the ullsaef l j h jgyshr ttivasdjr iiokirhib edit or proprietor at she fm pkkss 7 fmiytxg ftmjusju9 souss nin dooriomojiiiimirtctioreh jiiu stmt xcfoir oaf tiwj inn term3ioo in advanc tanxa tbe fwk paie will b tent o febscribers potage paid for tl00 per n- am in advance jl50 if not so paid no paper discontinued uuah arrears aro paid uptavtbo option of the pabiieoer astmttsisf rtss casual adrcrtiio- santa 8 coots per lino for the firs insor- tionwand 2 ocnu per line for each subw- qaentlnsertw cash professional carle jo lii or loss um per annum i square jj kne js00 per ananra payable in 6 months from date of insertion any special kotiootlw object of which is to promote he pocaaiary benefit of any individual or eompany to- bo considered an advertise- j ment the number cf lines recirascd by the space occupied rncasarod by a soale of -obdnonnarcil- volume vii no 52 agton banking c0y storey ohfeltxe it 00 acton chftjstie it bankers i ontario nstiuct uatca 0nt colawo one xt hilimlaoum year h tsflrculomaoii rear htketlamn lt munhi qtrtr column six mnriif hufctilumn ltf momhi qiirtereoil mrt thrvnocihi illvm iberted till tbm nn i ch inflr transit h- advertise mrni minw wild in ad raii chinees for cststrsct nrfvortttcraf nu mw b 1q pjeoflw of 9 k moi miri5tlif licttiejni be ufr over u lhj iootrtne wtejt h pmoore imor 4 proprietor j rvo 3 c m co litov 7tt cjopf c dl this paper gssisks renlcnc emirac 10 spree 8 itv smrc c gnrrvu r jh r f lk xw voitlv oekeral 8axkwg bust- i jxs tiussaoieu approved uoitet wifsj oh p not8 disebtirited- rilid interest allowed on deposits croquet croquet biq value i- eltvin on ju in bffilcfmm b wh lowpt a qsiuat of trinitycoi ber of college of piy- orece and rosiiiao erik st acton m c pb mem- eisns ai broous at uii kcii cf frci- mforster d physitilax a srrcto rrc office f6reteradrtigstoie next door to creecii saddien actk 05t hxsidtycz cborch street formerly oeca- pied by jlr v henjitreet slciiceer gent store and cheap m bazaar tjpper wyndlitua street quelph- csc0ikeifcfil5e opr sew rrlk ikpctalj rrok ocraiaar rise etc42i tadlft tcri eow4l3troolkct goods thousixds d articles of every bt uss eeuseilt ooods i ornaoital oesls useful oosii very little jmpney will buy a loppfthings at tbe s eektj store and jv- cheap iasu baiaar foot doori tet m poaroiift ias f klnir seta of four six aiid eight balis and maileia very low days bookstore glelpa dat selli cheap 1 splekoio hew stock t 4 ntvfpa2hrartrq jlifefflueiuationt and tit vah cotiant fiffolf iotopald acton qnt huirsdl june 20 1882 whold no 884 thoiu dat wokkiko jane 29 jl 1382 itbaalrwllh k editor bloa r quiunlia 01lrjaitljitotbjar j bfoauwbli raborhj1 had fci0l tontuthalrbffliirlmddoe il- he orrpwei for them aowakfal ibafrjo wonli biln mriajttiidioiati and all in a iort of aste xhuhusfaatortofaate tap op acinb oriedun nitoribac anaifobnthaiwutulthjjj it nill nenrdfii aald tha editor aid totot hem ltobead debtor gt4 bed for therell b the deil to par topa initaad otth edttirjajt what 1 wjuakey brioldijt posrsr must be ijulet gfrl mclitable nay rprie aorcelj lkfg wjiethw to bit u old ul am an nelli heryoimgeivj k f cr tie nljf be taid iwoulduotwonderifabeaaboutl myflame 1 nelibn bat mother ahrays harriea agtr dear hie 1 iiow that girldoea m seu xdled puyfng her what u wlifeley brfnirrni f akrf frtt shes k looeom liiont wnow ai iwiient embarraimnt v and yea nrrat i blamo her cither i wai ybinffand ohipper be harrje- whom mother teal me to meeti onet- myitlf mehetable writ an intite for i k o take ymi rjkotnelaiileti me to come and apend a week or tn wlti waiting loom while i mjte aobrecnasjea -or- watches akd- l bexnttt dektist gco-ge- john liwsos cpidtate ofos- tamo vmtrxikt ctkt toeovto yeterinarr sareon ac n oat 031ce inkenceyi seas tos aai sho ftoro res idence in the rear er5s eiamirei ai t- sonnineas and orticae i allcilli alu or day praaplly atidnd edto terms easy t jfiseebtsgz0hg oat will vis- itiai cviry ttedaei- day and will amaio ell cll pcrsiiurr to his prafajsioa- orders left ei ilgarrias drag stre will rece 5enna- taoderiie- jewelry re crorrot stentcn- t i feeze t7ujllebtos eixl sr sto bet baxnstcr oiiriors cf the sanrerae cnit ccpvcycr- crs tc ttrro i