Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 23, 1883, p. 2

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tm t ii m lilt tuvwu motsoc arii st 1sd3 i h 9 i jff stitt mtt i grsliam thut the fouowiug umi bo paid gfiycip gap ft stgt85 i by the treasurer lo the undormentioned parties viz a livingston nlwir o road lot 15 aud 10 con 1 j7000 stephen coon repair ot road lot 2o ooti s 1000 u tavcrr coniinirioner bpovaide 700 i f mccallmu forrvlicf of qjiorlli 1000 1 j mcsicneuiv bridge lot 18 10th hue 1128 do lot 2fi 11th hue 1h87 a cooper do do thai as iail both luaulily aud malily j f j smith do do much of it is inferior lo list vents crop j h totruwud do lot w 11th line tb the wheat crop lil rcporv ou the wheat cropotlbi province made to the hureauul industries i are- mi whilly aiiticlory they show m tracey that intact its market value at preseul j oohukvan road levollcr flank lrovision tor sclark i amilv iiuotatians must lie lens by several miluoui i t hell repair of scraper m00 31s5 im llil h00 100 800 of dollars rut it should be borne in miud j u huffman road levvller that last years crop was an extraordinary i carried ouc aud consoucutlv that comparison ilovcd b ur webster seconded by mr with it as the standard cannot be accepted i williams that the treasurer pay messrs as lair the present harvest is probably beov an average over the whole province but no onecan state positively whether it is or not last year according ttf the statist ics collected by the buroaa area under wheat was l77337 acres the pro- ducc 109il201 bushels ifd the average yield per acre lt bushels this year the area is 1c1g0s acres tod produce as estimated by correspondents 273ss3 bushels ard the average yield per aero 16 bushels fur the two years the average would therefore lc 1 bushels per acre itis pissible however that the results of miller t swackhammer thirty seven dollars and fifty cents esqucsiug share oi the costoj bridge on town line lot 7 between esiueshi and chiuguacousy carried moved by mr warren secouded by mr graham that the third reading o the by-law- to regulate aud control the appro priating of money for the repair of roads and bridges be postponed till the neit meeting of the council carried moved by mr warren seconded by mr williams that the reeve and dr webster be appointed committee to examine the bridge over mr nobles mill race aud lake such steps as they may judge proper the uireshiriv season may modify to some j carried cxtcrt the figures for tins year the council then adjourned until monday uneven character of the crop makes it 3rd september difficult t6 estimate the yield of fall j wheat and spring wheat is liable to be affected by rust and the attacks of insects parental leniency we have repeatedly urged upon parents the recessity of keopiug their children at till ckiole dn in guclph on the 19th mst the wife of mr t j day of a son iiu at hornby on the joth iust the wife of mr john g hall of a daughter kukmdv in guelph on the 20th inst the wife of mr j kennedy jeweller of a son the ixtmk home alter dark and our observations wissuororuuswifkhmotiiu esqucs- 1 ni oa the 20th lost at the residence of the brides father by rev g robertson of godrgcaowii mr r u wnsboroab of erin to aupisu second dacghlcr of mr christopher svvckhimmer prove to u the very creit need for contin- j ued exctvio of parenisi authority in this j imuut tin re are certainly too mauy i children uf icder occ allowed on the j ttrwt in acton it hoars when they should i be in their hornet why will pareuu can- j tinne to czso leniently when the future j welfare of their children u at stike it is i a tact well kaown that the worst thin j that can befall a bov is cive him the liberty i joseph ucson- tercr writes i was induced to try dr thomas eclcctnc oil for a huueneas which troumwi rne for three or foar years and i foend it the best article i erer cie1 it has been a great blessing to me frauds may imitate dr thomas ay out at nitiut taiis is too often a j edectric oil in appearance and name but faul iirivifccc because it is during these j m everything elc they are dead failures hours that ucarlv all the mischief is jy whv should a mac whose ijlood u winn platted and eiecuted the boys who are i within pencltted the freedom of the public streets j sit like his croudsire cat ui alabaster v or let his hair crow rustv aeant and thin at ad hours of tie mgnt are the boys who when cingree ec vill mite til pen iter tiari and brin sorrow upon it grow the faster- and friends parents shoald for sale by j e mcgarrin ayllks hair vigor trftores with iho glom and frcsluiem of yotitb faded or gray hair to a natural rich brovn color or doep black u may be dealred ltyiti umllgtitor red hair may tw darkened llilii hair liickcuod and baldnoxi often though not alvaji eand it checks falling of iho