i 1 k a xm tuiksrit rijh ttpt 7 1s88 wc hare forarlpd till nk to u those who its tu arroajn tor fahtuoai to the fiiee pxjsi slafelncnta ofuioir lu-iebu-vlucm- wp rwjaert 8ioc bo nrttt mich ccaai t c irait m tntlj tx joib thp amounts in uiot intaic are small but la uio ampui to us llni aiuourt to auadnxls ct dylliu a linie iinmlxr at our ak crilxrtjwni to taio t lwro uikcir hir lubscriiioa ijvi ic kivaucc slat thctc hiv or otrecvj uiiult but in irtu te il4j la tear txom tliojc ia utv4ts itoary ct anrtrlod to uatrl3 by l- office ftgistervd letter the war in en of ill erpi vlcfbcjal visit the batlln kcn of in lt issue being itumiucntliai ikxjyh tnliii place general wclfo is atimngiug niatteii as c0niluul a possil wvj tliht when the time or dvci action er- riws his viclgry ill be lalwnrtort in erery ttajkcc mtmtxwhile thcenemv t cohuui lalehitvly tmllieuyfiiisivc it is tuinotitfj lint afvbt ha hrtuiglit lipitvf una mm cirojla tel ulkebir lo bilvnee the ciiuitli dirty pnunavti on the armed trains vuliers are proceed- i ini smoothly al kassrtsin fioi i txumr ltuiikimnl but the liilyiconsunikton is oc so great that it will nolilit ot lo pro vide uippliw fui lie fuiirp impor- util action will no doub take place during the weee i sis excellency lb governor gener al and ii r ii ihe princess louise left jueotc lst monday en tuuit for bnlisb ccluuilta the viec i teat parly will not return o ottatm till about christmas- j whiskey fcosiui faro r an old ani txrrieictnl lililter says- ihat the whlsrcv trade of the tniud bute is falling oil lo aualirtuin z ei tent there arv now en hitid in ll united slates 150000000 l whir key of which 90uoo0c0 are in locd in the gorevnniegt wareliott the foreign demand- has fallen from 20o000bairu in is30 si to aliuosl i djtliiog this year kljht daiidrcd 1 hotitand people there are alrvidt hoc cej or iiiamp- to hia cvmnlry in 1sj nullum kle aud u is s000v0 will kiiiijratr and canada lo thi nuitii in yinwquctice of lliis thei albert li uou nearly s hdf siuuitled thai from euiopi real tast ihrpnf chicgn alartued at the kteadyharrh the liquor ntn ef chicago are as cinch alarmed at the steitdy march of the prohibitory moreajent from stilt- to state as the inhabitants of a town might be in seeing a conflagration rapini one hoqie afr another ill fiauies tiey are adcptinij the wisest j cpnreeofghiingthtfiaajes ilh a little i fireof their own they hare ucoine advtjoatesof high aui strictly guarded licenses o wtie ocl he lovr sajoons i ontarios adrnaiases the clinton xeic era is right when it says that if the people of ouaria would talk and advertise the advant ages of their province as fully as da those interested ia manitoba iota tie advantages of oauria would fcjn bi known through the kngtl and breadth of the land tuotewho deaire an equa ble cliojate- loo hot and never jloo cold for any leogth of time a good 8oii jfiist class educational facilities j and alt ihc- advantages of a plenty of churches should cast iheir eye at lootorio it 4 the a xoj i proving riik glanl i pacigci bv has uvu loii iklled lo lent iiion in hue an ad diucmal past kvjrvaa traill coujpoaed of mnil euart day anii nirjht can leaving cuieiio at ii a ra dtid reach mil tipuis earlv the nettiuotniul in amiit lime lo allow thce going in norihern miumsou dkouor mini tibd to blilaiu thvir breakfmst and uiik- couurclicn for all points north or xorllivtesu i this train ia run especially lo coo nc with tie koithern pi6c and st paul minneapolis and mniloba rail- tutds the utter cunnectiij with the 1 canadian pcigc at su vincent havi- just put upon tlrirlinif i tne riiiar evening express train i lit- run as hefeuifoe evruinjj cthineciicuk frttn miunapolis fur all points in the lerritory natned above it ia iaiortant and travelers shotili hrr it iu mind lhat mere ate no erriae transfers by the albert la rjulf riiieiigera laing ktided in union dtpots at minneapolis and st paul j tula is the r tule la lmni over for fionichicico w and uiie tin business brevities aoaa raata about ear bmlaaaa wan acd benata