Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 3, 1883, p. 4

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4 mma s ffv li sf jjrw gw ws tununn mouiv u law j- qur yourg folk the young fisherman llitjfcl otni1 otlv cuhllbrwl i in ik wit jclnu uy l tfcroikii vrjiiil y 0 lcr trr cavcrr s ho qclkj trvt likr iyfr sillily orirto is oh thctmini iiicjc- rti uorc witu hit ouvi fnrix wt bro ray win f ircurl hi lain irv i livorrhfiur be skvirig willi tn tiiomi hoast much cv idea of ssviu wivo kiikikm ii il a1 fahttv to il rc no aiviv of it the foutlrlai a slomiy tiiiii the wife v- ur fli k conirrchc ail current iiid i ic in in u- tt uio licvi of tjoniplitlmi thj tiit our in i if the vrcrili cultivr thus uhfhthvv ivill jlv uyiij nieit couriu ii jkt in s ntinj y sir vi htxix hii a rit ki vay filif kp lkcvjnt of if- iht how inikli iic urvjf sm1 finiy thi- iati ujon tkjjin v mf ufurv hh thiktlyv vhit x uknjublii- mysterious i the alrniiiig nature of tjnseen d angers accounted for jvhy keii arid women are timid nhi i i vm i rri j rowed for all tuclt troubles is wanicrn safe cure made from a tropic leaf vchoso property- like pcraviaii barkvaro known j and muiuhblo it ael til oucc and naturally uhj 11 organs wbidi producfl ihwo din tro troulilcf carrying health to the chlitv svvuiu mid tiatiwliui pafu while hie nunt rcriou evils which can aittkt man otxvumankind an thoc which i arik from diirdcrel kidney they arc discaj which can 10 controlled if lakta in unu the trouble is that they arc un- t sii cvih and the primary danger arices from the fcl that the fiymptom they mauiftst aix net nxoguid but arcattrib- utable io oim minor disorder which by being contidcrcd slight is pcrrailtod to fasten iuolf upon the eyttern that one- half of physical disorders arise from imper fect kidicyi is n new but settled truth aiid that lliina disonlors might be prevented by using warner safe curo is equally lru tluvisank of teoplc including prominent j phwciiins k-icutit- ami divines who have known of its wonderful power indorse and ruvmnieiid it it cts upon both liver j aud kidlej in r direct und certain munucr uid invuribly relieves and strengthens hth it jiut- thern in a healthy condition wlivn tlherwi uiey would become in- ihnull it giv il pitsnug tonic to the citirv tc in and lkinnouires all the part jiinii throuihou rhe world soils it mid topprtuitv for thus obtaining its wnciits ar brought near to even one it i will oc thf mlfry of good healtli aud k- kc the day on which tomes the civt nvtirv tiv i- im lh wtiinj illijautl fvihiilc fiml k mu- i-li- fir sll icrvui- iilttctiui in pr k f wflv nrlv itkim tr illwiil a i si il 1 i mjsivinh llr s a atv m tii- niir yursof oiiii m ililv iiilllt tnvk mi wiitt uht iwkeuk if iiaililil lt itwav f i t olicv ippinl hr cc vfb im- kdvctnc od sid tb iuuiiiuiv rli xlic piiu lira in lliart wj i lir i ill rt i i rmiim inls v ls ll-lin- cf iii r-jitilc- i i lii- ii- i ilt lifj i- frensh dress goods french laces french flowers at right house mr wl ham c watkins ha juit rolurncd from iiarope alter ipondlog nearly three montha in aearohing for and aurohaaing one or the largest atncla in the rery uewoat and tuoat faahionable style over imported for the right home bought for caah down at tfio rery loweat prions thst good aervlceabletuaitiea and newesi deaigna oould bo procured for while in tarii heeoufd a lotof cfaanoidg real uoealn the latest ilyles an enorruoua atook of french all wool dreasoooda opened up lately consisting ql about 31600 yardi besides a large stock of briiiah dreae goodi juatorrlicd about 2000 jarda offreoch ail woolfoulenunsclolh in ull the iw colora wliich is selling offal only 20oper vaixi ladiea requiring handsome all- wool dresses should scethelatestnoreltieaatlhe hlgbihouae ad immense atock ofheautiful french ostrich feathers in all the new colora ranging