ih mim turum mjriku umb3 iss2 wt have- iwmtt tjitatlf ilcmurd u tuntcoatp fint of uattuia mid use fnim tut lias i evil rxlilbtujd liy tiiii- of uiois cilit us wu imvo nrcuu limis fjr jlouairil llv mil city little town tluiing the piit jwr uc lao and mm still mure ptphi to uu n tititi ho lui oiulcuiplale luild hiw prittiirtl br tho gjl rxitnifile of l kmrwd to kiiovu tid linte hrd ikcir juii pcvpirej wiih n sjkctil trww id taste and comfort tuldmd ll luauu hoiiae lw mndc the uuil beautiful in ilia town or village utid it tiida 10 improve all tlie otiwr lioua- s in tht iucp miuv war made lo h ient 1 is liko powder that you d hji bum it id wuriu nothing until it gota cfl the uikti wliu bus aid a rioliu home wbu is able lo tuftttt it ttiid tle to keep it gres ati exttaiile to uu- pejple in the luc wliere lie reside wifi icusltil to geiifrjl impure tntul aye would racmufud tvcir cut cnmiqioftealiuiuiq ft home fir htmsflf aud family to combine usu with cjmforl and to ctvet a building be will he pjud tn cu home at tht- hitt time kefjiu with the limits of lis resources ererrhaa for ulmself now thnt th srson of kiliucal er citeaieot aud turmoil haa fairly set tu cooqueui upon the prospect of an early general tluctioc it ixcoines the duiy of every man who haa n vuic iu the affiira ufthe qatianf he he rcforci or cujervut weigh well the issum involved in the appeal souu to be hindu to the electors of this ccuntry occupy- iujj as we do a neutrj positioa it is njt our duty njuch less our desire to defcud the actioua ol one political prty ai xgufnat those of the other what we wiah to kpeat of niorc partcitrl is the syjiem of curiug olvji prc ttcrti by persons anriotu for politic j- nuloiiety and who re unable to bbuia in an olher way the practce lai become so common of uie years 1a to b locked ukia by niuiiy with a good deal of displeasure ve aalde to the ayaumi of arciet catjvaisicg aa pmcticd in every election and by every pruou engaged in the service of cither political party conventions are very good in their place aud very necessary wefcuppos u a meana of relating the attacta of the enemy beit if- does not jtpthere men are asked to lend their tupjiort to this or that man without knowing wl ia to be his opponent in the election we bold lb it iria ever- uiaiis duty to exercis judgment and irecision before pldio hi support to any candidal h- should hear boh atpiranu expound their vieifi and then eurui his opinion there is too much politics in the ailiiis of our time- the spirit of party ism exerta jlself in every concern unchtl lecjjwl and uure this ahould not be there is a seriom responsibil ity involved in a- man a tute 0u it may depend the lioje and pride of a fiction ono vol baa plunged a naticu into baiiki upfcy liefort to day r i it would be better if ill cinrsin veredone aay with and men were itfc to vote from conscientious con vie t in to this end let no man pledge b uftlf blitidfv to fiuy cjqveutcon or iruty uuiil tit citdidats on bolh sidac b faiily ia lltc field aud the jvadig quesuocs uf the lay fully discussed trjui luth p ilsicil tvsudiiviuta an iditoriai no e dominion lnlimnimt by uikquvitiioi otnerul dvi tin guvrrnor qetiftui 1 last wtdntd 1 proclnuialion muuig uic pitwut i irliunjm iu bvh iniliihtd tiie riu or tvi rfii uvj bu ibmt4 bcriiu isili noiru ilim 13 aclou vnihac 0 989 in- 1iplioin dat ui may ii june uiicll council nick on lvsdn ivrning rv in ila uliiir pmient misih m siijiitu w cnnliibtll d d inllip ulul paul jiiivis tw puiucce ovjiuiuit ee prcucnutl ucit- figlclli ttioit ifoom vending niiit st dm following neoiiinis 1 xv ml