Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 6, 1883, p. 4

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iii ii tt- m r f r y rttfit mttt urm tuthsdat mgrmno sxpt g 16s3 our young fo lks the little bot8 lament ob thy must i eutrt be waalim to clean and scrubbed dad drcirchtnl for saniuy wbcn vou kuow very wnu or roavn ilwyt wed tnat ruidirtvaalnoa uondevj- my eyes an filloi with the lathery ioi yhii tvlowa my cut ft drijiriag and in j smarting oyoi t can scarwlj opo acd vay lips the wis urirnu iv tr dowi mr neck ind cp my cow and to choke me you socoi to b trying that ill shut my muth yoanodnotiaijpoio forhjw cm ikecji from crying f toz rub as hiri is ever yoa can and yoar bin is am lurd to my torxow no vocian shall waili ma trha im caaa and t wish l wis one tomorrow strictly puiu the western prairies the star dyes are uacxcelled for cheap ncssaod brilliant ftsl colore 10 ai a sland gull the peanut business slolhcr gnvts worm kxiermiaalor is pltasaat to uke sure and effectual in destroy vrorms the crcwcial test an eightoared boat rice you cint cotuil rotes hoaeuy by elect trie light why 0 iicpicg and whining aboat your coins wheq a io cvut bottle of hoilowayv cjrn cere will remove them 1 love laughs at locks particularly if they are red xflthing known lo medical science can erpus the lvihng properties of dr fowler ettraci of wild strawberry in cholera morb dysentery colic ud ail bowel cvmplkiays d a dry spdlshara spellbound the dcticry salt che am cored are yfu troubled uilh silt rheam rough sfcia piiupesofcaaksires ifio co it onee lo j e ilcgirvins dru store an i get i le c calveits carkilic grac prici treatylive cenu it tru nev kiivii to fnil d a mru with wer en the brain ehoald wear a tic h- if yoa uid ejj tliir riij- uf that tcciurv rf the scr tzjiu cholera iloris- uitji jr fotrierv ertract or aiu stralfr- it hini vr i- in tint and allviirfraiof btt- rjipuut it is infili e yvnity ipr dr e c uiss xrc t lrin trcilment- will ctv jwri ill utoi troubles sriatj e e xmtilic wye jrmge urritrt i hare sold hrii- tiditrs cf dr tcoms- ec- letrcol i i tor cims re llmt crct l i f1 fjr ay iffcioa of tht tlr- t av ike raai i isigre cc for tin- r-uidi- ln j brauea i- gion- fcrs th dcip3nuos fies th v- of hnl t- it mv complain of wnjii cittjdiiipeir ere ile bood md- pnrt i ity itore naclic the del icate vtiidt c th- lrcin ayers sirapa- njli purnw nui viulizea the iolaod tflcs4xsdicci to brllh of body aci tiity alps oheirt hirer t5itt toronco nits lit tljsii ejcctrjc oilfar ler cjws tor cimiked nd s- teats the thinks thre is nothir lis it he ilo used it sle her iiorv had tie epitotic with tfctlvrr res til a do cot be derssadtd tjuke iicvylfir oil bat dr thamu ec leclricoil vchiz ill other reacdiss fail for bowel coxpiia clic cmcpfdysenterjetc then dr fowlers extract of wild straw berry ccoit in lie reicce tfccs write w- h cooper drncgiit witcrdawn and adds that i tili are firr and increas- iag j b gw iliugiyparkdsie toronto writes my ml hzd fieera1 very terere attacks of cramps in the atoaiach hearing of dil attisi pifoihitiye and it pleaaantness lo lake i trare her two bottles and the has loihadaaucttlcce and her health u mcch iniprivd for file by all dmsts- avers aie care wbefi ucd according to drc2ti i warrsfctei to eradicate fftfth fystom all frms of malaria dk- carr jch s ervcr yd ague cbill fever intsrnroen retnhleni an j biliosi fevers aid disorder- of the liver try it the erprimnt ii a afe one and will cost yon cothinc if cure is not ecected k lsv-2- ijjvc ihdr time to fan eayi tbe rxct 11 wild strawberry ieares are or vne rut yit now being utilised in such eritnnuc quantities in making dr fowlers eif met of wild stxfcwlieny the infallible rerredy for ctile lrrbug diarrho and other summer complaints g aeci kudio toronto writes i hive been a tailerer from dyspepsia for tbe paat fix yeiri all the