Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 1, 1883, p. 3

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j a ipwjju y- r i c village varieties tbcbhpa monyixn febl jtjc3 at ceo hinds sew flooi scaoej beys a9ufftf acootuif botus a avirpa vav at e bau jj 2wa bfefliit yat7 flruajlee bracket drrttint vombi fn glut be beat for pries u oiwj gw flyiuli huir bits of brevity lata atkenrtaas twtaart h j f ike pea ittaaan fi rcaatera af fre firm february thists ory frost nary milder weather ibis ureea onatwcllth of 181 coo almauj si yaleuliura day tiu ua tt hnu have yoa mja the ueu cktuijr tliu main tiwt i i laic trains have been lu order dinar tbapaat week i those hideoa v aleaiines have njrin appeared in the stationery stores i j a geolleman from tomato w ehipptar turnips from here lo new york city the ice men in busy the lice here is first dus and in splendid condition the- first meeting of the boarii of education for 18s3 will be held rex mon day evening i mr a j selwood ha secured the igtscf for stafford afmtie teqvii ine for thii county i the g t r employe are laving a big lime keeping tbe several tracks and platforms clear of snotr a young lady in town prom furnish us witt a new recipe for iike we havat snc it yat are pleased to notice thu ttirrett of the v avct i rvaite a tepuutioa a scct act cfiarl qwm u tbecrtreciej- cjil tveathrtr tbe january thatr teas ule in makicff its i i appearance ttvai no fault of termor a oar thanks ire due to 5ir james j meers of eunis ireland for a copy of th- cicrc frcnsr illsatrawd altnaaac fcr 18s j we are informed teat iifr samuel calltclloa r matim r ml lairrtil ihii vu ural ew aaa ttitt ire keaaen qaarterlr mfmji tbe regular ounrtcrlir terticea aud cojn mualoq in cuaafctioa wdh the meibud church heie will x held licit 8unday arlklltifjrar tbi- rilltc ljixe sfacvmi are all collj cd rnd the colli ctor ha icturued bifi ro talk iilnut the sett act after llial aepricrar1j- a uumber vt i be young folks or lim vil- lg hth u turpi i parly a tb mcihodij pafiaage on trida- tveui iu cilbia- bm of the birtblly of aliss funny brjcrj a plcnsiut cvcq og aa speou out wc icgret to i ocerd ihe death of hra uavid dvsrar ol this towu fm infitmuu- tioa if liie lutis tbe iid cvuut occarrel on sunday mcrninjiatt after a brief il tteas deceated was in hf r 39tii ear aid lcarci behind n lubirq una sis children iilvh vfirr- j djtn cajsuig i qveeat bkhla concert actwo udgt io it prjpoe giving i gad cuaevrt ir ui uev time ukii ou ibj crenic of tbe ht if may the repata tin of uis 5 kty for fin-t-elass- tccrtaiu mem is grsclass and it if the iuteclioa iat tbi one bali tuii ly fornii cc cert in tvery rvapect 1 vauasmea vaai dear ft a deuaicb ciftio frtim pirt huron on tkiiedy list ilal xfisech uardicell so years of age sea of the late wm bardncil of xixjtaiucyauebile dnvirgacroa ibe raiiaay trjt k oi- tht far was alrackby the train ad irttik killri his aiohvc rees in ec- lillv beat kae pvrriu ilr thami t tloorl irisiciprvl vlou public school hu- purchased lb a ihre ioi ou tie comer of juag and mill streets near this is r most rrccl- irty and very clegiblc for tie llrivicg p nl piece of orcj building purpose and n are pleised to i ee ih7t it baa f gcuilcraaa who k proring ii mi tkreby friend j pearacce of oar jhs liaipg uutbetce 1 the- triiunieu inio the ha of a ill lake aa interest in icu- improrc the ap- plode1 ie his cx3 tbec -i-jctv-trcas- the seott act l aluicct as ruurh ai iiceaes by the cotai- ias year by oue th argument cf th iba joae of rcrtuue hlere the scott act it in force if aiioui er- riy the soeipid int j rydumrr the nine month- lieen ia farce