gomey 3j ramilit uiry 3150 h p moore pnoteug- aasuvcio 106j on noiion o mr jm fin secuuuyu liy mr c4iuilkll tb1jaie rior iipi muvtd hy d vv campbell scoaj vi uy m sikijili tlmi llic uouri vi hevifcinn bi hcm la mxikavi hull 011 tunmiiv 22nd june qui ried mi- 3 tohuu addirtseil the council in ivccruoe ioibe erection of k rolltri uiil iu tliis nnnicipnliiy uorcil by 13 i ciiriitie tcondl liy 11 siiiigbt it tii rtvu w mid i lifrebv inilracud to cull imljic mitt- ulljohln- llrjyvl l all mrlydlf to like into caniiderttliou ilc jtiopriely of granting a loau to g tullon u erect a sour mill in luis luuuicifnlily uirritd csoimcil then hdjoiiraeq dout kuoir defeat the ciyloini uerula of bit wett tijt dtiiie the tffjrt of the brlel kerirrani their feirieuiiiiqing friends tjroiiimnt the coitatrr ta destroy the i i business of the virioaa towns and in othet taya cause the pecle to retnil lu the gooj uli liift cf irunksfioeis the satt act ia walking very bitij wo have tome driuking tn is true but v little in i with what nsea to he a iactotik lha sly it couuatiaun pufte iik georgetown which literalii- i 1 j reeked wtt drunkenneaa ctunot be en tirtlj reforlued in two wbeks but i things u cai as tbei- hare been doiui b 1 s1 a fcar manths will work wonders amiaj out people we kunw hci defeat we work for humanity a good and rianght but the deeilaud hu ciosen inshiaieota could bnnkeu to hi as to opioae a our retail nier chand say ihat comparing miaineaii da by dar witb the corresponding dater of ittl year thf ulive 11 in faror 9i the scott act asricxi i xassaaweya vevss cv a jtlr i cjtcspjvdmt atjin a fulier hufs csmll kuied fur dikju on tuesday the lfii inl afr s r lihter kill soon have his titw building hi to oiove into at oimpuiliilie a heeling was lield in ihff ijilioti hill biuukvillc on wednesday aftrr- uii ij iiif by tt aitifurlrs of tiiesjtt act tcr coniiider the wirkio otlie act in naagiwera the re p iru nvie all raautable to the ac ex c yiittz tire ebartictj of a house f fttrtunnodnuon atcaiupbelliilie a committee as appointed to confer with uih committeti ot the 1st ward to wrwluf futangcuientfi cinu be jiiat- to iipily lh ttauis of tie iravelling jiauic th jiiecem of the act jn thi lownsbip has 1ia mole tltnn wa ex kttd oijtjuiiiun wan paoed at tlw m1jn httib act be sustained in all nmiiliii aaya neb queeas blrtbdar the sixty third aonivertary of the birth- cuy of oar belsrcd queen was celebrated ycsterdiy the day waa as fine aa could be deireii afld nearly all our citixens soem- ei anxious id be loyal and at me same time fiod pleaaurefor themselves earjy in the day quite a number went off on fishing and shotting eicdrsiocs a large namber kit hy the forenoon trains for brampton rock- wood and other places whie others re mained at home to witness the game of base bill between the junior clubs of acton and gaelph 1 1 t3z bxss blxlltltchj tbejgame was very well contested and resalieirin a iie with the foqawing score actus sties b lawsoo oapfain agnew i vc starev w ifjuhtrt i f midgler i d keanv j a ilaxlitt i t ketniv yt woriea buns outs gcelfbtoit llltjs shirpej captiin ilartoo i simpson stjatbame i young i hewer j xoloa j 1 6 i 2 0 3 1 5 3 2 1 1 3 s 1 i 23 27 8 0 i 2 2 2 2 6 2 i 1 i i 1 2 i i a i 2 27 our boys havd conceit encajje to think that the return match will not be a tie but will resralt in i few runs in their favor 1 j actok bluss eltdj in uie band couteat at brampton yester- dayacon bind received 2nd ptiit and 920 wiiicb considering that two oi the judges wera brampton men is quite a victory tiie general verdict of the brampton people