um lejeuokshm eert tihtftsda t jfoijjvvct editor proprietor vr i ujt rmta jaa goes iir kest doortb meltxahsl chore iiv slnrt j aeti oat tunis the haas passa will bi tent to subscriber postage paid lor jioo per n- uanfin advance 1150 if not so piid so piper diuatinal tiu all arrears itf paid eipt at the optin of the publisher arvmnsrsj ratcs casual ellvertiso- dents cents for line for the first inser tion aai 8 cents per line for each subw- qant insertiou cash piifossioniil cards 10 incs or 1ms siw por annum i square u linos to00 por annum payable iilc months f83rmutt of insertion- any special soiicethe objocji of which is to promote ti paisry benefit ot any individual or company to be i considered ansdrertise- ciat the number ot lines rwionej by the space occured measured by scale of solid oionparell- j i- coaraictratta on colnraaoreoear haueolutannaelyear uarlcrcolamaone year a- fjaan sir martin halceotutari lxttoalrrs y uric r column sit mor ins o icinmn lhref moctlis kaueetluren lartvmonth i trer enroran oir months volume vii no 48 bankers acton ontario a0t0h bahking cot jtonjfcmimfc storey ohristie k 00 eo0 12 ft 2000 am t 700 l akntm tlihoat v direction rinteiiperteduurrmdarhelnt daeenrd- nrlrv tnnsinrr eiivcrtlmrrartns mnfctbe psli in xloce cturcre inr ciumct wvertuommr mail b id t nfl- o j 9 a mon miri1aivmhpr- riseuytlu b it- ft ott uu tht reek h p jtoore killora proprietor this papers tlft cvi nrwtpapr ad- xtice tpl- canada ariverlhirt agen- j cr no 29 cine si uesl taroclo u aainnxwl lo reetlve adverlsemeuu for ims rarer i i yt vr bctcuerjmanaier qeheral baskiso busi ness transacted mokxtlojftres 0aivr1tt kotes discounted and interest allowed on deposits ent store wh loar irb mc ps gradaaieoltriaitycoluge mem ber of cjliic 4 euyiiciiiis mi sarjicons- 0 i2i rsiltnce at ihe head of fied- kzi su actocj f foksttr si d phvsicllx jlf 3cece0v etc i dfficls foteters dm store kelt door in crceilit saddlfrry attoi qkt rrsieescl cbfarch street- fornierly oecn- pied by mr w hemstreet aavjuceer l l bexnett cextis1 george- no un and cheap fyh tor uijper wyildhunj3tretjqttslp ycome se ors xrvrsrioso arstvati rabk i 5rmay trues snclul fii st tori 0ror4letoroisw5odal ijiouijaii ef article of svwr bt tju sowiield 5oij i oniisuat very little mbiiey will buy a whole lot of thinge at the 1- oeht 8tore and jv cheap cmh biar four doori weat of poat oce ias ktqftir guelp s john lawsox geujtate of ox- 1 xixio vetetrsixt cliin tcscyxo tetriary snjen actoa 0 ofice in scont-yi- sons bot sii shoe store resr ideno in the rar hors eisxiined as to eoaizcss andjertincstes ci all calls- night or day promptly attend- ed to terms essy i tjnshee v s geobgetostk a ontz wibrisit acton every wediies- daj- andsrnl attend to all calls perta toiiisprofessioni orders left at mcgarrina dro swre will receive prompi attention terms modertse i i tjfisher- oallandbevitjarbifawchoiob stook of america wkidow cloths in ail shades and colors with tassels and oord to match days bookstore 6celph day sells cheap k splendid new stook acton ont thuesd at may 11 1882 whole no 377 tee free fress thcmtut moxxrxo may ll 1881 qbtsr of- watches jdialoffjfe of the i hones j i rrn i w will ctflftooi third riei of farm btlladt juit kcuved by the htrpstt under the titla of firm feitirali coa- uiai hii eteur diabfawtjri eqaioflt 4l th fiir ran sabtz tbapftte qltataf tbj painprd pu of menl then u qfttijbt for as too gtatlt ad good in tha envoefol dyi of oar bbyhooi we frlik ibd c par with childlih eloe v 0 aonfl 10 pw ty 4nd proud u we thajr cbeor irn i obarlih at in our puy 0 aoaa to tmi inglj- nrt u tboy and whoa 4 lit j oar htm hftts poirn each hu i tat sa ud room of hia oirs a nicer to fill oil bin of fire a brber to d tvn ud oomb hit halr tea w ire the peti of man i tna pasipripti of man thr thor u4 euy drsud od proud to tb txger ti of tho eumoroui cww they champio a j in the rttling net they praise ot r batuty tvnd ehmroapio thy koep for ai our fwnily trtei tbey trampet ouz duos bvyoad the tau tbcy hiag om portrtlu on their villt and paint uii eunlih tad gill oar lull te i we the peti of mtu tho pi mperod pot of men i try yod at tht job codm in he opened u ktte nod led the way to