Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 24, 1882, p. 3

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tutmbly morktxa aupwt 17 1482 x at byndg aet on koivee s xxmi snd forks butter knives cruets pi ckte standa pocket koivetwde bulcbei e raaors tie only suiro i town tost keeps setectioooj tfwee goods jmt opened oat another atoek ot eiprtsa wamoni wcbt luue folks call in atid see them bits of brevity soon ery areather thu week aclb i will ahnt up shop tomorrow hintst home picnics will now be la order remember the citic bolidar to keep it loyally i oakrills i eelebrtlinj her clrk hoi idaytojay t the i trout season closes next friday 1st september f wish you t good solid day of enjoy- ttenl lomorrow the store siod bottness placea will til be closed to morrow regular meeting of the tillage council next tuesday evening the corpontioo tbtl culler went his rcuods tgxin last week the bricklayers hare commenced oper ations oa mr j fyfea new residence rerie smith hu a couple of rery flue statues al the entrance to his residence freak bysteri are again advertised in guelph bat theres no r in august tbey hate thieres who aieal flou from the cemetery in georgetown too pat up ywir aubacriptlon and recaire a copy o dr eeodalta hone book free bid adieu lo work tonight for twenly- four boon and enjoy a baliday tomor row j acton crickj elnb will play their maiden jualck tomorrow with a berlin eleven i the puuic schools in all departments opened ot monday the first holiday will lake place tomorrowcatic bobday perbkps the band will favor our cvireoi vrri a fetr of their eicrllrnt lunes to-mor- rok eveninp witli which lo close up the civic holiday we are informed that tome of the pop acid in the hotels in this vicinity is pretty strotg sella be careful to whom you stu it ge nteroea t1c nutaeous friends of mr duncan gillies o equesing were pained lo learn tiut he d ed very enddenly early last fri day korain aviea a can of carpenters from toroato under the itiperialendenee of mr wm fiislhrook are buaily encaged on the bciliing associations houses on bower avenae we j would call the attention of tic street and sidewalk committee to a broken culvert at the joaction of church ind frederick streets it should have tteir rm- mediale attention atahi must be a cobbler he ears he will stick to the last- hamilton spec tator snezwolsejey gnelph jfercmy belter j take ctiro durham serine hell reirkire is be eafrel dwar earfni i the champion exnirsion cf the season took place last weet from toronlf to mii- toa grove over the cv r the train wis composed of 28 crowded cars having 2500 people onboard 500 was distribut ed as prizes for sports ix a couple of young women of doubtful character broke into the vacant home be longing to hr john arthurs a short dis tance below this village on the gt r and smashed all tht windows for ibis conduct iaey wilt very likely see the in terior l castle van allan at vtilton village varietie8 l catltetusi r ural news a stkrr aatlen af sateeaal lalemt i tar lulaire keasten wi astrisare mr a w qreeo kid us oarriago bono to a gentleman is toronto last week for 1300 cash this is a pretty big ogura for an ordinary animal but the buyer was per fectly aatiafled with the price tmatmsnltx the voters list for this municipality for 18s2ahowa m3 oters 187 iu subdivision no 1 sod vm in subdivision no 9 last year then were 830 voters us lo each subdivision this year than are 103 jurors tytbcasusmalilers we occasionally notice butchers and others driving through town wilh sheep lied by the legs and lying in the bottom of their wagjoos this cruel practice is illegal and should be discontinued by those who indulge in 1l teeter antace a secret wedding look place in rock- wood on friday an acton young lady be ing one of the cootractin parties the parents of the young lady were unaware of the fact for several dsys afterwards so dame gossip says ktxi acs tulaliasta at the scott act trials held in mil loo last week beftn p m young p 1l zim merman hotel keeper of burlington was fined t5000aad coad for violation of the scott act a number of other cases were adjourned and several were dismissed igalst atesve4 we are informed that dr n ucgarvin formerly of this village and lale of strat ford has purchased and taken possession of the practice of dr aiken of clifford we trust the dr is now permanently settled in a good payiig practice and we will be pleased to hear of his success tk xew scstml the new school house for school sectioo no 12 situated a few yards outside of our corporation limits is almost completed it is well arranged and the work shows