Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 22, 1882, p. 4

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lpftjiiwjmwtai j i i crtfrcss thsiwbav moummt june 18e- i lj- u has ball as ia u liar pursuit a md bg tailing eouiotime makee a baueudjujt loaunghmdchaa ucrroua proatik lion and ipitiel weakness euri by jjdia pinklatui aegeiable compound whan may you suppose ajijioliralla yopjtq fotks cobyer i 4 mm 8 whoa ddppoc rratdparimetii wtkl9l hu go i through bla cnrpeti and lone whle the total ilock ii picking berries 15- to the mil oq swtn utile feet trot quick uironcu the meadow la shadow aiidsra broad uriaisand doeri eron over brows tat are la- d and rwind rr cheeks tual ik dinujint 1b faa- ani borne into niusideoa slow utile leel willi baskets 1 levy as iter are bright aai who will be ri the jer tujulcr to grwt aud fcce her uryiru nl her look ofiiausill jt the owr wci dlwam bj- the brrioa uley bnaij 0 the millions thcr left whew the twool ber- m erow t at y ou the hill where the tncixy bills linjf and uic brooi dancva djvu to the talk j below how lite harden was spoiled sutll the gale kvr ve mother auj r ijot swum his bundle uf liouts over his shonlder llld ran down the garden walk wkiatl lirk buuie duudu- an lioiir latet uutlur caine ajain lu ile fiuut of lie liujm- and hxikiug inn of the pallor wind- wll do jim tuti lad sigt fjllfaraavhnadia rati miof cophera eitipmiinvt cleared out by jkougb oo kata 16c ti repulatrou f a awate ike liiiihado gigantic when it precede him slid pigaaaj in ita pfoporlmoa when it follows aatertrv color ol the ditmond dei li lierfeci s the wmples ol iho color pl ilolh at th drdggulf unjualld lorionllianct a lady sy h you want to knoa-hau- to till tbc ratut itylinh dra jait et iu a crowd and mirk uic oat all lue women uro ap lheir oosea au siant sinus palo irritation bclenlioq inconlin- rnc diiojiiiitirivel ic cured by bucbuaila 1 f wliat i only kre policemen foe i a town ictlu ctckitntj a traveller 0 sbaftu and an enor momii lock ufn pie htntj ttiftt ofid ooma ohkiei tan 1aterd kinta a urge lot of the brat five frama bniiafia carpeu marked down from f 1 45 to 1 25 crutleya hamilton may 2jli llnuk tie ta- 1 a ll k cf di wnn detiii about lier tretty gwnlrti fmsnut oq the gprainuais and otbtrt titiuiqur jdiuia witb wbich ilif beds bad bu fllrd a any or two ufoie 1 ob dehr crtd icr tuatbet htt suiecoiiie qucicu bclj ui- drive tbese cialttirs out sj1ii catut at ouw and ranuinc duan to tbe pate tift tbe man win bad curiji- of ui- flck he bad ltd tbe filrtp on lie roadside wbile bt ojlcd in at farmer kitdisa aitb a 1 her fioio bia oiater tticy kfpc me waiting for tbe luirer add i aupikxe tbe poor ljeatu strjrtd tn but exotic uie maam tou tbould keep your gate sbitu roger vkf modi astontahed wbea he ciuic home j see all lb iriiu lda tun pled ever afd tbe gay fluaera tiuketi and deaiioyed wbatever bas baiptied motberl he ci iej somebody lefl the gau openeid uiuther and a 6ock of sheep earn tn xh how aorrj roger fek i he r0w th bitch of the gate had bit cauglii wbeuhe closdit after binr hot dial did it matter i it wonld be euci a bjtdier to tarn uact and now the c jttaqe gamea waylaid wafi throagb lia cat tiefsnisa was not uiat a pilv i mm juii biok hnartfk wear w beat tapratr carpma reduced from 90 to 74o priori the laleiol curpela have b en immenae uj1s2 the wjorjrmaqool prim otprfnli wllwortl from 1j to1e nlfin great reiduotion n carpets at k sotjsbj r marked many of them down to leaa ban ooit prior m tain run off hii enormont nock of orer 130000 wortb in tbe alout 1 2jx0 wot ihoralmoiierfrytblri that oan be inquired in the or uoodilillinrymahlleirfamakingiioure ndercloihlng for fadiea and nle gentlemen and bovi in great nrlett ofkuitled tod ftorfi gooda keokweir of all kindaand qbfllltlfa hearla and dry looda canadian and lorelgn weeda in abundance a full alock of jeraeykniltea hmfa foj- little bofa rfalob uidoo mo ply carpeu matked dowufmm jo to406 from 55 10 4o andfrom 62j 