gjtjrtt f at 60 alyndis aclon knrre svnt and forks butter kmve crseta picklesunds iucketkimn wade 4 butchers tutors the mils slon lu loan that kcp micciio i4 thee goods jat opened out anther stock of epcei tggrttu tor the little fwlks call lu aiirf tee theui bits of brevity aa 4trwie reere4 kv ike id r tke ixa mn cm rer t ike free prea tkt cutw ittk messrs nclsou a mcrie announce in till issue that hey are prepared to give gtu bargains lu ill uqc their millinery opening will tut place out saturday aasktr xtw atlsuc dr m footer is erecting i nw buildloe between ku drug hots and jfr f djuds jeeller turn it will be used u a surgic al office bj the doctot ud will be very suitable and convenient village varietie8 i oileetla r lrl twt ul ur matters f saeeiul lateral l aw iluaa meaaera rruit of all kinds is hijo take in tour house plana brurht moonlight nlshls again the urfitner days arc gliding bv pill tod nights about equal leogih oow i t the leaves aw lioging uh autumnil ticu the flies are not so utely a- they were the harvest is past the summer is ended single fares ovir the g tr to london tha wcefc st albias church harvest horaefeau tsdtodsy laelph ceottal fair next tueeday and wednesday board of education meet neit aten- dav evening sean frosi dearly every nirhl duuug the past xeefc the carperlers are busy on the new town bail lower tbe eoumoxial storm amred on time last week as usui this is the season when ch lckeu thieves are busiest watch em xsfisagaweya ancuitaral exhibition at brodkt die tomoroir the provincial eihib a on at kingston via a comparative fsilure our ciciecers ket badly battel it berlin i tie wicset fellows tuere is a very uce area of fall wheat sown la tliia rioniu ui fl it a surprising ho manv sjanire s may be teen u town at pasen- a orudeat man is like a pin his head prevents him from colog loo far the nliage couqc 1 are looting oat for agmodbrl for the new lawn kal bercmber the s erenoucon and tab- teajr in tne drul sled this evenia the brctieytfi hxve jus eoajp e ed ihe bnct woil of itr j fj fe a near resid enoe eare von e ilie comet 1 itspici jss before 5iinie and la of unusual bni iaicy a laaieoly rrraaed binqtici from kiss celia su5jma gisrden xdacvt ou etliinal uble htrvest hne diner at the dnil slcd at 5 pm co ana get a stulanlul dinner f droocc have von aared ar ticket f t ai an a itatest home tesava dinner ar i enteruinmnl i the youg men ire taffeicr of oar- irio a fot liaj c ah jusi toe ti cc ftr i the sean now opetria- job pnntid is very pentifnl cow the people knotf ihat the fbix pets is the place for a satiafaqto t job there have been fewer bosh fires in this nart of tje conn r dns summer id a jus been known for miov veirs 1 chcral sen ice in s aihnns criich at 2 so pm rev p l spencer rf l on witl preadi a harvest h me bennon the eerni annual eonve ikon of the ejtm clny teachers a scmtio will ie held in curlngtou ou lue 26ifc 27lh ad 28iti proi a axteen fool uzpiaft wifi bepice on top of lie iowa hall and ihe council iu hkdy procure a neat flag for use on special occasion if e are to indge from the wedding ooueea appeanng in be columos of ex cbangeevln oeigbborrag towns the napoal eason bit arrived keere smilh will please accent our thxska for a vera fine bcqaet from bis e ceilent sjmrden it is one of liie finest we have received tiufl season ayeariv inereasiog number of railwav mplcyees of all grades are now either toul absiiuietg or rerf abfiiemiona la their lubiu this u as it shoold be there are over20 popilain atlendanoe at the berlin onl 4m aod dumb asylum ottawa fret proa vi asn tit belleville lyon meanl bra mijcbeil it no 1 a deaf and dumb asylum tber itave u berlin i a another kino of asylum hey need tnere tkebalklk viaitora to onr buaj little town tell ua that to uv a building boom has struct acton but tnoderilely deaenbea it ix there is any word that cooveya more mean ing than boom leu have il cl aa ni bealer mr james ucxxlji hu made arrange- ruenli to oieu a coal aod wood ard lu acton and will tajiply all kith coal aud woud at rcuouablc prices this was ery much deeded hen and we have no doubt ur goodill will do