of txnafai u not ktaeroi raadera j the scott act a pstition for the repeal of the scott actio halton us being largely tinned ic the county it seems too 6oju for a proceeding of that naurej as the law- provides that the act shall remain iu foice for three vears tfdrrtillaa slcc i- ialor it is loo soon bro sismator xut ihe ojpouecu of the scott act see jtbat public opinion is dsily growing inbre strongly in favor of the act a ils succeat ia beeojniog njoro evident and if their petitions wonla have any ireight they must circulate litem with put further delay tuey are wideawake enough to know that at the expiration of the thtee years ileir petitions would cot havst been- countenanced jr the i ipeople of baitca kevertheless we an i jticipate no evil result front the ciicuia- ition o theif pelitions njw is the act willremain law until ihe expirxtiou of three vears and cot till then will the peple have the privilege of saying ai the polls whether it will be continued or otherwise esr cor and iv the itlczuiiul and iki coiufviiauc line o the sorihimt the trains of ihe albert ia route leave ciiicu from use dirct of ihe giext p- cfc island the bid favorite wild travelers destined for iviusas col urado mexico arizona and the pacific cokt 3ci your address to e st john general ticket und passenger agnt ciitcgri aud obtain our uerw dllusliat- ed western trail altov bikkets j vhik vthtst si 10 to r 15 treidvell old ll 10 to 1 15 spricg wheat giafgcofj i 10 td i ij fd chaff peu oats birlev five e per doz baiter diirj- picked bitter roilt potatodew pr h dressed hogs wuol ii os to j 10 jo t5 i6 t hi 0 40 to 0 c 0 55 to 0 70 0 00 l 06 0 15 to 016 0 16 to 0 17 jo 18 to 0 20 p c5 to i c5 0q to 8 00 0 20 to 0 z2 icb cruam pahloh- tuo excemoi bakerr i ttov wcluuppuch wilbll jtrjtu- cict coufcctithicry o alt hinds n ate hi iks lilbcullv cakit c leu crm fil- hhjh oa baud aud kupptttd by the dub ior quart kats fnwi 75 conti lo 25c li j fyfei fuv cioic nd clnp pluuios go to hu tfr giiflinn acton a good fell ii at for 75 ctrnli lit j fylv if von vnnl a nnmw durable and eneap suit j vywt la fhe plac to gd all kitul o ltdica colum ciiur wltth und ticlj ul iiujjljca t griilinv actoo stoick eniiiinh jtnh cutmdun ruii m in flret vanttj t the east uad cuiliiiimitorc fjfe acton i i iluglirt t gitfuu sell mca fine siruw iluia ut 4tc und ujiwdrd ftnti ciiumiy s ttt ht 150 ntwent btj kn suita und overcoats at extremely la rites mid uitle- ia utcst sljlc uc sure to call and see llrctn j fyfc atoh cidfaj080 nnc welt known in ene- iiccmil ttiih the elit ewlotflr wliiah riiires iry lixir lo k imtttril cttlor li 4 f ntel1 nee dold at w eeat per uittlfl by tlldrflsti4 1 lvqutlan a uimilton of lh welling- ini mariilc vtitl jali oiit r doiiik uic jarcil rcljit muriit iratia in out 111- to hie fact lblt thej do the lel urk tid sell the clc- iv t the mitijk art wari- ed aitut tlalii2 vritli ccanl banti trade jcddki ijo hotild u dirtct to the inn nr lay frika their aciiu ste that the name mcquillan 4 lucttiltou i u the priuted fi 111 before yon kki nrordcr 1 toyuiaf jwojib ad ut o iuktit or ttis coiiinji tliiijr ninitxi ww lf lui ad itiuntin kit trllofieul lo licilli hxia setlt cenftllly kitlfd to anv uddiw on tcttit of one dduui w v pliillipils 120qutfh si eaintj toruniti mother jtptbertf tf6vrmr arc you disturbed tt uifihlntid trolceri ot your rest by n pick child suflcringaid crytns niluthe exciociniing puin ol cutliu tfteth if kt coat ooceandpet a bottle of frs wiiulovi soothing srrup h- wjm rvlieve the poor little sulierer inineliilelydepenl upon it j ijiere in no mittice about ii ttereli not a anther on ertli wiio lm ever used it who will not tell ou a once thfvl it will rcjialvle the ricwelsitnd pire rest to tbe mother and relief mi heitu to lbchid operating like magic it is perfectly safe to use in all dies nd pleasact lo the tnite and is t iifl pre- ioriplion of of he oldest and bet female physicians and nurte in tha uile4 stales sold creryvrtiere at 25 cants a bottler a tlsplfi litrbfoondon toe sency plains ofa