rmdiea i tried prored useless nntil xonhrop 5 lymans vege table dhcyty trd dyspeptic care waa brought under try notice i hrve used two botik with the bet rettlltf raid can with confidenre recommend it to thoe aibictd in ifci rra-hc- aft aftwr watttm can any out bring qi a cac of liver com- plaint that electric bitten will ool speedily cure we my they can not as tboounds of cam already prmbqeatty cured and who arc daily recommending electric bit- tcra will irorc brighta disease diabcttu weak uack or anj urinary eomplalal quickly cured thov purify tho blood regulate the bowlca and act directly on the diseased part every botuo guaranteed dr canous stymie h bitten are not tin alcoholic slimulautt bdl a purely vege table mediciuc cat bar lie aud toole in la action and invaluable in all affections of the stomacb liver aod bowels 9 a edgarsof frankville was cored of liver and ludaey complaiul after lifo was dispaircd of he had remained from ten to fifteen days without an action of the bowels burdock blood bitten cured liim and he writes that he is a better tnaa than he has been for twenty years pait c a life savtac prtaeni kr si e allison hutchinson kan saved his life by a simple trial bottle of dr kicks new discovery for cousump- iod whia caused him to procure a larrq bottle tbat completely cured him when doctors chance of climate and everything ele had failed aalhma brocchltia hoarseness severe coughs and all throat ttrd lcg dificase it is guaranteed to cure trial imilc free at sfcgarviaa drug store large aixc 100 hecrecora speedj tare from the many reoiarlcablc curea wroaght by using mcgregors speedy care for dyspepsia indigestion constipation and affeclita of the liver- and from the im mense sale of it withoat any advertising we have concluded to place it extensively on the market ao that thuae who snffer may have a perfect care go to j e mc garvins drac store and get a trial bottle free of tbe rckr siics at fifty cents and one dollar 47 the terr lateat vewi have you leare the latest news v enid one city swell lo anotber xo do ttll metvlut it is well i have at last got rid of my cams by cue trial of pmtjuis paikls curx eitpactoeandas i know yonr art even worse than mine were i couldnt nas wilhont telling vou to get a bottlj at yinr irucsti- ill guarantee it willtir em cmplctcly itissure prompt and painlea tkin the corn out at oner sjd everywhere beware of eubstitate and imiuthins x c iolsox co i iton proprieuirf i shilohs consumption cure this is bcrond qnciion the most bcce- i fai cuh incdieipe we hive ever told a few does invarably cures the wortt cases of cocch croup and bretchit while it t wonderful sneciif in the cart of coniucip- tioa is witloat a pnim in the history of mjrdcint sitce its first discovery it has ben sn i on ha ran lee a ttst which no othrr mtdiciue can tlarsd if yoa have a cisgu we earnestly is yon to try it pric 10 cent- elccuuandflco ifyoui lunp are fore ciitll or bici lmc use slulovi porou lt sd by j e itcgamn hollsisasf pulcan ie culilectly ncom mndti as a cureitic rcxedy for the ailments f all ciiiits and cirdiiiojfi popc vfuiit and old of bh fcxc c lake this medicine with the certainty of dcriviag lit m fit mrn its use when disorder or dueise is cakiac ibcii niscrable hoi- htwys pdk are unritued for their puri- xjtp aperient and ftrengthing pnpcrticf tatr remove iiidigtton palpitating and heudache erd are srcially servieable in coaiplaials peculiar lo tcmales esch bor is wrapped with printed instructions for the adaaee of invalids who will readily cderlinj from carefully slcdyicg them the bst way of recovering health ho lowayt pills wiil work a thorough change in the conltitutioa of the weak and ner- yous- triangle piickage dyes the genuine are in three carnered packages to disiio- cnlsh them from the old fashioned common colors in square envelopes 30 colors perfect in all their