frotd 1jj upto10eaoh ao abundanoe of french flowers in oharmldg designs and shado jirntarrired the ery latest stylos and nowost designs in satin straw chip indented and canton uauand bonueta pileaofbtraw hats for toys and youthtit excedmsly low prices in the latest fashlo is a rory larse slock of boys navy and black ersej knlokerbooken and jersey caps about 6001x1 yards of eryhondiome prints and cretonne in all colors slyleji and qualities ran f log irotn 5 to 20o to aeleot from arry large and varied stock of french ribbons of iho rery latstfahinsin txceedrn good ralue arrived inoly krcucii silks of pure italian slock that will not out or get gloaay in wearing to hand brocho and aloire antique silks mid silins iu ireal variety of shades and iunlilies in superior value silks sold for dressea and mantles at a great reduction une of tlie largest and cheapest slocks of carpets in ontario lo select from cousistngoc almost every kind and quality usually sold in canada just ace his immense new carpet room filled to the utmost- capacity the kijhl uoase king street bast close lo ilugiiton street thouamots ifmllillnn r 500 vvc will ivivlue a i i2iii issj thomas c watkins hamilton eeward ivilue above rovanf furauy cast of liver com ilalul hyknjplo slclc hoad aeuf indjeeatlnn consttnalloi nr coillve- dfufffcxiid ilcure wflli vstfifti voidable liver ihis when itie dirtciloruarc utrlclly compiled with tiiey ar tiurely ycceiable and ncrr fh to rive 6t isricion hucar coated liriro boie eotitfllnluc sci plllfis eetiif for kale by ail drtir jutr beware of romiicrfiu iiul imlt at ion the genuine raaiicrc nod aiilviu joitx c vrt 4 co thp rill mikcrm 4 fr3 kltufht knlto- roiit it tree irul parktce rent by mall prvpiid tm rtcclitof a 3 ciut tiinj krs lroii lydia e pinkham8 vssetisle oompoitcti i tmm- lrivmfrsalc pruc i i ii ect tmiitlj tie wont faroel ritzilt jzx an eiif-sti-h-jirwcjviti-tfji- ft- r i iljlrx t4i tairrfflstj aui tlc c- r v- l ikuah who is umaoqua1ntko with tht okooraphy of this country will qci sy k3caminino this map that thb l- cflt t cm re jt in 11 i r iinniipl tjvtv k kl mt v i i il i v uii miuicljn udnng i- ril talt tt imlik f i ittu ufsuiilr vftvsi irtrstjw tnv wl 1 i it- rly f i the hmras ciceh iiy should tb- l lesr aiut o-jinpreh- i i-re- vrould become narii vc woid to if le liver or kidney k slid tvt dextlil of iek lm il i- ti lt i- drft iiorjrrd in that sch rct- it i- hi d be and rt s crnnn ehiilddoi i if the i-jticitenkhai- ii3iid kt broken it i j jjli ak hft the- result ti iht f my praftiii l lj tlirtiii iid- invcttvtry d l ciiv w rtimuiiiijtd t- ill- i lw iv pire ii li ti i v ciiiroiv liiul 1y uil o i ii-rt- jd mi attftfl t uv id c- iit aiit lnvt nhild lifiit p -jmi- a vriit lf r iv- ivpurt iovriel i- w t litr kjtn- prrxent mr m k aiiihon hnchiriii ktj sivol iisiifibv a viijipic trlsl hntc of lr ki new livctv for oimjml- iiiu v hiui ciud litn to prtcuie luge iritlv ii cmpiudy cured him wliu siiii pxtr chcn uf cliillitt aud ever tiling c hull fiiiltd airi drumuitir iircrjr seurecjiuchf nd all i limit i to iiirciitlv hnn h mijrnircr the life ithty must ik- j future xl trite a iiii dns nsilfc in ones ovrtirf i a tnc t jwhl but uiir ov- hilet ls li- iio mtns ill tlitf unriinjuris that ciraetj thchnnifa sden tiieru are l ihouiaud evij icuu- cucts all arrullj us at var i vith our live- they rc inhtkd ivv tlie icnir- and ison the lilrl tiey rc- isrlii tiirojh the shin i i vjxjt ii tey re devirci v- itn the irrl iiil ek- the niort imjrt- nt jrlmi- f ih- tiy th- iiretrniuittei itvii vh tcliiv ind minttls eb i tii i hfre l fll cuarinittd to t mldaivins tlru- crvt von if ire ti uii mr abnihsin iiuh cicham wrils i liivt lietii itiiihled vlii a in re 1 ui tnr- rf igc id have tiltn ijuliiliie of hotjim of diffcrtnt kinds of intsliciue with do relief i aw the advsr- tistaet of xrtlrcp t lymans