lifl p h ft i i i iii l zip it rq trkiuv whitens luu ll 11 f lltrr inits rhlucd poiirla a dc lolllc 0 4r aidnav blaouo troth like o tettielt tuvidju mousing aucml 3 issl ywye fonts combs wonderful words kchft 1 pianl ca tcirihh lrr diliiica rcnwrjs arv wit tlicy arc in hie ilc luces frmh honey like lht boce llxy iat tornlu tnp- frwy caa mow ulc ut chcrting tuutuin anl vtuuuu a tvicl- life they rm cut i tlie tfnfc ci vr let uiom pj uuvtjgh your lips unci ilk uii ii their errand t ini ki iiaj it tikfwht to mhiti lb weary to eoaifrt tuitp th iuui if a biuw iwrnjwtul hru protcf llc i jj let tldi tc cnaii ttor niar flali threvhtlse ln itk uuid ot lau on ui uml lilrc lca-1- ftor thorn baei ilther coldadcrcolt cajcr bar end lock ani fvau- tin wcuuds uicy utlc my ciiii arc alwk tlvjw tuiioii may ioe tjurl car live and cwt from uiii tun c yosr arr tcvh mar ihe worls thil jva daiiy ciut be the beautiful wvfdi oflruth ztltlnoy sisouo pain irriuiiorr kctctilion inconua ence- doiioiuvv ofntel a cured by iiuchu aib jl allfnrm of female lyaikneii swp- rogion incgulflritie ind painful fri o is re eflvcliially remedied by the chnl roultltiif cjnieni rvnovaior burdock blood blltcra sample boilles 1u cents fucs fcd bc kue riches an5 bedbyj ra mice toplicr chiitaunkv cleired oul by rough uq kaw 15c tbo grand qullu of disease tt m ihfl system arc the skin the bowels and the kidney bcudqc blood firnnua is ihe luo fe jjlrant atd idled uat purifier and heihu remtinng ionic id ihe world trialboulee 10 wiu apae andill malarial and hiltnrt com plaints are 1305i promptly cured by lie great dilood denuiup liver reguuting tonic burdock blood hitter t acik on roirel ltrer kidneys and ulood trial bottle 10 ciiiu great clelringjsale of bry goods millinery and oaepbts at thfi jeigrst house njriirlli srfw j r if t j i m y aliondinji tbi le that fhey can adpply their wanut tery lojprldei the prlouio tbe err i auft llblo 1ajz z- r u j il0 p f i 1 io prlote reduced to li tbetwllled drinu at 1z prints utihawt for qnllli i wit a t wdofsri osffrjji1 t r toweljand toirelling price thro at the right hon fire oood pqi down in mujrll bv low duool l c l 111 o joi o 15o lr nch checked re ooodi formerly 32c redaced to 15o all irool di ueifm former pride 3otr- 1 and w sir stiih i i ololh on l6 il7 f d- ood at l2io grey and ooloed lutre at 10c north lie yht tvdhd frich b izj t r d 0 t s j hp wlor nltj3io worth 20c sailor bat it 20o itertb ss the 1 ha i jti imiuah m i t prce bioh many of the tapetr brul and union ttrpethar bxtnim oilvmirs h lr cornice and pole eryoneap cromf doth in great triety 4 yard wide linen oomb i and mike nlm fe rh al par w ortmot of uenla and boy trrferdotstag i zl z i j 7- rt ih- unlaundrled white shin a 7sc better one ajt 8tja watkin mnuafur theae sibtj ndej then at factory price to hicutoinr bemember the highl home i on king st near hu and lh nam i tke cest of tuohsutlmsncss charles knight qnros an oki ptdry of il 9ir a fiirtich wriur to iun tie vultlc of a nail driven m mifoti in- j tilch tvktr in uiv b vtu hcvi- ny bo uvs cv jjitu in jf si vtrr lc is wajitj a s- gut kvdii to tui- birartrj it sts trjk tuiii dimj toaal fro c lhul the jkuhn idit a a ttitj got lost oae ill- a grh i tcaildj rnu into the woods with lit tardetir the cook ani tbe dtiry tuuid m hot porsuu the gardener capght sight of thei run away fits mi sprained bis inele an accident which disabled him for n fort night when the cook returned from the chase she flpund that feme unci which ehe bad left to dry lid caght htc tht- dairymaid having forgotten in her harrr to tie np one of the cciwe the tow had ticked a colt and broken its the rtrdeners lost time wrs worth 20 crowns and he suftervd a good del of pain the burnt linen and the in jured colt vera worth as much more so the want of a three penny latch cost to crowns and a great dcil c veralion to several persons t sccilis cf xepvoaa