cwitss tlllim a vi 01 stvv is 2 at geo nyiids acton kim i r brr kiuitv cil llu stauvu ltvl kuivcovade i liaicliuliain tie ly mv iu loan jil 1 ej vitnllivr itcfc of exjres wsi cur lu-hue- fl cu iu aiil bits of brevity gr r la peaaad thor for kidrnr the lire ttru yovciubcr draws dearer india fuaimir scismi approaches g ev luce tliy ad umiriw tue aivcckiltrs hrvcl is couimcre- rtie irg coal oecs aac rc tuasitt tvervr ri lo b rtvflr 1s baj vtrmc csfcreodtc art bcilz tiiirc council iell cxliljcai at giore- rj mr tird be fre village varieties haaced tlanda we lioltce iu lat tsuc of the gwgtovn lurold ibat ttro buutiosae ill ibal bwu tmuiitd baudi ilcxtrt suilicilaml bros bare imrcjuvd the buikrupi toci of win tiulhtie mid j a mcdcrointt ku pur- cluacd lie gi tj busmen of j a deiui krlhwiul rlo wu arc pl acd to note that there is every kiijpuiv toiueiiuiavlutlu ittc cuiulue tub ii is it ihuuld be and wbeu ttit uiuu is effected ibe melboditt bad mil iu ixiuii uumbcit be ills second invest deiiouiimtiou iutbc douiiuiuu the toil aila it i icjiuuj ibal mrs d audcrtca and elum uuly of lliia village vuie lot ou lie illlatnl aii if this be true tbc uauibtrufpenioiib lost rumour immediate iciiiy is tliirum ufullviwa the kcri ujily0 ills- audcrluu and child the jiiuil uum xnic tr liulvljuae uul the nuia ku iut of tjvreuu frtsi t six -tien- hal c11 6 wei m1 f d ka ilic trk nltt til in gielpk timwv in r to ndic rt more tn yfre w c ec has rcmvel to the loaii s- ivti ciei frou the 4li ll lua and irioa tjc ktiitut ul luc sluton vif4 ii alvi pviitricj sfkii correct u but ibe very best us tr ike ernt uccwaly iu s u- cc cr te avwx lie hvs- tut unck djai fpli aimt ujal uij liu veirc lui if yui up litre ftil bnjiv y c cc aciji iu uuildic operiuu in oll artioou ll youd gcr ia ijc tbirty yuars cf u rvl- hi izlri lilt cliu euct r cia riil u usl l ilillua c ilu- tl iu rcpiur diy tr acto rti we jtruaitiit fsqur- l- fii utcu ihcsame day livaafl ca tk revtiva- tv in tiic vrn vcrls j j u ptt i set l cfnid iu ni i- co r- rat wi camr z uplosierr l1 furnittv fiircy- ipa e af u gwilghoyii ti nm arrive t cj itiv iitto u ac accident oxur- it j iu lis il kiiiirli wju very uciri unjci ik ill uii ijsaiixj inula- ur of bvt tcrc ptsmb alut liie lic uc ka liail bo jujtj bcu of ifve isiiju siuy fri iroai ibc fl jt of ilc teoji lry tj llc tuiid fljor bcott j ijjrrt cultrc if hi tljtuajj htte ciis tu i c ui l liid mvculy bruiba ted bis i lfl aii vra biiy ipraltd allujulltr ll- x mcity bdi tlal up lut ii j utuiii tu y jjjyi tli luld be q il af tlcfj p -ii- t f l ryii li- 1 1 ru ci h li if inf ii it -t-c- g t rf we iifar fo iccl r icuviir in lciil ths cli s v- r suqci ou jjl nnd the 2ir tztr yuiav tul ich yli ihcxzi fr ic pt ci ihi ciiy ersfrir ii- adj f a vu f lir ttr ttftteittiil vult on friday evtoiog last about a doieu mumurt t oiku ttxffie no 109 10 ov qiotdtlowu paid uielr brotheru of actm ljje ios04 a fraietw visit und vtty leaiwul cvouing was spent logeiher after ihe roailoa butilucss a concluded rod under the lieal of forlbo good of the ordtf cooctatulalluus were excliaog l betwetm lbo noble oramla of botli lotles fnlloted hx remtrka from of beers aiwl mcmlxjra enck referring tf hi prvpnjty rial encmriipn j aticrtss of their ltitiviauil lfxtiroa and pointuj out where booc impmvenicuts iu the lodge room or iraiiractloq o lodge affiin have been ef- fectod and fugstlnff where other changes might be made wiih profit after lodge vru closed the visiting brcthcrn ware in vited to thedumiuioo hotel whore a iptead highly creditable to the hospitable lardlnrd ftwiiicv them atid thojo prcicnt cruiulv did ample justice lo the good things set lefdre them the pnigrarame of the efen itii wit ctrritd out ia the usual nianoer of luch cmhciuiga but tiie ibuhi dhplaycd wu a potior u otliuiry eultitaitineulx of tliiv kturt tic ink h- wiie pramiol aid wihdtnottxl iud he rauical part ff the eiuraitaknt was ciccwlingly k- tbc fcpcu of bm wheeler