ihe bona on the yeraodih were aome nutic hain one of which b offered to the boy waat tny more toolr he aiked a aheet of drawing paper if you hire -akd- jewelry rvtil heils heilstreet licensed iuotionser for the ccuni of wellington aad halton orders left at tie fixe pmi office acton or at my residence i acton will be promptly attended to terms reasonable haet ta lsaa also money toloan on the mokt favorable terms and at the lowest rates of interest in gizzi o 500 and npwars i y- befd texeeisabr sus- vjt gjeoj georgetown graduate of the ontario teterinary college wie visit acxoa evexy tiesday rem 1 topm all calls received promptly atfenaai to by niht or day horsca bought and sold on cijmmissioa beaideace west comer from iivery stihle jgeorgetown ont j g rejd rphe pulip busikes3 the undersigned haa maaearjgements vith 3dr thomas ebbage to attend to his pimp basinets daring his suy in the kcirthwcst ah orders whether for nevr worto repairj left at- the refidenre of sl e bbage opposite stephenfiona blacasmith ehop will receive prompt attention whe anuia aeton april lpth 1862 too ryill bus or sell i the audertiined ia prepared to purchase any quantity of elm or birch stare bolts basswood for heading and pne cedar or black ash forttmclea in the loej or bolu i i a rood stock ot shingles staves and head- lie always flour and feed b w nigtt intenderidg hearty thanks to th people of actuu aud vicuiity for their kind patronage in the paat wonld respectfully in form themihat he has con stantly on hand at hia hill loot of ilill street a fall stock of flour oat meal corn meal bucjcwhfiat flour cracked wheat aad chopped stufte of all kinds airy otvhich he prepared to deliver daily tow jtrac u wall iolicitoft ciders lettatm7 mslieaes jbtoi- weerytprimi ttoatisn tsrsu strictly oai b w kldkldf acton feb 9 1882 li i just received -at- wm s smiths dont fail to call and examine when you go to guelph the witch and clock hoow of gad ph it i mr waui thoiufesof i tb n mll iuvm of own thoy uh ai orer tb daity romdi thy bond ai fioira with mardaroni lo4di thar ting rhi lnsaltt on oar triple al jmoir uui ve uut aurec bck in vindi of w inter or summer ion the tnd at o ar tot it eerar doae i ire vek nd old ud lime and uboretu ened tnd boirtd wtth ihuna and hxrd of b tiring lad blind of eye oat in the world to die yet j ire the tlkree of men the tl ivee of telneh men 1 i into their bloody ipite bleodiaff into their fighu they drive oi they dnf t oi thex par tu they pouoni or eouli with their eenieieee ire and cone us nto storm of fire and when to th we ire bowed end bent and tejte the ail thet for them fu meut alone they lo w u to groan tad bleed and tish the r ipon in inother itoed tesw i ire he ilree of men the ihrelof brutlihmesl vui ihand thoia u00re avmmaiti to app4r sef r the bah where yon cat eet an easy shave a stylish hairat a frothing shampopn pr aconlinx sea foam rj spare no pains andgije no pain in the aosomplishmeht of a food shave raiors andlscuaors set in perfect order oa shorteat aolice 1 j word en barber j mill street anton enccffliortot f chapipan i st gebrgessquaregueiph ajjcoimt bobka of all kmdaniaae to order feriodicala m etery aescriptiobearefolly bound baling neatlyand promptly done medial hall the finest stoclr vrd ever had of s elgin walthamhiake in mckel surer and cold cases i i claim my nickel cases are whiter aud purer than any cither being made especially fbjr myself ge watchmaker jeweller dim east ead botchar shop actus ojil h marlatt jl bro dre tn tender fhokj t the people of acton nd vicinity for their kind petronae since opening bbiiahmiea ud would re epectfally solicit codtinauce of tbewtod ohd ciafcwure them thitttey will tlwtyi hare on hand a full itock of au kinds oi heat 3meat delrvered atwe will purchase goo 1 meat of any kind from those who wish tp sell h uarlatt t bro oib srojtr not ijuite a tramp ko trami wanted here young chap so ycu may j lit jog along the speak was a finelooking and ap parently easj going gentleman of middle age who w a standing leaning over the gate lookinj out on the road the gale opened oa a ravel walk which led ip to a twoitory c itbufe honie in front of tht house and it the bides the ground