Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 4, 1883, p. 3

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ksnxksear if zzmmm railway time table teachers convention i vhr umeteoulb rmjiiiunl conuhtiuu j of llaltou county tcicliora amwiaiiun i will trwil in lihili hrlioul uakville j on tiiurml friday and saturday aflth sith and 8h october ail anumullv iu term-tiiy- program n ha bwu prepared i nd the convention will no doubt prove j wry profitable to all who attend trnilvet i end ill inlerwtovl iu education ire invited iwe test fvrah id we t may on- orand- trunk railway foiv- ur ooii tnsr klrcv m nlu ifmres jut am uixod rjui cuil hapm ujm aui pisa uiailt hu ajii katin ll pni tbrrorh kxit lim mart- jrimu slccii vi im i special mb pni th niuht cirrcsi clii ctt it liflflam and i 1 be present and uic aic hi ciiotm svrtur mm it uu jh jo nm rwu on monday ingralnr pretty well doctored nvxorriaoyuiiiiu- j it is reported that no lesa tlnii three itoiiuttcn- 800 un i u doctors ire ooiniui to uarkluun join eartmqaui and ittllun i iuuua ftacliib mill clows it fnjjuu on fvmi j- j hero ere lour m the village now lud three j more would be too rreat aa iffliction or gr s jaj hlesaiui jul a you may look upon it jctqil ott sit 88 x wo kuim a b ut f z j ovu with less population duu aclou our little tou is quite contented with- its one medical mm bat then we arc tor- at ceo hynd8 j innately an unusually healthy conmiun- itv tuokit morstxa oct 4 1883 tea spoons table spooni knives md fork it geoliynd watchc clocks jcirtlrv a urge stock spectacles from 2 els to is wedding indbirthdiy present torses pipes pocket knives combs hair brashes school rooks note paper and envelopes pens and ink call in and lee my large stock gee hynds jewellery fc fancy goods store acton ont bits of brevity xl aad tktrwtftr prfparr4 bj- h mt t ik ea amtf tcuaan r kl i iu5r- raa rns l i i i l folish up yorr coal stoves equinoctial giles last week- the township lairs are humming well who didnt visit acton yaeter- dy ifrs eii snyder of guelph is visiting acton fiiends- very little his been marketed here as jet this season the ontario agriculttiral college guelph opened yesterday for the winter tenn- mr w- e bradley has hoen appointed saperintendeot of st albans sabbath school net itr w t smyth resigned mr bradley will most efficiently fill this office this is said to be a very good remedy for hoacraeness beat the white olio ee to a stiff froth add two ublespooninls of suir the juce of one lemon and t glas s 6fwarm water an accident of a somewhat painful nature occurred to kev j alexander of komi yesterday about a mile east of this village when he was driving to actou- we have not learned the particulars hat understand that he was able to retnrn home again last evening gueloh is to be complimented upon the fplendid order maintiined durins the pro vincial exhibition last week a most noticeable thing was that there was not a man observed under the influence of liquor i on the exhibition grounds during thc- holding of the exhibition action sale- r auction sale vi firm suck impeinents etc atej lot i con 5 erin on tuesday 16th oct the property of james sharp sale to commence at 12 oclock- w hem- street auctioneer a holiday appearance it was very pleasing to notice the unan imous response to our suggestion of last week for a liberal display of flags bunting etc on exhibition day our citizens did nobly in this respect and our little town presented a most attractive and holiday appearanoe- true- the smallest couirtnnewtpaier is worth more to its subscribers in one mouth than its price for a year and docs moie for its neighborhood foe nothing- than many a high paid official does for his munificent salary so says one whose experience covers years of observation ahetrjournal a hew paper the tskmarnt eccaomift has just been launched upon the sea of journalism by mr w c smith late of the hariham etoiawitl staff- the new paper shows enterprise on the part of the publish er and presents a very- neat appearance- may success attend it good for acton two of the prizes for epon matched roadsters at the roviaiaj exhibition at guelph last week jcarae to actoj mr james matthews wdta first ad mr a- w green second in the abore class- boththe above were greatly admired by visitors to the provincial exhibition naied facia plainly put an hundred persons read a saleadvertise- mentin the newspaper where onereads it on a poster it is therefore of the great est importance that farmers and others making public sales in this vicinity should should advertise in the fro pars our rates are low and onr circulation very satisfactory change ol teachers mr w t smyth who has so suocess- fully occupied the position of teacher at bannockburn school abont a rude east of acton during the past four years has re- eigned and will now occupy a situation as traveller for the canada glove works mr v t stone of aurora has been engaged to fill the above vacancy another point favoring the scott act in closing its description of nassagaweya show last tuesday the ondpk herald says a very pleasing and noticaue feature of the event was the quiet nd order which jminterruptedly prevailed throughout not a harsh word coold be heard while a