Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 12, 1883, p. 2

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this is for you a large number of oar subscrib er have vry promptly responded to oar request to pay op sad these have our best thanks there are still however a great many who owe us small accounts which in the stntrecate amount to hun dreds of dollars will these par ties kindly call or send amount named in the statement sent them at once and greatly oblige h p moore ctanreegress thcmiuv mormvi jru is 183 motes and comments the bill prohibiting the ule in fennsyl tama ot cigarette aad tooaoco in anv form to minors under 16 sars of age went into operation last week a dispatch from london savs the qoeeifa lameness is entire cared and she la now able to take her usual walking exer cue her mental depression however still continue she will not leave the country this autumn as supposed bat insists on returning to balmoral a massachusetts law prevents the sale of liquor on property where the owner of the adjoining propertv objects a g kjuces- tcr man tried to evade this bv selling a foot of his lot to a friend this constituting him the next neighbor bat the courts held the tnck to be of no avail the americans are abolishing their trade dollars the knowing ones are passing them off as rapidlv as possible on the nnwan who have to get nd of them as best thev can yerv likelv large numbers of them will find their wa to canada forewarned is forearmed this coin is now worth onlv about eighty five cents last london truth tells us that ladv lansdowne and her children will aocom panv lord lansdowne to canada in october in all probabflitv thev will leave liverpool about the 11th lord lansdowne attended the half vearh rent audit at calne last week and expressed an earnest hope that the happv relationship which has alwavs existed between himself and his tenants mav never be disturbed druggist who act contrary to this resolu tion thk cocxtt otsmctoit whereas in the opinion of this convention the duties of inspector of lioenaos an clearlj defined aud have application to the enforcement ot the canada temperance act where it i law and it preformed with due attention to the regulations affoctlng said office would reduce to a minimum the violations of said act and whereas it it definite known that the present inspector is not in sympathy with the principle of the act and has farther contrary to the instructions issued by the government not sought to know whether the law is lo lated or not unless information it laid before him by tome other person and ahereas the access of the act large depends on the efficiency and willingness of the government officer to do hit dun and owing to the neglect ot the present inspector to carry out the instructions ot the government the act it falling into disrepute ui some localities be it resolved thst this convention respectfully submit to the government the absolute necessity for the sppointment of an officer who it in sympathy with tho act and will cudoavor to cart out the instructions alread issued in the ontario government the scott id s scccesk resolved that uut convention is of opinion that in the rural districts the scott act is a complete success and that in the larger ullages and towns while drinking is oamed on to some extent jet it is ven greatl re duced and would be reduced to a minimum promdod that tho officer of thecovcrnment and all temperance people did what we cousider to be their dutj full therefore resolved thst we urge upon the temperance people individualh and collective the importance of doing all thst can be done for the proper enforcement of the act correspondence e tuh it to be distinctly understood uut ve do not bold oarselrvf rwpoutriblti far tbo oyin ioni or expreulon of iiij- corrponlitv board ot education- the trustees of acton public school met oa wedeqsday evening 4th inst member present ir junes jtitthews chairman me messrs w il storer d henderson tunes moore and j hcgaxnn minutes of last meeting read and con firmed- the committeeon finance presented their seventh report recommending pavment of the ibdoving accounts thomas moore 6alarv jane a juh t8jj6 hus gordon si 16 hiss grant 4lg6 mm adams 1250 h p moore on saun postage 1627 r little set class lines 1 00 do t hooresfinp fund half ear 200 21725 hored by d henderson seconded by jas moore that the report of the finance committee be adopted carried hored byw e storey seconded bv j mcgarnn that the pronsion for school library and alterations to 1st and 3rd de partments of public school be proceeded with under the direction and supennten dence of the property committee carried moved bvf e store seconded by j mcgarnn that the sum of one hundred dollars be placed to the credit of the property committee canned board then adjourned sabbath breaking to ac eduor of the frtt prtu probably a more