Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 22, 1883, p. 2

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i i th comttu kit another issue roaebe our raiders lion colujit will liv cltiouirc political iwiiiiggrai- in ls ssisiisa sc1nrwgrmt till umay mokms fob ss 1 6 s3 contest the irtr pftu- llie present dec oftio lo 1 con- oihtoi will have totmi lion muck llfi v earnest appeals arailed the electors ill know whether their votes e cal foitho victorious auditato or tl anc eillicrmowal or mcicjilh will- hive stitcii a bitter ilisappoiiuuiuu our iiesl advice to llie- electors i- make up ycur own minds as a the merits of lb iksucs md while rtmeui bering tkjt rt toft mswer to an us piiuccujidsteiutktli iv srraib liiiilc your vow on vur billot as vour conscience and iutelligcuce directs ir- rttpcclivc cf llie pltadirrs lv- this or the other candidate for your vote on personal ground do cot swerve from i administration term and toucliing upon a km going back their pant ntereats of coniidtrabla question honest convictions i yen have salisfactor lou and hen act decided by acting ln of iho 27th niiy be v ou will cousciousnos that pu have dene your dulw ut decide because reason for decis- because you hare thus on the even whatever the result oiees the inward 1 thfc principal features of policy as affecting the lurio and dwelling at hth on llio bound r slceaiiu gill crooks actl and other qiiestioii of tho day sqiiro strange who acted os chairman made an able speech at he close in his humorous stvlcx mr d watlets eou of mt wallers aeled- as secretary mr mccaiga tnotioa exuessiut confidence iu toe mowat aduiaiairatio was passed ailariaioiouur reave wa iers secoad- iiig the motion the meeting dosed wjtlrclitcia for the government mr ilidlaw and ti johuston mr laidlaws prospects in eramosa aie ftouiisiug mr sweelnams meeting last week in this nlace was also well attended tiiany koforiuers being present mr stveetuam and dr oilcn were the principal speakers and hi i down th prospective policy to be carried out if returned lo aid the conset alare parly the lolitical questions of the day are now the all prevailing topic of cor vetsatiou wehavc not oug to wait i the final issue colt who wrote that article a piopetly conducted printing office is as much secret ai my ot the society lodjes the prmteiii arc not under oath of secrecy inn always feel themselves as traely in houcr bcund to iqpep office secrets as though tripl- bathed any s s convention profitable an interestins and meeting the anuuil convention btth school association ol ks held at oakville lasl its arid thursday and considerable iuteicit anion school workers of the cju t thj great amount of snt fjllen a few days previou the north era pxrt of the comtyvai not as large- tepreoented us usual but earnest of the sau this county wednisday sual created 5 the sabbath lty owing whicli had aaipluvee m a printing cfece who will j vorkere from ill sections jwere present fully duregarded lis rale in relation the convention opened on wednea- to rfl ofiico scatts would not only h- s jahd devotibual exercises business brevities ome ruu about tor baalaata has aad houata of ttlt to onr ktural ru4an be srati bv his biethcrn of the press j i i lufad but soiru lose uis positioc at cnc dy morning with mrj j waidie burlington preiidcul in the chair j it cznl m uill utit 1 by kev j uats from 75 onnta to 25c at j fyiat a good fell hat fur 76 cants at j fjie if you want a nobby durable and onep suit j i jlei it the place to go scotch english and canadian suiliufl it et variety at the kaat end clotliiatttore j fyfc iobon suits anipvercoata at oxtiemely lowratos and made in latest styles be ime to call and ee them j ivfc acton shlloas oatarrh remedy