of george town lrdce abounded with warm practicd hitiu rtlalive to lodge nillen hitli have boon gianed by bro wheeler in hh lifcloiig ciuuvctiin willi tiif order of thr threr liik brii u p iltorr kg cf acuui liigp iiclctl us cliainuaa lilt- diiiics of vice chairtunq uing perfutmed by bro t smylh pg tye have no epace for a yuopss of the addreiv after driuktng touts eiptrfive of prperity tn each ci her and sinins the nikiqi1 anthem the giirjvtiwit brvier bid fiteweli and t tf i for iiomf haviug a splendid iaooulbl drive before tlen balardaj vljut la icloa i aaile iumju unc liiue towa iii tirjy cvclili icvciei tbc fact thu iii jjiiia ai ji atjj he to dj j tjtuiic aid thai their slukki ut jyiajs tic to met liie waits uf tlieir ci- j iuies ia everv ilsof ntrjlxndise vc re afe i- tausr id vc do ul ty ii lojaiiigu j tii1 liitiu ii ua x pjc uf il ixr jtia-iii- rtjiiii adviutat clijit j lk cr cs ik5iil it ii ii trjc ac pyai ile dvaiu of bciug bckei j u- by a e irijlura cuziary iu lit lidi cf a ilitiy cd c-cri- i who j leirtiiy iurj u uiicir tujr aud y utir jflaxnalllue lite 5 it cf wisca liii- e f i- mn aaat- yar i f aiurt aseful auj ciicrrr yu up a bit 5j say thr dtiru connrftruzl adetrtusr ad iolit ovtr ilr p i of ihe cxi lej- fore u hc ti tl- editor h- die iiit lj ciircr o up y bil ydtl cati jlle for youlfccivei jf ov will tcuii j oli liiaj ati ijirt ga kjtai- cxd fur a irje cpy tiere are tcverj rwzial de- piitmrf ia th- ppr aii wdithy of coc- iidatra ii a rtry fufi and correct mket nad live stock report u fardbbed rrr kcl ejth trculdte tjens or 5 tcribrs mr tie a of sainetiiinjto tiiclr ariniti by addreuic at h huik pb lcr 1t lrijd srevt west dlruit jlidi harrrtl name rrijral tiie aio tuccciul harvest heme fcjieal ever hd ia cocoeclicia with st aiban church here ws tljut ol tlura- day int tiie day was all bat could be desired nd ihe pveral srrvicea aod cuter- ttiumrntt wlre well atvidd ta the ifter- no iaachitt hcrvi was held iulb- chdrch whh n tctt e3batly and appru- p y dtcc rattd wiib fraik floweis ina eriu atd crerytliiijt fajotive of aa ibidatt harvet tac tennnn by rev p- l sikiicerofeinra was vtiy lolet rstiig ud ra cxriiestiv hytcti toby i be ecu- s iu us iskt ma nml u liavxn lrvihe yi j axcixeizlc ililtcc c c cohactii brampton zd j pijjitt lecal ibcumbict ajiiiled id the fcrtvcx tbc- chiiilirg by the children aud the riio the eh- ic was exceediugiy well nadertd ided couiderblfi in- erst t b trvics at five oelck a most tubs iijjl meal a5 fervcd by the lulies a the dri shd aciorjr tbc ube attrac- tioii w a diccly routed porker while clicfcen pies were tbert- ia pnfuslon and j the rciclt of the ladies ertcllerxc io cook ia of all kn u was foanl ia xialimiied qcactities uplike the bst festival order 1 preniled ihioaiboji in the evening the j st-rt- ptix4 xbiiiitkin cf vitsi ibeeoly j licdtfcc as much ciioed ly the auiiieuce i ti- tajfcr were well prepared and with the ad of liiecliemical lighti were exhi- j bild vith pvrfecltna acloo iirai bidd sttti niaeriiy in roftkig ihe enaiig pv- ptijtsiuliytlefeuivai wasa inctixi intelirtiuaiiy hfclaly and at but uot suancialiy the wirmiillee desire io herchv iliuk those ladies acd others ct merabfrs cf the cairrgrlicn for their kicdne in assisting in the singing ac the prof uiire dioplay of flowtrs in the chcrch was most uctieeable ii i rial i for fall hughes griffin stock complete n evert dbpament hoot and shoes our stock in that line will be found the largest in town and prices to suit every body gall and compare prices erc goodsall the and shades from 10 cents per yard up latest styles biak ahmere in thatv line we defy competition as we buy direet from the manufacturers there fore we can afford to sell lower than any other house in i the county prices 25 35 40 50 60 jp 80c 100 millinery our show room will foe opened on tuesday 26th when we will be prepared io show you the latest styles of the season other lines we will sell at a lower price