at geo byasto jleton koim spoon aid forks batter knives cruel piklcswih pocktkoivowlt it bawhrrt rssori tt only itorv in town lht krf pt t mlmtiwi oi tbm goojt joat opened jwttaeoiw stack of express waurras or tin little ftlk call in aad ee urn j bits of brevity lnl aa fciwtm srar4 fc la utiflki ni kltwn fat n4trii aftaiefrv pra cootntjrbta i now for fjrwa com hanj the thermometer advertise foist sstrty cattle rains here been frequent of lite summer it fast fading into sotarnn ktjultry vreejther is in lie ascendancy xearlv 100 la the shade oo sunday the iratn hive their hands full these din the threshing machine will soon be busy five issues of the frss psiss this month i j- raspberries are telling for seven cents per found the hoasesviu rib a nuisance almost unbearable j even the tee end tillage clert pity cricket now i thtl first bid of vrhest hi not been delivered yet x cherry rear a menr tot a plum jer i dull veer i ingushs the most pleasant month to spend tt the seaside i raspberries are jcarce tad consequent it bring good prices its abouf time acton wis thinking about a civic holiday xew potatoes are declining in price and ncreiiing in size auvt gtd is betas sithered into the fafmeijtraniries- trtbe brickwork ofilr thos ebbigee new house b completed ralar meviicg of the village ccun- c2 next tuesday evening cbcsp exenraiona are announced to grimsby cerjrp ground this week tbe veneering with brick of mriur- stones residence his been completed the bolidavs draw to a clrse and the school boys face lengthens accordingly anglers inquire to pat in full lime oow as the trout season citsts in three weeks ifx edward dio has been laid np for two weeks ith a felon on his right hand owing to the fain the attendance at tfcechcrches on sunday evetuc was texy iirited mr james moore is baring he exterior walu or his new bricfc house painted and pointed the tprine grains and root crops hare been sreailr benefitted bv the rains of the post wek 1 send acpyfftbisweeks free press t year distant friend fur three cents at this ofiice- if you see a man wanting wort ttnd bin my way is the prevailing cry with the farmers the eranrasa fall show will be held in rockwcod on thoxttfar and friday oct 12uund 13th i the heat on sunday durinz the morn ing especially was most excessive and it wax direcnll for citizens to feel comfortable in the churches the band think of introducing setertl reed instruments aod thus swell their ranks to twenty musicians hunt up yonrj school books slates pen pencili etc and have them in readi cess for next monday hold on to yoorgood name nt all times for it is of more ralae to you than gold high places or fashiooable attire raspberries are in demand bat he supply is limited notwithstanding the promise of a good rop a few weeks ago excursion lo toronto over the gtr beit tuesday for ili00 retain ticket under the vrfr- of odelph uechanics insti- tate j the fcteral dtpkrtraeots of the public kiitois hare been thoroughiy renovated and whitewashed and oow very inviting appeaearjeex the directors of the toronto indus trial exhihitioa asaociatiod juve decided t o probibit the exhibit of coffins aad other funeral requisites afthe coming exhibition anexcarsion to new tork from to rbnto is announced firtaesdayoext are i0 50 for return tickns also ue lo chicago lo momrw and saturday for 850 tickets good for ten ilays the bricklayers are now busily ctgaged on the new town half they were off work eretai daji this week waiting for the win dow and door silla bat ibe building will now progress without farther delay theres s aonz which says that every mans a barber and there are anamberof people in town who seem lo think there conjideralle ssuwfur done at a certain octal held in town one erenug tins week mr xames gcodah is making arraake- enu to remove his stock of boots nd shoes into the shop recently occupied by dr fofter u a drug atom he will bare considerably more room ia these premises a geatiemao of this city wbo has been exempted from utxafibn has hanoed to tbe direenn ef the general hospital bis check tor 129 it being the amount of bis exemp- to will otimrl j ukewiae jaxla htnid the ruelph base ball boy sent a re- prt of the soatch placed bere but tbntf- layforpobiicijo u tpronto matt tbeti neglected td de this after tbe two tonnex matches in wbicl tbey were de- by our boysi sceuxtsorr lamo fruit fe villagevarieties a ulleelloa f ural tws aaa ther atten r abeetal imrrtat i astr vuface beaaert tnutxamr a e kicklld hat our thanka forcoplos nt he winnipeg free prtu and