Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 20, 1882, p. 4

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st j the free press ttrmoitmorkto april jo i8s2 ipoftwff polks cosxmb phils 8e0bet 1 know a little girl bit i rontull bo her hair u tot coli and her e tr ut lh m her smile is ofthe ivreet ami her heart it o uic true such l pretty little girl bat i voul tell whg i im her ever jay bat 1 jrcvut tell wkftt it my be in the hut by the tkiru tree there it mav b in the cxrvtea by the twelad far siich ajjretty little rirl but 1 a aat uli where ill marry her some day bot 1 ion tell when 1 tlit very tinallesl boys alsae the very bijgest men- when im u ullu father yoa may asl about it lliea such t pretty little kirl bin i wobttell hu about baker foist ox ttteie business by i cos professlokil- th bker childteo i indeed lle best subject i btve yet lectured upon it takes the csks you love cakes dont you deles t that u to bit sll kinds cf cakes bat 8tonmoi-chas- the baker is a grat worker creep when ha lias slow oven tlea lio i apt to be a slowovealy fella hrv eotlel uffru ttr is al provided by a gracious proviucuee thai uf eiu sore throiit apply tlagyardt ycjlp ill apd take inwardly according to jitocttona ycl- low oil islho best fetnojy tor hbeutna lisnij neuralgia liruites burnt frost biles and all ittnetieti jbfflj emrftt oomprlilbd all klndt aid about io balei mortvpeoled dal arriving lirrequentltleeofallak they can buy hem al the right uotifc tilt taajbn and pelt arrlrini l irre quentltlet of allj ool and union ingruicerpeteare tain j imported afs many oatet lu far leat than cott a lerg tlol of hrlutpni nvtrkeddukh rrtn 90 to 74o and the lo r pricet are c funtoiuiailon makes in the world and have taken tli ud plo no liouaejidid ijoum be jense of silka arrived ihla week coiitaini ate made the tierp nnd weft of theie re olhert t to yardslick uiy wiliioul 11 o mail ought tocomplii mtivums hint as h uieuu measure one htth hit otvu be inrj bat i it r timely warnlnc now it tbe season fo sujden colds andcistntug coujilis treat iheni wit li llagmirdi pectoral tbrtaim it curea in- uuetiia aslbtui croup whooping cougli bronchilitandau puluioiiary conjplainla leailing to cousuqitiuu yes tid the ftrtnet barbed wire fenct u xpernivt but the hired ii i jdjreri and will nut cut or grow roujh in u if tho worm pprtectly fan colore ranging irora wo io tilenae tluoka o table diniatki table n lilblxint irotn nve to ten inchet wide pfkidi litsve inivid arid cuttomor may goolt beinc bought for cash down and the value given to hit customer js gooi it donn and tbe name it hamilton march 23th 1852 brtt priiet ig w il 60 worth tbey cat bin ere silks are olequal aiie and weight od the are handsome toft flexible brilliant goods dyed by tbe very beat french wearing there la a full aisortmrdt al alt prlceafro n 60atoi the french satin a are alao magnlhcent gooda durable and 12 there are oihirdifff rent ahlpmenta or frenobsilka and aallniexpfcieil dully five balea of new prinu opened up im pkina ioweli muilirri embroiderlel severea huud ed doxeu pocket handkeroheft cbarmlng french batin and faille 8aab kuck bugled uirrpi bmall waiea dd trimming in great variety very baldaoroe cretsnnea hoaiery and tola of other rely upon il ibat for extent and variety oo uouulit thirdly baa room to hold a alook to equal tbe hight houae and the he enormoaa inbreaae of 1803799 duridthj jut four months in rvutktna aalea ahowa plainly that bit prlcrt are idw and wanted a carpet saleiuiao remember ihe toni are on king street at oloae to hugbson atreet wbire tbe verandah duesul stop andrttf for live miualet tin be carefulnot to mike tart rerrar to lite baker u bis tirt roll along be baa been known to cracker mlow oer the head the bakar never wipe off raur amre s cannot he kneads tbe j wiil regulate tbe lioelj snd give ret belter not loaf about lis w tb mclher lai ceile and htllb loaf aponge yoa had premisea ho wants to ali lb ing bimaelf the baker pnfceasea every kind of breadatufa and much of tbe breads tongb that he sells