shades satisfaction guaranteed price 10c fffr sale by j e llcgarvin mather hoiherfct uadierf u are you diaturbed al night and broken of your rest bya sick chiid sahering and crying with the excruciiliukpn of cutting teeth if eo to nt ence and ceta bottle of mrs- winlows soothing syrup it wiil relieve the poor little aullerer immediately depend urxm it there is no mistake about it therein not a mother on earth who has ever uttd it who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels and give rest fo tbe mother and relief- and health to the child operating like matc it is perfect y safe to nse in all cases and ipleaiant to the taste and is the prescrip tion of one of the oldest and best female phystciaiis and nurses in the united states sold everywhere at 25 cents a bottle i firnm hold xlfbiuluk keeds no advertising when once ictro- daccd every bottle sold sells hundreds of others lr doing all and more than represent ed for ncarru toothache headache etc it removes any pain f patently quick as flash try it and yrn will say it is well named fliridliing get a twentyfive cent bottle at j e nregarvinf drug store acton 47 the ptoit9s tit medical enlightenment if u loiiic ajircftment of many anti quated rerdies ofqacstionableralae add the adoption of newer and more rational ones prominent araoog the latter is kortb lop lyrasns vegetable discovery and dyspeptic care the jcstly celebrated blood purifier a comprehensive family remedy for iver complaint conslfrjauon indlges- j tion loss of physical energy and female tonrplamte vmmiukk m b saf new dry goods and carpets arriving at the right house hamilton fifty uackagii of now dry goods and carpaia porcbauii by mr watklm id europe have been recewed it the klgbt hnuae m iaokaei more czpected to nrnie in a t iayt 1or the nest fix ictki all liuoda will be buy receiving new qooda in i heir depirtmeduaod wben tbe itock ii oomplete it will comprla one of tbe largoal aud ebeap- cat selections ever impcricd fnrilil catabliabmenl tho inducemcdti offered to cuatamcra tbu aoaaon to como to beadqnartera for kbeir aoppllea will bo more liberal tbati ever many lota of goodt boujbt from maaufaetanra for cub down are to be told off at bargain prioea aome are io took now andlotbere will be received in a few dayi and will ibcu be idrertised the following now goodt received i black and colored velveteen in plain aod twilled baoka colored bilk velvet fall range of velretlribbona black silks colored 8ilk ouomant colored brootded silks colored salint tnd colored mtmllini new conelt kid olovet siw tan and colored kid olovci xcw black and colored allwool cashmere new dreti popllni new allwool oitoman droit qooda new colored monks cloth colored allwool box clntbi new dresi serges and a large variety of allwool and fancy cheeked cottnme clothe alio new ulster and mantle clothe new black colored and white ostrich feather jet ivreatha- now black aud oream spanish lecet mew white laces new spanish scarfs new lace bows and collarettes raide np4n the belt parisian patterns new veiling nets and a lot of otiior laoo coods spboial sifhcnlal the dilnucc o samracr goods arc selling off at marvellom low prices bargains in every department a lot of wool blanket telling off at a great reduction come and secure v our blinked at this sale while atfd colored quilts at special low prioea grey and white cottonl sold by the piece at very low prices ask to see them liemcm berllo right house noa 30 anh 33 king street cast near enghaon street and the name la ereal hamilton augssnl i6s8 thomas c watkiffs hamilton ayers cherry pectoral ko other complain ti arts ao insidious in their attackaithoee affecting the throat andlungi none 10 trifled iui by uio majority of mffcr- ra tbe ordinary cough or cold retailing perhapa from a trifling or uncorjeiooa ex- poiare if often bat the beginning of a fatal lickneas a