that it has been executed by skilful hands by men who are a credit to their trade the school will be opened some time iu sep tember itecai as the season advances the uumerous weeds that escape destruction beffin u ripcu their seeds and scatter them over a wide extent of territory no lime on the fnn can be spent more profitably than that cf fathering up the weeds before theseeds are rie a single hour with a scythe will de stroy a gteat number free t tit balulap the building belonpog to mr alex urant which was burned on satarday was about the last of the first lot of buildings erected iin actoa end the viluge is now comparatively free of list clai of old buildings which are generally found in towns and villages and which greatly mar the otherwise good ippearmce of the place caaaauaa iksrikaatf mvealraa tbo slt aaaoclattd mceung of hhort- hand wrlners of canada irrespective of system nd prodcienoy will be held in to ronto on the 29tb and 80th inst tho com mittee have prepared an elaborate and unique programme atnonr the papers to bo read it one by mr wm houston m a on fonellc shorthand u an universal medium in willing and printing rev dr wild rev root torrance of quelph and other prominent ihorlhand writers snd representative ilcnognphcn from now york buffalo chicago detroit and other american cities will practice shorthand writcra ard learners will find the meetings very profitable knr racx mr b wv kieken has erected af new sod tasteful fence in front of his residence jtet bcscvesa a company has been organised in georgetown for the mi tcre of hosiery post owici hotm as tomorrtrw is citic holiday lie post office will be open tram 8 lo id aicu and from 4 to 6 pm only j biboarsa meant speignt 4 bon have a number of firstclass baggies and demo crat waggons for sale very cheap call and see thexu bead their new adv next week j it it grout- on tuesday portiomi of gneiph add puslineh township were visit ed by a terrific bail storm which did an im mense amount af damage to standing crops and roota otqt ant coictet the band gave a terr accepulde open aireooccrt on thurs day evening oar cilizens appreciated it and a namber f strangers who were in town that evening speak in very high terms of the effleieay of actoa brass band i ipawlataqeso the marry friends of mr w g fee of this town- secretary of the hakon brsnct of the ontario affiance will be pleased to bear that he has been appointed secretary of the ontario alliance his headquarters for the present at feast wlh be milton the alliance has wcured in mr tee an able and efficient officer an excellent organ izing- agent and a man whose whole soul is devoted to the wort jfitoa xact creat satakes the acton fret prat is published in the county of haitoi the scott act is in force in that coanty and iers is an item taken front the sfoesaid paper three snakes each measurfn j about two feet six inches in length sad correspondingly thick were killed by one of oor citizens a short distance from the villsge sate day last week we never did think much of the brand of a4iakey they dish op in the flcott act communities c2a6 board the editor of tie bttari moat bare bad a soaky experience with bis whiskey some rime we were not aware hax the menliea of tie one always suggested the other but mb it seemi is be ease stiti oar friend of naejfeesrc 24ontaorrat lime fruit rarlke hrtk west ifrs john lfxconutll left on tuesdiy with her family for manitoba to join her husband who went out last spriag we are informed that ml mcconjell hu secured a farm of good size in a splendid locality and has very good prospects the friends of the family wish them a sale journey and every success in their new home a ratamge lai u we go lo press we sre informed of a change in the management of one of the most important businesses in town which is at once startling and unexpected this is the fact that messrs r e kelson snd 7ourr mcrae bare purchased the stock and business of messrs ch istie hender son fc co we have not learned the par ticulars of the change bat further tnnounce- meols will be made next week xarraw eicase on monday evening about ten oclock the residence of mr wm moore near this village narrowly escaped destruclion by fire caused through the explosion of a cool oil lamp the lamp was standing on a burean when it exploded and the burning oil vu scattered in all directions a couple of the drawen were standing open and in s moment the bureau was a mass of flames mr moore succeeded in quenchint the fire wilh a heavy quill but the burean and its contents were considerably damaged tire flrel fire i this most unwelcome alarm amused