marvcloucure rorcalarrli otnuthcrla xqkrmouiliand head kaut wlinoaoh boute uiera ii aalunloai lutial lnjoctor lor lb ruure ueikful iwalm nt of lhie com alatnti willioql exlracbarxr irtce 50euu om bjje mcoanln fortais or iilutk a hlool jjurity- iag compound c herbs roou barac and berrici all fiucly ground and ready for use fnc vt ccnu r paekago tkauckkv very fine muaoi yourtetua while iu rulne try tharerhv aud jou will me ifllv not what lit laid lo lie j ciirtniiii climai- eye salve and jiut- mcnl kouutaia of hciuh aud hopes fugu laliog fills for sale by j k mcgirvin acton and eneral ilorcs throughout the country xo uouwhold should be considered corn plcte uthout a bottle of ilk vav brrtexs kidxcycuur is in the closet it is the only remedy that will ojtlively perman ently and promptly pre all forms o kidney disease sold by jj k ucturvin why should a ram whose blood is warm within sit like nia enndsira cut ii ilabasierv or let his hair crow rusty scant and lliin when cingilcse lienewer will make it grow the faster for sale by j e jfcoarvin mr henry marshall reeve ofdunn writes some lime ago i got a bottle of korthrop lymans vegetable dis cotery ircm mr umson and i consider it ho vary best medicine extant for dyspepsia this medicine is making marvellous cures iin liver complaint dyspepsia 4c in purifying the blood and restoring manbood lo full vigor itoberl muuroe egiuedriver between kincardine and hamilton tayt it was irnposaibte fur any perrou to be a wane sab ject of uyipepaia aul a creator lurtcrer than i was l often had to lie down iu the ca- 1300 and tctnilly ihoujilit i would die before i reached my dtaliaatioo i par- chased a bottle a mciretrv skcdylure e j e- mclimue iini slur r i i fiftv cent and cue duliir dvcr lul procramme tiirongliour oa an t we ujite ibis statement bocause i wa a most interesting tbsit a communi i i upca pnrentea for discussion were under an j up0 hy llie j ia a upon by excites cajmentxty p manner tty to und cut who sll le sivci the ion our responsibility to the children l nu tie ctuploytcs of j of iul- pjmitiy on wednesday even soictuiee uaprd cituk ii in t kiiuic i iukwhit and viiins silifi u tit utlr i viir ct irrtivni ut printing tueo they are know j ing nihiugs on such point as tfce2 on sui n ihiy liv- cyeaund uis sulj ii no mouth tnl if any fail to ob serve ihis rule thiy are put down as diiljeonuie incrnuis of the emit it piinting if any itcuhr sire iiivcwuuu ivn satn htu feople ofun do ut haute whal lo do for iheac tcoublci ciiraai oicl for a sjkcdy euro uic churchills jicltrcut ne ceut vjcvuduu a llamiltou of the williu- tue addiess of the hoa s it blake ton kfirble work juelph int arcdoinc the liirfrft retail marble trade in tlcl ow tne tjthe fet thai they do he tal work and i tiic ehtajt ihe public arc warn cond hand trade i licard die stniem o r grratiy enjoyij by all who ir the speaker ijeadt with the i fiom t uicit idcicai stand- oiut aud his uddrcis ciily rercakd fact hit for uianv years he had tliiiff i to be printed inimrept secret let prtipvr ncti h givca of the desire j fur secrecy and yc might as well qu ten penonally inteiesled instbbath sthoj work iibbalh tie tabulated report of choiils of the coautj- sj carefully pre ed arjiaat dciliu with pcddlcre but smcld o dirvct u the lii or bdy from heir aceuu that he name mvuiilau 1 iciltiu ia ni the priute1 form ufvrc vo in ur ovdr roa ruu kidney8liyer urinary organs tht imt blood fl slfiek tli ere loulioufl nrnyby ff1ilchanrdiaae can b cured and ibht ii byreranving tbc cauw wbaievcrlt may b tiiorreotniodl- cal nntliorltirt of the day tie clr tlial nearly fltfrjdltcamp it on n ltd by doraiiged ktdneyi or uvcr to rore uien theretoro in lha ntily wu by wlifcb heaub con br cured hero i