Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 3, 1883, p. 3

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r i ctim gm gnus a snkndid rortnwth of hook catted t lirlirt lv hoolv t geo hticu jlnbm- pll i bik n laro mock irti hrd- deafer iu jewellery faocy trook svtvl iv 4 a sutioihtv aton bits of brevity cat ad jfrparw by ike km- r tli p trtiuan far f rtattr tfcc frr prru fsr mid nwrry jfiy today is asojrsio la barv ioy will woii u- ki thcsssrtsoradtiurt aw almost eom- ittcd- base bait wm t have vvu forgotten lims far uas fcascji- straw hats tnd last summer livlnwu hu bocnrcsurwcgcd 7 a ucw sixfool sidtwalk is to be baili from mill street to the town hall tounf maples for abide trees are be- izs sfcippfttfroni ben for toronto the man who advertises uot needs but fc ck-rks- look around for proof there was an unusual demand far extra copies of the free piuss last week thcoocrse hi the driving park is in much better condition thah it was lis our nicrcliama xw prucolarh well viied with the iradt o saturday aiter- l ausjd to iht rbtuova of snperfiujas isidv branches aiitalhr fixmi ycur fruit ttws hrt cvdkil hive- iuid lrruugiiiiicnts v ihrri oonauct ihc- owr bylaw 1 h d-l- to eud cu kev r rjwv g ua liit all ur tiw iai fc li-trl- ii uc our sl ririjn ii i vcvk ilcrys- ire ii cumfxr nw ai- than at prvvrjperii adtati it i- iviirii if u txii j jitio i a yuai fr chriui us cij in ckvrsloar t j twbtuidii ajciaiju ituctra axe j nsiiici vda generi fmblshix up tgkin iiaccijat the prciniio tl wtuicr juriii ili luonth is jerauy varitbit tnivatvdiidspkvail jl nicuiarly ii tve early part of it the- pvjxrs ijr actjn cricker citib -r- evrtaiiiiy y gi this bcisyi the i ale -iiltr- tvcr 50 inmbtfr the rluiir nitttiir a the jra v edticati- will he held ii thi i unci chtihtrtr nert monday eterisg ktither c-i- acton ntw pcuoe ctll vc yet fctn cccujiied tlthoiagh they have zi cocirltiea for thrtt or four months if thia mcth dont ctcdt ap smiling ifth btautifal bicuct natanv senaes cite begniiiiig thsn twil act 6one othjr ojciderahe of the fall wheut in this vicinity locks ven unhealthy warm rai ana wanner weather arenocessary for its eoecfcisj the gom pen advertised a lost m hut uice ha been found it is very singular thoogh bow it got under the sofa in that young ladys pkrlor tlie acton yzrz paxss comes oat this week in a new dress the fiax puns is a fpicy little pae and deserrs support gitlpa delia ixaxexy is another queens birthday to be al lowed xa pass without a celebration if tnyxhinff is to be done it is high time com- rilne were appointed- we notice that mr w f freeman of milton has just passed his final medical elimination in the ontario college of phaciti ltd surgejns th uttiibers f the iliagc couucil irilldrzisji cri has ve mast con- n4ulat tiiiji tiyju the line appearance uiitrjprvtvmeht give- tbeml thf rdar iiothi onjic anion will b iilihihiroi ii fjr air i j s chutch next tiay irmh tt loyj ockkb ihe a prrisi trthi for manitobfc peei lirigb arton oi tcrda momiijg for thit were 750 pasfngurs on j rl itcjuy unglisli immigrants jfr jii iiiers nne propertr in thh- r iigc viii ot ortered far salt by auctijn 0 tiielimhii thi i a try valuable j ji j aid ehiuld ojmmtnd a good figure mr- lli snj dcr left yesterday for gstlph vnxae he hah been engaged to take charge of the carpenter work on the private govrirrct anybun in rure enrriou there at ihelietiiitltiingoithe itar ktjiexy cv gfcttgttovli the fyuovwing ofiicere wire miected president um- mcleod vlepresidct l l- bennett sectreaa tdeti -th- jtrsoli who stole the bologna -auiag- frin tht door of the city grocery lequcsicd v caltand iay for the tame jtherwiafj unpleasant cohseqaenccs may follow a he is knowj sfcrit aboat the catching of ptckled beaaties are now very plenrifuh a good inauy of our nimrode tell more about the big fellows v they almost caught than of those exhibited in their fish baaketa 72ifl little ghri who u constantly prae- ucing her ramie ittsonior needle work oon leama to be very good at either of them prctico make perfect and the more you practice the more yoa wqi learn tnat excellent monthly magazine our little one which iboild find a place in every home where there are little folks to amuse is again jjpon par table send us pent to the raaaeu publiihing company boston for a sample copy tjie or p4jfk rtw apptiajd lat eet in au entirely new dress we are glad to hee such ptusperity attending oar co em the foke pkiwi is a goahead paper auij should be appreciated by tlie people of halton tftfjpi dally mefald village varjeties j a aliruall f loral nrnl other i mntlcr r kptiii1 mtrrtil o oar vlllftftr mradrr helu llio ii aisvus iiki pruvolouv in thir j litrwi juriiy llio ml wk acconliug lo j ihc weekly hiltl bululm ut aiikdim uimucliiti nraralfia 1 iifltxnrn hcaslos fcud liiieumatimi i fire protection j 1 he chp mitnu vad jouny wipouud j vih jihcy u luu uvu diaraotcrlic ul miltoa council o fac sxk