10 joo binoe the redaction in in fact nil kindi of gooda are irlling off for eajh down atnalonlablngraie the aalea laat haluday alone were eaoiiorwbjclirxoeedediuoo ptce thla iraaon are going offal mining rt the raluea are ea good a large lot hl uiere are pipof dren toodi cheap atlrom 15 lo ho aelltng f from 15 to 1o tailing off u l2jo wlrlle there are pile or breta toodi obeap at irom is to ho aelltng for e2jo oibera good aloe for s2o are being abld sar s3e bilellie 20c jjreaaooodi rertilljequal thoieoldai35o formerly the mlllluerj manlleaand dreaieniegoi up in the moat pleading atylea tery lateit lahuoni aie aom cheap le unlretial ltufclion and are telling off at a aurprialng rale iuit are the iice ourtnlni the atoek lajindrmoaa the pat- rt re bought from be manufacturer at the loweat prijea oaah dywnwoulj purcbaae thorn for king atreet eaat mind ibe name ii thomas c watkins hamilton term the tery newfiiand the prioei cheap at cloie 0 uujjhaon atreet where tbe rerandab ti 1832 kidneywort jhrcrt cure irheui 1m ilia to vu cn kioneyslive it cuuct ut asif u vifltlak of atism of uit bowels f that mild poison thousanb op 9mi8 tef tha wen rartaajotuli tavrfhla 1 hare bc qaloily auma tad la aaort perf10tlt curio rcilt i unm n bar ens it tanwara u- nrreanmfatbrbm jdlb wiliafilc pnrtlmiotttt kidneywort rxelpected srctoec rrarldeatlal escape afskipwreeketf traser blllawtteaa wmt artie ca etlealiealstfkea- sramlaee ft a- fetu araaauee leu ef tear hteaearm llrer cama puubor asy luae a arialag nom toe keaa- ackbaweuorlten tberara ufa mlh and thotongh 1 tkatr actios ftota 1 10 1 puw- mibox like replied tbe native calmly tbey have u didiculty iu kcepiuic whit little peace e have j at the approichof spring great atten tion sliould l piren to punry the iy leni entoiget with loul huuiori durinj tbe winter drlockbloid bitten ii nilttrea owu punfiug and regulattuz toiiic i- 8al i want yon to make me a ihort coat witlcut uit or eami iu the back du yon kaoa- what i mean 1 gcriuaa tailor yaa yeaa 1 knuw rat yoo vant voa rant altrait jicltft krroui dehililt i a result of todii- cnetion in iheiniohe of living heed nuurev unernriflawi and lake burlock rfoodliiuecf the great iertnvn keno t4tnrau dlooi iireraiiilkir v regu lator and tooia sample bolileis 10 tti ja ir who thought to have a juke at tlie etpente ofau iriah provuidn dealer ad can you lupply me with l yard if ihirkt pat laid the dealer to hia aa- fiauiit pte tbia mm three pijji feet i r eumaiuai is cr ally dependent on a tuatid contuton of he fluid and may elimm ited frim ibe ivitera oy cleins- fdg tbe iiiooci and refolating ibe kid neys- burdock blood billeia will no ihl most effectually triil botllet 0o it raic- ma aaid eitelle i dont think i will attend church loday it rlins said ltuea mi a few nights inb- seqaently l lad belter col ulead tht- theatre tonilil oh on said ealcjle i csu wear my rubbers and waterproof take oo more nauseous purgauxer burdock b oou hillers act mlidly plea anily and thiroueiiy upou the bonely arid occasion no inoourenirnce while ii r t n n i nitm arttm m reguule the irer rd kidney and plg julntment tones the etiltebled lyslem tnil boulei v worlti their weight in gold hollo ways at 9 oclock on ihe mornioa of the 30th of laat december the seamer jonniah of the allan line bound for liverpool ria halifn while ou her way from portland to ibe latter place ri u aebore on tbe eoulhweat point of hod laland some bftetu miles from lbs town of yarmouth xora scolia a stiff breeci sraa blowing at the tiui and a heavy goif running and the situation was one cf peril it was fgrd that ibe forard coaipartiuenlfc bad filled with water and ordrs were given lo lighten cargo while prepira liona were made o und the waseinjeti on the laland with a lapuly of food iind clothing the landing was aafely effcted uit ihe cold waa iulette and i bouie of ihe wrty were aevertlv frost- biuen on thenhips manifst waa a consignment of st- jacoha oil which the toronto house of a voeler