yea cutesy rccroaxl hai toll proven i la efficacy in a forty yean fight wiih throat tun lung djteatcf and should k taken in all caaes rilioat delay a terrible coach cored in 1ss7 1 look a lever eqld which affected bt lunet 1 had a terrible cougsvaiidpaaaod qigbt aher alfht vitkoat tecp tht doc ton gave me up 1 triwyeka cuehby pec- toaxl wbjch relivred niy luagi induced ilwp and afforded me the re ueeeaaary for the- recctory of mr itrength by the continued gjc of the ructoral a perma- ceatcora vns ttecleu i am noir g yean eld bale and bcartv and am ealiafled year clthrrv rccrottal aived mc horace famnnotura hocking ham yl jalj- 15 1jw2 croap a mother trlbnt wbne inthe country last trintcr my utua boytbrte yean old aa taken ill with croup it wemed ai if he rould die from etraugu- lation one of tbe faaiilv ragywlcd the um of avers cncaav tectoaxl a bottle of which tu alrayt ktpt in ua houw thif ai tried in inall and frequent dc iird to cur delight lu leu tlau half an bcur the little patient toj breathing earilr the doc tor aaid tbat the cutaitty 1m itorxl had aarei nr darling hfo caa cu wonder at our gratitude sincerely j oun la vteat lslh st new york may ifi l i have nl avrns cnreay rccrottil in my family for cevcml jear- and lo not heailale to pronounce it ilur isit eirctnal remedy for cough and ccldiuii hate ver tried aj crjm- lake crystal minn march u 2- suffered for eilt ytars frcci rronchui and after trying ranv rcudics with no fcc- eess i waf cared bv the uc of avrus clint ry inctoell toftm wildex djualia mii april f ims i cannot av criosh in praino of ayfes circuit v fnctukal u-litru- s i do tla but fir ot cc i ihcu iccftircc hire died fron lung iroubles e pitaonys falectine texas acc122 uii ko case of an affectinu cf the throat or rcnga eiista which cannot be rreauyreicved bythe use of avals cacitar rcctoaxl and il will atiratjt curt when the diieaae u not already beyond the control of medicine retaked by drjcayerovcoelowehjmasa sold by all drugjiaia speight son acton undertakers carriage makers c are prepared to famish everything in their line from the best casket to the plainest coffin on the shortest notice and at lowest terms epall calls either night or day promptly attended to satis faction guaranteed in every case a firstclass hearse for hire e3we arc irir position to satisfactorily fill orders for waggons carriages 4c of every description in reasonable lime good workmanship ood firstclass material always used we have also a fplendid lot or furniture both common aod extra qoslity cheap tfrlf you will pay ua ca8h wc t you anything in our line cheap j a spbioht managor nrf n f v 11 l v tlnii- j ii litlrf u inoi me l sxeoincf by go aid ctre lniore j on die fiflkliiicr inigniy nctl iub- ilmc cavf bliind lo conquer k 1 ga wn f4 out k kct ifit tit- cniiial n r iuni mv- j r 7l v j v rj muff muny n- xrwz jrfu ijl fm k tit micii inii i oy drii mutt- treat si- lo pr f ui wan hxiir at whlcl y pi ni k- rtjt i- 1 1 1 ttc tine wnte tori tllrnl fi toll ilalllttct portland jlilt- come uno see the rne display of spring tweeds at the east end clothing store tecis bek slegant twd suits from 1100 to 1500 also a uarge eango of serges and worsteds lfanufacfnrel in the latest styles and on the shortest notice tbe latest ftvlo ic hsri isl scft 7lt zitl u stlffitts now to bind j fyfe 500 eevard wiil ay the above reward fur any case of lveroitnpalnt ytppka sick hcad- ctie luijgtfijn cottlj nllof orcotfjre nes we c innotcnrewiiu tenig ece table lfftr ilw wlen tfe dir ctloiierrc strictly campiftcwltti tuey arc uareovege table arid nveradi to pivtr sitisfavlon ruear coated iarfff- boxes containing- 3d nil s cents for fial iij all trujiriiitk beware of cvankrms tni imilatiorj the gnotn ratntfcnretqily ky joiinc ylst a co the ifii a m king hi east to ronto fnt fret trial afkvge feci by mall prepaid on reeertorti cent sump