demoralising act was never witnessed in this tillage than was performed oa scmday but before a nomber of oar villagers living at the head of mill street a gentleman if so he mat be called living m that vicinh and holding a responsible position among us was mow ing hav on the public streets much to the annovance of those presentwho were great iv astonished at the cool and seemingly in nocent manner m which he ment to work trusting that such desecration of the lord da will be discontinued in our moral little town i am yours trulv sihbltulxia acton july 0th 1883 it scott act association annual convention the annual convention of the halton scott act association was held in the methodist church muton on jfonday last mr johnson harrison president tn the chair there were delegates present from all parts of the countv and considerable mt was manifested in the proceedings rax womasfi or the act verbal reports were received from dele gates which clearly showed that the act had greatly diminished the sale of intoxi eating liquors and that drunkenness was consequently very much reduced and that the treating s had been almost com pletely eradicated the reports from the rural districts were however more satis factory uan those from the larger villages and towns the 0t7jczbs zlected the following is the hat of officers elect ed for the current year bev h c cam eron president mr james hartley first vicepresident messrs waldie burling ton w h young oakville g h ken nedy georgetown james moore acton john bamsey kasssgaweya johnson hamson james harrison wesley van orman w h lindsay milton second vicepresidents bev d l brethonr secretary and mr austin wqmott treas urer the following resolutions were presented and passed phtskuis obsess jos liqcob whereas it is known on good authority that some of our medical men abuse the confidence reposed in them in granting orders for liquors in quantities larger than u requited for medical purposes this con- ventwn regrets that any medical man should to act as to disgrace an honorable profession and would call upon all respect able lawabiding citizens to frown down such conduct rax ucxxszs mwoonns besolved that this convention respectfully asks and urges licensed drugguts of this county to refuse to hi orders that they basis reason to believe are not for purely medical porpoaee and the board of license fl ftt rrfitffttftpi rttoty onr connty hotel inspector the following communication appeared in the last issue of the mulon kev and is very significant to the editor of the yost deui sra tou are to be commended for vour manlv utterances in regard to the inefficiency of the present inspector there must be some assignable reason for the wsv things have been allowed to move either the government officer must be lacking in executive ability or he must be playing into the hands of the violaters of the law in the towns of the count in either case the efficiency of the law is jeopardized and there is no means of test ing its real value to a community where the officer who receives government remunera- i tion and has conscientioua convictions of his duty to the people does what he ought for its enforcement it is stated that mr f rarer asserts that he has no dutv to per form in the wsv of ferreting out the sinks of iniquity where the desires of the deprai ed are gratified it is said that be has asserted that his dot is to proceed when charges are made or complaints offered or information laid then in tho name of common sense and common manhood arfq our country s honor what does he receive his money for did not the government commissioner at the instiga tion of government issue instructions to the inspectors relative to their duties and laving special stress on their re bponsibflitv for doing all in their power to search out the breakers of the law do not the officers of other counties cities and towns follow these instructions to the letter and are they not constantly on the alert to secure conviction of those who infringe on the stututes 1 whv cannot our officer do the tame if his conscience is so strongly sgsmst the prohibition moi e- ment that he cannot throw the weight of his offical authority on the side of the enforcement of the canada temperance act when be gets paid for that very thing why does he not step down and out and give place to some other man who wfll if it is true thst the inspector fraternizes with the hotel keepers and is not anxious to secure for them their just deserts then m the name of justice in the interests of the community and for the sake of the reputa tion of a good law his case ought to be the subject of the most searching inquiry let the approaching temperance conven tion on the 9th inst deal with that matter and ask the gov t to appoint a man whose moral conviction will lead him to do what the requirements of his office demand whether he be a scott act