Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 19, 1882, p. 3

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rtss a tuvrsdat mittiko ocu is 18s2 011 at c bynftl jeweller and faacy tieedi store aeteu for berlin heelt teys dolls fandr coeds aurseitck eo oykds bits of brevity lml aa mkrrrrtw trw r tat t ia pra ictown rr tultn l u fttc pttw j village jariet riinl if mhtihi i 4 rllrtua f saatfm r twl id itirrtmi i enr trattfru jtmrftalutle we at plowed lose ibt can ufa firt montr in cotuidcjibly enlarged tud im pmred it li filuugnmostimporljidipuce and we wish it everi- success yw moan last week i dut and dull veather now hery rawt friday aicht bread is dotb lo 19 oentt per loaf tbtft reek vjfotliiug but letnt on the side- waika i th roof of llie town hall itbeiug piloted have you ntacribed for ihc trtunr ofsoog isntit about ume thankspviag day vis aniuuweti d- forstcr u civiug lis sliop und ot- fioe a coal ofpaim there iualk of third daily piec u- iug muicd iu gotlpa nut gathering u ih3ir uie imasfnieul jf the school child cm quit uumtierof actoauua pilea rixkixd h- w friday jtr w h trey iia ilt iutiu idjors uid iniiobrs an uts rcsiiriicc- the uahjil cburtiii ibckcood is dosed for repairs and iaijirotcuk-ui- did tou the we ibe bcaatifuldiplijcf antxirvboteajis aa saturday c ft nii the editor of the tttann vet prt sayi hevuhes the wouieu liaj vutei rtu rtauon the coiacl ddai coiuie witi the sua ubtcanstitcxittldri potilaess pays ptiiiesiess iiui ilc name of uie average newspaper cultsctuitr ililiuo count siiot was the ixjst tlii has been held since the kciety was ized ttie agricultural exhibition seuioa is about orer- eriu fchoir is held to day ic is the last iu this viciai j- uo you kuqjr that wild mint will ktrp rais and mice oqc of yoiir hvoie if ynu place it here ihey frticct mrs w c eiog has opened tficcy goods and coutcctiunery store in the pre mises lajcly occupied byiirk e- xthivu the matrimonial ftlason ujj tpcet already will actoo be as eolerpruin t usalirithi3 respect fnim cor aa til the new yrar t t do the holel kecpert of this county re alize that iu selliug iaioxicalilguqjortbey niakc thcmtelres rebels m cterr fcns o the word tle hlllon chiioipiqh camilimcnii tery bifihly tbe colleciioa of ilooraili thoru by urc w hju al the oxiuty eibibitioa ra want aowething tasty ith uhicli to drawlhe atteotioa nf the patilic to ycr basin at uie actos erzc rzzss occc jraa will 5ndt tbe brick work of he building a clstoits houses h almost cooiplttcd tuis row of uousct wdj forma very fine contrast to other buildings in town the work of the carpenters en lb- town hail lower duriogthe past week hi greatly improve in appearance ard-even- body seem pleased with it a couple of lathers fraaitaraala who are wurking a tlj baiidra asociationv looses open penples eyea bv lh light ning speed a itfa wblchthey- perform their wort j jordie ji paid us his nscal eetsi- anuealcall ontuesdsy he will do well iiowever to paas this office in fuare wiih- out dliing piing seems to be bis fir- ticulir fort we ae weddy complimented npon the excellence of the yszz puess as a fint class local ptpec tuoewbo are away froi- home tell us it is as iakrcuiaij as a letter every week 1 vfiooipejj is troabled wit typhoid fever it will oe doabt ie checked hy the ettiajjia of cold weather h a thorough dra nage tyateui caaoet be pu t into opera tiou a moment too aooo j mr p thompson who ha seamed on a blacksmith ing hosiueu at oayers mill kasaeaweya for the past tea years lias disposed of his preperty and ieavai lhi- week for saudi 2ft i mr geo toltoo haiesuuitbed a grain caarket here apd will pay the kihest prices for any qaauity of wheat peas and barley gerjjmjkatam mr tiltou i auo biying co actoo market as caaaj ton vs fnxemis in this snit which closed at haatuos datoraay the jgry decided in favor ec tbe 6r4eadddti dr freeman of georgeunra this wtii in all probability end what ha beeu to those cgqcerned a costly aad tnnoying ease ttienamwtrfslurperjnd foonfl dence mn in milton jon showday waa very lwjre