where vaiikck hkyk cent has aclitcvcduikrcnlrfpctatloii iiacta dlraat- lyupon tlie kldneyiand llvrnnd by plaolni uklu in a healthy coudlllon drivn dlieaio and ihnfrotn uia ytm for all kidney liver and urinary trouble forlho dlstrew- ug diordh of women for malaria and physical rouble funeral ly thli greii rem edy uk oowual teware or lrapoior im itation and eoncordotu ald to bejut at tood kor lmabcu ask for warsiki hayk du- ncti ctre or iale by ail dealerr u uivirxehco toron wont boehutorn y iondonjen cairerti carbolic oeraw the nuet uealitir comwudd uudcr the ban then is uo ham but will laccamb to iu wondefal hcajin properties it ti inraluable drtsaiaff orcau barns bruiies pimples said holls keeteringv etc irtce tantyfivc ctuts at j e mcgir- vms urog store a card to all who arc iuitcnn from the error aad ifldiscrtuon o jouth ncrvtjca weak ness early decay loio manhood tfcc i will icud a recipe lb at will cure- you uitz oi rnare this trcat remedy wis dis covered br a missionary ia scuth america bend a schddrvwcd cnvlupe to the hev juiru t ivkan mtdok dxuc vicv obwhat a cough will jouiieed the warmof tle tljnal prlaps of the sure approaeli of thai moft krrtbl jlliease coounipilon atkiyoar- selves if y ott cio afiord for ice sakt ofpjivfnc soeenu to ron ttie rlk and do nattilnc for it we kaaw irom exnorttuce tbai solloui cure will care your coaffli ll nvernili tuueipliitu why more hum a million uoc- uc wer bold the past year- u relieve oup and whcoploy cough a once ato- lientdorjot be witboatit for lame baclc hide or cheat use shllohs parous piaster tomie je mcuarvln the medical hal gublpb at the mmmoth house georgetown ton the fnhinv a a grnerui fitnuipeue xerer was inch a rush made for any drugstore at is now at j e jicgmins for atriil botteof dr kingskew dis covery for consumption cough and coldf all persons affected wifi aslh- jrna uronchids hoarsencis severe xi by i jr kusk of jikvilc was i coughs or any adection of the throat 1 most encouraging to tie convention and lungf can feet a trlil bottle of this 1 j 1 i great reaedr icuz by callink at the cf the pcintcis i however met coiupte stxdslics j i i above drug store cuuld be given by the onicers if he crtdlt ftfupriritendeut or sccre lshool in the county wl much may be done bv a vijilant ug f die pi trader o save himself from lots by i mke a rejt of his sciiodi and forwud jing like hot cakes aerywherc looking ciosely niter he debtor after red it is ivea the credit is sjived the necessity of doinj this takes up a great deal of liuie and is really nee cf rhe drawbacks to a credit business when credit is given if it must be given it- should always be for some scified time or what is the same the debt should be due on sjine fired day bo that tl dealer mar krow when to ask for it if it be not prompt worst kind oi a d that is to be psid kaoniut exactly the mouev suffers paid the very bt to collect is one when i have sold mr ivol or air cotton or at any bach uncertain period tne trader not wanting to be too cqtiisitive an i not when to ask for the account to run on till lookiim o er his accounts on if his cttstorjjr hss not told his wool it is tiuie le had it lor a better pi iikciv that ihe t the irofkr officer kiuv ueltct to do thi ihe jfheers elected ft president 0 tarv of each a r a x r- j tin j cp purely ree table cathartic pli in cb is eapf lied tn ceut lxi t suit the ctmrcuicccc ot j i person desiring sajill fiuiatilics cmu- 1 8joetitiv itops rejulattuitll ire ci- i re tree i her trtrt too much cannot be said of the ever r the cimingl faithful wife and mother constantly r tt t i watchinc an4 carinrrfor her dear onee rr j lrut urc h lmfc j ne ne a snple duty in their 1st vice pits v 11 liuaur sa 1 beliilf yoeu liy are aasailed