iiujitrn climate n under the tcillftil maiipulatiiti of p 7ua buiwij tfd one ff the rut llevjinc tvcr knl to ttnnjr humanity drvlsl butflsl kiiflfltwuro if- actniulelt all the world tuer mji ihc kj1- perfect rtriedy fcr kidcej troililet vir dntit has it- sold ia aclou bv e medarvic to leaen mrllilt snd slop the in roid of dtsva us- ntirilmipi lymans wpeablediicottrrand fjt- pep uc cure fcralldieeasfsanhirgfrcm impurmod such a- limplfi hi tcbta euiouioea indigestion 4c 4c il has no equal mrs thomas smith write i ca using lhu medicine for dyspepsia i m in j remedies lut this i the ouly 0u that hu done me any gpiel j bet and ccmf art to be katertac i brown haunehold purflcea has no efjual for relieving pain both in ternal and external u cures iaifi in the side back or bowed sore throat khecmilnm toothache lumbago and an kind ot a ain or ache it wi cost surely quicken the flood and heal as its acting power i wonderful brons household panacea being acknowledged ss the grea putn reliever and of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world ghouki he in every family hanfy for use nhen waided as it really is the best remedy in the world for crumps in the stomach and pains and aches of all kinds and is for sale by all druggisuat 25 cent a boiue fall opening fall opening th wk af hi east end clothing store asgrent enre has been taken jn the selection of fall goods the public will find thatthe slock at the east end clothing store sur passes anything heretofore exhibited in ac tori over 200 pieces from which to select including ft large range of scotch twiidi of beautiful design a lurge assortment of fall hats caps in all the newest styles just to hand j fyfe hello brown 1 where is that big stock of glass ware and crockery gone oh its sold but a new stock has arrived and will be opened at once what will you have 1882 fall season 1882- w rmmbr fha splendid 50e t p bhow2st the mammoth beijs to call the attention of the jadiw also tfie farmers mechanics laborers and the general pnblic to the fact that thej have laid in this season the largest and finest stock of dry goods e ver brought into this section of the country it is composed of drese goodk iiwill the newest styles trimmings to match kc ii yon want bythjnereew yon may be snre to get it irom n onr millinery and mantle dsfjartmeat is also filled with the latest novelties from london paris and jstew york if yon want a stylish iiat bonnet or mantle call and see us oiir dressmaking department is a decided snecess we make np dresses in the latest and most fashionable styles prices as low as any other firstclass establishment wedding aud mourn ing ordep a specialty i our itakrad qothiag departmest aa oiuaj will b fonad antpaaaing alt onr former aflorta tb latnt itjlea ot 8oocb eagliab french and canadian tweeda aidssitinga black broad cloth doa skina wonted otrcatingi ie wa keap a ftrivclaaa atock of gooda and a fintcua cotter and make np nutdan fitting genta w alao kero oa hand a tar larva atodk of gnita fnrniahinga hata and capa underclothing o onr beariytnada clothing depurtment trill b found more exteniira and a iargcr aaaortmant thaaerer itona tooth a boy and cbildrraa baits and orereoata axtea ehaap urge aaaortmant come to the mammoth for your bcadymada cbthing v our staple department oonaiating of cottona 8urtingtickiivaj pribtawineerif blasketa flaanel tama towellinga xablingi ic will be found on examination to be the cheapeat and largest in the county ba aura and aee our cheap blanket and wince- boots and shoes ladiea and children4arge aaaortment tstt oheapl carpeta oil clothe iinoleunia matt e we have the best aaaortmant of carpeta in wool tspoatry boeaaola and union carpet in canada and the lowest price come and see our stock and examine oor prices to our patrons and the public we hare this aeaaon far surpassed our former efforta lo obtain cheap gooda we are parring cash for them and when we sell ws musi also receireeaah we are making a big effort to do the trade this ttoi and all oar gooda are marked at the