Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 14, 1882, p. 6

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4 k k tim ami4- a prlnocu dowcauc liro teiocm louuc started tn married life wy ihc 1 0 tide a t kntli the dcicrmina- liou ot to lc ihcrital fn their own ground plutocrats wives liicre as to be com fort as well as clcgaiee ill her eslablii lime til but no ostcnuuod at kidcati halt her canadian official ibod she affects mote tulc onec a week when the legislature is in teflon she gives a wimal banquet a day cr two after there ii an informal dinn winch caudixns term the scrap feast to bo aked to it is then ght a marked favor a pipvr dressed iujcaupbcll plaid is in at tendance and pcrfcrr k at dessert on his noisy instrument on s ituiiys english via tors to ottawa arc tiskei in quite an uuecre monicas way to pjruk of a family dinner which is sting and kell tcrved and enhvenai by the- cheery burner ml utile of lady sophia mckansaral wl a is more reserved when canadians an prv icct the marui sticks to the kirk j lluasa disadvantage to him to arrive at ottawa immediately after lord l florin had korcia way his predeces sor was gcniility itlf the marquis is high- y cultivated but ihc product of a poor soil lie is at once loo much and loo little of the prince cfctissrt tna sausage and tha scaukia- an humllc tsausage thus addressed a haughty scalikiq sarijue how docs it happen my fhcnc recognize me when months ao that jyou tree when i apprtar kcce the belter o me for while wis skinning up the tree you forsooth were sailinimbwu the street with a tic can tied to ypur tail tri- that yon dj cot it was only two used to skin up a hell you had then ilr siusa an aga or susntcion truly this is an age of raspiiou xevct thclcss cap f jl hures of the steamer william crane mrcliinu 4 miners trans- portatica line between boston and balti- rcoa- who euittrejie verily from rheumatism caueed by the cipisurt incident to his pro- fefsica was cured jty si jacobs oil this lrof k d archibald advocates the use of kites for me tccrqlogical observe tion they cam as- be show i not mere toys but philo sophical instruments capable ot csccadintr to great heir his rcmriinicg steady in cur rents cf varying velocity and of being manip- ulafcd by the clectvcr with case and rapid- sc tb vtccnsn bar cured many casts of scrofula of five ten and twenty years j stai ding where the pa tient has liaa many physicians tried many of the known remaiies j and after trying the vrccttnt the conimoa remark is it acts differently worki differently from any ever taken vecetixe la ficm the t vetem trv medicine i have wiu cleanse scrofa it tuocgli cot cc i oija con ersationalist a mate micht lct ilan vlfv cicely in a spoke fictorv i the sotrcc fkucjiiu temper when ycer hesbard comes home in bad humor jerks cu e locts and 2fpear to be generally miserabc do cot attribute it to buifness cares or lard rimes bet to its real cause thw terrible corns which are constantly annoyirg tin aword to the wise will be sufiiaetit buy a lottie of pctkiiis iaikle oins exteutouj ilia corns will 1 quickly and painlessly rc- rraed acd lis gratitude willbeunlouiidctl pctnams painless ilora lrtractcr sold every where i the earliest moiey iitmck in ireknd was in the latter part tf the tenth ceutun in the rciii cf the hibcrn danish si trie iii king of dublin a oontemporaryof rtlielrcd sole monarch of saioal england whose coins were imitated by he dublin kin no poisonous drns i enter into the com position cf carbo inc a deodorized ertract cf petroleum the natcral hair restorer and dre- zs now imjnived acd pcrlectcd it is the perfect ica pi the chemists art and will bey or d u perad venture restore the hair on bald head j fiorisfellinltcrarvat 170 p- lwfoaide rtottcc fich botje cf iaa km hcreaimr be ace- as it is important preserved and the iiv 0l v ill anied bv a corkscrew that the cork thrmd be bottle well carked when use to retain the strength of the medicine it curs eiemalism neuralgia liver and ki deer complaints or of the uri nary onrans curirs complaicts arising from colds such as sore tcroai bronchitisdipk- thcria cough asthma and difficult breath- the owl his became an ornament to sdic- ty and the vnltcrc may bd his timf keep it in your family the bet remedy for accidents an i emergencies for purns scalds ennsci soreness sore throat croup rheoinatij m chilblains and pain or soreness cf all ltinds is that marvellous