by dis indvipreaueniviiinaonef a u 1 i t tlioroagh cibansipg the stomich aud fcly tieaa r cjites ei manage tufeiit coinmiueitkjoii i a t fcrgasoh k v mccau- iron tiu mr ilr w hall ran bd mr jatuec thu n ill be held at milton even- sabbath school tounty should attend thife annual gath pennant lo the provisions ol i 0 i chap 107 sec 31 the creditors of hubert enngs and by 0 doing thtir schools will j a s ute of he tow e improved aassagaweya the council met pi tnsl and ipoiuted the jers- of bilwas and li some rtinv dav jut concludes that lie tear during he rear issi ending in hn hill reguel j s u msrrh theitfure with u request for payment mi 32 ivl he leciives bck apswr that mr ih menzies and it convention bowols regulated blood purified and milirial poison exterminated she mast know tha elecric biler6 are he only sura remedy tjieyare ihe porestmedi cinesin the world orrly costiifiycepls sodbyejicjarvii th oldest drusr store is oicljh ti oiupeit sru store iu ouolph the suiiobutt irts btoro l qielti smiths drug store if the best place to buv uiiytliiiig you require iu tliojdrug line we have flic largest ftoek the raot reliable goods at the lowest pricee we keep all the leading make- of dye stufls diamond packase dye- all shades union and handy package dyes also ourwn dye which ive universal etisactiou toilet articles ai great vnriety ia sxir brakes ari pcalss kail nl teeth bnahcj we have the largest stock ever brought into the royl city we buy direct from the english aud french markets and are itble to sell much loiver ia consequence piwat mediciaii ill kinds hacias oili oaitor ou hoittfoot oil 5cv- j laj micmio ou lucxicating oil beat american coal oil sect cac- i aouaa coal ou tfiree oi hose cocvouieullv arranged tenement homei rf the actoa liaildlng j n chave the reputation lor leei- association may l rcutcj bv applying lo j ijig the best coal oil in g uelph a 1 and we intend to maiutnin it acluo ueclltt uml president w smith to chemiats drurjgisti l1vflidklbilbilljeinrilocl j 4 1 i we hataepeedy anu positive core rr i catarrh ipiinerta canker mrutii auu head aeticlo ahllolis causnli herat c a nasal injector iree wllh oneh ixtie ll i if youdexlralicallhnnd tweelbrealii price 50 ceutt sold by j k slconrvu- indies furs fur oas and gaimtl ckwiv micnive opekit- to am wiated wanted at ono tea good glove waken auph to w u jago rock wood d tsiklble hoises to let riconsistino ofn xtufls kiirboas fur oaps gents jjur s gents cloth and othtr caps buffalo robes ami fnucj robes a magnificent grizzly bear robe lor 35 wnrth 50 ladies dress goods winceys aiid knitted woolen goods millinery and mautles mantles o be slaughtered regardless of cost beady- macle clothing ajtl boys overcoats a magnificent line allwool tweed worth 1 per yard to be sold for 65c igeiits riidcrclotliiiie blanket and flannels have our blankets a flauccls direct rum the makers so rare bargains will be given heavy cloaking to he oil cheap in a stxckiso larpe and varied as ours it is iraposidble to enumerate all trie- cheap lioes that wc ane prepared oder to the public snmcc it to say that if ywtcall aid examine you will see that we arc in dead earnest about clearing out the t took our taiioriuc department is second to uone in the county a magnificent suit for h s16 and 5 1 worth ft more iu every case dress itaking and mantles made on the premises hi itrtclass st le moaraingand wedding orders a specialty we confidently expect a lluh for ihe liarfains mcleod anderson go mammoth house georgetown the elections i dyspepeia livar complaint is il nol wqnb lliesinail price ottjcnts i tofrce yourself o every eyinpiomnl iiite i distroslugeomplaluu ii ypu tlii n cai at our tlorc and cet a tnueol seiloljs in- ller ever bottle lia a