t- m y b 11 jveetm tucrsoav ilohsiso 8tpf 14 1982 oar imperial general tbe ortaim fr puts ays we bro lxn miking inquiries soiong miliiianien ot 11 rukatil rtgrl to fiodvkt general lurd ia viry uu- popoltr tbcj say be is too iriualilf bof ins inoij nwc of urfcursundiuii cna- distt fvjutuwrs ought lc resign md go borne vu miiil ek woat do we mot uf an imperial general nty 1 is prohibition n failure tbe way ptchibuiou fails in kansas t ngnificantly illaslrsied by the follow from clicajo falr cktan whether it is ihe edict of the liquor or not km us ba less iiie for its prisons the atbcriui6 bud it iomevbt louetoue stciit tbe icitentury of tbe suit nd bitecpcqidil ui s a boarding fioose nd bcvegeed to lake convict from ker ilexioo to board it 140 jwr week cn auy state beat that t aaotlicr tvldeuce that probibitioa doctrioes are mt ing rapid hesdwiy is sufficiently icdi cited by tbe fcc tbt the german population ia uting aq interest in pro hibitory moreojenu chicago lias rectiit jr witneastl iheunusual spoctacje of contention of iztroin prcbrbiliociste they set to wott with iai and urgd a iweepiug abolition of drinksnot spiring cren their native beer tbe german peo pie have hinetofore been looted tfpoa as obstacles in tb rir of probibi tion movtuienis when germans tolunlarily wait into tbe prohibition fold and set np a lively cold water busintts en their era account tbe ad- yocates of temperance shoald feel very greately encouraged in age of uotioplies tbere ia not a word in he english language that serrea as well for mat ing any company or institution or bus nesa undertaking unpopular as that of- monoply when apnled to it kouoplies are bate becioie tbey are conciered to be oppressive they bnild np a few at expense of the many oar country is at present almost entirely at tbe mercy of moaopliea tbe trunk lines of rail ways hare consolidated the two telegraph companies are one tie cotton lorda are on the point of farming a pool tbe cart ageof tbe ctnada pacific railway das been given to one firm for twenty years tbe c p e ilseu is not to have opposi- tion for tbe same length of time it is an en opmanopoliea no wonder oar people ire alarmed at tbe existing con dition of affairs plucu at six struck and the tae wur uksgjpu dtspilchu from ti neiit of war yesurday annoifncu tb conjujeticwraeui of ut is goucmlly looked titbe decisive battle of itieoauilgu grn- cral woikisv b taken tiws to ooio plfle his papulations and carefully plan liis line of attack tuesday he uiaoe a final reconnaisiaaoe ud latis lied himself of the rnooiya position and strength la the afternoon the welcome news was recaived that a genen1 advance would lata oclock tbe teuu wtra ttoops organ to get into position at raiduigkt the whole ariiiy was in motion lu cider uot to larm tbe eoemr no lugles were aoaudedy and at 330 tbe batlebadcouimeneidj astrdug ui of infautn is 6uioilia j beten balletiea of field atlillary whieii are operating upon tbe enemys lines between el kar aim and kisblaband gen diury ljwe i with i lorce of cavalry aud bone artil lery is operating south of the fith water canal towards zigu ilh the intention of cutting off aralus retreat the lonf expected blow has been 6ti uct ly ccnilal vtoueley tel el kibir m canid lbivejutday mtrniug foityglnsaiid alatjje uuuiber of pcisouets have been captured the deuiotalitition of arabia army is com plete and his infantry ia flying lowaida the desert j board of education the public school trustees met on ilooday eeuing present ilr james matthews chairman and- messrs d henderson james moore dr lowty and james brawn tbe fininee committee presented lie fulljwiug rejiort recommending pay uient of the several sums tcca ixxjreiilirv for iagttt tlsss mus raisptf j291 ifaagraot sj83 lira adams 62i thoa iloore repairiogiblack board 150- 263 12j eii scjdtr repain vvm ualsoq clearing broands the report was adopted the finance committee also submit ted for the approval iot20 of tbe board the following estimate ot moaeya tequired for school puiposes for tbe current year teachers jalaries j secretary treaaarer careuter fat repairs cm scbool property interest on ecboo debt 107500 3000 7500 8000 iaoo ss00 balance of amount awarded ss ko 12 aa theirahare at school property 961 9s contaigeocies tas amoaot borrowed oh dtbenrareir leiaiative