drunken man could no where be seen the people of this section eeruinly deserve credit for thi happy state of affairs ibe provincial exhibition the annual exhibition of the provincial agricultural and arts association held in guelph last week was most successful the entries surpassed those of many former years and the attendance- was bove anything anticipated every person seemed satisfied with the manner in which things were conducted and guelph is very i justly proud that she succeeded in making fe provincial of this year so great a suc cess we take pleasure in congratulating tt enterprising little oitjr on- it great aduevment fiendish conduct list evening about ku oclock a party of young men passed up mill street and in their course broke dewu about half a dozen of the splendid young maple juidc trees on the street they also pulled of fence pickets here and there aloug the route their actions were most reprehensible and our authorities are detertuihed to bring them to justice if possible for shame young men dont you tliink you deserve to be horsewhipped animals astray those who harbor stray animals with out miking it known cannot collect any thing from the owner if tliey- are ciiled for advertise them and you can collect expenses for keeping as well is advertising if you have- lost any animal the surest wav to get them is to make your loss known if they are lost to you forever it is worth a dollar to know it a dollars worth of ad vertising will accomplish what may not done in twenty dollars worth of time look ing and inquiring for the animals autumn xaturc now has on exhibition free to all l picture which no artist can match in richness of coloring we are in the midst of the splendor of a season whose peculiar character produces the most striking laud- scape effects- the crimsoning leafage the purple veil upon hill and valley the fre quent rains and cool evenings tell that the summer of 133 is but a memory- forever- more- so the season of mental activity is consistently ushered iu with royal spec tacle it i worthy of the brilliancy that wraps it round from it we may lay up inspirations of things true and beautiful that will gladden our dreams through the monotonous scenes of winter bannockburn schoolpicnic the annual picnic held in millers grove- on monday afternoon under the auspices of bannockburn school wis very success ful in every respect upwards of one hun dred and fifty picnickers having been pres ent the tug of war seemed to be the all important eveut of the afternoons enjoy ment and the bannockburn team were extremely anxious about it lest some other team should prove too many for them bat their challenge was not accepted by any other school section iu consequence of this sides were- chosen from among those present and a lively pull took place with messrs john minn and alex gordon act ing as captains the teams were as fol lows john mann john shaw alex law- son graham mcdonald wo shaw and arch mann against alex gordon john hunter wm cooper thos bomerville john gordon and albert lamb after a tenminute e hard pull the former team were successful in bringing their opponents over the line footracing was indulged in to a considerable extent by both ladies and gentlemen some of our acton young ladies being among the successful com petitors in this amusement the abun dance of good things which the baskets con tained was served up in good 6yle about three oclock to vrhich every one present seemed to do ample justice a number of instrumental selections were rendered on the organ by some of the ladies and is the sun began to disappear over the hills the company made their way homeward with light hearts and happy smiles apparently- well satisfied with their days fun more about actons girls referring to an item which appeared in the fsxr press of two weeks ago re specting the editor of the itanotfr pott and his opinion of acton and its beautiful girls the pott in its last issue says teals what our friend moore has to say and the dear girls of acton were evidently determined that the paragraph should not escape our notice aa we have received no less than four marked copies of the fuzz fsxss besides our regular exchange one copy was very neatly marked and along with it came a note which read please sit on h p at once and oblige yours like anything jacks h p of course means brother moore and jackay is a young lady who was last winter immortalized in a poem published in the fuji pbzss en- titled to the acton lily the amor ous swain whose gifted pen turned off this poetic gem now gets the cold shoulder and she sports a fellow who is a regular dandy if we nad receivedthe notice before visiting acton last week we would have been most happy to have sat on brother moore but hold on come to think about it hes bigger than us still we must do our best to oblige the fare j k what have we said we mean jackay and so brother moore we hereby sit on you at once in the first place it makes us smile to hear you talk of our being a comparative stranger ailbro moore how often nave we slid into your little town in the still hushnesa of the night and played romeo and juliet with our pie of a girl to an audience of frogs and mosquitos it makes us tired to hear you talk of