Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 14, 1883, p. 5

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u turbsmt mm j jckr it 1688 our yourg f olks old folks and young rolks ltc been doti to bns for my birthday vou tuistod nw old tqvmt t kao t tlidnt tell her i ni homssick bt twser old dog tt m i dtttfbter soiy xru loring and umder and frd juil u kind ai could be but somehow old dog more than ertr tboy all icem inch tocjra oiks to mc tbs world tf t3ay it a nor world when ottlitiiomc limits i stray i bur now and then poopio whtipcr thar used lo do to la hi day uy old wt plcamjit to choriah tboy uu hm lo dart that hat bea aud my ajietr little fancies u my be root in grassy grtvw ptfltx trt aiouated lifes bill and dcaccodm sna know there an thorai ou the w y pro forded bright itmnit in ita talky and foojid jaccvd rocks noath the axy lv locoed ou tome tuff which betrayed me ive found pleasure shadowed by pain aud o have lo faith in the airue that iliiiuiucrs altood ou lijtji plain i say uahi of all this to suty uod uos her aui brighton her day with the lore the has cbosca yet tomehow i cauia very gladly away to my dog aud my cat and my gaxuec my ahabby armchair by the fixe to the ricw down the valley and cigh it the church titbit sroeul modest spire- loncly xver here wit bmbr capers come clinffin lo mina in the gloom my hairtlace comiug bithfll with his happy yowyf futf all abloom here the woman i lored kti beaido mc with her chircp of home and its care and the laulct come near in th twilight to whisper their woea and their pruywi ah yea til are vanished yoo tell me xor come into siht at my cu tbjouhmaxnige and death and brtad-wic- niag theyve left me these loving ones all xay here i keep trust with their sbadowi aud yet hoi my deax suit dans to ray neck whec l left her bat toner they ail eoecied to dreadfully yocug promptness half the valne of anytliing lo be done consists in doing i promptly ajjd yet a large class of persons are always more or less urjptmctaal and late tneir wotk is aiviys in advance to them and eo it is wiih their euagemcnts they are ute in rising in the morning and in going to bed it night late at their meals late at the counting- honse or office late at church late at their appointments with others their letters are sen to the postoffice just as the mail is closed- they arrive at the wharf just as the steamboat is leaving it they come into the station just as the train is going out- they 6a not entirely forget or omit the engagement or the duty bet they arc always behind the time and so are in haste orrather in a hurry as if they had been born a little too late and forever were trying to catch np with the lost time they waste time for themselves and waste t it for- others and fail of the comfort aud innnenoe and success nrhich they miht have found in systematic and habitual panctnalitr a good old lady xho was asked why she was so early m her seat in church is sail to hare replied that it was pxrt o her religion not to disturb the religion of others and if it were with all a part both of cotirtsey and duty not to say of religion never to be nnpanctnol they would save time tor as well as annoy ance to others and aid themselves to success and inilnence in a thousand ways j pet names as kerchiefs laid away with scentbags i imbibe their pert time so pet words from home uses acquire a sweetness not their j own it is a good sign when one sits down aifaiiuu with strangers to hearthe ms- culine andihe feminine heads of the table lather and mother each other the high chairs and the little plates associated with theorigin of those appellations may be long gone from the sides thereof bat the memory of the flaxen carls that used to wave over them is still there embalmed in the amber of those loving designations the more if father and mother are bow themselves grown whitehaired