etnuldoa of col gver oil with lime ud jsrvji and deriiini lo try it i fcavetsfctn one little und il h- niveu me inore ricf than any- thinj i iuve ercr tried before an j i luvc- ztil jhjurciiiivcrjniiernlih it to those- 1 h gi il j hi is vr t ihin vim 1 ti ihnihirh- t- all ltd u hve 1 iltin tin djilha i jsejnl 2 li i jnfrnr i- a card re uireritu from the- errors ij- yjtjiv iirvoji ui-a- v i i ilii a ic i thrt iil curetnu f line hi iftit remedy ws dis riir in siutii aneriei lrd enoiipc to the fjrv lrtarvt v r nt tiie fed i iiudiy tirel ue dty hut it fj i culhyoereertijn ho tivc it little ttetoi the nest day h tvas iimi hiipuid but his liekd pained hih tui iklirilmicdtn infection ud tj ii furdicr notice of t jltttri veut uhyiu iuthis vay for jyvertil vceki the- leadichei and kiifrutir increasing rtompanied ocelmouly fcy certain dull j-iii- in vricro srts cf the body he rss not wholly insensible to thee troubles hat heijig cloely ckjcanied heheeilessly overlooked them there fiuallv came an iuteue iin in the mall of aufcle- svoiei tttv- the back his ee- their natur al k hjft wtit ijuuja jok irjft-rc- of liitn ajid life fxmea one- iuieitw jiin a ihyiiciu v- ciljod- vho nronutmced it urisdis di of the udjiejv wliidi he as able to rdieve but could not cure koir liad any one warned this gentleman that the fcmitoni that had troubled him w long arose from the kidoeya he wotdd have attended to them at once hut he did not hwv it and many man and women today in every pan of america are koifer- inr substantially as did tiiis gentleman and freuj the sauij causo end it i hidi titue th tloojd iaav wljatjit mean it wcauainotnt diacemfctt fqture unhaipi oesa and premature death ojijess attended to promptly and treats the onlj discovery which had erer been made in the kqkey3livrurihary organs the best blooo pi hiheh there unnlinc iliyhy which andiseaie can be cure and tht la fay removing- be cfe- whatever ll may be cde jr real me f-l- cal iiiintllfs of th day declaro thot nsarly verjilftpe fffraned by deranged kidneys or ihcr to restore ihest therefore u he miiy vraj by wlifcb health ran b becured here ik where wahkekm safzcurk has achivtditkrearepctailon itacts dlrect- r njxdn the kldneyshdd llvtand oy pltclnjj them in n healthy condition drives disease and paia from h- yatra for nil kidney llvrrand urinary troubles for he alstresi hif diirdiv of woiaun for molarlfl and lijlrl inmbjf c tier ally tlifii prtt rem edy his noaxfual rtewareoflmpoxtor im itation andeoacoclioiis kald to bejast as cwd knr lfabcteft nk for wabxebk safe ura- bktrscrak korralo by ail dealerr n u iraunek co tortntdontr eotniwcwt ukttoiixns it ctv di xrril rt tr uti1vi1r ltirjt pcrcicttlty rani ttr 11 l iijitijitaiitlsaai cadtr al efrcaastaur- ti utt t tla uwi jut ft3ttrifcnijrjttra icrliocrccf cjiiairy coajpaxiau cf ciitcr ffx 1 ha c- o t rpu iol lvdij e fi3ts3lu1y tecetajile cok- rotxu it ircpirtdau s3 miic3 wtm xto ltc jlir rrcclimxbounfor4 scctbrrcii is ihr fena cf rqi tlma la tie forni of larojr ca rrtftf prie f i per bca for siiihstr jcn flsusux f g- 1 t rv all ktter of tryi 6 f r jic asjcimi u aucjc xcnfiim ud povt- irvn itla tirf cro aytiti toue jjjid fiy oil drbaj chicago rock island pacific r y jnc th oreatoontral une aflofda to travelers by reason of its unrlraled go- craphloal position the shortest and best route between the east northeast and southeast and the west northwest and southwest it is literally and strictly true that tts connections are all of the principal linos of road between the atlantic and the pacific br its main line and branches it reaches chicago jolist poorfa ottawa la salle qeneseo motlne and rock island in illinois i davenport muscatine washington keokuk knonrflle oskaloosa fairfield dos moines wen liberty iowa city atlantic aroca audubon harlan outhrfo center and council bluffs in iowa gallatin trenton