our citite us last saturday morning about three oclock when it was found that the vacant building on main street belonging to mr alex ttraut and until recently used u a abee shop snd residence was in names the building was so nearly destroyed be- fon being discovered that nothiag could be done to ssve it snd the attention of citizens present was turned to the adjacent build ings but the morning wss very calm and littls work was necessary the building wss one of toe oldest in town and the loss is consequently small we are informed that s quantity of shoemakers tools and a cooking stove were burnedv the fire was undoubtedly the woik of an incendiary as no fire bad been iu the building for several weeks clrle sander totnorrew has been proclaimed by the authorities actons civic holiday to youth age and beauty of our enterprising little town will disport themselves in vsri- ous ways coodncive to pleasure relaxation and health there an inamerous stays by which the day may be spent enjoyably amsug these we bear of a somber of private picnics boating parties blackberry ioe excursions dbc a friendly cricket watch will be psayed between devest of the members of aeton criefcetelnbaad a berlin team on twakon clubs sew crounda in the driving park a base ball match be tween the acton 8urs and the georgetown unapproacbstbles will be nbyed in george town arrangements hare bean concluded by which those who wish to visit their friends in torosrto may do so at single fare we trnat oot dtijtetu will we favorable weather and that nothing wffl occur to mar the enjoyment juioe at j lcoaarvine ckampaaae and cricket the mnyor of leeds england at the close of a cricket mutch lately said he had been very greatly dissatisfied with the re sult of so many of the matches in which tbe australians had been engaged in the country he had strong convictions that ihe fault on ihe dart o the english plsyen was not far lo seek for ihere was evidently something wrong the english cricketers did well in the morning but after lunch and chsmpagoe and cigars they fell away bat of the australian eleven seven or eight did not use either alcoholic drinks or clgan and the other members were nearly as abstemious as long u that difference ex isted between the teams england would rank second if iheeniilish wanted lo occupy in cricket the position they ought to the players must give up drink and lo- bacco summer- tae doc valiaaee we have referred to this subject very often but feeling that our citizens are im posed upon by the numbers of ownerless when the assessor is going his rounds curs we would again request the council to pnpple with ihe question and introduce a system by which ihe generally worthless canines would be considerably reduced in number ttiis we ibitk could be effected by compelling owners of dogv lo rcgisler them in atlach tags supplied by the cor poration for the purpose and all curs found running at iarje on the streets of the vil lage tittoul tags being summarily disposed of this would be a more iu the right di rection sod would surely meet with the approval of a great majority uf lliccililens tuc nuiuuer of uwie dogs in the village if very grtil and as ua pieteux is made lo pay taxes on many of them this appears to be- tiie otily means to sidle the nuis ance waat ssaad laspeelloa a few weeks ifio we noled the fact that ihe stone work of the vin hall in course of erection iu thisvillitre had been con demned by the architect and had lo be re built and now the brick work which is about half completed has also beert con- demol aluch of the brick work espe cially oa the back walls is a disgrae to any workman and the mortar used is very poor part of the back wall ha been liken down and rebuilt and we understand that the architect has left it lo the option of the contractor to rebuild the whole or luck- point all of the brick ork when completed at bis own expense our citizens thought lie first lesson of rebuilding the stcno work would have been sufficient to teach the contractor but he is spparently bound lo slight the specifications one thing fs cer tain this contractor neednt look for an other job of any kind in acton our council u not a hard lot of men lo get along with but they will insist upon having a public work such as this performed so as to be a satisfactory job the edinburgh warehouse 188 2 summer hughes not offer great bargains in dry goods heady made clothing millinery and soots fir shoes our new stock special lines 917 pattevns of choice eugliab and french printi at 5 cents ayartfand up itantle ani dress cashmeres 50 inches wide single width dress goods all