and venerable- a ufe sxtfnz rrcaex mr ji e aliiioa hutchinson km- saved his life by a simple trial bottle of dr kings kevr discovery f consump tion which caused him to procare a large bottle that complete v cored him when dotnr chinge of chmite aad ertrylhig else hid failed- asthma bronchitis hoarse ness severe conghs and all throat ana lang diseases it is guaranteed o cur- trial bottles free at icgatrin drngstorc large size 5 1 00 fu and bagx flies roaches ant bedbugs rate mice gophers cmpmanks cleared oat by koagb on eats i5c uappf consravalfoa diwyjvcred the means br which any lady may wear slipjjera or thoes ooe or two sizes mailer thin usual everyone who bar used pctxams taivleas coev evtkactor is pleased with tle result very few persons are exempt from snflcring great discomfort and pain from corns bat corns are of small importance when they may be removed by a jew spplicaticub of putnams palolcai corn extractor beware of sauntitotes and had coariterfetu sarc prompt and ikiinscss bold everywhere by drngjiats xc c polsox co kingston proprie- tjr holiowagt pilltwtoufr made right every day that any bodily suffering is pfcraiued to coutuiue renders itmore cer tain to become cbruuic or dangerous hollowava purifyiug cooling and strength ening pills are jvell adopted for any irregularity of the human body and should be taken when tbeaioaiacb is disordtred the liver deraeged the kiudeys iaactitc the bowela torpid or the brain muddled with tbia medicioe every invalid can cote himself and those who are weak and infirm through unperfecl digestion may make themelvetrcng and stout by holloways mcelleot piua a few dotes of them nmallf mitigate tbe mott painful symptoms caused by uadigested food from which they tbdfdogb free ttte altneatary cuul asd completely restore its naionj power ailuwtr ha at til can any one bring m a case ot kidney or liver complaint luat electric bitten will not speedily cum wo say they can not u thctaidt o chtca already perranncnlly ound nod who arc dally recommending electric lultars will prove- brights dueibo diabelci weak baek or aov urioarv coinplaiut quickly cured tboy purify the blood regulate the bowels and act directly ou the dtstaed parti every boltlo gunrftutccd forila by j e mc- oarrio kidney dlaeaae pain irriulioo keteodon lucoutinu- eaco deposiu gratel 4o cured by buchupalba l mrs ohem river street toronto used dr thomas ecleclris oil for her cows for cracked and sore tiu aba thinks there la nothing like it she also used it when her horses had thcepttootic with the very best result do not be persuaded to taka any other oil in place of llr thomas eclectric oil vounglady do not despair dr e c wcus nerve ani brain traimenl will cure hysteria and all nervouv troubles sold at 5 e itcgurrius ditig store oeeuaeormcn nervous weakness llyipepsii im rjotencc sexual debility cured by wells health renewer fl shiloh8 oataarh hemedy a marvellous cure for citarrhdipfhheru canker mouth and headache with each bouetliere ie au ingenious nasal lujector forth more successful tceatmeat of these cofe plaints without eitrachrrge pricc50 ceuts sold by j e mcgirvin the progress or medical esuiitcs mest lai ltd to the abondoumect cf many antiquated remedies of qnestionable valne and the adoption of netver and more ration al ones prominent among the latter u northrop fc lymans vegetable discovery and dyipeplic cure the jaetly ceebrild blood purifier a comprehensive family remedy for liver complaint contipttoi indigestion loss of physictal eucrgyitd femilejcompuiau why be downcast true you may be in a miserable condition you may be weak rxalij and ucrvous vac cannot sleep at night nor ccjy yiur watiic haurt yet why lote heart 1 tttt a bottle of burdock blood bitters it will restore you lo health and peace of micdj mr abraham oibb vangbsn writes i have becu truubled witii athmi tiocc i wa5 ttn yeirs u age