healing remedy eigjards yellow oil 19 a came dispatch lhat a mine was dis- covered n a street in jiloscow kussia was beaded by an innocent journalist head- writer as a bonanza in moscow a cure for crocp there is no better remedy for croup than hagyards yellow oil taken internally and applied according to the epecial directions this is the great household panacea for rheumatism stiff joints pain tnffi mmation c 23 yoa see my child thu turtle one of the wonders of creation he furnishes theest combs thai are made and yet he cannot use one as the hasnt a eingle hair io comb mother ohiptoa e prophecy is supposed to be about our hundred years old and every prophecy has been folfillcd eicept the last the end of the drla in is5l buy your carboline a deodorisai extract of petroleum the great natural hair restorer before the world comes to an end said a miserable ittle cincinnati bby who hid just received a saoldin from his father ma l wishjtd never been born why chirlcyf t welj i thiak id bsena better bjy daughters wives mothers jcok to your health the many painfal and weakening eliiieascs from which jtju suffer dcpairiac of a cure can be remedied bv that unfailing remlitot and purifyiag tonic burdock ulood litters ask yoir druggist for proof 20 11 billou or lufferi blood or weak lungi scrofuloai disease of from impurity of ind fear consumption he lungs take dr pierces colden medical discovery and it wiu cure you lly druggists it u a wise lank ca jucr u ho takes no va cation j favoritism in a bad thing but dr pierces lavorie prescription deserves iu name it is a certain cure for thosejpiinful maladies cud wcakiicsics which embitter the lives of to many women of drjigwts whcna huksian is too lary id scratch for a living he has himself arrested for a nihil- ist hiiig entirely vegetable no particular care is required vdulu uring dr pierces pleasant purgative pellets they oper ate without diiturbiuie to the constitution diet or occupation j for tick headache constipation impure liooj dirrinefs tour eructations from the tomach bad taste in mouth bilious attacks pain in region of kidney internal feycr bloated feeling about stomach rush af blood to head take dr pierces pellets by druggists mincepie season iiiherc and those who can afford it will now dream of elephants with four trunks and mules with illuminated heads j robert a wilson dispensing chemist brockvillc says under date o june 5th 62 l have not the idghmt hesitation in saying that dr fowlers litract of wild straw- berry has given mv customers mora satisfac tion than any medicine in my store lor the cure of summer complaints diarrheal dysentery pain in tkc stomach sea sick ness piles etc you can use my name etc the captaincieaeml of the philippines reports that after al evens hurricane the cholera which way of a bad type nearly dis- appcaied from manila a wtq maxim a stitch in time evcs cine not only in nulicg garments but llsoinmending health if kagjards pectoria iialsam were used in the earlier stages of o ids acd coughs many a istitch ia the side ajid many a case of torn lungs might be avoided that neglected rapidly devclopc intc irreparable consum- utcn 21 a boy lately attempted to tie a knot hi a mules tail he was a good boy but ht has gomi to meet his brandmother asnrfl tainff in the raiment ofj chronic discaji with that great system renovator and restorative bui dock blood bitters there is no uncer tainty as ti its actioh its curative powers tre svecdily manifest by its marked effect ttrjajtne liver the liiwclsand the kidneys every dose perfdrmiig its work in a per- mauner 2t eptible t a p 103 thegreatgermak remedy for pain pjucvcs trd cures meujlms neuralgia sciatica lumbago eubickioothichz sore throut qcissy siveixnras sorsness ciru 8nises frovrarres nrnvs sciuw a i 1 jf foihr ociics z1 film i fttfiehtsleattle dcitn ui ii lisr s- the cfiarles i voer c x- rxtltt l 0 cnsicrinrsadhify5i it cox iirhu iu 7aroo aircnls wincd rilflll rvpiirl triic vcji t srcii- c mc pki ia qq irlui uluisiikijal i manufrof masonic ari jcdk ijt kiuirjl tercet- j pi- it hay tiutiriaie bv iuctit ma3c y iikxsiri toronto tottovto jir li u uiroc carapbel birrlmrr auejqr etc h victoria uatfucc fced lor frc iitaitntod cata- nal unlo lojtoilypjthcjcwclcr 113 vorfe trtcl 1 orpcto ninnn christmis nr year hirt isa kiis ard othr cards at ii j xjrwiuu newfi4bnosartdeot7oi huvukaithjwantku foktyu tt owen souad drji dock- steady cn- jjymcaluiitiisiiricl