than any house in all and m fr- ir id- a ih ft mr x ct 1 ii it fug iijt th- 6j may bj r 0 ii iay trtci the friefdi of liie eiput cltuh lire llzij1 tbc reiiieucr cf lr ilm vtdca wiitre a c-mpii- xeijtarj tpr vis gfvt in mr xcjj iiaiior a2 jrir to hii depart ar for wooixi c-jht- cbere h- propo fnpiiia furtlr bptiit itiahry wc xtlh him tverv suatil oz mo a jay aoat rnsa simarr lea- yta- ill ecc i mr e ilore larruwly eird terere ujjry- hi behg rua ocr ly a jar- tr ivaa he wcjs iidcr or jlh li ii a of thy win and on jemp- in- o5 i ctagul iu ue wheel ad ibroivu furrird the wlie paiiicg over hi rgit -ul- iraily brua it bcjs ibocd learu thit this u miai diiicroas prttujce- tivua wiiii in duoalhied 0 up eased- w arc icfortrel that several of the b iit cricket players urs very insch di- plic4 aiiii jarrrpart of lae ruach c- te- briiii cud aci2 iai reck ica- cnutrhas we reported thit thire rre menilirs ul iix iiucrei clubs payinj ia ibeir ten if ivc hive made acy iairrect statcujen hx reference to this nutier we zt willing io rtetify i a it is ait oar wiih o iiiiteprvscit the fats of thr case we xuitd fa nvrver tuc thit nyr iafor- mint was a bria gtairriia wla was thjmughly acqs iaiel with the pliyer- aid jo him u dfc- acy iccarrectafc ia our repnrt it thi pzrtiulir his iafurmi- ti jn raiy hive bea grvti ina iverteaty cs his fvahj atiii tere with th berlin teaai credhibe fr lie aeolf xet in referring to tbt- xisugmcya rhibir bilidq thtgudfji mercury says a plea the county the reasons are we buy and sell for cash call if and inspect goods yours respectfully r hughes griffin aclon s plember 21it 15s2 the tthal tea oou wluxta mr j k kidder ot ihe ten cent store cueiph des a lre lusiacas hi oovcjtica ihd nacf ul irtjcjei o erery deicripliou ikjk out fur hiansw adv oeil wee a you will btc w lit tec ccnta may ptuciuac jltmal to etntore ve are jofruied that m t ifcmackon ttfc sols have pjchajjed a uyt factor- aiid oxiilg buiiicia in a town on the cti ii near liihetownand that they pru- pottjtioifijg leiict iii a tjjoit liibe e fceorr- io icaru of the pnptd removal cf mr iicmakoii atd fanjiy a they hare heea vui d vi 1th actoo aid iieritizci for a uabcjof year- ahd mauj pieaiaut astociatijiiithive heeit fuiued at tne tame tjue vc wish ihtaii ail bqass ii liuy ate fit to runvve fnm amungst us jure lev bjijdinx agihu- thia tik it is our pnvilefie lo anuauce that mjre new buiidiuj are btiiig erttietj fa ear unueuaiiy eulerprising little w9u motsib e kllkllu frill ire uatily ebmed- hi buiding gnti- srireh roo uar the cjik depo jl jamm g xkliiiierectiugaoal aioie iwuse is x 40 coiivetiieul tj tiie g- t hjii- ay for bib cai liutiaeaa wo are inform ed loo thar ur jatoea ilatthew iuttod tnbriug ihe hojt fcijo now on he fyfen property to the gxji depot d be used ts agriin katehuse and ibal he intends tflnpigc iu grtij buying koatsorrat lisas fypit ant feaaic was lt aijknce uf iiqikir and ils cnicouiitjiuu not a iiogle inijriale be in obidved lv us tu tte naid- aliuwiuc uiatuieejlt ic rrfci oat by llie utiple tfjis is as it ibjaid be and iboara a great cootraa over former years as peo ple always fpected to aefe a large aamer of drultcn men and codaequeot disorder at the close of xassagaweya- kbow and ibey were rery seldom disippnimefi in ibis ropeci we are gieal jeaied al tbe re eertcd order of tbiugr and it is iut ialuril to couclude tbat the change i de to tbe utbal tbe seott act is w force in ibis caaty a backward tawi tue miltou towo conicil ha been petitioned to prqride a ncccisjry number uf laoipsvo lijbt tbe priucijrd streeta a coape of toauciimen are opposed to tbe acbeme oxibe grouod uiatlbe people bave lived ibinyyeais wilbout thepi hud oagbt to do k fur thirty year more tbe town did witjiit chirniao via street and djcitalk committee twrty years ago probably ft would be u well without one uowl tbe wo did without bmchera tbirty year ago wbo would suppjwe it eoald gel ajong now wilbiul hieav tbe fact of