ind have lali hundred cf bottles of different kinds nf medicine with no relief i raw the a iver tisemeat of xorthnp fc lymans emulsive of cod liver oil rith lime and oi acd denained to try it i hare takeu one bottle acd it his given me marc- relief tan anything i hare ever tried before and i have vel plerar in r com mending it to those erjilirty sglictcd gw mingaypirkdalc toronto writes my ifr hid sjiltil very terere attacks of crimpi in the etomich hearing cf dfu atnv piofiiinsn ard u plcaeantutss to take i give her two bottle- and she ut not had in attact since and her health is much improved for sale by all dregcits now that there is i reliable remedy fur kidney troubles half the terrors attached to thrtc complaints hare been removed tor this let all be tlunkforlfand to dr v bcress kiusev ccse award all praise for hiring lhcg removed a hitherto considered fatal dkease from our path it was never known to fail sold byj e mccurvin- xo household should he considered com plete withoat a bottle of da vax bcuxss krdkncuke is in the closet it is the only remedy that will positively petmin- rntly and promptly care all forms of kidney disease sold by j e mcoarvin a card to all who are buffering from the errors acd indiscretions of youth nervous weak- he early decay loss of minhood 6k 1 will send a recipe that will cure yoofeez oe chapce this great remedy was di- covered by a missionary in south aiferica send a selfidd reused enrce to the rev joseth t ihas station dxac yorbcutf hotkrn ttaihert ffadterili are yon disf urbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering nd crying with the excruchitingpain of catting teeth if to go et once and get a bottle of mrs winslows soothing syrnp it will relieve the poor little tufferer immediately depend upon it there ia uo mistake about it there ie not a mother on earth who has erer used it whowill not tell yoa at once that it will regulate the bowels and give rest to the mother and relief and health to the child operating like rnaic it is perfecty sale to use in all cases and pleaiaut to the taste and ia the prescrip tion of ooe of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the united states sold everywhere at 25 cents a bottle enormous reduction in pflcps at the right house this week m if a large qnaouly of flowers worth from 10 to 80o an lelllnr off at only 0 othere worth from 20 to 15c are reduced to 10c lndloi and hau ortb mo arc telling ott at only isie hntaare ofleilngat a meat reduction niee saab klbbons selling off at only 80c wide plaid ribbons aeillnc for 15c ijo incy nibbonj sw gnlng off at only 8c a lot of colored and blaol bnllus worth 1 ar marked down to 80c kl olores markod down from 8lc lo 25c tlic atons aic filled ltb an onormous atook of new and fashlousblc goodi including almost crery kind that is woven and a tail quantity of fancy articles not woven comprises a stock of about 000 whlcbr is soiling off at exceedingly tow prices just see the paniols the itylei ar new and beautiful and the wine excellent the great sale of o loves n i ilill i coing on at ouly half their real valuo the enormoos sole of dress oaoda at about half price l making lively tlmea do not forget to examine the ladies oenu and boren s underclothing and nockwear of all kinds the value is good the qualities exotlloiit and the makes and styles unsurpassed bo sure to tec the immense stock or rrtdt at ail prices from 5 to 20c lots ot prints at 7c fully at good as last eeoioua 8t the 10c prints compare well with those sold last winter at 121c and so on for the hliner prices the dress goods have au astonishing sale the designs are now and beautiful the qualities good and the prices low be sure to exajnine ihc hew brocne grenadine and other dress goods of light texture just suitable for the warm weather coming on tula month the while and colored shiitlngs have au immense