our being a comparative stranger as for drawing it milder as bur enthusiasm wavers we swear by the memory of onr great aunt and bywell byseverar other things that our enthus iasm will never waver on the contrary we shall ever be prepared to mount our fiery untamed sawhorse and speed farth todo battle in defence of the fair gushing maidens of acton yea sooner would we part with a lock of our beautiful hair than that one of those sweet creatures should be struck with brick girls dear come to hi when h p wont give you toffy the pod has dona us both upbrown hasnt itjiokiyt peraonaus ii ilili hoouir of liinvool i visit fruu lien r miss mill mcgregor of gilt is visiting her frieuds in actou miss lizzie mcwackoii of liighgale is i the coot of mr j fylo mr m hfintroct of waipilc visited actou friends last week mrs john holt of iort huron i the guest of mr john speight mis liizie wilson of kidgetown ia visiting her friends in acton mr jumc goodall and family intend re moving to parkdala noxt week mr amos brothers of milton visited fritn in acton during the week mr mid mm james anderson- of gilt visitel their acton friends this week mioses k barry and rdryden of rock- wood visited their actou friends yesterday mr hiut jeuucr has returned to actou atti ukis his old wition in the canada glorl works daniel wakefield i of washington visited his actou frieuds a couple of diys this vvwk mr 1 granl foreman of the htruld staff georgetown spent sevoral diys this week with hi friends here mrs john a iuir of hamilton and mrs win a davis of berlin were guests at mr a a secorjs during the week mrs geo elliott of cartwright man formerly of this vicinity irrivedlaat wed nesday to spend a few weeks with friends here miss celia stafford was engaged last week at the rrouucial exhibition as sewiug- machnic operator for the singer co she is at the western exhibition at lou- don this week for the same company mawai glasgow house paints oils varni8he8 c cheap afad durable -at- 1 1 mimns drue and stationery store acton ont fall opening the ladies aid concert i the concert in the town hall lut tveu- j inc uudtr the auspice of the ladies kid j society of the methodist church was wtll attended and proved a complete success ia j even reject- the projtimme opened j with a selection by acton cornet band j which was followed by a splendid frou i joyous life by slisa oldham of gaelph itisses goodfeilow of guelph and swan of acton then played a piano duett a race j for life with very fine uste a selection j by actou parlor orchestra was loudly ap- j plaaded little hiss martin of guelph i next appearud and rendered a recitation in j an uuuiiajly eioelkul manner for one 60 yoan winning for herself the loudest en- chorea to which the responded- miss uictts- piano solo the wandering sprite wis then rendered with correct ness and precision the vocal duett- by jiiiyes goodfeilow and kicklin waa much immense bankrupt stock fulleyn storm next to mcgmyins drujr store r will open on thursday morning with the largest stock of ready made clothing meks boots ishulk shirts ukaweh8 iuts caps scakftf ties overalls waterproof coats ladies silks satiss waterpk00f8 umbrellas wool len socks trunks valises braces teas sugars tobaccos etc etc we desire to call the attention of intending pur chasers to our immense stockf general dry coods suitable for the fall and winter trade c0n8is1 ing 0 all the leading styles of allwool suitinxs in every shade cashmeres in all the leading colors and all the leading lines found in a fjr8t class dry goods store a first olass a11too1 men3 suit for 450 allwool overcoats for 350 allwool pants 125 allwool shirts k drawers for 50c allwool vesta for 75c good shirt drawers f 30c a good pair of mens long boots for 150 any quantity of new dress but tons at one cent per doz fine ajlwool mens sacks at 20c silk ribbon at any price wwe have the choicest selection of silk f inished elveteens 1nthe latest and most fashionable colors in the town a splendid range of knitted goods for both ladies and childrens wear in allshades and at the lowest possible prices istfull lines of mantle cloths flannels winceys c 11 pounds pulverized sugar for one dollar try our fine tea 5 lbs for 1 00 this will be the best chance for parties coming to oar fall fair to enjoyed by the audience and the piano and j jseoore bargains they will have for some time as all goods must be i r t 60 tfo goods charged daring this great sale in any case tohiit kzelley meager riolin dcelt by iliss goodfeilow and mr j c hill was heartily euchored at this stage of the proceedings the autograph quilt which was made by the ladies of the so- ciety ira sold by aactiou to mr thomas eastoo and realized with the amount col lected for names nearly 7000 the quilt contains about 503 names very akilfally worked with silk floss on blue and garnet cashmere it received first prize for fancy work quilt at the exhibition yesterday the second part of the programme opened with a piece by the acton cornet band miss oi dham then sang in very commend- able style the solo slipping away and was followed by misses goodfeilow nicklin 4- storeydn a piano trio overture tran- crede which was rendered exceedingly well little miss martin again appeared and her