with all hisbikinf he is seldom crusty the baker hat been suspected jot beins a pie bouse fraud tbia is tree this is proved by tbe fact that thirtetn cohititutas a bakers dczsn or it dtd before thirteen as found to be an tin lucky number kow ibe baker dca try to make yoa unlucky tbe bakar is a great lover of floure he raises tbetn his rare eoars are only found in tbe yeast he is a well bread man and make pauch anloogh about it j baker are as much given fco marry ing aa any otherclass of men but you will find many batches about a bate stop- strang stone are told of what the baker puts in bis pies bnt theae stories are not true 1 know because- i have looked into the pies there is nothing in them i can assure you children you lite to have your bread done v you will be glad j to know that i am done too the top of ft evry lime iie lut lu clioih a public mccriibhoulda call cd of the citiieusol everj ciijsnatid villiige lu the doibiuiob u cunsidei ubat should be dona uj prevent the hair from luroiugtirvy jind ailing out fthis important quesuoij received their earnest ootisideraliou they would unaui mouily decide tbvt eeieoee bad at lual dijixirercd ormlhtiij llijt would answer this purioseauci furtiernore would recommerd cmgilese udtr honewer bj being lh nietliing lar restoring the bill to its nslurii color nul prevent its ailing out 5d cents p r battle at j e jlctiarvius were you hurt near any one of the vertebra atked a lyrrcf a witoeis who athied dilutees n ts ui auincr i was hurt riiihl ou the rucv course clue to ils ljtt ttilid uatliert t notliert stocbert ire you diiturbe1 atnujiitand tiroken of j our rest by a sick child hufleringand cryinii wilh tbe excruciating pain ol cutting teeth i tso goat once ami get a boltle of nffa- windows jootbing syrup- it will relieve the poor little surlerer immediately dtpecd upon it f there is no mistake about it tlere is not a mother on earth wio ins ever used it who will not tell you at once that it 6uelph cloth hall th child operating like angle ic is perfectly sate o use in ail caes pnd pleitadt to tbe taste mi- is ma pre fienption ofone of tha oldest and lest froiile physicimfi and ijttiled suie cents a lottie silij wlst lir voc crezj these children cf milt for brttlfist kz ccielf tlit would i icuj to x i izi thit ic aiirsea ia the solder rrwuereat 25 k pcounc soctce oirdtfrlavee a tri- sing inaicreioa in di rounditou ai confirmed done with the aaut tx tlia- izrc iniam it ifttr price the d fave it lo the la th ifii aud l too expensive wm h vauderfaut thaagh irottl millioiia of doikre thkt he can not afford to gamble smoke or drink liquor thit each habiu would uijfit him for dimness and prevent him using his mind and bod in paretrits hat demand hi attention if it is too erpenstve for hiin vitb hiaj miuions flhodla not young men depenilmg dpou their faanaa and brains ignore such evil habit and practices t there is nu fact in medicll scieuce more poiitireiy ascertained o- more author- i uti rely se r ted thin tmt dypepu is tha parent of a not of jodily ills not the ieit cf which ii co ltmtuatibn of the blood and the maliidie of wh ch that is the direct consequence their oriiiinjj caute is howeprr thoroughly eradicated from the system hf knuia- aor t lriuxs vcgetablc dicoreir axd drsrcrtic ccec u meoicine tthich only requirefi regularity and persistence in itsiue to cure dyspepru and the mtny ilia thit arise from it no deltterioui ramenl ingredient is contained in it and though iu action is thorough in cases of costivenefs it never produces griping psirfi in the ab otnmal region or j weakens the bowels like a violent purgative it- inrigontfcs the sjstem ihsough the medium of the increaatd digestive and aifimiulive activity which it promote and is also p- most efsac nt remejy tor kidaey complaints scroful ous and ail diseases of the blood female weakness fc price loo sample bottle 10 cenu ask tjor nocthrop k ltkis veeuble discoverj and dys peptic cure the wrapjur bears a nc eucle of their signiturff sold by all medicine dealers our spring stock conalstinsr