falo thy arc sneb good value juit soo iho 8c yard wide flno white shirtings also the 10o mo and better qualities in hne medium and bcuy makes they nru very cheap the- grey cotlom have beou gmally reduced also in price lately examine the 6o grey cotton it surprises people the higher priced cottoni arc equally rood value there is 1 great run on the carpeta floor oilcloths mattfbgs mats rugs carpetsweepen e the styles qualities and prices all give good kuwucutp to cortomcrs the store t ho name on iho sign it thomas c watkins hamilton are nit king street cost dole to uughion itroet hamilton june uth 1888 where do you buy your footwear in asking the above question wo simplydesircyoutocxamineciose- ly tired mnin points istqnnlily material 3udsljic fit and work arclrtce size or bui and when you are satisfied with conclusions pay us a visit aud wewill guarantecquality of ma terial style of fit and work und an appreciable saving ou your order splendid stock of spring ooodfl for ladies gentlemen and child ren just opened- it these are sufficient considera tions please call on kenney son main street acton speight son acton undertakers carriage makers c are prepared to furnish everything in their line from the best ca8ket to the plainest coffin on the shortest xotjee aud at lowest terms 5au calls cither night or day promptly attended to satis faction guaranteed in every case a firstclass hearse for hire lvc arc in i position lo astiafactorily fill orjer for vvipijooi carriage c of every jescrijition in reasaaalde lime good workmanship ond firstclas material always ki wc have alto a splendid lot or funjfturr- both common and eitra cjnallty cheap asif yt will pay us cash w will tell yoa anything in oar line cheap j a speight manager all the news for a cent the toronto daily world tu oo unruhi itifri- canada tttlivcd 1las1a ieal rtvixtrfi rlclsrx a stixrtr osk crvr 1 cur v i itii-i- llu i-lrtc- ccst of inv olher itmiu- ravr vtiucai ulake njev ity einvajsiag for lie- corld alciju- ml caivaiet wanted j cvervrlure seed tiostrd fcrttrms tnl aitfr civ wurui piustlxi cd j k is kinj slice rft tcimnto i income ard see the fine display of spring tweeds at the east end clothing store this week people arc altsyf un the rofcrvi for clianecs to li crrae ihelrcamlnirkand tn i ww ttmc- iecomewcitlj hakf rito o not tmjrove ihlv pirinnitlei-r- maiii in jvivt r v c watit many inrn o- raeu ikxrrnlclr to km for in rfyhi in 1 uicirowii jttlitlo nj wc can do the roric pro peri iram ue first uru tuehtat nt wli ynore than len ums nrttlnjir wspi f r xiilve oaidiinmffhciifree ko one wiio enirxce fails to mafee money rapid- ly voa cau ifcvate yoar wlicile lime to the tork or onr vonr spare momentf fall iqfirmaitjn riid llliat u ueeiec knt tree i addrcittsxitco lortiflddmain j 500 reward we will jay the above reward for any cae j of urer complaint ijspepsia sicjc head- acue xcdleeftior co ns it p lo r orcoatlte- ness we cannot care with eatk vtsetabift i liver pills when tne directions arc airlelly i compiled with tuey or darely veneuhle and never fall lo giveaausfacuoo 8atrflr ckated lrue boies contalnlnjr w pill 25 cents for sale by nil dmglnts licvare of i coaaler nd imllatiooit the vtenain i manuficnrert only by joux c west a ca j the f ronto ont- free trial paefcrgc feat- by mall prepaid on recelplofa 3 eentt tamp elegant twmd suits from 1100 to 1500 also a targe range of serges and worsteds mntiiifiiutiired in the latest styles and on the shortest notice the uiwi styles in sari aad seft felt bt and aelaets nc- 1 u j fyf butcher shop r holmes wram rcapeclfully inform the petple of acton and vicinity that lie haapurchamd tic lcsincfs and jiripettv of mr w c is f piepared to pjpply l villi firstrclass meat of ah kinds and ponuru and game in seawh flr meat delivered to odj part of town at any time a5t having practical experience in the butchering