uagc h1vd stahpx seals fcc of cverv etc rmtiaa ail cjt au uses eesyon tlnulky a trtkwkrt mfgco toroqto nil uft ie amiiuaiuon kisinn tacle uu 0 and ali kinis of sporting goods w mcd j alt rir kijg t georg sts toronto islmjs stir year uirthdar j 4 bhok art deoctoro igsfs ttantaevkpayhiilte poit j our family hibles and popuiar fubscrip- tioboofc scad for fcircujirc cllpahisif lc co torouto j o ktaiiio vlteuixauy collfohto- onto suderi5 can cuter from october until january phcf smite sy edim rincipil fees fifty do p rfcettcketsj show cauus u in dow silujes newest design send for price liftf wilpairs kic toro tgevtwased eitiilit sex j liirht honourable and sicady employment- no bdok for circular tnd pirticulars address hor 70 sharon out tl rta patent cvelet smooth surface i fllis hcrf afcd very lougii send for imuu newprioelist jg woodlaxd k co steam printr- toronto if your hair is coming out do not murmur over a misfortune you can so easily avert aycrs hair yigor wll remove the causeof your grief by reitoring your hair to its natural color and therewith your good looks and good nature why did you hide johnny v one boy to another i hide to save mj hide replied the other as he hied away to a se cure spot w t hrav pharmacist winghim ont writes thtt iw je of burdock blood bit ters has very largely incrcaied in that loc ality and adds that he hears very fivorable opinions expressed rlparding it and if time pemiitcd could send many names of benefit ed parties 21 among the recent arrivals in phiudclplit i is a gorilla preserved in alcohol although deal the animal i in excellent spirils a word of caution beware of opiates and powerful astringent drugs in the treatment of bowel complain j they may lull the pain and check diarrhaa etc but are liable to produce inflammation dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry is guaranteed safe and reliable even for in fants and is a specince for cholera morbus dysentery colic acute or chronic diar- hoja and summer complaints generally pupils ix pflokoguaphy-instrlc- tion pren by mail good situations pro cured afl pupils when competent address w gvhajfeeoiwefeo n y ck hnn h nil wontu offaumixg ztuiuuuiuuu and other property in ont- urio for rale by he can ad a west lasd agescy company ii adeliderst east toronto send for lis ci v id r istiicfntl aid u3itttiuc cooperative life assurance great in ducement td provide for families in case of death at small cosa w peitbenroy pagk scs7 ecin-t- vtcstj torata- ascnts jited tttm asiialrjwatcamakell and t x jeweler 2h2 tonge st toronto has cn iargrd his premises and jrrcauy increased his stock of gold and silver jewelry pktedwarc eulierj clocks witches ele fine stocifof jet and garnet jewelry goods imported rdircct ever kind of jewelry repaired prdmptiyncat- ly and cheaply vegetirle purifies he blood renovates and invigorates the whole system its ukwcisal ilolejltjs nt alterative tonic solvents diuretic yegctinc is made exclusively front the juices of carefully selected barks roots and nerbsjind tp strongly concentrated that it will effectually eradicate irani the system t very taint of scro fula scrofulous humors tumor cancer can cerous humor ysixlas saolt luicumsyphi- litic diseasce canaer faintncss at uie stom ach and all diseases that arise from irapnrc blood sciatica inflammatory and chronic rheumatism ncaralgia gout and spinal com plaints can only be ctfectcilly cured through the blood for ulcer and eruptive diseases of the skin pustules pimples hlolchcs iioiis tetter scaldhead and liingwormvigctlxi has ncrer failed to effect a permanent cure for pains in the hack kldccy complaint dropsy female weaknessleacorrhrajartsinff from internal ulceration and uterine diseases and general lability vcgetinc acts directly upon the causes of these complaints it in vigorates and strengthens tc whjle system acisupon the secretive organs allays inflam mation cuics ulceration and rejrulates the bowcis for catarrh riropcpsia ilaoitual costivc- nesk lilpitaticn cf the heart headache hies nervousness and general prostration of the kervoua system no medicine has ever given such perfect satisfaction as t he vegetine it prifies the blood cleanses all of the organs nd possesses a controlling power over the nervous system the rcmarkabl- cures effected by yegetinc have induced many physicians and apothecaries whom we know to prescribe and ue it in their own families in fact yegttire is