licit cup ilcei aaiilly hie uprjm j h tlirnpav morsujo july 8 132 our tutilh volutcc for another tmr we bave tiirnd i lie enilil of ihii opinion mill and to day tq enlt upon our eighth voluma no t various ktuiln of uaifcic lact been i eljcucu sonic minor acme major mjiup ail aiiil w chftifui we lif jur w the year carrfdly urd eaniculy hibvinvl 10 make a good clean kelji fill hot llr and by lie ecivinen- ihiien leceiti-d- and the orders for w ami tenctrcd nbtenptions te ait- iiifie1 lint nut eftula bare bu nccwfiil wk bywek ii baa tivt ed vomt 1ouhh mid jtifuruicd lu sikut difficult lo keri an orderly anil rrap cu able iiouv lley am tree from til rvltittnna of a licthae law aril of llio atigum rtunclnif to liqnntvctiht ami i thev auiuv ouwlke uwjt jf jw njtftlvnrdjuti bui jkopw mid lm rvoyaflucd iwjinea en tgd iua tuaj hanouhlp unsiticu the election returns a the smoke f ilia fltcliiu eouihit cleats x ind th rffievtl re-tun- culm in ru kil belter nuc lotnlccit view cf the siuintunk siucn our ui imic licwtvtm very little clmhue lm luen mnlc the cuiforviilirc pres cuiiun it jr iiiotf nnmbem lhn llu- lilerl irefcs i illiim 10 ttllov ibem and it wilt no dnula lissome little linn yet iftt ifrfcctly authentic flicv retort of tlv i every county nd il i hhl llint aside froui vn the rjuw weemy couvctien of local v it w roughl jou naw an j luu rnnu to etuortiu ymi vlitu tcer ot chr yoi wleu sail dtuinc it eat iv history the fxer kcs hud nutnr advttye ciixiriutinic n contend whh lt it htf triumphed tmr ilihtn kii mid i to tiny cvuitii tnltpt1 ly nity wtirxifunsiu litti i rr hefyrt acoonun icrpur liflit i itrnvn enjravoitd toeuoh t thsidprpij risjit mid 10 rxixue l rr vtlived in uuff in diin ttp hflv uvjiip nitny fiund fiiti itilihtia ft ec miqju ttill we inct llnttiin th vnm liueef ctjiiduct du in the jcr jaet entcrtd irku at ii- thiift to in the future oil w-iuk- rr iutf iuct and nipans will h cmfinned in sirivins u mub llie frei trr6 llje btl ind most n-ijill- loca r now offered to tlie rtidera iu l4i conntvtf ihituc to oar f needs t hrid kk til mst hooie ire an in d- ttnrihiuctitiaae to ndfivt to d rre their continued siiort h striving to iirjmte the fkex preis ii erery dmrticn we- thittit oiu mmvlt tends ccntiihutortknhctilur and ndrtrtjerfir tb fivers lsuw ed tipitx n ntd rrsptofuily 6jiicit u ccntiiaiarjmi of the tce or the cccin of the cooiffio dif c a new vcdiiqf- we a ho vtdluc tn iroprnvie by respect fully rcqiejinj- snlcaibr8 one and nil who approve of the minagmiit af thtf free trii taci iti general merit to vxicura a ntjr- jrresaure with their frieniia who arenot mh yet on orr iis to teed in their nttnes and tqbcrptions every ed ditionil itto new ttiuc ihts wii cniia- n to make furiuer inovcniuu in th ntyle nd enntterof the free press atidthns enahlt ua to eive better vduv to all suiiscrijkis wu iiisa ecilictt local cotntucuicjtions from ail sectioo of the conntr difiutiiion cmui fvpcertuind tin fjlloaiug is the official reuru uf lli6 vote- pulled for cucii cuudiitivto in ilie tiiious jrjlliiig plitcciiin our own county j i vlustcdcd vote polled j fur i mkrarcy nsqucrn- io 1 cl i 57 3 ra j- i 7s l 5 go i i co trxfilgtr ko i xehoc 5 g nol j ki5a4ateyako i 2 3 oifcrule jta 1 4 s s rhtlinloa jlctoa ko 1 j 2 2 c3 196 68- fa 91 70 61 65 c3 54 103 83 m 3 f0 30 o ti s2 27 50 1822 jur ilckindey 31 65 7 23 72 7 c3 111 70 gj 0 6 90 75 74 70 55 s3 43 61 23 as 29 52 sj s3 49 v tvtj- 1822 1739 tee nnir of reacted ballets- 10 spoiled rltarrcd 18 j tile voia iqllrtl at the eleclion on the 20tl ul as lliq argcal eroi llil in