co of baltimore md bad ji6t ship vd to francis dewberry sna lou tl ju lo fijl eugliah orders the part ii dated in the calnatrcphe is described iu the following article which we quote from the faroioulh nova scotia trjhtipt of january i8lh the passengers and crew of fh wrecked learner moravian during ejicoartin i their hriel encampujent at mud laland 6iffered reverelyfroin exposure to lle wtatber and some of them were severe i ly frostbitten foi tunaiely amoug the lading of the ship was a package ol proprietary owdicmea uioro fortauale- ly still the hulk of these coniriated of st jacobs oil and by ihe ptoaipt and liberal use of this invaluable remedy the patties were ejreedily relieved afid all unpleasant after sous q tieooea avert ed iu cenla hoidrrt it is commonly id that you eannol- make an honest man believe that while is black and fica teksa bal thote wbo hare erey bair by using tbe cloalub hai kctewcn will find tbal this ap- parenldiffieoltyiseastlyotercome for sale by s e sicgarrin so cenla per bollle uilberl laiid si margarets hope orkney scntland antes i am request edbysevenil fiiecds loorder another paroel of ijrtboruaaecieclricdil tbe asl lot i got fr you having been lest ed in sreral catea of rheumatism has given iclief when dociots medicines bate laiei la bare any efiecl the ex cellenl qulitiea of thi medicine should 1e made known thai ibe mdlions of saffeiers throughout ilia xorld nry benefit by its proridenliaj discovery hard suffered many physiciani and grew no belter bul rather worse mr li ff tlaward of geneva x y uftr diimuaing his physicinns iiieo nearly hall aifioss cf tn vhrious aud lirer remedies advertised with no benefit when one bollle of buidock blood bitiira cored bim of piralyaif and general jjebiiiiy al ipendranced age of 60 he says be fees y again and is orerjojedat ills wondetfui re covery dropsy is essentially a salary condi tion ol ihe blooddepeudtnt upon dis ordered kijreys bcedcc buwd bit- ttn ire strongly diuretic and conse quently the leet lnown remedy acting as it does upon the entire secretory syitem this lxc0il arable ukdicixe juitciti for fail tin imxruhabtc amt jirwghovt th lidrjw for on altrviativn ad nttf ofmo diaeflarj to rhirh humanity u ktir thf pills a public jleetinsr should be call ed of 11 e citizens of erery city town aud village in lbs dominion to consider what afcould be done to prevent the hair from turning grey and lallin goat iflliis important question received rneir earnest conrderaiiomhey wonld unani- mnusly dectrle that science had at last discovered somethiug that would answer ihls purposfi and furthermore would recommend cingalese hair kenewera being ihia a methlng lor restoring the bfr to its natoml color and prevent its falling out 50 cenla per bollle at j a woman that marnea a man because bf ia a good matchmust not be surprised ii lit inrus oat a locifer ceells of via kervooa vkeakneea dyspepsia im pounce sexnal debility cured b wella health benewef 81 among ironworkerae would natoraflj suppose tbat tbe pndjlers would be ibe once to a tbeiriarnings mat who bad that little lamb j had teeth as wbile ai mow j i she always brasbedtbem tidce a day with tuimat joo know it is noted by a philologist that jms eaaea rjoaaeaaea more u than any other eounaon word poasesaea familiar aa household wordi thi raruea of ealerbreoki celebrated steel pern- galono bank aod eaav wriler tn be had irom ah ihe bookaellers 8ta tfeqeraijad hsrs0alera will you exchange a case of dyspepsia oi biliousness tot 70 cents it is bwftilly unwise to agonize nn- dertlioniany ailments grlilng from dyspepsia jndieesuon tlsorr8rod stomach and llrer when thls is mule to you in your own bomej in all n i sincerity with ttiatmiatt xttaiatf at oaring yon zopfba tfrom brazfl enr en iysrepfla and biliousness a maar trn6ii 13i6 t acts sto ci nlaua avntvti and hi injr wo tlotva thelli cnt t dealer aflr idter and kidneys lir correcting keg- si3se icle simply by work jers upon the dlges- d glrtnir