pusinefia i feel confident that i can sait all a call kindly bclicited r holmes lp more long sittings we are making all kinds of photographs in from one to five seconds by the new prosess dry plates in all kinds of weather do not wait for sunshine but come right along a good line of frames and mouldings on hand selling cheap o w hill manhoo iion lost how restored pj we uaverecentlypmhllaliedaaew si lift- edition of or isttcrwriri telf- fcrfe4 tj 0d tllq radical and i g permanent care trlthout medu cluejofkervoudbduymeruiiaii ipbynic- allncapacilyrrapedlineauof marrlflfeeie refiaulncfrom 23prl aseoied envelope gcti ortvpa potcge stamps tliceolehratcd miliar in thu admirable efiay clearly demaotdnites rrrm thirty ycflrssaccehiialpritctlce tlatajarmlnreon- sequence may be radically cared vtidoui he dangerous ine of laternal mediclnnor the ase ottiic knife polutincoat a mode of cure at oncelraplg csrutn andentecioajby meani ff whlcu every eafferer no matur what uf condition may be may cnrehlmsel cheaply privately and radically thu letrfe khoold be lu the tianis of everyyoath and every man lu the land address the culverwell medical co 41 ann 81 ew trk pestoffice box 450 l who 18 unaoouaihteo with thi ocooraphy of this country will ms by exam1n1nq this map that the ears tor the million 7oo tfioos balsam of sharks oil rocklrrly benlomi fbe heating and 1 the onlr abialuietare for dtaffcrw itmwa tiili oillsahsirjcltxl from pecrjllurnneelea of smiil hthut hhark cmht in the yethw senknnwti as caiicuarodox aoxdeletic- kvry ciiite fiuerman know lu us vlr- lupt n retrativ- of hearing were dj mover ei by a iuddisut priest aooui lcuyet 1uu it fiuf rere m najerong and ma xt 0 eemiflv mikairlors the the remedy wantifflclally proclai in ednvcr the entire em pire its uc brc1ni bo universal tat for ovfe 3t vrae- no dearsyos vah existo amovrj tiircinvpskteoplb hent cbancea prcpii any ntdrefs at 1 co per bottle hr that tiio doaf say 1 1 ha pefored a miracle in my ease 1 have na unearthly anises in my hftdand liear ranch better i have been crpnlly benefitted m y dfffref s it 1 pod n creat deal think nn- ot or botlje wit cre rae my hearingis moca benefitted 1 uive ncelved untold hencill u livh goxi atlfcilon hve betn ercatty bfnefllted tjd am re- joired ta 1 saw t uotiee of tt iti virtus ri rsqcesti ikablb and lli crntrvnciranacter astqe werrbb cas 1ellnlxallv test itt bjth toh exfbhi- kscf ad obervatiok write at one to iayloik ajevkev7eystreetntfw york r neloit 511f zni yoa will hear like any hod else ant riioe corall vn eltecis will be permmnt ctx vlh nevir regret dolnftftx editor of mercajt ilk renew rsr ivold ioa in the malls please send mocy jj- regtterrri letter ohlylmiorlmbyniywicra jtset k3le agxt fjti asitrica dtr kl kt a bqon to men alt timmao tvoa iafimntina ortmum amma w0 named tor pfetisjd phftietdj tntwtlni oams potea mv dalled pwpntr tarn bt mnnh mt in motif tani rttbml turn aadiimi ktmktfmm kiwun u xht prn tfe jtiasuwi vftsurm t mly sapctsfdal by the uamttwuj9yjm minamd eivale csrxtm tkmtj i is rtrntne ccciclutlob rixe 1abst05 kxubt co 7s tm bt ccatajfrtiianf twr trlhirfih no fief orextrm aftactorf your money ww b rarunded pucirtia it a veeir made ai home by uu ii i licdlstriocs best business jaow 3 i before the pnblic capital not neded we wlllbtartyoa men women boys and girls wanted everywhero to work tor u- now is the time yon can work in hare urne or give yoor wbote at tention io tti bsioes no other basines will tay yoa uearly as tell no oiecan till in mi eccmooa pay by engaging alooee costly oaai and terms free m oner made fast euiy am i noiorabiy address true coauti maine worth their weight in gold kidney8liver urinary 0rcan8 the bc8t bloop ri b1f1eb ttiere uoolyono oybf wblcb an disease can be cured and taut is by removing- the cause- vbateyerll may be fbeirealmedl ealanlbcrltlraof the day declare that