man or not i am sir yours 4c xxx y km then j stalkers til are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child snsenng and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth if so go at once and get a bottle of mrs windows soothing syrup it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend upon it there is no mistake about it there is not a mother on earth wso bat ever wed it who will sot tell you at once that it will ngtftl the bowels and give rest to tbemotber and relief and health to the child operating like magic it is perfects- safe to use in all cases sad pleaaimt to the taste sod is the prescrip tion of one of tbo oldest and best female physicians and dunes in the united states sold everywhere at 2sceot a bottle i i busine88brevitie3 esse raets aftaat ear snata ataa and haaaaa f auanita ear natural raadtra hati from 75 mats to 2 50 at j fyfsi it you want a nobby durable and cheap suit j fyfoa it tbo plaos to go scotch eorllth and canadian boltings in great viriity it tho esttknd clothing store j fyfe aeton suits and overcoats at extremely low rates and mado in latest it let be sure to call and tee them j fvfe aoton mcquillan i htmilton of the welling tou marble orks guelpb ont are doing the largest retail marble trade lo out ow ing to the fact that they do the bast work and tell the cheapest the public are warn ed against dealing with tccond bind trade peddlers but ihonld go direct to the firm or buy from their agents see that the name mcquillan t hamilton is on the priuted form before yon tign or order with pure blood oonlaglout fevers and other diseases hare no hold on the syttcm dr carsoui stomach bitten render the blood pare snd coo for sale by all drug gists urge bottles 50 cenlt 1 in the biston cf medicine no preparation bus received such universal commendation for the alleviation it affords and the per- inaucot cure it effects in kidney diseases as dr a btnrs knar crer its ac tion in these distressing complaints it sim ply wonderful sold by j e mcgatvin v e hue a speed snd potltire i ure for catarrh diphtheria canktraod hesdache in suilohi catarrh remedy a nasal injector free with each bottle tie it if j ou desire health aud sweet breath price 50 cents sold bj j e mcgnrrin 49 vo household should be considered com plete aitliout a bottle of da va binrs s rciovn cuts it ill the closet it is the only remedy teat will positive perman enllyand prompt cure all forma of kidney disease sold by j e mcoarvin n by should a man wbose blood is warm within sit like bis crandsire cutio alabaster or let his hair crow rusty leant and thin when cmalesc renewer will make it grow hit faster for sale b j e mcgtrvin dr carson s btomacli bitteis remove consumption rvlic e 11 uinoa dispel sick headache nbnltth biliousness aid regulate the stomach liver and rowels 1 j s vvetiierell writing from w inuipeg sayt i can say more about pnoniatix now than when i saw yoa last in toronto my health u much improved and i am free from headaches or any other aches having onl used two nnd a half bottles of your phosphatine for aalc bv all druggrata now that there is a reliable remedy for kidney troubles half the terrors attached to thse complaints have been removed for this let all be thankful and to de vax beats s knitev ccei award all praise for having thus removed a hitherto considered fatal disease from our path it was never known to fail bold by j e mcgtnin shiloh s catarrh bemedy a marvellous cure for c atarrhdiphtbeni canker mouth snd headache willi each bottle there is au ingenious nasal lujectnr for the more successful treatmeat of these complaints without extra charge pneem cents sold by j e mcgama a oaro to til who are suuenog from the errors and indiscretions of youth nervous weak ness esrly decsy loss of manhood cvc i will seud a recipe that will cure ou rxu of cilaegk tins great remedy was dia covered by a missionary in south tuenca send a self addressed envlope to the rn josrril t ivtli station dxex loriciy baekleaa amies salve the gteatesl medical wooder of the world warranted to speedily cure bums bruises cats ulcers salt rheum feter sores cancers piles hilblains corns tetter chapped hands aod all skin erup tions guaranteed tocuixln every instance or money refunded- 25 cents per box for sale by i e mcoarvin lleklag riles ormplema sad rare the symptoms in moisture like perspir atlou lnteue itching incressedby scratch ing very distressing particularly at night seems as if pin worms wereciawliogin and about the rectum the private parts are sometimes affected it allowed to continue very serious result ma follow sft a is olvtmevr is a pleasant sure core also for tetter itch salt rheum all scaly crusty skin diseases sent by mail for 50 cents 8 boxes 1 35 in stamps ad dress dr syy alie i son philadelphia pa sold by druggists 50 oh what a cough i will you heed the warping the signal perhaps