aetlrityo i ont take lit to any medicines andct one 75 cent bottle ot jandteayoarneijrhbor bowitbcfs itfc wnrrjutted putify rfuute idd imprare ihequfllily of tbe blood xiey attitl tb dgeure stouicii and boutls increae h thtticrj pqwen of ihe urer brae lb nerou- njiteni arjt uirir into tbe circuulion ihe pureil kletnntfi for iusuioing and lopcirinf ihe fmme j thoownda m perwm hit fjslified ihfll itthtmr untj aiore ihev he feeh rihtored to hcaljli n brength rilrr eerr oiiier meui hatl proved aniuc- ceiiful 1 ithe ointment will be found invaluable in every uone- bold in the cure of open sores hard tumors sid igt oil wcuad ceoshii colds sore threats bioochitts and all disorders of the throat and chest as iso gout rhefjmilisnj hcrolula and every kind origin disease mannfhclarea oply al prfeasor hol ujwats atbljthment- oxfkd stkebt lnndun and sold at h ijd 2s 91 4 6jlis 22 and 33j each box and pol an in canada at 6 centi 91 cents and 1 50 cents and he larger dies ia proportion hcacrioxjl have no agrnt in the united stales nor are my medicines sold ihere purchasers should therefore look o ihe lab 1 on i e pols and bores if the address s not 33 oxford street london they aie spurious the trade m irk of my said medicines are registered in ottawa andialso at v7aahlnglon oth0ilas hollgway 533 oxford stn et londoo ubj itli mi acton clothing store re nelson prop spring stock now complete coubiating of the infest and most fashionable designs in english irish scotch and canadian 9 tweeds and worsteds r pftrtics ivnntuig anything in my line can rely on receiving perfect satisfaction a urge 3took of sifhiitg- hats to hand comprising all tho latest styles oill and sfcfc tngh grakd displai -of- spring tweeds at w east ead cioitwag steee come and see them wm stewart co gtteliph are now showing thelatest istoteltibs of the season every lady should ses them kakcractceed ik toboxto a paniuuwut aara cure for disease dis orders and ailments of the kidneys bladder and uriuary secretive system or attendant complaints causing pain in small of back side etc gravel catarrh of the bladder and passages brifbts disease diabetes drpv pilea karroos debility etc etc pauipbleta and tcstimoiiiala oao bo ob tained frum druggiata free paicrachildi pad flso carts bed- wetiug uegolar pad 12 special padfcr chronic diaeasea sold by m for3ter md aoton ult jwuorls erin thoa rnston george- tnwu alek- b petri gnelpb henry watson milton 0 stork son brampton jy i e pinkha1 aflam cam law mil rouu wllk kes8bs ibdwasai leawwitstsea ii- ntwlsnr sta4 pajnfd mewatrsmu i iaoaaasaauiea aua4 blawraxun ike vns fls pbov lafstts vrmi ev is its esaea u is a araasaalrfla arafdoi sua ptta farina later lad at ntalsv pstssfi nrrucuncssrr in raanaisnrf nil tav tstoa arxtruxanaa vt tfaefswerstrr i el uur to l is seeorf o ae nsedyoal t m rtr bees mors th peuf 1 aad for ah alaeaem o u egntaltbtta istbidicby cojiplarvtsatelt r sex kajcreai belie t to paew v ttu enwirssjck gje ritfi hj aoodastteaaaailamerfflsvesomairtriciato siajkant la mafvibtwtorbsallsaatlwool vecaa lysooilhaoairpamoaiaiilaooarbidsrlraprs pares as as and xs wfxlera anavm xjr ken rrtoofelurll ttintkjrll be c oaoeiii la mtt trmaa la lbs farmer rjuj or of lea taoa recent afield per ba or ao inetr answers all statu at lawctt oa kanrp bead for paaapuet jtaatiaa offlarj w raetvrci s naasuara urafxus ears sastlrak- osemlttajljlrwmlatatsa ft ttmam tie imi saeccufsil beamlr flwr lincoter- ed tti lili ewih rt u eff cu and doei not bllsur bkd pbo bkiatt kendalls spavin cure frmoiat ohio jan 2fiui 181 dbb j kvdlltcon iblilt it raj duly lo renut oa my liiank for ll beueflu rhl profli vblrn 1 haite drrlved from joar inralottblridd far fawfd tfpavr cure my rmir tmd i bad a talotljlft t-ul- lionwonh lutiwhleii hd seryid mtl tij wan irotiorncd by lonr eminent lr- loary kuroot beyond any cre ntl thai lu hori wdajnftrvfr aalrewt i ndrlse i my cousin lo tr o toiile of ken- dilla sim7in cure it had a m tfc4l edeci th uiltd brjuorcred ii n t