hair aud illmu- lalos a vroak aud sickly grottii to rigor it prtttnta tuid curoi tcurt aud daddruff and heals nearly ercry dueaw poeuliar to the tcalp as a ljuljea hair dreaafnf the vioor u uuequallcd ft contains neither oil nor dye tendon the hair loft gloaay and illkeu tn appcrauce and mparu a delicate kjrrctalilc aud lasting perfume mr c p biucncn writes from airty 0 jy3 iwi 1ait fall ray hair commenced falflne out and lu a ibort time i became nearly bald i used part of a bottle of avkk 1u1k vioob which stopped the fall- iag of the hair and started a new growth 1 hare uow a full head of lulr growlns rlgor- ooslr aud am convinced that but for the use of your preparation 1 ibouid have been entire- bald tw bowzy proprietor of the xfcartkur okiv enquirer says ayek haui ylqoe i a most eiccllent preparation for the hair 1 rpeak o it from my own experience its use promotw uie growth of uew hair and makes it glossy and toft the viqor is also a ur cure for daudruff not within my kuctirlejsv has the preparauoa eter failed to jrc entire satisfaction mu axocs fairhjilfly leader of the celebrated falrbairu family of scottish vccaliss wrltos from bottom mu feb 1s kvcr ilnco my hair began to rirt ill- rerv erideuee of the change which neeting tirie procureth i hare used aykbs una dfuit and to lure been able to maintain au snpearauce oi youlhfulueu a matter of catuiderable cousequeuoa to ministers ora tor iciors and tu fact ercry one tho litca lu the eyes of uie public tiw o a riicscott wriiing from 18 kin st aruitctc matt ijirilu 1s3 lays tiro year ajo about twothirds of my hair cairv ott it tiiiuned very rapidly and i was fst frrowinr luld on using ayeul hxin viiioit uie lalltng stopped sad a new growth comiuenced and la about a month ray head was completely covered willi short hair it la eogtiuued to prow and is now as good as veforv it fell 1 trgularly used but one bottle of the vigir but nawuse it occasioaally u a dressing we hare hundreds of similar testimonials to the efficacy of aveks hue vigor h needs but a trial to coutie the most ikspli- cal of ia ralue tret abed bt drjoayepivco lowell man erfu ty ail draggisy 4dbhnlhtratofin notice otioe is hereby glvea tbtt the ooder- signed hu been appointed adminiatrator for the eitalc of tho fate thoaua gibbooi esq of lot 24 cod s etqumlogj and that be is prepared to pay all dbts and received all monies duo the csule alt buainoaa must be settled by th 1st october pktkk gibbons jl 3 cod 1 kaqaesing esquesitig aug 13th 18sh store and dwelling to let tint commodioui storo inj dwelliug ocenpiod by ifeurt w p urown fc co ou lie comer of mill and willow itreeu sod in tlio centre of the builuew part of the town suiublo for eithor dry roods or guneraj store there is twoufthi of an crp of lnd in connection with lie building rood wclli nnd cellir store bouae tc for tormi nnd particulars apply to c 8 smith cale8hev wavttd to begiu work at once oa sales for fall 18s3 for tho foothill nurseries the largest in canada morris stone k wel- ukfitox proprietors wc can start in ad dition to our already laruc force 100 adui- tional fakvaehjt and want men who can rive full time to the basiucsi steady em ployment and good salaries to successful men it dots uot matte what your prev ious occupation has been if you are willing lo work your aucccss is almost certain the best of references required apply en closing photo if itossibl to stuxe wellington nurserymen toronto one just received at the arctic ice cream parlor and fruit depot noicr lot nr tneir relatives require their children to be at home at a proper hor j s vctherell writing frm winnipeg save i can say more aboat photkttisr now than when i sxw yoa last in toronto ilv health is much improved and i am free the strike ended headiches ir uy oihcr lchesj htvin the telersjihcrs strike has- st last ended only used two acd a half bottles of your in the defeat of the men monopoly asin phosphitine for sole by all druggists asserts itolf both parties hive safercd pecunian less and the race are in a worse i ixjsiticn tooiv tliaa rfren the strike bean i i r so far as they are coiidmed it voold have j been better for them had they never enter- i ed cpoa the etrihe they are to be con- j prataiated bowever cpoa the orderly ican- ner in which the strike was conducted the compaines wonld to rell to be msj- ninimoaa in their hoar of triumph there ean be no donbt that the men who struck vir 1 r stacuilr pavilion mountain b c writes dr ttiomas iiectricoii is the best medicine i ever csl for rheum atism nearly every winter i am laid cp with rheumatism and have tried nearly every kind of medicine without getting any bensnt until i ud dr thorns eclectric oil i hai worked wonders for me and i want another wpply far my friends ic shilohfi catarrh remedy a marvfclloze cure for catarrh dip htherii hid