jmea j iusaovxd mr pcler itclean baa re signed the position of head teacher of mil- ion public school i orel ant concairr the brass band jat one of their popular opejaalr concerts on monday erenlag goo sit city ot goelph debenlurta to the amount of 10000 worn sold la to rooto at llj last week gtr airenfmr pred jraningr is acting as gtr agent here during the absence of mr rae on his vatation eaelt oioanto georgetojvu merehanta and buaineat men have mutually agreed to hereafter close their places of business at oclock pm 1 0 0 fmr thos smytli p g u attending the grand lodge ilojof at present in session in toronto as the repre sentative of acton lodge no 804 wabji exocon foi too this is the tcosou of the year when greatly flourishes the amiable idiot whose glib salutation l well 1 thiswarm enough for you t accnos silk wood aad grain on lot 32 con 5 esquesing saturday 12th aug the property of eliiabeth miller sale at 3 oclock w hctnstreet auc tioneer school opixsd the senior depart ment of acton public school will reopen next itunday the seeoud and third de partments will continue their vacation an othor week stoxx tintowtyo some of the boys in the villare who are in the habit ot throw- ing stones through windows will see the interior ot the big stone house at miloo if tbey are not careful scxdix eicrnsioss the captain of the suramer cuj of tonnto was fiued in the police court torooto oa tuesday ho and costs for running excursions to niagara on sunday call accepto rev j pringle of the prebjterian church georgetown ha aceptti the call from the couxregrtlion of kildoaan near winnipeg and wili be in ducted hi september safe anitrval we are pleased to learn that messrs dan c and john lawsca lave arrived safely at iliirdestinaiioncheyeniie wyumiag ty mr d c lawsjtt hi oo thanks for a budgtt of cbeyeune daily iwpers- the laws a fine sward of gras is always a pltcsing tbject bowevcrsmjil it miy be and we are pleased tu note that many nt our cititeus are alive lo the fact and apparently take a pride in a clean and tidy lawn- uxhealtirr seasok the most un healthy season of thr year i now at hand our citizens should pay strict respect lo sanitary rules and thus do their part ia escaping the diseases inci ent to this part of the year wood there is at present an excellent opening in actcc fcr a wood yard the who have heretofore been in the busioeas have turned their attention in other direc tions and there is at present no deikr ir wood here a good man could do well in this iine satisfced that the subscribers of the fnee pltess xre satufietl with the paper is very manifest fruni thtfactlhatdurccibe summer vacation they canoot do withont the paper but order it lo be sent to the places of resort in which they are epending their holidays cows rs hot weattteb- in the very hottest days it will pay lo keep milch cows m dark stables during the hei of the day bringing them some green feed and turn ing them out to eat and drink night and morning i this way the annoyance from flies wiil be greatly moderated meteobic snowxfs a fine display of meteors may be looked for to nicht and to morrow nigbl when the earth paases through what is known as the august meteor zone every year when the earth crosses the zone about the 10th of august there is a shower of- meteors more or leas abundant accroxxt sore eyes heads fingers etc are frequently received br base ball aod cricket players one day but week heete srailli jiad a finger an jointed with a base ball and the same day m r conrad hod had his left eye very badly bruised and blackened with a cricket ball other minor injuries are of daily occurrence scaeciror hakvesteks it is just now that the farmers arebegiaoing to feel the anpleasant effect of the exodus to the northweal this province has been drain ed of a large percentage of laborers who heretofore assisted the farmers during har vest the harvesting of the present crop is attended with considerable extra expense owing to the scarcity of labor dieahacetul daring tie vacation some senseless individual has been making tbe windows of the public school targets for revolver practice about a dozen panes have been broken by this unscrupulous crok aod the board of trustees are de termined to do all ia their power to bring the guilty party to justice coustable hem- street bit tbe case under investigation bask baix a third match between the oak leafs of guelph and silver stars of this village was played last thursday af- erbood and reaolted in a victory leafs in score of i to 8 the playing was very fair