was overloaded w th trees shrubs and flottfr ing plinta w ilch u say the least did sot show carefu attendance altogether it was a brigl t cheerful and attractive place so thought nodoubt the stranger whose halt near lie gale had provoked mr horn ions aterance he was not an ill looking youn man or boy for he could not be twen yoae but hia clothes were ragged and dirty hia ahoea wont rod mnddr and hia general appearance un kempt and d reputable hehad cfcpped on the road and bad directed at t le nun or the house or at the grounds or at all three a wietful look which might in limate a wish or an entreaty it was this look which mr porptoh had answered w i am no tea are your nature have all the i ihsubance cohpanv oapltal tlflf liabnity rf bharebniaeti funds invested 230000q come s500000 ia04in btfliar unlimfted- aiuiuallii csjiada for company pirelmor protection of ceaadianjpolioyheuerb 000000 tbe boyal ioaurano bis the largest surplus of buy auce comraottn the worfd ajlkindi of propertydpntr ana town solicited also money to ijoan d mclejiliah kftj1 jtaujon a a secobdsr f agent butcher shof w o robiweon would iiblmaurtb tna tieopie rg afeltti that nilwwan fat to gllxfhen wanted to bfgin work at onceioo sales for tall of 1882 fo tie eosth1li jtcjtsekies the largest in oanada hjub0tnci jtoaonto oht t u ko i montreal pq t jraoch offices j st pi jjjj nurseries fonthm ontario we can start in additionjto onr already u iirforcej o 100 additional oswmmi and want more who can sire full time to the boiineia 8ta3y atoplayraeot aod good aalarkswaacoeaafol men it does nit mat ter ajhatyoor previous ocenpation has been jil t0u lk wflling to workyoar suoous ij w ahiott osrtaiu thi wfollrittreaea- m f flulred appjyto sjeef rea jw a4 j mtntoa etc j nd boptis by atrlti nwnliin lo tuiibeaa to frerajrwreoiaippaimntgemtae 4b agent if i stnitfailt i toronfo ont tlu n oi jiztia 5aw t laulziz b and nothing i know in a much now humph pe for a simple nremoretiui laavlei ftrowlh tjooth taea ad- mkrtaavrif h len be addressed toe young fellow aa a tfamp and advised him to jog along ramp sir replied the strang not fthen jrour looks belle too oaat deny that you rytnptoms that is i rue sir i know that i am poor aud ragged but i dont consider my self a tram i am looking for aome work thais hat they all say they are all looking for i fork and scared to aetthfor liud it to aay ye axeleok is to advertise the fact you are fear they wi ing or work a tramp then i but i wish i you do anyway awaf from or he down af i am tuie i am willing to earn my liv ing and am ioua to get a chance for to do luppose i must be a tramp jwaant that ia one good symptom aire y sure you would not run work if you should find it i ind go to sleep by the aide of what rt of worv you dot asked mr horntpn eerythmg in eiiiral in particular could put that yard of yours better condition thaa it show horoton brought out the required article clamped upon a drawing board alio some crayon holders and a sharp knife litm a sort of an architect and keep these things on hand but hadnt yuu better eat some lunch before you begin the business t you hate a very hungry look i am not so hungry sir but thit i am willing to earu a meal before i eat iu wll you have ihe kindness lo all down v bide face or front t side face if you please i can do that the best mr hornton seated himself presenting hii profile to tbe ragged artist who weat to work without more ado hii strokes were uick rigorous and artistie and in a surprising short time a capital sketch of mr bbrnlon s head ippeared on the paper that gentleman looked at it and puckered his up so as lo produce a low- and long whistle i am apt readr to pronounce vou an angel yoahg fellow be said but i may truly any that 1 hare entertained a pretty fair artiat unawares though the entertain mentis yet to come here emur bella come out aud witness anew sensation 1 mrs hornton hurried out on the ver andah with her young sister bella and her little girl lulu for answer mr hornton banded hi wife the crayon sketch which was hastily scanned with starts of surprise and ejaculations of delight what a nice likeness 1 exclaimed mrs hornton where did it come front i this you ag person