fcton gmfftm tncnm moving sut 6 1ss3 our township exhibition the ervlublioii of esiucsin aricahur al society for this yor which will be held in action 01 the third of october prom ises lo nic ot the most successful ever held lytht society the ccnnmiuoe bora arc usirc even- effort for the success of the affir and the residents of the towuship will on this occasiou haveim oport unity of oen what a litte healthy cxertiouaad eotcrprim- will do for an exhibition of this kind the coiiiuutco at acton alone have colktcl poniethinj over 2o0 ftfrspocial prirc aiii thi ut will bo much more ex tensive llxs11 at aiiv former year the action of the yoolc of gcorpelown toward the exhibition this year is certainly very discroditible because the directors decided to have the show in acton this fall they excrete a spirit of retaliation by alaiosl unierauy rt fusing id mike any exhibits or subscribe any amoant for prizes thi- after hivinj been given the exhibi tion and recciun its accompanying beaens for hftcea successive years has very much the appearance of selfishness and wc mas say we expected better things from georgetown the fact of the matter is the people there are jealonsof acton and the coalmen dible spirit of enterprise it possesses- and we presume they conclude thu if their support is withheld from the exhibition this year it will be a failure and they will thus secure it for another decade but when acton people take hold of a thine thev iuvariablv cam it to a success- fui e tm standing george towns disreputable tactics the exhibition of esouosing agricultural society for isiz will be no exception to thisrnle acton certiinly has ust as strong claims to the reoognition of the society as has her jealous neighbor aad will hereafter demand that these czaims lc observed board of education the regular meeting of the board of educatiou was held itf the council cham ber ou monday evening last members present mr jm matthew chairman and mcssre w n sloroyjm moore d henderson aud j e mcgarvin minutes of last meeting road and con- firmed moved by w h storey seconded by jas moore that the ohairman bo instruct ed to advertise for tenders for the supply of thirty corda of gcod sound bbech tmd maple wood either two or four feet long- two feet preferred carried the finance committee brought down the estimates of receipts and expenditures for the current vcar as follows riciltts cash on hind trom 188 76951 government grain 11200 total 33051 ciresdittkzi teachers salaries 110000 cirtujiere sajrv 7500 secretarytreasurers solan 3000 iulrcat oi debentures t borrow ed tuouev 250c fuel 1250c repairs including rem of library 20000 insurance 2300 school furniture aiid ttove 250c contingencies 12551 total 173051 the committee also recommeuded that the village council be requosted to levy collect and pay over to the school board the sum of stooog moved by d henderson seconded by j e mcgarvin that the report of the f nance committee respecting estimates be adopted carried iloved by w h storey seconded b jas mtore that the chairman be instruct ed to employ meass to have the school grounds properly cleaned and the debris removed t as early a dale aa possible- carried the finance committee presented- their 9th report recommending payment of the following accounts vir manitobas crops the manitoba crcn bulletin issued from the department of agriculture says the tropect of the- harvest are cf a mosi encouraging nirure in marked con- j trasi to the sliter province of ontario and many ef the principal wheat- districts of the united states- frcfo the tevere lesns of lait yeur it is believed that more care trill lc uken in sticking the grain than h heretofore prevailed the sap- plr oi threshing machines throughout the province has been very largely increased and iaciiiiy riil thes be afforded for mar keting the product of the harvest eiriler thinusual there is no doubt whatever cast the cuail tie seed scsn was much better than is 16 aniwiji fair average wciier for another few wees the farmers of the troince will le placed in a most itisiairorv position thos moore salary for august miss gordon do miss grant do mrs adams do christie henderson co wood d kennedy wort drc thos ebbage repairs and material for tame including removal of library m5s1 270- 2063 c2 200 s00 is07s total 12307 c moved by d hcjdersoh seconded by vt h storey that the report of the finance committee just read be adopted carried board then adjoumed hassaf aweya council uctes and comments has bottom been readied in tie korth- west 5 some siy so others as emphatic ally jrcet o if the actual hsrd bottom hasnot been reached it must be very fcr dorm tor things have gone down pretty censiisrabiv eventhe biirist and most important speculators and