gricracces hich the conipinies should cacker mocthand headache with each take into considerttion and so far as pos- j t here is an ingenious nasal iujector sibe remedy the companies now hre i for the more successful treatment of these an opportunity of showing that they desire j complaicts without extra chrrge price 50 todo justice but is justice n item in the j cents sod by j e ilcgarrin nrcpramme of jinv bodv of monopolists j i v i i mr tc welle cfcemisfe and bruggd port cvlborce out writes northrop kt4s5 and comments ice dtcaiioi ocrartoicnt has is ued lymans vcgsiahle uiscovcry and uyiqjep- tic cure tetlr well and civet the iest of i hitieieciiou for all diseases of the bkyd jl circular caliir the tutka of inspec- i u mvcr fau to mt out dilies from tor- and tocher to the ucidxi com- j ttesvtcm cures dyspepsia liver com- plsicis bavc loeu lodged with the depart- j paj etc purifies the llcod and will men chargiu certain inspectors and j make you look th picture of health and teachcri with promoting the sale of certain happiness school books in direct opposition to provis ions of the pciiic school act the ilchlnz phm srmponn and care the symptoms are moisture like perspir- circclar conclude with stating that the j i ilcliin increased by scratch ing very distressinir particularly al night esenis as if iiiavonns wprecratltnginaad about the rectam the private parts are sometimes affected ii allowed to continue very serious results may follow swarses oivtmext is a pleasant sure cure auo for tetter itch halt rheum all scaly prestysian disease sent by mail for 50 cent 3 bosej 121 in stamps- ad- dtsi pr svavkson philadelphia fa sold by uzugrfl 50 government wiil take notice of any official falling under the act violating iu provis ions the writs for the election in algorria have been usucd the nominations take place on the 7th and the polling on the 21st of september tlip candidates so far are r lrau pefomier who representea ill con- stituency and mr picmmer conservative it is erpected that a desperate effort will be made hythe codsenaiivc to carry the election the jfarquii of lome princess louise peaches bartlett peare new apples eipe tomatoes liusfcmelons watermelons lemona dates fis c c louwxir piut prevision k auturad treads oa winter eledder delicate and palefaced youths tkcorae listless languid aiii lord liusdoime his enccessor as ac debiiitated cnless an alterntire com- govemorcfelifira are to visit niagara j hmed with some tonic be administered to tails in september i quicken their enfeebled orpins this mr sfcrvaf s majority in die assembly p l ij re n te notod fills which can and will accom- puali all that ii wred nroyided the nrinl- servurei it will be- ii i led instructions surrounding them meet with fcrupalous attention hollowajs pills are especially adapted lo supply the medical wants of youth because his ilsqaesirig township conncil the council met on hondsy uh inst medicill cts gently though surely as a pursuant to adjournment the eeeve is p0ji regnlilor aiteratiye tonic and the chair mecibers aq present 1 the minutes of last moefinjj were read j and confirmed several accounts were 1 preseaied also the application of jlr f mddell for the office of collector was presented and read and also a circular from the secretary of the provincial board of health relating io sanitary matters mili aperient k very few doses of these pills will convince any discouraged invalid that his cure lies in his own hands and a little persererence only is demanded foi its completion bui and comfort otbe gnlterfjif browns honsehald panacea has no moved by jr warren seconded by mr i eqoahor relieving pain both internal and graham that the byla vr to regulate and j external it cures pain in the side back control the expenditure of money fpf fl- and bowels sore throat rheumatism improvement of roads and bridges be read i tcojftcbe lumbago and any kifid of a the second time and that the council go pain or klki it will most larely into committee ci the whole on tne said j quicken the blood snd hal as its acting bylaw and that jlr williams take the i power i wonderful browns heoiehold chairitanied panacea being acknowledged as the great the conncil in committee of the fcoe j pain believer and of double the strength jtr williams in the chair oi any other elixir of liniment in the 5tt graham moved 6ocouded by mr j world sljouh ji jj every family bandy for warren that the council do now rise use when wanied as it rpajly fs fbp best carried i reinmy io the ynrjd for cramps in the council kvinti lie eee in the i uiuacb and paiua and axha ofall kinds chair j andsfor al bysll finieirls t2jeeuis moved by ifx warren seconded by 5r bottle business brevities some racu about our business tfca and hoaxes of bencflt to oar koaoral reader fits from 75 cents to f250 at j fyfs if yoa want