illulej eumice 01 ll ue accordingly and if it does uc tin t tod ii wlllcost you uotujlij sold 1 1- j k mc- i iircvlu tvtotice to creditork worker in the i x dsliip of krin countv of wellington who died on or aboul jthe li3rd march issi are on or before the iitii krirnanlss3 0 send by poet prepaid to ll litllderob of the village of acton i their christian aud uriaiuei4jrcssc4 and saturday ioth desariptioii ihe full particulars of ttiir cuirns a ilaumeut ot their accounia and the cstur fthc tnrities lif anvj held by pound keejiera 1 thein or iu difaalj hereof lh erecutore 1 will after ihe laid iailbieiionrd dale j prcecd to distribute the auetr oi the the township j tud deceased amougst the parties entitled vews cf the council hisnt soli his wcol yet he is holding assistance was granted o indigents as at the last meeting ce ur ijiile as folios mrsuefoiest s d hunlet thereto haviag regard ouly to the claims of which the said erecutore shall liave notice dated at acton his 8th day of dauuarv is3 ii hexdkksov jamts caupbeli i for the estate of the late koiiecr allcs feu wood was sold last f if 65 and george henry 15 month and i ia csod the money i kev j s fisherisitorof ehcneier j r i p j n p ifvou nid oufv jt iii your- bill hen tloht church i presented last wu dulbnbi dlluj r nueuliored when i bought it i j eek by the congregation with a fine could have paid it but you must wait now ill f hare 64 id my wheat in allcuses when a castomer wants to buy ou etioii an indefinite credit it is best to lnve 1 dear undeistandinir at the jdew cutler ilrs fisher was also made the recipient o a bilyer cike blisket time us 0 when the event is to occur become celebratect a number of unprin makin tho crcdit lo mature on krtain day- uoa oj keep serf beware orlmlialle h since dr thomas eolectric oil hsu kockwi xew pled persons have been endeavoring i to palm oft electron andeleotric oilfor i the genuine de tnoifis itaeciaic oil beware of these similar named articles u their originators had any faith in the healing properties of heir own medi cines they would like hoest men girt them a name 01 their orn and not 17 to sell them ou the refutation of an4 other but as they i now their pre paralions hare no mer it they reaort to the oeetvuig fcelh in the town hall on mondf ottnitk m the interests of mr laidlaw kefonu candidate for south wellington waa ell represented by ha party a urgo number of con- acrvstiveslwogprfaentalso mxrf tbt most unprincipled eaai of aelling b lohnston wu i priucinil ipeaker tern by getting a name as near aa i n j- ui t u possible to eclectric yt therefor ask jcrialdaw pot leing atte u reach fi t tpp public when purchi ting lo see that kockwood iu omelfom meet id yx qu onalic batlib iue ad p op the front of tiw yapppr apd tbe in bia abgence t mr johnston ipoke or about two bon io ttndicaton oi jsmgr machine noodles agaature of noetboc i lyutu lie f roprieton for canada i in fhi baok fall lino of all staeo aa4 altofc 0st h marlatt bro ijiiiro tn tender thanka to tlia people of acton and visiaity for their kind ijatronafie since opening basinhas kevn and wo aid re- ipeciiallv solicita cootioaanoc of tliebrme and can asiart tbem that they will always have on hand a fall stock of all kinds of meat meat delivered- jfclwe will purchase good meat of any kiad from thou who wish to tell h marlatt4br0 kidneywort for the pebmwbit eou of t s con r ttt m qammptum- end ma naabkaitkr b ecrwoel tha claintad bubarwot e urn wlimecrtlttcumlvwmrmtaau tfa eme this teaaaywulatanotmlt w oil bb itiiiiilna am- 1 rllabda paioi t tot apitobt otafuaattdwtiliocsstlcatlos eilhwt rtrmffliff ttio vrakasadpsrtaaaacitfeldy caoaauhaiuerpueiotimrtan philiilojj 4 naelleiiiehbtdteteeiaalid 1 th egtrypniotcitacg u8e