tba hoise u f msmaox rg rauu xwoittiuimrabiuu inenl vlbriniry snrceon wnsaii mre1 alb lea route caicababdckblasltspacilcbt br tlm nal potdtlea al m use eon tabtm ttta bat mad ia wkt tor um aartast toua cbmaifo sin kaaaas city qonsefl blxta x qtrfpomtt lt tttuivalad axu magattt- mat wtirf otmoit gomtor abaw and saunay r flinlng chulf cut fttllitusv aatofaw ban i tbjtrlibl i u tct tabua two tralaa ba ott auajeplaa- caia and tbat boat uaac staal- an immense spring stock at thi dominion boot shoe store abnonsr we xt apw recjjinng ojentn iwid placinj oau big itook ot kew hats and boknets sash ribbons broche and moire silks brocade parasols spanish black and white cream laces n stewart co guelpli mine ao1 1 take irealintf ivkllu atin ii procetsion sort ytjar- tmly jlmsa a wil80 civil enginrr kend 1ll spavin cube unarm rn-l- alach ll b vtb r bj krvdvixatc gentatxaln yenroiru i fe in ilif road oiosome lets nnd ts ijndy linrtln thellth caaaed me maci snfff ricj j re varies rmtd1rr bul none sure me rvlifunli i uletl kuwulv patincarr 1 appled it f11 at recti twlct d tiny for iiboai i wo week aurinj lit orta- br and it ttttd perfect core i havt inetieabeii wrjilftud frefroro lament it ft very rloabliltr mio as veil aiib ast toatfiiy sridaddrebjaforllastrawlcieaar whcl we nink iflvea polilve vroof of il vlrtae no remedy ha txermel wlui ach uoqaali- edxocces to uurkaowiedyrlor matvis a wel ii tnau price 1 p botueoi ilx bottlfufor 5 ah drrtjhttbave luorcnn cei w lor joo nt 1 1 will teti wayy iadreioij rfcelin nf ptlct- j rv ibe proprietor 1r b j kkudall 4 i co ekosbuno falls vt i sold rv kll druggists fob thj i spring tr4oei v tj3 tow pr1 ces will b ong of the cbjtf i iw of ooeitwi4bnient dor aim it to f iruiib coitomerilwitb goorl tylib well hade ood cheap for caab rnvhxtvfrtfn nvdrhertirituftlvttr ial alwaya ai od bfipairingpromptly at- todww wa bring yojjr babies photographs taken instantaneoiis- ltf by the new process a plates at hills tudio nbthe largest stock of frames in the county on hand bawl ana dtiaetliaawtrbv baa raoaatly baas opesad batweaa x t gawav o ax ntaaa sriia- tratsa tmatatafor aala at allb i qsiud stataa aad ca men ahaaked uarenan aad ratae r tm at way tplnr aa ottataabtauwuiat offer li adtaa for ataxtatalomuumt9ttbmmsm odtold atiofiha great rock island ro dte m yoor naaraat tlakat odea or addrm r r cable e st j9h a ttaornlaoatlairr oealtkt t chicago hacyards yellow oil cures rheumatism y frevajts work powders n pleaaaat to take coatalu tl air own pnrfatit i a aala anre and debcckbi r r to consdmttives tin ndvfiirerhavu u nen pemanenti currtf otiahldieiitjdisea rconrumpiion h 1 titnpe ini ct- it mixkus in make knowi loiilniellow snlt ier tue raeanocure tt ail wbodeilrelihewlllafnd a covy cf ut prrseriuoti unxi nif ot ciiame wiih tbi tlrcilnu tor preptniiibruj utlna the aani wilcb tiiey will i nd a i-ai- curefor coatlu colds comumption aauunai broncjutla 4e parties wimilne ih prvcili h n will nlawiddien jttv awila lw penn bu wtllutniturrny wpk in yncr own town outfit tree sorldk krervtblna nfv cailthl nut rtqulrtd wr unir lh yodeverytblntmanv a iv tnaklnii fori on- a lod mftrte hirutichm men and boya and gity make rtt lav header 1 1 jotiwunta buflnekt 661 imcarililiameeloatmtvssitieasaariev r will mot polar ww uttrm it tt mi aaeeasi cvahrate laeairl m ia eztjvm bcamaaan rtbaalj ictbos l patssas aak daataleal rv walstnbilrondia wraral potata aadj m proved ttttt w1b wot turn tho but itmncad ma u anaarfat aw chatxattsoli rl i ucdertalcers fatnr dealers and waggon fr oij r rfaicf aa we save 001 crwe py pajtiqnlajr attention to this del inujr oh oana 4iaigevajid variediiockoif all taseral reqataitea we otai anit every mate and tbe oirott vm tooda aje placed jtt verr 1 fnrnllnr itanaod fa ionrtjariretmakinb department nm are j i snitea 8ofu centre tabie5yjnot i 1 e ii lent oi onr bnaiaea i caskets bobes oes of all who teqnl flgnreai firrolaa i i j i tor the 8

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