as welll a ail others who beatd them ia that acton ehbuld have had nisi money i tsdr sximt coscetr in the drill liel was a success every piece on the ptogramme svas well rendered and thn cboruses from ihe oratorio of iotcph were very much enjoyed by the audience tileprofessor ihtenttsgiviog tha tul ijrafcorio in the course of a iweek or so ald it wiu no louit be agreat ucceas on a whole tue daypasaed off ouietly and pleasantly ant a remarkable fict was the absence ofinkea men on par streets there wrerebi wcver few drunken boys from gaelpb vho brought thjair tangle leg wi thex t it waa no doftbi aold un der hawes d 7 crooks aftj hy the quelph kealen to minors i what people thai ihe am cesa cajthe bcott act is sow an established fact that the ide 1 of inducing met tolton to erect their n m mill hen is 4 ood one and shoild be 1 aten bold of with tint by the tillage- eon mx i tun hitrot kikhta rovtung onbc re- utiut n of tht county was held iii mlltm wl mimluy ylicn wt uwleraland genernl mutters rcui it lo tbe coming election were discus 1 a meeting of the i adbwhjuts of the parly b adrertised fui uundiy evanl ig oeju iuuto the ooiriwa exprtm says v it tj pratlf tng 0 know tliut the 8cult act is wotklm v well in haltou cniity a oouulr whcli riusl soon 1 known n the cradle cf the lulute glniil gvnttnl prohlhb lion jlhere a accuttemed lo a ppreoticl m anted a smart intelligent boy about 13 years of isa ia minted at tiie fnijl paxas ouire jto learu the art of priultiig apply at uuce some fnriiicri who were imbllw freely when allcnd- big mvrkii iu danrlilcgo homo quite aouer and fr utter pleased with their visit actons cxptii ni ia similar mkdukica imtiitcte krora the nn- nul tewit of be directors of the ouelph mooliauio intitule pchlbhil in the liuclpb papers woglnam the fullowing the reading room baa beou well supplied 1 xmi toronto with the choici st literature of tho day auil in ihis couneciion your directors have lo flunk the edilo aof the aclou fiuthpiiet uiegutlph ilircury and ouelph herald me copies of itiir paper free lmhpytdest in reteiring to the press ou the 8eoti vet in uaitou the halanf admcalt adri r says the acton yust prkjs is a popr tint has nirilutiiiurd its iadeicnde0i nd npikeu earnestly and tiruily for the 1 ght iu litis muttar iu spite iifalllha cmlcuneuta which the whiskey party are always able aud willing to offer add we have doue so because wt feel oou tljrnt that wa arc working for the ver bel lolereats of ike people o haltou nol thruugu auy milicc agiiust those engaged iu the liquor tnde jis we most tioucmiy hdievo tiie scull acl will prove beneficial uj ibcnras well its others a collfc or vita 1 kkruot in lung disease la gjelly nccelleruled by ilia ion of ttesli tireiiglb and appoiite hioh invnrluly attendt it lf is one uf tho ohief redimmenlnilons or northrop at iyuiani kinulsion of oet lirer 111 ind llypopnjospbites of lime and sod that by roatn if t tie blooden nohing land nourishing propsrties of the last uurnid ingredients it renews islllng strength by loompensating lor loatjb au remlr sustnrtieil while a bealinf and j soothing iniluoncejs nt the aim lima exerted upoijtho inqunied meinbranepus lining ol the throm lungsand lnoncbls by the oori lirer oil dlgfwtion ia stimulated atxi nppetito improre 11 the nervous aytm arq es tone and f igor 1 and the aecretlons undergo a health change hen it ia used f urchaers ahou d see thai ihe buttle sold at 50 centa and 8iuw have be firm name blown ih then- und thai the wrappers bear a no siitiiit of our tignature tld by all aruggisu prepared only by kidnevwort 18 a burs curb