1 lipubuihetf e rsr r tauada r mohkikq i s jf mooirihj editor proprietor at m fat puna ptuirrihe fejusjue m souss son door to mouiodisl church itill sirtetj affoii out tsci the fmtx pasaswill be sent to subscribers postage paid for 100 per ri ft am- in bdvaaoe m50 if uoteopaid no paper discontinued till all arrears arc paid eicopt jt the option of the pvihliaher wtisbi rirxa caeual advertise ments 8 cents per line for tho first inaor- tion and 3 oenu per line for each subse quent uisertu cask professional csrds 10 liacsoi lows 1100 per annum i square 13 line 5l0 per annum parable in c raonthifroiri date of insertion any special notice the object of which is to promote the pecuniary benefit of any individual or ooinpaagr to be considered an advertise- mentrrfienoinber of hnos reckoned by the space occnpiec measured by a scale of sohd nonpareil wraacr hatts one eoumu one rear t s ro halt eotam none rear ofr unarterteolamn one rear one column six montii frw halfeilnmtt six months s- qiartereolomntlimonltit u o t eolamo three moctis 20 w haifcolnmnlremnttii 12 0 ugartaheolamn three months ft mvertlseuunu wlthrtuineetnc directions will be ierled tin frtldand oh rard aecord- inalt transitory advertlferatots mast be paid in advance chanaes for eitntmct terliemcntf raoal be in thf office or 8 a moa mriaysother- wte lhytu be left over lll the lotlowitif volume viii no 5 din tjrsria august s 1882 whole mo 370 actom banking coy storey ohhibtte it 00 r h p moohe killor a proprietor ttllq b1bcd bur t rjcsjoaottcmp terllalaslfctfvatttro spruce 81 hitt acmlrfrff ajnuadu mjjliujetjru ix nllw vultk and cheap gash bazaar upper wyndham street guelph fcr come see onn cw rteiso ittrivals rao qsrminy fraroo bsrundanlkt york otovdl stow at vtv goal i tiouundjof artislts of 2rcry t tjjo houiehsu goods i oruatatal coodi 1 utctfal soeds i very little money will buy a lotofljhing8 ber of tjollegc of fuvsicuni and sonatas j it tbs 0cdalria ceht store and trick si aoton- j lv cheap cash itaxaar baxkkks acton ontario general banking usi- ness transacted mossy l0a1tbs oh atpa072l itotss notes disoounted and interest allowed on deposits presentation volume the lyric gems of scotland containing nearly 500 of the beat songs sat to music on th occasion of the late riait ot the king of the belgians to scotland his mijcity was pre sented aith a handsome volume of this work which he paciously accepted aa a soarenir of his visit thcbsdat moejintb adjnst 3 1882r 10 cent store the press speaks in he highest terms of praise aboot this work in handsome bindinafelt aides and edges 1 50 bjf mail days bookstore j gtelpq day sells cheap rrr h iowrt si b m c p s- jgradifcteof triuity coileee wcmi mlfokstlk m v riivsulav 1 sriigtox etc offij3k iforeters drug store vr morrovsoldttand mill st acloa efiitcrtjcharch street fvnecfv ocra- pied r mr htlkt al tter ll b t til l bekxetx dektist gc-rgc- joht lak50x geadtatfof os veterinary iarecon acit ost- osce in kenneyir5n5 ich and siio stoni res idence a tif rear harts ewimi a ti otria and tniicso pixa allcili- aiint or day promptly sitead- edw terais cy t jfisher v5 geohgexowk ont till tisit aeton every wednes day and will attend to all calls rertairune t j ts nsf orders left st mcgsrrms dro stire srill receive prompt attrition terms mkitirate tjfismir- foar door west of post oihce jas f kli atiw lis oe oar tttclleetox hale i storel bafristcrs silicilrs of the snpreme cooit coeyeincere ic toronto drpeorco to5cn orrtcct so so oiurrfii toretto an1 mcleois bitcfc gmr 4s itoney to lean j15 5 mieites tttlllz n dftortt tttlt heistkeet liioansed iuetionper for the comities of wellicffton and street utown hlton orders left af the fsrn pexss qrajaaqi or at my residence actjn fevili i promptly attended to- terms reasonable f maer laauam also money to loan ontiie most favorable terms land at the lowest rses of interest in soma of jooo and npwards ylih boy oe sell the ondersikiied- is prepared to parchaae ny aantity of elm or birth stive inlu bussrood foe heading and pine cedar or tlack ash forlshmgles in the loe or bolts a good stock of shingles staves and bead ln always oa hand th0s c ilooee t nd foe sale ioie cai be had at tie canada lime works in small or birge cratatities at any time f fplt q eln desr toltol mill orto i c s 6jtrh slav 1st is boi 172 acios medigal hall v acton dr m forster lutiicatiag oils cheap moatserrat lias juice paris qreea heletore coal oil fly fodder p9sf8r foreybk and porbveb fuke folfctn uio j lie iplriu vhom fingi tho vind dliuoter tboulit follow thooght tod li3it the reira of mlnj foromr drop foflowi drop avoti nrclu tlia itrttn rttunrfng never word foilpti word ad toll a tnth lrrei for w som foljovf bom to cheer wllh li4pe thfi bitddflror throb foliuxi