on both sides but oar boys lost confldeooe in themselves oear theclose of oe eaalob od cooseqoenily lost the game in tbe two fortrjer matcbt out boya were tietora jorjhwurrc ctautabtbe caoadian wakli sent oe official orgao ot the on- urio licensed victnallers- association has removed from ttt thomas to toronto the return baa also been treated tb a new dress and now presents a most ijespecuble tppanaee be baku wa only ad- i rocatbg business respectable as tbe appearance it presents we bellevy the inner cwbscience of its editor woakj be more peac j i juice at jjl moqapibb as 111 wiid c if the rain of the put week baa not been altogether beneficial 10 those fanrera who bad obi got their wheat crop under cover tt will at least be beneficial to their root crop and spring grains but tbey wjll probably think far more about the former than ihe latter lbugh they should not it is an 111 wind tha1 blows nobody good and oftentimes the very event that seems to be a misfortnoe u a bleating in disguise wit wtafnm asp fall wfftat grav apprehensions hare been fait during the past week last the continuous raius would cants the fall wheat o sprout nearly every fsrmer in this vicinity had lbs bulk ot hu wheal cut and ihockcd and there were a good mauy long faces in con- sequence tho weather cleared up how ever about noon on tuesday and the warm sun and wind since that time have had the effect of drying it and tomorrow most of it will no doubt be housed owlog to the rain the barley will be considerably dis colored sacrauaa a couple of suodays ago some person or persons entered the presby terian church between the senices and carried oft the supply of sabbalh 8chool reward tickets they also emptied pre- samably into their interiors a quantity of sacramental wine contained in one of the communion utensils a number of copies of the shorter catechism were left behind and we are authorized by aa officer of tbe school to state that if the persons who took the cards will return next sunday they will be presented with copies of the catechism from which they may learn the eighth com mandment success we are always most happy to learc of the success of acton boys who have removed from our midst and we are exceedingly well pleased to find the follow ing high compliment in the columns ot the august number ef the practical pkotcjmpi- cr one of the leading photographic art journals in america respecting the work of our old friend kfr james g hill cab- inta from j g hills studio jlooroe michigan very pretty light clean pictures niciy finished this gentlemans woik baa an air of life and freshness that makes it pleasing and attractive to tbe beholder retouching just about right leaving the roundness and beauty f the features per fect the vignettes are eiira good and hve a softnog uid ulendiuff that makes the odt artistical ilay latxxss continue to aitcud you friend james raspaeiinr soctal a complimentary social was luvcn u the choir of the meth odist ciiarcbtja the lectureroom of the church on tnfcday evening there was a good attendance and those present ap parently enjoyed their tea consisting of a liberal supply of raspberries and creum gcod wholesome bread and butter cakes etc the musit of the choir and the gen eral proceedings of theevening the most important part of tbe programme was the presentation by the ladies aid tociety ihroutrii the pastor rev w brycrs to mi john c hill the very able leader of ihe choir with a purse containing a respect able amount- the presentation was made in an informal manner and mr hill re plied in a few appropriate sentences stat ing thai he would mocfc rather the society iuid expended themoney for new mnaic 4-c- for the general use of the tboir the company dispersed at a iseasonabie hour ooua good vrerfc as an evidence that the scott act la do ing good in one particular at least the marked improvement in the conduct and appearance of several families in town is noted by manyof ourcitizena beforethe act came into force when intoxicating liquors could be obtained so freely the children ia these families were clothed in dirty rags the weekly wages beyond whal little was spent for the scanty foxl for the family were spent for whiskey drunken carousals were frequent and the home was but a wretched bevel now the children are well fed and comfortably clad and their appearance is col so striking a con trast lo that of other children aa formerly old debts are paid up and present supplies are paid for when ordered the home is more worthy of the name and the parents ire proud