did it just now answered hornton good gracious me 1 ia it possible i i woader if he would make one of my little lain of course be would and of bella and of the whole tribe if you want but be is tired and hangrr and you bad better give him something lo eat before jou ask any mote of him i will gladly do that i am sure that this likeseas of you john is worth sdowa dinners give him one anyway and we will talk aboat tbe rest it wont doo be too libetel at the start just follow my wife young fellow and i have no doubt that you will feel better when she gets through with you when tbe young ttrangtr had been washed and comsed and fed us personal appearance- was improved and be had gaiacd in case and grace of jmadiier he was anxious to make a picture of baby lulu and was permitted tq do so produc ing a likeness which sent the food mother into ecstacio c this production baying beetuufflclently admired mrhuctuoa dismissed tkaie- male rabble ta lie chose to ku them corraled his tramp for a conrersmtloa asking blsa who ho was and all about himself his name was abel keatridge and be was the sen of s miller at queenspcrt who had died suddenly leaving an estate so en cumbered as to be worth less than nothing abel had gone to philadelphia to seek bis fortune and had found nothing but diaap pointment and poverty he knew some thing about milling and gardening but could flitd no employment in tbe city and went into the country to look forwork but his iramplike appearance had told against him and he was on ihe rerg of deipjlr when he encountered mr hornton tbare ia no mil liar t be done here said that gentleman but i have no doubt that my wife since you mad that sketch of lulu will allow you td straighten up those grounds if you turn out as well as i think you will i nay tod something else for you to do soit was settled- that ahelgeotridge was to remain atjhk hornton si a room was prepared for him- and some 6i bi em ployers partly worn clothes were fitted to hra arri he wiaafenj to work on the shrubs and flowera and graat jjaota flis work was quite satisfactory and he acquit ted himself generally o as to gain xle con- fidence aud respect of all in the house besides the work on the grounds other odds and ends of employment were fouod for him about the place but nothing was said to aim about the cuamosalioa tlit he fartsptbhsy l9rawmket the end if whithtpnlirl hortjtoa gare him a a written oidreete him to go to v jhimself suitable nasned in tbe order awnedismaeh as that rft i i earn tt lnvenled or believed i bad i ivented an imptorement upon the turbine rater wheel by which greater speed oonld k got with the use of less wafer and my ather said it was a good thing after hia eath i gave my model to i patent agent or the pur pose of spplylag for a- pan it but tbe agent finally told me that be t ad been un able to procure a patent decani e the exam iners had decided there was lothing new in the invention this discouraged me more than any of the restif my disap pointmenia what was tbe agents nan e v bilaamonliwickv and your name is abel e sntridge f yes slrl lhat gent lied to you abel asd mr hornton he procured the patent which is a very valuable one ind meant to swipdle you but of it he we aid probably nave succeeded in doiog so if rou bad not come tomy house how do you know this f eagerly bak ed abel 1 am a aort of speculator i nd occasion ally dabble in such matters korthwlck offered the patent for sale to me before j met you and i perceived it wi s in the name of abel eehlndge he as ured me he could procure ail assignmei u from the patentee who desired lo set and i told him if he could do so i wo ild negotiate with him he is to meet a e tomorrow and bring tbe assignments a id of course yoii cant have signed your m me in phila delphia whoa you were at m house i should hunk not i iu igaantly ex claimed abel thefefore northwicka as agnment will beaforgeryand i shall briig him here and confront him with you mr hornton was as good a bis word and met tbe rascally agent at tbe time and place appointed north wid did dot have the assignment although he professed his ability to produce it as soon i s the negotia tion should be corclnded and mr huraton brought