rraat 7002 ilraocflt reqaired from corpor ation of actoa 1230900 90500 10400 y cer rheumatism meuralgia scmica lumbago backacbt sortmts of ho chut out quiaty sort throat snoll- ingt tnd spraint burnt and staid stntral boiilj pains tooth ear and httdaeht froifot foot and fan and all othor pains and achos tt rtruoe oa rth iquau st f or ill i xai47 titflloj with pais uui mlalil vl lit cmpnthr ctaap btlliviikiuijt j m olia u4 hwt ofenac ia eu tan duap aia patsuri ml t plndioim to na iaaaam i sold bi ill dsceeibtb 1td dziiem ix redioiie a vooxxer tc co i utmuukj business brevities fteme facta about our butaes mn oad houmft of benefit m out jtcaaral raler fall qpeaiaff fall opening j this wtk at east end clothing store as great cure has been token in the selection of fall goods the public wiirfind that the stock at the east end clothing store but paes anyth ng heretofore exhibited in actoo over 200 pieces from which to select including a urge range of sooteh twttdi of beautiful design a large assortment of fall hats caps in all the newest styles just to hand j fyfe hello brown where ia that big stock of glass ware and crqckery gone oh its sold but anew stock has arrived and will be opened at once what will you have etaporatlns fruit tbe modem procesa of drying fruit quietly by means ofartificialbeat i agrwt improreident on tbe old eiow method ofeiposare to tbe stin air and cooking stove in tbe one item of cleaclinegsj tbe adrantae is very great it most be admitted tbat dried apples banjon strings in farmers kitchens for weeks and months coaled with dust and trarersed by innumerable fljea are not a ery inviting article of food froit ibatbas been dried in tbe open fur and to which all the particles of dirt that floaf in the atmosphere and insects of all kinds have had free access is not much better thejegga of moths are ften deposited in apple while drying imd these bafch out afterwards all hese and others evilaare avoided by he tise of efaporaiora this improved- jirocess is carried on extensively in ea tablisbments in tbe cfaited states and they af beaming to find their way into this country small pottable evapoi- nlofs are also in the market suitable for those who bare orchards large fcnpngh to yield a surplus of frail for ile tbey are specially adapted for ilryng peaches applea and small fruits- the fruit thus prepiredia verytsalable ko family that has used it would think of returning o tbe ose of frait prepar- td by tbe eld method bvspoiiied applea wben cooked caa hardly be distinguish ed froai the green trait we know thereof we affirm having used them with much satisfaction they cost but littlemore than green fruit by ihe barrel tbere is no waste from rotting and tiers is no time consumed in pre- jiaring them for cooking wehavecftan thought utetf that it wmild pay some epecalative citien lo go ftito the fruit canning abd evsiorat log bjsiuesa here look inlo too matter jntlenjin j 3l jtoaarviaa drug 1100900 130000 moved hy d henderson seconded by dr lowry that ihe corporation of acton be requested lo provide by assess ment the said sni df 1300 carried moved by dr lawry seconded by tames moore that tbe treasurer bor- of two i for a term i of two hundred do i current expenses of school carried board then adjourned i months the sum iars to meet the boots suota iu endless variety at the acton biot sboe warehouse ick cream parlor the eiceldpr bakery it now well supplied with all dlia- aes coaftctioqcry of all kinds mils figs dales biscuils cakes tfcc ice cieam si ways on baud aod supplied bv the dib quart hats from 75 ccnu to 25c j fyles for clioice and cheap plumes go jo hujbes guffins acton over 50 different styles inxadrs boots shoes fc slipeni it goodali boot and shoe siore a good felt hat for 75 cents kt fjfes ir you want a nobby durable and cneap suit j rytes is the place to go all kinds or ladiis cillars colljr eltes and ties at hugbcsi griffinr acton scotch english and canadian suitings in sreat variety at tbe east chd clothinitstore j- ffe actou all ihe tsge genta imitation alii gatura balmorals may be purchased at gocdalla neict hyods jewelery store hnghes 4 griffin sell mens fine straw hats at ioe and upward fine chiialy stiffs at 150 newest stylis suiti and overcoats at extremely low rates and made iu latest styles jbe sore to