of the sure approach of that moat terrible disease consumption ask your selves if you can afford for the sake of saving 59 cents to run the risk snd do nothing for it we know from experience thst shiiohs cure will care your coagb it never fails this explains why more than a million bot tles were sold the past year it relieves croup and whooping cough at once mothers do not be without it for lame back 8ide or chest use shiiohs porous plaster sold by i e mpgamn best aid cssartrt site safsrjautf browns househsld panacea has no equal for relieving pain bolh internal and external it cures pain in the side back and bowels sore throat rheumatism toothache lumbago and any kind of a fain or ache it will most rarely quicken the blood and heal as its acting power it wonfierful browns household panacea being acknowledged at the gnat pain believer and of double the strength of any other elixir of liniment id the world should be in every family bandy for ate when vsuted a it really is tbelfceet remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach and pains and aebesof si kli and is for sale by all druggists at j5 oenlsa i bottle be father wilds experience iks aav wads wssmuwwa esty wtttury a kaw tatfe eat aatjeaar otttlatatmlsmsumfwridtettfce kaitaoaaseiu taanam dear writes asfallawai wlr roritulst hssus j c avka oo untkssn i but wuttr i rat traamad with a taott uaeomtgrlabls iteuai bassor saaetlaf mors enaeiaur my limbs vales itebtd so tntoletajr at nliaisad mraed to latoae- lr that i eoautoanety bear say elothtag orst tasm i was also a taserar trots a severe eatarrh tad catarrhal cough av aomlle vat poor aod ny tytttaa s fgoa deal run down knowing iks vahn of avui saiuraauu by observation of many other oases and rraea peramtl ass la former years f beta taking it for ik abovenamed disorders my appetite im proved almost from tbs arst dote after a short time the fever and itehlnf wen tllaved and ill lint of irritation of the skin disappeared my estarrh and cough wtr also earsd by las taint means and my tenertl health greatly improved until it it sow steeliest i feel a audred per eeat itraafer sad i attribute these results to th use of the baauraeilla which i neonuaend with all eoasdenes at the best blood medietas ever devised i took it la small doses three timet a day and used in all less than two bottles f pises thess acta at yoar terries hoping their publication may do aood youn respectfully p wilds the above instance is but one of the many constantly eomlag to onr notlee whlen prove the perfect adaptability of aims 8iui- rasilla to lbs core of all diseases arising from impure or impoverished blood and a vitality ayerssareaparilla elesnars enriches and streuthens the blood stimulates tho action of the stomach and bowels snd hereby enables the system to resist snd overcome the attacks of all ero lau floraari f niptlou if tht sttm mm- kifloi oinrrt general iklalll snd all disorders resulting from poor nr corrupted blood and a low state of the irntcm racrjibed nr drjcayertvcoloweltmiu sold by sll urogsists price 1 six bottle larti ayers cathartic pills best purgative medfotne can coortrllooindtefon headache and all blnoatlxtorders sold i aaars ahrays r try it the fuee press from now till hntjarv 1st 188 for only io cents try it i the free press from now till january 1st 1s84 for only 40 cents try it the free press from now till january 1st 188 for only 40 cents a sew single buggy tod a light ilemo- crat wogoo nearly now pur partlonlak i j chill d bhisableflouhehto let three of those eonrenienlly orrpgwl tenement booses the acton bmldlng association may bw rented by applying lo w h st0iie acton dec 2ltt 1882 lrdijcnt n oti4je the undertlgded hating given u busi nets in aoton it dbtirnus of onving nil ac counts settled at opce all parties mdibt ed will kindly call at the residence on mum street opposite the presbyterian cmnli and pay up james gooduj acton july 2nd 1883 cardenjsocial a garden social in aid of thepresbkriin sabbath school library fund will be held at the man8e ov tuesday next 17th instant at 7 o dock p m all arc cordially invited to attend signed on behalf of com t s albshen wanted to begin work at ooce on sales for rail 1883 for the foothill arteries the largest in canada mouma stove u ri- u5oto propnetort c can start ui a 1 dltion to our already large force 100 nil tioxal caxv awebk aud want men u lin can give full time to tno busioess htcad em ployment and good salaries to successful men it doet not matte hat jour pre loos occnpation has been ifjou are uillnn to work your saccess is almost certain the best of references required applj ui closing photo if possible to 8tone t w ellisot0n narservmcn toronto out oooo cok0s hemlock bark wamed the lubscribera will pay five dollars and fifty cents per cord for all prime quality hemlock dark deivercd at the tannery at acton before november 1st 