mtfhhob uoiv lost iioftrestoreu jtr7 we havprecontb pntshiiiedane ftjjli e of or cnlverwelli cele- ijjless tinted fmjy ou tn radical and 4iixjn2i fxrmsrient cure alihout medi cine of nervous dbuity metilnlan-iphyilfr- allqcapacii impadinenuafmarriafeew- reaoltucroniioe8es frlfelu a caied envelope onl fljeta ortwnjot tampa toeralebraied ahir lu uils admirable eaay clearly demnuktrntek frm tuirtj y a rruccjssinl practice tiai alarming enn equecev may be radically cared wiiuoul the danceroufc ie ff internal raedlclnaor the vte ot the knife j pol nunc rial a mode of cere at one 1m pie certali find mtectnaby means f tvfilcii cvrry anfferer no matter what lit condition miy rkimaycurehimael cneaptj prlvaieb and radlraily till- vector should be 1p liieiianis ol everyyoatli and every naan lu the land t address i the culrerwell hedicril co i attttftt vew torfc poalofflce box 450 roa tire kidmey8 livefi0bliary0bcam8 tbf bfat btopd prplfilk there ikonljcoe ayby which anydlaease can be cored and turt is byremnvldf tbe caamwhaurerit may be rlieffreaini- cal aalirttlps of ili day declare that nearly veryi8e is wanted by derangd kidneys or ifver to rpsore uioa therefore i llie ouly way by which hpalth run hf secured- hre is w iere harkjtts 8afp ccut baa ftcblererfltiiteatrepnuuon jiaeu dlrpct- ly apon tbe kidnoyaand lvroad y placing them in a healthy condition drive disease and pain fmm f yatem for 11 kidney uvor and urinary troablrs for th tilitreas- intf dlwifd8 of irninan for malarlfi find phrricai trouen tnernlly this rit rem edy bcsnooqiltl hewireommpottok lm llatlonk and concoctloub said to be jut aa irwxf for niabetecaak forwabinns sapc du betebccee for aate by ail dealers n aha ffvofc mrf at home oy the u f i indtstrloug bst tjzvlrt now 71 i m before the public capital not m i mm a eded wi wlluurtyoa men women boys and glrla watted everywhere lo worfc lor n- vow la tb- time you can wnrfc la spore ume or give ior wboleat tentlocio iit basintis no other business will nly you lerly as well no o b cn fail to inao ecotn- na pay by engaging at once cofitl outfit and urmsrree montrvmadfj fast cailly an- noorably addreta tauk a coadaiui jtiilce fo more long sittings we are making all kinds of photographs in from one to five seconds by the new prosess dry plates in all kinds of weather do not wait for sunshine but come right along a good line of frames and mouldings on hand selling cheap c w hill who it unacquainted with thi ceocbaphy op this country wiu iu by cxajainino th1 map that thi butcher shop r holmes would respectfully inform the pee pie of acton and vicinity that he baiuorchaaed the boaincss and property of mr w c robinson and if prepared to apply all with firstclass meat of all kinds and poultry and game in seatyn t meat delivered to any part of town at any time 0 having practical experience in the butchering business i feel confident tbat i can tuit all a call kindly solicited ii holmes amount seanlred to core xs follows ears iofihb million i 7oo qhooi salmm of shufei ou pmltlytly iciurci at brnlhs aad is fke air abmlate care rtr oeafbms kiiwi 1 tbi ouuabairacud from peeollarfntcles of small white saudc eaojrht u th yelhw bea known as cakcuaeoixi royutlitn every chinese fls herman knows lu iu vtr toe as a retorativ of bearing were discover ed by a buddhist priest hoodl me year hid iu ones were so nuaeroaa and kaift bo axejcixolv wracvisfub that the remedy waaofflclally proclaimed over the enilre em pire its nse became so nntvitfal tbat for 0vr 800 yearstto daf5xss has exi3t1d ljfoxo the cnixese people hent cdajxes prepaid tn aoy address at 1c0 per bottle ho it wht the doaf say il baa performed a mlrscfe in my rase- i have no unjirlbly noises in my heodand bear ranch betmr i nave f en creatly benefltud my dtflfn8 hlpfd arrrat j i thick ao- atrnjr bottle will ctre me my bearing is mncn bnefltted i i hfve rfclved