cau and ace them j fvfe acta qlhsjsss a oame well known in eta- necuou will the hiit ssoctit which reatorea grey hair to iu natnral color by a fewweeks use bold at 50 cents per boulfl by all druggista j mcquillan him lion cf the welling- ton marble works guelpb out are doiuz the largrst retail marble trade in got aw ing to tbe fact that they do the beat wjrk and sell the cheapest the public are warn ed aiinjt dealing with second hand trade peddlera bu ihonld u direct to the firm or bay from their agents see tbat ha name mcquillan k hamilton it ou the printed form before you iipi or older j to young people about to manr or those contemplating mairisgewe will to o w romtmbor tiiat spundld 80o ta the mammoth begs to call the attend on of the ladies lso the farmers mechanics laborers and the general piblicfothe fact that they have laid in this season the largest and finest stoejc of dry good ever brought into this section of the country it is composed of dress goods iu all the newest styjes trimmings to match 4c if yon want anything new yon may be snre to get if from ns onr millinery and mantle department is also filled with thelatest novelties from london paris arrd new york if yon want a stylish hat bonnet or mantle call and see us onr dressmaking department is a decided snecess we make up dresses in tbe latest and most fashionable styles price as low as any other lirstclass establishment wedding and mourn ing orders a specialty our vrdertd clothing department as usual will be found surpassing all on- former efforts the latest stylet of scotch english preach sad canadian tweed and suitings black broad cloth doe skim woisted overcoatings c wa keep a iunsiasa stock of goods sod a fintclaaa cotter and make up fixbfcclaae fitting gents we also keep on band a feiy large stock of gents furniahioga hats and caps underclothing 4c our beadymad clothing department will be found mora extensive and a larger assortment than aver mens tooth s boys sod childrens suits and overcoat- extra cheap large assortment come to tbe mmmoth foryonr beadymade cbthisg oarbupl department consisting of cottons shirtings tickings prints winceys blankets flannel tarns towellings tailings to an will be zoond on examination to be tbe cheapest and largest in tbe county fi anr and saw oar ebeap blankets and winceys boots and shoes ladies and childrens large assortment varv cheap carpets oil cloths linoleums hatt 4c we have the test sasovtmeat of carpets in wool tapestry boossels and union carpets in canada and sho lowest prices come and sew onr stock and iif onr prices to onr patrons and the public we have this season far surpassed o in former efforts to obtain cheap goods we are paying cash for them sad wben we sell we must also receive cash we are making a big effort to do the trade this fall and all our goods an marked at tbe lowest cash prices come and buy your goods from us mcleod anderson co mamiaotti house beorgetown x thi ciadle alela5derac limehouse on tbe 11th inkl tbe wile of mr a alexander o a sou 1 fan eithsltloas prarincial kingltoo sept ip to 23 weiteru loadof sept 25 to 29 central hmilljn sept 26 to 28 northern union oraazerille sept 28 29 kauaawfya at brtoknlle sept29 central guelphjocs3 audi feal atbramptiu oct audi esqneaing geotetown oct 6 pnalinch iaberioyli oct 6 korthern wallerton oct ii and 12 eramoaa fiockwood oct 13 and 14 erin erin villt oct 18 and 19 halloo si milton oct 10 and ii prsqnal uts s coafes nnfl finiijj- of wood stock are in town mrs stepena otfea sound is tiait- ing friend in acton m c b araiiun of detroit is paying his friends hear a via mr sndmra b himstreett of if 1j ton nsited their frieoda h- last week miss qourfey pf jjiffldon spent conple cldift lais week with friendaherea mr louiif bnyde who baa been in belmoat for several rx onihs hai retarned hode j ifr priest of ofjeola mich wts gneet at the methodist parse tuge this wlt mr c tjempsey o tfslkerton irnt a conple odhft during the week in his old home mr o niebel opeklor qt h spent a conple of dashis week with frienda lu kew hambargi dr m forster ittended tbe anneal meeting of ihe domii ion medical attocu tfoa al toronto last fl eek mr a e nichlid toba during ihe last home last efeninff mrs john boomer john speight of this visit of several montl s with friends here the