airoanito the sum received from thnsouc favor of liird haij parebcied tie prorsrtv i f the liui paittli ttarch street aoer ccupkd by ilr j henry j boyd- tea cars f gauovty cattle ihrtugh here i s eek frsa puaiawuirc siimd u row to oac of thfe iargt tlocji fermaiolliamcn j if toscut trust a nun for the fu of this trafficarc belaj inovc tfte pxlplt lie- a aicn i lrck isri in the rsiaral erier i crrweoas i ha koa uetdol aibi- buldav ocd tictijpii tiic pjlpi of tfcu ihi cwtiii iitt- cfinjidua tvea al vlutate jtitct i r i r t a metttitik o tine viiimh uiiiuici ws licid inilalthunshalltiiitaewuy rvinldg last ah llio uitmiiiera prtwjnl miunuogf laat unkhin tvd aud can dnusd moved by d henderson i scond by 0 8 suiith that thti coudoil to intti counuilue uf the wlolo on rrwiliiuiuia fur ngulitiug liglilin of ntrwl lm caiiiod i after tbo council rose from cotuiuit tea of t ho whole d liuiiduimoimimvuif lectiiijiid by jodu kuney aluv it njkiit of tho cqtuiuiucu of tiio wholo ou raaulutious for ragulutiag ligbmng atteei lamps be conourrvdiip uirdtlibnij rvsalutiou lie poveid of cahjed moved by 0 s s uiili fiecoudrd by w iaoiond that council go into coin uiitltc of the wholo bti reaulutioiik di fining duties o caretaket ot the hall carried alter cotu mi lte roe d hrlideivii uiutld seconded by john keiiliy thai rvmjluliuii defining the duties uf cue taker of hll bo dually piked cvrtiwh an application hita made ou hebnll of acton lvidgi- ko 204 j 10 0f lor uu of town hull fur 2th may nxi muvisl by v eieudoroon afcondeo by c s siuiui thai ii use of llu town hall ho grtitll to actnq luis no 2cj r00ffor aueiileitainuieui on tbe evening of 2lh may hexl cariicj the hr law lo appbinv an maii s reiid a hecjnd aud third time uu jassvj with hie luut filled in will the name of a a secordj r movid by john keuriey lliat lh bell be rung ech day of tbe rk xoapt souiay fivo times each dn ind laice ou suuda tbeix beinc no secouier to the hujv notion it traa nut put to vote moved by d ileujersda reoiinfei i by c r smith that iho bel rnni uur timet each day of the wek sl af ercipted viz atand 12 air ml 1 md 6 itn cirried moved by w ismoud tecoude i lu ohn kenney- that liie clerk adverllv ur teuders or duliea of iatretuker o fian hall and laiuplighliiig undei muuj ihe rate or chartex for taie tic severally and jointly carried ukiit uiotiou the omucil afij tune tl v jneajy eveikg 71 u tek ihefirraofwhughos i grifin smto dihohed putoeiihip all tfpcmiuti 4oe the k firm ratutbe pa4 by thest of i mfth1888 to o ibwill j b huuhesc b ohlfifln contiuue the business at tbo old stand on an enlarged jcale batjtigsdded a large stock ol irooeres and is increasing his stock of jdeiir goo so tliat all who furor us with their patronagd w the lwest jirices we are determined to keep neighboring towns and make acton headquarters in liulton tor bargiiiue come anil see us no trouble to show good ilightat prioe paid for produce x o serve at es below acton jan- 29th 1888 c b griffin job fpr i imouill- it hia hki ih- tyiacr li git iui hi cijursc verc very inunsiaj 1 liev r brjtre reiched amiivciviijser- raca at artl oae of th rppomtmalf o the riivod chclt a lh- jfcthodis ciiweh la average on iiary hai aivrajs jbetu failure aj- bfs i the aanuai cinveatij of lh dahi chfoi aieaciatijc of this coamr viii ik held in oakville an vttdnesdiy andjtiuisj j jiven liraj ia uh aid 15th iar j ilr c b uriris the calf tiire when s man ia gsottoaj j liut jr is drawing ibe lme ttweenhis on iind 1 p hsii his neiglibors propel tyfe when- he shove lit f0 e ihe h3e1 i the luwlc seloois u3aj elrvl ihir ztiry uy lraini evcrylii- and jwrl io hataand