prvtcctiu is eouccruwl wc ccald aiuufct npvat the i juhiiiluimojuccniiiit acfoiiciuiiojls i i quahmij srrtc4 thj fvpdar quart rly tvkxs of ue i muhdlv i hiircli will lv hki mst kunday tuoroin ue t v tibwr of toronto i riii iiivspu mktiiuguiil ivcalni aud a- fifit in tlic admiiiigtrativu of tbe eacranieat kemcxiehin mrjw p urawn ha workmou ugagcd i i iu liuiii ui hi uwly puicliai store and j rcidoiice thti house i ixiug moved back aud a ntxvf rout will u built to it the j j riiop ie lo be cularpvl and otherrise im- j proved fiahing thcattcutiou o qwrumcu is called to i the notice in another colamn vherc mesrt i cliriptie hcndcrsuu v co infonn all coa- eemed that tliey intend reserving the fish i i pond as a private one requesting all persons to act accordingly improved 1 we are ueascd to notice that the mount forest cuivittai ha put iu a new power press also f new outfit this farcsl sbivs jitus a prperity and co doubt u sreorded the ptrouao it so justly dertis ra suce continue completion c tie towii eaii the jocund ues instructs mr mccuiia cyptrattor of the town hall that unless he proceeds forthwith to complete the exterior of the rown hall they will rinisfi it at hi expanse it is certainly time the work was j dne specially when the contract calls for rpltion by f rstof october ikj loan b7l1w carried i tne lliratnpion bylaw nanting a loan of j stjuxi to the hajisrt brothers ihanufac- i turersjf that town was carried on 5ion- i j day by a vote of ioi to gi thclare vote j i cst i frt r f the baw is strong eri- denvrtiiat thepjpleiii iinlmptm disire to encoursee manufacturers and capitalistfto j mid- and to asskt tlise 1 atialtttmtmmmtmmmmtmttkk bad rolda are very prevalent at pres ent the inunipi are rampant auiorigliock- w children the close acaou for ducki- vmuncucod ou tneidsy the lit may bicycle practice in very invigorating exercise cupecially to inexperienced hflyd- islf kew- tiiuoes new additions and im provements are now the order of the day 1u110u8 our coaiead citlrcns vlltletc8 ore practiciu iu order to gut tlie- muscles dowu lo working order by the lime holiday games and sport commence wc are selling oopie of our autograph cverj day t oue dollar each giving there with py of that most dosirsble ijcal paper the vtnu fini lvrs- for one tear i a gd deal of ddhig of lawns bor- dtra el is now being done and the man who want- to utcnrvo the turf ou hia vacant lot u almost obliged to il j it ail day willi t fiotguij a man 6hoojd at once be engagod to rake clean the frout streets a lot of struw and other rubbish has accumulated aud should be immediately removed aa far as the back streets are codcerned the reideuu tire uo doubt sufficiently loyal hearted to properly atteud to them inde pendent of the council loof dedication the splendid new hall of the i 0 0 f lodges of guelph was publicly dedicated last evening- a number of the officers of the grand lodge and brethren from other lodge were- present and took part id the ceremony after the dedicatory services l very enjoyable social was held and the brethren who had taken so much paint to have everything pass off pleaiuuy were amply rewarded far thei labors ifay success attend the members of the triple link in guelph acton brass band a meeting of those interested in uid suc cess of oeir town band was held iu matth ews hall on monday evening during the past few months the hand became con ider- ably disorganized by the rchioval of a her of the members from acton ai the mil esqueslng fall show ihjm 910 8pecul priases j0o caali for bat joxui bveda turuipa w00 cab for bott dozen maocolt rtlwd from wtd purthatod at j b mooarvins bni an4 mtaiuaery btare acou tbmfirab a okxi or cotnputiod to ah rldent anuen in ekruokliig suioju- weyo erla and ifnmoet tv dry goods house all kinds of garden field and flower -3ee08- good fresh and reliable at j e mcqarvins dnis stntlonery store come and see the fine oispuy of j spring tweeds at the east end clothing store this ebe ijcate 1 1 their already thn j this springs weather tlie gyring of hs3 wili be 1 015 remem- j ixrcd for its many wiang one day th sun thiiizs vtn brightl causing excewivej heat jyou lay awa your fur cap and j ulster jiq more appropriate apparel j ihen io ia- rlwld tht- ntt day the warm thr iives wh 10 culd winda and iakes ijf flic it i abnut time this pro- gramrle had cttd vv u bcr with five mitb f wiiittr but whtu it monop- iilztt ro- third kjrii it irjnht ob- jectioaake confirmation thipihop of xugkra bnivcdjhtrrcfrc111 guelph on molds to unldte in the con- nrmfiil trttloay in t albans church tht tvtnin the sacrui edhko va ojm- pttciy nlitd with thrf jiruiis of v-it- nespirg the administration of this holy kite i thirteen candidaurs were presented by key vs j pigott mcambent of the church who certised that they had- teat duly exarcined after which they were con firmed after the ceremony hhr lordship delivered a very able and affecting address a handsome safe