vvilham laws of oiier days are pretty shaky well some things need to di in order to live and very likely the north west or else the bottom is one of those things trv the cattle of the new school readers is very keen there must be any amount of mney in what can staed so much adver tising ana fbbing lor falsehood there un doubtedly is somewhere a paralyzing paragraph to the christian lienor drinker is this sentence from one of the sermon of queen victorias late chap lain the celebrate i dr thomas guthrie- whlihey is the devils way to man and mans wayio the devil rue governor general and the princess louise will pay their farcvrell tit to this province early in september they will be in toronto on sept 12th and 13th fcnd will also remain in ottawa for wme time while in toronto the princess will again visit the general hospital the vice regal party will not come further west than toronto there lave been2i persons drowned in toronto bay aircad this season being the largest nnmber in any one season village council a meeting of the village council- was held in the counuil chamber on tuesday evening last members present itessrdl henderson j eenney and w isond the eeeve being absent it was movedby d henderson seconded by w ismond that councillor kenneytake the chair carriel the rninntes cf jcevious meeting were read and coafirmei the finance committeeg report was presented and payment of the following accounts recommended and passed viz a a- seoord one nights sendees as watchman l00 a- stanffer work etc 35ft h p moore advertising c4a t ebbage alterim bell rope etc 460 thos eaetcn half years salary 4750 kl05 j upon motion the council adournecl rockwood news farmeis busy harvesting and threshing hr donn g t e agent here has returned from hia trip to england the presbyterians of this place intend having a garden party in the agricultural grounds oo friday 14th sept acton corset band axe expected to he present proceedings in aid of- the sabbath school library the municipal council met pursuant to adjournment on ifonday the 27th day of anrust jfembers ail present the reeve in the chair lfinutes of list meeting read and adopted on motions duly seconded the following account sere ordered to be paid viz 13 ix to limes davidson for printing voters list and 000 for 100 pathmastert- schedules 5150 to each of the auditors for preparing a financial statement requir ed by the provincial government 1750 to john afckinnon for five sheep killed by dogs 0 to archie jtctarish for twelve killed 25 for four months board far diii hunter- ana s2 for to shirts furnished by mason bros tohe said party on motion of jlr hctcheon seconded by mr itarshall a bylaw was introdaped and duly passed for levying certain sams required by the trustees of the several school sections in the township for school purposes for the present year on motion of jlr tvheelihan seconded by ifr gould a bylaw was introduced and duly parsed for raising the following sum required for the current year viz 120713 for county purposes and 17823 for county buildings 51427 for the credit valley railroad 5450 for the municipal grant to schools as per county bylaw and s5s for township purposes which requires a rate of 4 mils and 410throf a mil on all the rateable property in the municipal ity totaise said amounts on motion of ifr wheelihan seconded by ifr gould a bylaw pris duly passed appointing joshua xorrish a engineer for ditches and watercourses in accordance with the act of the provincial legislataxe in respect thereof ifored by mr hutcheon seconded by mr vvheelihan that the communication from james goodfellow requesting the use of the township hall for religious services be received and read carried the com munication being received and its contents duly considered it wiis moved by mr marshall seconded by mr gould that the request of james goodfellow to preach in the townaliip hall be cot granted car ried the account of dr freeman of 1750 for medical attendance on the scriber family wa ordered to lay over on motion die council adjonrned to meet arain on the last monday in xbvem- ber text at the hour of 9 oclock a m jeisteisbrooe tp clerk oh what a congo will joa heed the warridg the iignal perhaps of the sure approach of that most terrible diacae consumption ask yoar- fieivea if yod can ffford for the sake of savia- 5q cent to run the risk ami do nothing for it we know from experience that snttabe care wiu care year coagh it oever fahs this exjlaini why more than a million bot- tlea were sold the paat year it relievea cronp and whooping coutfb at once do not be withontit for lame bick side or chest aae shilohfl poroaa plaster sold by j e mcgarria marvelous stork t0u ik two uttim from the soni jowm otnuintn my ulr rwldm hi