nearly ererydueaselaensedby deraoeed kldaeys or liver to cestore thes tberefore is ine ouly way by vhlcb braubeanbeaeeared here is wtiere waxxhs sarvcarkjias achieved lu brest repcullon i tacts direct ly apootbe kidneys aodllvr and py plaelng tbem la a healtby condition drives disease and pain from h ystem for all sidney liver and urinary troubles for the alstren- tn dlsorden of voraen for malaria and physical troubles generally ibis great rem edy baa noequal- ho ware of i mpostors- lm nations and concoctions said 13 beluat as good for diabetes ask for wunilk hate uii- bstkccbi for sale by oil dealers ahwabnkco w 1000 forfeit having tbe almost couqdence in iu aper- larityoverallocbersandrflei luoosands of tests of the raoh compllcaied and everest easeawecogld find srefoclimllfied in pflei- ing to forfeit ooe tboasand dollars taftnt case ofcougr colds sora throat idflueoia boarseness b consumption in its early slagea whooping congli and all dls- fiaesofthethromlaudlangseiceptasuima tar wnich we only claim rel lei that we cant care witb wests coueb jtnp when token according to directions bamplti botles and30ceau large boltlesone dollar genuine wrappersnnlyln blue sold by audrogjzuls orsont by express on receipt ofprlc jomr c west a cofil s3 kinnhten toronto oni hsvranteim catarrh cur noouiteinobayi a locil aatj cocatrtutional ttzalowac two disiioct uedidoet ooe laiag oc the nasal puuges head throat ud langs he other on the liver kidneys sod blood instantaneous economical 8afei radical treatment sold bv all druggists price 70 ots if not found ruiifsctoty the price b be refaoded some chronic or ol mia cases of itng standing nay requin a wee to m packsg cs to effect a permaaeot cure chioago rock island pacific r y amng th oreat orntral u afford lo travelers by reason of ita unrivaled geo graphical position the shortest and feast route between the east hortheaat and oothsest and the west woru and outrcwest it is literally ana sttiotly true that it oonneotlons are all of the principal lines of road between the atiantlo and the pacific f a ne and branches it reaches ohloago voet peoria ottawa w 5 55 ln nolai davenport muaoatlne washington keokuk knoarule oskajoosa ifajrfleld des molnea west liberty iowa city atiantlo avoea audubon harmui tjuthrle center and council bluffs in lowa oahattn trenton cameron and kansas city in missouri and leaven worth and ateblson in kansas and th hundreds of otles tillages and towns intermediate the great rock island route pj 2 a offer to traveler all the advantage and comfort inommt to a sjnooth tmok saf brtoc union depot at a0 oonneotlng points irvjshll day ooaohk8 1 a line of tho s pullmans tjxr wjwtjjwd wisho bars vroa5ojgr3 zjlsx t rum up0 albert lea route between newport mew mohmom otnetamtj tjwtanesmlla and la vavmta and ckwnohwoffct paul ibnimi la payette vioereshawllttn i 1 chiowo hllwgw pills ointment till ixooufakable hedlclxt a cird fur ttrf ai imptruhabtt faint ihrmijhii ihr world for the nlltviatwn and run of uo rlutctt t iriwa humanity w acb purify rvculntc and improve the quality of the blool they assist thedigestive otcaus cieante the stoj1ac11 and uowels iiicreise the secretory powurs of the lirer brace the nervous system and throw into ihe circnlalion ihc purest klementa for sustainir and repairing the frame thousunds ot persons havoteatl6ed that hy their use alone they have been restored to lcauh aud atrenth after every other means had proved unsuccessful the ointment will be found invaluable in every household in the cure of open sorts hard tumors sal loss old wounls oonglu colds sore throats bronchitis and all disorders of the throat and cheat u alio gout klieumitism scrofula and etery kind of skin disease manufactured ouly at profesaor hollo- ays pstablishment 583 oxford street london and sold at la lid 28 9d 4s 6d 22s and 33s each box and pot aud iu canada