opens- ialorcicatiug liquor- ihd aidio eapelloif it from tfct ail venocr preicu a raot pel inu of toricy ialjiex at the opening of the pre- eat maal7 ftr which there trill be yos- tdnbe oodetation io the reether begins early this yeir aeatlas ttiiti ocer februart- eanter iiiadty ilarci jab whiea triii aio xr tht featof the arinaaciatloc theuraad trnxk kitilwav- cocpany havei issued i new time table in pamphlet form wbichih taach more coaveoieutfor reference than the old sheet lime table m are jih receipt if miuy aew sub- fcrihierb weekly aui car lift i grivriog taah poaad of te j hii pat in a line or leas tvhih aie put up in pound pacnairet wiih the purchaser rvccivca a ufal jrciatnjtil preul of taic kind j e iiave given hjs uucolred japan lea a far t- aire e us1ness brevities same rtacts about our buataeas keii and hotuea of battalia t oar a en era raaava bulk oyatcts lt lleuiart at th- ttcjhnor bikery e kieslin cj- son hats from 75 conl to 25c al j fyies km- choice and clifatp plituios go u h ijhes i gnren6 acton ui good felt hatfur 75 cent a ifyfee i od r aid luiti q ty ie irirnid i v ut a uoliby doiitbleaud retclictd vim hi- giealet care by a ritiijatl tea taster sj tlal t cjaiiuu i cneap ait j l7e is tbe place to go all tiudaof ldiest gillam cillr caii ray upin iicieui fiavoa astistliia hashfaerareta the raifcpayer aii wed jctued upon to vote uriou a url nhj ind the amount of f 01 of loan the sla g tta cf de- jf geirgelov u aie again assist ing manuficaiirert io their midst oa he i6h iast thy w41 caat iheir votes either bylaw authiririug the aluuicip c2ticci to isiuc debcniures to mora rapidiy now tltac al aay pvioaa penold in theiitfcerl ibe fioie pakts a toronioi paper 6jiuaunci that the local elections will be held on i the ith of marcu we are ia a pogitioa to slate most potiliveiy that they will oat be hifil ou dar the ih of march fells oa jsah- thty i j our little oce- tud the xurfery for febmaryi is to hand and is 5 iiaaih replete tcith reading matter and illnsfra- ltiosessioc tior lileaaiag to the little folks it iailet la oi uetdeui aue vte iiiadvertaclfy omilted laat week lo 80000 lo assist byrray r hosiery companv in the erccioh or purchase of a hill for the mjuuficicre of voika yam hoiety and knitted goioi ia the ss d yillaac of georttetowa batfaeiu chanse mr a w on fn has disposed of his g ocery baaiuesa n kr howell of vt tcr- hit who lake posseiaiou on the lath fast jfr geeen puqios engaging in the mana- facluie of knitted goods of all kinds in this village aad will run a buiaess of consider abl proportioas to which ntll refer more partiauiarly next week mr howell is a practical grocer of long cxperitnce end in the present purchaae has come into the the- best business stand in best monthly juvenile production vre ihaye j jrrersaen j the nrt meeting of luc wooieua chrstian temperance coioo iriil be iheld in the baptist chapel on tiiaredav iieit ith iaal at 6 b pm a full alltndaoee of those inceresied in theraass of tempef- ancc u requested i may not- be generally known hdt its faii i tie p fact that lamp wicks ed in strong vinegar for 24 hours and then thorocghly dried before being lised tvill hut twice as ling all moke be avoilod ia a far wrel brilliant light ubtaiinjd pejrsonals mrtt e nelson iiitcd brorae friends this week j mr james sfoere left on tuesday mura- rng on n bssineau trip lo montreal mr tbomaschrfstieof ttalkertoa paid his acton friends a short visit last week mra fhevd cookmin of dreaden lias been viaiilog friends here during the p week miss eliza cameron left on friday last lo spend a mouth or two with friends id walkerlon mr ami m were lit