cameron nd kansas city in missouri and learen- wonh and atchison n kansas and the hundreds of cities villages and towns intermediate the great rock island route as it fa familiarly eallad offer to trawler all the advantages and comforts incident to a smooth track safe bridges union depots at all connecting points fast tlpress trnns composed of commodious well ventilated well heatto finely upholstebtd and eleoant day coaches i a una of the most magnificent horton rccunino chair cars ever built i pullmans latest designed and handsomest palace 8leeping cars and dihinq cass that are acknowledged br press and people to be the finest run upon aur road in the country and in which superior meals are aenrod to trarelcrs at the low rate of 8eventyfive cent8 each three trains each war between chicago ad the missouri river two trains each war between chicaqo and minneapolis and st paul c famous albert lea route a icw i direct line via seneca and kankakee has recently been opened between newport news fmohmond cincinnati indianapolis anj la fayette end council blufts st paul minneapolis and intermediate points ah though passengers carried on fast express trains for more detaim information soe maps and folders which may be obtained as wed as tickets it alt principal ticket office in the united states and canada or of r r cable vieeprest 4 ceni nsper e st john oenl tfct 4 passr ag chicago rij aiiti rlllt a for ttiruri no more long sittings k i bin etwort is a sure cure for all disease of the kjcfnors and i lbver nhjwtriiiashicc2tms smart inpcrtait j ctexz r- i t thw c2tfst7idity cai f- f th lcit awtfietiaa of tic 2i vsi t7fkccic ia brrcu in fr j ccni- tsectiag it ttfalar dichirre ifycti area croai culliri arn via fffnr lcr caaxlitilicdeidaiit molopia ifyoa area froai wort wci rertuj reliere tad tjdticlt ca la tie flprim- ta elata taa fly ttery ese r liie ft ticrjaft c- of u soldbydrucqists prtcetbj rclimewsrt mamhott we are making all kinds of photographs in i from one to five seconds by the new prosess j dry plates in all kinds of weather j da not wait for sunshine but come right along j a gootfline of frames and mouldings o 1 hand selling cheap 1 c w hill iiovt lost th utiimin hntrd row restokeii i f recently j uhll lied a new i ifllr celtrrvrlla ielf baeghiir s -ox- jirrif iijkicti tlvjlj on uk- cyclical mid i pinjaiii curf- kjjlmut racll- clnetrncrvo-lf-l-no- jlenfuiinf ptijflc- ailtifaiuiiy i nine- lluicitsoimarrie rcjuilliilrllxjoc tihctifcliratf efsay cierriv yrr- tluiklarralueonn- po ikrcr inny ite riipilly cored wltlioul iho dintruds jrwdf lulcriii medicines or the nfo ftl he knls icj3niriffij a njfide of cure itori- irjiie rfrtaln imifivciab- buggies and democrat wagons spejcht son what sin ruiklltlc chriitiy iirtvtltij tliie lfuirc flinld iio ii tlie iianj ol irl ci cveryrn ut addrt-s- alcrwcu the postoflicc has u0 -cij- nijurer no miuter niry tic tnsycurelilraseii titid radically palo onvtlopconly tl els mpw t iriiar iu tins admlrablti- niinftrjich from tinrir j rave a number ol new aud fiifetclas buggies and democrat vpgous left over above their orders fo a llie season and are prouired to dieposd of them at a considerable reduction fob cash the surplus stock must be sold to make room for winter stock and bargaius will most decidedly be given those who require rigs of i any kind shauld give us a call you koow our make of rigs call 3lcdlca co i nnd see theiq igood stock of furniture und undertakiugsup- ii inn m vcvr lort i plies as usual j j a speight manager ry mania iltelaiid coks sliilohs cohsurnption cure- thi- h lifjftpd ih- titin tho ninti uccc-i- fu c ugh medielri uc have ever old a fer dnos 1 ii vara lily lire ihe rnr ccf if cottffii crrii arid hioicjiith while llt wnnderrnnt-cl-kdithc- ctirfnfcatjmiiiitiian tm itlnni ntll i in tlie iliiory if rnedf cine hliice- il ri si ikctnry it ln