well 6cu lea cwvleuaia iroai the scbciiule of nncjona for tile conoly ol halloa for the three moalu eodilt 12ji hpt we nouce lhal there were eight couvioiont for violation of the scott acl during that time the fine amounting to h00 and coata ifrctld a subscriber who removed to the korth west las ipnog writes the fait pnlea comes to me ertrj week lite some dear old f neud front home i lyik fur it with all tue imiutieuce of a homesitt child aud would often feel very lonely wilhjut it bwer ivease tea a large ul of wortmea are now en- gaget4 ou ihe bnilding associaiioui houses lnder the all e suiervuion of mr wm tiaslurook lhey ae shoriog the work fur- wa as rapidly as possible to have the duddjlgs eomjileted before cold weather sets in ukseirtcea the regalr quarteiy commanwn serr- ue of me prcslterivh cliurcii were held dogleg use pait wtrk aud were well at ttdcj on tnoa bv alex atceai d d of pujucb ajsiaied m the services ici on sjcdiy liev a mcleod of flor ence ofhciled erixerleaa uu bhurday georgie ttrea year old oo of mr h uarlatt botchar bad thi tuiifortam to loae the third uagerol hli lift band ha and his brolhat were catting kindling wood and the uulo fellow took bold of a block and befon ba had time to remove hit band tb ua hb brothr wu oalng came down upon ua hand mvorlog the floger dr lowry wu culled in and dretaed the hand and the lttle fellow- who hu more than ordinary pluck ti getting along very wall aetaned 0 t ster esq hu returned to acton alter au absence of aevertl moalhi evert- body it well plaaaed to ee this irenuman again among u when in town nobody doea more to help moral rellgloof and octal progtvia he is foremost in the good wotka of paylag church debts ralilnt mlniater aalanea and in fact la heard of at all times when the slait la pawed to raise money for good object we weloome bun warmly ou his relnra and on behalf of our fellow cicitens we hope that he and bis family lucluding his nch cousin mr l 0 b ster may find their luy u plaauat u usual hurrah for hughes griffin fmil stock complete n every department a m bible atewant the publishers of sxulcdgti mmaly offer ten valutble rewards in then monthly for ociober amouir which is the following we will cive 20 00 in gold to the person tdliug u ahich ierw tulhe old tettameal scriptures contains the greatest number of words by october 10th 1888 should two or more correct anawere be received the re ward will be divided the reward will be forwarded to the winner october hih lfe3 persons trylm for the reward must send 20 cents in ailver uoatsmps taken won their anawer for which iber receive the kuvemlxr itcau- to which the name and addreaa of the winner of the rsward and the correct answer will be published tun may be worth t20 to you cut it out addresa ruledgi pabllsluag company eason penna tkeft a boy f om ivsssagxweva stole a pair of bocs f tun tue aiore of ifx w h liadsar f ilutou ihe other uv and was mat ng 0 with ihezi wlea le wu captured he ku itlcused oa pleading nisi kli mothers fee tngs tvoutd be hlrl were the to hear ol hts arrest a pair of boou were alsostolea frum air lewis iloffat ckampsott tjelr leexaref xus i cumins the eelebaied prohibition letiirrer has been engaged to deiirer a lee ore in uie ifeihoaist church here under the auspices ot the women c ctiruluui leniiicrujce umoa on futty evening lh jvluier ilrs yejraans has a wde rpuuaon uitl her lecture wul do doubt be urjlly attcudea sad gteafy eujoyed 1 hamster l week o ie of ike largest itconiotire e gun erer buit fassed through here on the g t railway it u os feet long iir f om raj lu top of smolesurk 15 fee 7 locoes diimctrof dnriog wheels 6 f ei creole isim inches it la for ase ou te cuicago and grald traaliiail ioxi and is me largest eucine lust ever wen ucr lheg tk tke auae assists pels- x of the berk ao relieves himself as follows in but saturdays ed tiou mr moore editor of the actoo ficfe puess who wis up to help at a game of cricket called at this office looking as cheerful aod smiling u possible the iac pmj is a good local paper and mr moore is a joll good fellow thi only won del being how he can keep up the spirit cf