m thciuwt mokkmb sept 14 8i2 at eo brads acton knives 8poeos anwka baiter kntm cruet pickle stands pocket koivev wade 4 botcher rasor the only store iu town that keen a selection of thee good jolt opened oat mother stock ot express wien for tie little fntks call iu aha e them knlnl we trait that all to whom we rendered statements of their indebtedness laat week will at one remit a large number hare already done so but many yet remain to follow their good example bits of brevity ix therwtw pkhk v uic at t ue pea id itiiun for puck shooting is now legal rcmarkimtcool thwe etwlngiu kow llook oat for o rchard thieve etch yttberfv plckcrt visit st helena narrow toed boots ire again the ht-o- frost idu soon be ibe order of uw lght- i ithqkjffttng day u the next legal holidar tbe season tar auction tales tim agua arrited j kow is the time when the leares gin to fall 4wlio hasot been to toronto during thepifilrt1 itbe street umpi are most acceptable thesetiark ereoiagt the lax collector will conlinae hls round i on october ut the carpenters it the town hall are now as busy aa naiwa batter is up to twenty cents agun tod rm scarce at that priw dixiiioa court was held here yter- day judge muljer preaidtnp the pxstcers are now buiy at mr jsmei moores aew residence the biickwork oa the bower arenue haases is being very tastefully bailu theactoolehidreqenjoytdthemielves atjtoronlo rery ircdi on sxiurdiy jthe wellington fall issues open on the 25tb before mr justice burton lder a audersoo hamilton preach- d in lie disciples hqtiie on sunday some of the street corners ia town are weilpatroijuced educaliocal insiimtions 4tbe new addition to oakvjuc pcblic school baiidings will be completed this the fete press as a tboroagh iater- esting focal piper ia niiiajpassed so tar iisreders- nowing to tbe late harvest the fill seeding u several weeks later than usual in this vicinity grain it not coming in ia very large quantities yet as the farmert are basy with their seeduk- methodist sabbath school picnic jr- catnrnings grute tomorrow go yoau be made welcome messrs tbomascowdy co gnelph shipped a car load of fanning mills la manitoba last w efc the world at larcc would much rather beeeve a auc dishonest uiaa to accept jjijoltaf hi honesty plcooaerratire conrentioa was held in torooioj yesterday a number of our citizens were present if vcabatelird animals lost etrar td or stolen adverosetliem in the frez paxsi iwiu do iffi t to tied them for tot- pmr a sintiair foreman of the geotge- tiwa herald office had his right had badly braied in a gotdoii press iat week the fsrowrs toni and danghlcrs art ccwlotiins witt pleasant anticipation to the fail eihbmom of ibejr tooiup or cbnpty j jboardinsbonse keepers a7e baying their handifitll at present the number of cioreardeoi workmen now ia town is as- tgfifsfaing jtbe lesson ef big- punpkins hne lanlips afcdjoir articles of farm produce of dutteaalfropariioas is gradaallr draw iog actoa prass band has been engaged jo te dttsent at- rctwood show on ihe ljili prcac thefr music will greatly eoliree tie village varijetie3 k ratledun r ul aewi ni auar aaauen or u1 luertu is vulatt beaten proceedings nirranced i js ailirranced in ust iese rev r s ha4ciiffe of lather preached in slilbans chorcli on i snndaj hia termoos were much eojojed jtbe daaplon and exprr are qcarrel- ingwilb eath other about nonredied iteni- far shame geiuemen leare sqch worjc for olildrea tht tulace coancil should now be joofcmff after a good town bell so as to hare it in readiness for the town ball tower at lieprop lime the slaadard annonocefl that three weddingj will take place in oatrille leus tnonfh- la he standard ediiorz wdd to be amonrtlemuabe7 i ladr euciambed to the influence of cnlofnfona admiiriftered for tbe purpose of batiag teeh ettracted in adentietsofsse at danville out onjlouday jlr tbos bailer relumed last wtti frim ibe korlhwest be thioka on uno til ahead of lie if orthwt tod adoies loose who are comfortable bete to atar where fliey are aa he himaelf inteudi doiof reoroefotm hrold eer r hobbs of washington preach- two tery aeeptable sermons in the melh- odial chard i on sunday mra hobbs and bildrea accompanied him to acton aoet epeif tbe weet very pleasantlj with friends and ssqeaintances in town biioiklting liquor robs the indfridual of tia reaseij aad hooar the family circle of ili peace au happiness and society at lartsjof its itandard of porilr and selfre spect this can be proven in any com- tnanity whefe it ia indalged ia tjue prjscanity f the georjetown herald rati is uueaaalied- here ia a sample of his choice expressions he isays tktre is a croeaiag oo the street where many pilgrims trip hits helen blazes is uae male that springs from every tioujm the seoft act was going to ruin he basfleesof tbe county the feu v trsjat present acton uttsbniyas j town ef jts size in the counlry new bailduigs aje in progress in all directions and evjerythibjr exhi bits an air of enterprise and ptospeqty may it ever continue georgia herald this fruit is now in the market but local twdeners complain that they trs vrr slow in ripening the crop this fear ia a large one la this vicinity and tomatoes wiu be plentiful if not injured by early frosts i eauras isuaweuaw aurauaw the village council should lose no time in lepalring the broken culvert on frederick street we referred to this place aevtral wk aco but no action hu yet bean taken by the authorities it ia positively danger ona frewell rartv j a farewell tea was tendered mr harry jenner on friday everingtjy number of his young friends and companions a pleasant time was spent by all kr jcnacr vefl oo satarday morning for glovirsville n y i bccla far aaurela mnami what make