tor all dltwaaeit of ihi kmimyf and liver- nkmip etimaiuburuittemtetaraittu7bc4 i tasho athsilatlm mittm taa 99a an br kstjiai as towda la ft malaria s5was wort wfll furtiyniui balazulutt ib ebtsj iotoartpald nuattiiradvaiaur oar joolattmowetstan 7 os atmokf takt a cutoofk lorai of u a nlh by pmioflirtsi irio0 kidneywort i- o uaitkirr ivlite uheat trcadwull old springu teat kid cristi peaa oats dirley rv eg per dor butter dairy p batter rolls ptatocs new dressed hogs some fact aud houaea n p moore faii fuuu oriirt acroir ixe glag mcked per bog s 1 28 lo i 30 i si to i 30 old 1 3 to i 32 i 2h to 1 is 0 70 to 0 80 0 to 0 0 05 to 0 75 0 70 ui 0 7a 0 12 to 0 u 0 is to 0 17 0 is to 0 2 1 20 to 1 vi 7 60 lo 7 xj 0 e3 to 0 il rpilssrtorlubbreu bixu the underlined has forserrtee on his remises ixilis7 line4ssn cuueslna itar aclouarfuorjujiiijrvd tiqllwltli pedl- ree second i nice of k11i trrni wl p rnorougtbred cows and fllo fur grade ilrlctlj cain aiexhbhown trrllmlti htsjlw71 business brevities tibout m basin ut htn of benefit w tur koi onu raders hats from 75 ooino jj26c ai j ffei j fur choice nrd cheap plume go 1- hughes gttffins acton a good eelt hit fur 75 cent at j fytes if con wn a nobby dunthle and cnep auit j iyfee ii the place lo go all iciniuof lcdies cnlurn odur ties and tie al huhca i griffiuv ivclon scofch j2nijliri and crmdimi ssltinffi in crc rnntty l tit ei lnd gloiintitore j fffc acton nnghrt t tariffin rell mfis ffnf- slihr hu it uoi mid upward fine chiintysiflv j 150 ntweii aiylrt suit and overcoats a fxtrpmly iffh eiut and njadt- in uteit ilylea b icretj call aad iee elictn j fyfe acton catarrh f chf bladder stixatxd irritltlion iriq all kidney and urnary complaint cured by buchupaiba 1 vccqnillan i himiltoo of tha weuio- too marble wurlu guclpli qui artdoiuk the largut retaiimariic trade in ont off- iiij t the fact that they dn the leat rork nd brll the cheapest the pallie arc warn- ed acainat dealiaj wicfa tcond hand trarte pliddlerf lu thoum o direct to the firm jc hay frn thtcfr acents ste that the mine mcquiluij 4 ifaunlum i nn the printed furm hcfijre voa tia or order- rpuat a the party ii known that tock my axe cut of the wnfiyoa in my- yard nn monday irtiht lut ami jiiden it ia rutorned by the 30ili iuit 1 will ihov him up before author james matrurws acton may 24 82 pimples i 1u mall ipree ih rerip for a alraple- voiotabi balm tuui will retnore tu ftccldos plmpleg nnu blotoet iravini ihfkkti nlvclwir nm xuiufill afo n- tricitnii for rrndmlit luturl 61 krowth if ur on a uii lu nd or ntonih taro a d- irrit iiniompfi ic luiran b9h vaadell a uatolivm ny ftjiake yo nr om tbinpi look hke n- w by oing th pinmonl pyf anh vou will be dappy any- of ihe loihionawe culori for locenla erkor of yoctn a entlf man w to nnre fir ror fmm xenon debiiiy irenisi ute iecai and all fnt cltireu ofjdiuiiii indiu will or eh rkeof fifierfj c tin mriil mnd free lo at wh rood t u- recpfi t nud direction for intklnffietimi le u bitty ly 1c- 1 be waa car d snflerer visbirg to jrffll by ih nd vfriiei iperiebne cau do bo by nddrestnf in irf rt coiifldipce joiubtkidix ci cedar st new york 4mb s ajlfwslatjel tajaleia ad safe pctsa vh p aiicsacokk extractor til fl creatrfcrneuyforoviriii labsolur ljia eacd p liesloi lis worb prnn ity wtchnai in the leisl nlerrefgt with ihe comtrin of i l lent arit fs atsiiatel7ionesa wife pln- itk rmerty for oris di not be lmpof rxn bt rimrrnim eolnlerflls us cmy putnams ciru evrrcur urware of bae snitlotes jold everywhere l drucrits anideajerslo mctllctne nosfstt ft is cornmonlr ild that you cannot make an honest