the elections on tuesday evening a polilical coo leat creetlnp most mteove interest and fraught with unmislakabla uncertainty to both lrties was breuijlil to acue aud sir john mcdonald and bis sup porteis findtiieoiarlvca once more in possession of thereins of power in out dominion tbe returns luromiioui the country show that ihe prraeitt uovtrnuieut has been sustained ami slthutijh by a good mijoruv it is dm siderably dccitaatd compared with tlui ptlast electron lttipiect reioru air necessarily attendant up in the coufu sion incident to such a time tor hattr- and interruption are ininosmhie to lx avoided while the reports are beimr received from the various coostituenciw o ihe dominion and noiwiihauudin the tact that the hatiiug neaepuper havedone their utmost to acoure full returns ihty are nn to the time of irp lug to press incomplete however ii uakci little difference whcller the ridinjra f et to be beard from increase or lessen the joverurucni majority as hr present administration will bt sustained hy a good wortim majority th- governuient majorities given by thre of the morning newspapers most read by the people of this vicinity taking reiiortaaa far as received are as ful iowa the mai gives a mtjciity ol 66 the glut 43 and the hamilton spectator 54 the abut result has ul oonne filled ihe tory with load eu thnuasm and to see some of he mua enthused among them a person would almost eoocluda they were walking open stilts while on the other han5 the grit are apparently not it all an j ions to hear anything more about the elections hjutosv although the elections throughout the dominion have gone conservative the reformers of oar own noble count hive the prood satisfaction of having elected their representative to pirlia ment in tbepeison of mr w mc craney by ar majority unexpected by the mart sanguine of tbo party oat renders ate aware that tho last repre sentative of halton sas a conservative elected by a majority of 18 and it i evident that the reformers lavework ed with until in ial and energy for the man of their choice when the result has proved to be so urge majority as is shown belorr at the aainetime we can assure mr mckind ey that his anpporters in this section of the coanty t least used tbei- vcr best in6uence to secure his clcctiou turing into consideration the resnlc of the fast dominion elections the con- aervatirea had bojied to have ha lion again represented by their man but the majority of the tlectois have dt- ciavd differently and how mr mr kindsey has tetiredfiotn public life while mr mccraney with a oinjeiity of 80 will attend toheliona inteitsv- in the dominion iparliuneut for tht- 1 j next five years the following are the majorities polled for each candidate at the various polling places throughout the county majority for majority fcr jfcoslan hckcrirsrr acton 10 burlington 4 gaorjetowi 20 milton it oakville esquesiag ko 131 so 2 kb 8 ko ho uo6 9 naeaagya jf o i u r- ko219 kos62 trafalgar hbi5 no2 ko 32j k046 ho 5rt ko65 nelson no 1 14 so2j it n wetiwiirtu thw bain j b went worth l 8iningtt outre vlliuton ibcied dronon cuiwrvatire and north witlliugui i j momullen reformer hon kard blikr vljwtejfir weal durham with a good mijimy and hon alij mcketuia fot e ork sir johii mcdonald w iu in both ikiiiiox nd ctrleton edllorinl notes the ijumtion uf indfpndenc is cam m to u rout in citundi ail th iudcuon 1 oint in that direction tlure an alniidy in torutna and mmi ireal newppr estublished which opeulr adviicate iulipnleuc it i true that uicue uewspjwrb yet hav- tily a miidl circulation and sxrrt but litib influence but len year sijo thev wiiuld hv hud uo ciirttlalkju and u i itiflurnce i a warning which our people should iteed coinea to us irom a biffalo jtajwr it aiys canada is preparing for a more tmiblw fitimncial crsb than that hich swept over tho utiileq states in 1673 tbegieal manitoba sicuutiuu this grwn to buch projwruiioos that nil croatia niust sttffcr when the luibuebuisis hich will not be later than the com tug fall 12 12 the political heelings grit vs tory ou monday evening- two of the ltg eat political ineettugu ever witnessed in acton were held a meeting in the tiilersta of mr mccraney the kfortu candidate was