veakces dyspepsia ioiono well sexual debility uealtli rrewer im- cured by cl hamilton june 28th 1862 thomas c watkiks hamiltdk kidney- wort m rheumatism j tt u ta in lha tuzizi ohm of u kiamxyslivcif and bowt l t he gre cur 1 b it deuin thj tyira tt uio tsrtd polie cjttit caiitf ihtr druifai ia2teria whit of tc vcrfcrrit cf tiilfl f tivs la ntfikutnd ttd la tiart hat r perfectly ourfio t nj i uinnctmrf wu m nateottil i i- prtcaftuirathrmil j pnywort tliq only safe and effectm medicine htt aeifit onccopn tin rwfif itver 5kfn fdki incvp while it cne be eot nii tiieiictiieiif- hie tftm i baiocic rood bitter- llirprcal veg eable reno tutig tonic simple bottles locedla is a pirnl rat to do the riht ibingat h riht time tfie pereon ftijrct to dernnfmeih ot kidneys or lier his it protecure duty to peroirtn in purchaeing a picjcuge of kitney- svort it iarigomles those orms an i by its ctbarlic diuretic effect cleanses the whole ejeleci of bad luiuours would yaaaroid the biliary complaints tncideslal to spring and cunimer 1 clenie the ejstem with bcctxicc bicd ritecs it reguwtcs the lirer bowelk kidneys and lilaoi and is ih purest tonic in tleworjd tri tl tottle looentt mrfieorge toum dfugyit ftrviren hurst oit wrritcs kj customrre who hive ad xortlirop h fy mans veg etable diaxireryint dyspeptic cure say ll it it has dope them more good than aa thing they hive ercr u3 it bai indeed a wondeital cflaence in purfymg the blood edeuriug dise of the du sjrestite cjrgt the urer kijues and all disorders or lue eyileni a fine scene two bbya were in a school room alone together when seme firewcrts contrary to the tnater express ptohilitionex plodd the one boy deuted it th ocher ben christie ironld neither ad mit nor befj tr and wa severely og ged for his obsltnancr vroen the boys got alone again why didnt you deny iti aafctd the real oleuder because there were only we two and one of us must fcmve utd tid bn u then why not say did it v n becuae you eaid you didnt and i irocld spare the liar the boys heart- melted bena mend gallantry cubdaci hiui whca school reianjbled the youny culprit marched up io ths uiufitcrs dtek ajid eaid biease sir 1 cant bear to h a iar i let off the fpuils j aud he burst ino tearl the maiurfi eye glistened on the self accuser and the undeserved punish ment he had inflicted on the other boy btnoe his codscienck before the whole school bund inhand with th culprit- as if he and the other bay joined mthe confession the master wnlkeddown to where young christie satj and snid aload ben ben lad he and i bej your pardoa xe were both to blame the school was hushed and still air bufir schools are apt to be when some thing trdeand aable is being done j go 9tiij thef inighl almost have heard benf big loy tevi dropping- on hit book as be sat enjoying the moral tri umph which wbdued himself aa well at the re it a from want of any thing else to say he gently cried master forever the loud shouts of the bcholars filled the old mans eyes 1 with ubmethiog behind his spectaclees vhich tnadediim wipe thetu before he bat down again mr it r- luier bailiit ac belle- rille wrilc6 1 fnd dr thomas klectric il the let meiicne i hir ever used in my able 1 hi ire used it for bruises scratches wind puffs und cut aud in every tue itava the bei satistftciion weueeit asa fousehod remcrly for colds lctnr anci its a perfect panacea it will remove warts d paring iheadowti and applying it occasionally mpatjom j dtntmm herlbani bad brmu uu xb m jmbadlea tajf uemorr ftowr mwmefc urertom ibunoranrlllsttsafutiigrromumtficam- eb boweli or kjtteera tber are tale ei id aad thcraofh la their acuon fromltj pmickijcpmboi acton clothinc store r e nelson prop spring stock now complete cousisting of the latest and moat faibionable designs in g english rish scotch and canadian weds and worsteds parties wanting anything in mj line can rely cm receiving perfect satisfaction