man believe that white is black and tiojk tenaa but those who hate grey hair by using the clxostra hiia rz5bwbi will 6nd thajlthis ap parentdirficultyia easily otercbme for sale by jt e mcgarfin 60 cent per bottle best and com fori lo ihegitterlaf browns household panacea haa no equal for relieving paib both in ternal and external it cures faia in the ihlei back dr bowels sore throat rheumatism toothache lumbago and any kind ot a ijiin or ache it will cost surely quicken ilia ilood nnd ileal as its rtctin pnvcer ia wonderful brownv ffousihobl panacea being acknowledged nj the great pain reliever and of doable thte strength of any other elixir oriliuimejit in tbe world should be in every fam ly hanly for use when wanted as il p ally is the best remedy in tbe world tor i rni ualri the stomach and pains and aches of all kinds andisforaale by ill druggistsat 25cenl tboitle bolotiali ftit and ointment those who hntre liven iheae remedies fair trial freely at mil that they inherent- ly posseea every properly suitable lor healing and rem vin eruptions ulcera- tions fistuas ab loesses ores bad legs fathered breosts and all disorder of tbe elandplariiyatem when carefully rub bed in the ointrobnt relaxes the swollen muscles diininis es insawmatlon aasu atea b ii rid v n alleviate daderooj matidies lirbleb may imve iated for rhobtha or eten ier hhllowaya ex cellent prepara hi ns uieeffeotite alngly retielleealnonrab nation and have been recifmmprjdfkl by grateful patients to be resorted tpslli rativr when all otner means of regalnii gbealth have rallied tbenr actlbn is le npemte not violent or kducing jwirt o bevisio- rhe court of eevision or tbe ilonicipalily of the village of acton till hold its 6 est sitting for hearing and detrmuing appeals agaiost the auersment of 1sk2 at matthejrvs hall acton today 22nd june 1882 at eight oclock p m j e ilegjtjtviy aillage clerk rierk office fy c3rd 1882 n tiie high court of justice chan0erydivi8ion m00ee tt m00ee urnant ia tbj order for sale made in tlit caaae bemile date the eiglitceoth dyor apijl 18s2 there will aiulwithtleappolatiotof thomas miller einwire maftr of thia lurt uf milton at agnewjs hotel in the tillage of acton bf iv it ueinslrcct aarlloneer j t tha hour of one oclock in the afternoon j or 1 tiursday june trie 1st ad 882 a lire parcela the fulluaing prtpeity vii parcel noj i a farm of 150 acres it ore or lesj ufn the surlu ejuii baif of i rt 30 aud the xnrlh weal hall n the orlh tat hair of lnt v 29 or i t imralupnf enciiny conn y of haltoo there is vrectel themaa gc frtmede li ig hnne and a hmue plaured on the out- ule two good trtme imrua one with atne i alio aodcrneaui tlievaoil it a aandy am and in a it a us ff cuttivatind triefencea are in firtclai order ami there ii a good well and an orclmnl consisting uf air acre with firtclaja fruit treea parcel n0j 2 a fnn of 50 acres it ore cr leas leluj the krth veat bill d li e westerly vrx of lot xo 29 con 1 t jwiishlpof e qoeaiiic- the soil iasiidy irsm tneotyfite cre cleared and in a gi xl state of cultivatioo the remainder well ti nliertd with trxid hardvood and cedar t ie fences arc ii c order parcel voj 3tbe snqth east half ai the iveurrly irt of lot ka29 coo 1 t iwuahip of equesinp enntainiuj 50 acres m ire or less it ia well timbered with good hi rdwood and ctidar parcel xo 4 a farm jfhw acres to jk or lea liig the south went half of lt no 31 cav 2 towuehip of esqueaing t iere is tsrftcteiditliefon a good frame dwel iii v house and afftnitl frame ham with atone fo jndatioo tunil ia a sandy loam ninety at res being cleared and in a good