tiie mauer js tie couiyoil aiowe a deal of culpable laaclhrity in waiting to promie tiu peceaiaxy wautunulpetitioiied by tbe inlepayera to do so tbe trecta uugtit lo bae been litaiea yeani ago botb acton and georgetown bae been llgbted for mo time and tbey wuuljnt do ituboutuwitoi seat weavein- tfiurd totliibk tul there are loo many lieuiidtljeaaeciliwu iu the cduntytown bro saa personals mis jeraie feiruicvjuyd prk ii vi- tkwg actoo irieuils hi ltaic ficcraaa cf dcndis street was he guest f mr je mcgvia last fiiiy mrs gc eroxn of licflrood spent a cvrane of dy ilt weev vith frieodi here mr f ii tjtnyih foreman of the fkee ppts 6tail is vftia his fricods ia mas knfca mrs eli bnyder left on tnesday mbrniag on a visit to feci ana erockkay centre mich- mr aad mrs geo hilts of arupjsta wis vifiled actori friends daring the week eev ta- moore of sal ford cearloger- aull is visiting the home acd friends of his voth mr and mrs jamef makhetrs of orane- vilc spot several days this week with their actoj frieudt mm ii christie retarnwi home en nturday after spendiug several weeks very peasjntly in weilaad mr hugh aiken and mr hobt aiken and wife of kantchbal left here od tues day morring for detroit rev vrra bearan and wife of lowihe were the guests of mis s a secord a couple of days this week mia maggie kicklta and mrs robert nick in left on tuesday on a visit to friend in lexington mich we are pleased- lo see that mr aler record is able again to take his place on the canada glove works hea a little stiff yet though mr c w hill and wife mrs c tv hill and misses ellen and mana graham of hamilton left hereon tasday morning foe detroit audmourne mich hrs s a becord has been visited dur ing tbe week by the following quaitette of oieces miea bjauch bggar ludiaua- pulis ind edith sathesod and minnie paulonrmillon and cepha daabar sbel- burae mr david 8 leuie of red rock penn mr andrew lealie of ereoiool outurio llr john leslie of penn and mr wm- leslie of braodon maullobn en joyed a re usioa tb other day atlhe rest more wonderful man mw goods fhom great britaih amd the continent goto t h hardings i for 12 lbs good bright sugar f of l new dress materials monks borge runc cuth eaten irnasersa juioeatje deuce of tbeir brother mr tbos leslie esqesiug near gleuwilliams fall ezhibitloos peel at brampton oct and 6 eaqoeaing georgetown oct 6 ethutm boekwood oct 13 and li brinepn village oct 18and 19 i- alcltea fvmilton oet 10 and jl drag tma aoto emamrne toule saxony oashmor irish twaed su tins the maora suiting welsh tweed suiting new cheek materials new broche materials representing all the new shades and milxtures with button braid match c to new silk john m try t h hardings 4 lbs good green t forl 8s3try t h haedixgs s5 cl japan tea worti 45 eta tstrj t h blaedixgs 10 lbs raisins for 8100 c i go to t h hlrdings for family supplies of all kinda eoinpriaing i teas coffees spices canned- goods dried and salt meats lard c a splendid stcok of crockery aid qlassware yapt received att ii hardings 8p s remember the place agaews bricli block main st acton juy 27 82 boot and shoe also new jersey glovesswede shades new jersey glovesterra cotta shades new cash nere hosiery new sash ribbons new collars and cuffs scarfs new gimys ruches fringes c lnspeetitu reepeetfally invited 1 j j u ji 71 uf xi 14 l aiwinwaiaeri i beg to intimate to my muterotis frien now in stock one of the- largest mi best assortments of boots jjt ssips and patrons that i bave jbyeb bbowh is attor my aim is that the whole business in t fis hre shall be 3on ia acton and not elsewhere tothsendl dave leased d remoifeci ta the more commodious premises- lasely oc capied by dr foreter and have purchased largely and in great vane tjy from iome if the largest and most reliable firtas in the domiuiou trusting to receive and merit your moi t nteralbitppprtv allow me to remain yours very vj 1 m m j jff flui jijijmljifeljmtifefe obediently gllhvjmitg mm sir v