the fashionable colore and shades with trim niugs to match from 8a a yard upward linen goods of every description at prices that cannot be beatan heavy white counterpanes at 100 beautiful stand spreads al soc and 40c gents- furnishing goods ths most complete stock is actos umahfll onr milliiiery will be fonnd more attractive than ever this season as we have taken all pains to obtain the latest and choicest class of goods in the new york montreal and- l toronto markets special lices in childrens ltau cricket halefe a nutch was plted on ths new enctet grounds in lie d rivinf park on friday afternoon between elevens chosen from members of the club messrs j e kc- garrin and j b pearson were ihe captains and ifr mcgarvins team sron the laurtli the players are picking up the ame very nicely and are showing- better work with each pracuee the scure or fridays match is as follows sfcoaktixs tzajc 1st ixxtxgs j e ifcgarvin b pearson 2 geo hynds b pearson 0 cs smith b pearson i dr lowry 6 pearson i 1 lialluews b pearsoj 3 w williaius b butler i c hoi e bntler b pearson 7 h p lloore b butler i t jicmacion c fyfe b bailer 0 ccspeight b pearson 0 t- h hardiuff nnt ontj 1 wides l 30 2nd ixmgs j e megaxvin run oul 0 d hynds c storey b butler 5 c 8 smith b pearson dr loa ry b pearson j ifallhewsh butler y williams c hill b butler c hoff runout el p moore not out t ucmacfcon bbuiler c c speicht c hill b butler t h harding b butier bys fancy straws at 15c 20c mens and boys felt fur sl straw hats v- w can show a very large and choice assortment in this line i soys fancy straws for 20a and 40o mens straw and felt bats for 25 5c and 75o department the large trade we have done in this line daring the past year convinces us that we are handling theright class ofgoodk oar principal lines are mannfatstured by j- t king k co and cooper k smith toronto which makers are acknowl edged by all boot and shoe dealers to be- amongst the best in america and the holders of the centennial ami dominion exhibition medals for fine and durable work crrour prices will be found the very lowest for all classes of goods g3highest price paid for any quantity of good butter and eggs hughes griffin acton removal havvixa lahoelt incbkised ht slock of boo and shoe i have found it necessary to remove to the irore commodious premises previously occupied by dr foreter which 1 have leased creech i therefore beg to inform the inhabitants of from ju li acton and vicinity that on saturday next 19th inst i shall open- out a very large and varied stock of boots and shoes which i shall offer at the lowest possible prices hello brown where i that big stock of glass ware and crockery gone oh its sold as heretofore my stock has been purchased from thelargest and most reliable firms in toronto and montreal which enable me to offer you th i very best value ever offered in tlie county of halton trusting you will give me a call and satisfy yourselves my state- meuts are uat exaggesated i remain yours obediently james coodall flbemember the place next to hynds jewellery store total runs pkaesoss team 1st ixxlsos jb pearson cloirry b mcgaryin james ifoore b lowry f h smyth c williams b mcgarvio c w riu b lory j r hogbes c smilli b lowry w h biorey b mcoanin j batier u lowry w c kioe notour speight b mcgarvin fyfe b lowry u l lambert ruu oat ib 2nd nanxas i jbpearson c afcmackonb ifcosrvin 0 james moore rua out 0 f h 8mytb run oat 8 c w hill c lrowry b lowry i h hngbe c matthews b low w h storey not oat i bntler e mcgarvin b lowry 1 w c kidft c lowry b mcgarvitt 4 i spelgbt b lowry 8 fyfe b itcgarvin 8 l lambert b lowry 2 byes 8 owry total runs 42 umpires messrs fj bryers and t t moore j scorer mr w t smyth a challenge from a berlin slab has been accepted and the match will be played to morrow civic holiday drug store aotoa oat go t0th hardings fo 12 lbs good bright sugar for 1 go 3a try t h hardings 4 lbs good green t for 1 try t h haedorgs 35 ct japan tea worth 45 eta try t el hardlkq8 10 lbs raisins for 100 to t h hardijsgs for family supplies of all kinds comprising i teas coffees spices canned j goods driei and salt meats laid c i slendid stcok oi crockery and qlaisiware jnst received att h ha dings alp remember the place agnews brick block maua st acton july 217 81 tr7 it fcraaioeeumiimdriiik moatifirratlime but a new stock has arrived will be opened at once what will you have and tumtmber hut splendid soe tea v7 op beowt thds gowoy go guelph maihifactiirers of reapers and mowers steel ohilled tr other plows fruit at koax7iag drug stoie iotca

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