gtorr- towin- orrtaii k o jo cbcrrh street toreuto ana ilcleods blsci georgetoira aa 5icny to loan its srn4xstcs treau epstoext w il heh3tbedx liioenssd iaotioneer- for the coxitiesof weaingtoa tad aton orders left at tis feu e2is oise icion oiat my residenoo in acton wcl be promptly attejusi to taims raasocitle i hover to lean also money to fcas 0 the most fitcrible terms and it the lowest rites cf iniexest in cams of s00 and npwards a 1be1d e gbos teieeixaer epr- georgetbwn gradcsfe of a lie oitario vetcrinary college will visit actonevery taesiiy- rst t toipm calls received promptly aitfirdtd to ty sight or dav sorse3 boagit and sold oc commission ecsideace west comer from latery stable georgetown oat- g ebtd iviedigal hall acton drmfqrster lumoating oils oheap paris greeaj cosloil fly ponder etc just received wm s smiths dont fail to call end examine- when rcujeo to guelph the watch and clock sonae of gneiph mokninq- the tpp otrtwj booglu burd ben and thr tqsiid j a thocf xif hoomi away id tha g uaa gjowof ih a morning air lilt u i jojoai blrdi that bloom in vlaj the tlii o lokrod floating whirl and fall colia tholr lips ontto emerald gnu the feat lery plntnblcnrs touch the vail catcbj if tho iriad 1a their plaza mm scndiog it bick with a iweotaod taoaih to kit the rom la the ajjnpndi breui oa licu i wind from tho afi fair sooth how c any blonomi hare joa carotted t otcr on ito floircn you blrt and flihod toa dj ink creuutwhitpmasnoltai breath till tho irtcge crownod a lisaome bride and 11 ft white magnolia plaod to daath i knew ioukt as alo aad wot a fick c and tender u 70a can be under u e boofih we uoghiiig meot aa ron grt the alnondli grote m and he 1 uisperi wordiln my wtllinj ear that c nice the rosci flow in my cheek whilo il attareyed jasmine droop to hear tha o4 1 word uut he bids me fjoik evening the don b go sailing cast snd west tha pt rplfl rim of the dusk is near in a crin ton taa the suns at rest the jo insmoon icns on a slender spear of thfldr that ugone oh night soiur ioftly cntelop mo fold me mi hold mo onto siht j twill 1 biiver a secret thlnj to thee my iotc 1 i coming to meet me here i in tho nuple dusk bo tow me so he will lther me close tn hk anna no fear and wl ere xs the harm when t lore him so i where is the harm t oh atea did yon say myloti had grown false to me 1 that his rows like a breath psssod away as the iosoxs fall from the tree f was ft tt a wind said thy lore is gsao f fjm v isd thoa werl noror true ttewhi oorwill plain u for flie darn fcox k al wiaj yonr love false too f her i couldnt think of icatrat fitnnfl for so long a time things would goto rack indrula if i dick bat 4 would be tjsh treat for uarrie and i could run down and is ray arrangement for jcodtejlng yoa home procuring a hack he jiaced her init nd after giriug the directions to the tajr couple of daya when ebea ready ut h moanted- hr hofrie aiit5 come home if mehcubles u glib a talkw the popj jwidle rode by thjo aide ot the as ahe used to be ve can talk np the at dftrlc a0 lhat might reach borne in time que srosr a djuble mistake mat pcicpbcslkess 2srmw hour ind store the undersigned has made axranemeata j vith mr thomas ebbage to attend to his j tamp bnsinras daring liisstiy in the horthwest all orders wiethcr for new teork or repairs left at the residence of ilr ebbage opposi stephensons bucjamiih j the undersigned has jat opened ahou will receive prompt attection premises formerly occafied by mr 3 wire 4naa r 4cton april 19th 182 8ro in the premises forn c hill mijl afreet acton trrill buy oe sell the nnderarned u prepared to pnrchaae any qaantitv of elai or birth stave bulla wwood for heading aud pi cedar or blaek ash forhll i io v a good stock of ahinglea suvea and bead ijwaysonhand c hp0bt x nb fob bale lime cad be had at the canada irime works in amall or large qnantitiea at any time apply at the kflnva tokon mifhotto c s ssirrs the fmet stock tfc ever had of eigin k valtliam luake in mcfccl silrer and gold cases i claim mv kioket cases are whiter and purer than any other beiug made especially for myself b savage watchmaker jeweller kay 1st 1832 boi 172 acroa raamgiis finedrtot fcharjmai st georges sqnoxe gnejpb acoonnt