recitation was even more loudly euchored than the former one miss good feilow and mr j c hill then plays an other piano and violin duett and miaseg goodfeilow and kicklin followed with an eicellent vocal duett all things are beautiful and the parlor orchestra then played another of their favorite selections miss oldham closed thi programme with a solo when we went agleaning which fairly brought down the house and the call for an enchore was responded to the company then sang god bare the queen and the au thence dispersed the committee miss m nioklin and ilessrs j c hill and a e matthews deserve credit for the excellent treat provided in the above entertainment the ckadle johssoy in erin on the 1st oct the wife of mr robert johnson of a daugh ter tbe crave mnvr near ripley on the 80th ult mr charles milne aged 60 years the deceased was for many years a re spected resident of acton mcquillan hamilton of the welling ton marble works guelph ont art doing the largest retail marble trade in onti ow- ing to the fact that they do the best work and ell the cheapest the public kre wira- ed againat dealing with second hand trade peddlers but should go direct to the firm or buy from their agents see tliat the name mcquillan hamilton is on the printed form before you sign or order a sew rrudple the principle upon which pctjams piixlcs cobs extbictoe acts is entirely new it does not sink deep into the flesh thereby producing soreness but acts direct ly upon the external covering of the corn separates it from the under layer removes the direct pressure from the part and at once effects a redlcal enre without any rain or discomfort let those who are suffering from corns yet skeptical of treat ment try it and by the compleuneaj of the cure they will be ready to recommend putnams painless corn extractor to others s c polsonco kingston proprie tors shuohs consumption cure this u beyond question the most success ful cough medioinc we have ever sold a few doses inrarably cures the worst cases of cough croup and bronohltls while if a wonderful inocaas in the curs it consump tion is without a parallel in the history of medicine sinoe ita brat diacotery it uu been sold on guarantee a test which no other medicine can stand if you hmro a conjrnweeaotestiyartirontotrylt price 10centmcenuandl00 if your lungs are tore cheat or back lame uat shuohs porous plaster sold by j j hooiryin hello tell you the place is at to buy goods browns such a splendid assortment of glassware china and crockery new designs a firstclass stock of groceries provisions biscuits aud confectionery the finest lot of tea and the cheapest to be found in any in the county store c lbs fair tea for 100 3 lbs good tea for l 00 18 all parties who attend the acton fair should see these goods and then they will hay remember the place w p brown cos opposite geo hynds jewellery store acton arctic ice cream parlor fc i dibpot a e matthews having purchased the business lately carried on by mr l g matthews l post office building and remodelled the es tablishment is now prepared to supply tba publio with arctic ice cream delicious soda water different flaron lcecold lemonade fresh ft ripe fruits best brands cigars andeverythingpertaining to the line of firstclass quality let ortaa aptfma aay quatity aa i intend giving ay personal attention to the baaineae customer an rely upon baring the odsrs carefully med a riilt solicited acmatthcwr new furniture store charles h heimbach has decided to engage in the furniture business a actwc and will open out on thurtdaylith inatin the store below be oddfellows hall on main street a oomplete new stock of furniture of all kinds and the dtunos of acton and smvoandinf country will hereafter be aids to purchase anything they want at home instead of go ing to guelph or georgetown being a rtioticalfuroitare finisher i will finish all furniture myself and ooueqieot- ly be in a position togirt better satisfaction and more reaacmable prlees than other retail dealers j seoondband fejattbterefliilihei in good ityle end crista left at tba ahofwiu be promptly attended to acall eolimt we wffl pwirehow you anything we hare whethi yen buy or not r s j atojoljrra1 tsstladles mantles stylish and cheap remember our in great variety desirable ordered clothing department where you can secure the newest goods and the most perfect fitting garments in the town gremember our famous 50c tea nelson mcrae city grocery 8c02tti2ttjss to take the lead h30weiiijs salesj are labge because he keeps a splendid new and cheap stock and is satis fied with small profits one look at his spacious windows will batisft and convince any one that for ariett quality and quan tity of stock he is unsurpassed on all purchases of crockery of 100 and over on acton show day a discount of 5 per cent will be allowed i have on hand a magnificent stock of vases fancy cups saucers handpainted plates and five oclock tea setts suitable for wedding and birthday pre8ents tby a fivbpound caddie ob my tjunpowdbr tea for 3 have also on hand all kinds of canned fruits and meats aft the city qboceby opposrrfc the royal cub hotels acton before eto0hlsb- 1 v m s i 0m tg t r iy 4 si p- 5 mw

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