of cloths scotch and canadian tweeds hat aud gents furnlslilne goodit is now complete in ail departments shaw grundy i merchant tailors successor- to l4lo heist 7tit ntish makers this wesk to ihe vary belt five frame bruuela itilea of magnupent tapestry car- enatotnert mately upon it rbat they never booht uarprla cheaper than fa snsummves the adtttlller navlor ue permsnekur aurei of mat dread llaeaeconjurortloiijt rtropie lemritruaiixlnaaroinakejiticvn to his fellow tmteren the neaaeof enre to ahwboilwlrellhlwlu tend envy or ill prvanrtptiob iea rlree of ehanrr wlih tlit ito remember ihe atonta are on king street east oloae to hughson atreet wbire tbe verandah thomas i c watkins hamilto boots and shoes rubbers bto all fits all sizes trdeirtakerb ipumiture dealers and waggon imaittjfaattjrhils eonnoy son malri st aoton hira juii rtccirtd a apteodid eutcrtmcot ot fatl and winter boots and shoes th bt valwt evr offtrad to the people of acton and viciuity no bocu nrlcfs advertised bill a fnmnrein our cabioetmaldng department we are prepared for the bpring no doituk ps ataverusea dul tv a prbr grdtea sofas centre tablet whatnots bedsteads 4c rnderfaklnir we pav particular attention to this department of our business and aa we have constantly on liana a large and varied atock of conjns caskets hobea and all funenil requisites we can suit every taste and the circumstances of all who require anything jin tbia hue ail our goods are placed at very reasonable figures firstlass hearse tirnished when required sale board t a b lbs miul8treet aoton ia where yon can get firstoliss rigs at rea80nable batw fi i m good commercial flnoaaooarsd pctult vsorvial highly recomsieiidm for blllootaesa beadaclie too- stlpaltoa iwdliret- dttzlbeaa heanborwf bremtsu teaa of ap- petite jausdler lots ot neasery towr steataeh ltwrria- pialstor any itiaess arista rram tbe slavs- aeh bowels or kldarrt tter are taf e ciid tad tnoroagh ia their action from 1 to 1 pilltadcae nucs tie maei the general klectibni the general election is now on the tapis it may perhaps be a useful hint io imitate that an absolute nee i polls may be obtained bythe judicious distribution to the electors of ftrrxijfs coas exriictoe the great remedy fcr corns every sufferer would be made harpyiand would certaioly rote for the person affording tbem relief safe eure painlest beware ot dangerous eabstitates r howareyousimplet yoa loot thin eaten anything laulj- v only soup said simplaa tnuniflg for a false set of teeth rheumatic remedy there is no better cure for bheuma- tism ban hagyards yeilow oil used according to directions on the bottle it alsp cures burnt ftolds frot buet brrites lamenet and all wounds of the flesh alt deaden sell ilj price 23 cents t i histories makemea wise j poets witty the matheoiaticssnbtle natural philosophy deep moral grave j l53c and rhetoric able to contend 1 i no mqre hand achingfrom isingsteel pens when eterbrpols ttrrnedup point peiis affiifd the- raot delightful relief jasfc your stationer for their telegrapntc tecumseh and choctaw the trade eopphd hy brown- broa toronto a cold honte will aoaeiinkt j ire a per- eoa a tor 1 throat bat natbiu- will give an opeiafiii er a tore throat quieter than a light faou i jgenloaj ldtenlfon rome ihrewd ynttm has ip vented a key tba wihvind any wakjh j it is 1 neat att lohrnant to a charm and it it said ta s oris dike a charm sfdoeathat mod- 1 ley to health burdook ulood bluera he greatest diico vuy of tbeage it unloc ts all the secretiooaod eleaasei and in igoraut th entire system sabple titles 10 cents large aiie 1 ofall medicine dealers eeauiue article offered at prices defying compellloj custom work and repairing executed with despatch aud from the tery beat tnateriil afc te have also a nice auortmtat of rsvjrs rxliss all tjodt old ohtap for oath kenny son acton harness s trtjns psrtirr rrqniriiitr inytliine in elirnpss or trunks to save money should go to r creech icton wastttona te have on hand a stock of firstclass lumber wagons and democrata manufactured by ourselves