throb ud feu giv phu to jof forever the drop tce flaie um be4js tech a louon erer tho word the thought tho draun inipreti tho coul forotex ih fqlkrwt tigh dd botm the lnjut with ufs oft lover emile foilowi imllo ud letef the lii t of o j- farrrer tear foutm tear sad flowi in ttneent roturiiiw dcrer gunco foilowi gluce nd glowi with ioie in hoaru forrr j lof e friend follow friooite umta of iiit the fate discover soul fallows tool uio dau id cbiik thsjl live forever f the tlfh th imile tho tor tho hoo that choers endoaror the ftithjthat guide m hen fiirctokeu life forever i ul is eitine sreat barsains in eleotroplated napkin rings pickle casters cake baskets etc i have also a larsre stock of specs amd eyeglasses from 25 cents up wm smith the waich and cloci house of guelph- american ops srosr love on a farm are yoq my ann dorcas p kre torrance had been entertaining a quilting bee thai afternoon and she bad got the frame oat of the way the dishes wash ed up and tfie apartment generally tidied anybody proud ulibolfer toullieep her mbtlier of coune t i dont suppose the got anywhere else to go there was no more dellciotu dodos for emily now she rose hurriedly dmaed herself and eame down stain aunt dorcaij she said u she encount ered that lady frying ham and eggs orer the kitchen fire what la there la thia neighborhood for a woman to do t eh t said mrs torrance n surprise to earn my lirlng i meao i exclaim ed emily is tho district school supplied with a teacher j lira torrance nodded as she placed the slice of frizzling ham on a blueedged plate and arranged the egg in golden tpbeiea above is there a factory hereabout t put- aued emily used to be aald mrs torrance but they failed and its been shut up for ten months do yon knew any one who wants a girl pursued the city cousin mrs torrance aet the coffee pt on the table blew the horn for job and then re sponded to her nieces query by a counter- question why dont you stay here because said emily wltt spirit i want to earn my own living well yon can ears it here cant you t i was calculating to hire girl this spring and if youll work honestly for it ill give yon the 6 a month i waa going to pay hired help emilys pale face brightened i should like that said she and then job cme in uu handsome and flush ed his curls yet wet from the spring into which he had dipped them and a sprj of trailing arbutus pinned onto his coat and spoke a frank welcome to the young girl whom he had never seen before so cousin shadrach seely he dead he said yea said emily quietly did you like hhn f no confessed the gid he waa cross and surly and had no sympathy with but i tried to be kind to him we are all rich together with cousin shad rack seelys money but cried mrs toiraook i thought he left all to the baptist wliows and or phans not ail aald emily jits a secret but i may tell you now ha f waa left to the refuge the qther so0c la muse to be paid oyer to ine on the day on which i marry a man who ignorant of cousin shadrach a bequest has loved me loyally and well it was the old mans whim and 1 hare respected it oh i aunt dorcas i came to you because in my loneliness snd bewilderment i knew not where to go but i little dreamed that i waa entering direct ly into the kingdom of a noble heart it waa true shadrach sejly eccentric in life had been equally eccentric in his death and when mr mustyhill the law yer paid orer the legacy he bid chuckl ing it is all right i its exactly as my poor client would have had it 1 i congratulate you mrs job torrance t and mrs torrance the elder has a higher opinion than ever of ler daughter in laws attractions now that background of gold they are in a when then came a meek tap at the door j and he kissed me ooce before he died and and uiere inlbe yellow april twilight stood j said i had been a good girl a small llgule in a grey iratelling shawl i j u we and left his money to and holding a bag the refuge for baptist widows and or- sakes uivel aald mrs torrance j p f j u torrance thafa who be yuu i cousin shadrach all over iameojay said the girl plenae he had a right to do aa he pleased let roe in fir i am tired and cold ive with his money aald emily a faint glow walked afl the way from the station and ive had nothing to eat since noon well 1 1 never 1 6id mrs torrance youre the city schoolmaam aint yon as went out to lire with cousin sbsdrich j and hes deed and the money has all gone rising to her cheeks well its all ever and gone aald mrs torrance theres no use talking about it now and she sighed softly to think how many of lifes hard angles might hare been admitted it who paid ther fare in een j an ony pat four on em inter the box j called out a bangor etreetcar driver aa he pointed his sharp face through the open ear door