angels asked a little boy who had been reading of the heavenly inhabitants the mother glanced out into the oichard and with a warning look solemnly replied unripe fruit my dear frvli tkjerea milton just now appear to be infested with a gang of youthful fruuthietei who ply their nefarious work under the cover of darkness many complaints have al ready reached us of their depredations xaa i a kew ataiuer iateatlam the latest invention ia a paper butter tub which is regarded- as a valuable im provement it can be mannfactuted at the same cost is much lighter and preserves the bitter perfectly sweet and free from any foreign substance su let caaapalca i ur w c fee of milton secretary of the ontario alliance left town last mon day for loudon ool to take part in the scolt act campaign which has just begun in the county of middlesex success to him and the campaign ita fareiam rapen we aie indebted to hit e hold set- uah wis mr henry f hill buffalo n y mr p hemstreet peckj mich and mrs a r yanbrocklin of duntirt n y lor budgets of papers we hereby tx- jna oux 1 to each for their kind- nii i i cacjl i a meeting of the ttoage council shoald have been held on tuesday jeveniog bal oying to the fact that tha reeve clerk and one or more member of the council were unaccountably detained li toronto that evening no meeting was held surety ihese gentlemen were not detained by the dy pomce i tantua imdmssrial cxklbuia everj- ly daring tbe past week large numbers ourcilizeai visi the toronto exhibition aid we expect thai to day and tommrow just as many wulput iu a day a the sume hace of interest toe majority who have been there came home pleased aad report manr new features take a thp down it will io you good it alwari pari while iaguclph last week mr t j day bookseller shaved n5 an order from geaf lenun in salmon cily idaho f oi sevend copies of certain books the gunjetnan statiug ihat be had seen the booh advertised in the actoo feze prss thus u illustraled the benefits of advertu- ingiy a largely circuitttd live newipaper tne cnuader this paper published in london by 8 ranou esq is a bright little gtm in the temperance cause and bas done mch uj forward the rrobibition movement in our beloved country during ihe past twoyears it is now enteriugbpon its third year and shows arery evidence of prosperity goon iu jour noble work little cnuader and may success altead you 4 dlaptajtsdfl tear x the cioada glove work are not repre seated at thetorouto industrial exhibition exhibition this year tbe firm and ite employees are bo taxed in filling orders that there was no time to gpt up a display for tbe exbibiuoa messrs storey son have however always taken first place among exhibitors and lhfr name is now a household word among ibe dealers in these goods nitawtiaklttaliar newspapers valuable to material pros prily they advertise tbe village country or locality they spread before the reader map on whloh may be traoerl oharacter design and prcteaitl if k itranjer calls at t hotsl he tint inquire for the local news paper if a friend come from a distance too rery next thin after a family greeting h inquires for your village or county news paper and you feel discomfited if you are unable to find a late copy and confounded if yon are compelled to tay you do not take iu awetlaa tales if you intend making an anotion sale this fall two thing are rtqulalt for sucoesa the first it to have a good auctioneer and this yon will hod in mr wm hemstreet of ihls village he never falls o give satls- faetloa tbe second item of importance ia a good neat clean and well displayed sale olu which you will get by ordering at ibe fum pnxes office we hare facilltle for turning out flrslclass work and we are prepared to give you just aa good advan- iga a any other offloe iu the countty give us a call f edinburgh clk ceatral exklklilra it is but fair to ssy that the fair season la fairly upon us fair wwther a fair fair and low fares will draw a fair number of fair maidens and farmers to tbe city to see ihe falrri iferrsry we are afraid it will take more than fair weather and low fare to draw a fair number of viators fair maidens included to the queiph centrsl fair this ysar although at one time this exhibition was amons the most important in the protfaoe it seems of late years to have almost dropped out of notice rietaresqae caaada it is often the case that subscription books delivered in parts do not maintsin their snperioritv throughout but we find that picturesque canada does not follow this rule parts 11 and 12 were delivered last week br mr orsnt lie genial representa tive of the oompany and they ae not only up to the standard of ihe firat number but some of the engravings seem to surpaas tnything previously presented one of ihe moat convincing proof of its popularity ia tbe fact that on every trip the deliverer adds new names to the list of subscribers when completed the work will make two most handsome volume aarrawfcr escaped smalmetl tbe residence of mr peter savers him bermau ksssagaweya narrowly escaped destruction by fire last friday afternoon the origin of which ia most mysterious the family were all in the lower part of the house when mrs shyers had occasion to scud her little aiuhler oo an erraud up stairs the little girl went into the parlor and nouced that the room was very smoky and to find the cause opened the door of the bedroom adjoiniag when a sheet of flame immediately gushed out tbe alarm of fire was at once given and the inmates with ihe assistance of a few neighbors soon succeeded la extinguishing the flames the furniture aid bedding in the room were almost totally destroyed the origin of the fire can only be aarmised and it ia supposed that