giicfti chronicle the dealirofthe late mr malthetv mccann of eqcesnr father of jxr peter mccanu of this village which look place two tveels ago lo dav mr mccann wis one of the oldet jacttlere of thia viciniiy having lived ou hia farm dear ibecatkoifc church for over fiftyyear he perform- ed his scttieraenl clatic onin5ml ia now main siroetia ihtl mliago s altcanu tvas a quiet diligent furm aial wa high ly respected by all who knew him the unerai was lagvlr attended oakville bla sehaaal j the foloffing are the uame of thecan didates temporarily admilted bv liie local board of eiamioers at the exiniiuaiioii held in the 2uth arrl 21st- december lal ind whose edmisaioa has been confirmed by the high school inspectir- i 1 baynton austin p- bayitonj john p 3 toclle lfliroy i andrew jlcttie s brcckon alice jaoi g cvell if attic s and ties at hugbca gri3u on cavaaae diuienl da elk jeioie ford elfea jane mitchell v k mctoll cfusbai- of mr k ii lue nfaii tithiuiiwiek ules maegie nrurc trim lus been villi- ingfruqdi in cilford oltervilleaad berlin during ur paslj month qreo rrrururtpjiijinej on moqrlajf fm9om w aged u years audi j4lotoaiftb annie v jtbive mceitliaes in jlrin un be 28th jan margaret via ugh er of ilr arch mr cacbrcn aged 19 ears klccisx in escro sing oh iba 28tu jan matthew slccauo aged 73 fan jbkoudv in erio village on the 21st jan marin wifejof mr james fiiaddv 3 ids teshoysiers dr the quart jonnant ly in hand at the excelsior d acjrn jscolch sngliah and canadian saiinga ic effect variety at the eaat end ciatuimstr j fyft actan jintihra i griffin rell mhib fin- sttjaw hata at 4lc and upward fui- jchjiaiv sliffa at 150 newest 6ltlc shilohe catarrh remedy marvelous cnnriirrnurrti imnlitherlfi carifcer rarnth and h- a lie wpn eacl- not ittli re la an injinhus nnal injector lot tlejra ireuecesifui tn atm nt afti ie com plitali wlllioo enr clmnj jtice 50centt som by j e liigarvin darncmlle climas eye salic and oiat- merit foonuin of health and hopes reau latiig pills for sale by j e slefiamn actric and eeen- tores throayhiat t con itry ivo household should be considered com plate a ithoat a bottle of de van bckes kirlvev cuur is iu the closet it is th only remedy that will positively pc-mian- rnlly and promptly core all forma of kidnet disease sold by j e mcgarvin why should a man whoao blood k want- u- j like his trandsire cut in alabaaler or lfct his hair crow rnsty scant and thin yifhen cingalese rccewer will mak it crow the faster j for sale by j emcgarvin a card til ail who arejannering from tiie erian acd indiscretions of youth uertoas weak ness early decay loss of iiiinhotid sec i will ieuda recipe that will cure jyno ysxr ofcliecn tula ttreat remedy teas dis aivcevi bv a miaaiouarj in south airerica sane a aelfaddreaacd envlope to the batv josora t irstay station flavia torittlfv m t c wells chemist and drugchn foil colbam int nritcsf nortbroi ft hraians vegetahle diseoverv and dysiepiiecure sells well and gives the beat of satisfaction for alt diseases of the blood it never fails to root out all iisieea of the system cores dt6pepsii ivsrcomplaint ic parifien tho ifooa and will make you look the picture of health ana happiness a w green desires to tender his warmest chanks to his many customers for fcheir liberal patronage m fcfc liast and takes this opportuniliy of pre senting to them all thi compli ments of the season the city grocery s full from cellar to fciurel with jjoodu suitable for ih holidny sensim i hare not room fojfire the name of every article a some do but i invite he pubic to come and inspect tnr tock for themselves everything- at bottom prfcea j woat