a larok stock of to hand comprising all the latest styles call ad hth them worth their weight in gold grmd display -of- spring tweeds t holloways sfnj arnhart cor bratt and broad way ti5 ben a susvrer f twete years throagh rheumatism and has tried every remedy she could hearof but re ceived no ienefit until she tried dr thomas eclectric uil she says she can- niterpress the satisfaction she leels at having ner pain entirely removed and herrheuaatiita cured bokcstt it i commonly piid that- you cinnm imale an honet man believe that while is black and vice nasi hut thoc who have grey hair by using tbe haie hekgwee will find that this ap- parentdifficaltyi easily orercome for wale by u e jlcoarvin 50 cents per bottle flrtd sattereti many pliyslciaris und grew no better but rather worfe mr dj hhoward of genera nv y aftr aimi5in hi physicians triid nearly hall a tross of he various blood and liver remedies advertised with no benefit when one bottle of butdock blood ibifttre ctiid him of paralyits and general debility at theadranced age of 60 he says he lees ycring again pills ointment ti1s kfcoxtaflatiu mlijiclkei lns fciirtd or iulf de imrrishahu ftwf ikrovyhoil ih wurldfuttk atlriation hnci curt of tui iivavi- a traiva kvmanityu hrr j fast ead clatmag stee come and see them the pills purify regulate and improve the quality of the bleed they assif thedijeatire ogans cleanse the sroilaxu aad ftottkls increase the secretory porrera of he liver brace the nerrou aystero and ihrw into the circulation the purest klemenu lor ustaining and rejiring the frame j thousands of peraoni hare testified that by their use aionechev have teen restored to health and strength after every other mean had proved unsuc cessful ithe ointment will be found invaluable in every house hold in the cure of open sore hard tumor i eid lssrt 611 tctlndj ocusii colds sore throats bronchitis and lll disorder of the throat and cheii as also gout rheatastism tcrolula aid eterr kind of skin disese i jfanufactured only at prfeasor ffon loirits slblishment 533 oxford stkeet london and sold at is 1 jli 2s 91 4s 8d ii 22 bd 33 each bor and eol and in canada at 6 cenl jacob rjoockraanbuffaio ky says he na been uaiog dr thomas eclectric oil for rheumatism he had such a lame back be could cot do anything but one bottle has to tell it own expression icuieo himnp se think it is the best thing in lue martet jc e eggin beatusriile writsi a customer who tried s bottle of nor throp lymans vegetable discovery fcay it i the best tbing heerer oaed to aote hi own word it oat seemeil to touch the spot affected about a jraar ago be bad ah attack of biilioas ferer and wa afraid he was in for another when recommended thl ralu- able uedicine with such happy result and is oreiiojedat his wonderful re i 90 ceola and 150 cenu ahd thh wrger corery j sijej in proportion i jfficcnox i hare no agrnt in fh united states nor are my ifedtcides old there purchasers should therefore look to the label on tie pots and bores if the adores i not 533 oxford street london tbey are spurious the trade if ark of my laid mbdlclr es nr registered in ottawa ahd also at washington arf thomas hollowa 533 oxford street london tvlyikusl i pnblfc mcfcffrisrsliould be call ed of tbfe citifensof erery city town and village in the dominion to consider what should be done to prevent the hair from turning orey and fallingout xftlis importantquesuon received lueir earnest consideration they would unani mously decide that science had at las discovered something that would ahawer this purpose titid furthermore would recommend cingalese hair kenewer a being this s- metbing or restoring the hair loits natural color andprevent us fallingoht 50 cent per bottle aij e mcqarvin ixcetslorshavcmq aiiqa hair liftwiuc and sfiaviiig neatly eiecute hair whiskers or mitache lived afly ihade dtairtd lricta modtmte xb lhk hid- drttcd deahted