floola of all kinds jnada to order spdodieala of every description earrf nlly totmd baling neatly and promptly done hour feed provision store andwill keep constantly on band a fall supply of flotm brn shorts baotsrlieat flour oonimvl i seed com oatmeal pea meaj and all kinds of feed fgoods deli yetgd any iplace luside or out of corporation yonr patronage is respectfully solicited jarfor the aecotriraodatlon of mr stafh- eoia cnauawri frash bread rill belefthere reill6tt acton upril 18th 1852 j butgiiek shopi e hqlmes woqld respectfuuy inform the peoble of acton and vicinity that he has parchased the fcnincss and property mr ft c robinson and it piepared to apply all with firstclass meat of all kinds and jcuttry and game in siaton meat delivered to any part of town at any time h having practical experience in the butchering business i feel ecrfidnt that 1 ban suit all a all kindly loliciierj j m holmes aleder foryoa aunt tbankful a brigl t young face like a gleam of sun shine fljibed into the room where misa tiiaakful smilh tat knitting a pretty girl ish face with a gaacy dimple in either deck anc a merry sparkie ia the laughing eyas a mammoth bloc checked apron much too large for her q jite enveliped her ilendet forn and both sleeves were fastea- ed up atovti the elbows displaying two plump sicwy arms the eight rf which would sen 1 thrills nf blood to the heart of any ballr om belle lav i on the uble child and go back to your m irnirg work- who jo you suppose ils from v quea- tiored th girl turning the letter over and viewing 1 e puperscripuon cnrinualy ill fre soooa ever ive kuit to the seamncex lo i make it a pint never to lay ihicgfi aside all in a muddle oo matter what hap oens the gir colored unconscioaly oh lhal everlasting telmneedle i i believe so netiraea you knit past it just to keep me railing harrinl sdiss tl rnkfnl never used i hi name in additssii her niece except when extreme ly dispieised slowly aad carefully she folded hei work sticking the ueedlc firmly aad reenrtiy into the ball then wiping her spectacles an unnecessary length of time ou her spotless apron she adjusted them in their pjoper place acrossher note and took up tie letter meanwille harriet had flown back to the kitchen where she gave vent to her impatienc by miking a great clatter with tile break ant dishes shes just the dearest old auntie in the world i bheeaid but she does iryine so with a r awful precision shed like to have mc pend the rest of my lifetn the anvaryinj routine of the old family clock on the miritle yonder but 1 caul im too full o life activity 1 want something new and dearly i aa i love her id like a change o ce in a while auot thaukful the forty yeara hj two days and not hnf try its a blessed thing that shes only jot a daughter if she had growpsp mas id never think of lettln harrie go for ahe is pretty theres so denying hat tea ill answer mehetablea letter right off sod oak her if harrie may come for a week or two itll be a change or her and like aa not shell be more conteuted after ahe gets borne again a letter for you mother and the very luperscription is as good as a photo of the writer i can imagine a prim dignified spinster of uncertain age to whom th least shadow of indecorum ia an unpardonable sin mrs mehetable morton i why little mother your very name looks unnatural it ia so painfully precise i wonder if she ucccpted your invitation to pay nl a visit i hope not for well have to drop all osr pet names while ahei here shell mehet able yoa aud kelson me i wouldnt won der but that ahe considers it altogether too familiar to address people by their girerr names and we will at race be promoted to sir sad mra r do let me take the letter nell 1 am a anxious to rvnd what she has written she used to be my deareal friend years leo when wa were little girla i have cot seen her for a great many years ab i just u i thought i she cant leave home for any length of time but she writes that peters child- peter was her brotherijwo thres yttrs younger than herself is withher she thinks that the chil i la lonclyyaod needs a chaoge quite badly ifit willnot b a bother to nsahe will aend harrie down for a week or two and she will icome at the