three man and fire women i at as motion less aa if made of pasteboard was it you i said he pointing his anger that stuck out through hole in his glove at a fat woman no air twant no tech th og was it you and be po ated at dan pelter a vartuous member er siett denied it and the drivei pro successor to t f chapman st georges square guelph aceoant books of all kinds made to order 3eriodiiis flf every description carefully fecand- i ruling neatly and promptly done east end botcher shop actok oat 2 ttarlatt bro desire n tender thanks to the people of acton si d vicinity for their kind patronage aince op ning bosinhaa hee and would re- apecfirtir solicit aoontinoaoce of thejrme badcaojissure them that they will always hare fcm hand a fall stack of heat all samiat delivered s3w will purchase good meat of any kind froa those who wish toaell h haklatt t beo h 13m1 w flour and teed store the nndenigned has jost opeoedin the premises formerly occupied by sir j a hill mill street acton a floor feed provision store and will keep constantly on hand a fall supply of- flour bran shorts buckwheat flour cornmeal seed corn oatmeal pea meal and all kinds of feed j fgoods deliwred any place inside or out of corporation your patronage is respectfully solicited aafor the accommodation of sir stath- ems customers fresh bread will be left here r elliott acton april 18th 1832 the finest stock we ever had of elgin walthaaf make in xlvkel suver and gold cases i claim my ifickei cases are whiter and purer than any other being made especially for myself b savage watchmaker si jeweller gtjblph butcher shop inds of slctijf- harnesstrim bp0f nuitiis zounao unrranco w i sltpesz or trunks taatt noney tbtrald go to j r creech rh0l1mes votild refpecuouy inform the people ol i acton and vicinity that he b porchiued the baainem aad property of mr w c eobinwo tad if prepared to c- y inppjwi with i firstolass meit of all kinds and bovllry and game in season xt meat delivered to any partof town st any tuna j p s3 having practical experience in be bntcheriiig baiicess ifeel confident that i can suit all a kindly solicited uuiig to the biitist widow and orphan land 1 avoided in thefotuie jf only cousin shad ypa didnt inake much by that more did rich had teen leal uhejwted in tbe baptist you t and youve wme back to us now widows and orphans though we wasnt sttlish enough for you at tic end of the month mrs torrance before well come in come in was forced to- acknowledge that emily bad and mrfjtorrance who was essenually well earned her a month and board kind hearubl woman albeit she could not the girl had about her that wonderful repreas the i sneer that rose to her ups i magneue power which pwloeophera dub executive ability and new engund housekeepers call faculty she was a natural eook akeidid tblags without seem ing totake any troubla at all 1 dont understand it aald mrs tor rance allttleourkslinithlagthatwas always brought up 10 ait with her handa folded and one sultry day in oly when lob and emily came la from jatrawberrying with crlmaon fingers laughing faces and baskets heaped high with the fragrant fruit mrs tonence started i ja solitude of her dairy when she was making cot tage cheese i i declare she cried i wonder i never thought of that before oh dear i oh dear i i never can consent to it in the glad twant hole of ye for one of them cents is er twodpllaraalialf gold piece an the oompny is gainer of two bundled an fortynine cents by that spec- lalion j my stars an garters exejalmed dan thats jes like all my flnancx 1 vestments i was atryln ter beat the conipny out on er cent gin it back ter me heres yer cent and daa thrast both hands down iatohis pocketa while so j aghast look spread all over his broad expanse of freckl ed face yer tu cute mister feller get up ole jack and he drove on dan exclaimed suum i grow fooler every day an 111 aign er tetnprsnce pledge agin bavin any more money cos i lose it so i ick then dont try to cheat a am aald a benevolent looking individual i jes wont i dont hare real hard sense lite a mule baa an 111 j es sigh over all i know ter my wife and join onto bank ruptcy loan ia weak and laslnoare team to lora him but not tsar haver spurn wvar iaenh- mjafrour mlnai wit ud wiidom to bra beneath sorrow one must yjield to it death and life are in the power of the tongue fi to get a few flowers one must sow plenty of seed money in truth can do much but it can not dff all incrdinite demands should be met with bold denials a loving heart is better and stronger than wisdom those are the most honorable who are the most asef ul 1 speaking much and speaking to the point are eery different new potatoes are declining in price and increasing in size he who has the reputation of rising early may