held in the temperance hall and the supporters of mr mc- kindiey bis opponent held thtii meetinj in the drill shed both meet ings had been extensively advertised and from early in the evening until ahottt hall piet eight people continned to pour into acton from all quartern each arendinj bis way to the place- of meeting of bis favorite candidate and the attendance was no doubt about equal in either place mr mccraueyv meeting was ad dressed by messrs w johnson to ronto expresident outario agricultur al college e f b johnston barrister gtlelpll and mr fraxr toronto dr m forster president of the refonn association occupied the chair a large nuriiber of the ladies of our vil lage gractd the meeting with theii presence a ud undir the abltj leadeiiihij of piof maitiand of gneljh enlivened the occanion by smmnjja uamlnr of tli ratnjain aons the messrs johnson addresierl tlie tneetiog very ably prov iujj to the saiislaction of the ovjoiity of those present that it was to their interests to vote for mr mccraney and sustain hun eiwatdj blake mi fraxr was present in the inteiesta ol mr mceindsey and undertook to re fute tho arguments of mr johnson and theaudiepce gave him a very fair hearing for nearly an hour the meet ing was one of the most orderly ever htldhere the meetiogin the drill shed in mr mckinituj iatcrest was addressed by messra1 e ourney g booth frair and reeves toronto birtnnand aru strong diddas and t iiul ouelpl mr w h storey fiesident of the coctervalive association presided and the meeting wan i iarge one the build iog beiog well filled as will bo seen aliove the staff of speakeia was very large and soue of the best addresses that cave been listened to during the campaign were delivered here aa at tie other ineeting the majority piesent here coincided tub all that was a itl and were spnrnntly aalitfied that mr mckimlsey was the man for whom their ballots abould be cast mr w johnson of toronto was allowed alont three quarters of an hour to speak for mr mccraney and ws listened to with very few interruptions the meeting was closed at about one oclock ko3 no 4 m 22 22j total 30 majority for mccraney 80 mr mccroey minorities are followi bariingldri 4 qeorgetowh 20 milloa 34 fisqueaing 20 naaeagaweya 95 ttwgt 29idul 197 mr mckindaeys majorities i are acton 10 oakrdlirw kehjott 68 tout 117 loerocsdlka codsttb the conetitneneirs bordering upon onr own county have all return om nprramuutei as folfo it kpmin 8 rvtllijgton t i the scott act an aahgrove tavern tceepbr con- i yioted and fined a kpgof lqnor was found on the piemims al john alexaudec hotel keeper ashgrove by inspector paxer and constable dent of miltqn on monday 12th iist tim liquor was seixd iaml taken a milton by the officers and alexander was brought np for trial before police mfignitrate yonngi on the 16th iut mtraier the iniiector has sent uauie following reporti aupwinguierpibh of tjje trial jbkn alexaiader of athgart b gnesing wi charged brfdriihni ifdftlifp the jwiicuajtlrivimty tfiiii 1mfl vinution9f4ttpr and naa fined 50 and amtbt liquor foaou was ordered 4o4e aptlletl ont ra 1be keg in btob tfiweon ihained to bkbfrojed wkicbjwapne ii by chief fbnfjable jpent r anolliir year hasiaiiaiillaing will it ilinhuihbltoiiaiiif lirif ixistellc wbioh liflfulll liktw at liililinlil al i tihiahed loatiug rioihicii iwhinrt tbeir veiy oatma htwn obliterated nd hv laawd away frwn our uiem oriea of the nutif gigaiitio sciikiun wilted liv iwen hrouht lortli of the many infallible mnediel foi humao eiifleriiigwlitcli wembhvireil us atihllu by benevolant philaiithroputs bow many have stood the tt of but a few fluting niomtnt we search for tveno ueday but we aearch in rain thity an- among the thinga that were they were weighed iu the lialance and found wanting and their orcatun have stink ihi he olwcttrity which ii tbe lot of failure but all ol the paaaed have not loft ill among there are valuable productions of human gnin which not only man- tain their hold uon in but are daily advancing in public estimation and ex wediug their sphere of tueftilnem mnt the least among theu are hollo ways fills andointment which independent of factitious aid have by aheef merit become an institution in the