bp tlldesold i have ou hautl the finest grades of i teas and sugars ik the maeket j j have just received a large quantity of that fatnouf riiiipow er toa which will he sold a l the low urn of 50c per lb or 45c per lb in five lb lots also 3 ihs of jriod japan tea for 100 durinjj the holidays j green sells cheap green does the trade acton dec 21 1882 immense clearing sale v preparatory to taking stock picked bargains at priced that tell the tale i a call will coivince the people of aitou and vicinity that wears bojndto begir the new tear oi 1888 with the greatest bar- ga ns ever neen in dress goods ootorotj oaahmra twaadtt silica artlna and velvets antj everything in ladies goods marked very low in price i as we take inventory about the 1st feb onr lock of i fatter oooda 1 lao rlbbana naakwaari hoalary larva uadarwaar wool oooda kc beiiig very large we have de- oided to closie them out at cost unprecedented in the remarkable value we are offering in we are making suits for jl8j regular price 822 and pants we are making tor 4 regular price 5 and everything 5jj tbi line in proportion ik beadymade suits and overcoats we are clsing out the stock at cost aud under we hnve an immense stock of lon boots which we donot intend carrying over and we are offering them at reasorably close prices we have a very heavy stock of bats caps aad vents far nlsbinc guo4s and we are determined to clear them oat at an immense sac rifice ths is a genuine cash clearing sale and goods to be booked j will be charged at j regularprices v rekemtor our famous 50 tea i nelson mprae r t h harding invites tbe public to inspect his stock and desires to express his warmest thanks to his customers fur their patronage and tiikeathiv opportunity ofpreseiiting to all tliecninplimeiitsol the season iu this aasat baegains iueb8 hantku ttodcrs will be received bylbewihei- siatni d up tothfl lfith fahraary fcr the par cbas of the slock in trade of- the estate o the ata firm of allen jenuer of aaloii ghnje manufactarers an inventory of the stoef may be soeu an application to a w ghehn aettn jan 31 33 rpt ik o ers wanted 1 trustee tenders will bo receiv4 by t sinol nutil noou on yveduesibiy he nhdfir the 7tb day nf febrnarv 1883 for tho ufsce of care- aktrof lliotouu halhawlfor ijabting raid otht duties connected with the screel lanil a said tender ui statu chargea severally or j dutly tile intvcat of anylender tin nece laanly accepte1 tlia dotjla will i defii ed upon applical ion to jermogryhfi j t vililge clertr aetu slat jan 1883 j to had at j j mcflarviaa watctias jawalry silarwar all this werc at lavages ear petries new drua store gueleh f s t o t e s a cclob- 1 groceries line i have ouvn the clinitest stinks snitulile for the holiday season ever brought into town a good selection of- ohrlataws ooafaeiieiiary u0ll8- l j refined kuw cut loaf gnjnulated and icing sugars oanneo 00008- t sain on mackerel lobster sardines blueberries peare peaches plums etc etc tbaj- 11 selected stock of the finest flavored teas iu the market orooiomr amp unwmf an i uruense stock of the above i ir xmas and the holiday st ason compriiing china sets lamp fi naes moustache cups flower vast cheese dishes syrup cans iruserve dwlies jake stautu c alithib atjg t ui n tou mpnsnives tjtf adi iin jivtji a hh ua mawetlj i hi i lawill llai oabunrloiiiy pa am ftiiiiayiiajotbakrtww j allwhojrtjiralrhh aiutf aal preaerirtlw uaed frsiaifaviii wmjhuiy rtt wprtrir 1 miw aailillifal1aiaaiar 45 iwljiroij jitbi f jii tv i jiaaj alkaaa 0 the jlristiv cotifftlrimlmidtai hi a j3f r m jb 9 a triggpvwfw p wstt

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