Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 15, 1882, p. 2

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m ssm intxm timudiv uormxu jun 13 llsss f 1 j lxcltciittm as e iectiov dy advances the fever if exeiteuktn iiiaiag hose ucsl active ni political circles becuaiies gtvaier aid it tire repuinuutlitfl ut kith parties hi not jmious of tiuir own actious hey will miow th iuaeresls of then i i yvrty to become uiaitetover their iwt- fct fixuns and thus put hap civile erauilea aulbn those wtio have wfurv fre roc ton- ni entered ijeeti their fcaiuieal ijends we tmat they will fib jma moment in which to udvie tli elljjul iu tile cvuiliaiu tu fceep jhetr jictes oh tiilv h 110 ikcthmu scott act iplltlcal mcckiuff a meeting uiiler the kbnve caption fctled by ii dominion ahiit k was field in the tenypefuiioi hull nn 1ur diy evtnitlr ilr johnson riamton milfoil fntttn ihej haltot branch of the aslttmict presided tlie audi- cue was aldfeaied by i r uhisiiolni- and w in both esuif yice presm ah ai evq pieajctil if the allincoe llwtlvd of hamihin a good deal of coririkity lulged in afler the fioxterh iiad been here us both political partie k nil in toti whoa iiikuncv thn ciccling called tx conservative parly char- the i reformed- with j ntviuc ii gelling overexciud or aujr tuc coatcat cjubt4triej oil joojtfauirtiti f tftid b- cittu ti phiiumiuic ipirvi aad coo ieuui- emit of uiiud 6nr friirrfa ot ttiat poliiicaf ptriv ibiclirvyr it maf k defeated jun te 20tu june will bt betlt able to loai theluags iuflicted or tl iussjofibc in- scott iind lu lo iltv the scott act arranged t luceting locticli ij act voasjfur uuir caiviidcit kfunuca bfrttawl incline imjiusstci that it wdsitlijiicl dodge tit cutrvtitfes brtt a 1 duulrt s iu dii jufigiu of ili ntluig itv foiiovcd n titn it cliiuuiia cl llmt ill had birtja called fiecutive bum mmuitir ly llu- mitite of ihu cfjiiiiixiou of he alliance hqi ttt ficilhtt cjtididart for the cofnifig elfiiiona in ilis curmv iiad irtn cbnuuued in ih nutlet hu lso fcuutl thai the shtkbts lihi not comft id advkalo rile uittiveu af unv jotitifcil fmrtp bat la etidtafcr i to iifijenc6 let ipeitiiict j ic fast btr ballots ir utoro c legiikt lion and thtj prtsei- fitiou of the sjsiu act considerable uk has bkff liirilied fnduriog tle itttoc two b those op posed to the rott act witu tferetic ta the shifuupls to this til lage of numerous krs of beer etc to rttate cititva which hiiva uleu tkken uitce tuee are ta 4eavutiugto hkov thit befjee the sxitt act tatue into forcti the receipt ot i iiqnora of tlia dehcnuod by freigur j j mtfesitv lilrl and ciiirfiwstri cli rfclivervd nic iuteretf iiii iogicat ffta ieilln wddiefcyeiv they bodi satwd that thv hid ufcn cvjtrservufictfs all 1 thtr lives were in 8aijithy with the nnltoiiil policy nd tbfl pitafilgov trnuient and that the only fftuaci ct their rjicrifice of prtyi ilrinctnlet and iuon by idd eipressj sraauot fieatly as lafg as at piesent and thut as the hotels are dot iirohtbiicd from scutuc legly a were ottdg to their fkjsitioti to the ceiuprfranh luovetucntr and lhtr offi cial connection frith the dominion allimce andttmt mr mccrnjaey hud fcertjin cla of uar citiznis are pi- j l0 xtliauce iquclion thasing liquor in large quantities ud nresenied to thocandidniea tljouglout are taking it to their homes for cuq- i the dominion thcv ftltciared wbat a de i i fchmption air far as the shipmenu by preoing luflnencs it wcud bite iu the f eightlnd eipres- ute concerued uist jemntrv if i nlin niufiraiila to the psoplt ate oxrtct tat tbej should febwciber thai the ren parties rhc an how rvceiviag their auppsfei by freight itdi express were fcuppied before the act j forw tir the hilton li ewers who sent their teams thiougb- but the coanty weekly