the best remedy yet dis covered fnr the above diseases and is the only rcliahle wood purifier yet placed before the pubhv- vegetine prepared bj h r stevens toronto ont yegetine is sold by all drnggists smith fe futlger successors to the late e wilkes corner yonge wellington sts toronto to the trade watchmakers and jewelers fancy goods dealers tobacconists druggists hardware merchants general storekeepers and others will find rr stock of holiday goods unrivalled in the dominion id all departments we have specialties for xmas pres ents note the following watches and clocks fine gold witctc- ladies acd gccfi viitham watches faucv wood iilt and marble clock jeweley depaetment diamond locket and hett xeck caaini gcardj and vest cbaina ihamocd kincs and smidries electro plate table ware including tea sti epcrgoci frtut standi des sert st toilet sts and fancy goods fancy q0od3 card cases opera glasses albcms including ner upright album richly embossed covers meerschaam and fancy pipes vases toilet sets and cases cabinet goods wood and leather work boxes desks jee cases secretaries stationery cabinets best lcndon goods musical o00ds violins aecjrdeous concertinas ha lonicai mnsical boies musical alburns orders by mail or wire promptly executed- catalogues on application s3ve fttpcker dbris as groods i jos eogeks t sons geo wostexkolii soks lockwood beos pen pocket table cutlery ladies cutlery sets razors and scissors in cases acme and barny berrys skates extra parts holly i ilemas scroll saw axd lathe saws cook of pat terns drills etc rice lewis son hardware and iron merchants toronto oji grrbat mu r tlxe o i m a bcslvess cmces tttaxted partresouxikg a tout tr ablesaw x1u1 to tender for sawinir lhelumbroffi00aeresof bash land rorparti- culan- address autiiops t cox ilanfct- tircrs of artiicial limijs ii church trcct tor- o r loon ikvttmekf 1nthe cltyof tl hrandonncw store and dwelling above farsiia ereelient business smd ccntrai be tween freight and new possenccr depot two llocli from cither aj four lots in block inot dcrirahv st in cir far residences address nic i llmndon manitobs tiiot uisrnn to nrsposk of on purhi a lsincss of any description in the citv or ciif where fhoyd call orsendparti- rulirsto c j palik 53 nni kin street ei utisines acent and valuer ownkei or runt lkd citv avu town properties desirinrlo realiio will flui pinhari brtndinmi fnldsciptqrs lowest prirpf and trtni of piymcrl j v uultntiv liuitc agent 15 toronto street tororto cuoicktltmlackhi5ll w ncrecodb ready for fprinir crop and siuniicdclayioani no stone nearly level well watered larsc frame barn with cranarr lop frtableilo- house all in first clas- condition best cattle and train farm in the district school store post gtllzz about one mile immediate possession also 211 acre 171 cleared larjro frame house with outbaildings stone cellar and foandalionincw barn with loft and shed ail above built ifsi2 irated on lake shore hard wood bash- the two parcels will bo sold as one fannor the former only bar 3 port sydney on fch manufactured by tfce eawbone can aid manfaftrln campamj olmked offices and warehouse 81 lnr trecl factory yflbje mrtt crt thousands belling psxticu- urs illustrated ci on application oq- a t i 1 old and young should use txabzxey corsets unequalledior halth comfort and j then your laugh may be quite merry drabilitx manufatn red by the cpomptok fricrant breath wall pass yocr lips corsktcq andyonr teeth shall peuuecujm ceeisimas new yeafis cuds in nsdred lots specially selected for c5c 50 75c 1 and upwards free by mail on receipt oe price tht vewest slylei la clrthita- cari sblbt te co booksellera 4 sationcrs3ll vonyest toronto special holiday notice 1 kowrfiadt oar three ifammoul cala- lorae and price lists withfuudescripticn of the- larsest stock of xmas goods cards al bums xmis tree ornaments scrap pictures c fee sent free to any address dy applying tohexketco wholeaajc sutioners and direct importers of koveliiea all poods sent same day by mail fo3 st paulstreet if ontrcai xmas gifts if visiting tnront during the holidays doat leave tht city withot visumg beuoes aet studio iis king flrccc west and escurc an artistic and lifelike portrait of yourself thn which you can offer no more acceptable xmas gift- card of thanks l chevne acent mutual aid association brampton i acknawiedsrc receipt of claim acainst company caused by the death cf vnn clark who held certificate no ute and