klton frcic laaf usue o ilie hilton xcvt we find the riimlfi- of rous ciat iu lie ai fire fcliclioijr im fulluws an lioiir after ll ilud concluded he bem diction i j rononnced and the ljlui pioif tjmbs whftijjhiep over liuv head in- wnfjbuclih and ithj te body turiiid ihnvna not llio e mivcmbnt ofllie la sotn in do tin jvi itdy ihoiimtnds lustily tlielvoltituvji touclnnj lln n inur it wiik tl coltm the ihysiri mck wan hfikmi t some be ijrtl und iuuijid ouuijo burialied wllb ibrtcevlnat id or nyer half an n loird into ilie imi drcidid llintjlli iiiintion lirrlia iu iii bv iiutniiu hiuvmciiviih prnvujl ii to lit ill u iihm ilallliy condition aitli iio aitiuiitct of jiusuiity j pergonals mrs w williimi ii viiuuj fricadi in tjmic j i mrs f ii sfcy u visiting friends n dclmoit i mu 1 ciirjcr roo bis rt tamed bonil- frttn walucstin mr j l wrn- 1 spent i coipo of days ibis weik it 1iira lri s j ti w ui of sutbicy is vliii ing frundi iu ation mrs t ctirl ic of walkcnon ia visitldff litr friend here via ublti uciarvh ot slmtford is vvuiu- her tr ld iiiie ko icvceuticr left list vilkvxy left u tueiday for petcrbjioupb io iii her sisier mis atnic m- m ore if uerlio spent vevk in aclnn mto rod fuilly bamji- filrirjs oi siiurd iiwl of lklfounuioj paid ilia aclon frirlijs a viit liiia wvek mr jncs lljill uj wife of george town tpeiii dviioion diiy wiui cneadi ia acton keion and cc speight djy ttilu frieuda ia mr harry ill monday for uloref mrv hi liu severn duih ih mr jlmwm lou vivied aeiun mr gj t tftf jlzl x xj l makinfr firstclatf ihotographs of every i vsis5e at f rv 4 w i h pricta j- a newstock 0f- cture frames and mouldings i selling cheap- ajt hills studio mill street aaton lillk ajltatt pnixtice keiixedv in ailorl n the i ijclc of ttie brides inoibcr on the 2ku uli by hev d 15 fiinierori mr j a ikutjcc 1nrry sound io mix toliiia kounsdy youucesl daughter of 1 1 uiv malcolm kunuly of tbi vilaga beias biocim atlmlianpnlli iid ci june 14 y the ery ltev f taj lor 15van of st iialv ihe lite wm bcvan i lcmiijenl if i liurville 0ol lo aiiun jldl dnugliur of ii 11 lliwr eso 11 u mid ukce ot mr s a securd of hu villart a ppbestitt wanted af i iv y itionof- ibekhib choice ivhtllinery at all kinds of fancy goods command the t drniration of all visitors to learn tin art opripun- auply at uce to i h p moore fbk prxss oruct actox jusiness brevities sob 6 faota about onr baslaeta ma oad botuta at bofi to our ksnoral foadcrc iliuheri nd wife of ljer fricuda here a viil metsre u e 5pcut uiuiiuii uaikbaiu mr jimca jnaucruljjid this wrtk mcssji wmj and -jniei- first brrtok of ttircio paid lltii nattve ttrtina skull viait this vrctk misif luapifm and xtdlic auau of ainu coh jfj st tiumi ire it byim spending vucila mr hi stijatr left hrc on tuesday fur muji frl to crtct a housy iu tiat vven fr hit unit her mr w ci ivirj returned from her visit w eiuhifidioi iuiidty evcnl the f if atcoujpiukd fri-ujs- mr gjoee rfcmsttccttr oltcrrrde fir mruy ta 4 rtjidn f tliw vilusc i ind itr iiijan viiitcj thtir frit missld li ci x w tel sicc hc during tle ab- see tf mr a mmii in eugland 1jft tjc ltr huiuc iu toiorig ou saturday brler vs beaty provincul 165 etel uy icvtrai oid couiitrj- 1 ileuittrert of sjiitou oda lcrc usi friday rtcr wh rivicd at thft how docs it work vinous are the answers gven o thf common question tfowdhs the scit act wort 1 the act jias only ben in oprition for twn uiooths and at thi tuge of iu hihtory it woiiid o courre lw a preiuature tltcit to etjdhvor u esuliah ttat it is either a success or u failure but it d scfe to ay that