a nobuy durable aud cbcap suit j fyfes is the place to go scotch koettsh and canadian sqifuk in jrt- variety at the east end clothing store j fyff acton sells aud orercias tt extremely law- rates and made in latest styles be sere to call and see tbem j fyfe acton mcquillan l- hatniltoo of the welling ton marble works guelph out aredoiac the largest retail marble trade in ont ovr- lag to the frct that they do the iiet work ird fall ti cbcaiktt tlic public are warn- ed iixut dulling hitli sccnd hand trade pcddlcrt hut thoald yu direct to lie firm or lity frini their ient sec that- the nanic memiuu hatniltou is on the printed form ik f fire vou sicn or order with pure bbod cootaioui fcrers aud other diseases have no hold en the system dr carson stomach bitters render the blood pare and cool for sale by all drag- guts- large lotties to ceuls in the history cf medicine nj preparation haa received such ant venal commendatiou for the alleviation itaffords and he per manent cure it effect in bdaey diseases as db van bceess kuisevctse iu ac tion in these diitressing cornplainfa is sim ply woaderful sold by j e jlcciarvin we have a fptdy and positive ture for catarrh dipbtheria canker end hed ache in shiloha catarrh remedy a nasal injector free with each irottle use jt if 3ou deire health aud sweet breath price 50 penk sold by j k mcgjmn 49 so houaehold should be oociidered com- plcte without a bottle of dr tax bciiexo kidxetccre is in the closet it is the only remedy that will positively perman ently and promptly cure all forms of kidney disease sold by j k mcoarvin dr carsons stomach billets remove consumption relieve dizziness dispel sick headache abnjish bilioasnesa and regulate the stoinach liver and fiowela i now that there is a reliable remedy tor kidney troablea half the terrors attached to the complaint have been removed for this let all be thankal aad to d vax bceess kidxet ccre sward all praise for having thus removed a hitherto considered fatal disease from ocr path it as never knoivn to fail sold by j e mcgarvih baekleoi iralea tjalre the greatest medical wonder of the world warranted to speedily care burns braises cuts ulcers salt rbeum feter sores cadcera piles chilblaftis corns tetter chapped hands and all skin erup tions guaranteed lo care in every instance or money refanded 25 cents per bor for sale bvj e mccarvin 46 a card to all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretioas of youth nervous weak- ness early decay loss of manhood ic j will send a recipe that will cure yon fkee 0fch4iijj6 tnfs jjreat remedy was dis oovered by a ofisajucao io cuiii ainerica send a selfaddressed etivlope to the ep psch t ufhax bhijpjvtc yorkcittf oooo cords hemlock bark wasted the subscribew will pay five dollars and fifty cents per cord for all prime duality hemlock i3ark delivered at the annery at acton before november lit 1ss3 bark tuust 1 bright on flesh fiat and fall four ftet long curletf or damaged bark only received at proportionate re daction any other information will gladly be famished epoa application at the tanner to oar mr willson beakdmoretco actou may 9th iss3 i883tv0ters list 1861 uuktcilility of tee village of acton ik tuy county of halton toticei8 hkkeby given that jji i have transmitted or deliveral to the persons mentioned in the third and foarlh sections of the voters list act the copies required by said section to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said act of all pertons appesr- w by the last revised assessment roll of the eaid municipality at elections for mem- pers of the legislative assembly and at municipal elections and that the said list waa firit ported up at ray office al acton on tie tim day of august 1863 and re mains there far insptclioa electors arc called upon to examine the said list ail if any unite ioqs or any other errors arc found tfcerem to take immediate procccliugb to bvc the said errors correct ed according to law j k- mcgakvin cltrk of the said municipilily dated at acton the third day of august 1ss3 clerks notice or first posting of voters list voterslist1883 uumcualityof the township of esquesing county ofihalton koticc is hereby given that i have trans mitted or delivered lo the persons mention ed in i he third and foarth sections of tbe voters lkt act the copies required by said section to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made porsuaut to tho said act of all persons appearing by the las revised assessment koll of the said municipality to be entitled to vot in the said municipality at elections for members of tbe legislative assembly and at maoicipal elections and that he said list was first posted op st my office at stewarttown on the tenth day of angnsl 18s3 and remains there for inspect ion electors are called upon to eiamine the said list and if any