surdy the county town neglect ed her feij in allowing them to cacuce despicable games ucothe on wary buet vho visited tbe tow arm harder ca the ctkourlte muftler oaso nill oorne on a wrttnf error st tio iieil u4m loili court n queen bitick duriiu thej arlv part o kovemwr jtue writ waj rtceatly graotrd by the allfrueygcaeralj j tfce barmlic mails it seem that a utge auntbar of our eltl- tens aro unaware pfjlue fact that the mora ine mill for the cis now closes twu houw earlier than formerly it elnvi at mue oclock the iamcfni as the rcsicr msil j jaaffi cari at mfvuiaa i a court of he v hi mi whs held here yei- icrdty by liu uooof judge sluicel ttbcrti were nly a few et tf aiieil iwh rh were dispied of alter ft utile crfl by the political leaders the coait aa jouraed about iin ctb u gaelall it ii rumircu that ihc crultt tall rjilway afver betjfjcjaitructd tu london will uc eieajed to ga jpv if tins ireport b true and the rtiwav bailt u wjll be j t of gixt uuiutlj s4tpiicri ll us have the ntiiway by au m viav c7tfwia htrau aioaibs a mr i ou a tteiiii g tjur iutidic dtrui uudt cxucmtly sad a helaacholr ease j laal wctk mfuucilioa wts reccivei u- uouncing th- dih l ilrs ja nri uirbr jr l su fmacncu cji oiy i few i uk bitir kuwd tcicsiiuuijucia w 1 tery sad cae- twj ir turtd- wqek ag a youn mn ljidicjiiiutin tt jtiiineirg ditd c ly- loid fever a icw dvs oiiir hia ared fuhcr tixk ill iiid died itso a iw dih lice hia uoiter auo tock tick atd died after a liitf iuiiesj tlcthitj- cvath iu iliiole fiuiia ocxartid niliu mvutai witi caacrrt a cockwl oa tuli eieiuli cacr wji aril ik- tuwtt hill u lt iu bid vi hc hiilli and ul sljjijua ciiawi ai j y he uuuvon jc c a iiiiu ui ihc al- cr th kul i filu i x uiiir y- vooiluia fruaioatljjh itij atlitj tiled u tiic cil arraacs prj te ciir wii a fiucceij and tlie prucccja saiiifcory mrs tconam this oolebnted lady looturei delivered two inft inteastug ajdrtssoe hero oa suddt owlug to tho rain which wu pouring down in torreiiti on friday oveu lug ihisleciure announced for time was posipooed ou 8undiytf jcruooa tho school children wero addressed in iho meihodtst church and the lady held tho attention of the ittlo folks duripg the eo- tir tuscourse nnd made the fubjuet teii- porance to inltrutiug to them thai many f ihepoinlb prrtemed will be alwnys ic mfinbcrcdcvtn if ihoyuip now but children iu llie evinini tbe addressed one of the latgest audi nets overseen la the church- about 000 end waa mft caracal ly iistcnod to by nil present her arguments iu faror of pruhibitlon were sound common senfb uud practical and many points were intro duced which will nmke those who heard her luiuk monj seriously ou ibis subject mis yeomanshss her heart ia ihiswoik and is consequently a succos on the tempo- ruuccpialfonu anqjijcrcttonrt locknood i auutotiiolktuttite invinonimenfut iriumttiu he ittllvi rf tlio aimncin hotel kockatiod wlivlicautiuusditseiiniie of dcklructiou until the hotel and tlabltw and the store and residence of mr john xcucq were uitally detroykd boiok ttyodcu itnictctca tic huimiug burned lilie lirdtr and tle rillrvrs vcre uitlmut mcaiis f miy kiiid tilav lie iucs prgivm st 6uniy dd lie flruu tpund uivi tu prcmittb that vtry little o anvihiu wnt five j fruhi titttr the hotel or mr nclouv builditti ti- fimily tf mr xtkoq nir ruwly escsjed tn tliir iivht ciolhea a wicn dcd by mr m ii w per of juclph aia ilnjiltlmlito mr traiik ijic of ll- tirand tiank hvuav wcle ltirvl nd it u- t ty by the iit struii- utills tfiirts tlit the tivitj bull buj weu- tcwd tiie uei rre a fdniii hotel furtiturc anl ick l5w tctutjuce foil iu wurt muti lctic tttd ttl ih- insl0ou in tnic lvcpjiv scltuii lck ail fuiuilure vnluc altut 520 j0 jjtuiiriuc- oa furniture anl ivk o0u hi iiciiin- in wtllil giu iiauiaiee o-ci- -v- mr u kle lir cv and mr il ub llie anktican iitl tie fire u diictjvertd by iletiilt jcratct f ihc j t e audi inj litd to u iuciildury a trrir tair j j j a w ir ti cclbriic the four ben- drtih nliviriry cif ihe cicovciy t aui- rici ly clis t let qllmbu to