to aapply these fell ui erf- this vili account for the receipts by fail and wril eiplodfl thia jjliase of the increaaediist uiliquor argument ve ventate to ha ilai these tripie will not ciicuute the hiierfhjnt liat the hottla re rcceifriug larger stocks of liqnorj nc thsn before the scott act came into frce jscjtt ac was rtttirned to parlinttient i i frjn helton h oalv siitt ac tounty of lire prprince hefernce wa mdti to the several attempts whicfi have already been made in paiiittiieot todestroy the tgitency of tie scott ae and thua th great neceity far sending io ottatta men whq will carefully guard the scott act nd tern ipetauc irgjdatlijn and urged all itm perance nierj to i for a re ressqu live who jwotlhj endeavor to tiifse interes the andieuce bf the nest orderly mid atlejitrve tfe have ever been ifi acton the koiier mui a public meeting of the ratepayers bf this village war in matuietrk hairontharviay evening last to tate into coitaijftatioa the ajvivibijity of jinling to ifrtulton a on tor the tnction jf a rolhr ctrir uiill of urjje himi acfon revc-siuith-occa- j d the chair mr george tujton was the first to wjdfi ih icting- kt ftiled that he would rrqiirt a loin nf 810000 at 4 f r cent mtdta in 20 annual iu- h iallmenw in retarn for which he would erpet a mill tc eotivl300 avj p eevatbr o good capneity the mill in have a capacity of 125 to 150 bifrela tf cone per dayj consuming about 650 bdshels of graioj which with fuel labor- etc would make a total expenditure ter day of about 850 or2550j0 per annum sir tolton tinted that helmd tlyety reaon to believe that the busi- f bfss could be mde a succesa and would be a paying invratbjeut for acton to tmzigej after mr tolton had concluded the iareuof was addressed tj il3sra tfcoa itfclim w il srey a allan d henderson t warrea d d christ i id others sotneetjireeainif themselvea livorably to the movement arid be imjviog it would be the bieaos of gieady farthering lh tnieresti of the tnnnicipality while others gave vent to hsvertb opioibos when discussion bed been engaged ic forsotile time und esqacslns xownswp comclh the cbahcil riet s a cjutt of re- rhion on the 3rd jurc in pun uance of adjoamrcent tue nteaibera having mide andaabacribed the oath itquired uy law on motion y clay esq was mpnoiated chairijian the foliowint appeals were tbn retented and haid prrtetvr was one 1 f jurctg bzsh crura lano povrtizx- toic vta carroll el jama itclltoifc eif taoi9uj kcu huiter to the point mr w h sxirey fauifd seconded by mr h p jloore that the jdouicipality of acton grant to mi toluin a loan of f 6000 at 6jier jit for so yeainand that the motion bn rated biob by ballot the motion ri put and about forty propehy iwirri irdtci the malicalieirjg lost by ii injorfty of two tiiivirtiially ended the ibeetinj iitld the couipndy adjourned we are iorfy the frheliordora bt tliia village hate teen st to vote down this waller a w honestly bejievb ihe vil- tte oilidie greatly benefitted by the aiabimiruent of a bufiioeai of the uijiabily ibebtibhed and at a compara iividf trilling oritlaj acres aaeised aa n r for 300 be fpiioci freely giren to bkng thelt td vvn brigdoii as tenant and joseph cunt iugfiam as darcbr and that tiie original uaesetnetit be 6 truck off that the weat part of lit 3 itljn 8 7 acres assessed or 00 as nunrent dent be assjessed o bichard hu hei as eyeejhalder tijt tliease idedi of ja fleming be ridndedlfonr t undred dollar aid thai cliai davidsons laslebs- uien be rei liced ifty dollarifcirried moved bjr mr cook secohd a ujr mr jrahaiu tha tho asiessftlet t fiuli as n fiulilly t jvjsed he mk led by ite conrt and the clerk is iewiy auihoriiid o cett fy to the sail rill as soi panejf cd ried ttscouit thei rose wakfde fljjwer s ijield ei or assessei too