sleep tilrrjoon in the exchange of thought use no coin but gold and silver our deeds determine us as much as we determine our deeds too should ask the worlds leave- before you commend yourself gold is either the fortune or the rain of mankind according to its use trees in the forest may be barren but trees in the garden should be fruitful only an inventor knows how to borrow and every maois orabonldbe an inventor there are mar fools ti sags and among the sages there is more folly than wisdom there are three ways of getting out of a scrape write oat back oat and the beat way is to keep out when adolphus placed his anna around the neck of angelina ie said it was for a necks press purpose the girls call telegraph operators electric parks but they always receive them without being shocked k princeton ul girl actually died of grief because her new spring hat fell iato the river and was ruined california editors use 50 govd pieces for paper weights ano yet they are no happier than us cbape who see brickbata t it was bescomflem who aaid ut no thing is of so much importaace to a youag mas as to be well criticized by a woman rw- i j n man moo we havprecenmimbllttwadanew alesjklem wahteo r to begin work at once oirhales for v fallo188forde- the uaroe8t in canada kow j- f yf k 0 m s montreal pq k branchofficeap mm nupsenles foftth hi ontario we can start in addition to our already large foee j 100 aadlfloiiai oaiivr d want oorewbo iirttearnesa fw ne to anceeatfal wen itrnot taft twhstyonr previous ooeupation has been vjain watag to work your succeesis tmoirru the best of rfwooe w98r2istp rmanent card aihmrt medf stsssisffsss resolttngfromezeesses living wnrld prjeela a sealed envftensijooljicta ymrnm vftmya brtwo tue celebrated tataor in this admirable essav eleair dpmonitrftteafromthirtj ikaterows ifs orreniftiflft8sot the use 01 the mtfej potntingoat a mode flf cure at once simple certainodffleeiubby ssexht cheaply prlvtelynd radtcany thla liactore snonld be in tbe nands of ereiryeitt fwww v tobd address uedleal co the icsttverwell tstotks tlie canada mvertirliig igenf j ey n0 a klnr su weal toronto is smuiflt tn ramiltn ftitrf tot moved the low rocker to the fire and another log on the andirons cousin siadrach had been the family apple of difecord ever since they could re member be was rich he was eccentric he waa cribbed- he had shut tbe door in tbe face of i all his relations until toward the last stck and feeble he bad signified his desire tiat emily alden should come and take cire of him and emily had gone j there had been a spice of jealousy in the family as regarded emily for a long time emily bad been looked upon as proud and stuck np because instead of enter ing a factory or learning a dressmakers irade she had elected to be a teacher j3he lad never jnsited job torrances family until now jow that cousin hhadrach had willed bis aboey to the baptist widows and orphans he own mother was dead and her siepfaljier i pompous old wholesale grucer objected to stepchildren so that there aeemi to be ro other hareuof refuge left to her who coul d blame mrs torrance for a momeoiary i eelinij of triumph when emily alden caine thus to her doortone in the twilight of t let april day bui she helped her off with her things madoaoupif im jot her od finsky es corted her ti a little room under the roof- tree where the floor was covered with car pet and the bed was decorated with araln- bow jobskroublea quilt and you could look out ot the window let a greening meadow wljere a whippoorwill plainted tetris- ti i hope y will sleep well said mrs torrance we breakfast at 5 and then the went away early as was the breakfasthour xmlly was awake it least an hour bef ere k as if- tbe tumultuous jjlee of thi robins and woe birds taj ix old orchard would permit anyone tosleep 1 aad ahewwhier cheek agaljst the pillow wa4naftbe rosy downlighl creep up the wsll she heard jten4pifcimsika low eliw treasemii what 1 she like mother j aaid fob jr who wa i milking oh hi looks web wrmgh mrs torrance cirevady tespopdjiu idttle and dart w ilhbig shady eyes and a real j fagjijfttjpjfteji tornukie ei uth doesnt talk a great deal w t i and ia drei bed habby mosie might ex- fccf poor hi ng 1 iald job olfymtj well afdmr jitaavibi tkhtftrwtttiiwam the hone circ e job came to her that same evening mother said he emily has promised to me my wife j mrs torrastob imrjt totets youre only yean old job she faltered just two years older than when my father married you mtther new dont turn your face away but fall me plainly have you any fault to find with oiy choicer nono confessed mri torralice do you think i ooald possibly wi a sweeter girl thaasmily alden j no 1 dont suppose yo ould aus wered tbe mother inlaw elect but its