lu paper with ike scott act in fuil blast why friend peter inert a no wonder about it its a mysttf to as though how a wan of your ability and intellect coald wonder hw uuogs hare aaa air of prosperity in a municipality where the is- loiicating curse ux pruiiutod doesnt it ssnd to reason that if money is aoc spent for intoxicadog liquors it will be spent in uie i3itime channels of trade thus it is that the scott act aassts rather iban re- laids baaineaa it would help your bosi- ccss too peer and we vs tare tbe pre diction that when you get prohiuiioa in waterloo youll be able to conaidarably en large the duly arws boots and shoes our stock in that line will be found the largest in town and prices to suit every body call and compare prices latest styles cc1ckct lt j- sua urne srce we hire iieard of tx fporitmeu ujojou wild dads la be imjitdu e uctluy cf acsa but oa bilcr- dij it ht sit luot t iloaie uad j e sltfiiiua came iuosa flocl trambwiidff tloat twcity un ivicliiifi pood la uill viltge they tcareci iwo tpaece ivad re tarred ibe remaiuder for some other ume feotjr of ponsneii will be a about asickliai pood now xec brakcm on toetday ttioniiftx u mr d eender- oo painter rai speeding h hot la lh dnnaz parl the juiiibii kectju frac iocs aod hejfinthogto lict mr heodeiovoajaaip- d oat of lis galley isd 10 so dome ioke itu right leg betveea ihe imkie sad toee mr lfeoderon czu hndly xplm how tht mcadea rtualted to tenautly m the iioiple way la wtiica it occaired be was tloije in the pfl hat s si tuber 0 people frjoa ame to b ruuuace lc ifavrv rtacet the fractore mr heudanwa will bo uid for borne time clare fartorr j thecjiampum u infonned lhats w tarior lolcoda surtiag a glore uctorr in milton thre is s good opoiug for unilair factory in oikviue there umooty in tue inuuieie tor be maa uul ukes bold of yl oaicrillc standard xiwnu thi1 if diah goes lalo new busraets aod soc- tedt in it0rklngp t godd irado aou 4howa sigoc uf pro pen t- lie ha imiutorf 11 over ihe cooairy mr w h storey of ihir rdlge went ito lie glove busiaesn omc fifteen ytm ago taa buccekxi in bujidiug- up amacemfni bffiut now loe uclmea arc iprinpop up m almost tctt own is4 nllige io uie rfcinity uch if bfe a dsptcble pndjee some cf the young xnea who data practice of loasfic nbout the gat of the meliout cbucii in this village bave beea tryug ileir strengtii upon the iran rod cf tbe feifce icd iure succeeded in breafeiag vh the tofifl of twenty or uurty of tbe rocu this is mosi 6enseiea proceeding which ao gentlemen woujd be gtiiity of tbe an banue will male a exionple jof u paxues found t tbia basiorfig in f uture rrat lime pruit eaeiaieatbifaulamv i acton wanu the us show next year would it not be a better plan to eomprom ue sad bold it at xumehouse george town herald ko it wouldnt do at all alton has done all the corr promising dur ing the past tea years aod hit allowed georgelowu to have all her own way about it this kind of business is now played out und he reaf ter the show will be hsld in acton every ateniuyesr or therell be a ruw about it taarterlv beetliix j the usual quarterly meeting wu keld at the brkk church- mej about a mile oorlli of this village last sunday and was one of the best ever held there james kerr and family who were losenlhexsus list weex were numbers on this circuit ei are also tbe parents of lie ybunjr man lane lost at the same time who were preseat at the meetirg and reference being made to the departed ones a very fejlinsj service was the result clerical cluuce we lairs that the eer 0 b cooke tke moth respected clergyman of l oeoges cbnrcu baa acoeptcd anappoiolmeol from the bishop of algoau to tbe pal uh of bapit st hane toe ajpoiotmwrt la an im portant one aod tbe right man ue been se lected or the nbt place the m wbe sk acquainted with mr cooke wil join with but congregjuion here m fegreti uu lu 4e parture helbave about the t oeorgetown herald the return match between actan aod benin cricket clubs was played hut friday resulltrg in a bad walk over by the berlin boys this is not so much lobe wondeied a whea it is knowu dial his tune the ber ho club was made ip of