land and not in this land alone but in every other into whichciviliiition and com merce have netrat4d our old friend the profssir is still to the fore vigorom as halthy youth still advuncing with ihe limes alill confeiting the ideaainga of hia rmedies on the masses nf peoples still happy in the success which ditititlres eneriiy and positive merit deserve few can be found who will envy such a man bis welleirned fame the wealth which is daily flowing into hia coffers onr friend well know from what we have fcrineily written that we have always hern opposed to quackery in every shape and although e have never tkn a dwe rf uollowayv pill or used his ointment and we hope w shall nerer trquire either yet we mii not shot oar earn to what we are con tintially told reacling them that the pills are a mighty heal all in casn where the liver becomes torpid as it india aud more tmrticulty with eurojaans in that jouuiiy la a fact not to be denied british soldiers tll ns that mani aeres and ulcers which such men con tract in some way or other are alwati removed by hollows a ointment bn of this we have no ankmalexarienc star of ike wctt what people bay that new ban have beetf almlhttga di eleclluii day j- tlratjhe band play tdjn tenor p mo raneyi j thatvraj 8lt johnitie bani wii isviogorftuaaday nighty i j that ihe torjhpo lllical meeting id lb rdl shed was a ucitfs in every ttpoct that any butter mskci who aint msks cod btfar i ow should qall the bushiau 8orae sny thiy wlh they bad ttfed or mccraney ud thus be oj the winning ide in halton j that the grit nolliieal muling in ihe cnipenucii hall ua sljudiy evening was a omplet ancoeu the majority of the electors said on tuesday that sir jolm ilcdiuuld will bu premier for anolher term thiltbe tntiscott hay seed reported lo have been sown on oar streets on tbo flnt of may hasnt come up tu moat hare gooe down the other way kidneywort 18 a sure cure for all wiiimji of k wxi li vi itaaa stfaaaaatiuauall faautioa utanlal caoaaajlr maiartaii welwmsaisrmlimaa btkatkataf tooaaaw om aaeatf aa niamait uaaimwstti alalia hantaa lauaniodtaleuraaia tt business brevities lent tacta abont oar bnalaesa mam and boosaa of benefit to oar aaaarai roaacrs hats from 75 cents lo 25c at j fyles for choice and cuenp plumes go to hu oiiffiui acton a good felt hat fot 75 cents at j fjfae tr von wtiitl a nobby durable and cneap suit j iylea is the place to go kidneywort pimplbs t wl mail trae th rentjp for a simple vtls bala that win remove taa thasali sol siraci inns lur pnafnelpf ua insurfe navniwui n lialriina bali neail or suonth 1a d a rnu tol blipks living oitjur unit beautiful um in a ppiiextkt wastild a smart intelligent iny abnot 16 years ol igoi wanted at the fitn pnta office to learn the art of printing apply at ouce to h p moorte fx paxss orncx acros oho m ce miltjlnery and all kinds of all kindaofltdira cdlars collar etten and ties al liuglicsi qriffiiiv acton scotch enliah and canadian saitiiica in reat variety at the east end clothiniittre j fyfe acton niighes t griffin sell mens fine straw hats alittc and upward fine ciiualy stiffs at 150 ntwest styles wool wool the highest price in cslt or tratte will he iaid lor clean metchantable jwoil biinjt fine if you hare got il mrleod audersun 4 co georgetown p ok sale tho3ithtiitcuarcfc at silver creek is hereby noervl for sale teadere will be re- okired by the sapeiintendent of acton circuit methodist chnrch np to the 30th june 18s2 for usrticnlsrs apply to eu 8nydeb sec board of trustees acton june 16 82 dcsikess cuamak havios diapostd of my oeneral black ituithtnj bnsinass to mr james melaun i take this epportnihty of thanking ay no- meroua frieoda aud cnitoiuera fur their lib era and hearty patronage dariaiz tbe peat twentyfivo yara i alao take pleasure in recourinendiok lo furmer patrons mr mclaoii who ia a workman of uisnjr iveara- experience and with whortr voa are all ac quainted who will 1 have uo doobt carry oat any transaction be utidertakas m speight tbe undersigned bavins purchased the blacksmith op and banians of mr m ripcight 1crt lo iirform the puhlic that he ia prepared t till all ortert oo alxrt autice and to tbe beat satisfaction by strict per- onal attention to