okjtrr vu he bu bttn t mftt luffenr from serof- uli udthaliioliatdlattwulmu rawit i mutqlooi efftot ayers sarsapariha has had in tt cam 1 think hfi blood mut hare contajnod the humor for at tout ten roan but it did not soot xcpt in tha fort of a terofuloui toro on tha irriit until about tiro ycara ago from a fovipoti tnich ip tcivrctl at uiit time u gradaally iprad to rtt to corr bit entire body i mar you b wxj lorrtblj- afflicted and an object oi plly wben be bcffah using yoor modjelna koir thftn ar cv miii of his age who enjoy ai food kzmii u be has i could eaiuy nam wty penu vho woam tnttty to ibe facti in hi eaao veers imly w m httrre from the father pl k duty or mo to itate to you the baueflt 1 lave dcrinsl from ui ok of ayers sarsapariha fi rrrthi froliraj completely eotcrtdtiri z trrimc humor and acrofuloai lortt t hurvir avi an incesunt and latolerthj i i tbo tila encked rro u to cau hyl to ov a many plaeei rhenex i n-ivcj- wyiufftrliigi great and cy vt a bardcil i commenced lira um of th- sis in april hut and hare bm i it rctiarly tinea that lime my eondltir began to iirpruti at once tbe iori hato all lfiled and i feel perfectly well tn ercr7 tci lxin now able to do a good days rktiboaght3 ycartot age many inquire ha tttoajrbt nuh a care inmycaao aid i ca tlic- ax i baro here tried to tell you ayegs sijufraajlli qlonr vu oct 21t liii yoon ftmieiiny hjbjjc psillita avnti sxsjapialla enrea scrofula and all scrofaloaf complaint eryalp- elu lczrnxa luninronn blotchei orc colli tamon and ernptione of the iln 1 cari xi tood at all lnpa- tilies aidi djjtjoa cuiitef the aatton c tha botcjt and vazi twtorea tttailty and rtrcrtheu tha whole lyflemj pazpaixd bt dr jcayertco lowell mass sold fcy all dmcisu 1 alx bottle for z business brevities some racta about our baaliicm kea and house of benefit to our kcnorai roadors hit frnni 75 cn to i50 at j fyfct if v- art r ijraljc and cheap sait j fyfes is lie ac to go scotch eoeliih and caiudiaa suitiaki in jrett variety at the eist end clofhin alore j fyfc- acton salts ad overcoats at extremely iot ratei and taade in latt atyles be sere to call and fee thtct j fvfe acton mcqaihan l uimilum cf the welling- ton marble work guelpli ont aredoine the lrat retail marble trade in ont ow ing li tbe fuct that they do the best work and sell the cheapcil the public are warn el ftxilit deilin w ith focord hand trade ptddlcrf bu chojld cj direct to the firm or bay frora thtir accts see that the name mcqaiuiu fc haniiltoo is oq the primed form before you tizo or order in jr cars- jr slomach bitten will be fochd i specific for biliousness dytwp8ia and indigestion voa arc fx3ih if yoa unr pji lo try i for sie by all drug- eias 9 why should a nun xhose ujood is warm within sit like bis crandsire cat in tiabajter or let his hair rroir rcnty scant and thin when cingalese reniwer will make it grawuhe faater for safe by j e xtcgamn in the history cf inediciae no preparation has reeived fetich caiversal commendatioa for the alleviation it affords and the per- cianen cure it eiticts in kidnej diseases as de vjjc bcnxs kiuycr ctee iu ac- ttoa m thete distressing cotnplainta is aim- ply irocjerfcu sold by j e ifcgarvin we have a ppcdy and positive cure for catarrh diphtheria canker and hed ache in sfciluhfi catarrh remedy a naaal injectnr free with each bottle uae it if yon desire health acd sweet breath price 50 centi sjd by j e mcgarvin 49 xo household should be considered com plete xithoata battle uf dr as bntess eidketccre is in the closet it ii the only remedy that will positively perman- tntlyaod promptly cure all form of kidney disease sold by j e mcgarvin reader if yoz seller from any disorder of the livr stocach bowek kjdney skin or blood try burdock blood bitters xaturea specific medicine for acting oo those organs fnr the oatlet of disease 25000hottlesfold in the hut three month f qteeks astray strayed apob the premiw of the under signed about the middle of jooe last a pair of yearling steers one white the other gray owner will please prove property pay eipeases and lake them awav johkartflars lot 25 con l esqucsing aug 30th 1ss3 t e vdees wanted tuhltix files sfinptobu aad cure the symptoms are moialare like perspir- alioo iatenm itching increased by scratch ing very distressing particularly at night seems as if pinworms were ciarling in and about he rectum the prirate parts art somelimes affected u allowed to continue terp scrlousrtsnlts may follow swathes onntevr is 4 pleasant sore care also for tetter itch salt 3heum aujcaly crusty skin diseases rent by mlfl for 50 cents 8 bores 125 in stamps ad- dresspr 8 wayne a son phiudalphia p soldbydrtfggistt 0 the nndersigced will receive tenders up to tbe 30th inst frir thirty onis of