end of that time and make a short visit nell puckered up bis lips and gave vent to a long cxpreaaive whistle a little boy is neit thingto an old maid what shall we do with the small tornado mofaer oh ktll you will bava to amuse him in some way i as for me 1 rather like ibe idea ol having a child about me ooce more ive lost my little boy you know with a fond upward giancei speaking of that lost boy ofours reminds me that i have an old chest of tools in the garret and ill win his everlasting friend- ship and bring the condemnation of aunt thankful down on my devoted head by- presenting them to lum on the very daj of his arrival ill havthridgt hi up the little room next to yoara for harrie she can make it so cozy aad pleasant and you must take him out on the lake ia your sailboat oc casionally said mra morton whose kind heart waa inetanlly filled with plans for the comfort and pleasure of the expected kuest j what a pity the depot int nearer i said nell reflectively i guesatll take the horaea instead ol the carriage rhea i go to meet him the little fellow will be delight ed with ahorse back ride who ever saw a boy that waant of course he will poor little dear i expect hei had rather a sorry time cf it vith only tuankfal for company he shall make el the noise he likes the next two to rbtroduceharrie to his imbiber and re lieve ber from further embarrassment it la alton aucoimt of the aaroei said mrs morton laughing heartily as she kissed harries flushed cheeks but im ever ao glad thai yon are- iiti little boy dear i i ihall enjoy your jaociety so much better i shall break nry heart over the diaap- polnloient thought xeil as he cast ad- miting fiances utthe bright animated face opposite i what would aunt thokiul aayif she knew said harrie aa ste stood before the mirror letting dowu her long goldeo brown hair io the lovely jguest chamber where mra morloat had left her with 5 goodnight kiss still warm u bar lips the room fitted up for the little boys comfort stood unoccupied she harrier knew nothing of it or tire chat of tools with which neil had plained to purchhm her anectipna such a loriely tie i and i brought it to nell she said viewing hi dainty article of lace and embroidery admiringly just imagine this ornamentiog his shirtfront 1 oh dear it is too funny gher laughed merrily i wanted it myself when x binght it oolyl could apt afford two and bow 1 can hav it she added tying it about her white throat and smiling at the pleaaaot effect i shall j not wnte one word to aunt thankful abjiut the mistake i mean for once to enjoyj myseif- mrs morton is such a darling old lady afid nell ia just splendid if be is a man i the next 10 weeks weri the brfghteat happiest weeks of ail harrie a experienee there were such nice longjtalka with mrs morton while nell waa at tia office which i am sorry to confess he neglected ahame- fully durine those two tbyfhl weeks there were carriage rides and boat rides picnics and music until harries foolish little head waa nearly turned with the pleasures she enjoyed but the two weeks drew to a close at last bringing a letter from aunt thankful stating that she would be with them on the fifth mrs morton aad harrie ode over to the depot fn the carriage to meet her and brought her back in triumph between them theres do use askln ihow youve en joyed your visit said aunt thankful daakr 10 that articte one cuy ibs meant itaak how mtwh is it seiliog for a gentleman who beard the remark took it ai entirety efferent sense jkom that what it whkuey brlagingt io iroti aafc 111 teltyw j u ubitagrag menj terisoir and to the gallows and it bringing women and chlldrea to poverty snatwanc there never wits a truer answer tsra thfc r it is estimated thatrt sends to prison every year one huudsed thpasanaj meat and women- i s i i twenty thousand children are aend to th woruioase annually by drink three hundred m orders are esuaad by ifltemperante etiery year j l- twolmndredthouindchrirheatiaje orphaja every ys bytbu dtaafasetil j and eiityfire thousand arekhted by in temperance every year in this co mirj does it seem passible that mat wlfdeal outt his brother- such rxubi aus atull wheat he knows that it will prove bis ruin special