lowest caen prices come and buy your goods from na mcleod anderson go mammoth house georgetown pimples 1 mil free ihe recipe for a iltnple vegetable bojoi ibul will remove tan fioejdea pimple and blotries lvu loaialt icfi crear no i beiiuifil a o in- urtellmn ltr iirudiiclijllieloxurlulcnjwlti r lijlr va s bda titaii or satotuti la- ad- dr m lucjcmcik 3 etttinp ban vaadali ft couurtlio 31 nt pkintee wasted wsnted a practical journeyman printer for two week one add underpumls runniog a washington baud preea apply at ooce to h p moore faiz peru orricx acton aog th 18s2 crclfu juttlattg 3 25 to 3 ia bfelgtiborly sympathy the folfoviog resolution was ptwd i by ihe hamilton diflrict of the meib- 1 txlist church of cvuoda at iu lait meet ing whereas having beiid from the friends of umperdace of the coudlr of hnitoc of their patriotic tf- foila to sustain and carry out tbe jro visions of the scolt act now fa forc there- invoking tlie eruemliture of tnucb time and uieana and whereas tbey ar meeting la theae efforts ihe reliorgsnizcd couibiued and moat tleterojintd oppositipii of the friends of the liquor tranic regardi3 of exfethe in order lo defeat jci brini tlio disre ule ilhjirovihiocs of ilje 6iiu8cttact iherefore wej tlit- minihtetihl and iy uleojuerh of the idruihou diblrictmre ini of the mtbodist ciiuicu otgiimoa boiag mseinhted in the town of dujay tio hereby expresa oiir earuet aoajathv ith oui friends of ihe ccnulf ot hni ton m their setfaacrificiu tabors iu behalf of uod and buffering luujamty iiud edo further icoujiumd tbeui to tle sj ujmuiy abdciniiar iielj of ali lift friend of law ntd ttniiftrance 9 ajflarviaa drug flour t whit irhcat lrftadwu- spring wiieat glijiow eedchiff oats peia barley ilyi eci pr dot biitterdiiiy picked batter roiu potatoes new per bath dressed hofl wool it 10 to 1 15 1 10 to l 15 jl 10 to i 16 i os to i 10 d 50 to 0 55 0 75 to 0 80 p 55 to 0 70- 0 00 to 0 05 0 15 to f 17 jo 16 to 0 17 0 is to 0 20 0 55 to 0 65 1 7 50 to 8 00 0 20 to 0 3 delays art daaffcroaa particuurly iu kidney oifeaiei so ute at oace 2r y131 bunms sds87 cutfl aodobufn rehef fnim ail onr sufferios your druggiit ketp it sold ui actoo by j e ucgarvia corsnmptioii that dread destroyer ot the hcmaii rnce u often the rrsaltor had liloodand low ntaluyj a eoofulnas condition of ibesifm bitters enre ecofuli iiiihe wot foim dr d w faircliild of ntw york yg per9aallv t believe ia pbostjbatine i qj6 it tayself and ia mv family and practice i presinlc pbosphitini with a crjutitleoce tfut lean attach to do other remedy it ta eafe it ia effvctire far tale by all dragibts a card j to all vho are iuifenrjfrpm the error acd iadiecretioug of yooth uenoai u-tak- new early decay lom of mabhcod c f will tend recipe that will cure you fhee of chaetje tliii jreat remedy wa dig covered fcv a tniasiooary ia houth airerica seoh a elfaddrefied fcvlce to the het joepet lxxasstalloaj yoricity tftke no morp oatuseoos purgaiires burdock blood b hers act niidjy plea antw abd thoroughly upoft the bowelo andoccaion no inconvenience while it regulates the liver and kidoeyfc and tone the eoleehlea systeai trial- bottle 10 ceou j ebkoes of vjorth a opdtltna who unflerei fnr years from jfervra dfcuiuij- frtnnionj uerej 14 nil lie eitrlt of yiotinul ladikrctlon will or thtjcoof bjfleriig hnriihiuu- htrni free lo al wtineecl li tbt- fifcl and direction for liiatcrj ihf iimi le if on fly 1 vlich ne ws eacti bafleren wiabitg ui irodtbylljj oil viriweifc tifeiienop cau tio so by uddresalng in rrfrrroriflfffife joukbuopb u cedapjsi new york- store aotoa oat for t ive stock wixtel fifty muvh cowt fit feeiinjr senj and uy quantity of fit sbrcp aai lamla waoted apply at 00c in i geofcge toltoy acton sept 6 82 a ctov bmig itompaxr the hasiness oi the actoa banlaag cc bj heretofore will be managed by the na- dersigned on behaaf at messrs storey christie i co bankers in the same place until a more traitible oce ia obtained the change of basitess elsewhere annoanced does not in any way effect the banking basin ess whilst more