atat of ci ltition the remainder well timliered w th trood hardwood the fences are in fiistrclasa orderi and nn orchard of abont tv o acres with g iod fruit trees parcfcl no fi a farm of 66 acre m ire or lesn lw he part of the north east hlf of lot no 29 cfin 2 towoabtp of e qneimtj more particularly described iu a 0 ed from james cameron to samnel moore tl ere ia erected thereon a large two story dr ek dwellidg inaie a frame barn and dr vine abed the land ia a sandy loam fa a kom state of cultivatioo there ia a va aiile neverfailing spring creek rnunind th onph the prsrrisea an orchard of ahoat th ee acre th s farm it mostly situated in tht village of acton parcela one tn o three and foar are silo at d about one and a half milea from the vi inge of acton jwhich fieri a good market foi the aaleof pridnceikc ac terms of sale ten per cent of the pnchaae mooey tn 1 paidto the vendors so icitor at the time of sale a saffipient ait nunt tn make wethjer w5th such deposit rtlurd of the narchse money within one ii th thereafter witbuiit interest aod the ba soce ia five vqual aonaal instalroenti wt h interest at hx pfcr cent psyabie with ea h inatalment tn beeenred bymortgafie op in the land the pinchaser to have the op irn of payingrthe uhole amount or any griatcr amount tjhan pnethird of jiis pur ch ae money vithio oie month after tale h interest on a ly arriooot o paid there 1 be a reserve i biq in other respects uh conditions nf sale frill he the standing on ers of the hig i ooart of jostice orfnrther patticnli ri apply to ml mi lte3amil5 drug store tohndevar fnojbron bmrkiterb mtuoit and mr john 1108iik pc tvrosw joindrwar kdqaa soli rroii ton 4th pebr lary and mr dtjnoan t miller local 5fter atmilton 1882 harness trunk ospor ftritrii kqtrraiko ijrmmto iir harness or trunks to nte moner aiould go to r creech acton galesmen wanted to begin work at onre on 8ala for fall ol 1882 for llo fojftiiill mrseries the larqest in oanada nufinmci toinjrto okt branch offices j j xr st paul slinn nurseries fonthill ontario ws can start in additino to our already larce force 100 additional oanvattert and want more wbo en gire fall tirne to tha baatnoss steady employment and eood salaries lo successful meu ft does not mat ter what your previous occnpalinn ha been if you are willing to workynar success is almost certain the beat of reference re quired apply to stoxe 4 wellington xurserjmeo toronm ont tite fkee press premium fuio arjortmeait cf all who have received the treatifle on the horse and his diseases speak highly of it many declare they would not part with it at any prroe il they oould not replace it it is a useful and valuable book and should be in the hands of every farmer kcncnibcr it is only for sabacribers who par np all arrears and for new sub scribers who pay in adracce send in names and money at once as tbe premium oifer can remain open only a limited time h p moose an immense spring stock rir rar dominion bof shoe store a0to2st ve are now receiving opening and placing oo sale a big itock of fob the spbinor trade t 0w prices will br 0ne of the cbjeffeatnreaof oar tdtajdiahmehti oar aim is to fnrniah customers with good atyliih wellmade oeds cheap fcr caaa our costom work deparimeat is as nsoaj in gond mnninr order fintclaas mater ial always nsed repairing promptly at- tended to kenhey a son acton april 82 exhibition of choice millinery j and alj kinds of t n fancy goods command the admiration of all visitors f bsbenlargod show rooms better light with nn additional etnff of experienced assistants euables tliem to execute all orders wij promptness