted all kinds of produce especially butter antt potatoes rkomtrswrjstni and a nrstcgass beef perk mutton poallrr astd gam la 7 rwa ele abd boptsby- strict altenum lo boslnsts to jlecuxea jalrharertha patranafe of ttiw pnbllc mtataellveredatanv tltne loanj- panof tiie town oi trsu otah i sill solicited ormrs pbohrtlt attand ro wcrobinson faqt-aooss- mt 1st ci rac7 0oli jut to liad w f bbowit a week in your own ujwd i1 onlfitfre sortfik ftervlcfof new cxvtal not required w y ibrtaner dsdtn tyn and gtru f want a bnstctmatvlilfrtirob ctcalmaki great par all tbe time you work wrlle for partjcnlart lo h ilaxletx cj lori fcyid jbiii m ialre asnachas raenthi oj afe gfatpat rfadfr ilr nrrnespfttvlilfrtirob walmaj fiaoai end ban com- ii has tbe weaunlestmereliflauicilinanu- faetnrtk ifttaa thenestfljodlon fihoora- it has ihf rtilef whool lmvr and the british amerifnn ftualneu cotlesje is gtcfttehmi or commerct toat hea ramt troth tiieffreat centre of trsde to frarn how bnsinef btaient enter tbe col send for etrcalar j hoarseness tic i ftmtfubbrvsavfi holloways pills ointment tbis ifcoifpara ble xbbicixx ktu secured for ttstlf an mpcrithobu a throughout the world for the alleviation and enre of imott diseases to vthiek humanity it neir ikm is done i ge at any tlma j ef opdesbitr addrssp uu seeretstfy sued rdptubepusjil 8are crss ioottatitellciih which will caase the broken menihrade td heal add become as strong as before the s cidenu no direneed nm the tearjiik i f strangulation wrten a certain and speed cnre eao be bad at a trifling cost of 12 fu treatment and valaabla infonuatioo tent receiptjtif prjee byxu mbrkicki pri cott otat the labovd plaster was discovered a nan ber of rears ago by an old lady a residei reference furnished if d w iuh0wcfivardjt fooof6 t a permanentrtareetire fdrl5bleaevci rders and ailmenta of thekidnevs bbiddec nd crfcaa sifeiivtytfcnpti complain ti causing pain rn amallot fearf i ides etc gravel catarrh at tha bladder and passages brigbta disease diabftea repsy piles kernbos dabilitj etc ete panrpttetf tqd tatfmcfiiali 6o fiels int fmtnl rvmrriit vl 1 l i i tpirjedfrom0ragjiitafro4 vi p phtcnr obilds bdj150curebed getting begular pad 82 special fad for hrouic diseases 3 8old by apjonr stop gfedrge town alex b petric gntlph henry wnuou mil too cstarkson brampton is ifii x 1 m foster md j vooderin f thlos hoe fte respectfully claim your attention to the following goods that we are bonnd tokell to give prices is impossible call to exitnine tbe aeveral llnea wd ee the heductiona we make la tnstersaai jackets lallftaadcaps iaairesa goods ihl fiats aaoybiaaets halfprioe idj m sparse aaobe10o aad ap voraxdouwe flnfluai bnr stooa w offer tut 160 pair i vl id inoosliavle decided bargains in blaaketsre offer very cheap itftr- cfvava v -3- rsv ti the ointment mel tiol 10 f 12 mo kof ihj coil i i nr the pills purify regulate and itnprore the quality of the blood they assist the digestive ogans cleanse the stomach and bovels increase tbo eeoretorj powers of the liver brace the nervous system and throw into the circulation the purest elements lor sustaining and repairing the frame thousands of persons hare testified that by their use alone they have heen restbred to health and strehjth after evjry other means had prorid unsno- cessful will be found invaluable in every house if c tumora bold in the cure of open sorea fjj t vvwereipectfully ask a vwtto inspect sad ut 01 romttlt oottgi coldi sotfctnrobronjh5is anuv disorders ot the tfroai m chest- at j also hout rheumatism rolijla and every kind of skin disease manufactured only at ptofeaor hot wiuxe brtabluhment 633- lotfokd street london and pldtl 114 t 9d 4s od lis 22sand33aeacb box and pot and in canadavt s6 cents 90 oehta and 16tpehu antrthe larger j rj aiaes in proportion li isrrcafmo i ate no agent in uw vvjl united states nor are my medicinei m a v nsrnj qpodfjin cretontr black oathmerwnew 8wim embrotrory8iik and nit tiee beautiful and cheap wm stewart 00 i ir f i t- aold there purchasers should therefore look to tbe label onibe pots and boxes if the address usjoi bh oriard 6trel j london ithey are iepnrioua c the trade ilar of my said medicine are registered ini ottawa and also at waihlngton siowed thomas holtipwasr streel london ii a mi v