ouricoai bin having become too limited and insecure a depository far the surplus wealth usually the outcome of a country- printing osce we decided that a more suit able money bor wa desirable if we would 6ecure ourselves against the moth and rust that doth corrupt the thieves that break through and steal and that ele ment more dreaded than either fire we accordingly dispatched an order to messrs- goldie mccuuoch gait and that firm have put ihio our ofece one of the finest safes we have ever had the pleasure of examining the workmanship of which commands the enconinm of all who have 1 seen it the holler mhl our citizens have subscribed stock to the omount of nearly m 3000 for the carrying out of the roller mill scheme but owing to tie faflt that farmers of the vicinity are eubscnbing cry slowly there h- an appar ent lull in the movement the farmers ehould certainly tee that the mill would prove qnally es benef cial to them as to the townspeople and if the matter is to be madea hucccsg they must come forward and dj their share in raising tlie balance of the gtcck necessary for the undertaking there is money in the business for the etockhblders as well as the community at urge j complimentary the i hamilton daily spectator pay3 ui the fallowing ruttering notice the acton yfux pte tliis lively and hand some journal seems to be reaping the re ward af enterprise success tlie last edi tion w printed from a complete new outfit of type and the proprietor i to be con gratulated upon the bright appearance of the fkec peesr we are pleased that it is in order to reciprocal tlie rpcdujr has just reoeiied a very becoming new apringlsait of latest design which ia an ex cellent fit and causes the editor of this i widely renowned journal as much gratifica- j tion as the average little chap finds in his first pair of pants may the spec prosper special services revived eev mr jmcintyre returned to acton from georgetown on saturday and the union revival services were renewed on sunday on sunday evening a mass- maeting was held in the methodist church and there were present between 500 and 600 persto the meetings were continued in he mjethodist church on monday and tueadiy ereitigf and last night in the presbyterian canrch where they will be held for the remainder of tbe week a great teal qf interest ismanifesled by those wiio attend and there are a large number of anxious enquirers after salvation each evening we trust that these special effort will bi attended with much good and ut great ontpouring of the holy spirit will be realized meeting all the vacant mstruineuis ere taken up and a general reorganization took pict tk- ban is nw composed sl f-jl- lows j c hill ut eflat leader geo garret iud flat c w hui lit b fiat f h h myth 2nd bflat w rmith 3rd bflat jatres xicklin solo alt- v e mathewtc 1st alto jas kamahaw sad alto hworden 1st tenor jpworden 2nd tenor e b kicklin baritona x 5clajn bflat baa vv williams kflat bis j speight eflat bags p kelly inart drum i francis bass drum and cmbsk under the cartful leadership of r j c hill tlie band will uo doubt be able to fcqitain their prwious high reputa- ticn f nac- music our citizen should euiear vt tncourav tho u- in their cudttx or to supply our little town with j music of a nrstcltss quality the band denv rygniti3n and support caricatuie the funny art thr lecture witli pkttchit b mr 1 w- ivxicugh of tvrwilo grin la thursday fveningin the town hall undcrthenuitpces of the members of acton lodge loo f was well attended considering the impropi- tious condition of the weather the lecture was very interesting and the numerous illus trative sketches were most laughable and were enthusiastically received by the audi ence besides caricatures of the loading politicians of the day a number of our local celebrities saw themselves depicted upon the artists easel as others see them first among these was a very suggestive portrait of our genial village clerk and physicjeom- pgcuder standing over a mortar pestle in hand mixing up msckiet and styled by the artist the practical joker of town keit came a representation of the courteous proprietor of the dominion hotel in the act of supplying a thirsty traveller in hal- ton with a drink of witch the traveller as usual expecting the landlords services for nothing the manager of actou backing co was nest portrayed 0 an enthusiastic orator 011 the political platform iu the act of exhibiting with a good deal of piato a a humble corkscrew our local lawyer then received the attention of the cartoon ist he was shown as tendering advice to a client a fair damsel sound advice no doubt he gavr- kextcame one of thelocal leaders of the reform party perchedivery comfortably upon the back of his njuch- aimired political chief hon edward blake last upon the canvas but uot least in importance among our village officials was the bellringer represented aa lying in bed with a troubled expression the hands of