and dyed anf cater baf earn ihanipooand coriiflg fluid always oirhaud i atiscricrnten it rovm a permanent sure ran for dneam tb- 6rder nil ailment of thkidneyr bbtddn sod crioary8ecratir8yitn akesdant coiuplainti eaanog ttaua ia snuisl m back side u gravel catarrh of tb biaddn tod paaiara brijkt diuuh diabeu drnrt file ifnom debdity te t panphlet and testis onial oao be ob tained from druggut fre pelcachild pad 1m irore bed- wetting eetrnlar pad h spatial pad for cdronie maeaio 13 sold by m forstefj md atfton r i 3 woodi erin then buiton qeorge- town alx b prtrie guelpb i hnry wauon mip cstorktsmi brampton mm war 1 84rotm ar as kbsox tmssflaf lapsus m twn ta aarltc uc a rarncuagbit inr trio iiiwairoaoir of t mtmimlm rq lt1 tn mtr ua ucmtt pouts mtjbrpa rtn i a tntttjamtttw 8infiilrfaa rirlav oriaoifkryoostrluiribtnukmfa i ntowtuktiuttmta v itpu ivttaum ffl otdlatff iw ifat9twam biwa as twidtrtam wsubi tw n tlagltmraimlill trfoa tuowpoad sad jfecfntr tn jn- patttt buan wten atcm im jum tmariwtl febdmofcrit imcudtand kimttfma tniunictiawtl1mniim mrunn a yunttt tobr haam tunpl aatirn iiomiiiiiiimaftiiafflt7ttm- myiai trvthtjtavnmttnsm iamam tarw ladle nairhwluhtioii cuhl specially brio toar tblni all wort deme in the latest it vie a call lolicited parlor io afttthewi block if ill street acloo oct wkblljt hairdresser mr abraham gtbba vauglian writes u hare been troubled wfth aathma since lwaa ton year el age and bat takeil hundreds of bottle of different kinds of medicine- with no relief 1 aw the adv ertisetneht ot northrop k ly- hjans emulsion ot cod liver oil with lime and soda and determined to try it leave taken one bottle and it has given me more relief iban anything t have ever tried before and i hare great pleaur in recommending it to those iliarlyaitiittrti vvili you exghanfle a case of dyspepsia or biliousness for 75 cents it is awfully unwise to agonize mi- dorthemaay allm ents arising from dyspepsia indigestion disordered r stomach and liver when till offer is made to yon lii your own borne in all sincerity with an absolute certainty of caring too zopesa from firitsu enreu dyspepsia and biliousness a giitgie dose relieves a sample bdttle convinces a 75 cent bottle cures it acts directly hpon the gtontacht tdrer and kidneys cleansinof correcting beg- nlatfncr zopesa feivos energy and yizn to the brain nervo and muscle simply by work lag wonders upon the veis jiony and giving activity to the liver t i cat this out take it to ahjr dealer in medicines and get at least one 75 cent bottle 61 zopega aud tell your neighbor how it acts it is warranted to core dyspepsia aad bil tiiqipfigti an immense spring stock atthe dominion boot shoe store we ara now receidnjj npenin and plicinp oa iilt a bi itoek of wm stewart 1 go gitelph are now showing the latest 23 owe ltie s of the season i elvery lady should see them fhf hoiit tuctmtl mtm4r ever dleotr- ed its itli erula in u effect and does not buer be paoor below kendalls spavin cur frfefflodt ohio jaa i hxh lisi de s j rfestaixacoileou i thlok it my dmy to reoder you my bank for the benefits ami profits whjcn 1 hav deiited from jour invsjuabjeaod tar famed rparld ire mr ln and i bad a tilaable ktal- llonworth ww whlcd bad a very bad pvin aud was pronofineed by fonf era i beat veter- friary arjton ixjoud any cure aod thai t0r tlofaa was done fur ettr analastresort 1 ttdfiae1 my eouatn lo try a tot tie of ken dalls spirit core it bad a magical effect th- third bottle cared it an t tbe horje t a veil as over ufdicfcofedlnbaryh the em inent srwrtflwy sdtteoii vait as qlele ot mine am i take great interest lb feebuof bii profession vjara truly jake a ktlarir civil jjajfneer uevdall spavi cure uanbamptl- march lothvstv lb b j- kexdall acitiaotsiaboqta year ajro i fell ictbe road ooto some teb and vit badly hnri to the hip joint which caused me mach laffvrlnj j triec virions nmedle but none