hist aiusa loo lgn ixsciued too iot aisessod too high asssesail too hlrh i ani upropary ecquinde to b a- j sesse i ii biflnt ifreiolder eeqiiriiij to be u- uaii ai ktieit ifrdehcler aaa5iso4 too high aesad too high mcrigreis f i jos cuarinhaffl bex eichirlhil pf snmnt vleming bcli cbaa iiatiiajii kcli mured fir ili bilioll secohded by mr cook thit the following clmngeii lis made in tbe aaseatnirt bm for the year 1882 anl that the c lairmai initial the claiiaa made in the roll ai follows viz that the aiseitment of part of lot 11 2nd ciin l aciesbe reduced one hundred dollars that the asxelsmefitof wtnj carroll be redn two undied dollars tiiat the ass asiueo t of jaaies mo- lqiosii lie iicr 4ed oiie hundjed and seicntyfiitb doll rs- tiiat he assesfaieot 6f8imqn rofj be confirmed that the asiessmeijt of iltmif fuller orsydtjn be redhced fipe bun dred dollaija that theeastjartof lotcon9 12 j ououikci exccntlon the ciecittfon nfotfuiirioinidor- i of ajirfirtk and ftimgiit muter did out take place oil friday tiht till day on which he wa tentedoed to u hung- el a a respite has been gfifiwel till the 9rti bf nvjft iuamt being expected that the jpiestion bruitght up nsidt1ie lialliy of thepmniieitij of the jury tia liiit tifal tfiff bb deciuvid 6y that lime this ot cuiiibb is joyfirt news to oroitike who hi of late beeh down hearted he lias nw uf late beeltk snpitthiuoira tiiat on beiuff lf aronb for a m6iieht hi joes ahnljal cimfy with flight as he says that he h visited by luliita a wal6hcih lias bem auiioned it hia door day awl night for iiiontlu lo pretettt attempts at brticide etc 3m aaa f t3 f hi rree and tmmpendent euotors coumty bpmlron personals mlvs a hiht peut i few day duriig ihe week wiih friends in stratfofl miss jenih stewart- of hrotfcville- visited her fibndi in acioa ihts eek mr c chipmsn- of fatkdak- paid kj friends ib actoa a visit daring ihs week miss iemii jiilfbell- 6t braaipfon- spent a cuuple of daya this wees with actoa fricuda mr albert hill- it- and iwlfe of trafalcif made theil friends hetsj a short vbi ibis wkk mfs jt blmpscn o tomnto hu been thc guest of kctve smith sad family duriaj lb seek ii rider kelly left on mondit tuhroicg for sfriucucld ohk- where h ii received a good aluaion i ilr jolrr moore jr left oh monday lo fill a eitcafk0 iu the canadian eiprcj- tvmpauys rnice on the g t iwhvay qbytlemeltj hiving dccfipfed the homina- ation oiinmionsly tendered me by the tooi ty teldj at milton on day- the 80th day of may tut i iht cbiulc cook in acton on i lie 2nd iusl the wife of mr b k cook of a boi bctler la acton on tie 7ih arst the wife of mr junes butler of a s m utorfe il guclph on ihc ch icst ihe wife of mrtc kloeivet efa dauh- ler crfaamplicn inat dfead destroyer of the humsn race i- ofien tlie result of bad blooil and lp riulttr a itrofulous tondilnnof the system bifdocl blood killers care scrofula in its uorsi form thepeopleol ihifcoacij hi4 fpoken they declare by their paironaje o dr thorn is itclfkiric ii lhat lliej- bcliere it fo bean article nrgenuine mefltaijapl ed in the cur of rheutu itiim 1b well as fraciute and dislocmons external iu- juriei kirns bifmoes piles ahd other maladies 1iovestt it is commonly nid that yon cannot make an honest man believe that while is black and tick teesx but lhoe who hive grer hair by using the clxtutui hjtiit kesswks will find that this ap- ikrenldlificiliy is eaiilyofercoifie for sale by j fl mcourvin 60 ceutsper botfle j jopeiudid md hullp q writea pr thomta erlectnc fil ciihnianas a urge and increasing ba which it richly merits t have awirs lound ii exceed ingly helpfuf i oie it in all caes of rheumalitm as well as fracturei and dis- lufcufohs 1 made use of ii ratself to cilm the pains ol a bfoken jeit with dis location ol the