four diheient oo is vns the berha waterloo high school aod one player from a fintclaaf lain oulsiue who wu at the ume nsuing f tends to berlin however tue defeat was no worse than that given toe berlin bovs in the first match viz three rnas aod seven wikej tbe berm team of iatt truay was a first cuss one but we have conceit enough o think and we be lieve we are bucked uo by oar oai boys lbs in another match aeon will take ihe cake the absence of mr t moure oae of aug0 fl best bowleia wu seveiely fell by our boys lhc berlin team treated pur dab with even courtesy sndreanect and did all tuey could to make tbe da pleas ant following la be score bteixs 1st nmikos wchibners csmrth b mcqirvin 22 c iuke b mcgsrvin 4 c jattray b mcqarvui m j dos b mcgrrui 8 j bingeman e mcgarviu bbuller 8 b bowman run tut 0 g debua bballer 0 a boehmer not cut 3 el boehmer b mcosrvio 0 c qerrard b butler 0 t simpson b mcciartia 1 extras lu total 71 2nd nnratat w chalmers b mioirvin 18 c lukeehill b campbell 1 c jiflisjb butler m wilds b mir ama 0 3 bingeman b buler 0 b bowman bbuller 18 q debos b mtoarvin 8 a boehmer b jfcgarvin i h boehmer not out 21 c gfnard b mcoarvin 1 t simpson b mcqarvm 0 extras li total 127 actos 1st nnrrwm wc king c wilds bjaflmy 10 r- campbell b jaflny u c 8 smith b rake 0 j mcgarvtn mn out 0 g hynds leg before wicket 0 j bntler c a boehmer b rake 1 c w hilbrate 1 j mntihews not out 9 j fyfe k rake 0 dr lowrr c biogemsn b rake 0 dress goodsall the and shades from 10 cents per yard up black cashneresin that line we defy competition as we buy direet from the manufacturers there fore we can afford to sell lower than any other house in the county prices 25 35 40 50 60 75 80c 100 millineryour show room will be opened on tuesday 26th when we will be prepared to show you all the latest styles of the season in other lines we will sell at a lower price than any house in ihe county the reasons are we buy and sell for cash and call in and inspect 60008 yours respectfully hughes griffin acton september slit 1881 th lat e wonderful man goto t h hardings for 12 lbs good bright sugar for l est arrivals from cheat britain and the continent c hoff stumped i xtru boehmer oeorgetown h j meet 42 total 2nd anrxstati w c kiui runout 1 r canipiiell b rake 8 c 8 smith b jsrat 1 j e mcqsrvin c affray b rake 0 g hvnda c bingeman b rake 0 i boiler b rake 6 c w hill e jaffray b rake 1 mattbews b baks a j fyfe b jaffmy 0 dr lowry bjaffrayj t c hoff ot out 1 extra 8 total 0 haviu and j andrews umpire h j hall and h p moore acoren referring jo our boys the berlin scat lays the actoo cricketers are u fine i body of yowog mea one could possibly meet sash ribbons gimps fringes mantle dress ornaments chenille ruches v cashmere hosiery corsets velveteen broche silks broche satins silk velvets mantle cloths blacky white and cream laces ladies cashnurq and merino tjadwolotlilng zid 0 lores direct from ctaobls prance the best selection of brasteu tapestry kidderminiter tjnlo od hemp carpeu and india cord matting we hare everahown inspoetlon ptbtfadly lavltml try t h hardings 41ba good greent for 1 htrj t h haedqrgs 85 ct japan tea worth 45 eta jwtry t h habbinq 10 lb eaisins for tfloa go to t h flardljgs for familj supplies of all kinds comprising i teas coffees spices canned goods dried and salt meats lad c is a iplendid atcok ol croakerj nd gkanrare just received at t s harding lop a eemembfir the place agonr brijck blocl hain st acton joy 27 8t johjs stora aotoa oatjtrr i jfi t a au mamw hogg it gue30ph acton boot and shoe wirehottsiel i heg to intimate to my nnrcierons friends and patrons that i hare now ib stock one of the largest and best assortments of boots jslsjjd shois i nm mm a ion my aim is that uie whole hnsinese sjatiis liney slah be dorrs 3n acton and aotlewhere tosascodlhamjemedandfiemovedto the more commodious premise lastly eoeapied fcy j forster and have parchaaed largely and ia grat srariefy from some of the largest and most reliable firms in tit ifcaainion trosting to rwdre aod merit yjonr most cberal opport allow meto wmaibyoi j jame juifliavi wrj obedienrtly gqodall ijuff