to know that they are now just as much respected as any other citizens this result is certainly due to tbe absence of liquor in our midst and numerous in- itancea of reformation due to this cause may be pointed out here u found positive proof that the scott act instead of injuring business in the locality in which it is in force improves it in every legitimate channel of trade personals miss white of philadelphia la visiting friends here w ifccraney esq mp for halton is in manitoba mr r r rae agent g t r is now enjoying his bolidaya mr fmacuel garrett ot maitliad was in town yesterday miss mary smith returned from her visit in hamilton onmonday mr john t easfon of michigan is paying his friends a visit miss annie freeman of st marys is visiting her acton friends mrs marcus vsnderliurg of wetland is visiting her acton friends mr charles maltbews arrived home from montreal oo tuesday evening mr harry lyons of guelph paid his acton friends a visit this week mr john dewar county crown attor ney is off on a trip to manitoba mr f barclay county registrar and family arc holidaying in muskoka mr w blteskey and wife of welland are guests at the methodist parsonage misses jntieand louie carter ot strat ford are visiting their acton friends mr r- craine and family left this morn ing for parry sound on a holiday trip mr aod mrs st- hnmberstone of hewtonbrook spent several days this week with their acton friends mr john moore jr of the canadian ex press company spent several days during lbs week in acton we are pleased to learn that mr alex 8eoord has considerably improved in health during bis visit at tbe mineral springs 8t catbs drug store aoton oat sumitfbr- edinburch warehouse matiaaaxim 18 8 2 summer hughes griffin tw offer great bargains in dry goods heady made clothing millinery aad boots shoes oijjr new stock 1 sipboial liisrss i 917 patterns w choice english and french print at 5 centi a yard and up mantle and dresj cashmeres 50 inches wide single width dress goods all the fashionable colors and shades with trimmings to match from 8c a yard upward linen goods of eyery description at prices that cannot be beaten heavy white counterpanes at 100 beautiful stajad spreadyal 80c and 40c gents furnishing goods the most complete stock ih actos oar milliner will be found moreattractive than ever this seas6ti as we have taken all pains to obtain the latest and choicest class of goods in the 2tcw york montreal and toronto markets i i special lines iin childrens hats fancy straws at 15c k 20c mens and boys feft fur straw hats w can show a very large and choice assortment in this line soys fancy straws for 20o and 40c hens straw and felt eats for 25 5c and 75c mm m mm department the large trade we have done in this line wiring ihe past year convinces us that we are handling the right class of goods our principal lines are raannfactored vj j- d king co and cooper k 8mith toronto which makers are acknowl edged by all boot and shoe dealers to be amongst the beat in america and the holders of the centennial and dominion exhibition medals for fine and durable work grour prices will be found the very lowest for all classes of goods highest price paid for any- quantity of good butter and eggs hughes griffin aot0n s t o o v e v e s a cood assortment i for the fall trade v i i q hulls xw tlsi 4 slave oep hill itkeet acton s t o t i o v ie v e s jbsl lt7ery sale board stables mill street aoton ii where von can get firstclass bigs at rea80nable rater good commercial rigs an express delivery wagon will meet eseb express train sod deliver goods tr an part of the town liter ihe 1st march i intend lo do a strict cash badness only as credit will not pay for horse feed or repajrs ed iffattnevs the largest thl ohbapbsti the best assorted stock of- groceries glassware crockery in acton at w p iw8p go to th hardings for 12 lbs good bright sugar for 1 try t h hardings 4 lbs good greea t for l i bsttry t rf hardings 35 ct japan tea worth 45 cts sstttj t el eaedings 10 lbs kaisins for 100 go ix t h hardijsct for family supplies of all kinds comprising teas dried coffees spices canned goods liid salt meats laid o j try it for a 41 uss a splendid stebk of crockery and ghasiware just received at t h hardints bap 8 hemember the place agnews erick block main st acton july 27 j82 aioelanmaur drink hontaerratlaimt call and you will be satisfied that we can verify this statement thos 60wdy co guelph manufacturers ot reapers and mowers steel ohilled ft other plows tfruit juioe at mcgarrins iruj itore aiiton