butniin mce is bad blood and iw f cure scofula iiilbe bo has been in maoi ix moouu returned u looks first rat sr mother of mrs village left for lrer home in juuwood cm tbnrtday after a consumption tfci t dread destroyer ot often tbe result of itnhty a scofalous condition of ibesys m burdock buton worst arm bencj aa interpstiog book beneficial both sexes seoc carefully sealed anc addieas on rtceiijt of one dollar v jf puillippa 120 queen s ealat toronto sxttfciut 16th ssjt the dwelling boase and lot beloaixi to r mcllreaaa ia uiii rillae a1m bone cow tc so reserre sale to commence at one oclock win htmstreet aucuueer fejdat 2ud bcrr 6tock iuiplemeota ic the piuperty f ii alexander kellea al lot 25 coo j j eiqaeaimr ho reserve u the proporiet4f is i eat nig ibe place sale to cuiuidieo at 12 oclock wm heirnrrtt aactidrxer t 1ve 8toce wate1 fifty milch cows fifty feeding steers and say qaaotity of fat sbep and lambs wanted apply at ooca to oeorge tolton actoo sept 6 82 a cton bamija ompaat the business of the acton banking co as heretofore will be nmnaed by the nu de reigned on behalf of meaars btorty christie co bankers in the same place until a more suitable ofcoe is obtained the change of basiueas elsewhere annoanced does not in any jray effect the banking business whilst mora time can now be de voted to its management a private bank which can be worked at mnch leas expense than a branch of a chartered bank haa now become almost an indispensable requis ite in every town or village in ontario aa ia evidenced by the many sneb institntions throughout the western part of the pro vince to make this business profitable to both its patrons and promoters will be the constant aim of the undersigned my at tention will now jbe largely given to this business j d henderson be sanny plain a simpis herb foandon lh- of a southern climate ha ouder the skillful triaripaattonodr vul butoji proied ooe of tbe greatest biesioi ever sent to laffering hamaaity dr 7s butwls 2clda97ci0 is acknowlodgtd all tbe world orer as the only perfret remedy for kidney troables ynar dragiit his it sold in acton bv i- e mcgarvin to lessen mortality and stop the in roads ofisase use kortbrap a lymaus- regetablediscorpry and dyspeptic cure foralfdiseaees srtslngfrom impureblood such as pimplfs blotches billiomnees indigestion ac ac it has no equnl mrs thomas smith writes fim using thia medicine for dyspepsia 1 many remedies but this is the only doe that has done me any good i dr d w fairchijd of sew york says personally i believe in phosphatine jj i use it tnyself and in rnvfarailv aod practice i prescribe phosphatini with a confldeoce that i can attach to no other remedy ii is safe it ia effective for tale by all drujyruts a card to all who are suffering from the errprs and indiscretions of youth nervoni weak- new early decay loss of manhood fccj i will tend a recipe tbat will care yoa fbeb or chaeob this great remedy was dia covered by a missionary in bouth a il erica sead a selfaddressed en v lope to the r jossra t ixius station dtfew tori git 500 regard i wr will pay ilia abore reward for any eae ofliter campiaidij iyapepsia slcjc head artia indfcnonrcoriau ailon orcoatle dec we cannot cane situ weals vegetable liver iims wlien ttie dlrcctlossar trltly eompmfd wild taey ara norely vegetable and rever jail lo jke satisfaction recur coatrnl ir2 boxfs eoniaininr tfl piiu ii rtits for sale by dm droaglsts beware o ctdurflts and linllatlona tbe irenalns txiahafiiccred otilyiby john c wtst co the lll mnkertsi a h klnj m east to roiliont free trial iakige sent by mull -ajer- rjppald on reeeiriara nl stamp take no more nauseous purgallns burdock blood bitters set mildlf pie is- antlj and thoroughly upon the bote is and occasion noinconvenience wliilo it regulates tbe urerand kidneys and toi es the enfeebled system cents allien i mathers t morten 1 1 are you disturbed at night and brokjsn of your rest bys sick child sufieringa id crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teelbf tfso tost onoesnd jet bottle of mrs wlnslows bbothiag byrup it will relieve the poor lit ie suflerer immediately depend upon 1 1 there uno mistake about it then is not a mother on earth who hits ever ui ed it who will not teli you at once thai it wilt regulate tbe bowels and give r at to the