iiotu mid in rttntnieet lcvtluef uutnlicr inc dfcint cu od if yoa livc a coogii ire- parnehly rfc you n try ii irloc vjcisiiq cif andsi en ii jyurlanef are sore cliet or hacic maicud sbliofiv iarnus ilnsicr sold by jk jicgiivln now for it fouipk jy t- o blood r- ppicl frinblg ia i tlie ntlcutiuu of every one is called lo the startling kedacliops made iu oiinv lines cf new goods our sales of dress goods miilioerj- jackets aod ilsurrsare farina ante i of last year and to clear out llic- few jackets dolmans aud ulsters left tliey will it sac- rificed ti tle inw- figures tiow quoted j imerj no- sw itdrifcd in 10 ulatrf uovv jaio reduced to ftlo illlt iinf400 rudiiwtl t ulsin mm jg 00 aid j80u reduced to jvioo and cl0 beaver jackets nrnr s300 rcdnce1 to 100 reaver jackets 300 500 and up reduced foo to ki 00 100d forfeit havlngtne iltmosl eoofldenee in lie wuper- lorifynverflll otliets andsftei thousand ol tests of the raokl chra plicated and xeverent esses we could flndjwe jatlbed in oflei- inn lo rorfell one tuoonand uollnn foraoy esse of coughs colds nor ihroi lnflurota lioarsenesf oonchltlscouiiinlnon in its errly hugo wluipln eoush wnd i dla enfcefiofilielliroatndlungiicxcertastlinifl lor wuich r unlj lnim relioi that re cini cure with wests coush cyrup trhen inkifb accordlns to dlretlong kannic lionlen ti anlmcentf largrbhlllfsonedillar genuine rnppersonlylu mne hold hylldrnirf1u dot itox iktntm are aeter- oar styles trimmed auc untrimmed uitlliuery will be sold it less than unlfcot wi mined not to cgrry one howrer we have had a moat anoccasful season are the vewest and onr cheap prices popnlar will offer black silks bouskt aube recent sales in toronto at prices that will speak for chhapuess and quulity scethein and then judfje ladiet aiurt uow and cho select now a splendid lot of wool squares japanese silks at 3o only a small lot onr advice is hurry np they cant tie re pealed butcher shop r holsmes wcnlti rti tclfuily inform the rcpe of aclon aiil viitiitv url he ia ruicliatfd uic lj mlitf rtriy fr iv c riiit i iivpared tn ipjiv si with firstclass meat iit ti- sir at aiv tm tra to any part of town it hvin irnct- evpencuce ill the lintchtrii llaiif i fee rufidtnt lhat i can rcit all a call kindly ilicita n houses buttefeolor l a we w discovery ftptot wtrnu 7n ve bj fnraklwd tb otirjasra of awrk vith ta exreoest am odalwlor for batten t taeritorioa ukattt mil irttfi tmi faerta ckrrwhajm w tw- hlfffaert aad olx prizv boqtlateratxhmli darirrr tbot by ptfvot itil klrauiv efceafcal r- nurk t barm lpnmd in wren potam tad qw arr mm at cour u fiu bat i tksworti r will wot color the imrmiiiu h il will hoi turnhanokl rtlstfts toronaas naomsst and ohssipsot cole ludaw tfrisd wuk imand la ou b mrfbte lor it k ta trwff t ill imiullou ulltd oor ou eoton or u ire iliututeeesa ruddid poll tb better i xtu yoo msihs im tbs imprvrrt writ m to kaov irura sad dot to art it rltbost extra fetm k writs kltnistot i co turlbrlm tl la i sb i sfcaaabsabasfca 1 i- 1 hills tin stove depot t uohi assuuimijntox sioves theap am cash tinware of all kinds at ikittum piuceh eavetroughfng a spialty and plt tp un nu1ick shortest first class material only uskd a call solicited j o mill mill st mm a a tu iiijj i iiynv- v tlie l i jaji ric 1- lntiif now j i jhvr in jicitlk giail not how oil stjihrrumatism s freemajts woem povdehs aro vian o takf conula their own tn uc i a ic sure aud rfteetuml dif tiyrr p birnj in children pradflltsi cxm cr a jti ixc cluble and proapt remedy fcr the jeswrsj of komadi inj iii ot pia worms free ciild or iiajt it i ctsy tolave never tiih olnefy hinalat nd reqciir no flsvith medicine cjlf 15bletmts7 vnctbbit and troy ny pricp r 25 cis 60ld evervwher 8maft fvormremtt y vimin ft wtirr k tnki lt it- will wyrj iif cvkii cijii fi- i- a 1 ci auirn ii ft i i sow fthtd cvcritliere tii lime vmi n gc inur