fflarket kh rttv a great cause of human misery is toe lw ef royal insurance company titixio un tiptttf f isnioii oollsj- iwiijit at ehawhomart rjlbirfifica funds anrted pjoww awjsi nf invested in cahaeu lb bmi ww 5a0qx0 protection canadian policy holders tsoomo 4 aojiil m7 has the ut nrp otatry re w uu company in hi wtold ill undi of jriert7- and town 0 jjebgrjiiiel esq hjcmllton h ajantj manhooa we havprecentlrpnil1ahei edjmon of dr calve rweloflele breted fsaar on tnr rnrileal and rrnjinebeorb vitfonbt taeffl- ein blllty meriwlanpjiyalc at fneapaeltim pediments bfmarrlaffete respftiiigfromwf essoi j wprlee in a sealed envelope only b ets ortwjwflfo surnns 1 r beeslpbraldiobor io utlsiadmlrabln biaay cleahy demonatrates from tbirtj yarrittueeeasnil practice tnatelarmlnebnn- rqueneea may beradleallyearedrwlttiont the danaerbnsrtnr intern mtillrlofanr tha use ol the unite pointing nat a mode nf tw e vsver a boinaltir uftlpuxiay oepn rnt njtjei irifbm jp desire s tnor thankstfiftjti jmppt fiifi aejon ind vmnityf their wjsfamrti smce bpenibg duainhss1it khij votild re j shnold be in tbe nanlsol seoifotltwl and earl aasure trjem f hat tteyimualwsjs jhave oa hnj nurf jwj t itaiwair8sti r tw trill rehais vitfcf iiy kind irwntheee whoariik to sail f53j ifiwft clamvriniitrtbd rjistcailr trytontbajja averj man in the land rtht cnlverwell jpeel oftiesg8 it mrs llortoa instantly answered miss smiths letter settling an early day for harriet vhlt tbe day arrived and nell with one of the carriage ponies and his own handsome horse atarted for the depot ilnatewmor meets the train came thundering inland the usual hurry aad bustle ensued nell vainly searched among the new arrivals for ihle little charge 1 tkere was a little boy with hie nurse and big boy with bi father but no boy anaweting the deactiptida of ike one nell was ia search of and the old duck arc- exactly ahki the dearmer heaaldlnperplexity ido tick tick tick rf the dk end theclick bope j fo iajr on with the click die i of tbe knitting needles are al- train j moat the only sounds i hear except ihe a momm he espied a young tady oocaaiona racket i make just by way of waose w blue eyes wore a very saxioua variation the clock ia a perfect model of accuracy nd probiptneas so la she they never ma e a mistake or go wiong la tbe jext room miss thankful smith expression as she searched the faces of thdab about her fn a vain attempt to fled the oat for whom she was looking step ping up- to her aide nell lifted his hat bad lakcd the letter from the envelope and j jmlltclyvanc asifed if be could assist her i 1 this red texatloain her eyes j yji t came to esebl has failed to pat in an appearance to my bad read t through twice titfore couihjenl- ing upon t then dropping it in ber lap heir face 1 ssuined a thqushtfel expression hev eyev 00k on a dreamy jlook sd tip wonder or she was gating far baak into the past- full forty years istrat fe stihge i sbo mnrmurej inedltatiy eljfj jtbaj weheuble should inire wr tten to mt after au toa shed too red to brambleville quite liielf ali d glancing at harries bright happy face im only afraid youll neer be ceuteuted with me again i ob yea i shall said fearriej for 1 know that oo are the dearest triacd 1 ever hid where is nell 1 asked auutthankfnl after tbey had entered tbe parlor and mrs morton had suled her gaeaj in a large easy chair nell wuobliged lo be jabsenf this af ternoon and will not be home until tea time and mrs morton bending a mate dispatch acioss to harrie w 10 was obliged to ieave the room instant i y rwhibr aeon- vulsire tremor shook her et ture fornt harrie waa comiogdot a the stairs aa neflopeeed the front door audtheirvbieet came noating down tbe ling hurl aad in through the back parlor dear which stood ajarto where auot thankful was sitting mehetable who is that man talkinto i my harrie 7 asked she anxiously at that inauntt nell and harrie entered the roeim tojetbet i j oh i exclaimed mrs morton smiling complacently its only neil misa smith allow me to make yor acuairited with my son nelson you didnt kiow i had such a great boy did you j the mchiefs done r jcried aunt thankful sinking nebpleasljr tw a chair but then what cant be cared