anioid bpnefli u isgl vliffgotd satlsficilon hive ben ereatty beedtted and nm n- jo iced thai lsaw t iotiee of u ita virtue ro cicqitesti ikable add its ourativf ciiaractkk astiie vkttek cas pxesqxallv testitt bvth frox cxfesi- kkck ad oasertvattoj wrtti at once to haylock a jevjtky7 ievtreetnew york enclosing ftjon and yoa will her tike any body else mis whose caralif efleeu will tw fmrmaofih yo will never reeret dcjngto edur of merraxtilk revrew rnvoid ov lu the mllf pi ease send naoney by rexjisteked letter ouly imitled y a 4tlke a jkltsetl solbageirrs rin amebica dey 81 xt oni to 8ix bottrxa will ptfrify the uoi eradicating ail humours from the eaas pimple blotch or boil to the mosvs25 oant form of icrdfulous nicer lt oki to six bottuji by cleansbf tu blood will purify the ctunplexion inmi sallownesa amootboat tbe wrinkles nmh- ing from imparfofc noorkhoumt ai tin bofr sweeten fonl breath and renorawttb entire ayftem r 05i to twobottlt8 wih cure oftfiiwy constipation or eoatiroesa thereby renorite hhajache files bilionanee and jaondie aod all diaeaaee reaolting from torpid lir one tosri bonxtta by cleansing um blood improving the general health aixl fortifying the system agaimt ukinc freak colds will in all cases relieve and in meet case care that common loath eome aod dangerous dieeaee catabbq oxe to three bottles will regolau all deraugementa of the kidney enriognrioary difficnlties prostration gravel fcabete oketo focrborrltt willrmnvite the entire system curing nerrone and gentf- nil de whty femue weakness and all i attendant miseries burdock b l 0 o d will cure or relieve mmssmwmmu insifwmswwmsinulttw svmum omntuum rrw umtoi tnnr ca n n ti hulls sicooporieit having t tie utmost confidence in u super iority over all others and tftei tboaiandcof levtaoflue mo cum pile ied and severest eases we cot id find we feel justified in otter ing to forfeit one tbotisand dollar for any case of conghs colds sor ihroa inflow ore koarene bonehltia couantdptiori in its early ftagps wiuopicg coagh and all tiii eaetoftlie th rl and in rga except asthma lar wnlcb w on claim relict tbat wo cant core with wests coaeh yrap when taken according lo direnlon bnniple bottie 25 aadwceuu urge bottke one dollar genome wrapperaonly in bloc hold byalldrajrcifta or nt by nress on reeelpt of prtc joitx c west co r 83 king st baal toronto ont worth their weight in gold qrfqwlers llxtracfrywlljl cholera infantum dul k p h -vei- alsiimmfrccmlt chicago rock island pacific ry tl owt owitral una afrorda to traralara by rmion of la jnrlnlad geo graphical poaltfsn tfi ihortett and beat rout bc w trw last morthmit and louthaaat and the wait northwait and outhwwt it ii llteraltr and etrtottr trua that k oonnaotjona sua all of tha principal linn of road batwaan ttta attantto and tha pacific it main una and branohea it raaohaa ohloaco joliat orla ottawa la sana oanaaao molina and rook wand la ullnolai oaranport muioatlna waahlnjton keokuk knonllla oakalooaa valrflotd oaa moinaa watt llbartr iowa oltjr atlantic avooa audubon hartan outhrla oaittarand oounoll blufhi in iowa oajlatln tronton oanwron trnd kanaaa ottr la mlaaowl and taaan worth and atohiaon in kanaaa and tha hundraba of otttaa rdlagm and towiu intarmadlata ttja great rook island route aa it ii famlaarlj oalm ofmra to tnyafara all ttmacjtamwao and oomforta incmant to a imootti traok aafa bim ulniii i t hna of tha st n rii i onvra n uaiaiaii incmant to a imootti traok asifa bridge tin aat intraaa train aompoaad of otwsmol ktatto nnsthv- uphoutcmo and tttoajit 9kf ooa0hm i h ot maoiimonr hoirrod jtsrouitmo otuw om aar ovr i rai tataat daalgnw and handaomait palam fuw0 oaw and bimil tmtaraaoknowlsdgad brprom and paopt to pa th pluttt 9in vmn ah hoao m thi oouistrv and in which marmr iwaam ara aanrad to tfatatari at thafawratabf vlttivi01tltfaoh thmi tium aaah war batman omloaoo and