mother andrellef and health to the child operating like magic it is perfectly safe to use in all eases e id pleasant to the taste and is tnep-e- scr ption ofone of the oldest and t ft feiiaale physicians and nurses in the fjnited states sold erery where at25 oei ts a bottle store aotoi ont for s stationery die 1c00 forfeiti mavtdt toe ntmct confldenee in us snper- lurjiy overall otbersand tii tliooundi ol tesuafibe mofci cum pile tied and severest casea we coiaki hod we ifl jaufled in ofle- ine 10 forfeit ooe tnoiisand dollars tor any eas ofcnagii col it or hroa inflow nia lioursroe boacliitis ocnnmpuon lo lis eariy itttges vcuopinr cocgti aoi all dis- eanfiie throat a ndlcrgv except asthma lor which w foljjelalm relief tbwl we cant core with weals ooaati yrop wben takun according to dlrejuois banult botueatfi aiitl50cedts lrftboiuesonedllar uenlne wrappersodly iu bine hold byalldrumlts orsftit by express oo recelp ofprio- john a west co sl s3 slot h etul toronto unt 1 tjr eowlwtbirjshyi afb braiktrkat- uiatt a euaranteedspeclflo for hysterics dizzlaesa convnklonsklta nervoosnenral- i headache servon proairauou eansed by tbe ose of alcohol or lobs ecu wake j il- ness menial iebressioo bo fleam- nf the brain rwdlllngsn lossnfiy and leadlna to misery decay anfl daatb pit ma to re old aao barrenness loss of power to either sex in voluntary ljss ana sperm htorrh03af aof d by overexermonlof lbs brain sqirabnae or oyerlndulfftnosj one box will enra recent caei each bnxfeodtalns one months trest- mrnt one dnllnr a box or fix txxwi tor five dollhtsf sent byimhllnnrecetf tofprtce we cnatante ttx toxes to oare noycase with eah order recejvd by aa ftsixboxeaae- cmiianud wltii fivedpltrs trial bottle 10 purchaser oar written ftwrantee to remod tbe money if the treatment does dot efieet a cure r qns rantaes issued only by j ei mr oavik ole aothortsd a rent fbr aclon onu johmc at 4 cort sola proprietors toronto ont j kidneywort he great cum rhftmatis us tt la tar isx cis palarol tuseisea pt tlu icidneydtliver and bowit 1 ciaines pa tttbaa offiis ascupelsea jttfaiit caaacs tho dzeadfol wnflirmg which ipnly tjio ecmsofklioirnahitncaat j thousands of cat of uiswtnst fcraa wtius tenftils luv3 te3iiexlyinusvcddlaawrttth ta ptwcotly cuiceo vtcm 01 t sou at lrirassmk greens go to a w greens for gem jars imperial measure the ooly ones west of mont- treal bologna sansage always oa band at a w greeas green pays cash for all kinds of prodnce 50 tubs of batter wanted at once high est price paid 18 pounds of good sagar for 100 at a w greens all kinds crockery and glassware cheaper than ever at a tv greens full stock of everything at the city- grocery a w green 5 lbs of the best 50c tea west df toronto for 8125 business boomingat awgreens green sella cheap green does the trade ikidneywort ous fto 1 ikcrarvins drug i 1883 fall season 1882 nelson mellae general dry good boots and shoes groceries mer chant tailoring millinery c ii aving purchased the stock in trade of messrs christie hender- son i co we desire to announce that the business wi ii be contin ued in the old stand and cordially bolicit a continnanct of the patron age of the retiring firm the stock will at once be supplemented with all that ia new and novel in the trade of which dueannpuncement will be made i nelsotf lilcrae in reference to the above we desire to announce that ire hare disposed of our stock of dry goods boots and shoes etc etc aa i well as our good will in the business to messrs rienelson nd john mcrae who will continue the business in the sore heretofore occupied by ua and we cordially invite for them a contiunance of the very liberal patranage heretofore extended to us feelirig assured that their knowledge of the business and the general requisites of the trade will enable them to offer at all seasons inducements to t lie general pub- lie to extend to them a liberal sbstfe ot trade in witidrawing from business we have to return our most learty thanks to oi ir many friend for their liberal support during the past ten years and feel gratified that in making this change we are not removing froi a amongst the people with whom we havebad the plea5uie of associating for so many years aoton angost 30th 1888 storabr glulstle henderson go v l is r m i ii is 3 r statloae ry dye itun paints oils