bim to the house for the purpose of windiag up the transaction there he was confronted greatly to kiaistonishment and dismay with abel kenl ridge and it was made evident to him ths hia swindl ing scheme was discovered the upshot of the interview was that abel gained possession of hii precious pa tent and northwick was glac to go clear of criminal proceedings now my boy said mr jhomtou if you will take me aa a parthe in thu busi ness i will furnish the capita and push it and i have no doubt thai bot i of us will grind out gost of money w ith your tur bine wheel abel gladly accepted this arrangement and tbe result soon became s i aatisfactory to both parties that mr ho nton heartily congratulated himself upon the fact that his supposed tramp had no taken his ad rice to jog along it should be added that hlsj pretty sister- inlaw bella oration also found in the same fact caue for seifcong atnlation sapsopajatoj wnmbuttfrosplnoetunavliaj jtrisrssrsiltiilirri stisn skssjisi mm aaotal aealltnl waas b 4ar and ehattartaa bma art mattni wbabtorari ho men paffa sssraa pug as la wlatrrwaitbir but waadas thrbulh tna tinddtaf sroraa and ba lastsao sch etbai j whan eats no mars on old boom fssd tuoaasuupcfnaati but slaefal crop tbs verdant wmx ami iotafcn the oalati when buttensps an an f bsjom arnongthaarcnruiagraam whan flies an found to sraty tdotu lltnrtm tn th nwlaaasa vhen nouaswrret make tintr bom a wall fln ftent mtrtekt my pttilnj stake misery mora than tonga can tfjx and cs tba thhag spring nstanlng whan early eroenaaaappear and noaey baa are hnmrnlng then yon can bat that spring 4 bars and warmer summer coming v team- a fln is dwrered by lis own ligbtise is virtue by itjtwn excellence thetoseople who arc almost in love almosfumous and almost happy character is like bhaded silk it mutt be seen from ill sides or it will decedre us travel improves superior wine and spoils poor it is tbe same way with the brain calumny spreads like an oil spot we endeavor to cleanse it but the mark re mains if idleness do not produce rice or ma levolence it commonly produces mshtff choly jjsin is the impelling force of the world and tuoogbt is the symbol of progress manners are tbe bypocrisis of nations the hypocrista are more or less perfected it is with happiness aa with watches the less complicated the leas easily drang- ed man cannot dream himself into a noble character he must achieve it by diligent effort i tonclredwithe frost u a-li- l a farmer ia linlithgowahj re waa wend- log bis way home one wlntr night just a wee thing touched wi the fr st he came to a toll bar and having a lue regard to bis duty as a ratepayer sh rated toll toll i the tollmans wife ea ne but aad tn answer to the farmers que itiou said the toll was twopence but on 1 eking closely she said but farmer whanrs your horse j ijogs oat wife savd the tuun der striclass farmer if 1 1 sve na left it at bathgate i he had traveled seven miles un foot before he missed his downey r sneb a thickheasl conntry woman to parson who had called lo ask why johnny tbe eldest had not been lately to school why he waa thirteen years old last week sir i im sure here had school enough he must know emost everything now i parson thirteen mrs mapper why thats nothing i didnt finish my educa tion till i was threeend twenty i country woman lor air 1 you dont mean to say you were auch a thickhead asthatr didnt like his sitting down a few days ago a little child gave ex pression to aa old story in the fullowing terse manner it seems that tbe iftue fal low had discovered- a bee crawling upon his hand finally the bee stopped for a moment and after remaining atathmery for an instant stung the little fellow when the cry of pain was over the little child said to bis mamma that he didnt care for the bees walking about on bun bntfea didnt like bis sitting down on him a young man who thought he had won tbe heart and now aiked the hand in mar riage of a certain young widow waa asked hy her what is the jitfeteaoe betweea myself and mr baileys durham cow he naturally replied- well j dont know then said the widow youhadbetter marry the cow gems the best throw with dsoe is to throw them away prefer truth before the