thsiaw is fni4j olesrved and jjc rokiilu moat enconraging to its ficji- porters it ban leea demonstrated that buai nes will 50 on just as uetiil wtthcut eny flijarect fv apathy witb ibe dd trfhc and the oft rtpciited thcotvi ihfft the cloeingof the brrooqifi wmiid yi a lirakft on the whetls of tnihe lm- lieen practical 1 exploded the roer- chau freely admit that- purchases nre titit cnrtailed beciase their custpmei nov have a few exra quarters in their pockeu which they could not gpnd ui the bnr the facti ibe pexhibitioc 235 rivsj ciuy vsj lyon p ni vi nciil 1 87 5 2559 vouf j mcciwnfy v icdotijl dmta iot 1876 3395 vous blty vr r ixrison provincul 1sts 35m3 votes i mcrnny w mckincssy dotniu tvin l62 j56l vota tifc above oill jiow lhflt onrconntv is ool dfgnratinik far tae uviug f the fraudiim is couctf ned j prfentatlpn to the edtlir cj the fret prtu dear sia knowing lim you with the nian other frienls in aeon of rnur brother per t jc moore wi y b puasedto ifcirn of the favor he hat won amonj the people here as wcll u tho aucceiu wmct has attended hix uikra on du citcuit like tlieliuuy ofwiiting when mr muote catne to blnjont bis friennly heating and faocial manueroou gave him a place in our beaiuwhich plapd he ooulitiued to cccupyj bia influence increasing all thrcngh the vpbt had he been allow ed to lemkiu bn tbi circuit anoibvi year he vsold have btfn well receive icdi sm eare there are none who would nolhave vveicotiitd hl return but this week he rraiotl tb 8lfard bin new cticfv we tfiist gode blesing witl abide with hirer and liu fation be abundantly sacuesaful on tuesday evening prior to hiadf pirtnre a number of the young people whatj peopre say tb ua loitdiciycool wtatherfor july j dv itjf llrar oar municipal father commenced hjfirj tbil the w will beat the crili in lon fcn lj em enforced with toul humor du u j the winter bard nek blood bitter tjt itv siup wiacrc vjc cipa ex- nxtmes own purirjiug abd regula cilement cruld i tlut lhrrc wit rjj do hi ix a bo lime over tbe couinf pfusriscijj elttliani lave gov k b kio cwki thai tb pteaunt afler i that mr ate of cnlarc loks very e fbowers nf the rteefc chat ki eef w the most t thesale of intalcicaiju af a beverage among whom especiiillr ho haa been a favorilf gathered together in leave ukirg wkeh a purne well filled cotupantpil by the wcdlwigbesof all the people waa ptraented him a few henienctn be replied it being qnile evideut tjiat he appreciated the iokeji presented hitn l a warm welcome iwauihttirinour huines utiany time and we shall alwayr ie glad lo lieflr of his succesa trust ing you jwili find i space inour iotef eating paper for ihw ivtm i i ara yonre i jobejri potts belmont jope 30 2j gaiteau paj the penalty 1 njiifit of opceesity bflp every ipgitimute trade tbe wantirof be corimiututt are in no way rednced by the remoyal of strong drink ko sn iter qn anil tr of i fttravor jbread will atiflfy the hunrv nor less yards of cloth cover the nuked t i j while those who before kpeul iheir earuiugs for that which waa oeitjit bread nor ciothiut now have hem to spend for tbpbb ueofcsithia the baker sad the butcher and tbe grocer and the tailor now 6tid their receipts supplemented by the amounts wbch formerly into the liquor sellerb till and all this mcaiistbat hungry children nre pow better fed and cloth ed and that jearniug wives now we 00 me borne sober huaban 1ft j jbe botelkeepers may not 6nd thar tills asfull and the will undonbtfldly fetl ibe change a hardship for borne time but they will in tbe end bfl greatly benefited as any portion oftt lura from 