baainces i hope to merit a continuance of the patronage w liberally accrded to my predecessor james mclam acton nu 19 18- suits and overcoats aloxtremely low rates and made iirrtest styles be safe to call and ice tbeinl j fyle acton the ck1dle surra at the udbodist parsonage at bum ou the 17th inst uie wife of rei a e smith of a htughler anovhitett ivtiite ivheat i 26 to i treadwell o4 i to i 3 spring wheat g1agcow 1 s9 to 1 3 2 bw chaff peas oats barley rye gg per doc bettor dairy packed batter rolla poutoeanew per bag dressed iiogs wool 1 25 to i 0 7u to 0 0 0 47 to 0 i 3 0 60 to 0 f 5 0 70 to 0 s 0 12 to 0 i 0 u to 0 la 0 14 to 0 is 1 35 to 1 1 7 50 to 7 0 0 23 to 0 is ficetrn attactt floor ahite wheat 1 readaall spring wheat prlasow rcdchafl oits peas rirley llye eirf per dox batter daity packed bitfr rolla potatoes new per bush drrtsed hops wool to 3 jo i to 1 h i to i it i8 21 1 26 i i 2s to i 1 23 to i 0 45 to 0 0 u to 0 4u 0 60 to 0 4i 0 70 to 0 0 10 to ti 0 12 to 0 0 is to o 1 35 to 1 j 50 ui 8 ttt 0 23 to o a mcquillan if hamilton of the welling ton marble worki guelpti dttt are doine tne urjrest retail mahde trade to out ow tag to the fact that thav do tbe beet aork ami eell tbe cbespeet the pobtic are warn ed affainet dealing mith second hand trade peddler hot should go direct to the hnn or bay from their snots seetbat the name mcquillan a hamilton ia on the prioted form bffore you aijro or order consumption that dread destroyer of the human race i often the result of bad hloo4 and lop vitality a scrofulous condition of heivsiem burdock blood bitters cure scrotals in its worst form at the spprp icbofspiinp treat atten tion should be elren to purify the v tern engorged with toul humors during the winter bunlock blool bitters is natures own purifying and regulaliu tonic erbors of yoith a rienueman wno sntlereft for years from nereu ikbrlly frrntittue lieenyand all the envcu orytmuinl jndlkrttlo1 win or lhaaskeof avfterltc huhaiilv miui tree lo alwborieeoli tb reeelfl and dlrecllou for maatig tlealainle i m dy l y mticb he ws eur l sqflerera wtsbus u nm b lh ad- bniaeia exrhede can do so by uddresainf in pert rr ronrtdtfe joas dtents cdar8irewyorlt and atealj wins the race steadily butlnot sloaly kidney- worl is distancing all competition lor universal popularity nhd nlnlness this cele brated remedy can now l obtained in the usual dry vegetable lorro or liquid form it is put up in tbe hitter nay lor the especial conrenience ol those who cannot readliy prepare it 1 will be found very concentrated and will aci with eual ajfficiency in either form head advertisement cror- harhess trunk qb9qt nanis aitjcrarjio ixtthdio ra r harness or trunks to mtt money should go to r creech acton the feee press remiuiyn all who have received the treatise oo the horse and his diseases speak highly of it many declare they would not part with it at any pnoe it they could not replace it it is a useful and valuable book and should be in the hands of every farmer aatbemexnber it is only for subscribers who pay op all arrears and for new snb- scribecs who pay in advance sand in oazaaa and money at once as the premium offer can remain open only a limited time h p moore gout qumjrsor ttrbd8fc hptai fyrarm tuvitv i hint ttwtf em and hedgh9 isa seaatsfcseaas 0s a hno abwrtmeiit oflgardwi fmittffflltig est ad camfart kr safferlai biowns bousehold panacea hus no equal for relieving pain both in ternal and external it oures fnili in the side back or bowels sore 1hroai kheumntirm toothache iutnbaso snir any kind nt p fain or ache it will most surely quicken th blood nnd heal as its acting power is wonderful browns household panacea hemp acknowledged as the greet pain heliever and of doable the strength of any other elixir or liajment in ihe world should be in every family handy for use shen wan red as it really is the best r mod in the world for crami sin the stomach arid pains and acnes of all kinds ami is for sale by all druggists at 2 cent t bottle galesmen wanted to begin work at mica oo tiaiea for fall of 1882 for tie fovrnill ncbserie8 the largest in canada headonici tobotto 05t branch office j st fall icuii nurseries fonirnillontaiio we can stattio additinn