time can cow be de voted to its management a private bani which can be worked at much less expense than a brazen of chartered bank baa cow become almost an indispensablo requis ite in every town or village in ontario as j- eviienced by the many bach institations throughout the western part of the pro vince to make this bafiiness prontablato both its patrons and promoters will ho the constant aim of the undersigned my at tention will now be largely given to this business d hendei1sok t o v e a good- assortment for he fall trade i a hills ew jta a rre depoc bill street acton s caution each puq op ths myrtle navy ismabkbd t b in bbonce litiibt none other genuine kidneywort for the permanent cure of con f voothaf ffiataaslsbopranlaattaaisodwa 1 tcmomrlnstlm and no tanadyhas awn j toosiiad tki stol uutfwarl as a i e on whatnruiaabasah0wnrotbaats s tha eaas 13us fasmdrwuionrenaaalt bl ga tea numasiin ooea- rllsibioa plaint la avrapitoba ft w xidaarwat j mzatbaaa fh wasksaad pasta and qtdaur ijomsa autodscf ro arin plcsldaasle its tsahars stoarof tnast feoahlss use iiuiimni kidneywort s toy e s livery sale board stables milu8treet aoton li where you can get firstclass bigs at aea80kable rater good oommeroial rigs an eipwss dellrery wagon will meef eaoh express train ant deiirer good tc ny part of the town lftet ihe let march i intend to do a strict cash bisinese only aa credit will notjpay for horse feed or repairs srnss stationery dye stuffs ed matthew greens go to a w greens for gem jars imperial measure the only ones west oi mont real j3ologna sausage always on hand at a w greens green pays cash for all kinds of produce 30 tubs of butter wanted at once uigh est price paid 18 poantft of good sogarfor 8100 at a w greens al kinds crockery and glassware cheaper than ever at a w greens full stock of everything at the city grocery a w green 5 lbs of the best 60c tea west of toronto for 8225 business boomingat a wgreens green sells cheap green does the trade 6bavs specific hedicine taqraatntl1sti kamedy aoanrliifrurrorkjnildi weaknaas sparidatorrna impoirney and all uiseasrs that loitow as seqpenc n 84lfblsf hi loss of hftn oryunlreiwil lasltidrpilii in lha bank dlronm ol vli ion pratmiturti olil a je and tinne many other olwarei that i rtlaadtoiniaiuijorcoiiiuinir hon arpailpiticnlariln oar pamphlet ahleb e de al re lo sena free by mall to medlmn- utold bjr all draa- kltaatlo0pr iiare of six packaiw tor 16 or will be sent free by mail on if i cflpi of the monej by 8t drealnf ixrtyu4ioiatos atoijr toronto onttanad sold byf b meoorln drnihat aetoa- nelson a mckae general dry goods boots and stioes groceries mer chant tailoring millinery c m avtkg purchased the stock in trade of messrs christie uender- son i co we desire to announce that the business willbe contin ued in theoldstmid and cordially solicit n continuance of the patron- age of the retiring firm the stock will at once beeupplementedwith all that is new and novel in the trade of which due announcement will be made nelsoip- mcrae paints oils oj b moartine drug in reference to the above we desire to announce that we have disposed of our atock of dry goods boots and shoes etc etc as i well aa our good will in the business to messrs r e nelson and john mcrae who will continue the busiuesa iu the store heretofore occupied byus and we cordially jiuvite for them a continuance of the i very liberal patrahae heretofore extended to us feeling assured that their knowledge of the business and the general requisites- of the trade will enable them to offer at all seasons inducements to the general pubv lie to extend to them a liberal share of trade in withdrawing from business we have to return oar most hearty tharks to onr many friends for their liberal support during the past ten years and hiel gratified that in making this change we are not removing irom amongst the people with whotn we have had the pleasure of associating for to many years christie henderson co anton aufuit 80th 1b8s store for dn 8 stat i si i 1 paiatollir ri- f am