it wascamed by mice nib bling and igniting nutches which may have been in the room there was no stove in the room and there consequently was never anr fire there mr savers and family have reason to be thankful that the fire was discovered in time to save the house from total destruction look out for newadv tisement next week i e tvlaim laust teaapenaee hughes griffin the wonderful man ubabwrger cbees weve seen it and more we have smelt it a friend ia town brought up a piece of this moreiausufficienllyperfumed article the other day he has our thanks far his kindness but somehow we dont hanker foi a further supply youd better denote any surplus stock you have to bra moyer of ihe berlin keat friend it hell per haps lake more kindly to it than it is pos sible for us to do rereapime skc on monday moraine mr joel leslie of erin shot a porcupine of unusual size mr leslies dog bad been attacked the night before by the porcupine and saflered ter rible agooy from the qnills received- ia his body to show how the dog suffered mr lealie says that the quills wait cleamhrough the fleshy part of tbe dogs limb in one night jf porcupine had been see in the vicinity for ten or twelve years previous i etswdlat sahmk esul ficaie- the annual sabbath school picnic of the methodist church here will pshdd in cammiugs ctove about a mile ouulde tbe corporation umorrow aternbou the chidren teachers parents and friends will meet at the cwch t oa oclock from which put they will leave in convryance headed by acton brass band for the picqib ground tbe ground is in good condiuonj is in a pleasant situation nd an ebjoyabhj time u expected ill are invited to attenjt thetier connected witii tbe school or not dout forget to take a basket of good thbj with you lliiih aotmiy oat a very successful meeting of this order was held in ihe temperance hall on tues day evening last for the purpose of resus- ciafing acton division jto 2fm which has been oa tbe dormant ist for several months tbe grand worthy patriarch bro h ohant octorautv presided and opened be proceedings in ihe prescribed form qnlte a number of former members of the older were present and the election of nfficers was proceeded with and resulted as follows bro james moore wp w p brown wa h p moore rs rcrxine fs juhu cameron treas james forster con l masalas is e kicklin 08 hugh cameron pwp hp mre dgwp the installation ceremony was then per formed by the g w p and the division snow iu excellent working otder wilh earnest practical temperance workers bt its head at the close of the ceremonies the g w p urged tbe members to endeavor to make ihe division as successful as it has been of yore and thus make the influence fell in the community the order of the sons of temperance is an institution which has now been in exist ence nearly forty years and has admitted over two million people into it ranks it is divided into throe classes subordinate divisions consisting of individualmsmbers grand divisions of representatives from the subordinates and the national divis ion of the representatives from the grand divisions experience has shown that effi cient temperance work depends largely upon organization and that without associated effort but slow progress will be made the sons of temperance have been instrument al in- spreading broadcast a permanent healthful temperance sentiment and have largely contributed to tbe present deter- mined efforts of good sad wise men to de stroy the drinking usages of the land we believe the division under proper influences is better calculated than any other available form of organization for the work now most pressing in our p ovine iu mission is to rescue the perishing lift up the fallen provide a m bom for those who have been made homeless by strong drink andto raise a barrier of christian sympathy and frater nal love against tbe temptations and al lurement which besot those striving for a better life to do good by saving oar fellow men from intemperance both by means of prevention and reformis tbe great object of tbe order the cooperation of temperance men is eamtly requested all interested should join and reader be organization effi cient any of ihe above members will be pleased to receive tbe names of candidates the division will meet as heretofore every tnesdayrening goto th harqings for 12 lbs good bright sugat for 1 black pine prints the new and cream spanish lace scarfs and fichus new designs in cambrics and sateens try t h hardings 4 lbs good green t for 1 try t h hardings 85 ct japan tea worth 45 cts awtry t h hardings 10 lb ramos for 8100 go to t h hardings for fam supplies of all ki ads coraprigin teas coffees spices canned goods dried and salt meats laid c newmarket jacket and ulster cloth shapes in black straw hats and bonnets thousands british of dollars worth of and continental goods to this week arrive joh1s hogg son gtteliph tit it ftp a nim inuuur diink sjsl a splendid etcok of crockery and glasgware just received at t h hardings r ttp s remember the place agnews brick block main st acton jnly 27 82 f aotoisr boot and shoe waeehotrjsb i beg to intimate to my nuawotis friends arid patrons that i have now in stock one of the largest ed best asaortraeate of i fcvmt sto ur lotosr my aim uttjat the wholebusiness tin this line jshall be done in acton and notjeasewhere to ths end i have leas id aad removed to the more comrnodioas premises lasely occupied b dr forster and have pnrchasedlaigely nd in great variety froja i ome of sielargebt and most reliable firms la the boraiuioa trastins t ttoeive tna mejit yptir most viberal kopjport allow toe to remain yours very vaedient lyj j- james cooditl win lrnlitfh millttllcet l at icojhttiaa di frtoit aoton r j