from the best material which will be sold at the lowest pct eible ratets bepairs executed promptly j a speight manarer an express deliverywaon will meet each eipret train and delirer gooda tc any part of the town alter the 1st msrch i intend to do a strict cash business only as credit will not pay tor bone feed or repair ed katthevs proprietor acton clothing store r e nelson prop spring stock now complete consisting of thelatest and most fashionable designs ia english irish scotch and canadian tweeds and worsteds parties wanting anything io my line can rely on receiving perfect satisfaction a large 8took of sfriiltg- hats to hand comprising all the latest btyles call axd seb toem strainer fails and- l from braziu sa 2tevr compound its woo- berfid affinity to tha dtgesiira apparatus and the lurer increas ing the j dissolving fnicos reliev ing almost instantlxthe dreadful results oi dyspepsi ind and the tobpid liter make topes an every day necessity ia every house j it acts gently and speedily la biliousness costiviness head ache sick headache distress a tar eatingwind on the stomach heartburn pains in the bide and back want ot appetite want ol energy low spirits foul stom ach it invigorates the liver ca ties oft all surplus bfle regulates the bowels and gives tone to the whole system jcnttiirodtaad tats it to youj druggist and get a 10 cent sample or a isjge bottle for 75 cents and uurou neighbor ahfout it weelc in yoex own town 55 outfit fre sortie ererything- icw capttri oct required we wlljfar ihh youhvfrthldfmady- ar- makjoir lpfmns ladles mitre asimen aamen arid boys and gtrlt mdlre grdwl 1 avj header if von want a business at wiiicij you caa mate great pay all the lime youwork wrttefor particulars 10 li haxiett co portland jialne kevdalls hpavlv clke tfce b swoeetifal remedy ever diteover ei ji u it titn lu ltc efl cu ald doe no bltser read ffor beiajw- kendaus spavin cure rxtract from a letter written totj grta- lthv edit r rfthey brik a weekly welel prro uric n v as an encoirjenen 10 vciu since be advartfearecr ol kentla tipivtu cure nrt apiearej in jour ptte iuuu lijjred min- n- u velee nusirt it sr- in iliai mard arouudare it lias eljiev ei windrs it i a ptrticl rue es sfnon injured miners yours truli klcnannotii ilceaniilnes fa aj niatld kendalls spavin cure ovhthax flesn thoaiiijclvonrtalrt fia rorana ficfh bt pmve1 betotidndntitmttrat kradau8ptti i carcii rfflolnt ftngui to iknifauai ririf loenrf- hit- orica tofreuraitlsin wirrf bunjouftfrosi-biit-oranyiirafeef- cv nr ittnitnd which arfroi aflcccd iitvltii ipnnt bv dptlnsrj aliments it dies no bjitrbnt era tbe conirar removes ajisar- ness- i kendalls spavin cure ft john r p oct 57 im dr b j erdatl cn tienti hacj nsd voarsrair curowitli oret aucc ft o snaring ccrti and fphm i know n m be i erl rmedjr farrd ptkinef tone tpuvlra- caienlls aid al acinaforinmne- ron nthfrdiwciruii aloal hfhfirte ont oira men nrrrjit hif nrlre very badl 1 ap- nilrd kendalf spavin cunaflh i bvcriir anvthjrr work hk uhe was wll tn a r i riav 1 kidv h to be jood for man a wei apboiirt i nrontpd mm oryoartratlhe on the hnrrelr mall forzsfuahd i uilok if wiethe means fifirtpginelw onebre ibat i tieaifi ftcftordlne to th atlreclion irlven in loer bnolc firdrtpacvi ntlflp e yourstruywmjpcieos kendalls spavin cure sendaddrefforionitritedclrcoiar whc we tuuk elves poimverr of its virtae ko rrmedv hasrverrnel lth aeh unqaal odenccexto our knowledge for beaslb weia pric si pr lwitt dmgglftf tiave tuorcanrei it tor yoa or t will h- tent tnanyaodreiapn re1rt cf prli hv the proneor im 13 j kkxdaix co eosbtjbg fjllm vt sold my all druggists lyhvn sons 4 co monntreal p- q vrhnlbealr afcoj ff ccou faraarirs it im ttiebeit medical t ibocls it tut tb hiefhichoohif iwoi tare brlljuh imerlfan qiei callece la tbe jrtht2hfilorcomaer6e- l itonfllen rauatps w u esteat centre of trade io k am tiow buslnen is done rstadenu enter the ccle at any time send fur olrcaar is the utdlnc eltria onurto ihathoia-t- est warehouse and loan com- haataand maaa- a rurdocirei b loop