a public meeting of tie elceliiis of ilaltou will be lield iu flit terripettuico i-tall- acton 011 monday evening 27th february at whicli addroc will bv deli verer it is expected by h p oconnor esq mpp7 for south bruce e f b johnston esq giielph riid others is rvfrimlcfl u r tvearn or i honyire maklnf fortonas ladies mate at ik lxu1huu 10 ui jvcirue ui much as men and boys and girls t ekuoks of von ii a qcniemau wbo scrterc fir ear from nertoui debnlo preniaiuro liccrynnd all j lb cflris of youtliiql iij-jivi- v lit for he sakof rjilerine hunuuitt urtlivco io au wlio need it the- rtceljl aul dircoi for 1 ma u tip tl ijtnie raitiylv m- ie vi cur- d kaflererv wislurg in ircct in- u i ad- terllsctkexrorlence cou o 0uyjjn-rg- j in xvrfccrcontsdence jntix boitiev ll caji svfvr voik- resti uot lho is swecjiv y i any dare boo yoci die ijnle ieavt ik- li ad irxni lime wja wek lu your own to n icqi- v ittrdial invitation uf x6rck evcryitiigrcw cttrita orlt boys and girls make prtal pay- licadfr if you waal business m which ytm can make freal pay ai i ioe umc vrriie foriiflrilcniajlohhalrtt mfliue any aupportvr to be pre ent d d citrist1e i president fccou reform assu better than ever best value in tea yet offered 30c tea not equalled in town try it and be convinced a very large stock of groceriesr glassware and crockery 1 1 in hand w- vv p 1br0wn coys r i r- t goip watches i ton prmsintoton fine stock bought since cbrut- ma high grade of ameri can movements at savages xear petries hew dru store qrttelh 3ures sore eyes l old sores all skin diseasls sr feli le brans a guaranteed cnre lor venclal dfieises safe pleaunt and reliable so bad eflecta from ill que does not interfere wfib boil nets or dloi prioeiper box or three boxes lor j- nvrituo guarantees luaed by every rialy authorized ageuilo rorandlh money if ui r eo boxes fvltlo con sent poatnre prepaid on recelpe of price jirmix le brrs s co 81 4 83 klnj su east toronto bole proprietors j e mcarvio aatbortred agent for acton ontario flour feed store the auderaigned has purchased tle tioar and feed business from mr kobert iviiolt aad will carry oa thehufciocs in the haild- iatr formerly asd as a barber shop oppos ite the old feed store f will hecrj in stock and acll for cajli ffour chopped peas boiler flour ohfokbe feed fjraolatd wheat- oats peas cracked graham flour buckwheat oatmeal cora meal bran shorts chopped oats barley rye oil cftke thorley cattle feed climax feed flax seed potatoes turnips chopped barley beape to c 1 vbnr patroun rrspectnilly solicited 1 cash for all kin is or tirulu l gr matthews s t of e- s x good- a s so rtw en t for he fal tralc i q hills xrw tla d slol e dtfti ii ill stb let actoir s t o v e s is r cnur- 1 harnes trunk latiikii neyvuhso astthlsii i harness or ftrunks to vo money should y i to r cpeech acton fc w p j 1 k holmes ai j 5 mooarvins xng stiiro aoiba oat eorse aad cat h p ed at mcqaryis cruff store lives7 sale board stables mill street acton is where yon can get firstclass bigs at reasonable sate good commercial rigs an express delivery wagon will meet each express train and deliver goods tr any part of the town after the 1st march i intend to do a strict cash business only u credit will not pay for horse feed or repairs ed mattjie butcher shop b htftmes would respectfully inform thapeple of acton and vicinity tint he baspnrehaud the bnaippsa apd nrpperty pf rft v p rohinspo apd pieparp4 tfl anpply all with pjrstolass mat of alj kinds aud poultry lid oinc iv seuer- r slt delivered to any part of town at any time havhiu practical eiiperiebco iu thp butcherinc buinen 1 feci ciilfidedt that- 1 canaqitall x ca madly aohcited- holmes ll lii n ijfe

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