u- held voiitdy aiilcdar dl lave t iu tlecar lbs oicidccct we iijutuiio pecuiiar ilttrc ia october lbv2 k idh caruval lii uiualh wil lnjdii wiucts the cectcti uiid of the istjoiluciiju of liiuui lax usilu iicpeiv and civil i rivals iao tiia proaic bich wub4bt u ttei v mu tut acrx elc llzh hsi bjca op oa the new ttwa kail iliwcr tu look ovet the cjsutry aui tub villae vclqiii the editor cot litu wfu euoau uiihulit trur hiuisoa cixiubiug u b utiuy suirs ukiu vctft our firtii4ia in uigu icurr aud uc hipiui jel stilt iiilicr tlaa tle tonoeil tyacr itjoiikc thii xcxf hjwever we dutit dttire the attiuie of ujiir iter aad iibel saili a feasible preseatinent thstfraidjaryaivtfrfc aiitf held in toronto dwei in i heir peaeutmeiil u the evda af dtiuk ana iuasidctcd tht ihc iaverus and saiocuswere far icmj naincrui they recumiiieajej the abuliiijiu if hip iieises aad ebe crcliou of an usiuni fur inebrialls ffcgg tg wes ttcouituendtd fur wife bcatcrc aid pecics who iitcd worueo en the streets trashy liietatuie und e iucuil theatrical p jtlcrs were cuu- dehjusd lataiaaal- aftertleihowryfiirterta are having an uictuiljy tue toicicn tleaejlurprop- lei iueies aie latociifed aideiulunt iu view of the truth i f their nuv tad aalait ready to pa lund higher claims lhau that of a gaeaser ani nre than a iiule la rubied id view of the fact that the keclber aunt foihjv uietrcuc aad dned fcrnieatid fulfil their preaunipiiispr tictienj e know cot what jwid lc uu the uiirrow i j an letoajani dealta is friaafpet oa tmirvlif last- tii i uewi uf the death i mr juhn eeilh of fltinuipeg fmnurbr of tliis plac reached wu frltn s heie everjbody was thunderstruck at jthe re ceipt of the telegram fur mr knth was the very ptciure of heahh and ul appearance ptve evidence o lja life- but coitagiou boon ovtfrcomes itsiliciima and be died altera few dasaittck of yfhoid fever il wtll beremeolbeneil that sirj ktith was over here list winter on a wadding trip if is family hive the sympathy of tks com munily in their afflction i i ajtri sewipaper jnaaal we have just nceivtd thejkewspnier dirrtjtory of mess -ft- is w aet son phiudelphivor 18 j3 it coniiai a care fully piepartd lht of all newfpaptrs tnd pcriotucajs in tht uuited slate i osd canada arrancd bi statsiuxifcisgrnphical sections 4nd y towns ia elpliabeticni ofder- in this list is alw givoi tee name of tbe paper the is ue geuenil pbafaeteris- tita year of tblablis jment size cirtulalion anarivcrtisag rites for ter lines qne moolb tbtstoiuiu is most valiab1eto newspaper men and eitecive idviertiaefs personals mrs walker cf tullio ia visitiu fricals hcie vlisi stlira wurden has returned from ucilin j mr i francis viiite4 berlin fricads o vutdy eihcrift mchidsey of miitoa was iierc yesterday dr r dcrac mpp of mjtun was iu towti yelcdy miss lizzie illilt is vlsitiag frieads iiu eclibride ihii week di ard mrs currie of rockwood were i actcn ovlt sunday mj- sliv mretl of xobletoo is isiticg fritnd in thh vkiuhy i m r v c ibjlii s ru left yestmlay en lis rttuni lrij to the xorlh wea mrs jju i fntman rf st paid her friend- here visit tbii week mr and mis j t hrii ci shtlb butae veiled fruiids bcie lil wck mei ii wjirdea and w tniith jr iet this week i j uke ritjtious in liulin mrs w sdth of ancskr sialtrjof mrs h tjtoay u viiitug acta friends ytrs attkia a-i- mr w a dayit of hiimiitcd aae the ctss of ifr a a seord ir tok utah j enowx maitkews in acton on the i3h iiit at the ridencc f tbe brdlb rttber by kev w ujers mr wihhim utott i iil liniebruc ui enaly jaue eldest ililhtcrof jlr juiilt iljiiihcwjj iabaral ciubbin offer wrts tee j western a0vest13es weekly liberal oflosdailoht the akire pipjlar wee t1 with the coji frit pre m ill lit sent fnnn laie ilo tli tltif f in isit fir tle cxlfciutiy liw figure o 6175 in aif rmc fur itu txju citra b ctyiy il lhc adaiivrt trcit pre- itiit uii ot ij iliii euitlcl h11mcakd hntii lfl bt iluilel in ntnui ta- ever nr fir tiftevti ctntn it wit tc tejt in tieavy lxiiri civ ctutius ilfirioi- ttiti hints ami reciiijes mi iltoo butjlt uitlierui