75 ciutk lo 25c at l fylet kil cimic nrd 0uip plumes go to huhea k gi iftiiiv acton a good pelt for 75 cents ai fyfe if von runt h noltby durable and eap suit j iyleuli ibe ilactogo all kitiu of ltdica cltara collar 5tsand ties at hughta k onffiui ivcton 1 i scviich j suqlivh nnd cnftdimt sniitix in pfw vjiritty at the eait end c oihigeeiorc i fyft acton ihighra h griffin rfll mii fin 9itw htk nt 4i and upwani fine qiitily stittn at 150 newest atyhp wool sool 7 the jdhem price in sh iirtmrtc ujjli fie wid or clenn mctchintrtb wpil bnrl kin if von fr are gut it i mcuod audetsuu i co 101 etn ryvits ahil oyefcoats nl exfremely w rates a tui- inai in jjiteit ityiea bic tc to ciu add sea them j fyfc actoa lcqnilian f harrillon cf the welliiy- m marine works j cluelh out arilotue le lirpwt rotad larllc trarif in ont tw- t the fjvet thai thy do the heat work n u- ihc chetit4it the puhiir ire wiro- 1 t3tnt dtahuj with secood hand trade mlcrf bus klimd c diftct to iho firm lay from their atrnts stt that ilie lime mcqoi hit k hsnilton ia on the rioted fdttnlbtfott yoo ityn or order eruork of tovto a lnilmiir who rpflerfl tr tnr frnro cn nn tvorjo lrnihtnr trcaahu all fffcu tif jiiilhifl liitilrflliir will or fcikeorsjfleti fc bhhimiuj w nl fco 10 ii vrlii ncdii ihr nr t and drcucu for kkln tlpltnn 1 trnidy i v iiicli be vn nr i knfltrir wjfhjtg- iii jmrt bi ih nj nlfimxhiidvun 0 wby nddrffmrg n xrfrtcouth rre jniis llticdek uolarbiwnrw yotk- a i the apjirofhofftpinp great atlrn- ion fchuld t e piven ta punfy ibe ny rinp r i punfjiug abd regulatiug onifl 3tt a conifftrt a t e atpflnc browqn household panacea ha no equal for rctierlnevpuin both in ternal nnd external u cures fiin in the side uackr boweu ore throat 4 cal7t103f m cquillan a ksmiuon o the welljrtou marble unrkt gaelpji have the reputation for doitt the war aud cbeapwt work to bo oood an unprincipled rent of another cnmpatiy liai been aing thmah the vicin- ity of rockwood tmi ac tun aud in tome vttt recvivrd orders frutn lartien leadio them l believe that they were purchasing from tbe almve tirru horoi of the parties have refuaed to pay for tbe work received and iu calling at nor nfiice to notify ui of the fact foand thai tbey had iwea deceived we have warned the public by dvcrtic- ment not lo deal witb aay agent wliocoaltj cot product aaii facte ir tvidenor that he wna working for joof blaakordertbet ahow otir names in rerml tdew mcquiltan ft hamilton wtjiibgtutt uarlie worka guelpb ont b vlslsess tuant having dupoed f my funeral black- mi lliin baaintaa u mr janel mccain f 1 uke this oppirtmnpf of thaaking my uo- meriiui friends audcoatonicra fir their ii1- eral ami hearty patronage durink the pi tweutvfive yara i ab take pleaaarc in rtcimraetidiok to my former patriot mr milflin wlm ia a workman of many year experience and wit whom yoj art ail acy uoaintetlr who will hive uo dtubt carry out any tranaiciion tie undertakes f m speight the anderaighed having parchaaed the hlackatuub orp and buainem of mr m fpeipht beirs to inform the public that he ii prepared to fill ajlonura on dnrt untice and to the ll atiactioo by strict per- tonal attcuiin to lataiiieaa i bp 10 merit a cmitioaaqca of the pfttiaajfe so liberally accorded to my uredeceisor james mclam acton joue 19 1882 khcamititm tdolhache lumbago and any kind td a liin or ache lt win troxt nurelvquiikenth mood trod heal ile actiig powir is wonderful prowas household fanacn beiin acknoutfed rr the preni painieiiqvr and of tlonble the sirenglbj of any other elixir t ltnipionl in ibe world should be in everjf