1883 bark must be bright on flesh flat and full fonr fact long curled or damaged bark only received at a proportionate re d action any other information will gladly be famished upon application at ihc tanncn to our mr willson beakdmork k co actou may 9th 1883 try it i the free phe8s from now till january 1st 188w fob only 40 cents n otice to creditors purnuuit lo the prowfions of r s o chap 107 tec m the creditors of john mc phenofl ute of the towdahip of esqaes ing county of hsltoo who died oa or aboat the foth miy 1683 ire on or before the 111 of august 1s83 to send by post prepaid to robt jicpberwij r speyiide p o their christiao and sor oamm addressca and descnpuon the fall particulars of tfaeir claim a atateroeot of their accounts and the nature of their wean ties if aaj held by them or in default thereof the admin istralor will after the said last mentioned date proceed to distribute tho assets of ihc aald deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto hannjr regard only to the claims of which the nid admiaiatrntor shall bate notice dated at bpeyside the 1st day of jane 1883 robt mtphersoy br spevide p 0 admmutralor for the estate of tie lac jonv wcpiienon cheapest on earth crifein sells 15 pounds of good suga dry a8 powder for 100 cash mens scotch tweed canadian tweed i pants for 200 readymade coats t for 225 worth 500 i3 ladies and gentlemens fancy straw jeats for i5c and 20c worth 100 each these are facts that cannot be jarred remember at the halton dry goods house c b griffin no more long sittings graduated with honors mccoll bros lardine and other machine oil8 having passed the most critical examiuatious by competent judges has been awarded qold aod silver medals diplomas at nil exhibitions mccoll buob toronto out flour feed store rile anderslgnetl has purchased the lour and feed baiinest irom mr jjobert elliott sod will carry oa tho bosiuess ip the baild id formerly ascd as s barber shop oppos its the old feed store i will keep in stock and sell for cash flour boiler flour qranlatdwheat cracked graham flour baokwheat oatmeal corn meal bran shorta chopped oats chopped barley chopped peas chicken feed oata peas barley rye oil cake thorley cattle feed climax f6ed flax sed potatoes turmpb beans o jfec garden field and flower seeds fresh and rood for sale cheap tour patronase respectfully solicited cash for all kipds of liraln l matthews wise iraodaaiitanp ipis are always un lbs it 3r ebanwt to lo eicate tbtlr eamlnss and in umebemmeweuhj those daootlmprori their opportunities l rtany m iwraooims atur one ein lbs nata inporany wewantrasny man we mobtban aodalrlito srora for ui rl urwa josailuft a ay one can i wowisswflyjrptauie irttsurt tbs bail aawflljial snore than ten limn ordinary ow jjtf8htsstatlt waiajtsaioooy rapid- ly oa essstov jreqi whole um to to we are making all kinds of photographs in from one to five seconds by the new prosess dry plates in all kinds of weather do not wait for sunshine but come right along a good line of frames and mouldings on hand selling cheap c w hill the mammoth house georgetown beg leave to intimate that they are dnil m receipt ot new fresh spring goods including millinery aiaute keadjmade clothing tweeds gents furnishings hato4 caps hosiery and small wares in ftct everything thaiobtitqpji a firstclass btock we have exercised ourselves teour tiltnostcpaaaty and made use of oar long experience and jarw wwnseitoaeww f stcck for prices variety and quality that vwaoipamyiimgev attempted in this connty we can assure the public thit wewltj sell them goods at lower prices than smaller concerns bweio p for them oui stock is large and varied and we make aditionil the newest and cheapest goods tobe found in the- markets olvftfcsl world we call special attention to our millinery wegettbebei est and roost fashionable material and wo keep lightninghalids m get up the same in superior style our dressmaking dcpartln has proved quite a successwe turn ont dresses and mantles o satisfaction of onr patrons we make v specialty of mourninr parel andwedding trobseaul we have an- immenseatock gt f goods in all the new materials silks satin bjjlin dexyofn marulleanx cashmeres aptintbl amagnitlobntabsoaiwntl dark colors lively patterns and witlrbordere a beattfiful 5c a yard tickings domestic goods checked slurtlngi ades and drills a drill ibr sis yajfd tbat out no betonf w gray and white cottons atmijl pripes qw prdjred plpiifji partment ib nnsprpssbdit is onpof lajgeetconcelrnb fdpdin any county town wa guaranteesflriflartion inn- price fit and get up carpets a magntfioentbtoektjaipi that will compare wxjbany tsapethouae for sire quality and w alsoafino8tooflporoatnpth8 lace cartaiijalajrkatoik andcbeaipwe ft4eellywnhiimiiop friends nndordjttlltimbft lmtttr on getting firstclayolueiaoiiuyteopl r u tbi s4aii

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