good ftmod beech and maple viood either two or four feet lon two feet preferred cat from standing timber for further par- ticulara apply lo james matthews chair man or h e moore sec board of trustees acton sept 5th 1883 mttlk ik pound the undersicned hereby gives notice that there are in the pouod of this municipality three yearlings being a white heifer a white steer and a spotted steer wkioh hare been in his possession for aboot three weeks owners must prove property pay expenses and take them away donald masn ponndkeeper acton sept 5th1883 zuzz ttkw bacons speolfloliei- rncci l5la0 euaradteed cure for vawu cosuity and am w and all brain and nerve tronbles caused by self abuae over brain work ac ssta written guarantee of core in every case or money refunded bend 15c for postage on fee tlul boi of 100 pill address da iv vf c and calhoun placi chicsgs iu j 8 vveuiercll writing from wionipsg ays 1 i can say more about pnosrnanii now than when i saw you last iu toronto my health li much improved and i am free from headaches or any other aches baring only used two and a half bottles of your pliosphatine for sale by all druggists qoal fok bale the undersigned having purchased the coal abed rem mr jas qoodall intends keeping comtanlly on band a stock of hard and soft itoio coal of all kinds which will be delivered lo any part of the village parties dcairirig coal should give him a call c 8 smith a dhiklstbatoks notre notice is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed administrator for tbe estate of the late thomas gibbons esq of lot 24 con 2 esqueslng and that he is prepared to pay all debts and reoelved all monies due the estate all business must be settled by the lit october peter gibbons lot 57 con 1 esqaesing esquesinf aug 15lh iss3 qhincles staves heading forjiale the nnscraigned has now in stock first- class pine cedar and ash shingles staves tnd tamed heading call and examine stock il you require anything in the line thos c moore acton po those owing me are requested to call at once and actus their accounts otherwise the court will collect them mhe free press power prinflmj house eiecutes job work ot all descriptions in very satisfactory manner at modcrsto rates with de spatch n ths time promised bcsikes5 cikcclars letteh heads bill heads litter cibcvlabs xote ciecllam bcsikess cards visiting cabds puipblets hakdbilu postebb c etc etc particular atteijon siren to tike work and eitra care betoirel with a tiow to securing correctness ordcn from the cocntry altchdod to with de spatch acd wort forwarded immediately by aoil cr express try ths taaa raass job offlce for printie- h p moore proprietor waterdown hich school this luu- tstihlihcd ind thoroughly reli- ihleinaiuniionreopaop 3rd sept 1ss3 chusw organized for mitricdatioc in aria law and medicine nj far intermedialc md teachers cvruhcales rnpariiioo of tcartacrt ft nptcialij record or school tor past two years 59pwei spccesafuliy 1852 28 1883 31 the mnjority gaining the higher grade all who wrote ot the university and pro fessional teach era examination were par ticularly mcetutuh so high school iu ontario hat a bditr record teaching fitalt in prucirial dcpartmcnu gndaaia of toronto uaiversitr special ists in their de par tine nls- goodbaari in privdufamilia at tj6to3 00 per ircti pupils may ciua- ai anytime d il bl iteft ba lanwaga and lucralwrt head ilaater mathztnasa and science vttjlxkxs ba music and drawing uystbtessoy 3 0 mcgrzarie md pro cert chairman b e y for further particular apply to head matter dr fell le brans grjeigr oxjjh x3 a naraateed care for venelal imieuei sac pieaatuii and reliable no bad edecta from funse ootpnot interfere with brai- nesaorjieu frtee 2 per box or three boxea lorjj5 written fnarantea iwaed by efery dalranihorlzedaefidi to reandthemonertr three boxpi tall tocar sent poeuge prepaid on recelneofprlce dr felix le brun a co 81 83 klot sleajt toronto hole proprietors j e ilcijarrln autbortiedajent foracton ontario enlargement of premises previous to makiug allcratioiib i will offer the balance of rav stock at cost and uuder below are a few of the leading lines and prices 15 lbs bright sugar for i 13 lbs extra bright sugar for 1 11 lbs pulverized sugar for 100 i 5 lbs splendid tea for 1 naifgallon lem jars 140 per dozen quart gem jars 8120 a dozen tint gem jars 8100 n dozen canadas great fair the latiokal ex position 0f- llve 8tock agricultural and industrial products fine arts and ladles work c c remeraler that the balance of clothing fancy goods must also be cleared out at once and the whole of these lines will be offered at prices to nstniiisb- you this will be the last chance yon will have this season o pet poods at your own prices as all must be cleared