tacitly han ly for use ahen rviiled tl it really ijuie hestroiodt in the world forcruntta in ihe stomach and jainsand arhes of all kinds finl iiforsle by ail druggists at 25 cent a bottle pimples wim mll rerrw for a almplo veotllle balu that will rrmnv tan fieculea flmplea ind blotoiea laink in- ali- ofh cluilrinl benatfii 1h1 ln- rnqi inns for orodrliillelujurlohprjnth lialr nnnlite hal nr binnaml fa x drrr liilortnfc 8c ktmnp ban tunuil ft colbjrclajhi ky v a ptijwih cnti ba a hrg al adis- unc j iirde c of danger tesu presence of mind prepence f disease latatlie value o a bur live kidnorwort ehal- leneec thiatwt alwiys raid everywhere po iar iu all camplaitita 61 ifie binel livtr and kilaen are concerned it cures all nor iks ny oda iradien botheral lbrrsl arc you disturbed atnigliund broken nfyqurreai toy sick cbidau8eriigaid itts9 cry i ie iviih ibe eicruciuling pain of umli q4i i culling teelh uaoebal onceaod get foaralgla sciatic lumbato r lon or jr w soblbfng backache tsoraness of the chest bf ctqy- harness trunk mania acqimiita iarrrnreo nr harness ot trunks to tataj money ihoalctgo to r creech acton- call at j 0 hills tiashop fur the jillldvitig aoodt jil batoril j bird 0se neat cheap enamelled oranlteand braes preservjus kehlea imitation sliter tta 8poqqst 40eiteer doicn beit qnautr silk pails strainer pall c cistern and force pumps kept in stock aod autipliedtateeason- of experienced nrompliiegs neitijesauud eii a amart inteiiigoot boy aboot 16 fun ttgteiilarjea stow rrjofi ij better light with an additions i stafl ncc is winltd at rn frix paua ofice t assistants enn les tliem to execute all order re satisfaction prices aro g uaiaateed bight n t their stock of- it fnll8elcted with usual my care anckbtraght on very besttc rnuc t for everjorte yiiiestkid to coarsest wear noibettep iy alue in canadd r vujj the goods haritigfceen bought before the strike wejwiil take all the bggsbrouglt i i t- in and pay the very highest 1 4 3 ebijifbr them l l remembee our miotic s t which still maintains its reputation as the best tea for- the money inspection invited christie henderson co abton raffs ojd vsujjold cppreiri and braaa wool picking and sheep pkans takeb in fexeljantre for roods saplease eahaitl see my ktock j 0 hill next door to 0 w hills photo studio mill st aoton twoiiiroiiuy they will find it vs ddi eitkjmvii j ws ntevnox tblait scanein thetnoat alibcfcinv tiagedjjp tbfikiuicl histopr jf h dnited3tatn was ermcied tm fnday listibyljliexeeiitloni of g1eaij tbe inurferejof trwdent giirfeelri 1 bf waa led oilie scaffold abou 3 2 6clov a fino assortmeat igwdsii ttom gout quinsy sore throat swell ings ana sprains burnt and scalds general bodij pains tooth ear and hiadacba frcstbd i ftet ai d ears and all otter p tins and aches ko prnwrrlj n ca nrtlt alf st jircs orv ai a mafr ti t riairfr end ehiioji- kxhul uistdy a b al ealalii bvl th bnapwutclj triaiiij ontlut r60 rralsrnd etfryciii wdvri villi paia can i ire cboap bad poatlif frof oriu auimt plrtlom la eurad tcagflaa sold bxai j dbugobtb ihs deau23 iswpioth avcigbfieftco balllpnn lid v b j syrup unrpi rehe tb jioor htue iauderer inmeliilelytepeod upon itr 1 there ia rto miaukq abont it tbereia not a motlier op eoriblio hn ever used it who will not tell you at once that it will regolne thelifiwefs and give res i to the tndther and rebel nod hetlth 16 the child operating like nwgio ii yibrrcuyiale ito use in all ewe a and pleosicti to ibe uisie jipd is ma pre 8ciptionlofon of tlie oldat and bejt fernale ijbysicans and iiireea in tbe icriphoniuio eroala abys