cave me relief antil f tried kbdalls spavin cure lappfled it full slrebfibtwlm a dny for about iwoweeks during last octo ber and it effected a perfect nre i bavt ti bee i b e n been veil aad free from lame ne it li very alaabietor man asweuasbvaat yours truly aett8kuam send address for uluitrited cirequr which we tblak gives poiiilva praof of its virtues no remedy has ever met wuh ungual- fledsaccesa bo our knowledgei fpr beasts as veil as man price ll per bottle or six bottlm for s all trcgxlst have it or can get it for you nt it will he seal to any address on tecetpt ofprlee hy tbe prodneon 1jr b f kk5ball k co exosbcbo falls vt sold by all druggists 1 slsfassr s hats jlnb boskets sash i broche and moire silks brocade parasols spanish black and white cream lace vm stewart co cfuelpl lociraui tuulabrabttillsilaemm kad3uatauaacee aim elmok umrah aoi ajtait srarv m w toatuon utm cev kl m rock tifumtt route it too mtmt sakm oao k ait r oab1a e sttl nmacwiirrr am ohicaoo hacm loiilviiili cures rheumatism 3 3- teemla wobm po to consumptives the adveitifer having otan permineouy curyd ol that dread dlseaecowaropuon by a impe remtdj- is anxious to make known to ilia lellow sufferers the means of onre to all who desire n he will send a copy or tbe prescription usedi tee of charge with the dlrecilontlor hreparlbg hdj ufclnjrlbe tame wmcu they will rbd a sure coretor gonsh colds constunptlost aifhjny brobohltia 4e pahlea wiwilna the prescription will ptse fddresji bevk awilsolm penn 8t williamsburg flfy 66 a week in yoot 6n town 5 outfit free so risk erervthldg new capital not required we will furnish yon every thing m any are maklm fortunes ladles mave as much aa men and boyiand giris make grat rat header it yoa want a hnslnesr at wblcbyoa can make great pay all the time you work write for particulars to h hallstt coportlandi maine- in plsaasjtt to tal otmmsjio umigowu ptatatita isa tale snm r im is cbitikw adauft ers um liwuhtrwat mob wa i uamm aad mtr palm as besa iv btvm vt ssahm sattsfllmmblv haib i ifobnantanutnndkimmlwahaaall- mbwummmteliitattmiftammwu9 wot oetof t urtfaarmthu tt 01 o im i tor m foe the spring tra6bj t off prices will bb one of the chief featllresooorbtablihmeijt our ami i to farniih caitotnen with gond stylish niellmadegftods cheap for casti our custom work deprtaicqt ia a oaal in ood i tihoib order firstclaa mater ial alnrayi hsed bepairing promptly at- tendeil to i kehney son i actohiaprflwi tjadettakere furniture dealers aad waggon wn ottufnananottl tljtettw tm qefcfatx bf iltulll tapaahiccuk trtsao4lathaa i braouiaolttanaerm otmi i walimijtaieeiiel n bfchderlaklhjr we par particular attention to th depaxtment of bur bhsitiim and a we have constantly on band a large and varied stock of fjoffina oaaketa robea ahd all faderal requiaitee we can auit evary tae and the circumbtanoee ot all whb require anything in this line all our goods are placed at very reasonable figures fintolaw hearse furbished wheh ftujhired i fnrnllurtlh tjurcubinetmaking department we are prepared tor the spring demand parlor suites sofas centre table whatnots bedsteads 4o wftltbon we have ohhana a stock of firstolaa lubbef wagons and demoofata matturaotured by onraelveb frcta the best material wllch will be old at the west poa aibleriteji be jaira exsoated promptly v j a spei0hi manager burdock b lp op will cure oft httlllevs bluoffslftss pizjflllljst isaaan once reeeaubesd tt tolotten ttknuae fia ittla iu sanapartu wild go hmen1ott7 veniat set km a stoat desem it h one of be medjcim ft ave dohan jwtueasnt cmata etttlrf ithhimdterne from h3rii a to ttasmucwfrom tbeftarttif ntar 6nosr ttte dyspepsia hdifcsrm jaimici errptus mtrpftjf hbanrsukh usadaohe amilrrpecl r bowels oct euioo tstludrnsgd it of aciditi v m myhs8s i- 0f wutatma he agf of iis stomach m the stan stoviohi frtrosom- patents 8 b j u s e u i s v e n i u m henry rmsf j ji-