out previous to making alterations f deitch acton july 18th 18s3 prepare for fall and winter all out fall prints 300 pieom to ohooii prom nt 5 578 910 11 12 hcentg embracing all the new design our prints at 6 and 7 cents arj fast colors a5d good cloths our j3est prints are the very best i goods to be had 1ntue enoli8h or french markets stacks of new flannels all color8 staces of new 8hirtlngs all colob table linens and linen domestic goods wfl hav a immense stock very cheap ladies ulster cloth3 and wincey dress goods winceys we ckx suit you in winceys any pricb quality or color plain twilled or plaid tag tin j cretonnes at the h alton dbt goods housb c b qrippin 6raduated with honors mccoll bros co lardine and other machine oils haying passed the most critical examinations by competent judges were awarded oold and silver medals and diplomas at all exhibitions hccoll be08to toronto ont tobonto sept llth to 22d 1883 the programme of speoial fea tures and novelties will be the best yet presented by this association prize lists and entry forms cid to or tiined from the secretaries of all agricul tural societies and mechanics institoies or hey will be sent anywhere on applica tion by post card to the secretary at to ronto entries should be mode at onoe cheap rates and excursions on all railways j tiist time to visit the city onto ot iu wait fofo it jwwitnuow hxuill vixiasixt makaobessjtt flour feed store the anderaigntj hit nurtliaiea tc fiour and feed bobineai rem mr rubcrt elliott snd will carry ou the luiiucsa ia tho baijd- ing formerly as- d na a barber shop oppoa- ita tbe old feed storp i will keep iustock and sell for cuh flour chopped peas roller flour chicken feed qraonlatdwheatoats peas east end clothing store while tendering my sincere thanks to my numeroru customers for the iliberal patronage heretofore accorded me i would an nounce to my pitrons and the public that i hava now opened a very large and wellassorted stock of gloths and gents furnishings suitable for the coming season as in lh past io also in iho dure i propose to give my castomert the best tahe ttai csji be had in ibc trade good snuhd material in u the newest patterns and jxrreet- tilting farments at lowest possible prices hats and caps in all the leading shape for fall wear call and see them j type dryf i ri otf the mammoth house ce0rget0wr oraoked graham flour buolrwheat oatmeal corn meal bran shorts chopped oats barley rye oil cake thorley cattle feed climax feed flax seed potatoes turnips chopped barley beans cc- garden field and flower seeds fresh and erood for sale cheap your patronage respectfully solicited cash for all kinds of grain l g- matthews wise people are always on tbe loojtout for chance to in- eresetbelr earning and in timebecomeweulitu i those wbodonol lmprote their opportunities re main lo poverty w waul many men wo men boji and firl to work for us right in tnelrown loeahtlm any one can do the wororoperlylromtlieflriurt thebasl- nca will raj more tttan ten tlmts urdlumir ftxpewuveoauhjurnibhedfree no wa money rapid time lo the whoo pages n xouoaiideroi wit fati oo can devote your wu utbrmupn and ail thai is needed seol nh i addremsrdrtiiir co portland matab u leave to intimatethat thev re daily in receipt of now fresh spring goods including jjihtoerr mantles readymade clothing tweedy gents furniehinv hate st i f d sl wares fact- everything that ivnstitiite a nratclaes atock we have exercised ourselves to our utmost cpaaratr us e and large resources to secure s p variet and quality- that wift surpass anything w at empted in this county we can assure the public that wewiu sell them goods at lower prices than smaller concernstaie tow iii fc a nv large add varied abd we mi additionlf inrm au ln markets of the world c xajl special attention to our millinery wj get the new- est and most fashionable materia and we keep lightning hands to get up the same in superior style our drefsmaw department se q a su turn out dre88m aattet to the satisfaction of our patrons we make specialty of mourning p- goodsllnui tr088em we have 8 immynse btockts rii th ndw materialssilks satin satin do lyon satin wmeres 4a prints a magnificent aasorttnent infte i a t fit p bordere a ltsrintfor j l tickings domestic goods checked bhirtinjrb cotton- ades and dnllsa mil f a yard uat can not bto wejsl jsnst c mi ps our ohered ctethinrde partment isunsnrpassedit is one of the largest oonoerntof the kind many county town we guarantee i3icd6b fmsfij pnee fit and get up carpets a magnificent stocka unioirjcarpet isi y we haw a mock 11 c an carpet houstwor size quality an price- wipt mk aveontidban of the patronage of onr in e in the p genery and tabeped on getting firstclass value and coorteontoaatmwtliomn m i