at 36 cants 90 cents and 51 so and the larger sires in proportion scautiox i have no agent in the united states nor are my medicines sold there purchasers should therefore look to the label on the pots and boies if the address is not 583 oxford street london they arc sporiods the trade mark of my said medioine ia registered at otuwa and 4lso at wash- ingtun i thomastollowaxi ssi oxford street london w oeim at dluiiairvayiracre amount reqnired to care a1 foiujws ose to siibottua will purify the blood crndicijtin all humours from ihe common pimple blotch or boil to the most malig nant form of scrofulous ulcer oxe jo set botnes by cleausing ths blood will purify the complexion from sallowness smooth eat the wrinkles resale ing fromtm perfect nourishment of the body sweeten foul breathr and renovate the entire system os to two bottlxft will cure ordinary constipation or costivness thereby removing hhidachr piles biliousness and janndice aodel diseases resulting from torpid liver on to srx borrucs by cjeanaing the blood improving the general health and fortifying the system against lakirij fresh colds will in all cases relieve and in most cases pure that common ioalbesome add dangerous disease catabkh 05x to three bottles will regulate all deraugementaof the kidneys eurmgnrmaty difficulties prostration gravel diabetes etc 05hto foru bottles will reinviorate the entire system caring nervous and gen end debility female weakness aadall itsr atlendant miseries if yellow oil cures rheumatism fbeemajts wokm powders i- m are rlescant to take coataintiieirovtt pnrtttite i aafs sure aad efswasl 4rstboer t wvnasia children or adatts dr smiths germah vtorh brlmedy ku bmi med by qtfiqad lof pawns wso bnhvally codoae oar dubru3ia ijoni safe ntalh lead prompt remedy lor tie renoval of fn ad pirn tras6bbdiad ht iisy toakoeverlj waotoely krakat aad teqmim ao w l anerpysic rvrravm sv jwar t smith medicine cot f price 25 era l 8xx0 everywhede kffman w0pmremd y otjrt axuaranteedcuretorveuelalhlsestes safe pleasant ami reliable nnbaueflects from ltiuse docs not inlfrere with brsl- ness nt diet price tt per boiw three boxes lor s written roarantees issued by eveiy duly adlhortsad acent to refund th moneylf three boaestprtocurj sentpostnge prepaid on recelbeof price db fshix le bkun co 81 a 83 klnr 8l easttoronto frsote proprielors jaicarvln autborlseiaffeutforaeton ontario burdock lood ii ers yviu cure or heuevt bju00me88 6izzihe8s dyspepsia indigestion jallndiee erysipelas salt rheuh heartburn headache i dropsy flutterwa of the heart acidity of the stomach dryness of the skin and every specie y dlseasa disordered over kidhcy86tl i bowel8 0b blood tjiilborhigo toromta jkavs specific medicine ths great english sexaedfj anuufitiiirkcorerorsemlbiit t weakliefi spermaturrha 1 i3 irnpolene utd alt dlf rt lust follow as s sequence of belfabiei as loss cr mem iorytjniverwl t4tfsltude ln ibe flack ulmnessol vise r n si l prematura ow age anl before taime many other dlacasea that eadloiasanltyorcobsaaij lion jbstfuupatlcuiarsin i our pamphlet which we de- alretoaend free by mall to yde sat the specific medclor is sold by all drng- blstaatslwpirr narkage or alx package fcr jvor will be sent free by mall on re ceipt of the money by nd- dresftng i aarayhe41 u l r toronto onl ok sold by 1 b meflarvln uragglst ft n- ti bawksyakaavxikpbalarjt ajetria enarinteed arseins for axal duxintsft ctonvntsioniyits nef gwihkadaehe nervous proslji- b the uw or alcohol or tobacco wal nssa jniaipnrealem bontnlac xii ttnlnj r miltlniln insanity and radhs misery dreasaed death premature old a borroine tt of power ln either atqcl yolrtnthrj- lcakeaud8rrmatorrlirtl hyovewexeruon of tbs brain eelrabr oyer1 tdalgenbe oa box will ore i eases raobbraroonialusoncmtothat btent nedcjuaraaoxrrtii boxes dollai fceutby 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