the clock denoting six am and ey churning with considerable emphasis i tont get up to ring that bell j the entertainment was verr en joyable and those present departed apparently well pleased with what they saw and heard elegant twesd suits from 1100 to 1600 also a largs range of serges and worsteds mauufuctured in the latest styles and on the shortest notice the ulest styles ioisml fcl sft lt eats and hlljtl now to band j fyfe hello there where are you going why to w p brown cos to buy goods thats right no place like it such an immense lot of provisions groceries glassware and crock ery continually coming iriand go ing out a person would think they supplied the whole town and coun try w p brown go the mammoth house georgetown personals l aid for rre 7 v burns of bockwood was the gueu of xf r joseph ffc several days dur ing the wet mr j a preuticc of parry sound hi acton friends a visit this week mr abram stsuifer left on saturcbv michigan where he will remain s couple of months r mr george pratt who has occupied place behind the counter of the city gro cery for the past year left yesterday for coliiflgwoocl mr james moore jr who has been em ployed for some time in the audit office of the canadian express co at montreal visited his home last week he is nov en gaged as expressman on the montreal ex press train and will probably be ab e to spend a day or so occasionally at hom i a o t 6 n grao d millinery opening this week i saturday i4th april 1883 we show an immense stock of plumes floweks laces ornaments etc a- full line of mouening i goods at prices far below all j competitors also- 2 cases of black cashmeres 2 cases of colored cashmeres 100 pieces new dress goods 100 pieces new linens 400 pieces new prints 50 pieces new embroiderys full lines of- dress trimmings in fact the most complete stock of dry goods in the county cheap for cash eggs and butter- wanted c b griffin city grocery w hi hovell has on hand a very large assortment of canned goods pickles and sauces a good supply of hams bagon and lard constantly on hand thk ceiole esbrnux in silver creek on the 25th ult the wile of mr wm ptaynj i rf a son ii the 41taii ycoicoiux fijstcheb at the reaic enoe of the brides fajber by rev 3 8 fi her mr johu j mcfjauguan to miss uaual l fleliher both of naanagaweya thecbite peonvjuv in silver creek on the 2stli ult william bn of mr wmperryuin aged 2 yean 9 months beg leave to intimate that they are daily in receipt of sew fresh spring goods including jiillinery mantle- readymade clothing tweeds gents furnishings hats k caps hosiery and small wares in fact everythiug that constitutes a firstclass stock we have exercised ourselves to our utmost capacity and made uso of our long experience and large resources to secure a stock for prices variety and quality that will burpass anything eer attempted in this comity we can assure the public that w will sell them goods at lower prices than smaller concerns lave to pay for them our steck is large and varied aud we make additions of the newest aud cheapest goods to be found in the markets of the world we call special attention to our millinery we get the new est and most fashionable material and we keep lightning hands to get up the same in superior style our dressmaking department has proved quite a success we turn out dresses ianjd mantles to the satisfaction ofour patrons we make a specialty of mourning ap parel and wedding trosseau we have an immense stock oi dress goods n all the new materials silkb satin 8a tjn deljon jjgtin marulieaux cashmeres jlc prints magnificent assortment in the dark colors lively patterns and with bbrdere a beautiful print for 5c a yard tiokiugs domestic goods cbepked phirtings ootton- ades and drillsu drill for 20c a yard that can not be torn wesell gray and white cottons at will prices our ordered clothing de partment is unsurpassed it is one of the largest concerns of the kind in jjny oorinty town we guarantee satisfeetion in quality price fit and get op carpets a magnificent stock a union carpet for 25o a yard a tapestry cat pet for 45c worth 65d we have a stock that will compare with any carpet honse for size quality and price also afiiic stock of floor oil cjoths lace curtainajlarge stock varied and cheap we respectfully ask a continuance of tbb patronage ofoqr friends and cordially invite the public generally anfl they inav defend on getting firstclass value and courteous treatment jpm ng mcleod anderson jomibiiietlltai pgql8 wishing to gft a first class articlewill find it to their advantage to patronize this house whfre they can choose from a largf and well assorted- stock we have just received a fresh supply 0e that cele brated 50 cent tea which has gained such i reputation through its own merits we will sell this tea in 5 pound lots at 45 cents per pound wfl ajh3q 8ive 13 pounds good bright sugar for li00 w hi howell iferok

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