wlisital- no oilier trjtiie vll y a c can fiil tiy rnasla ii ivico fre- mit- tmile my ajr- tkf worth their weight in gold willcureor reueye biuoushess dizziness dyspepsia drops r ihdigestion fluttering jaundice of tfietieart eryslpeijts acidity of salt rheuu the stomach heartburn dryness headache of ttfe skin and every species iddiiue ariiine from dlwrdered liver kidneys stomach bowels op blooo 7 hilburn 60 ssiw ikifismays pills ointment this ixojliparabli icedicise he rl for vv iiujjtritliabk fame lhjhv rhifr auteuicuii ami f i j which hiiuiatlitiuheit i the pills purify regulate and improve the quality of the bloot they nisist the digestif organs cleanse the stomach aud bowels increase the secretory powers of ihe liver brace the nervous system and throw into the circulation the purest elements for sustaining lind repairing the frame thousands ol persona hate testified that by heir use alone they have been restored to health and strength after every other means had proved unauo- cessfui ihumhahlhl wu stewart gurtbl will be ibmul invaluaole in every house hold in the cure of open sores hard tumors sal lofs 014 wous43 ooufla coldssore throats bronchitis and all duoideia ol the ihroat and chest as auo lout uheuniatistn ccroiuln and every kind of skin disease manufactured only at professor uol- loways establishment 533 oyfokd stbekt london and sold ous 1u 2 3d 4s od 2li and 33a each box ard pot and in canada at 36 denla 90 cents and ilso and the larger sites in proportion jarcidtion i have no amentia the united slates nor are my medicines sold there purchaser should therefore look to the ubel on the potaand boxee it the address ia not 333 oxford stroat i london tbiy aro spurious j the trade mark of ray aid mediolnei is registered in ottawa and alio at washington fd thomas hoiilowa 533 uxford street london iiivs nimilir mmintiae- tao gscat rijelisn auscdy irrlhi j iirtfors miuhl viiki- spiuii rrnti ut if ml t t15 n lui iilivr is i icince ftl s if t c lc ol mem- mvlsi vei- i i ji si udepaln iu ihe dimntrsbl vis- n ion preninr uld je and before taking miny other disrnjek that leaj lo iisail orooiisnmi tiuu jerrfam luiilcolarsln mir pimphiet uljicu we de sire to send free by mail to every one s3the speclnr mediclnlsolit by nlldrug- iiru ai lco pr siftage or li riickagei for 3 or will b em free by mall on re reip of the monevby id- dresluc th9 jry llcdieijio co afta toronto onl cqftds sold by j e meoarvin urujtist acton tf dp ec vksts neilvhad ijhaiktajut mksr n cuaraneea eclflo ror hjetertec dlul nets con voislomfiu nervoobneanil- rli hcadaclif nervous lrrsimtloaeanied by uic ti r tt nlcoiol rr tobtccu wakeful- new mental repression sonniu rj tl umln rtvullltic in liisinliy and lndloxlo mlkerydecatttnddenlbprriiialnreoidajee bortvnnetr tss of powtr in eltuemtj in voluntary uesandsptrnuitorrlicracaoed by overfiieron of tnt brain wlfqbosecr overindnljence odo bos till on re recenl cues actitoxconinln5 0i months ireit- mem une dollnr n lies cr fix boxes for flva dollarf wutby mail on receirttf price- w knaaulepisose8lo cure ruv cape willi earn order rrelvu by ok fori bojeno- onmpanlfd villi flvedollirv wcllueoutbe purcliusir our wrmlen ewrnnlee i roracd the nrnney lfshe trcatmrni tw 4 det care inhrnatecx tsgupd rnlv hj jemc- oakyik ol aiuhorizi 1 apeiit for acton ont john c v ijst 4 co sole- proprietors toronto out x kl 4 m csarrhclirf noottreindpuyf a uol and cmttirutiou trt tmeot two dutct medidaw one ac tor en the njl puafes hewt tbn a ad oni th other on the liter x daeji ad blood iistantanechq ecowomlcal safe radical treatment sold fly alldrugcists price 75 cts if not foajad mtuctory the pn e rid wl be rdtfoded some chronic o ow natt cases of i005 itjndinj may raire riora area to six ractagn t t icct a permanent curt mmwm montreal 4tr0y h y

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