maintaining of an opinion he who depends on anoth a dines ill and sups worse examidenot the pedigree nor patrimony of a good man th i greatest gift we ca i ijestpw upon others ia a good example imuwhbean plant eourads in a human oul ia the best physician bchooihousee are the repjiblican line of fortibcations he wborwebs in prosr erily b sure te sbrinkinadyarsity i that dont offer any opening the iewers are my wifes pets aadabs is like a dog the maugei about tbem wopt touch them herself of sufferanybody else to uruci them r 1 can d saw your portrait suggested you ca it ajeyou a iyandering artist in disguise iou as led me whit t can do and i oanifdthat any of the boy his vest soi leavdpeuiv v all rig t said mrjhoroton the toolset list trader irpduced from the pocket of e crayons and a slump of a iwa tbovlliage olothinsito butlhate hesnglsted beu phsdmr hoi wsmbjabel carriadebis when is had what iatuie and education had made mm k wakolttstbsfvlslstei smd manners he was ushered into tbs front room in which nbw7imrly were mahk vi helton corsliedhitn for wsrshe wiled a businesa talk iiija5i i i whst do yetiliiowsboutaiiiuug r father answered abel tatimekedsrpr many poftf jbtjujslsvhil i was i a stout t btortly bfte a ssut abswer torstetn away i it wrath to roared a mail ottlrihebraaka striding p to a neighjkir stryou area llsr laniyexolalme thq astonished nelghborl ihow 4oyoa knw i am t becaast i know if becai ss lmvs found it out king have oubaeohving ihejtfeddins tos bead oh wet probably heajiintowaso itjng there was no lbasjsii 10 k i thieitaotollsui akstaebw ad to cpbwfsandj io day sbortry afrerwajphtlehiea jcpaudj i the oij qa jotsers tstaoptat a wbhxaedi dowhi nd ws i totjdlyttaken twbwdd replroabie tntrilic6to wtfeb llyi nul ii i i tbe duties of the eenolne dyetwn-the- woo simonpure editor are multifarious and multitudinous his work j not only to do a little wrltin if is sometimes supposed but to cull ta glean io select to discriminate to decide to foresee to ob- serve to grasp to explain to elucidate t inflate to boil down to ue to do and to suffer and several hundred other verbs ith a large number yet to be heard from worth mentioning when anythidgworth saying issankem in that terse and pointed way that bears toe impress at benest conviction we like io have people kfiow- the nature ef the communication of such a nature is ibe following troui mr w f haist camden po lincoln co uatsna mr haist says with great jij over my restored health 1 would write a few lines decerning tnat wonderful remedy bit jacobs oil for the last six years i hare been using various meulctnes in teraaily aqd externally bat nothing would help me finflly i procured a bottle of st jacobs oil which eureet me after a few applioatious my mother inlaw who has also been a great suffer- er from rheumatism was also relieved by theaae of thesreudflerrman bemejiy st i cobs oil is a gnat blsssing te ufler ing humanity ana 1 shall do everything in my power to make known iu merits a kttle boy of seren had bean in the habit of sitting with bis threyesrold sister in aarcb last sabbath he rafuaed te sit in his usual place with hia little aistara for said he folks might thiak ws as married i in win dteaarpmelob ibthehiodof itnsteowaf skjat a qoxuamt ot vral ensst id lung disease is greatly scoellerated by the loss of ttswb strength arid appetite wbich invariably attends it it is one of the ohlef reeomntendations of korthrop 4 iymana emulsion of cod liver 01 antllyppphoaphltee otlflnre andfloda that by reason of th bloodnnohing end nourishing properties of the last- named ingredients it renews ftlling strength hy oonkpensating for teatsssssv resdy siistadnecj wwssjtuirt soothing isvtuieneeis at tba aaxsr titoe ejxerled uyioniheinsained msmbraneous sriingbr the throat lungs and brcmohiss byline cod ural mil digestion is stimulated and appetite improtsdytb flertoussysttalstoqausxairiil8r and the seoretlons oadavfo besltb iiw1sjspvtejosa id see that the bottles som at m slluo hat twfirme rtis intbetn and that rsttsppstrs bab a faeiisnjrfmrblgijaiure m bylail dfoigistv ivepared iai b ivisitittr43rwsail twrlasj lamtav h man whett h manflsvths i3h v ssisjjs4 asmstau gyh- j m l ivw