natural job to feel a little jeaioar when you see sock one else taking the first place in your childs heart but when job brought jmily in to re- ceiwher kisa of greeting mrs torrance had sufficiently snqaered henelf to bid her xjowdaughwt welcome tfcough i spoused kmrtly said she a jitftewttarly 1 that yoa taw higaat tbaa a farmer once i ft ootvkhuest of ctoli rev break your childs will sin ply because your will is to have it develop d in another way and you are employing b nte force ex citing in tbe little heart an ev u feeling of revenge a thirst for power an 1 longing to be big enough to strike back in a word you are preventing the natural growth the privilege of everything on got s earth fjel your children underetaid that you represent the highest law and that when they are old enough they can govern them selves but until then they mjun obey you as yon obey god when you punish let it bf with great pity and tenderness because itos your duty and you dare not neglect it ido this and after tbe punishment keep your child be- taide yon with yonr loving anui around it and you have wrought a nevee- tobeforgot ten leeaon of the justice audi kin mess of god- strike you child once in anger and tbe effect upon the sensitive organization and tbe dapiajjedooe to the shrinking nerves may never be repaired but wise judicious control you most have htftd the reins flraly but gentry merer be teased into giving up what you hye t nee decided must be done sucjjiejding is destnict- ive to all authority let your children tee yon nig bt and morn ing lo beg a blessing on you self and on thoeeyou bold saost dear set he example it sue is be followed by tuvjittle im itators a speculators cifis a georgian was one day honored with a call from a local deigynun who stated- that ie was soliciling subscriptions for the erection of a new church edifice and added the lord will surely prosper all who aid us do you honestly believe that f rf ythy certainly i do the other subscribed 500 and as th clergyman rose to go he aald i have no doubt the lord will repay yea for this inside of six months only ail waeka has pa when the bb- eralheartod subscribei called upon tha ciergysruui and mid you rtnembafi subscribed s00 to wards your churck building inow want ta ge tsoo more for the seats and carpets has the lord prospered you as 1 pre- dieted j yoa bet i he not only discounted your time onehalf bat he has permitted me to gobble up all the stack in airailroad except about tsooe hfld by a wide i want to subscribe 308 more and have the lord bring her to tinfe i 1- i fljserable for thirteen tears iac l fan wife how atrastce ievjry time petercoaoea home from lodge he comes to bed with his hat on but i rappote it is some snore of those masoolc i oings a itoowplwayiirt nun wb laviglm is a sympathetic taan itisaatoa iahing bow many sysnpanrzeh a manhaaj enlmslldadywaandhurtai in order to acquire tbe rights of fall citi- tenahip in the united states the nattsw born moat uve reached the age oftl eax and have gone through tw full but abort courses of rheumatism saya a growler at our elbow in canada however theeonrse of rhanmatism are not so abort running it would seam a long aa thirtesa y a leaat in one jaatanoa tint f mr jamea mahoneyar of orilhm onu who saya i havebeaa a sufferer with rbeamatiam for the past thirteen years sad havti tried dorini that time very many of the remedies adyertiaed for it but all wrthea fot fjpon reoommendatiob i wma induced to buy a bottle of st jacob 00 the first anps- cation reueyed me and upon the second ap plication tha pain disappeared entirely and has net aince returned if affords ibe nrea pleasure to suit this statenieot of my et- perienee with st jaoobi qilud iaincerely wab thatrery sufferer oould know of ita wedoerfal vitmea i4 libotoiieuspoe panziaybii t whatl the tallowing ecen tooiskoe the other day in a paris restaurant on s3csiin of wedding dhuer asi awkwasd waiter it etatingtophuotttbetale the soup- tureen flbedwifhsveiejothspilled its contents on the taaya white satin dress the ladyscreasae and w- selrid with hyjuerice awe wrtei stopped andstisshj ssllsherear dont desrm insitlam theres ltj w al wy rhymon1 nbv liubsg nermnpiatkukss itmaysurprisathaspoa penlof oaaaaa to lean that tbe oora etop ha iea tamansejy-tn- enaaad a oaaadv is etaaw tbenppiwpla wtbeumatfataaa a jwodneawf pro punasra ua ocsm sivmieliosajaoa ss aattitaaio an tha eredtt it ralaas mori oern te the hal than attelathatol4eaaanpptysaa mraajn tnnahtltnta ogjlfi osata tryyoarhaad ae4cropfaarant0- xciblbovjor ir r p rkataiasas weniwm ha maatsfss i jna bate troofcle wlffll andtiver omplarot jor over adljwthedrmdyttjves bqndso aruole uutf has done o m much good as sortbojr a iryman a ivetttaile pieooajery an trspspau