i coods cheaper than ever tinware of all descriptions cheap for cash athavilts t will cure or relieve biliousness dizziness dyspepsia indigestion jaundice elirsipeus salt rheum heartburn headache spe uv bowel3 or drops r flutterinu of the heart aclditr of the stomach dryness of the skin and every species vi disease arisfnt from disordered liver kdijeyex stomach blood rupture plastef sure cara by to on t ward applicata which will caaae the broken membraoe ti healaiod bupottie ai atroof aa before the a cident no poe peed ran the fearful risk f nfcraognlation when a wrtajtv and speed i care can be bad at a tri 0ing- c toff 2 fa treatiaejit and fwaalie icinniiation sent c receipt of price byf li merrick prei oott out the abovf puater jr4 diicovefed ft nan br ofresn ago by an bid fedy s reaidet t of oededsbirg kefarence faroiahed if is- iird i t hilbork i co sorrra butcher shop w 0 robinson woalrf intlnrnte to the reope of acton that hob as purchased tbe bale hfrbaslneas late ly carried oa by robert storey and that he hdialwayson band a flnt-cjaasfuxikof- beet park hauta pwllrj mmd gai u eaaon etc and bopbf byiirlcl altentfoa to hnslnetn lo tecare a fair nhnre of ihe patronace of tna pnome mr at oellveredataoy time lo any pan of tbe town temu cash- a call solicited obms peokptxt attejtdtll jo w c bobinson we pe leqiji has just received a fresh lot of groceries t w o geates dp glassware a crockery which he is determined to sell at sock bottom friges remember his celebrated 50 cent tea wanted all kinds of produce especially butter i and potatoes 7a0t ooodsa uv lot cf 7uic7 toti jut to iti dont forget fhe plae sig n of the lamp hill st acton geo hayill worth their weight in geld i holloway pills fcolm ft spmg goods this 1ncqmpasa flijt jfkdwlsm aot tecuoi for uteif am imperishable- jam laronjaotij as world jor tie alleviation atd cure omostatseaaf4to traica ak7isaisirf isafsr 1 manufsctobed im toronto a permanent sore port fordiaaaats dii orders and ailraents of thekidneya bladder tod urinary secretive system or attendaot complaidta caaaing pain in small of baolc sides etc gravel catarrh of tba bladder and passaces j brishfs diseasevdiabeles dropsf pilea nervous pebility ate to pamphlets and testimonials can bo ob tained from drugcists free vracmichild pad 150 cures bed- wetting i keirular pad 2 special padfor cbrouic diseates 3 sold by mj f0r3ter md aoton r4 j woods erin i tboa roaton george town alex b fetrie gnelpb hnry s watson milton c stojk t son brampton whits cottons muuslia embroideries swiss embroideries eiap trimmings and euffling3 oretoaes beautiful patterns laos ties and sows spleadid value in new ebaey combed quilts and towels key silk ties new veiliags gauae and nets the pills purify regulate and improvevtiie quality ii of lha blood they assist the dicaktit ogana eleanse the stohach and bowels increase thn secretory powers of tt liver brace the nervons aystem aim throw into the circulation the purest elements or sustaining and repairing the frame f thousands of persons have testified y3 thatby their use aione thev have been j a restored lo health and strength eery other means had prored onauc- ceaiful t ithe ointment if atoo show new 8prin9 straw hats wm stewart aw- gtjblph i will be fbwdinaaluabre in everj bone hold in ihe ourai ot open sores barf r tumors i bad lust old wound oowfc icolda stnetbroata bronch5ti disorders bl the throtrt and xanal m alao uout rheumatism eerolola a every hind of skin disease 1 v llanqfactnred only at fwfttss ss xowaxa jbatabliahmeni 6ss v i stbeet london and sold at h ljftt 2s 9d 4s6dlla 2nd8wv box and jot and id canada af sbmnta 90 oenta and 150nuaikl t h jarg j alaeain proportion l i atarcaimos i hte bo agnjajwj- jluited statea nor ar my hfws bid there rc4aealkiudijiw look tbxheunrtbniiwpowandwrt if the address ianotstt oxford wvb london they apmiftua t tha trademark of my aasd j are reriatered in ottawa jnd ff f waahlbgton luiiiljrj fflnastf th0ma8 hqusm s3 oxford street londofe ssts im mi

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