neatness and entire satisfaction prices are guarranteedrigit theitl stoci of- general dry goods is fall selected with usual care and bought on very best terms boots and shoes for everyone finest kid to coarsest wear no better value in canada the goods having been bought before the strike we will take all the eggs brought in and pay the very highest prices for them remember our which still maintains its reputation as the best tea for the i money inspection invited christie henderson co acton immense display of new fashionable spring gucds at the- mammoth house geqegetttwtf mcleod ajmderson coy guelph cloth hall our spring st oei oonsisting of cloths sebtcbi and canadian tweda hats and enfs fnrnfshlns goods is now complete in ail departments shaw crundy merchant tailors soooassoe to seaw mueton 25000 collar worth of the choicest and cbeapeat new good ever hown ia ulu county we bare great pleaure in announarg to our customers and lite public generallj that we hare a firstclaia stock that we bought the good right thai we will aell them ebetp that throogb our long experience aod our undoubted credit and our abilitj to par cub fcr all the goods we but that we can offer jou ioiuee- ments that no city town or village or any other place can oder in the aiape of a large stock to choose from suitable good for this market and cheap abote all verj few places in ontario ha a larger or better adapted place todoboainesain than we hate bra larger stool and our expense are not near a lartp aa dty hooses and we will not allow oitr or oountrj plaot to undersell ua aa hi ia the place we hae pitahed odr lent and4neted our money dreaa ooodeinall the latt fab rics dress silks black and colored a beautiful line of drewa silks for 40o per yard worth tjo print immense variety from so per yard upward j cotton of all kinds including ducks peninu shirting and tioklng at wholeeale prios the abore goods were purchased last october inej bar advanced since like wise large tock of small rare boaiery qlorea coreeta laoea tie umbrella parasol dren trimmings of all kind including fringes corda and taaaels j genu furnlshinga rata cap ready made clc thing bootashoea value trunk we arc are paying apoclsj attentwi to carpet j a beautirul union carpet for 85c per yard a tapeatry lor 4io worth 65c part all kind of houaa luroishlng our millinery 1 simply anperb second lo none in the dominion and is uperiottndid by talent and ability that cannot be mrpaaeed jt9 ladle need not hesitate to patrohue thu department j mantle made to order in the most approred style ordered clothing department imroedm boo ceas busy a nailer through the dull seaaon tht reason why t choice otoct cheap qood perfeot fitting garment and tin workmanahipjhrarpmmov wt barean immauae 8took toohoosa trotn and we shai bit making almost daily ditlon to our bok in all the latrft choice od cbeapeat gooda snltau m this tnarkti further we will tell tha good at one price and fbreaah or prodaw uoh a butter and egga conipetitjon mao keennbw that rood haw loiaioid for cash aqdt here is no reason that oash cannot be paid as all fanner arihasay meefitiuss and laborer ot ell kind are paid oath tpr their produce of their labor the time has ooma lor a new departure srlog us jronr money and job will e cheap oeod li i toe ibor rultt willbe itriotly adhered to eioept latteei of mtrerne eset etjct we hall be pleated to how good to all our old friend sn4 a jj- onea s will deign loean on ui iv jstlookoot qraat brtams fin baiven in etarjdepartnwot i mcttt6tjr anderaon dcb i 1 s5 v cm m uf motiai ivtoklit aodia tojikm xotut brigu aeun