i must tiat the aocialioa and its officers for the prompt and liberal settlement and the courte ous mode they have in dealing with beneficiar ies having raised no quibble the certificate on ly beirjr irjcd on july 11 issi and death oc curred on july 20 ii- or 9 days afterwards must certainly be a fruarantee tha its bcnenls are certain and should h2 taken advactace of by all classes anx clare britmpton nov 23 1ssj the silver line wait till thecjouds roll by pertty little darlim i lotb yon j the latest vopular sonp in full fii3 sheet i music form price nly ftvtr cents per copy or i t je three for ten cents j s frank wilson ifruajicr 33 35 adelaide street west cbrotasloles notlunpis more appropriate for a christmas present than a 5 lb caddy pure tea from larsatsozos nemember we send tea to your own home without extra charge send for price list and then order tea to be sliiopcd w your ciprcss i lawsojts victoria tea warehouse 93 ilio street east toronto ayerseair yigor for restoring gray hair to its natural vitality and color advancing rears sickness caredisap- potnlment and her- ditary predisposit ion all turn the hair say and either of em incline it to- ahed permaturely ayxrb haih vig or by long and ei- tensive use has proven that it stops the falling of the hair immediately often renews the growth andalwayi burely restores its color when faded or pray it stimulates the nutritiro organs to healthy activity and preserves both the hair ana thi its beauty weak or sicklr hair becomes glossy pliable and sticngthened lost h rertows with lively expression falling hair is checked and stablished thin hair thick ens and faded or gray haira resume their orig inal color its operation is sure and harmless it cures daudruit heals all humors and keeps the scalp cool clean and soft under which con ditions diseases of the scalp are impossible as a dressing far ladies hair the vigor- la praised for its raierl and agreeable perfume and valued for the soft lustre and richness o tone it imparts prepared by 3 brace n your system for wrk z- tesa the new dyspepsia and liver remedy atenda strictly to business in correcting tee stomach liver and kidneys sample bottles 10 cents large bottles 73 cents tie toronto general trusts co it and 2 hlllaion sl toronio hon ed blake qc mp prtsilctd e a- meredith esq vice prts ient j w laxgmvie manager this company which has bsen approved of by the hisa loan of justice and the lie a tenant cotfrnor in council accepts trusts of every description and acts as executor ad ministrator c and also as agent of ejlstinir trustees executors c 300j00 of trust tunda j to loan upon real estate and mortgages fo i further information apply to i j w lagmttr manager what is cataeeh i catarrh is a mucopurulent discharge caused by the presence and development of the tece- table parasite amoeba in the internal lining membrane of the nose this parasite is only de veloped under favorable circumstances and these are morbid state of the blood as the blighted corpuscle of tubercle the germ poison of syphilis mercury tbxceniea worn retention of the effeted matter of the skin suppressed perspiration badly ventilated sleeping apart ments and other poisons that are germinated in the blood these poisons keep the internal lin ing membrane of the nose in a constant state of irritation ever ready fox the deposit of the seeds of these germs wnich spread up the nostrils and down the fauces or back part of the mouth causing ulceration of the throat up the eu stachian tubes causing deafness burrowing in the vocal cords causing hoarseness usurping the proper structure of thi bronchial tubes ciimgjn pulmonary consumption and death to effect core thsparasitemustbe removed or destroyed hence inhalants and snumi are worthless some time since a wellinown phymcianof iq years standing after m6h experimenting sac- j ceeded in discovering the necessary combina- j tion of ingredients which never fails in absc- mj 0 ater ft 00 lflwell hiss ilntelyapermanentrycradlcatia this horri- u u- iiilitt a uui uunou juapo jy disga3e whether standing tor one year or praetlcaland analytical chemists forty years sufferers should without delav communicate wih the dusiness manager mr sold by all druggists axd deal- i a h dixon 307 king st west toronto and ejlsx vckdicix1l jpettreatisefreeby enclosing stamp ask your 3 f 165 f it m v l x ipv t n m i hi 5 si

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