jitled btafe kjtleawt 18 t ur cure wrail dii aasss of tht kjda r- mver i ttliwapic saaatiosw ttisiaostiibva9iiuia ergtemsb ins it ta umtr ts torpidity ca4 ft u aouunlaeluatl7 cecrelicraof jltaloiva lirluetutojlawo aandlucn- ebausfitatapilliiifeiia i cental bottle itiba sold iveryirtiejfe at is ttia i riaw asteaf p ii- strayejtttbvpmrhlseibfthb6ndralin ed lxt ffljntt1fcjvaintj tyirirlt1ntit the latoj jiiuimaredairrdiipinr canlaoj uijiirj by vprayiog frnfjesy saying ojpenses and taaiarr bar away i waxmfkmi pilsnu eauaainnlutw 23 82 1 i a -j1- prwut mt ws8aiikn tlie nrtdmiinerl ottenj for tate tbeprbp ety wwajjtriiir tfts p r station the ibt contains one hftmiotatt ajliolijs armae erndltindcontauiino aimnm i- rd ijitu vl- 000088808 to oi iiiiit1f hrwintji i ctf8ssfttiv rrw wtktrvtffmrprvr guelph cloth hall scaiaia uatsad aijii imiuitnir qoedt jkfeg0teet inallidepartoettta 1 iv i witil m i as immense display of new fashionable spring si at the r mammoth house geohgetowit nttaiuiib mitrtom iu- r ih licitt f iiq mclllfcotj alsffifersojs c01y t i i 2s000 dollars north or the choicest and cheapest new goods rver al dimiiji tbif county we bare great pleasure in announcing to our cusioroera and the putilib generally thai wejbave a flratolaiaatock lliat we boubtthegoptla rig brt thjitwd- will tell tbetoj aheap that throngh our long etperience and our undou ited credit and our ability to pay caab for all the gooda we buy that we cjn offer on iniluce- m ovillageijtmjsny other place enn offer in the ihapelor- large stock it tcbtsoae rrom euivil goods far this martlet and ehea aeot a all very few paceaif ontario has a larger on better adapted place to do ban lessii than we have or a larger stock end our erpeusea are not peiurss isrjjjb i uy bo lies and we will not allow city or country placet to undersell ua at tbia ia i he pis ce aye hate pitched pur tinted jnwewowfcoijey dreajcoodaln allthe uti fab- rict t3rea sitka btafiri an cmsted a beautiful tine ofibrex silki for 4c a per yard wortb 13c prints uipiense variety trom so per yard upwards qotk nt ot ail kinds inoludrng ijuoirtvdeniri shiriinga and ticktnga at whole sale jrica the above gdodi were purchaaed iaat octobarj they have advanced a nfee like- ciae large atiek ofarrrall wares hosiery qlovacoraet tacea tiea tjmli ellas- pareroiajidhratliiiriliigsfsil kinds including fringe qbids and tajsaelait rentafurnu ilup aautpkrmdym-rfeclctbidg- bootaashoeaval sst pnut we arc arejj lying special alien tirm to carpet- a rwautiful onion ca pet fi r 25d peryanlj a apestry lor 41o wtilftmrmlainsaifijijoase toruji iftfa ttay millinery i i imply superb second knone 4n ihodobjvnfori andu ad rtnl tirard byulenta i ability tatewjnoi be airrpaised t y sa ladle i need not heaitnte tb patron se t jjaw in ads to prderufio anolspptfoved atyle ordered cloihidg pejartment 1 dmeirtesab- pem busy a i nailera through the dull seaaon tbe reason why c loiee btoox cheap iood perferjf fhtingflarmejniajajnd the wort miinthip unto paiseed lie have anjlmrienae stock 1o clroose from and we ihuj maim his tnvktt turlherwevw aenm gom at one price and for e4p auoh ts bu tnfxndttjijil 1 petition la ao kern jpwjhjt toodvbi tmqm ww for caah am i tbereia to reason that eaah tarmep6tajb alkfaa rsiaeiisatia fmechanjea- idkorttlejkiire pkidusaat for thewinc their isbsr jthavfltae tt i p lstrnwefftuire fcimr u itltwp tit0j i iliiniil fhnvt t nifrji j wiwi ainawtlrn to eaoepi inejtt exttletne enivwj bllbe pievlio mlburo ijjjniiwi wiwih taji i i xn4 1- cool obf drtitrsrirhtlwlll be flrtw ibver iiepsrtmeat temw i k5 3 hi