must re endured the added phi loeppljicilly while harrie blushed rosy andi nell laughed merrily ton thongnl t was atonnhdy didnt yen mb smith 1 he aai 1 comincever and seating jiimselfjifeide her and enien lug into a conversation i a easy and at tractive way ttatejute rotvher fonaly heart- v x aubttkmkfd proved a irne prophet in regard to tnamiscnlexiw liok those two happy weeks trad aecoiupl ahed butjthe j often remwksltbtoceha t mnat ntarry j somebody ani orehy b totag henisteady flidaiively willing and in j papaa firm but declining mammas unsettled but w higher bids cofleevrcohaiderably mixel fresh fha active and sljppety trtwataa grain better thartilrley eges ooiet but will prubabljr open up lively ki a sbort thne- 1 whisky steadilygoing downi onions strong and rising r brestastwasheavy boot and shoeathoee in the ibarkrt are soled and are cooatantly going np and down hata and caps not as fssfc cs ant spring except foolscap whica b station ery i- tobacco very low and has adrw- ward tendency i silver close but not dose taongk to get t r-t- success in farming the necessary epf bward an imnwiel huabandryare j- 1 to ceuivate less land 2 to maw that which is cnkivated rich in plant food so that it may prodaoe large- crops 8 the practice ol a rigid systean of roti tfiin of crops and taixedfarmiirg 4 the cnltivatioa of the grasses and leas of the cereals and tha feeding upon th farm themostof its producta 5 raising dover and sariiminx the land by timing under green drops iievis lat the faitlifnl practice ol sucn a systeorof tilling would ln ten i jearsi increase the value of rralcetaie l9p cent and place the fanning papulation in an independent positiea auw u wrk4 at skabkna amimg the ecsiest hbtelsjn ontnrton th murray house nl su catharines kept by mr thomas seulley where the srrisarjak ways atopa when in that aity upon a re cent trip the writer wasspaakinftwith hi- scalley ooboefsing th old ilwa wi back when mr s ehserwd rtokatsn- cere pleasure in beconrmending st jacob oil to all sufferers ihavo fonhdita most eieellent rerhedy myaelttandfl knowiot others who h aye naad it with grea i i woaid not be witwt st aaots oil nor dollielieve any ensibjo esan oogst i eanrhtacnldab6utbre years aumea aettledjie ay back and sordf- afflcteaw letweejo myahouldera thnain was moat unendirral m timea eapeaually a impendipgehanges of the and at tiubtiaaeajutd tebe tnoapadtatfd or attfndina tomy business 1 trise tleoteio baths aalt baths varions rtrwgibioini plavterriaii4 other inch meaiu withodtiuel eeas inulyi wied 8t jacobs oit tha great german eemody and waam4av once aad permanently 8t acpus hi j a inoi exoeiteot rendy and j 6w not- as atthout itat any price a way 1 bomeborty ana orehygiri generauyoo i a young ladye meet rae al 1 u adly ghtisialw shoee aieniuble vfjjj ib r yduhg tiautikee a todetafehtrjahe sau withiear of z -i- ibliuewrh a ftemmt etjieriniftat dyon grbirai ltf and waril ifeswil iy she trom here and- thecira ran right part jber bouse aad mne to b feeerns most like belnneigh- rebl eaamiridoirrpieh ttif4 and 3 hedleal tat jihor vdiflparlmlded and mta nell well w d1t u pas thro tgh thenftiafluirni vftltvtnrwtiln m e tup canada a1verllti afrerl- s kdir bu wwtiitnronto ts w w srjrchattl mana v uertlsmitiifoi edasmo ttjantspb 4njrs farixht ieair hft 4 it 1 v jr yiciy ir mmmmmmmxtiwmk idttjthe name time haver an iotera inj j handsome onum mtt- tbe prpeeedi ig vf tajtw cbejidcj experiment thati ir be trie4 by anyone rtineoblet ine fulof saaandcipoonfu of tha goblet twothirdvfull c t it in a poaitlap jrtairbjtvtjwia waiarth ittijvu ffoilomafsfiisindjpco howmnei theajiv lyts been bestowed and wkvoi umlnoua treatises have been written atpoa this nhiversal diinadnr asakmirei is witkeertaiu and safety dispelled wii ontfear eiraapaa by aooarae of this p fyiag toothing and tomo medicine 1 it acta directly on tueaiooianvtftinatweu- then ihdirecuthoniiiq leajewavelj on the brainj nervea vaaela aw irwa intmacioehothijagntl tjre system that harmony dwua wweea each organ and its fafittona ljripepai iaaunolcitltnl ineahohift fsla f lw toaaboatvcatchroaio and ca trfimmtrw dilrstiou and to the taiserahu adsarar to health lttauruic wj 1i tpsissw i- 1 t