tha mimovbi hive two thajh aaoti way batarmhohioaoo and wwiswovw ami ot paul na tha famoua i i albert lea route a daw and plrasrt una la naoa and kankasujnauirantlr bam opanad batwaan nowpott kw motimond olncannartl in and u paratw ndtuoollwuuliflnnaapotiiairtrrrtariiadiatpt jm through pa oarrtad on ftspt t t rofjnorotlidlntoitmrtlotimnpand wafl aa tmtam at an prtnofpal ttokat offloo in tw unhdltataaandoanadaorof hoaiig j atjohii woapraon cant aanaar s fftwi paoar aak hi9mft hollo ways pills ointment tsis incosipasabli medwme hat secured far iuelf a imperishable fame throughout the world for the alleviation and cure of most diseases to which humanity is heir ayspepsia ihdwesti0n jaundice erysipeus saltsheuh heartburn headache dropsy fwttebiia of the hob acidity of the 8t0ka0h dryness of we ikm and every specie wf d arising fraat disordered liver kidheys stomaoil txlwelfl ob blood t iilbutfb ft 60 fga onoiita cki smitits gerjto womf rtmedylu bam tmi vl thoasaa of penoh te vanrabr mtacm me ctsmlerita a alstunr jde nsati and preesat rssmr uw ti msonl as cava aad swa cr pm waraa trasa ckal sithledice cot 16blinst8rlkuibaa and troy my price 25 cm pfitiw lyowfiek r il i s i the pills purify resolute and improve the qaality of the blood tbej tusutlhedigeslive orioioa ciqanae tbe stohacu and bowfcls ioareaae ihe secretory powers of the liver braco the oervoos system and throw ioto the circnlalion the purest elements for sqstafnink and repaihor the frame thousands of peradna have testified that hy their oaa alone then have been restored to iiealth and strengtb afteravery other tbeausiiad proved nosucceaafnl ill be the ointment will be found invaliuble in every household in die oore of open sores hard tumors b4 legs old wowtdfcoottjhi guide sore throata broochitia and all disorders of the throat ana cheat aa alio gout tthnntiai scrofula and evarv kint ofalindiaeaae nufaoturcs only at pxofeator hollo 8thejit london nd aold at ja lid potjm iu canada at cents 90 cent and 150 and the larger siee lnoportion nvts bl no wt in the uto of ny mndiciue aold ther4 purchaaera should therefore look to the label on the pott ami boxat lif tha addrtai is not 583 oxford stree london uieyare apurions the trade mark of my aud medicines ii regurareaat ouawa and also it wath- ioirtn i thoitas fiollowat btreat losdpo ml catarrh curi kootjeeiiropat a i ukvj ccfistitattobal treatbcatt two dimnct ucdicuws me aaiot m tbe nitftl ptsnfes head threat aad longi tbe other on tbe lirer kidney tod hood instantaneous economical sat radical tbatment sold bv atl druggists price 76 eta if bat found titfctory the price raid win bt refimdtd some cfcroc or cwti a tax cum f kag kaadirj pay rtqoira h roc tsr to pckacn to effect a ptnttaaeat pure g bats 8pbcipjc nedicuk the qraatsucuab kcinmli an adfalllngfure for seminal wenameas spermalorrnea impotenejr aud all dieaaca tnat loqow aa a sequence of 8eir- boae a loaa or mem oryunlverul lawhudejala jn the baok dimneaa oiyis- iuwns il n twfim taking many other ulneaae lutx i aire to send free by null ta median is kold by all rtrna fta at 100 per ickaglk d ti aray ibuola toaftotabnj soldbrj tf m nnd sold by j e moqarvtaumggisw acton h m tlre ra- r a auarantsjd amaifle rnr hjatartea ulialneaa convulalonriu jitftpjartj- ii hentlaobe nervooa frtstriuon oauaed 7 the- it alcolio r icbee- wakaral nea utik djrolod bollepina of tm brain r ultlmrn lissilt- and leacungu mlmryiirtwywtbpiwalirraowrtnr barrnncv u vpowrrlp eltlierari ip- voluntary 17aeaand8prinafoctticaeankft by overuienloo of lb brain nlfamif or ovrlniinledee oaa bog will rura rmat sues uebbrexaonlalnanneibrtithitteat mrnv i io dollar a box crux bnxea m fhr dollarf- kutbjmlloorerelilofrrlc we cnaiastmlxkneflorure ny ease with ab order raealvi d by os fnr li bona aniaivanlrdwllli liedrllirw will mjul tea 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