foot snilin itfn dsjs 1 was entirely reieed of tiie pa n had sacered many phislcians and grew no better bnl rather worse ilr dh howard or geneti n y afuf dismising his phyiicntas lrie1 nearly hall a riosa bf the tardus blood and liver remedies advertised with no benefit when one bollle of buidoctc blood bidirs cured nim ofpsrnlysis and general debility at iheadranteh oge of 60 he says be fees ytqig nt and is overjojedat his wonderful re dorery i etery truth has two sides j look at loth belore committing youtiw lo el ther kidney wok challenges ihe clos est sciutinv ufjli ihgrrdienls and its grnna lesiilis it has nothing to lear irom truth docoramay disagrts as ta be besi methods and remedies for the cure of constipation and disordered liver and kidneys but those jhat hare psed kidneywort agree tbt it is by far the best medicine known its action ii prompt through the lasting jspectfully solicit your in- iueiee and support my past d is before you i will in a short period before the elections hold aa roauy fneetingeas possible the c i vvill dire toy iert on i the public questions of the day i wi 1 also make i a point to call npoi as many df yon is possible between this poll g- itour hum w oak bijjsi ness brevities soine facta abot oar bualneas ken tt co onr ud hoojos of wen of kcacrol roadera jfy fi hu 1 fyfet hais from 15 cciils to fi5c ot ies choice and cheap fliimei go to ies 4 giifeus acwn k godri felt hat fur 73 cents at cnean a ittes act oh fecfllcli enjlinh afil cunadian pmtingi in erea ynricty at the east end clothjnujvfe j ftfc aitoti n stru clnii w ckh m have geori low i sera ton m the 101 a n d aifii pcddll or name printed an nerv hie ihmke nit wli tdakli rurdj rli in prfeet bi no terns the ny i most as il pro and o elixiii be ih waul in the and and is a bottle jpob rhemati kearalgicr sciatica lumi baetacht streiu of tin gout quins jitori throat fags and spraint burnt sealdt central bohil fdwh tooth earbmj hoadacho foot qnq eariand all fitmi umj aohot vo pinualini ba eartli aoaala st a a tofrt awtfii uxek femes a fthaf emails w cbt uuinj auaif tv cemm iu star wllh paiacaa ian cbiaii ud pealtiti sauaa t1rartlartlittalthat old bt ah dkij0 i ur utaiiutik ati m j chub welli and amg 6fi bxtrnkl ipaiadrt7 bffartas r a a fling found theie poiilb itai he the the b that ijtinil ich thit ori erad kop 4 drsfkrto requ its ore ills miners and cases griplni or weif purgs through digestifre it pi reaie1 ouian i weakni bottle ltxah peptio sunta kidneyvort kidney owr- i i bomiiku baaat cdrdktat at l aaataatroaanatlstjiaf vaaksotto ifsmi tfeoaaimadttii uiidwm lladayttyimdrtatoddau cadioaaj i ymantton eftiim reform oonrentron of this and the day of jle eertanf mccraney kidneywort to thfe electors of halton a mass meeting of the electors wilt ha held in the tfhiu sued actotf os- monday evng 19th inst chair to be taken at- 8 oclock when addresses will be delivered 6y ti c hckintfsev esq the coorvttve candidate acd ntlier cel ebrated tpakera ou the great iuoei no betori he prftple w h8tohey chtryau of committee to the electors a gfsnd mus jcetinff of the electors of tli is vicinity will he held in the temperance ham aoton monday evng 19th tiune la the interest nf mr wm keoraney a number of prominent speakers will be- present t all are invited to be present for particulars aee posters dr m fohstek r b rae see freaijent- illc may 3ist 1882 f von waht- nnliliy durable and suit 1 ryles is the pfact to go kinda 6f fidiia collar cnlur and ties ait huglies i grisur pimples i wll irtill rfpe m- rerp for a rlrripla tectablo bfijm tiiat will remare ttu in3 slotfes lavirk 1 1 lyeaulifil a w ti- itrcetlnnsftf cnviiif inptiie luiun- il rowiti if lualr on a bi tiviii or lulcxith af art luclofiifc 8c luirap ben vantiall fc