omissions or soy other errors are found therein to take immediate proceedings lo have the aaid errors correct ed according lo uw j murray clcik of the said municipality dated the 10th day of aapift 1883 enlargement of premises previous to making ullenilidns 1 will ofler the balance of my stock at cost aud under below are a fow of the leading lines and prices 15 lbs bright sugar for i 13 ibj extra bright sugar for 1 11 lbs pulverized sugar for 100 5 lbs splendid tea or 1 halfgallon bem jnrs 9140 per dozen qnart tiem jars si 20 a dozen pint gem jnrs 8100 a dozen good news prepare for fall and winter remember that lie balance of clothing and fancy goods must also be cleared out at once and the whole of these lines will be offered at prices to astonish you this will bo the last chauce you will hare this season to get goods at your own prices as all must be cleared out previous to making alterations f deitch acton july 18th 1883 canadas great fair thfc natioxal exposition of live 8tock agricultural and industrial products fine arts and ladles work c 4c tozroistto sept uth to 22d 1883 the programme of special fea- tures and noyelties will be the beat yet presented fcy s aasaoiation prize liata and entry forma can be ob- uined from the secretaries of au agricul tural societies and mechanics institutes orhey will be aent anywhere on apptica tion by poat card to the secretary at to ronto entries should be made at once tfteap rates and excursions on all railways the best time to visit the city of toronto wait for it f witugqir hj utll jqjdgsj mak4bejtlfef3ty graduated with honors mccoll bros lardine and other machine oils having passed the most critical examinatiotis by competent jades las beeu awarded gold and silver medals k diplomas at all exhibitions hccoll bkos toronto ont all our pall prints 300 pieces to choose from at 5 3 7 8 10 11 12 14 cents embracing all the new designs ouk prints at 6 anu 7 cents ark fast colors and good cloths our 1kst prints are the sery best iooijii to uk had in the english or f kevch markets stacks of new flannels all colors stacks op new shirtings all colobs table linens and linen domestic goods wk have i an immense stock vehv cheap ladies ulster cloths and wince v dress goods winceys we can suit you in winceys ant price- qualitt- or color plain twilled or plaid cretonnes at the halton dry goods hojse ltl c b griffin new butcher shop- b h taylor wishes to inform thepnblic that he haa opened a buteber shop on main street opposite the canada glove works and hopes i by strict attention to business and keeping the choicest meats on hand to obtain a good share of custom farmers in need of meat will find it to their advantage to give hiirva call v prices to suit the times acton aug loth 18ss w flour feed store the undersigned ha purchased the klonr and feed basinesa irom mr robert elliott and will carry ou the business in the build intt formerly used aa a barber sbon upig ite the old feed trr i vill keep in tock and sell for cash flour roller flour granlatd wheat cracked graham flour buckwheat oatmeal corn meal bran shorts chopped oats chopped barley chopped peas chicken fee ioats eeaa barley rye oil cake thirley cattle feed climax feed flax seed fotatoes turnips beanb o o garden field and flower seeds fresh and good for sale cheap tour patronage- respectfully solicited cash for all kinds of grain l g matthews wise pepe iw vay uo the fookoot for objjioefi to in crease i heir earnings and in tlmebecomevehjthjr tnose who do not improve their opportunities re main la poverty we wanhnany men wo mediboyiandsirla to worx for us rtgbt in liielrown locaflum any one can do the ore property from uie flmuurt tbe bnsl- nesfiwili pay more tnan ten tlms ordinary vagea xpenblveoatfltjornuhedfree no one waoeagaxet falls to make money rapid ly yon can devote your whoe time to the vork or pnly yonrpare moraenu full liiainnftups and all ttl u ueedei asm aree the mammoth house georgetown beg leave to intimate that thev are iffil ee x q iluds caps hosferv t fr t furnishings hate ll a fimca stoel t w everything that cvnstirate andmsde w of rmr t 8d t0 pi stoek for sricl vl e3 ff res0nrce8 n ii attempted uh ll iz i au ir surpass anything eve senxm lood tu w can public that v wil fo them ontltnllz mailer concerns lave to paj neket and xh s tt andwe additions world we il fonnd ln the m of the soodsin n tt ir08se w have an immense stock ot dreet vsts sati 8atin del 9 dark colors vlzy rif ma assortment in th ox a vah p v m an wtl1 borders a beautifalprintfop ats aftriktrill ft shirtings oottof gray and whit h1 yard that ou not betorn we paxent i 1 mil pnees our ordered clothing i kn anv connww of th concerns of tie rto flttifd r g tiiaction inqualitr maod anderson o hammott house eeorcstoffik hj v m m ia

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