uupuliuiiel tuhlcp zud licit ev will waiitthis ijipalir niri useful ric tkc adccrtucr wtil ie iteately iiu- jnted for lai3 aptily at tfiu oliice niti uuc dcuy vennor sji october wfl bi wet uu ttdy cold and aaov wi nofpmbtr will bepa ibe wialer ac 1s323 rioter likely to he aumortble in iceaant of ex- ceptiootl oery oow fi uf ad ver cold udt mrb ow lit whole no tbern bemjjpbere betdoor tdrertbei leoti ererjr week w doat all oar cjum u bseing tea oee to tpve witti tbe mire wbb bare departed out kfeclbisi tbuualneptficr aoloweewbe adtertiaiuf enlamqi ne m wbat m will befowid tliei ieaio ideati ltsanatzime atcsatliaw eelelr crjie halefc befcrriuv to uie natcli of lt eete twetu i acuib and eotgtowd nojb ti ia irfllt try god conaiderioxujat tb plajed 1 y ireviju tgreeraeut with act on witliont player mr brown tcorjitig of reawbiog tbe a ton loyi th moeedidijiy veil in uronch aa 1 bey ul witiipttfoor of tbiir fiiat eleea i beitihooie liowler j c w il teeper j fjfe loo t held and long a op soyot aee bi tbepred iell ai i they are mb aitiafijttbi beteanlt tbirir lt to tits mode uk tbe did wickk lowri o dotf treasury of son fob the home circle bt i i pbofessoe d h moeeisoni this enelleot voltuae contains rare sel ections including choice sacred music tem perance hymns nureery cradle and jubilee songs oratorio opera cavatinas oarcanol- les ballads plantation melodies anthems- lees sentences chants responses and in abort every description of music rich ajod complete in every respect it comprises a rare collection pf the rich est and bestloved gems of song that cosld add to the happiness of home every home in the land should have a copy of this splendid work the price of the mpaio in this volnme in sheet music form would be over ipo 500 pages s00 pieces choice music highly recommended by the ibert musicians ajnd soldi at most reasoaable prices sbo rare and ekasise the book wl the agent calls on you ttoeld ptllbhlllg co ttff auajiiirowiimriiattjgtma n s a 1 ihurrah for lluhes djrimii fall stock co n eysfet ob aj mt and hoesoour stock in that iine will be found the largest in town and prices to suit every- dody call and compare prices iress qoodsall the latest styles and shades from 10 cents per yard up lack caslimeresin that line we defy competition as we buy direet from the manufacturers there fore we can afford to sell lower than any other house in the county prices 25 35 40 50 60 75 80c 100 illinery our how room will be opened- on tuesday 26th when wawill be prepared to show you all the latest styles of the season and in qther lines we will sell at a lower price than any house in the county the reasons are we buy and sell for cash call in and inspect goods yours respectfully hughes grjffin icton september 2ht 1832 the wonderful man moire- new goods from cheat britain and the continent act new dress materials monkc sergo huns clolh esiomrna surge estemrne toule saxony cashmere irish twod suitings the moors suiting i welsh tweed suiting new oheek materials new broehe materials representing all the new shades anq mixtures with button braid to match c new new new new new new new -also- jersey gloves- swedje shades jersey glovesterra ootta shades cashmere hosiery j sash ribbons collars and cuffs silkscaffs gimps ruches priagesticv vo inspeetlon rtswtfil iavltsil goto t h hardings for 12 lbs pood bright sugar for jjjl try t hardings 4 lbs good green t for 1 try t h haedi2gs 35 ct japan tea worth 45 cts try t il hardings 10 lbs raisins for 100 oo tot h hardings for family supplies of all kinds comprising teas coffees spices canned goods dried and salt meats laid c a splendid stebk of grockery and glassware just recall at t h hardings 8p 8 remember the place agnews bricl blook uain st acton jny 27 sz actqn i boot and shoe wariieocrse i beg to intimate to my nurceroiis friends and pjitrons that ilim now in stock one of the largest and best assortments of i xvbb uiom is aotok my altalsiihattw be aohrlwt ctouohefe pi4ii3ifw trortnjlwei5iffla

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