col2uircliyitkt pocklos pimples tlie kl ofl ciear a ppbextitli ttajtfcdi a imart intelligent hoj nhoat i5vean i njc ii aoied at tlic free vans office to i r if tlie art ia priutin applf at ooce h p moo0e fitee vessh orilck actos mioroctubeeu bill the arjeri3ncd has fiintrvlrf on bit premlet ior i7 ejuerld fa par acton athoruuglihrd ball wtrh pedt- kref j- been d hukeof konu term i0q lvr too roast bred cows and ft 00 furornde sirlclljr cah aprfusth ia 7t ah h ebowy ri choice millinery sajtfj alt ends of fancy qood4 giompdf the admiretion of all vkiiore tjfklnlarged sho hooms bri tef rfgnt- ffh en tyddrtioinalsta j of experienced assistarrta ewabfes them to eiecttte all order witjh- promptneegf neatness and entire sti8faetorj pricw atw fiuaranteed right tmrsfocm of general bri goodlj i i is fallelceted with nsnal tfare tintxiboiight tfn tery best term tor everyone finest id ta eoflrseif wear no better value in canada the goods hating been bought before the strike eh 75 we will take all the gs brotiglip r in and pay the yefy hignebt prices for them rdh hea b griffin sell mens fine hula at alc and upward fine jty siffi at 4130 neweat llyli pil wooljthe highen price in or trade will bejiaid or clean intabte wool b rf n o fine if you giit it mrlcod audeisou i co euiwtl nits anil dvrrcoats al extremely tea aod made in latest styles be i call and see them j fyfe acton r 4 hamilton of the welling- arule works ouelph out are doise rgest retail marble trade in ont ow fm abt tllatlhey do the iieat work ii the cheapest the public are warn jint dealing with second band trade icr blit should cu direct to the firm from their azenta see that the ectqy- harkejs 1 trunk nants siscmrao i ra harness cr trunks tt tj money should go to r creech atstorl ig hay mcquillan 4 form bctofs ehk0k8 i who hanilltoa ii oil the ton aigi or ofder of tottti ttoflered hr jean from his debr-lij- ireniflinreiecbrand nil ttvet of oiutij indrtscetion n i for of tflertciiitifliinx hnd frte lb teed ii the tylpt aud direct on for fftff simple irmi sy by uhicli he was sqflerera wiabttgto irofiitoy ihs hd- iivexpejismio tau dbtoby uddrcssidf ivfteonfldrci us buodtf aa cedar bu new york ki it aad cosafert t ifeesactla owns household panacea has iual for rlietlhg paih both in- and erternsl it cures taio in back or bowels sors ihroat kbeujuatiftn toothache lumbago and nil ot a fai or ache it wijj orely uickeo tb e blood and heat aoting power is wonderful ii household panacea being acknowledged as the freat falnrselibvcr double the si rertgtb of ahy other or liuinienl in the world should every family handy for use when as it really fathh hestreaied ohd fftlcf jnit in the hlomach ains and aches of all kinds for sale by4ilf uggiatsat ii cent gllismen wante to begin wdrli at once on salesfor fall of 1862 for tie fontiiill kvjtseries the uvrqest in canada hxsd oftict tososto ost o vrim i montreal po 4 br 1st paul hinn nurseries fonthillqntario we can start to addition to onr already large force fifimembbs otts faitelrsioc 1 which still maintains its reputation as the best tea for the isoney inspegtiojn invlteds christie hetidergon co acton at the immense display of new fashionable sprififc i j i i- 4 i mammoth house ioo additonl cnyr mgleod andjejrson fst and want more who can pre fall time tlie bnpincja 8teaiy emplnvment aod dood mlariet to snccaifal men tt does not maw tcr what y oaf prrvioas occapatioo hai len if you are filling to workyoor b access ii klniott certain the best of refrieo6ea re tailed apply to stone a wellington xontaymm toronto out tivily pan lei ist pkotirto ouitdf 0 dtbeasi a tri- naiscretiou in diet may lay the lion ol confirmed dyspepsia and s no fact in ofedical science toore ely ascerlninjbd or more nutbor- asserted ikan lhat dyipepia