to bnrslready larae force ioo additional oanvaser and arant more who can givefoll time to the hnainen stearryamplnymenvandsoorl salaries to anccessfol mea it does not mat- t r what ynnr previooa neenpatinri has beeu if yon ire tllin to wurkyoor enccess is almost certain the lieat of rsfareuaes re quired applv to j stone 1 wellington xursarymen toronto ont i fancy ggolts pobjinaiidi tie admiration of all visitors i i i sjrjflenlarged show roomn bwter light with arj additio lahstalf of ehtperiencod assistants enables them to execute all orders with promptuess neatness and entire satisfaction prices ars guaranteed bigit ts i theie stock of- geihal dry ots iepall selected with usual care and bought on yefr best trmn boots a1sb i shos tor evrryonerfiiiest kid to coarsest wear no better value in canada i i- the goods having been bought before the strike i r- we will take all the eggs brought in and pay the very h ghest prices for them l t9m remember our fatte sac lhich still maintainls i reputation as the hest tea for the money inspection invite christie henderson qy 5a paolinosotnioa o dlskas a ri fling inaibcretion in diet may lay the roundatiou of oodhrtie4ltspepaia and llieie is do fact in raeilical science more positively ssce rtnined or more nuthor- iutively asserted thnnihat dyapephi is the paieit of a hot of bodily ilia oof the least i whieh l ormumlna tton rif the blood and tbe maladies of wh ch that is the direct consequence tbair original causa ia however thoroughly eiradionted from tho system by jjostb rop 4 lykih a vnoirraits dioovsbt aia dvsrsrncccrk k meilcine whioh only requires refnlaiity dii persiswoe in its use to uife tyf peiis ia and be raani ills that arise from u nodfleteriotu miner ii ingredient fa orihtalned in til m though i iu action lirtordpgvffi cases of oostlveness it risver prodiiori ghping paj in ihatbilomioaiijn driearwabitirtailttltosim itatt0tti w w sm a tjantttitbhwm ristwdjr 4qr kidjiey campaaut isctctfw ohwu jwiilfeoliwakilj i44t rir igoijeia b t siti j lettj 4j hi lasijiiaefr j v4 livery v 1 ves5lyiei mill trmsta ikiwtom firstl ws itigs itial blgb a eaehlattfsmitndosmd4wwrwoodt any part of the town iraihr inlenviodot wtiaaol 4 1 ii acton immense display ef new fashionable spring at the mammoth house georgetown n tym mcleod anderson fc cjqfy 2w00 dollars worth pflh clioioest and cheapest new go xlr evei shown fnlhis county we have freat pleasure in announcirg to our oust imers id the puolio generally thjat we bare a firatolaaa stock that we bonglit th i goods igbi fhsl trs will sell them cheap that through our long experience and mr unit looted credit iwwu ba hat ofii pyou lodoio- mente that io city town or vilagior any otlter plae cane bar in tl ia ahape of a large slookito choose rrom suitable gowls for this mwalsndchhapisootean very few plaices in ontario has a larger or ostler adapted placitodo bi istnwin than we hare or a larger stook j andoor expeoses are not bear s i larf i s ci iy booaeja f j if wotr plaoes to onutrsell os ms tbia s the plate aje hate pitehejl quj uofand ltef onr aioney drekjuc s in allt m latest fab rics dress ijiikt black tod colored rbeautiful line of d sit lir40c pfe yard worthi75j prto jyigejue variety from jo jer jure opware s 6tn ent ail kinda iooluding jyuoka denim shilinfimnd tinklog i t wh- lesailejme li 1 9 ajoarf srem7purxihs laai october f twj hai i jranoed since lftkf wise large stock o small wareaoelrery glovea corsemi i ipevts fiam- pararola dvets ti itomsngv of wl kintti inoludiog prlrrse t corde and ulii j wrnfcun intiti olrpjore jsf ti fort anteh kinoa of ii ase lam lihlogw 5 hlliidery la simply awperti seobnd tcj none iq the i dommiot aia napwtaiswttsl b fjf tryt ennot be surpaaiedf i ly ltrfaileeit aothesllate to palrcmisflttiuaepertai nl j hi nlfe made idmt w loloibldepirjiineiit- immense l v tol qboioe jskhjfej pa4cmn ship ubj nrpai wwwihk viwooahb ana we sbali bem isftogsi ttoat w frfthl capieem itf uheeu ait ooo i- fortherw sul m tbe rjamirto ao m terand egga i kwpetrtiottrffcjnw qm- plsijobtcauloonbpejs if jawrs n order in cess bi cheap f bartlij ditionato thlatnarkt sooheebl swr altmpallaf rklif wuat latss fi onffwsnsevsp tjir il t vt iiv v- ooey atdyoawirlj m