is nt of i hon or bodily ills not it which b cohtahiluntion of jood and the- hlahidiee of whch the direct consequence their cause ii bpwevr thoroughly ted frooi the system hi knuia- ftuih s vnflfihie dlscovenr and c6ek a trjefi cine which only regularity land periiatenpe in to dure dyipepaia atld the tunny it arise from lit no dpieterioua 1 ingredient is contained in it tljobgh its action is thorough in oostivenessj it bever produces pains lit the ablominal region kens tbe bdiels like a violent ve ibvlgprales he system tbe medium of tha increased v ihucoaru and assitbilatire activity which apd ii also a most eftcient for kidbe cbroplalhts iscrofnt all diseases of tbe hloolfetole is prfclfojfthjpu lqcefala ask for kbajrbaor a vegetable dicovery and dj chrt tke trapper bears a r r their hgnatuke kbit by all mtdiclne dealer a uvery sale 30ab stasuet mill street aofoi u where ybn cab get pirstclass bigs kt iiiasdkableaatess q6bi doiameroll tllg6 each eipress train and mmivfcr iibotft l abypatmthilowti p cash busineai only ag credit wilt novjtojxtfliorjelaw j itwajviaf druj n m l afte tiooo dollars worth of tb cbcjcli and cneapeat ije6lxlir liown in tkit county vye half great pleasure ill adnoaikipg to oar oustomera add the pbbid generally that 8 have a flrstolass itock tnatwe bdujjhl the goods fight th till sell tbttn dhfspi hit thrdngh onr long fixperience and our undoubted y ahd odf ability u bay tiash si all the jtdddt we idy that we can pilar ydn inidi toehts that no city town or villa or any other place cab biter in the stispej ol a targe stock to choose ffom soluble gobdafor thla tttarkst aiidobeapabovpau very few places in otiurio bis it largtr ot bettet sdapiectplsce todo business in tb in we have bf urger stodkj anci oar djipemsds art ridt lieax as larej as d ly hobai a and wi wiil odl allow city or donntfy plates ib dhdehkll o u tbls u the pjafce r have pittikd bur tebt and invested our money drfcsa ooods in all ihe laust f hi hca dress bilks black and cdlored a selautlful line bf dress sjih for 40o p er yard wohh too j pthaurttdnlense variety from m pet yard npwvda cottons it all kinds including dbcks denims shmlogs and tioklngj at wholfeaitt jho t the above goods were purchased hut october j they hv advanced smeev ill v kite isrga stock dfatttall wares dlotterv gloves cdnekiasea tlea unlbffeh uj paraidu bresa tiihimingt or kinds including ffihges cttda and taaae a nenifurnlbhlughsta caps ready nhdelilctbuig boouovshoevsulshtrynei we afb are paying apeoial attenuon to carpet- j a bsuntlhfl tinitta ottrml tbljsi s ber yanl j a tapestry ior 4 xi ardrlh bio nd all kihdsof ndda lunhshisga i o ir millinery is alnlpiy loperb seoohd to none in the donlalioil and si tdpirintend d by talehiindf ability that cannot beaurpaesed i 1 mt ladlesneed not hesitate to patronise this deotrtmeht ifahtfea ntade to bbder in the moat approved attlg trdertd clpthlng dfcparuneot ltnmeose8 n ftessbbiy as trailers throdgh the dtilt cmuodi the remoti why choloe btoi k cbrap 3tpd perfect ntuttf tjtrtnelttl and to irvorkwhshlp unatlrpaasedj ti bave an lentaense 8ukit to bhbosb from abd wf shall bit making almost uiw i d hitiohs to ookstobk itt all be ulelt oaoiemt wad dwastt ooddl salttble ta thla market fbrtner we will hell ot goods iittelwfcs cntl rotltklli or prejdi oe such u buttered jgs oopmutjpn u so fcjwn now that oorh bate to be id tor oash and there is bbrtafc ttuiaab butttjt be pw as all twmere artin u kectunfoi and aboyt4 walijkimjsaoajsn ft i4iwfciwiiieetr toefrlk r llieumeinueetoandep fcrlni- as your ttoonay and yon will et ijhttpj ama hkj u 4astot rttrsme em t vttix ow biwttds m m ms t iiv ii i m the time has nheapqis tneawjjtfc enor iii a i saespr lfcs

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